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    How are you doing today?[Social|Akily]

    Grey Masar
    Grey Masar

    Lineage : Gold Flames of Amatsu
    Position : None
    Posts : 143
    Guild : Nightmare
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Goddess Of The Moon
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill:

    How are you doing today?[Social|Akily] Empty How are you doing today?[Social|Akily]

    Post by Grey Masar 7th June 2018, 12:54 pm

    Ebisawa was walking around Magnolia wondering why the guild of Golden Phoenix was disbanded."The guild seemed pretty fine I wonder what had made the magic council disband the guild.." She mumbled to herself as she gazed around the area. In her sight she has found a candy shop, And obviously she ran towards it as fast as she could because who doesn't love candy? The shop was pretty old fashioned the candy was put into barrels and well as a couple shelves. She took a handful of various candy and a lollipop."May I have these sir?" She exclaimed with a cute innocent smile. Ebisawa gave the man a handful of jewel and left the store with her hands full with candy.

    Since she had nowhere else to put her candy she decided to sit on a nearby bench and just put her candy beside her. "Maybe I should buy myself a purse today!" She said to herself quite loudly. As she ate her candy she swung her legs back and forth above the ground. "Maybe I should some candy to other people, I have a lot more anyways." she walked around the area and gave some people nearby some candy. She did want to make some new friends so she tried to engage in some conversation with them but usually they just ended up taking the candy saying thanks and leaving which did make things a lot harder for her."Whatever it's not like I need any new friends or anything.." She said quietly to herself.


    How are you doing today?[Social|Akily] 6CAP4YvW_o

    Character Info
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    #9966ff= Ebisawa #990000=Jeanne


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Frostfire
    Position : None
    Posts : 147
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,243.75

    How are you doing today?[Social|Akily] Empty Re: How are you doing today?[Social|Akily]

    Post by Brynn 8th June 2018, 9:21 pm

    Akily was walking in the town they called Magnolia. She thought it was nice that they named it after such a beautiful flower created by the Universe Spirit. She thought that it was admirable of them to do this, especially since they abused the world a lot. Akily walked down the streets as she saw many stores and buildings that beamed with the past festivities here. Akily actually smiled knowing that people could have so much fun, and live the lives the Universe Spirit could provide them. These people knew that they didn't have to dwell on corrupting the world all the time. So, they decide to have festivals and enjoy the world for what it really was, beauty. Akily felt like this was one of the few towns she could ever truly love. I guess you could say it was her good side finally being brought into the light, but Akily knew that there were others that needed to be killed. Those that needed to be purified were still lurking, which meant that soon they would have to be left to rot and go back to the Universe Spirit. Rina walked by a store that seemed to have something Akily could not resist...A CANDY STORE! with a yelp, Akily ran towards it as she saw tons of candy on display. Akily made sure to try and take every piece as she ran them to the desk and paid for all of it. The clerk seemed very awkward about the large order Akily just made, but Akily stared the man down as though she was going to kill him right then and there. With one click, the register opened as he took the money and put the sweets into the bag of the little girl. Akily smiled and began to walk out of the store, right as she bumped into a purple-haired girl. Akily glared at her as she began to say something snarky and rude, but was stopped by the sensation the girl was giving off. She seemed to be in the okay group for Akily, but something was off. It was as though the girl didn't feel the right way like normal humans did. She was giving off a sense of the eternal youth she had, but different. As Akily glared at the little lady oddly, she said, "Hi, I'm Akily. What's your name?" She looked the girl up and down and hoped that she could figure out what this girl was giving off.


    How are you doing today?[Social|Akily] 3UHCyoD

    Active Jobs:
    Grey Masar
    Grey Masar

    Lineage : Gold Flames of Amatsu
    Position : None
    Posts : 143
    Guild : Nightmare
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Goddess Of The Moon
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill:

    How are you doing today?[Social|Akily] Empty Re: How are you doing today?[Social|Akily]

    Post by Grey Masar 16th June 2018, 10:15 pm

    As Ebisawa started to finish up all of her candy giving she had bumped into a white haired little girl.Well at least that's what she saw.She was just about to apologize but the little girl did start to give her some looks,but she did end up saying something before Ebi could.She looked pretty friendly so she thought it would be fine."Hi there little girl i'm Ebisawa it's nice to meet you!" She said with a smile before handing her the last piece of candy she had."So how old are you?" Ebi asked in curiosity.She started to look at the little girl again,She was wearing some darker clothing but overall it seemed like she was pretty young.But then again Ebi also looked pretty young even though she is around 300 years old technically.

    "Hopefully it's not too awkward of a question to answer,I'm 16!" She lied to Akily.Mostly due to the fact that she didn't want to tell such a small girl that she was hundreds of years old just to find out that she was gonna tell everyone else.The only thing that bothered Ebi was that fact that the little girl had a guildmark on her cheek,One that resembled the guildmark of a dark guild."So you're a mage? I am Too! Just not in a guild right now. She exclaimed trying to stay as non suspicious as possible,Mostly since she was scared of Akily now that she knew she was from a dark guild."So do you have any parents or anything? Just need to make sure i don't want anyone worrying about their child being missing" She told Akily as she gave nervous chuckle.


    How are you doing today?[Social|Akily] 6CAP4YvW_o

    Character Info
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    Speech Colors
    #9966ff= Ebisawa #990000=Jeanne


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Frostfire
    Position : None
    Posts : 147
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,243.75

    How are you doing today?[Social|Akily] Empty Re: How are you doing today?[Social|Akily]

    Post by Brynn 17th June 2018, 4:40 pm

    Akily kept staring at the girl, even as she was talking. All of a sudden, Akily heard the line she hated the most, "little girl". Akily clenched up her fist, but then decided she shouldn't punch the girl. After all, the Universe Spirit did okay the girl for Akily. Once the girl asked Akily for her age, Akily rolled her eyes and said while annoyed, "Nine...or whatever." Akily really hated being judged for her age, because the truth is, she could probably murder this girl right then and there. That was unlikely though. So, she just tried to wait for the conversation to move on from this idiotic introduction. She sighed with hate as the girl told her about her age. What she said made Akily raise one of her brows, but she didn't want to question it. At least not at this point in time. So, she said back, "Uh huh..." Akily eyed her suspiciously, obviously knowing that the girl was telling some sort of lie. However, Akily just went with it and said, "That sounds so cool. What's it like being a teenager?" Akily really didn't care what the girl said after that, but she thought she needed an ally. This girl seemed like one who was easy to persuade. Akily's cause needed to spread more and more, so that she would one day have an army to completely takeover Earthland. For now, she had to try and recruit this unsuspecting mage.

    With a smile, she replied to the mage's sentence about being a mage. What she said to the purple haired girl was, "Wow, you're a mage? Would you think that you could maybe...I don't know...help me with some sort of job?" Akily smiled her bright and adorable smile in hopes of persuading the "16 year old" to join the side of her side in the war she was going to make.

    Soon after that conversation, the girl seemed to want to know if Akily had parents. With that, she began to go into a tiny bit of a rage. Her anger shown through what she said, which was, "Do I look like I need parents to you? I am a kid, the best of this world. If you think that I don't have the strength, or intelligence to live on my own then there is no reason for you to even look at me. I have lived on my own for years, which means I am perfectly capable of living without idiot adults. I am known as one of the Coming Storms, and I'm a member of Basilisk Fang. If anything, I should be the one controlling those idiotic adults who thought they could 'raise' me. Those idiots couldn't do anything for me. So no, I don't have adults that take care of me." After Akily calmed herself down, she said back to the girl, "I'm sorry, but almost every single adult deserves to be ridiculed and shamed for all they've done to this Earth. They say they are making it better, but instead, they are destroying it for what it is. That is the whole reason I have become the way I am. Without me doing the worst things against possible, then I wouldn't spread my message or even be taken seriously. Also, I could never teach adults the lessons they need to learn. Without someone to bring down judgement upon them, then they will keep doing the same thing over and over again until this world is barren and dead. I made a promise to the Universe Spirit that I would stop at nothing to save this world, which is why purification of the corrupted adults must happen. I am not crazy, nor insane. I just want to save the world we live on."


    How are you doing today?[Social|Akily] 3UHCyoD

    Active Jobs:
    Grey Masar
    Grey Masar

    Lineage : Gold Flames of Amatsu
    Position : None
    Posts : 143
    Guild : Nightmare
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Goddess Of The Moon
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill:

    How are you doing today?[Social|Akily] Empty Re: How are you doing today?[Social|Akily]

    Post by Grey Masar 23rd June 2018, 11:07 pm

    Ebi being the naive girl she was believed the “little girl” thinking that she was actually 9.Of course she did realize that Akily did have a very strange personality.But then again it could just be the girl being passive agressive towards her.”Being a teenager basically feels the same as a kid in my opinion.Thought it may just me.” She said in response to Akily’s question.

    Though as soon as she said this she started to hear some voices in her head.It was a bit muffled,but all she could hear was “Don’t Trust Girl”. Maybe it was the gods protecting her from the girl.It did seem pretty weird at first but then she did realize that fact that she does has a guild tattoo originating from one of the various dark guilds around.”Well before we go on a job,i just wanna talk for little longer.If you’re a mage what magic do you have?” She asked,pretending to look as unsuspicious as possible. Though she did start to doubt that the girl was actually evil knowing that she was only “9”.”Come on ebi make up your mind are you gonna go with her or not” She told herself quietly.

    As she questioned herself whether she should go with the little girl or not one question did come into mind.How does she have no parents and live alone at 9 while being a coming storm.Ebi didn’t really know much about these coming storms but she did know they’re supposed to be pretty powerful and usually famous around all the dark guilds.So she basically had no choice at this point since if she ended up declining Akily’s invite she probably would be killed.”Alright we can go on a job together,But please don’t hurt me…” She asked politely with a nervous smile.”so what type of job do you wanna go on? I don’t really mind as long as we’re doing something good and not evil please.I don’t want to be rejected in any future guilds because i ended up doing a bad deed.” She pleaded to Akily. SHe did start to get way too nervous and tried to look for some candy to help and calm her down to not panic.She walked to one of the benches she put her candy on to see if any dropped so she could grab one.And luckily there was a small sucker on the ground.She unwrapped it and started to lick it.”Alright just lead the way Akily i’ll be right behind you.” She said with a smile as she walked back to Akily.


    How are you doing today?[Social|Akily] 6CAP4YvW_o

    Character Info
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    Speech Colors
    #9966ff= Ebisawa #990000=Jeanne


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Frostfire
    Position : None
    Posts : 147
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,243.75

    How are you doing today?[Social|Akily] Empty Re: How are you doing today?[Social|Akily]

    Post by Brynn 24th June 2018, 1:09 am

    As Akily heard the question of the girl, Akily wondered if she should really tell her the true essence of her powers. This girl would only think she was crazy if Akily told her about the powers of the Universe Spirit within these cards. However, she knew that she had to spread her message. She had to make this girl one with the cause of the Universe Spirit. She needed to ensure that her message was being spread to strong youths like this one. That is the only way she will ever be able to completely take over the world for the greater good. So, Akily said to Ebiwasa, "Well then, I'm sorry for that little rant but I will definitely tell you what my magic is. I use a requip magic, or whatever you call it. It is unlike other requip users though, it is blessed by the strength of the Universe Spirit. It gives me strength, and it will help me make this world better. Like I said, before we can make this world better, we must purify against the adults. They are the ones who are destroying this world. I mean, look at the town around us. Sure, the area is beautiful but try to imagine all of the nature that used to be here. They destroyed it all, so I use my magic to punish them for their wrongdoings, and to spread my message. The more we abuse this world, the worse it gets. So, I must purify this world of adults and allow kids to take it on. Kids are the future, they are creative and caring. They are the least corrupted of all humans, and they are resilient too. Once I set my plan in action, kids will work together to make the world better and more resilient to what the adults did." As she went over the words, she realized she was rambling and said, "Oops! i didn't mean to ramble." However, the second Ebi looked away, Akily smiled and hoped she truly believed that lie.

    As Ebi asked Ebi not to hurt her, Ebi laughed to herself and said to the girl, "I won't hurt you. Like I said, kids are the future. Even people with eternal youth like myself...and even you will be able to live in my utopia. Eternal youth in the ages before adulthood, means that state of mind isn't as corrupted yet. So, I won't kill you but I do want you to join my cause. Help me spread my message, and even apply it to yourself. In the end, it will be better for the world. How many times has your life been ruined because adults fought with no end, and more? It has been a lot. The only way to stop it is removing them from the equation. I want you to think about that on the job. Maybe you will want more convincing, but I swear that things will get better once we do what we do. Come to me by the end of it and tell me what you think." Then, Ebi asked about the job we were doing. Akily replied and said, "There is no good and evil when it comes to encountering me. People may see it as evil, but on the inside I know I'm doing right. Let me take you on a so called 'dark' job and show you what I mean." As Akily waved the purple haired girl to follow her, Akily took out a lollipop and put it in her mouth.


    How are you doing today?[Social|Akily] 3UHCyoD

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