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    The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job


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    The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job Empty The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job

    Post by Fluffy 12th December 2017, 11:21 pm

    448 of 2,500 words

    It had been her who called the God this time, they had been spending more time apart, her brain had been slipping, she needed to see him again. However, this time she was still not crying out for him due to the reasoning of her brain slowly being taken over by that insanity inducing buzzing, once more she had forgotten about the feeling of her head about to break once more. Fluffy had been wandering for days without her brain, with a skull within her jaws in her six foot tall form. She had made a kill, and this time not even gotten far as cleaning the skull she just picked it up and lost herself. Luckily this time, since the skull was 'moving' the entire time she was lost it had pretty much cleaned itself by the remaining liquid and such stuck to it decaying melting away naturally due to her body heat, luckily her temperature had not spiked enough right now to make the bone crack, so it was actually decently cleaned. Anyway's, as she wandered the Kasha had seen something that reminded her of the values Chaoris was connected to, thus reminded her of the god and than herself.

    She reached out to him after seeing that, the feline had witnessed double gangers and remembered what they were from dealing with them while traveling with the Ghost Hunters, she instantly thought they were digusting. Considering the ideals she had been learning from Chaoris about fighting honorably? The sight of someone using the image of another for means of winning battle, disgusted her. After watching the group for a while longer she found they were a truly vile sort who used numbers and their shifting abilities alone to win fights, their mere existence worshipped a god that was not Chaoris, clearly they could not be permitted to contiue existing. However, she had found out the basement they holed up in could contain far more of them than anyone could suspect. While the guild master was powerful, she was far from stupid.

    So she reached out to the thought of him, calling upon the god properly for the first time, hoping that even though 'she didn't have her physic powers' that because he was a god and she thought of him, thought of what she had seen, he would receive the message, somehow understand. Thus the feline was sleeping on a crate beside the hotel, skull used as a pillow of sorts, waiting to see if he would show up. It was times like this she wished that she was still telepathic, little did the feline know she actually still had all of her pyshic abilities.


     Nyx LuxEquipmentPrimarySecondaryTetariy
    The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job Nyxsig
    ★  You Created Me, Something I Would Have Never Seen.  ★

    Position : None
    Posts : 248
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    Age : 1136

    The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job Empty Re: The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job

    Post by Khorne 13th December 2017, 11:53 pm

    Chaoris had had nothing majorly important to respond to in the recent hours. Those that worshipped him knowingly had either been gifted enough or were able to deal with their problems on their own so that immediate gifts were not needed. Just as he was about to spur some of the daemons of his realm into conflict, more so than just the usual spats for stuff, the one he knew as Nyx would call to him through her mind. Images of doppelgangers being worshipped as gods by a cult of some kind came to mind, these 'gods' using their ability to shapeshift to fight dirty and sometimes even do killings with no honor, such as killing someone in their sleep that had no chance of fighting back. This would not do, and thus Chaoris would open a portal to that location to simply step out while already fully geared. A look around would cause him to grow concerned, finding the female cat demon to be asleep on a crate beside the hotel she had shown him.

    "Thank you for bringing this to my full awareness, Fluffy." The God of Blood would speak, his voice booming and surely startling her awake, and would give her a few seconds before speaking more. "We will slaughter this group of heretics as a lesson for those that might think to do the same in the future. None will survive, kill them all, and then we shall move on knowing that we have saved those that might fall for their treachery in the future." The man would wait, knowing that Fluffy would not want him delving into her mind for where to go from here. She had called him, after all, and it would be rude to invade the thoughts of his most trusted companion on a whim.

    Doing 12 required rolls now!

    Last edited by Khorne on 17th April 2018, 2:31 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job Empty Re: The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job

    Post by NPC 13th December 2017, 11:53 pm

    The member 'Khorne' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job TV6mrb1 The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job TV6mrb1 The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job UtKyMUJ The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job UtKyMUJ The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job UtKyMUJ The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job TV6mrb1 The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job X6fB6gw The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job TV6mrb1 The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job TV6mrb1 The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job MPfmPli The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job TV6mrb1 The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job X6fB6gw

    Posts : 604
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    The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job Empty Re: The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job

    Post by Fluffy 15th December 2017, 9:03 pm

    1876 of 2,500

    She admittedly did not have to wait long for her god to appear within the side alley way she had taken up sleepy watch within. Even asleep, if an operation of this size tried to move away, she would end up waking from where she had slept. Of course, she got the much more pleasant of her possible wake ups, she was simply startled because of the sudden noise, the second her red optics opened to see him, nothing near the emotion of being startled was visible. Fluffy seemed to instantly adjust, admiration and trust entering her vision instantly, alongside the slight red tint her gods presence now came with for some reason. All of a sudden she wished that she could smile over this, but she was a feline without the facial muscles to preform what humans called a smile. Hatred sparked in her heart again for a second, one creature was responsible for taking that privilege from her.

    What use was hatred itself in the face of the combat for the sake of honorable combat she was learning beneath Chaoris? The feeling faded as she focused entirely on the words of the blood god, gaze transfixed completely to him. "Indeed." no one would come out of the day alive, of course beside him her head cleared and she remembered the second important thing. "Though, I have a suspicion there may be prisoners contained within the underground complex. Some shifters kill to take over, others require a living victim to maintain shape, So I'd like to try to see if prisoners can learn before just ripping their throats out." and by learn she clearly meant that she wanted to see if they would see the light and follow the truest of gods, him.

    When they entered the first obstacle was how much of a maze the place was. Eventually however they ended up in a room where someone spoke. "Fluffy? What a load of shit, I would recognize your vile soul anywhere, Nyx Chaotica." the chain mail clad girl spoke, fingers nearly touching her lips as she gripped her weapon enraged, eyes burning almost brightly as the felines flames as she set eyes upon Fluffy. "I was wondering when I would get the chance for revenge for what you did, It was only a matter of time, once one of the underlings said they had seen you in town." the feline's mind flashed back to something she could barely remember.

    Their long finger's skated over her t-shirt, one of their hands clutched around her jean glad leg, another holding down her shoe. Every corner of the dank basement holding some form of shifter in their natural gross meat pile form. How had she been stupid enough to not notice that the elderly woman was a shifter herself! Everyone else in the group had been suspicious, claimed the shifters had already killed the actual one, but she was convinced that was not true, thus became easy prey to be lured down here! "Now, your image will be put to good use to finally make the world safe for the supernatural again." she felt her breathing constrict as the dripping hand reached closer to her face, inches from touching her, inches Nyx believed from ending her life!

    The room erupted into Chaos as the shifters holding onto her suddenly were thrown violently back, sickening cracks emitting as their bodies collided with the walls. Nyx felt like she had to to throw up, her body breaking into sweat, vision hazing as a few of them fell with snapped necks, panting desperately. Who was killing them? She really wanted them dead, but that did not explain why they were falling like flies now. "NYX?!" a few that had been held in the air fell to the ground as she felt light bathe across her face and heard her name shouted, seeing a protective seal repel the one who had been trying to take her body.

    In the end they revealed to her she had a minor level of telekinesis that went wild and protected her when she thought that she was about to do. They also revealed that the old lady had been tied up and alive in the basement, that the shifters had wanted something that was not her life. Nyx didn't have the common sense to figure out it had been them the shifters were really after.

    Was the shifter in front of her one of the survivors from that room? Could that really be possible, the ghost priest had been enough of a freaky event. "Of course I had my doubts when you first entered this room with what you call a god." The shifter set her eyes on Chaoris and Fluffy charged forward, intent on shutting up the shifter before it could reveal more about her than the god already knew. However, she was caught by a telekinetic ability and sent back into the wall. " Oh so he doesn't know what you think of our kind? Of the supernatural." Isabella laughed as her newly acquired power kept the flame wielder down for the moment. "So what? Did the power of love or something cause you to change from the mentality that everything supernatural is disgusting, vile, evil, unworthy of life?" Love? No, that was not it, she did not start following Chaoris for something like love, she followed him because she finally felt alive beside him. "Too bad, you open that tiny little blackened heart when you're a cat unable to indulge in the follies of not trying to kill everything that isn't like you." She wasn't in love with him, but that statement did strike a cord, because it did not just touch on romance, it touched on the fact she would forver be unable to stand beside him in the same way another humanoid could, there were things even non romantic things a cat just could not do, she was almost just a pet.  

    With a roar she fought out from under the telekinetic hold, panting as she rushed forward. Her flame companion scored across the girls armor, multiple flame balls barraging her. However when the sparks cleared it was shown some of the hits had been blocked by moving objects from around the room in front of them. "What mad I took the trick you used to kill my past comrades nyx?" no, that wasn't what upset her, she could care less that the shifter had the power she had lost. Fluffy was upset Isabella believed that she saw Chaoris as disgusting or anything less than remarkable god he was "You're Still Disgusting, You And Him Have Nothing In Common! He's So Much Better Than You Could Ever Be! I'll Show You Just How Much I've Changed At My God's Side, You Bitch! This Time, You Won't Live And Killing The Other Shifters Won't Be An Accident!" with that comment suddenly she was on the shifter, persistent as she swiped, kicked and bite at her, ending the girl quickly, tossing the body violently against the wall, glaring at it.

    The next event would be somewhat disturbing, as the image of her god touched her shoulder, hand running there comfortingly, but she already knew it wasn't him. While on a really charged day she could see him maybe 'reassuring' her in his own special Chaoris way outside of combat which was likely to send her into another fight, he would never abandon a fight just to touch her. She wasn't distraught to begin with, but she already knew even if she was, he was not the kind of god she should ever expect that sort of spontaneous mid battle comfort from, at least not now and possibly not ever. Thus she quickly snapped her fangs around the impostors neck and slammed them to the ground, her flames consuming the body. it was cute the shifters thought their tricks would work, she was not stupid enough to get in her gods way, and he did not go out of his way to get in the way of opponents she was fighting, it would be dishonorable.

    "shifters know nothing about honor." the fact they even sought to briefly use his image against her, the fact they believed they could, disgusted her. Wax dripped from her maw as if she was rabid and when she flicked her head the near by shifted underlings were sprayed with it and they mostly fell than. Fluffy looked at the room of death, nodding slightly to herself. Still kinda irked her they had thought she was dim enough to believe he would approach her when there was a room full of opponents to fight.

    24 underlings
    12 cultists
    Boss 1  
    Boss 2
    Boss 3


     Nyx LuxEquipmentPrimarySecondaryTetariy
    The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job Nyxsig
    ★  You Created Me, Something I Would Have Never Seen.  ★

    Position : None
    Posts : 248
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 1136

    The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job Empty Re: The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job

    Post by Khorne 20th December 2017, 12:51 am

    It would not take long for them to find a fight upon finally entering the basement of the building. The maze of rooms did not take too long to navigate, both of them moving at a fast pace that neither would ever tire from, and soon they would come across a female that knew Fluffy from past experiences. Chaoris would allow the Kasha to handle this room, she was strong enough and this was a grudge match. He had no rights to stop either from fighting at this point, even if one reeked of sin and deceit. Who was he to stop a challenge once it was made? The God of Blood would also tune out the history spoken about. That was not his problem, and if Fluffy wished to talk about it it would eventually come up. In the meantime, there were other things to slaughter, more blood to spill, and beings to slay. The Blood God would charge past those in the room, killing a few of the followers of these pathetic cowards that got in his way as he did so, until he came across a large room filled with the followers that all turned to look at him. A few would gasp in fear, many others wide-eyed for the same reason, and the rest would ready weapons and spells even as he let loose a battle cry and charged into the mob.

    Blades would strike against his physical form, causing cuts and injury upon it that would only make him stronger as he chainsawed through a group of five before a burst of blood would erupt from his sword as well as himself. Both hits would kill a few of the group before he was suddenly charging through the room as if cutting through butter. The batch of forty followers that had been in there did not last long at all, maybe a few minutes if one were actually keeping track of the timing, and Chaoris would leave them behind for someone else to find. The once 'messy' room of the basement had become the worst crime scene one could think of walking into. Forty dead bodies left on multiple levels of dissection, blood and gore everywhere, and the blood of Chaoris Orneis left everywhere from the usage of his spells would give off the power of holy light if one were to put their sensory to the test. They would know a god had been here, though for what reason they would never figure out. Dead men told no tales, so long as no necromancers showed up or anything. That would make a mess for him to clean up, sending out people to deal with the undead while also having to kill the mage that had raised these vile beings back to life after he had severed them from this existence.

    The God of Blood would roam the empty rooms of the Inn's basement until he came across two women caught in a battle. The god decided to watch for a moment to see what was going on and decide if he should get involved or now. It seemed to be two pre-teen girls fighting each other, both looking exactly the same and using the same magic and movements as they fought each other. One felt off at first, and as he continued to watch he quickly realized that one was one of the doppelgangers that were being worshipped here. That meant the other was the girl being copied, and she was fighting for her life so that she could escape. A prisoner, fighting for her life, against a creature that had copied her perfectly? NOW we were getting a good fight. Both of the women would hear the behemoth of a god step forward once and they would halt their fight to see what he did. Once he did nothing both girls through an orb of energy at him thinking he was someone there to kill both of them. Only one of the attacks would hit him directly, the other swerving out of the way in the nick of time as if it had been some kind of warning rather than something to try and hit him with. That was all he had needed to figure out which of the two was really the copy, and which was the real one, the real girl was not normally a fighter and thus had given him a warning first. It was clear she could not win the fight on her own, so Chaoris would release a battle roar that startled both of them before he charged forward. The woman that had hit him realized what he had done and jumped backward while throwing another attack at the God she had angered. "Foul heathen! Disgusting coward! You that would steal the face of another for your own gain! There is no honor in what you do, and I am the God of Honor! You will die here for what you have done, as your followers have died for what you did to them! You are no being to worship! You are nothing more than a monster and minion to lure others to another god that cares not to get direct worship! You secretly serve the god of treachery, lies, deceit, plotting, and foresight. The God that weaves the webs of fate, the god of the many faces just like you doppelgangers, will lose an asset this day that he will replace once he comes back to renew his plotting here!" The words would be followed through with attacks as he spoke, his voice never failing to put effort into each word to make every syllable sound important, and while the doppelganger female was fast she was just slow enough to take a few hits as she dodged most of the heavy swings he made. It would not be until he took off her lower body, midway up the groin, that she would scream in agony and fall to the ground. The girl would beg for mercy, a sad show, as he walked up and put the gun part of his weapon against her head. "There is no mercy, there is no respite, there is only WAR!" And with those loud words echoing across nearly the whole basement he would fire a single shot into the creature to finish it off before turning to see the other girl nearly preparing to fight him for her life.

    "You, you have no need to fear the God of Blood, Skulls, War, and Honor. You simply fought for your freedom against these cowards, even with these staggering odds. The path to the exit is clear, curtosy of me and my companion that is the form of a Kasha. Please avoid fighting or setting her off. It would be a shame if she accidentally killed you." The pre-teen would nod and thank him before running off to find the exit as asked. The God of Blood would wait a couple minutes to look around the room before beginning to head back to where the cat demon could be felt fighting. The God wished to watch to see how she did. Had she really gotten stronger this whole time? Was she worthy yet to be called a champion? He was not ready to declare her such just yet, for he still wished to see if Sharp would blink back into existence just as she had blinked out of it, but maybe someday soon he would grant her the honor of being called his Champion. It would not take him long to find her with the long stride he had, that and her having moved as well, and he would begin to watch her finish off everything else that lie between them and eliminating this whole cult that had crossed the wrong god.

    24/24 underlings killed
    40/60 followers killed
    12 cultists
    Boss 1 Dead  
    Boss 2 Alive
    Boss 3 Dead




    Posts : 604
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    The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job Empty Re: The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job

    Post by Fluffy 14th February 2018, 12:23 am

    WC complete
    Everything dead.

    From the moment that bitch of a shifter had challenged her, the Kasha had not even realized the fact it was a grudge match, sure she had felt the emotions, but it wasn't until she felt the disgusting blood dripping down her chest fur that she realized what she had just been involved in. Nyx didn't even flinch this time, the beast just turned to follow after her god, it was amazing how things changed. Even more then winning had reassured her, the fact she instantly turned to follow after him a man she would have once despised, convinced her that she had been right when she told the shifter she'd changed.

    When she entered the next room in pursuit of Chaoris she noticed a man who walked in, an identical man tied and lashed in the center, she instantly could see through the redness in her vision that this was another double ganger keeping it's victim alive "You Can't Get Through My Armor With Your Fangs Cat!" the man bragged proudly about himself, and the feline purred as she walked forward, jumping and flipping back towards the wall when he hit the ground with that hammer to avoid the shockwave. Fluffy sprung forward swiftly, a flame breath roaring from her mouth, her opponent had already told her everything she needed to do in order to beat him. Sure, she could have gone from the throat, but the fight would have been over in the blink of an eye and there seemed to be a fun portion of strength to this man, she was actually best to keep her distance from that hammer. At some point in the exchange of blow's, the cats theory was proven right, the hammer made contact with one of her legs, the bone audibly cracking, of course, she paid him back swiftly by tearing his throat out before her roar of pain was even done.

    "She's weakened, GET HER!" it was roughly twenty human's, likely fallows of the shifters, all of them rushing into the room after the fight and aiming to mod her. No honor existed in this place and honestly, on the face value, the odds didn't look good for her anymore since she couldn't really use one of her legs. Fear was natural in this situation, she was outnumbered, backed into a corner and even if she jumped she would be surrounded still, they had taken the upper hand from her. "Even weakened, I'm still stronger then the sin and shame you carry." she didn't need him to help her, she wasn't some princess waiting for her knight in shining armor, she was fighting for something. Even if it was a much slower fight and her battle style switched to the more torturous nature of her flames, the feline slowly worked through the crowd, staying 'strong' in the face of the odds stacked against her.

    Of course, once the enemy was dead and the fight was over, she collapsed to the ground flames consuming her as she transformed into her smaller form once more. Now that she could more easily take stock of herself? Fluffy was sure that her front right leg had been dislocated instead of broken and the more serious thing was the numerous sword lacerations she had received when getting mobbed. Pushing back to her feet, the small feline slammed her body into one of the nearby walls, attempting to knock her shoulder back into place, but she didn't have the right angle being as she was feline not human. "Dislocating something was so much less of a pain when I was human!" at least then she could pop it back into place, but no matter how she threw herself or what she threw herself into the positioning was never right. "Chaoris? Mind helping me knock it back into place before I break it trying to fix it alone?" the only option besides him was jumping off some boxes in the corner of the room and she had the feeling that would cause only further injury. Now if only she could ever learn to ask for help with her real problem, unluckily she wouldn't learn that until it was beyond what she thought to be too late, when no one could hear her.


     Nyx LuxEquipmentPrimarySecondaryTetariy
    The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job Nyxsig
    ★  You Created Me, Something I Would Have Never Seen.  ★

    Position : None
    Posts : 248
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    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 1136

    The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job Empty Re: The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job

    Post by Khorne 11th April 2018, 1:15 am

    The fight that Chaoris was there to see was an interesting one. It did not have the swinging of swords and other melee weapons like he was used to. He would have much rather seen something like that, but he was forced to watch this fight that Fluffy had gotten herself into. The deadly, soul burning, flames of the kasha melted through the fighters there until none were left and the final woman fell to her wounds after getting in her licks on the God's current ally. Once the entire bulk of the enemy was dead Chaoris would look over at Fluffy and listen to what she was saying. Had she really asked the God of Blood to help her with her shoulder? It was clearly popped out of socket but she had to have known that he would not be gentle in any way about fixing it. "So be it, but do not hold any damage caused by me handling you against me. I am not a healer, nor am I one to nurse others back to health. I will do this as simply as I can, but you will not enjoy it." With those words spoken in his deep voice, Chaoris Orneis would walk up to the female cat and lift her up by the paw that led to the shoulder that was needing to be fixed. The female demon animal would find herself lifted midair before Chaoris did a jerking motion that would cause a loud pop that would signify to him that the limb was back in socket. Not waiting to see if she said that she was okay he would simply let go as he lifted his arm upward. The female would fly up into the air, and he would expect her to land properly on her own. What would they do from here? He really wanted to continue fighting as these people were not strong enough to sate his rage he had begun to collect as he had started to fight. Maybe they could head out and do something else, but that was only if there was something nearby that he could set his anger upon. Ah well, he would think of something soon.




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    The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job Empty Re: The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job

    Post by Fluffy 11th April 2018, 2:07 pm

    For someone who had once said that talk was cheap compared to action? He sure did lots of talking sometimes, not that she minded and the kasha was fairly sure that only counted to threats and such anyways. Clearly, she knew that the god would be none too gentle when giving the sort of aid she was asking for, careful wasn't his style and she didn't expect it to change just because a 'comrade' was injured. Fluffy would have responded to him at that moment, but he grabbed her quickly and jerked her small body around as if she was some sort of doll or such. Of course, that had been pretty much the treatment she was expecting, so it wasn't jolting and she was able to catch herself when she was thrown upwards.

    "I didn't expect anything else." the feline scratched her ear as she sat on his shoulder, having landed there after catching herself during the fall from being thrown upwards. There was no reason to really comment on it further, she barely felt the pain from when it had popped back in, heck she barely felt her still bleeding blade lacerations!

    Crimson gaze glanced to the side for a split moment, looking at her god something nagging the back of her head. Diverting her attention back to the bodies, Fluffy quickly realized none of them were actually edible since most had been burned to nothing more than charcoal. "Want to find something else? I'm going hunting, can't eat something if there's pretty much no meat left." she leaped from where she had been sitting on his shoulder, scampering back out of the complex if he came with her or not, well he was a god who would do whatever he wanted. Although, she suspected that Chaoris would likely not mind hunting considering the fighting had seemed to be slightly beneath the normal challenge.

    Fluffy hunting was an interesting thing to say the least, considering the special diet required of her kind, a good deal of the hunt was walking around in plain sight through crowds in order to detect if anyone had committed enough sin to become a meal. Sometimes? She had to hunt for hours or days to find someone right, but today was fairly swift and she got that scent within a few minutes, quick steps pursuing it. Now that she had a potential victim, the remaining steps were to make sure there would also be a battle for chaoris and to start the fight. Watching for a short time, she noticed her intended prey did have company, the sinful mortal was accompanied by an entire band they looked as if some kind of mercenaries for hire. "Perfect" she breathed the comment slightly, eyed glued as the small band entered a tavern.

    People comment on how 'cute' the cat was as she padded into the tavern following the scent of her prey, flames rising as she slowly transformed in the distance from the entrance to the table where her target sat. When the cute kitty suddenly grew to the size of a man, clearly the inhabitants of the bar no longer found it cute, many standing up in caution. Her roar ripped through the stunned silence, at the clearly nonpeaceful sound many went right for the door others bracing themselves for the fight. "Monster! You shall not defeat powerful mages such as us!" oh so she had picked mages this time? Fluffy didn't really care, sniffing to figure out which of them was the sin-drenched one, lunging only for that individual. If she had to fight the other's afterward, she would, but for now, her goal was slaughtering her prey so that they couldn't slip away.


     Nyx LuxEquipmentPrimarySecondaryTetariy
    The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job Nyxsig
    ★  You Created Me, Something I Would Have Never Seen.  ★

    Position : None
    Posts : 248
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 1136

    The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job Empty Re: The Other Me;; Fluffy/Chaoris;; Job

    Post by Khorne 17th April 2018, 4:09 pm

    The feline companion he currently had managed to deftly land on his shoulder after he threw her into the air, scratching herself as she sat there while talking. There would be a moment of silence as both looked over the results of the previous battle before Fluffy asked him if he wanted to find something else. Her response was to go hunting for something to eat, which meant finding a sin-drenched person and devouring them after killing them. "I have no qualms with this. Find the sinner you wish to kill and I kill those that try to interrupt you in your feeding moments." Chaoris Orneis would say the words as she was hopping off of his shoulder and beginning to walk out, the God of Blood following her out into the streets and into the public view. He would allow himself to stay a little bit farther back so as to keep them from noticing the pair together and interrupting her hunt for food. Causing a fight right here would end her hunt prematurely, and he knew her need to feed would continue to grow into something impossible to deal with if she was not allowed to do such without opposition.

    It would not take long for her to find something with enough sin to take on, bringing them into a tavern that would find the little feline adorable upon her entry. The cute part did not last long, people slowly beginning to realize there was a problem as the woman began to ignite with her ghastly flames as she grew in size until she hit the point she wished for. A roar from Fluffy would jar them out of their stunned moment of muteness before the group of mages she had gone up to braced themselves for a fight before acknowledging her. Almost immediately, his feline companion would lunge straight for the sinner she had found. Chaoris, knowing she would focus him first so he could not get away, took it upon himself to clear the rest of the mages even as the non-combatants that were inside made their escape. He did not have the time to deal with them, and he was not here for any reasons of his own. The god in the tavern was simply keeping this girl safe so that she could eat before they moved on to their next task he prepared for them or she asked for. The 'powerful' mages that claimed they could not be defeated by a monster would find themselves, instead, defeated by a god instead. Such a surprise to them as they were struck down with little effort, which was quite the disappointment after the big talk they had just made. Once the fighting was done he would allow the cat to eat and finish her meal. "Unless you wish to fight to the death without allowing your wounds to heal, we should get you out of here." With that said, Chaoris would turn around and simply walk out of the tavern as if nothing crazy had happened in it. People likely would see him exit, and a cat shortly after, and most would blame him for it all thinking that she was some kind of pet. It meant she would not have to worry about being chased, and he had no cares about if they knew him or not. Their job here was done, and now he could move to the next thing he wished to do.

    [WC complete.]


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