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    • a clockwork dilemma • job, erika


    Posts : 816
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    • a clockwork dilemma • job, erika Empty • a clockwork dilemma • job, erika

    Post by Lilium 7th December 2017, 3:33 pm

    job info:


    • a clockwork dilemma • job, erika QOmg1XE


    Posts : 816
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: αєgιѕ - тнє мιи∂
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    Third Skill: ραиα¢єα - тнє ѕσυℓ

    • a clockwork dilemma • job, erika Empty Re: • a clockwork dilemma • job, erika

    Post by Lilium 7th December 2017, 3:34 pm

    On the rare time where Hikari was on bar duty at the Silver Moon Inn, there was an urgent request from the Magic Council which was rather odd. Right now, the continent was at a time of peace due to the recent monster issue being solved by legal mages on the case. Hikari didn’t partake with helping the second time because she helped with the initial request and she wasn’t asked to help the second time. So, in all honesty, she felt like she had helped enough with the issue and other people were required as the Magic Council wouldn’t go to the same people for help every time they needed it… would they? However, the request this time was a rather odd one. There was a rather large influx of mechanical creatures dwelling nearby towns and villages. At first, the Magic Council sought to see what the machines were doing but this further complicated as once they found out where they were going, the next question was where in the world were they coming from? The investigation upon the machines raised more questions than answers and it stirred something in the Black Rose guild after being informed. Most of the guild was consumed with questions as well and some were even questioning what they should be doing in this situation. Hikari had been having paying attention to the food she had been cooking at that moment. The steak on the pan in front of her was slowly becoming more tough the longer the holy mage neglected to cook the outside like she planned. She took it off the pan in order to avoid the steak burning entirely as she thought. How long had it been she had heard as strange as a request as this one? Most jobs that she took as a more inexperienced mage were understandable as you couldn’t just take a novice mage to go slay a dragon or something. You had to work you way up from the bottom. Even the veteran mages started somewhere that wasn’t as luxurious or dangerous as what they did now. Granted, most of Hikari’s jobs have been rather simple so this job spoke out to her. This could be the most eventful job to date that she does. The only problem should she accept it would be not knowing exactly what to do as the representative of the Council that came today wasn’t very clear as to what the mages going on this mission would do. Would they eliminate the problem from the source, or do more reconnaissance before deciding from there? Hikari put the steak back on the searing pan and basted it with butter on the outside, crisping up the edges. Despite the loud sizzling of the meat on the pan, Hikari was able to tune it out as she though about her options. She could probably get away with not taking this job as it seems like something she isn’t ready to do. However, by sticking to lower difficulty jobs, she wouldn’t really be improving herself as a mage. After decorating a plate with sauce and delicately placing the steak on it, she moved the platter of vegetables and meat to the window where servers pick up the food. Untying her hair and removing the apron from herself, she hung it up on the rack and from there, the Rising Star had headed up to meet with the Council representative on the second level of the Inn.

    Hikari was lying down in her room at the Silver Moon Inn. It wasn’t as luxurious as the rooms designated for the guests but that was mainly because they were designed for short term residence and considering Hikari has been living in her room for about 6 months, it was still very comfortable. Almost it’s own home within an inn. The noblewoman sat on the covers looking at the information she had taken down at the debriefing with the Council representative from earlier. Apparently, the mission’s objective was to take care of the machine problem, which was just a fancy way of saying get rid of it. Due to it making people feel unsafe, which was an incredibly well justified feeling, the Magic Council wanted mages who signed up to get rid of this problem at the source. Hikari was researching further onto where these sightings were taking place. All of the villages and towns were within radius of the Lycan Woods. There most likely was something here that was the cause of this all. Hikari circled it on her iLac and it zoomed into the area. Apparently, there was not much in this forest aside from some ancient ruins that have been researched and analyzed for a long time so there wasn’t much left undiscovered. But, since the machines have come in, no one had tried going to the ruins again. Based on these conclusions, Hikari had decided to check which train headed to the town closest to the ruins. She needed to get there as soon as she could as these mechanical beings could change their desires whenever they want and that might result in the villages and cities being attacked. The holy mage decided to catch the night train due to it being more convenient to start the day in the other village as opposed to waking up early and catching the train there. She had always been more of an evening person anyway so this decision was incredibly easy to make. Changing into her gear, the holy mage would have left the warm inn into the cold of night rather quickly. Donning a jacket and a white hat, Hikari walked her way over to the station where she was able to board the last train. Most of the time, train rides bothered the mage to no end. Always filled with kids who ran amuck on the train, weird strangers and uncomfortably close people but at night, the train was always tranquilly quiet. Most of the ride, the holy mage was watching the city lights get consumed by the darkness outside the further they drove away from Rose Garden. Everything felt dull for a moment when one left the Garden but that was only because everything is so bright there even at midnight that you forget what it should normally look like. Surrounded by only the light of the train car she was occupying, the holy mage smiled as she looked onwards to see farms and landscapes in the distance.

    It was a two and a half hour train ride in total and so it was still rather dark but the holy mage was teeming with energy. It had been a while since the last time she had went on a job with only a single person. The job with Astrid and Lucius had been draining to say the least but it was fun overall since they were able to explore another dimension. However, there was always something nice about being with only one other person who probably wouldn’t get offended at what she says or just want to kill her without her saying a word in general. But she might be still drained after her mission from before. Either way, she probably wouldn’t see those two for a while and maybe she’ll get a more stable partner for this job. The representative had informed her while she was on the train that there would be one more person joining her on this expedition so she was rather eager to meet them. Hikari doesn’t know many people but that was most likely her own fault more than anyone else’s. Sighing to herself, the holy mage would have entered an inn in the village that she was occupying. Changing into her sleeping clothes at the snap of her hand, quite literally, when she walked into her room, she would lie down on her bed, eager for the night to end and the morning sun to finally arrive.

    Waiting at the opening of the woods, Hikari would yawn quietly whilst covering her mouth, looking around, hoping that the other person joining her would come early just so they could have time to potentially chat for a bit before they had to go on their mission. The holy mage arrived around thirty minutes early and was munching on a small tart she had purchased before she boarded her train last night. She chewed quietly as she sat on a large rock while occasionally looking both ways. She was rather tired as she didn’t sleep as well as she usually did but it wasn’t enough to have her doze off. Something simple like just talking to her or even a scare would probably snap back to her peppy personality. But right now, she was content with the silence of the village in the early hours, the rich flavor of the tart she was eating and the mysterious air of who will be accompanying her on this mission. She was restless.

    Words: 1500/9000


    • a clockwork dilemma • job, erika QOmg1XE

    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    • a clockwork dilemma • job, erika Empty Re: • a clockwork dilemma • job, erika

    Post by Special Snowflake 12th December 2017, 5:18 pm

    "Tell me where your friends are."

    Erika stated as she looked towards the small clockwork chicken creature that was tied to a chair in her basement. Nothing was unusual about her basement except for the piles and piles of clockwork chickens in the corner, slowly bleeding out their oil onto the cold pavement below and twitching in a still but lasting pain. With a cluck, the chicken tried to explain itself, but Erika merely got more upset, her face visibly red.


    Slapping the chicken across the face with the butt of her pistol Erika grew a sick smile on her face. The chickens limited expression grew worried as he saw Erika walk away from next to him, and over towards a dark corner table in the room. After a couple seconds Erika appeared from the shadows with an old school tick tock clock in her hand. Laughing she approached the chicken and held the gun up towards the clock.

    "Do you want to tell me WHERE your base is?"

    It clucked loudly with panicking cries as the gun was put up to the clock.

    "DO THEY SPEAK ENGLISH IN CLUCK!? CAUSE IT SOUNDS LIKE YOU WANT ME TO SHOOT THIS CLOCK! Huh? Is this clock your wife right? That's how it works in tick tock piss me off clock land?"

    Screaming out in pain the chicken tried to explain where the information was, but all he could scream in was clucks like the many chickens before him, his friends, all dying slowly in the corner, it was over his life was done and his captor couldn't be satisfied. The horror of looking towards the clock about to die, he was petrified and couldn't scream out for safety.

    "I guess your silence means you don't know where the location is, but I guess if you don't know then..."

    Bang, the clock fell to the floor and the chicken let out a single oil tear from its eye as Erika smiled looking down at the now grieving little machine. Violence stirred within Erika as she held the chicken's chin aloft and whispered softly into its ear.

    "You know the funny part? I already knew where the location was, in fact, I've signed up to stop all of you. I was just displeased when you launched an invasion of my home so I wanted to see you suffer for it."

    With horror the chicken looked up towards a laughing Erika, her sounds echoing like that of a demon in his mind, she was evil, and now he knew their plans would fail, nothing could stop this murderer of clocks, the apocalypse would come. Pointing the gun towards the chicken Erika would begin her final speech.

    "Looks like it's your time to die as the clock strikes... midnight."

    Nothing happened.

    "I said strikes... midnight."

    Nothing happened.

    "Oh come on, I timed it perfectly why isn't my clock ring--- oh right I shot it to scare you. Darn, I really should have had a secondary clock in place to make that pun, oh well."

    Shooting the chicken in the head Erika sighed and walked upstairs from the basement and got changed. She was "late" to the meeting with the other who had signed up on this adventure, but frankly, they weren't as important as Erika so why should she worry about being late. Why did she even think she was late anyway, the party didn't start till she arrived so Erika was always on time, everyone else was just early and eager to see her majesty unfold before them. Putting on a simple sundress, and shifted into her multi-colored hair appearance as she didn't wish to sully the guild's reputation by using her real body, especially when it wasn't around Astrid who tolerated most of her, quirks. Once again though Erika was rambling about different thoughts in her head, her recent peaceful lifestyle had gotten her used to random musings more so than before, oh well enough stalling.

    Opening a portal towards where the intended meeting place would be, Erika was pleased to find she walked out in front of who she assumed was her "partner" on this job, though judging by the princess look of her Erika thought more of meatshield than a companion.

    "Hello there, are you the other who signed up to clean some clocks, or does this forest have royalty I didn't know about."

    [Post WC: 737]
    [Total WC: 737/9000]



    Posts : 816
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: αєgιѕ - тнє мιи∂
    Second Skill: муѕтι¢ - тнє вσ∂у
    Third Skill: ραиα¢єα - тнє ѕσυℓ

    • a clockwork dilemma • job, erika Empty Re: • a clockwork dilemma • job, erika

    Post by Lilium 18th December 2017, 1:59 pm

    To be honest, Hikari didn't mind simply sitting in the tranquility of the village. It was rather peaceful and a comfortable place to live. The holy mage honestly contemplated staying here a little after the job as a way to unwind. Her lifestyle had gotten incredibly repetitive as of late and she needed something to break the pattern. So, the Rising Star looked around at the area, deciding where she would stay. There was the inn where she stayed for the night as well as another competing inn. But the competing inn had a swimming pool. So, there was decisions to be made however, that was if this town even remained afterwards. Hikari sighed to herself as she finishes her tart. The refreshing sweet taste was actually quite pleasing. It distracted her from all the nerves that had built up in the time it took for her to get here. To be fair, the one reason she was concerned was the one who wasn’t quite at the arrival location yet: her job partner. Over the months, she felt as though she’s been given a very odd group of job partners. She’s met many peculiar faces such as some strange man who she found a pirate treasure with, her old guildmate that was very “in your face” and most recently, a set of two siblings where one is about the height of a wall and the other one takes everything you say to heart. The red headed mage was really hoping for someone who she’d be able to get along with. It didn’t matter if they were weird or not, it mattered whether they could actually hold a conversation for a decent amount of time and not take what Hikari says the wrong way. The last thing the holy mage needs is another person who hates and/or wants to kill her.

    Without a moment’s delay, Hikari notices a portal appears out of literal thin air. Feeling immensely pressured by an overwhelmingly powerful magical energy, Hikari gazes into the portal and sees a girl that seems to be her age. However, the difference in power is almost frightening. It’s almost the same difference that Hikari had felt when she had met up with an S-Rank mage on her last job. She locks eyes with the girl and pleasantly smiles at her before noting her small joke about royalty of the forest. Hikari smirks and says, As kind of you to say, I’m just the other person who signed up for the job. Curtsying, she would smile at the girl with Neapolitan coloured hair. My name is Hikari. May I ask of yours? Dusting off any potential crumbs leftover from her breakfast, the holy mage would gaze into the entrance of the Lycan Woods and then to the sky. If she wanted, the holy mage could simply fly away and try to get a feel for the area whilst looking out for any strange activity and such, but she was very tempted to try to get to know whoever this woman was. She seemed like she could be quite an interesting individual. So, Hikari would cast Petasos on her back and leave the spell dormant for now. She could always use it as a way to end the conversation should it take a south turn. After the golden crest appeared on her back, the Rising Star would turn to her partner while saying, Shall we?

    Hikari was following the path as she had asked several villagers which way to take in order to get to the old ruins, who usually responded with the same answer, being follow the path and you will get there eventually. However while walking, Hikari had heard the bushes rustle slightly and the holy mage unsheathed her sword and pointed at the bush. Since they were approaching the area with the most encounters of the machine ‘creatures’, the Black Rose mage thought it was better safe than sorry should anything approach them while they are headed towards the ruins. After the bushes rustled again, a mechanical chicken emerged itself appearing ready to attack. Hikari’s blade pointed at the chicken, who despite having a rather pathetic looking appearance, might still be annoying to fight. Like, what if it just exploded after it hopped towards you. Once again, better safe than sorry. However, something happened that Hikari didn’t expect. The mechanical being looked past her and with fear somehow clear in its artificial eyes, it ran away clucking in fear. There wasn’t anything scary behind her, but Hikari peeked a glance at the mage behind her. Looking at the direction the chicken ran and her job partner, she would smile slightly before saying, So, I’m guessing that whatever just happened might have something to do with you? If this mage could potentially make machines fear her, she might need to be a little careful with how she speaks to her as a further note.

    Words: 2323/9000


    • a clockwork dilemma • job, erika QOmg1XE

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