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    monstrum procuratio ♟ Event Akily ♟


    Posts : 118
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ♖Hell Demon Slayer ♖
    Second Skill: ♖Nightshade Demon Slayer ♖
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    monstrum procuratio ♟ Event Akily ♟ Empty monstrum procuratio ♟ Event Akily ♟

    Post by Ambrosia 1st June 2018, 8:27 pm

    Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo

    Event information (Due 16th)
    'The dog' had requested that she go and check some of the weird circle things out, despite how she had acted in return the white haired female found herself quite looking forward to the odd little magical runes which had been apparently just appearing from no where. Well that and the council would want a report if it were an external threat to the Unit. The haunted village, honestly what was it with these humans and their 'haunted' 'cursed' and other similar horrific words attached to names. Surely they couldn't think that if you called it scary that made it scary, besides most of these places were about as scary as a white room. Pointless and boring, a grin flickered across her face as she pranced around the courtyard. Stones were upturned in the small area as grass burst through in between it, it was on the outskirts of the village where presumably another member had been told to meet her, the circle shone slightly with a grey misted light close by yet it stood out as the clouds had layered themselves across the late evening sky, blinking out every star which would be shining across the blanket sky.

    Eyes flickered close, hiding her blue iriss from the world around her as her the heels of her school styled shoes spun her around. Gloved left hand held a simplistic mask, she wouldn't need it now, so perhaps it would be better to just tuck it into her blazer like normal. After all it wasn't like some citizen would be likely to see her, and if they did no one would think badly of a someone dressed as a schoolgirl lightly swirling throughout the courtyard in a rather odd dance. Who had it been, the man with the brown hair? Oh no, that one who acted tough, yes he had questioned her once. Stupid little livestock, asking why she wore a school uniform with such an odd style. Honestly they never had any idea about how nice it was to control. Not that she blamed the poor addled creatures however sometimes that which she found amusing bordered onto the line of annoyance.  

    Another figure slowly approached, her dance stopped slowly, halting over time Ambrosia's eyes snapped open to glance over the approaches. Yes, a Basilisk Fang tattoo sat imprinted on it's cheek. Hm, "Lets go." Rope like braids swung slightly in their loops as she stepped into the dusty earthen path which led towards the circle. Was she supposed to take images of the circle?
    425 ♟ 425 /1,000 ♟


    monstrum procuratio ♟ Event Akily ♟ Ambrosiasig
    monstrum procuratio ♟ Event Akily ♟ 79a63db3b87a8a9c5fca7d25187da06c-d8znewu
    Seven Slaves

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Frostfire
    Position : None
    Posts : 147
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,243.75

    monstrum procuratio ♟ Event Akily ♟ Empty Re: monstrum procuratio ♟ Event Akily ♟

    Post by Brynn 2nd June 2018, 1:49 pm

    Akily had a long day with killing an adult the morning of. The man had tried being nice to her but yet she still killed him anyways which was honestly sort of depressing for Akily. She remembered the day so clearly as though it was happening now. She remembered him coming up to her while she was in the park sitting on a bench. She ate some of the best ice cream she had ever had. Oh, how it was so sweet and delicious. It honestly made her feel as though the adults finally got something right with the world. She licked it wonderfully as she savored every last lick of it. As it began to melt, it dripped on her hand. She tried cleaning it off, but with one foul swoop, it fell to the ground. She felt pain sadness spread all over her body as she stared down at the ground. When she looked up, she saw a man there looking sorrowful for her loss. He tried giving her money as though she would even accept something from him. She couldn't believe the ignorance of this adult. Did he really think he could just make her happy by bribing her? No, she wouldn't take it. What she would take though is the man's life. She took out one of her basic cards and slice it across her neck with ease as he fell to the ground having his blood mix in with the ice cream. She knew that the Universe Spirit would definitely love to feed off of both things. After that day, she questioned her morals on if what she was doing was really correct. She didn't always like the fact that she killed, but yet in the moment she felt so amazed by it. It made her feel conflicted which was why she thought doing something good would clear her mind.

    So, when she heard that magic circles around Fiore were creating destructive monsters to destroy areas, she knew that it was her time to shine. She didn't like artificial beings on the turf of the Universe Spirit. She thought it was wrong to go against its ways by doing something not meant for Earthland. She knew she could also abuse this by letting them destroy adult made objects, which meant she could impress the Universe Spirit in 2 ways instead of just 1. She happily skipped towards the area that she was supposed to go to. There, she saw a white-haired lady with the Basilisk Fang mark on her neck. Akily walked towards the lady and heard as she directed Akily to go with her. Akily happily complied and walked towards the circle with her.



    monstrum procuratio ♟ Event Akily ♟ 3UHCyoD

    Active Jobs:

    Posts : 118
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ♖Hell Demon Slayer ♖
    Second Skill: ♖Nightshade Demon Slayer ♖
    Third Skill:

    monstrum procuratio ♟ Event Akily ♟ Empty Re: monstrum procuratio ♟ Event Akily ♟

    Post by Ambrosia 4th June 2018, 6:13 pm

    Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo

    It was a quiet evening, and the guild member which had been sent suited it. Quiet and peaceful, perfect really a little sheep which wouldn't disturb her. "Here's the deal, we gather information on this circle and take it back, there could be something of value so try not to touch everything." With little idea of what the circles were made of the female found herself wishing just slightly that there was a more interesting setting than some village. Yet no matter, whether the circles were made out of stone, plants or random light it wouldn't be any use if an infant got their chocolate covered hands across it. Yet the circle did appear rather pretty as they got closer, its alluring light and the oddity of the langue which she understood none of. Such symbols were not similar to anything which she had seen before. It was beautiful in its own way, a precious little bead of knowledge and entertainment. Yet as the duo stepped closer it seemed to grow in an eerie way, just for a few brief moments before something started to form, at first they bubbled up with dark colours. The size of dogs almost with their wiry hair yet beaded eyes held no shine. Probably plague ridden, rats which scampered out of every role in the earth, disgusting vile creatures which didn't even taste nice. She took a half step back, disgusted from the sight of such useless hunks of flesh appeared across her face with a slight sigh before the female slid into a more battle ready stance. Oh right there was that child here, "So it appears that we will be fighting. Do not make me have to take your body back to the guild." would it be worth it? Probably not.

    The came up to the higher of her calves, an array of pus covered disease ridden rats, their teeth ripped apart everything as the flooded the area. Although not now, perhaps soon the village would be woken. No matter, perhaps the humans there would draw the rats attention. The night form which came with the moonlight and her lineage wore off, as Ambrosia's eyes looked onto a few enemies nearby. She held her hand out, the position although odd for sure worked well. The toxins in the air, the soil, it was drained from her very pores and the surface of the rat. Venom and poisons in the area congealing in her hand for a few moments, as if it were a tumour of neon blue and disgusting black liquid. What weapon should she use, scythes were boring heavy and against such numerous smaller creatures she needed something a little more controllable. only a few seconds after the rats had spared a glaive now sat in her hand, with colours to match her eyes and the night sky. with both the handle and the blade each the length of her arm a slight snicker left the female. Oh it had been a while since she had held one of these, such beautiful blades and long reach. "Do not get too close, if you need help, well. Perhaps." if the moment came she would make that choice, yet for now it was time to fly. With the weapon on hand a spell formed in her mind Praus Apoluo, for sixty meters around the uniform clad female tiny balls of light started to form and float upwards into the sky, with small blue glows it was comparable to backwards rain, with the rats now taking more magical damage her blade swept around, dicing and slicing little lacerations appeared in the bodies of the rats. One leg off one rat, half the face calved off another, whilst they weren't dead for sure a couple had started to squeal writhing on the ground. Although, the flood only got worse as more fowl creatures poured from the circle.
    653 ♟ 1078 /1000 ♟


    monstrum procuratio ♟ Event Akily ♟ Ambrosiasig
    monstrum procuratio ♟ Event Akily ♟ 79a63db3b87a8a9c5fca7d25187da06c-d8znewu
    Seven Slaves

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Frostfire
    Position : None
    Posts : 147
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,243.75

    monstrum procuratio ♟ Event Akily ♟ Empty Re: monstrum procuratio ♟ Event Akily ♟

    Post by Brynn 6th June 2018, 4:14 pm

    The evening was nice since the girl next to her didn't seem to talk much. Akily could usually sense a general age for most people thanks to the Universe Spirit, but for some reason, she couldn't sense anything from her. It was like she wasn't human, but then again she looked so much like one, that it would be impossible if she wasn't. Akily couldn't put her finger on it, but she knew that something about this girl was wrong, and Akily would find out why one day. She didn't like not knowing about things, especially since the Universe Spirit told her a lot about things on Earthland. The only things it couldn't go extremely into was other people. She barely even knew the age of people, the Universe Spirit just tells her which person is set into which group. The youth, or the adults. Akily hated the fact that she knew so much about the world around her, but she couldn't even found out whatever little secret her guildmate was keeping.

    All of a sudden the silence was pierced by the sound of her guildmate's voice. She was apparently demanding orders, which Akily rolled her eyes to. Akily did not want to follow the rules of some person she didn't even know was actually human. Either way though, she knew that she would have to since she was apart of Basilisk Fang after all. As she was in thought, she felt the emitting glow of something come up to her. It had this beautiful purple light to it that put Akily in some sort of trance. The light bounced off beautifully from the area around it as the symbols began to look beautiful in their nature. Akily wondered how something that could be so bad for the Universe Spirit could be so beautiful at the same time. Then again, it was probably something created by adults, which is exactly the reason why Akily musty destroy it. Adults...they know how to make things so pretty, but yet so dangerous for the world. Akily wondered how adults could make such things, that are so great and awful at the same time. Akily knew why, it was because they were screw-ups, things that shouldn't be on this land. They weren't meant to be here, because, in the end, they would always screw with the Univers Spirit's creation. Right at that moment, her predictions came true. The thing that she saw as beautiful popped out disgusting creatures that screwed with the creations of the Universe Spirit. They seemed to be dog-sized rats with disease dripping from their mouths as they rushed towards her and her partner. Her partner said something but Akily just ignored it and thought that she should probably do her own thing.

    She was sure to defeat a good amount of these beasts in one go, so she ran into them and mase sure a good bit of the swarm followed her. As they all came towards her, she smirked as she reached into her deck of cards and pulled out her card of perception. As it glowed beautifully, all the creatures were marked with a star shining with white light. It created an extremely blinding area but Akily raised her cards into the air as it sent out multiple stars as 4 stars hit every single one around her. They died almost instantly as their disease-ridden drool fell onto the ground creating a mass pool of germs and infestation. She felt extremely disgusted by this as she stared at all the rats laying on the ground with their eyes filled with hate and viscousness. It truly made Akily feel disgusted by the circle she thought was beautiful. So, she decided that right after they gain the info from the circle, she would destroy it. However, she would make sure to memorize it to use it one day. She was sure to make sure that whatever came out of her circle would be pure, but yet destructive. She knew that one day, she would be able to use a circle like this one to help her in making this world better. She knew that her circle wouldn't create disgusting monsters like these, but ones the Universe Spirit would actually expect. Before that could happen though, Akily would have to make her mind prepared to remember every single detail about this.

    As she looked over to her partner, it seemed like she did her part in defeating those rats. Akily smiled as she asked the lady to go over with her towards the circle. She knew that sooner or later, Akily would be able to harness the powers of these circles. For now, though, she just walked with her little partner and plotted her plans.

    tc: don't feel like calculating, just know that I'm done with wc XD


    monstrum procuratio ♟ Event Akily ♟ 3UHCyoD

    Active Jobs:

    Posts : 118
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ♖Hell Demon Slayer ♖
    Second Skill: ♖Nightshade Demon Slayer ♖
    Third Skill:

    monstrum procuratio ♟ Event Akily ♟ Empty Re: monstrum procuratio ♟ Event Akily ♟

    Post by Ambrosia 6th June 2018, 8:35 pm

    Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo

    Perhaps she was a little uncertain, yet the basilisk fang guild member beside her failed to reply so the exceed took it as a form of acceptance, it would be best that they all just got started with whatever little play these rats were making. Yet it had all been dispatched rather easily, perhaps it would have been a little harder, yet the moonlight raining down made her stronger and with a simple immobilisation spell her glaive had dismembered most of the toxin riddled creatures in her area. With a slight glance to the side she noted that the human hadn't been overrun and was holding its own rather well. With every rat that fell down onto the ground the horde of oncoming beasts seemed to slow slightly, until it thinned and thinned. The bodies littered the floor, squelching slightly as she stepped across a few of them vague critters dragged themselves out from the decay and fowl matter. Lovely, really it was. "Once we get a picture I think thats all, then we can just go our own ways." Her voice was light as a camera in her hand clicked a few times before it was clipped back onto her belt. Yes, it was time to go. A swirl of skirts and a brief blow of wind pulled her hair back before the female slid on her mask before leaving, perhaps she could inspect the remainders of the village before going, maybe there was an icecream store which needed eating before everything melted!
    653 ♟ exceeded ♟


    monstrum procuratio ♟ Event Akily ♟ Ambrosiasig
    monstrum procuratio ♟ Event Akily ♟ 79a63db3b87a8a9c5fca7d25187da06c-d8znewu
    Seven Slaves

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 8:55 pm