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    Mystery of the Murdered Game


    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Mystery of the Murdered Game Empty Mystery of the Murdered Game

    Post by Sogeki 11th March 2018, 11:24 am

    Job Description:

    What a fancy place thought Sogi. The building was huge and with lots of expensive looking decorations on the inside. Oak Inn was quite a nice play to stay as an outsider; however, this time a quite powerful man known by the name of Mr. Cho had arranged a murder mystery game event in such place. Sogi was quite excited. While he was not actually going to play, solving the mystery himself and seeing how the game played along would be fun. Sogi arrived early. In fact, it was only 7 o´clock, but security was supposed to arrive until eight, just two hours before the game started.

    Right as Sogi walked through the main entrance, a small man in a very fancy red suit bounced in joy to see one of his mages had arrived. "Yeekee Yeekee Yeekee Yeekee! " The tinny man, who almost resembled a rich gnome, giggle quite oddly as he skipped his way to Sogi. "You must be Sogi, I am Mr. Cho, nice to meet you. You are quite early though, I like that. Is your partner with you?" Asked the small man. "No, she'll be arriving in a few." Replied Sogi. "Great, great. The event will be held in the dining hall, we've got the whole place to ourselves. You two will be inside the room with us. You'll be the ones who lock the doors when the game starts and you know, all that fun stuff. Anyway, I got some last details to work out before the event begins, see you in a few." Mr. Cho, who was too excited to breathe between his sentences, turned around and walked towards a waiter waiting for him near the dining room entrance. Sogi then decided to sit down and wait for his partner in the lobby.

    WC: 301/150
    Post 1



    Theme: Sogeki the Talented God


    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Eater of Dreams
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    Mystery of the Murdered Game Empty Re: Mystery of the Murdered Game

    Post by Althea 12th March 2018, 2:07 pm

    Althea Eventide ❆ Fairy Tail ❆ D-Rank

    Althea approached the inn, not able to keep her gaze off the building.  The glamorously decorated inn contrasted all the cozy abodes present in the surrounding area, but she had to guess it was more to attract attention to the Murder Game.  The sweeping cream-colored banners to the vibrant flora helped enhance the atmosphere to something that bordered a luxurious structure.  Excitement bubbled in her stomach apprehensively, hardly able to wait for her first job.  Althea didn't expect it to be as exhilarating as the jobs she fantasized of, but it was heart-racing nonetheless.
    It was pretty cool for Sogi to invite me along, after all this is a C rank job.  Althea thought, pushing open the doors of Oak Inn to enter the lobby.  As she entered, she noticed that it wasn't just the exterior that was decked out - the interior was too, if not even more so.  When Althea saw her job partner, she rushed over to him, ready to start the job.  "Sogi!  Have we been told what to do yet?"

    175/150 || Post 1 || @Sogeki || OOC: Sorry for the late post!
    Template (c) Izayuki



    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Mystery of the Murdered Game Empty Re: Mystery of the Murdered Game

    Post by Sogeki 13th March 2018, 2:18 pm

    Sogi heard his partner calling his name. "Hey Thea, how are you doing?" Asked Sogi politely to greet her. "Our job is not too complicated, to be honest, just gotta guard the entrance and stand as security in the event. Mr.Cho should call is any minute." Perfect timing acted on Sogi as just after his last word, Mr. Cho walked out the dining room and let them know they could walk inside. Sogi walked towards the door where, just after entering, was stopped beside it to guard it. There was a very long table with around 20 to 25 seats. Waiters were standing near the other side of the room, where the entrance to the kitchen was located. "Great great, you must be Althea." Said Mr.Cho to the girl as he extended his hand towards her. "I'm Mr.Cho, you'll job will consist in keeping anyone inside the room safe." The task was quite self-explanatory. After only a few minutes, the guests started to arrive.

    WC: 163
    Post 2



    Theme: Sogeki the Talented God


    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Eater of Dreams
    Position : Shitposter
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 936
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    Mystery of the Murdered Game Empty Re: Mystery of the Murdered Game

    Post by Althea 13th March 2018, 2:46 pm

    Althea Eventide ❆ Fairy Tail ❆ D-Rank

    At the sight of her partner, Althea's excitement was flamed even more so than before.  It was just so exhilarating to be going out on a job with someone, and the wizard had to take a few deep breaths to calm herself. It didn't matter if it was a boring security job like Sogi had said - she would completely ace it!  But that didn't stop Althea from wanting a bit of excitement, of course.  "Huh, then what's the chance of something going wr-"  But she cut off her own words as a small, rosy-cheeked man entered the room, letting the pair know hey could now enter the hall.
    Althea couldn't help but note that as far as she knew - no other security personnel but themselves were present in the hall.  That must mean Mr. Cho is trusting us to do our best!  Althea thought.
     Then, the tiny man who had invited them in spoke to Althea, introducing himself as the fabled Mr.
    Cho.  Enthusiastically, Althea reached for her employer's hand, "Hi, nice to meet you!"  She practically purred, shaking Mr. Cho's hand violently for a few seconds too long.  Then, the guests began to arrive and Althea shifted her attention to them.
    A foxy haired woman, a rather muscular man; all seemed incredibly interesting to the young girl.
     There were even a few people in mysterious trench coats!  What a party, I didn't know people wore that kind of stuff here!

    243/150 || Post 2 || @Sogeki || OOC: I wrote too much ;-;
    Template (c) Izayuki



    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Mystery of the Murdered Game Empty Re: Mystery of the Murdered Game

    Post by Sogeki 14th March 2018, 9:10 pm

    People started to arrive. The room was slowly being stuffed with interesting looking people. Most of them were quite punctual, entering the hall almost at the same time. They all sat at the long table. As they placed their napkins aside and on their laps, the chattering started. Most of them talked about politics or business, but some of them talked about art, books or their families. Sogi did not try to hear their conversations; however, his presence was ignored enough for those near him to speak as loudly as possible about their affairs or tax evasion. But despite the illegal bragging, Sogi decided to keep quiet and ignore the little number of outstanding comments. After a few minutes, a glass was gently slammed with a fork, gathering the people's attention to start the night. "Hello, as you may all know, my name is..." Mr.Cho's speech was interrupted by a younger man. He was wearing a suit but did not really try to look neat. His shirt was completely off, he was still in a failing attempt to fix his tie, and his socks were not even the same color. He was loud in his entrance and apologized despite showing no respect for the adult holding the glass up. After the young man sat down, Mr.Cho decided to continue with his speech. "Greetings, and welcome to my first Mystery party." The people clapped in excitement as the night started. "Today, you will all share a single mystery. You shall all work together to figure it out, but before we commence, let me tell you... Nobody will be able to leave this room and you will only leave until the mystery is resolved or until dawn." Mr.Cho paused for a minute, but before he continued, the lights went off.

    WC: 298
    Post 3



    Theme: Sogeki the Talented God


    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Eater of Dreams
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    Mystery of the Murdered Game Empty Re: Mystery of the Murdered Game

    Post by Althea 15th March 2018, 3:38 pm

    Althea Eventide ❆ Fairy Tail ❆ D-Rank

    Althea attempted to memorize the distinct faces of everyone in the room, but that effort didn't yield any fruits.  But it did help her notice what guest was talking to another.  One spectacle that stuck out to her were two men seemingly arguing about something, sitting in an isolated segment of the dining table.  They never sustained any meaningful eye contact, but Althea could tell they were speaking to each other through their expressions.  She doubted she could've heard their conversation if she were standing right behind them, no one had paused for a second as they strode by their seats, but they managed to catch Althea's eye.  But, the her attention was quickly diverted towards Mr. Cho as he became the center of attention, beginning his speech to welcome the guests.
    Then, the disorderly man entered, unintentionally stealing the attention from Mr. Cho with relative ease.  As he apologized to the guests, Althea couldn't help but wonder why.  He had only shown up late, maybe because his clothes were messed up?  Maybe, but no one seemed to have a problem with Althea not wearing anything particularly fancy.  Due to these thoughts and many more, Althea didn't actually pay attention to the rest of Mr. Cho's speech.  Suddenly, the lights turned off and Althea was snapped back into reality.  That's probably our cue to close the doors!  she thought, deftly doing so.

    232/150 || Post 3 || @ Sogeki || OOC: --
    Template (c) Izayuki



    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Mystery of the Murdered Game Empty Re: Mystery of the Murdered Game

    Post by Sogeki 17th March 2018, 9:25 am

    The lights went out, Sogi decided to finally close the door as it seemed the game started. However, just after a few short sighs, the lights turned on again, leaving the room still confused as to what had happened. Everyone looked around to see if anything had changed, including Mr.Cho, but their scanning was quickly interrupted by the screaming of a woman near the end of the table. The woman was sitting near the locked exit door. Next to her, a well dressed older man was lying on the table. He was face down and did not seem to move. Mr.Cho stood on his chair to have a better look. "Mr. Jenkins?" He said as his face started to change to that of a frightened look. "This is not part of the game." But before anyone else had an opportunity to speak, the lights went off again. This time, they were out only for a few seconds. Once the lights came back, Mr. Cho was still standing on the chair; however, he now had a big hole crossing through his chest. Words did not exit his mouth and instead just fell on his back and off the chair. Sogi rushed his way to Mr.Cho, who was now unconscious on the ground, and placed his hand on Mr.Cho's chest. "Thea, this is real, not part of the game." He said out loud without really thinking twice about the consequences of his words. Sogi was no doctor, but he had a lot of experience with wounds and could easily tell the attack had not been fake. Mr.Cho's chest started to close and heal, however, he was still unconscious. It did not take long for the people to stand up and run in terror.

    Post 4

    Last edited by Sogeki on 17th March 2018, 9:26 am; edited 1 time in total



    Theme: Sogeki the Talented God


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    Mystery of the Murdered Game Empty Re: Mystery of the Murdered Game

    Post by NPC 17th March 2018, 9:25 am

    The member 'Sogeki' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Mystery of the Murdered Game UtKyMUJ Mystery of the Murdered Game UtKyMUJ

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Eater of Dreams
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    Mystery of the Murdered Game Empty Re: Mystery of the Murdered Game

    Post by Althea 17th March 2018, 11:46 am

    Althea Eventide ❆ Fairy Tail ❆ D-Rank

    When the lights had turned on, Althea's eyes immediately traveled to the man on the table, a woman dressed in frills ushering a scream.  "Wow, people take this a bit too seriou-" she murmured, but stopped herself as she noticed that something was terribly wrong.  The man's whole body was devoid of movement - no rising or falling of the chest, no slight twitch of the finger.  And that's when Althea realized that the man was dead, whatever had hit him had done it in a way that he died immediately.  There was no helping him.  Her fists clenched in fury, the wizard began gazing around the room hurriedly when the lights suddenly went out once more.  They came back on, and Althea's eyes widened at the sight of Mr. Cho's body weakly falling to the ground.  She was relieved to see her partner rush over the to injured host, focusing now on the panicked guests.  "Yeah, I'll handle the crowd.  We'll get to the bottom of this, Sogi."
    Althea  took a step in front of the door, "STOP!"  she shouted at the top of her lungs, bringing the crowd to a halt purely out of confusion.  "No one's leaving until we find the murderer!"
    This caused murmurs of worry to spread across the crowd, most not wishing to bulldoze over a young girl and potentially injure her just to leave the room.  But this didn't stop a man from emerging from the crowd,  "Oh yeah?  And how do we know you and your buddy didn't kill Mr. Jenkins?"  Shock rippled through the crowd, but it seemed that many didn't completely dismiss the suggestion.  But Althea stood her ground, raising her arms outwards.  The wizard's resolve discouraged some of the crowd, causing them to simply disperse, though the rest needed a reason for her prohibiting their exit.
    "If everyone is gone then we'll never figure out who did this!  I'm here to make sure no one else dies, got it?"  This caused the rest of the crowd to apprehensively back off, still suspecting the wizard for murder.

    347/150 || Post 4 || @ Sogeki || OOC: Heh, sorry for going over the WC so much.
    Template (c) Izayuki



    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Mystery of the Murdered Game Empty Re: Mystery of the Murdered Game

    Post by Sogeki 18th March 2018, 10:19 pm

    Sogi's hand was still resting on Mr.Cho's chest. No wound could be seen anymore, but the man was still wounded internally. Sogi was almost sure Mr.Cho was a victim of a magical ability. It only took a few seconds for Sogi to completely heal non-magical wounds, but this one was taking a little bit more. "The murderer should be around here. So please stay calm." Sogi tried to defend Althea from the crowd of reasonably afraid people. However, even before he tried to calm everyone down, Althea seemed to have everything under control. "We have to find the murderer, if we open the doors, we would be letting him walk free." Sogi tried to explain the situation to the people, but just after his words, a middle-aged woman in a pink dressed spoke. "But if the murderer is here, what stops him from killing us?" People started to panic as they realized yet again they were probably standing a few feet from an assassin. "That is a very fair point, but lets think for a second. If the assassin keeps killing any of us here, finding him would end up being easier." Sogi's words did not calm the people. In fact, most of them panicked even more, but Sogi's priority was just to find the assassin.

    WC: 216
    Post 5



    Theme: Sogeki the Talented God


    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Eater of Dreams
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    Mystery of the Murdered Game Empty Re: Mystery of the Murdered Game

    Post by Althea 20th March 2018, 12:34 pm

    ❆ find joy in the journey ❆
    Althea sharply studied the crowd, apparently not concerned with how the guests were feeling about the situation.  After all, she was only there to do her job and that was that.  As she had stated beforehand, Althea’s job was to make sure no one else was put in danger.  But I guess a panicking a crowd of people isn’t the safest thing… she couldn’t help thinking, But maybe it could help flush out whoever attacked Mr. Cho!  Althea nodded surely to herself, coming to the conclusion that chaos wasn’t always a bad thing.  She studied the frantic party guests, deciding that the way things were not were more to her pace anyways.
    She huffed as the woman dressed in pink spoke out, already deciding that she disliked her.  “What do you mean?   If the attacker shows up, we’ll do what we’re here to do and fight them.  It’s as simple as that.”  Althea said simply, sitting down at the base of the door.  It wasn’t as if she didn’t agree with Sogi that having everyone already killed by the murderer would be easier, but it technically wouldn’t fulfill the job they were contracted to perform.  She leaned on the entrance, noticing offhandedly that the lock was on the outside of the door.
    Althea tried the door knob, discovering that the door was already secured.  “Hey Sogi!  Did ya know the door’s locked?”  she asked, not wondering about the consequences.
    239/150 || Post 5 || @ Sogeki
    OOC: Sorry for taking so long, I was messing around with this format
    aeron at thq



    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Mystery of the Murdered Game Empty Re: Mystery of the Murdered Game

    Post by Sogeki 20th March 2018, 5:54 pm

    Locked? Sogi did not know the door was locked. He thought both him and Althea were the ones in charge of stopping anyone from leaving, he was never counting on an external door lock. However, as he kept thinking about the situation, he came to the conclusion it was not exactly that bad. He was pretty sure both him and Althea were both capable of breaking the door if they needed to, however, the lock stopped most normal people from leaving the room. "I did not know that Thea." Said Sogi as the people around started to get even more concern.

    "We can't be locked inside with a murderer." "We are all going to die." "Maybe if we call for help."

    Everyone started to think about different possibilities and ways to solve their problem, however, Sogi was pretty sure the most reliable way of doing such was finding the murder. Sogi used the chaos to step aside and move towards the kitchen. During both attacks, the kitchen staff was all inside their room, making it impossible for them to participate in such attempt. Sogi then proceded to use one of his spells. "Time-Clone." An exact copy of him appeared like out of nowhere next to him. He was identical, but the truth was that new Sogi belonged to a future time-period. Not too far away from Sogi's age, but they still differed by a few days in age. This new Sogi knew what to do and walked out the kitchen door, trying not to get everyone's attention. He flashed right next to Althea. In only a blink of an eye, he was on the other side of the room. "Thea, I've got an idea to find the murderer." Sogi started to whisper his plan to Althea, trying to be as quick as possible.

    "I was thinking, I can get everyone's attention and then just pull a quick but convincing bluff about some sort of magic power allowing me to find the man. I'd guess he'll try to kill me before I do so, but might work. And by the way, I'm a clone, nothing will happen to the real Sogi." Without waiting any longer, Sogi jumped on the table, kicking a few plates around and getting everyone to see him. "This is it! I'm doing it Thea." He said to try to look serious. Yellow energy started to surround his body. "I'll just use my magic to locate those responsible." He said quite convincingly. And just as he thought, before he could proceed with his spell, the lights went off. Once the lights returned, only a few seconds after, two men held blades crossing the clone's chest. The men pushed deeper their blades as blood dripped from Sogi's mouth, but just as it did, the clone puffed, leaving only the two barbaric looking men standing on the table.

    WC: 478
    Post 6
    OOC: Found the henchmen, Strong monster, not actually the boss.



    Theme: Sogeki the Talented God


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    Mystery of the Murdered Game Empty Re: Mystery of the Murdered Game

    Post by Althea 21st March 2018, 7:52 pm

    Althea Eventide ❆ Fairy Tail ❆ D-Rank

    Althea’s expression turned to that of annoyance as the party guests began panicking over the locked door. “Geez!  They act like it’s the end of the world.  If any of them are so concerned they would try the windows…”  she murmured to herself, but then realized that all of them were placed high on the walls.  I guess the attacker really thought this out, none of these guys could probably jump or climb that high.  But then Althea began imagining a human tower of guests, narrowly expanding upwards.  But, that was when Sogi appeared suddenly beside her.
    “Oh, I forgot you could do that.”  she said as the Sogi reveal himself to just be a time clone.   "Huh, you really can’t tell the difference.”  Remarked the wizard, although she refocused on relevant topics as the time clone explained his plan.  Althea was impressed by how Sogi thought of something so quickly when she was fine to just wait things out and try to spot the culprit through observations.  “I guess this’ll be quicker.  Do your best and stuff!”
    As she watched the time clone leap onto the table, Althea let out a sigh of relief as she noticed that the plates that he had knocked around had not contained any food.  And as she watched his performance, she took note that Sogi was pretty great at bluffing.  She hadn’t actually heard of any magical abilities that would’ve helped the pair find the murder, but doubted that whoever responsible had either.  But as Sogi had expected, the culprits responded to the bluff.  The lights went out, and before they returned Althea was already making her way to the table.  The lights returned, and the wizard recognized the two as the weird trench coat dudes, although they had ditched them.  “Don’t attack people, weirdos!”  She exclaimed, making a running leap towards them.  Mid-air, Althea set out her palms in front of her.  A multitude of snowballs manifested and were hurtled towards the duo in a fierce flurry.  Each were hit by 5 before moving out of Althea’s attack range.

    348/150 || Post 6 || @ Sogeki || OOC: --
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    Last edited by RainCalamity on 27th March 2018, 11:34 am; edited 1 time in total



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    Mystery of the Murdered Game Empty Re: Mystery of the Murdered Game

    Post by Sogeki 24th March 2018, 6:01 pm

    Sogi ran out of the kitchen only to find Althea fighting both henchmen. Sogi had never before seen Althea use her magic. He was actually quite intrigued by her abilities. While Sogi was not sure which were Althea's limits to her magic, he found her spell actually to be quite pretty. Snow was, at least for Sogi, something nice and simple. Enjoyable to watch. But after a few snowballs landing on their body, they were able to retreat and exit the attack range. Sogi saw this as an opportunity to strike since they did not notice his entrance to the room. A yellow magic circle was formed around him as, again, some yellow light started to generate around. He prepared a spell he had not practiced that much, however, it was one of the only damaging spells he knew.

    "Meteor." Said Sogi as he suddenly impulsed his small body with magic. And just like some sort of shooting star, Sogi was suddenly in the air and quickly moving around the room. As soon as his feet left the ground, he lost control, resulting in a violent rocket-like attack, not only gathering everyone's attention but also crashing against a nearby wall and sliding back down to the ground. Dust covered the damaged area letting people only see Sogi's shadow as he stood up again. The dust slowly cleared away. Sogi, on the other hand, was using both hands to rub his head in an attempt to relieve the pain caused by his failed spell.

    "Sorry, Thea." Said Sogi as his hands went back down. However, one of the henchmen ran towards him with his blade above his head, quickly reminding Sogi he was still in a fight of sorts. The bladed man slashed his arms forward, but just before he reached his target, Sogi teleported behind him. However, in that blink of an eye, Sogi's physique transformed into an older version of himself. In fact, he now seemed to be around 15 years old instead of his normal 7. Once he was behind the man, he threw a kick at his head, landing in the lower back area of it and knocking the man unconscious as he slammed the wall with his face. "Good, this is better." Said Sogi with quite a different voice.

    WC: 383
    Post 7



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    Mystery of the Murdered Game Empty Re: Mystery of the Murdered Game

    Post by Althea 27th March 2018, 11:34 am

    Althea Eventide ❆ Fairy Tail ❆ D-Rank

    After sensing a concentrating magic source, Althea turned to find the cause, only to notice Sogi.  She at first observed his magic with great interest.  After all, Althea was only half-aware of what it actually was, and had only seen his cloning and traveling abilities.  Completely disregarding the henchmen, she transferred all of her attention to Sogi, her intrigue increasing steadily.  But then, it seemed to backfire, but Althea obviously didn’t mind, it was enough for her to just be witnessing new forms of magic.  “I don’t mind!  That looked really cool either way!”  Spotting the henchman’s approach towards her partner, she nearly sprung into action before remembering that Sogi was more than capable of doing things on his own.
    Watching with awe, Althea watched her job partner suddenly seem to age, then proceed to swiftly defeat the bladed man.  “Whoa~!”  She exclaimed, impressed rather easily by the way that Sogi quickly dealt with him.  “I guess I have to try and pull my own weight…”  Turning to the remaining henchman, Althea already began approaching him before her weapon even before it manifested.  A spear suddenly began to take shape, the point of it forming last of all.  Using her building momentum, the young girl leapt into the air, her head being level with the man’s.  She quickly rose her blade, bring it down to graze the henchman’s cheek.  Althea didn’t want to seriously hurt him, but she would have to try and get him down.
    Readying her follow up, the wizard landed on the ground.  The bladed man swung his sword, connecting with nothing but air as Althea ducked at the last second.  Extending her leg, tripped him, causing him to fall onto the ground.

    286/150 || Post 7 || @Sogeki || OOC: --
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    Mystery of the Murdered Game Empty Re: Mystery of the Murdered Game

    Post by Sogeki 28th March 2018, 10:15 am

    "Nice Thea." Said Sogi as he cheered for his teammate. It was quite impressive how such a young mage was able to hold hand to hand combat with someone actually trained for it. However, time was running and they were still not able to find whoever was responsible for the murder. Sogi took another quick look at the room, yet again he was unable to tell who was guilty. Everyone acted quite normal, at least to him. Sogi sat on the floor as he could not think of anything. After a while thinking, he walked towards the man he had earlier defeated and pulled him from his clothes, dragging him through the floor and then throwing him at his ally. Sogi walked towards his teammate Althea. "Any idea on how to find our target?" Asked Sogi hoping she actually had some sort of plan or thought that could help. It was around 1 in the morning and they were still trapped inside that room.

    WC: 164
    Post: 8



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    Mystery of the Murdered Game Empty Re: Mystery of the Murdered Game

    Post by Althea 29th March 2018, 10:51 am

    Althea Eventide ❆ Fairy Tail ❆ D-Rank

    Althea at first just stared at Sogi blankly, her spear still held loosely in her hand.  A plan?  Thinking of one on the spot, she nodded, convinced that it was sure to work.  “Just leave it to me.”  Jumping on the  dining table as Sogi had previously done, Althea took in a deep breath.  “WHO’S RESPONSIBLE?!”  Looking around the rooms at the party goers, she half expected someone to take a step forward, admitting they were the one who plotted the murder.  But in the silence, she heard the man she had tripped still moving slowly drawing his blade.  “I guess I didn’t actually take him out…”  Jumping off the table, Althea approached the man simply slapping sword from his hand.  “Hey, who are you working for?”
    The bladed man gazed at the young girl with disdain, “Like I would tell you.”
    “But why wouldn’t you?  I mean, you’re going to jail either way.”  She frowned, not looking very intimidating despite her weapon that she still held.  Turning to her partner, she silently asked for a bit of assistance.  Persuasion was not Althea’s personal forte.

    186/150 || Post 8 || @Sogeki || OOC: Sorry for the bad post!
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    Mystery of the Murdered Game Empty Re: Mystery of the Murdered Game

    Post by Sogeki 29th March 2018, 9:16 pm

    Althea took initiative and jumped on the table just like Sogi did earlier. Table smashing seemed to be working out for the two. While Althea's plan did not seem very crafty, she quickly turned towards the man she had just defeated and slapped his blade of his hands. Sogi was impressed with his friend's aggressiveness with that last attack, but while Sogi thought she was actually being quite intimidating, the villain did not. Althea turned to Sogi looking for assistance, and while it was not Sogi's style at all, he was desperate and had quite a few ideas. He walked towards the man who was now trying to crawl away from both Sogi and Althea.

    "This is definitely not what I usually do, but I guess small Sogi will probably not even remember." Said Sogi as he pulled his little flute out his pocket. The flute would then quickly stretch and transform into a sharp and quite long spear. The man, who was sliding back on his but as he started to fear Sogi, was suddenly stabbed with the spear in his left foot. The man let a strong howl showing his pain, Sogi however; limited himself to pull the spear out the man's extremity. "Now can you please...?" "I'll talk, I'll talk." Said the man interrupting Sogi in pain. But before he could speak his words, Sogi stabbed him once more time, this time in the leg. Another howl showed the crowd his pain. "I did not finish my question." Sogi suddenly got incredibly dark. He stood there, gently pressing the spear even further inside the man's leg and then again pulling it out. People were now staring in the opposite way as many of them could not tolerate such violence. "Now... can you please tell us who's responsible?" The man did not even speak as he tried to swallow the pain. Instead, he pointed to Sogi and Althea. Near the door, behind both mages, a hotel bellhop stood in confusion as he was pointed out as guilty.

    WC: 339
    Post 9
    OOC: Bad Post? Dunno what do you mean. Looks great to me.



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    Mystery of the Murdered Game Empty Re: Mystery of the Murdered Game

    Post by Althea 31st March 2018, 9:25 am

    Althea Eventide ❆ Fairy Tail ❆ D-Rank

    Althea hadn’t expected the gory display, but she didn’t really seem to mind it.  Blood was part of life, there was no sense trying to shield yourself from it.  And if you want to go around and try to murder people, you should only expect the worse turnout.  She could tell the man was indeed in plenty of pain, but the pain he would put others through exceeded his.
    When the henchman pointed out the hotel bellhop, Althea immediately made a break for him, not pondering the chance that the man was duping her for a second.  “C’MERE MURDERER!”  It must have been obvious to the bellhop in question that the wizard was dead serious and was actually taking the man seriously because he then kicked a nearby table at her.  Not expecting the large object to be hurtled at her, Althea was hit bluntly by the rather large surface.  But before the bellhop could make a getaway, the wizard managed to propel it back towards him with a deft kick.  Although the culprit dodged it, the table managed to block the entrance to the staff room.

    188/150 || Post 9 || @Sogeki || OOC: I just feel like I'm putting in my minimal effort
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    Last edited by RainCalamity on 7th April 2018, 1:36 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    Mystery of the Murdered Game Empty Re: Mystery of the Murdered Game

    Post by Sogeki 2nd April 2018, 9:43 am

    Althea acted quite fast as she quickly moved towards the murderer and blocked his exit. Sogi ran towards the exit and before the man could reach the table and attempt to unblock his way out, he teleported and stood above the wooden object blocking the enemy's way. The man stepped back as he was now surrounded and had no way out of the room. Sogi jumped at him from the top of the table, trying to land his fist on the man's face; however, his attack had little to no effect on the man as he was easily able to sidestep and avoid the attack. The man threw a kick and Sogi, but with his increased speed, Sogi was able to evade the attack. Sogi threw the second attack, this time as a kick. The man was not able to evade it and used his arms to block as much damage as possible, however, Sogi used his spear to throw a third attack. This last one landed on the man's left shoulder, opening a wound and forcing him to retreat a few steps.



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    Mystery of the Murdered Game Empty Re: Mystery of the Murdered Game

    Post by Althea 4th April 2018, 4:44 pm

    Althea Eventide ❆ Fairy Tail ❆ D-Rank

    Althea was eyeing up the murderer, busy contemplating their fighting techniques, when Sogi acted first.  Stopping to marvel at the battle for a moment, she joined in on the fray, aiming a kick at the man’s back.  Her attack met its target, but the bellhop was far from done.  Whipping around, they forcefully elbowed Althea squarely on the side of her head.  The wizard fell to the ground, her head ringing with pain.
    Stumbling to get to her feet, Althea was bent on participating in the battle, so she pulled things together rather quickly.  She jumped, aiming a kick at the bellhop’s stomach that failed to connect as the murderer had grabbed her leg.  But Althea then used his grasp to get closer to him, shifting her weight towards the murderer.  She struck him in the wound that Sogi gave him, the murderer released the wizard, leaving her to simply fall onto the ground.

    155/150 || Post 10 || @ Sogeki || OOC:
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    Last edited by RainCalamity on 7th April 2018, 1:36 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    Mystery of the Murdered Game Empty Re: Mystery of the Murdered Game

    Post by Sogeki 5th April 2018, 9:55 am

    Sogi saw and took an opening on the enemy's defense. Althea was able to distract him with her attacks, allowing Sogi to jump forward and use one of his techniques. He pointed the spear at his target, quickly gathering white light energy around the tip of the weapon. After a few seconds, he stepped forward, stabbing the man from behind and through his chest. Sogi felt weird, the blood of both the murderer and the henchmen he had brutally attacked before was driving him into combat. He had never felt such way, but he felt stronger and overall better each time blood dripped from the murderer's body. But Sogi's attack was not yet finished, light started to gather around his hand. He pulled the spear out of the target's chest and then landed a powerful punch on his back. The punch did not push away the target, however, only a few seconds after, the man dropped to his knees and then face down on the ground. "Damn it. I think I took it a bit too far." Said Sogi as the fell exhausted on his knees as well.

    After his sudden fall, he started to turn into his normal 7-year-old version. Light covered him for a few seconds before he finally turned into the original Sogi. "What happened?" Asked Sogi as his amnesia kicked in. His confused expression changed to that of a terrified kid as he saw a bleeding man on the ground. Sogi quickly stood up and walked towards the man. He placed both hands on his back which was facing Sogi and started to cast a healing spell. The wound closed quickly. "The man shouldn't be dead Thea. He will most likely stay unconscious until tomorrow, but he will live." Said Sogi still quite worried. But as he was still healing the man, he remembered. He was still not able to connect what had happened while he was out of his normal Sogi form, however, he was able to recognize the man. He was the murderer, and while he was still confused about how he had been caught, he knew his job there was done. The only thing left was to call the Rune Knights and have them take the unconscious man.

    Words: 375
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    Mystery of the Murdered Game Empty Re: Mystery of the Murdered Game

    Post by Althea 7th April 2018, 10:23 am

    Althea Eventide ❆ Fairy Tail ❆ D-Rank

    Althea simply watched the rest of the fight fold out, not really finding anywhere she could jump in at all.  So, the wizard just sat there, watching Sogi deal the final blow to the murderer.  When the smaller Sogi came back, she didn’t really bother explaining anything, offering only a smile and a thumbs up.  Getting to her feet, Althea walked to the locked door, kicking it open forcefully.  The relieved but frightened guests quickly streamed out of the building, although they had expressed their thanks through slight nods towards the two wizards and sober words.  Focusing back on her job partner, Althea was relatively relieved to hear that he wouldn’t die.  After all, lives all have the same value - not that she was thinking of that while she was fighting the murderer.

    “I guess our job here is done, Sogi!” Glancing at the clock, Althea grinned.  “The party’s over!”

    152/150 || Post 11 || @ Sogeki || OOC: Sorry for procrastinating ;-;
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