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    A Dank and Spoopy Night {private, Astrid}

    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

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    A Dank and Spoopy Night {private, Astrid} Empty A Dank and Spoopy Night {private, Astrid}

    Post by That Adopted Kid 31st May 2018, 12:39 am


    The oak inn, a pleasant little location, it was no silver moon but it was quaint and nice. Located near the outskirts of town far enough away so that if there was a storm it would be hard to call for Aid, but nothing bad ever happened there so it would be fine. At least that is what the tenants thought because on this derk and spoopy night someone would lose their life! Sharp had come to the hotel because she was on her way to another job, but she had decided to treat herself a bit from living in what is effectively a cardboard box with a window, and to experience a nicer life, filled with a bed that is made up of fluffy sheets and pillows so she can stare at the ceiling in comfort instead of at the wall. Regardless the redhead enjoyed the fact that her little stop in was approved by her boss, and she could now see what all the fuss about this whole first world living thing that was all the rage for people.

    Sadly as the rain started to pour outside of the window and lightning struck in the distance Sharp felt a presence nearby, a presence that she felt had to be... silenced. it was very apparent that somewhere in this hotel was a person that Sharp needed to have taken care of by orders of her boss, it seems part of her little job had found her, now exactly who it was, well, Sharp would need to do some digging, and in order to do just that she would have to head down into the lobby from her comfy bed and try and scout out the more recent guests, little did she know she would encounter more than just her prey down by the cozy sitting area.

    Post WC: 307
    Total WC: 307/1500



    A Dank and Spoopy Night {private, Astrid} Empty Re: A Dank and Spoopy Night {private, Astrid}

    Post by Guest 1st June 2018, 12:01 pm

    Ah, a nice cozy in with it's very own fire place. On such a dark and spooky night, nothing was better than sitting near the crackling fire with a nice book. Thankfully, the Oak Inn seemed to have a nice collection of books that were apart from some gossip and home renovation magazines, which the elf did not care for too much. It was nice to finally be able to sit down and relax, it was these rare moments that kept the slayer sane these days. Having just returned to Fiore from slaying a plant monster in Seven all week long Astrid had wanted to return quickly home to enjoy her own bed and fully cooked meal. Though, the weather outside had other plans for her it seemed. Soon after the ship docked, mother nature started to rage. Pouring rain, thunder booming in the dark gray clouds, lightning striking at the ground. It was not exactly the kind of weather she would want to run in, especially not the distance from Oak Town's docks to Peace Village. It was probably about an hour run. Shorter if she used her full speed, but with the ground as drenched as it was that was just asking for an injury or two. So instead of risking it all the elf found this cute little inn just on the edge of the town to stay the night. Once the storm passed in the morning she would go home. Hopefully she would be back in time for some of Erika's pancakes, if the dragon was making them at all. It would be a nice welcome home.

    The saint sank down more into the soft cushions of the wooden chair, pressing the pages of the thick book she was currently reading more towards her face, as if she were trying to hide it from others who may accidentally look over and see what she was reading. Fifty Shades of Pink. It was a strange book, the slayer wasn't sure what to make of it. On one hand the writing style and characters were far too close to that of Midnight for comfort, and on the second hand this was going places she hadn't exactly... Expected it to. When she first picked it up just based on the name along she was expecting something along the lines of colors. But there weren't really anything special about colors, or the color pink. Unless you counted the pink fluffy hand cuffs and whip the love interest liked to keep in his special room. But even that was stretching it a lot. Maybe the guy just loved pink. Is that why it was called Fifty Shades of Pink? Seemed a little underwhelming... She didn't even get why they liked to use them so much. hand cuffs were for criminals and whips were for animals. But they seemed to use them in some sort of... What Astrid could only describe as explicit acts. Normally? The elf would have put the book down instantly once the lewd scenes started, a little too easily flustered for such material. But for some reason? The person's writing reminded her too much of Midnight, and she could not seem to put the book down, no matter how much she wanted to. She was in a public place, reading erotica. It was completely obscene. But... She really needed to know why on earth they needed the hand cuffs!

    "Oh- Oh my... So that's what the hand cuffs are for." Her face was completely red by now, and it wasn't because she was too close to the fire.

    WC: 601/1,500
    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

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    A Dank and Spoopy Night {private, Astrid} Empty Re: A Dank and Spoopy Night {private, Astrid}

    Post by That Adopted Kid 1st June 2018, 1:04 pm

    As the windows pained with the sound of wind and rain Sharp entered the sitting area to gaze around the room for the source of the disturbance. He was here, somewhere, and Sharp would find him. As she took a small glance around the room she saw nothing but some people reading and chatting. A voice in her head told her he was elsewhere, eluding her. Expression changed from the bright eyed youthful look into a far more jaded and sinister expression, if one saw the change they would almost view that Sharp was a different person. Slinking off into one of the wood covered hallways Sharp eventually vanished from sight as the shadows encompassed her being. Darting from room to room Sharp''s only focus was on her prey, though she didn't briefly stop and stare confused at two people, one of which had a strange accent, both in costumes that looked like animals... it was weird.

    Making her way throughout the entire hotel, Sharp eventually arrived at the underbelly of the operation, in the suite at the very top her prey was located. A man who had made deals with the devil and now didn't want to cash in his end of the bargin. Smiling as he held onto his money, the portly man gazed at the jewels in his hands and laughed with glee, having made out like a king, however he would soon learn his time was up. Slinking along the corners of the room whereverse darkness lay, Sharp reached underneath his bed, and like the boogeyman manifested underneath. Eyes flicking with a cold flame, Sharp hardened the shadows around her into lethal weapons and grasped the man by the ankles. Screaming the man was dragged downward and he had only but a moment to witness Sharps glowing eyes before he was pierced straight through the darkness below. His blood and gore spilled as part of the payment, the jewels drenched and ruined just like his soul.

    Before anyone could know what happened, Sharp vanished and returned to a dark corner of the foyer.as she manifested no one saw, too engrossed in their own reading's and discussions. Now Sharp was down here rather up there, she could say she wasn't around the scene, but hopefully no one would discover the body till morning. As Sharp changed her expression she saw something out of the corner of her eye, fifty shades pink. Sharp liked the color pink... walking over Sharp tried to casually move behind Astrid to catch a read of the book, but as she read she got confused.

    Why is the guy sticing his ***** in her ******? Is he an assassin or something?

    Post wc: 449
    Total wc: 756/1500



    A Dank and Spoopy Night {private, Astrid} Empty Re: A Dank and Spoopy Night {private, Astrid}

    Post by Guest 1st June 2018, 9:47 pm

    "Master Karuya... Please, give me your sacred sword." Akihira mumbled under her breath, losing all senses, except for desire.
    Karuya did nothing except smile at Akihira's quiet and sudden demand, pushing her down onto the bed that was conveniently placed right here she fell. Akihira protested at first with bated breath, but found herself giving into the man's muscular and totally ripped build. Somehow the two's clothes would magically vanished. Karuya slid a finger under Akihira's chin, bringing her face closer to his own.

    "What was that? Say it louder." A light chuckle escape his lips. Akihira bit her own lips in return, but found it hard to keep herself from giving into his demand.

    "Master Karuya! Please, give me your sacred sword! I need your sacred sword in my holy cavern!"
    Karuya chuckled.

    "That's better."

    The two would begin going at it, with all the sex things implied because Ami isn't sure how far she was willing to go with this gag on a pg-13 form. In visualization, it's kind of like when you're a kid playing with the shapes and you have to put them with the matching holes. Except you repeat the action of putting the block in. Over. And over. And over. With a lot more noises and emotional regret.

    "Master Karuya!" Akihira cried out.

    "Akihira!" Karuya yelled is response.

    "Master Karuya!"


    "Master Karuy-!"

    Astrid's first instinct upon hearing the question from behind her was to throw the book as far away as she could. As if on its own her hand closed the book and flung it behind her shoulder with little to no effort. The book flew across the room, luckily not hitting anyone but it did smash through the dinning hall's window with a loud crash. Most likely, she was going to have to pay for that. But right now at this moment she didn't care. Someone had seen her reading such... Explicit material in public. It was what she feared most. She hadn't thought someone would come up behind her and look at the pages right at the most lewd part. Dear lords, what was she supposed to do?
    With her single crimson eye wide she would pause for a good second before turning around to the familiar redhead. Her face, to the very tips of her pointed ears was still complete washed red, feeling both a bit hot and bothered by the reading material, and a little embarrassed that someone had actually caught her reading that. And of all people, it was someone she knew too. Sharp. She hadn't seen the taller woman since the whole flower picking thing. What were the chances that she would be here too, and of all people to see her reading it, it was her.
    She would stare at the redhead for a moment, internally screaming before finally opening her mouth to speak.
    "Ah, S-Sharp. How funny it is to see you again. Haha. What brings you to the inn? Trying that famous murder mystery party Oak Town is known most for?" She could be here for the party, or she could just be here much like herself to rest. She wasn't sure, but whatever reason was better than having to explain what she was reading. Based on her question, Sharp wasn't even sure what it was that was happening in it. Which may be for the better, since Astrid was a bit clueless about how intercourse worked herself. It wasn't sure to end well if the conversation kept going.

    WC: 1,188/1,500
    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

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    A Dank and Spoopy Night {private, Astrid} Empty Re: A Dank and Spoopy Night {private, Astrid}

    Post by That Adopted Kid 4th June 2018, 11:09 am

    Upon asking her question Sharp found that the book was flung across the room and out a window. Amazingly it was also struck by a bolt of lightning, causing it to burn up into nothing but ash beneath the rainstorm. That was a shame, Sharp was curious as to why they seemed to so happy together. Regardless Sharp was being asked a question, about why she was here in the inn right now and Sharp had the answer to it, though not in the way that Astrid was probably going to expect.

    "Well, there's a party for it? I didn't know people liked to celebrate murder..." She trailed off for a brief second till she remembered Chaoris, and indeed people do enjoy celebrating murder. Did that mean Sharp would become one of those "popular kids" everyone talked about? Oh, that seemed fun, but she didn't know if she would want all of that attention. "Murder party, so like everyone here is going to try and kill each other? Don't worry Astrid I can protect you if that happens, I am well versed in the art of the fighting. I can hold my own against others!"

    Huffing a bit Sharp poked out her chest and placed her hands on her hips trying to look heroic, but she probably just looked a bit foolish. Regardless Sharp was prepared to handle this whole murder thing with all the grace that she had in the arsenal, besides she was already ahead of the game, one person had already died by her hands, and now she could kill an entire party and they would enjoy it!? Finally, something she was good at!

    "So when does this murder party start anyway?"

    post wc: 285
    Total wc: 1041/1500



    A Dank and Spoopy Night {private, Astrid} Empty Re: A Dank and Spoopy Night {private, Astrid}

    Post by Guest 6th June 2018, 10:50 pm

    Murder... And party. Murder party. No, no that's not what she meant at all. Well apparently the red head wasn't here for the murder mystery after all, as she was getting the name confused with a rather gruesome underworld thing that probably existed somewhere in the world... But not there. Well, at least she had managed to avoid the awkward talk of trying to explain what she was reading. With both of their apparent nativity? It wouldn't have ended well. The elf wasn't even sure how to begin explaining that type of thing to herself let alone another person who had just as much experience as she did with that sort of thing.
    Uh, but right now she had a bit more of a troublesome thing to deal with. Even more so than that. Her words had convinced Sharp the wrong thing about murder mystery parties. She actually kind of seemed excited for it for some reason...
    The saint shook her head. "Erm... No, it's not like that. Think of it like a Herlock Solmes novel. There's a murder, a bunch of guests in the room, and one killer. Using clues and your wit you have to act as the detective and find out who was the one that murdered them... Actually now that i think about it, maybe Cluedew is a better fit to think about... Damn that Colonel Mayonnaise, he always managed to slip by me." The last part was spat with a sight bit of bitterness, her single eye narrowing to the side as she remembered all the times she would play it as kid, to be so close to solving the mystery, only for that chubby old man to one up her. As someone who enjoyed a good mystery, it always annoyed her whenever she got something wrong, which, she normally did anyway. But that was besides the point. After her moment of malice she would look back to Sharp. "It's a game people come here to play. It's all for fun. You should try it, you'd probably be good at it." Her crimson gaze looked behind the slayer to the grandfather clock ticking away, noticing it was almost midnight. "Actually, i believe it should be starting any moment now."

    And as if she was some soft of psychic, she would be right. Just as soon as those words left her mouth the clock struck midnight, causing the deep chime to echo through the in. On cue, a scream sounded from upstairs, shrill and cold. A few seconds later man wearing a tuxedo would come scrambling down the stairs in a hurry, the left side of his face covered in blood. he stood at the doorway, tense, a crazed look in his dilated eyes. "Please, someone help! There's been a murder! Upstairs in the second bedroom he...!... He...!" letting out one last shutter the man's eyes rolled into the back of his head, and fell to the floor, unconscious. Astrid merely looked over to him from her chair, blinking, as everyone else at least looked a little concerned for him, checking up on him to see if he was okay.

    "Huh... Wow, they have some pretty good actors here." She hadn't expected much from a murder mystery run by a small inn. But his performance was so real, so raw. She almost believed him for a minute there. She settled back into her chair, looking up as Sharp with a smile.
    "Think you wanna give it a try?" Astrid herself? Mostly likely wasn't going to participate. If she wanted to go home early then she needed a good night's sleep. And she did just defeat a giant plant monster that was raging around Seven. Laying on a nice, soft bed was all she wanted to do. As much as she would like to experience this mystery, she was too exhausted to really be too bothered. She would stick with her books, at least until she felt more like it.

    WC: 1,852/1,500
    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

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    A Dank and Spoopy Night {private, Astrid} Empty Re: A Dank and Spoopy Night {private, Astrid}

    Post by That Adopted Kid 7th June 2018, 12:23 am

    Wait the murder party was centered around a murder that other people had done? No, it was that pretend game. Sharp had played pretend before, but when she played it she tried to pretend she wasn't stuck in her current situation, needless to say, Sharp sucks at pretend. Astrid's description went over Sharp's head a bit, what did a condiment have to do with solving a murder mystery? She was so confused by that comment, but Sharp could roll with it Sharp would also watch out for the condiment that desired to kill people, no mustard would defeat her!

    "Don't worry Astrid, I understand completely now I must find the one who has killed someone! I shall become just like the mayonnaise and shall solve this mystery! Now then where should I start..."

    Suddenly a member of the hotel staff arrived within the lounge and attempted to compose himself. "I am afraid to inform all of you that, it is as the man said, there has been a murder! Please return to your rooms so we can get this mess solved." Looking at the man, Sharp noticed that he was dressed as a manager, or at least one would assume from the suit he was wearing, though the other man could have been the manager, not that it mattered, this man reeked of ketchup. He had a goatee, the evilest of all facial hair, which proved that he must be in league with the evil sauce of this hotel!

    "Where were you on the night of the sixteenth?"

    Sharp stated as she moved towards the man with gusto, a flair in her step that showed an eagerness to prove just how 'sharp' she could be. "Well, I do believe I shall be working tomorrow at the hotel..."

    "A likely story! Working tomorrow, I BET YOU ARE THE MURDERER!"

    "Miss, the game doesn't really start till everyone goes back to their rooms."

    "Only the murderer would say that. So how did you kill him huh? With ketchup the MOST DEADLY OF ALL SAUCE!?"

    "I don't pay myself enough for this, go to your rooms and we can get started, okay?"

    "Fine... but I'm watching you and your bottle of delicious processed tomatoes, which you probably think is a vegetable, but no murderer... it is a fruit, one of justice!"

    Shaking his head in anger the gentleman with the goatee motioned for everyone to head upstairs and back to their rooms and as Sharp did such she walked back up the stairs glaring at the man the entire time, scanning his body to try and locate the ketchup packet which he had used in the murder. When she made her way back to her room, however, Sharp began to think... what if there wasn't just one type of sauced used in the killing but several. It was an entire murder sandwich... and Sharp would have to take a bite out of it to solve this crime!

    As the lights went out, the game began!

    Post WC: 502
    Total WC: 1543/1500


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