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    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris]


    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Devotee of Darkness- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
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    Partner : Mura Kensho
    Posts : 461
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    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris] Empty Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris]

    Post by Mythica 23rd May 2018, 7:10 pm


    Clouds of smoke hung in the sky, as the stench of burning wood filled the air mixed with the dampness of rain. The ground was full of mud and ruin. Nothing was left. It was all, and utterly gone. Standing in the center of this once lively little town was the clock eyed mage herself. With a sinister grin on her face as alway. A flash of light pierced the sky as a beam of energy shot through the thick smaug straight towards her! Mythica didn’t hesitate, shifting her boots backwards to quickly dodge the shot with an acrobatic backwards cartwheel. However, that wouldn’t prove enough as the moment it made impact, the ground around it erupted with a brilliant light! Mythica forced herself to summon a barrier to take most of the hit, but the force alone still made the girl fly back a considerable distance. She landed on one knee, skidding through the mud. Looking down towards it, breathing heavily. This was a very unexpected turn of events. Interesting, maybe even fun… but still not at all what Mythica had learned to expect from this. A legal mage had been prowling about, and now they decided to finally confront Mythica, someone who they had supposedly been following. How delicious. Someone landed on the other side of the ruined town from where Mythica was kneeling. They began to walk forwards. The legal mage had heard about the clock eyed girl before, and was now tasked with spying on her… But Mythica knew they wouldn’t let themselves stand by and watch the insane time mage slaughter an innocent village. Luckily for the legal wizard, the ruins were the only result of Mythica’s magic. The people had gotten away safely, even if Mythica wanted to play with them a little.

    She coughed, a drop of blood coming from her mouth as it leaked onto the muddy ground below her. This guy was powerful, to say the least. Probably stronger than the girl herself. But that would never deter her from making sure this ended in blood. Either hers or his. “GIVE UP NOW! YOUR TIME TERRORIZING THE INNOCENT IS OVER!” Such confidence in his tone… Such arrogance. Mythica found it simply exhilarating. Breathing heavily, the girl stood up slowly, keeping her head down as the rain poured all around them. She began to chuckle as the wizard in front of her looked at her with a serious cold stone stare. That’s when he felt something.. Unusual. Mythica’s aura began to expand… Engulfing the area around them. Until it touched the nearby forest. When it did, the trees began to wither and die. The grass turning a dark grey colour as it wilted and the leaves fell. Mythica wiped the blood from her mouth with one hand before holding up her arm and aiming the pistol directly at the wizard. She looked as if nothing had even touched her in the first place! The wizard widened his eyes slightly, obviously surprised that she had just taken a full hit of his, but now seemingly shook it off as if it was nothing. “I’m sorry, honey. I can’t die here… Not yet.” She said through widened teeth, her eye glowing more intensely than before. She then crossed the weapons in front of her, and released bolts of magical energy from both of them! The yellow beams swirled around the air for several moments as the wizard tried to track their movements while backing up, but to no avail! He could only form a barrier of his own a second before the magical bolts converged on his position! In a brilliant explosion of yellow light, the barrier held off Mythica’s attack, but also shattered completely! This was her chance! As the wizard was blinded by the light, Mythica charged forward, leaping off a destroyed pile of wood! She flew directly above him, ready to strike down with a melee attack! The wizard saw this at the last second and held up his own arms protected by metal gauntlets to defend against her attack. Mythica’s musket it the crossed arms, but she didn't let that stop her! The girl then fell feet first into the mud in front of him and and proceeded to slide directly underneath his legs and jump up behind him, releasing a powerful kick into his back! He grunted in pain, spinning around to hit her with a magic infused punch, but Mythica had already seen this and held up an arm to block his. She then quickly aimed her pistol directly at his stomach, releasing several shots! He was taken completely off guard! Yelling in pain as the bolts caused him to stagger before Mythica kicked him hard straight in the gut! The impact forced him back into a ruined house, dust and smoke exploding from the impact. Mythica grinned as she admired the crater he had made with his body. However, she didn’t let her guard down just yet, she knew he still had some fight left in him. Suddenly, another beam of white energy shot directly out of the ruined house straight towards her. Seeing this just in time, she was able to spin out of the way as it made contact with a tree on the other side of the village, completely obliterating it! The man yelled as he burst from the ruin, his body now glowing with his charge towards the time mage. Mythica smiled, planted her feet in a defense stance, and did not make a single move to avoid the incoming attack. Holding her pistol and musket in hand while he charged up a very powerful attack with his fists. Just as he moved forward to punch Mythica, however, she sidestepped the blow! He ran directly past her before rolling on the ground and skidding to a halt, looking back at her with a confused stare. Why would she choose to stand there until the very last minute? That’s when he noticed her look of confidence, and a very strange feeling tickling his chest. He looked down to see exactly what gave Mythica her cockiness… A yellow magic seal on his chest, slowly counting down 6 seconds. His eyes widened suddenly, before it hit zero… And an explosion of brilliant yellow light filled the air! He screamed in pain from the magical impact… And then fell silent.

    A few moments passed as the clock eyed witch observed the smoking ruin from where she had last seen the legal wizard. She couldn’t sense anything coming from that area now. How odd. She guessed she probably went overboard. That, and her precognition ability wasn’t showing any signs of more fighting. With that in mind, Mythica outstretched her hands and her weapons vanished from her palms. She put her hands behind her back, humming a tune as she turned and skipped through the ruins of the town, towards the nearest road that still lied intact. What an exciting day this had turned out to be. Now she only had one more thing to check off her to do list this day, and that was to figure out where all those pesky civilians scampered off too. She couldn’t have them escape anyways. One of them had information she needed, and she was prepared to slaughter as many people as it took before that info came into the light. As much fun as fighting that wizard was, it ended up being more annoying than usual. He had bought precious time for the rest of the townspeople to evacuate, and now that made her job that much harder. She wouldn’t let that bother her, however. She needed to figure out where exactly they went, and extract what she needed from them. She’d start with the path they all ran down, their footprints were still fresh in the mud, so it appeared it would be easy to follow them. But she needed to move fast, before they reached another town. Thought in mind, she’d waste no more time and begin running, using the time magic she possessed to help enhance her speed.

    Several hours later, the woman could be found lying silent in a tavern. She was leaning over her table in the crowded building. Luckily she had caught up to the group of civies and got what she needed. Of course none of them had made it to this town though. Secrecy was still a good friend to the clock eyed wizard, so she needed to make sure others couldn't point her out as a troublemaker. The element of surprise was crucial now more than ever, if she hoped to find and kill her prey. Right now, all the Order knew was that someone was hunting their members down. However, they had no idea who. She aimed to keep it that way. And clutched in her hand was the clue she had been looking for. Turned out of the villagers was a relative of her target. They had a unopened letter on their person from the wizard she was hunting that described current events, and his location... He was apparently taking the occupation of a border guard all the way in Bellum. She smirked. It was good to know they were afraid...

    1543/7000 Words


    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris] Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:

    Position : None
    Posts : 248
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    Age : 1136

    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris] Empty Re: Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris]

    Post by Khorne 27th May 2018, 12:12 am

    Chaoris sat upon his brazen throne in his realm of blood and chaos. He was almost bored, no one had called for him for a moment that seemed to drag on into eternity. It may have been due to the time dilations within his realm, allowing much more to happen within the same second that others felt in real time. Not that people would age here as if time was moving faster. It was actually moving slower, though no one here could actually notice that it actually was. With one hand resting on the armrest of the throne, and the other holding onto the edge of his mythical weapon known as Blood Fang, the god let his thoughts trail out to a legendary blade he had recently heard about through a few of the worshippers that lived on Earthland. A weapon of the Apocalypse, the Blade of War, was a blade that had tales that described his being with almost pinpoint accuracy. The tales were supposedly from the past, but many believed they were more of a prophecy rather than anything else. The God of War with the Blade of War? Not much would be able to stand in his way, not in the mortal or the godly realms. But should he take it? Should he wrest control of it from the mortals that held it like any other kind of weapon they might own? It was not just some magical trinket to be kept in storage, it was a blade that lusted for blood like those that were fully under the influence of his realm in that aspect of it. It demanded blood, the shedding of it by its use, and to sit in that space was almost like torturing a living being. It was almost dishonorable, which was why he felt a need to take it for himself. Thoughts of how to do it properly ran through his mind until his eyes trailed over to the sword he was clutching with his hand. What about a trade? They would obviously not just let him in, the guild involved was a legal guild in a large city in Fiore, so he would obviously have to fight his way in. Either way, he could fight his way through and simply drain the daemon from the current weapon he had and allow them to keep it. He could even permanently inscribe it to be a weapon for them, like a bloodied rose, to use when they needed it most. It was not an even trade, but it was a preferred one for both of them if Black Rose knew what they were holding on to. That was it, he would gather those that belonged to the guild known as Nightmare and lead an attack on them to do this idea. The God would send daemons to talk to those members, even those that were new, for him before he went and spoke to them himself after he had planned everything out so that nothing was a surprise for them. The exact spot of the weapon and the entire building it was hidden in, any information about the city they resided in, their numbers and power of their members. There was a lot he needed to learn before he sent in people that followed him to their deaths. Not that their death harmed them in any way. With the mark he placed upon them, they were allowed them to come back to life in the pools of blood he had created under the guild hall should they not have some other way to remain alive on their own.

    With this made up in his mind, the god would stand up and take a few steps forward. In these steps, he would create a rift that would bring him to a new place in Earthland, a place he had yet to have the opportunity to fight in. It was a country that went by the name of Bellum, and it was a place that had a disappointing view of people. You were really only a person here if you had some kind of magical power, or something akin to magical power. Those without magic were treated like dirt, even killed in some circumstances, and it was something that was even frowned upon by him. There was no honor in that type of behavior, to harm someone just for not having the same power as you. Meet them on a battlefield, tell them to prepare for the fight, but do not just spit in their face on the same streets that you live with them on. They were their own kin, with no need to fight each other, yet they do it anyway. There was no glory in this bloodshed, though it still fed him when they did so, and thus it was a double-edged sword in his mind. He was the god of this, and it helped him even if he disliked that part of it. He was what he was, that would not change, and people would always see things in their own point of view no matter what. Many would likely question why he was here, why he had come to this place of his own volition. Most would question, complain, and whine if they had actually heard the answer. He was hear on what most would call a 'mercy mission.' Word had it that a man was trying to escape this place and leave for another country that they bordered. A country he knew well, a country he wished to one day assault. It was the country of Pergrande, and they abhorred magic entirely. That was fine with him completely, whether one used magic or just weaponry was something up to those that did such things, but it took a lot of strength and planning to fight off monsters and other living beings when you were a country versus it all. That meant that this guy would likely end up becoming stronger physically as he was completely void of magical talent, which was why he was wanting to escape this place after all.

    Would anyone else show up for this as well? Had this man posted up somewhere asking for help? The god of blood would wait a little while, no weapon or armor on his person at the moment, and would look like a normal mage just kind of looking out at the view of the country. Maybe someone would join along in the fighting, or maybe he would be by himself this time and he could just summon The Sight of the Suicide to partake in the battle with him. Soon war would strike this country, but for now he would try and keep the place safe for the person he was going to escort. There was no reason for him to just run in fighting when he needed to protect another from harm. That was why this was going to be interesting, a god of war on a mission of mercy. All good deeds lead to a future that was better for the one that did it, and surely doing this would allow him more chances to bring more under his sway.




    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Devotee of Darkness- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
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    Partner : Mura Kensho
    Posts : 461
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    Experience : 3,073,407

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    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris] Empty Re: Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris]

    Post by Mythica 1st June 2018, 4:55 pm

    This wasn't a very good sign. Not at all. Mythica traversed the wilds with a grim expression glued to her face, dressed her normal non-combative gear as the sun shone high above the forest. Around her nothing but the still breeze could be heard rustling through the leaves of the trees that towered above the girl. Something very unusual had occurred to make the usually cheerful girl somewhat suspicious. After her target was identified, she finally figures out where he is hiding. Something she had spent the last few weeks trying to do. Hitting towns, villages, and taverns he had been spotted in over recent months. Now Mythica had finally discovered his location, and this job request trickles in out of nowhere. Very suspicious. Apparently the man she was looking for was posing as a border guard in Bellum. Not the most secure job, but Mythica was glad to know he had some sense of fear in him if he was willing to go all the way to Bellum to avoid being hit by Mythica. Of course, that wasn't going to save him. But it seemed as if her target may have been counting on this.

    After wandering around for a few more days, Mythica had found the job request in which she was currently en route to the source. Apparently a young man who held no magical potential was trying to escape his country to its neighbor which outlawed magic. All in an attempt to avoid discrimination for his lack of wizardry. Coward. Of course, the border of Bellum was not unguarded. It held impressive resistance all with the sole purpose of keeping wizards out. So naturally any non-wizard who wanted to sneak out would face some considerable challenge. Hence the reason of the request. The man had great need to escape, but couldn't do it without help. So he set up a job request in Fiore, the kingdom known for its powerful wizards. However, this did not sit well with Mythica at all. This opportunity was too perfect for her liking. She knew she couldn't just charge into the border on her own in search of this captain because that would almost certainly alert him to her intentions. A random wizard barging in out of nowhere with no intention of crossing the border could only mean they had been there for him. The defenses would be able to hold Mythica off long enough for him to escape. So simply running and gunning it wasn't an option. However, the chance to help someone escape the border rather than simply charging in seemed like the perfect cover. The captain would only see her as hired protection, not considering the fact that she was actually there to find and kill him. Of course, that was the main reason Mythica wasn't very happy. She knew her target had known he was being hunted by now, so this perfect opportunity could very well be an elaborate trap created with the sole purpose of finding out who the hunter was, and warn her other targets. Of course, she planned to get all the needed info about this job from the young man who put up the request. By any means needed.

    She finally reached her destination after a few days of travel. Holding the slip of paper in her hand she overlooked the meeting location. Sure enough, there was evidence that this was the right place. A small campsite hand been hastily made under a large overhang of extended rock. They were just a few kilometers away from the border of Bellum. Mythica sighed, and walked down the hill towards the camp. The young man was inside his tent, attending to some preparations when Mythica entered without announcing herself. He was facing the wall. Without hesitating, she walked up right behind him, summoning her rifle, she flipped the weapon over so she was holding the barrel and swung it as hard as she could into the man's head! With one hit, he went down completely knocked out. She stared at his body with a cold look.

    An unknown amount of time later, he awoke once again groaning in pain from his head, but felt he could not move. The sky was now dark with night as the firelight illuminated the area. Mythica sat in front of it, just staring into the flames. The man on the other hand was hanging by his feet with his hands tied behind his back. A long metal chain implanted into the rocky overhang which hung above the campsite. "H-Hey! Who are you? What do you want!?" He grunted as he tried to loosen his bonds, but to no avail. Mythica smirked and stood up, turning to face him. "Why I am the one responsible for getting you safely across the border." She giggled, holding up the job flyer before dropping it into the fire. "Of course, you were probably expecting me weren't you?" She said again, her voice getting darker and the tone deepened as she said that. Her expression shifting to one of hate. "W- Woha lady! I- I'm not sure what you're trying to imply! I- I just needed help getting across the border!" He said in a panic, the sound of the chain clinking echoed throughout the area. Mythica walked closer to him before grabbing hold of the chain wrapped around his chest and abruptly yanking him towards her. "Oh!? So you have no idea who I might be, or what your friend in the guard is getting you into!?" The man sweated intensely. "Wha- Friend in the guard? Lady what the hell are you on about!? I just need to escape this country!" He defended. Mythica leaned in closer, now the glow of her yellow eye hidden behind her bangs could be seen. His own eyes widened with fear. "Oh, we'll see just how much that reason is worth..."

    2529/7000 Words.


    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris] Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:

    Position : None
    Posts : 248
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    Age : 1136

    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris] Empty Re: Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris]

    Post by Khorne 2nd June 2018, 1:22 am

    Chaoris would wait about twenty minutes before he grew too impatient to wait any longer. He was not a god of patience and benevolence, he was a god of war and combat. He was a god meant for the fast-paced and the furious, for those that rushed into the fight and slaughtered. Chaoris Orneis began to move in the direction he knew the man to be in. It was not hard to sense his mind when he was calling out for help at nearly every point in the day and would begin the semi-long walk that was the journey to the person he was going to be escorting. The blood god could have simply teleported to the man, grabbed him by the scruff of the neck, and then teleported him to the edge of Pergande and get this all over within a matter of seconds. Where was the fun in that though? If he did this the normal way, making the trek through the mountain passes, he would be able to fight the border guards and fortifications that Bellum had put up to keep the unwanted from coming or the wanted from leaving. That would let him fight to his heart's content, or at least until the opposition was completely slain, before dropping off the guy he was trying to help out in Pergrande. Maybe he would get to see the man fight in the future, when Chaoris attacked Pergrande itself, and fight him in single combat. Unless by then the man was an avid follower of the god that would help lead him to safety, which then he would simply fight at his side as he slaughtered those that stood in their way.

    It wouldn't take long for him to reach his destination to find the small campsite the man had been using as he awaited the arrival of those that were coming to help him in his journey to a safe place. Something seemed off with the place, however, causing the skull collecting god to prepare himself for combat even though his weapons were nowhere in sight. The unarmed, and unarmored, being would quietly make his way through the camp and to the edge of the location. "I am Chaoris Orneis, the God of Blood, and am about to enter. I mean no harm to any within, and am here to help the one that claims to need help crossing the border to start a new life among the anti-mage country of Pergrande." The voice would still be loud, even though it was not loud enough to echo out far enough to be heard by any other then those within the campsite, and would give enough of a warning for those inside to prepare themselves before he stepped into the lit area of the place to see a man hanging upside-down as a familiar face looked at him while illuminated by the fire. From where he had been before, with the darkness intertwining with the light and shadows made by the flames, had made it impossible to recognize Mythica at first. It was interesting to see her yet again in a place that he was also at, almost like fate was drawing them to meet each other repeatedly until their purpose for each other was made completely clear.

    The man that hung upside down seemed absolutely terrified, though Chaoris knew that was within reason for his current situation. Magicless, powerless, and held captive by an obviously crazy female that was clearly a mage of some kind. The god would mark any that were not afraid in this situation as one meant to serve him, if they survived that was, but before this man died he needed to stop her at least. "Myth. I know you likely want something from him, but let him down. He will not tell you anything with how scared he is, not when he has no magical ability of his own. If he knows what you want the man will likely tell you once freed. Unless he really wishes to incur the wrath of a god of honor and two different beings that use time magic, as that would be something to regret tremendously." The words were not just advice for Mythica, but also a threat to the man that he best tell the truth while he was in their presence. Chaoris had no qualms with taking him to the border, but if he was lying about it or anything else it would not be a happy ending for this guy. There were plenty of ways for the dishonorable to be punished for their sin, and none of them were pleasant. At least traitors got death and a rending of their soul into pieces, they were allowed to stop existing. The dishonorable simply were forced into combat for all of eternity against vastly uneven numbers, and always against those more honorable than themselves so that they had to beat each one individually before they were forgiven of their trespasses. Would this man tell the truth? Would the insane time magic user even listen to Chaoris and his reasoning? Or would this job simply end right here with this man hung upside down and left to bleed out by one of them? Either way this was turning out to be even more strange than it already had started to seem.




    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Devotee of Darkness- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
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    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris] Empty Re: Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris]

    Post by Mythica 4th June 2018, 5:42 am

    Mythica stared deep into the man's eyes, which were wide with fear as sweat poured from his head. Her own yellow clock eye glowed more intensely at this action, but nothing appeared to be happening. That was, on the outside anyways. On the inside, Mythica was using her very useful ability to gaze into a person's past. It didn't matter how well you composed yourself, or if you had any intention of telling her, if Mythica could look into your eyes with her own, your history was an open book to her. Every little dark secret was hers to exploit, and she was sure to do just that. And that was the beauty of it. The way Mythica found it so easy to get inside people's head. Revealing these dark secrets to the world, and the mistakes her opponent tried so desperately to hide would burn them alive. It was simply amazing. SHe took pride in breaking her foe down to their core, before issuing the final blow. However, if this man was indeed lying to Mythica, she wouldn't bother giving him the opportunity to relive his regrets. His journey would end here and now. Permanently.

    Of course, there was always some sort of interruption. A presence could be felt behind the girl. A familiar presence. It meant somebody else was here. This was soon confirmed by the voice of another wizard Mythica recognized. Her spell gaze faded to a halt, her eye returning to its usual light. The man breathed with a sigh of relief when the voice told Mythica to let him down. At this request, Mythica simply straightened her back, staring ahead at nothing. Her face contorted into a wicked smile and she began to giggle like a school girl before she jerked her head backwards to face him. "Oh, sweetie, I missed you!" Mythica laughed, staring directly at Chaoris. It was strange to see him in this appearance. She was surprised he wasn't clad head to toe in full body armor, and wasn't at least 4 feet taller than he was right now. Instead, he looked more human than Mythica had ever seen him. A welcomed change for Mythica. She personally didn't care for people who hid behind metal sheets... It made them hard to read.

    Seemingly ignoring what the god had stated, Mythica diverted all her attention to the blood god, leaving the man to hang in silence as he stared at both of them, trying to figure out who they were. She simply walked towards Chaoris and oddly enough wrapped her arms around the man, who now stood only a little taller than herself. She rested her head on his chest for a moment, her expression turning to that of a innocent smile as she hugged him before looking up to the god with wide eyes. "How's life?" She asked. The girl would let go and then wander back towards the man hanging before them, she stretched and yawned before circling around him and then abruptly placed her hands on his side and shook the chain, causing him to sway a little as he let out a small yelp of fear. "Liars always have a very painful end, don't they?" She laughed, staring at Chaoris as she spoke. It didn't take long for Mythica to realize why the god was here. She wasn't the reason, she knew that, but it was for something else entirely. Boredom was probably putting it lightly. She didn't even need to use her spell gaze on him to know that, his expression told her all she needed to know.

    Now that Mythica had time to process what he said, she knew he was probably right. The man seemed too terrified to speak. Unless he was an expert actor capable of keeping his cool in Mythica's presence, chances are he probably would've spilled any useful info by now if he had any. Unlike Chaoris's earlier statement though, Mythica thought differently. It had always been her philosophy that fear was the source of all power in this world, weather those who had any knew it or not. With a sigh, she walked back in front of the man, standing between him and Chaoris again. She extended her arm and suddenly her flintlock pistol appeared in her hand. The man's eyes widened with fear once again. "W- Wait! Don't! You don't need to kill m- OOF!" With the sound of a gunshot, the man had fallen to the stone floor, completely unharmed. Mythica had shot the chain, keeping him bound upside down. With one bullet, the chain shattered and faded from existence with a yellow flash. Hew tried to compose himself as he leaned up, staring at the two as Mythica crossed her arms and turned towards Charois again.

    "Well then, we have a border to decimate." She said darkly....

    3338/7000 Words.


    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris] Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:

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    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris] Empty Re: Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris]

    Post by Fluffy 16th June 2018, 3:10 pm


    Nyx was not there at the moment. When her god had left the temple most recently? The woman who had been reborn not too long before that time went and verbally opted to stay behind. Honestly, remaining behind was not a decision made because she didn't lust for blood nor because she didn't want to come with for some strange reason. Instead? The former specter had stayed within the guild-hall because the adjustment to her new body was a heavy learning curve for her. As opposed to charging right into an open battlefield where she had entirely no control, the woman was still wise enough to stick her challenges in the area's near the blood pools, not taking her fights off-planet for the moment until she could get her flames to spark again. Simply because she could kill very well within the new body granted to her by Chaoris, did not mean her magical abilities flowed as instinctually as spells were a learned art and the current control of her flames was pitiful. Nyx desired to go out right behind him immensely, but she was not going to fight half-heartedly beside her god, wouldn't cause him to need to expel energy to revive her again.

    "But it's so lonely here and boring." she had already challenged other's several times that day, staying at the home base simply was not enough to sate Nyx, not anymore. How was she supposed to go back to leading Savage Skull when she could barely fulfill her need to worship when she was devoting all of her time to the art of it? Would things stay like this forever, she could only guess the feelings would not go away as they were also part of her God's gift to her. "I need to go to him." she didn't feel right standing where she was, strolling around the temple admiring the monument to Chaoris and occasionally adding a skull here and there. At least if she was doing something at the side of her god, it may feel like she was wasting time on something more significant than how she was using her time at the present moment. How was she going to catch up to him was the bigger question, he had set out long before she decided to follow and she knew her body was still settling some, gaining its strength and working itself out. "Would that work now?" she remembered projecting to Masha in the past, but the former ghost had no idea if what was largely a spiritual ability would still work now that she was blessed by him.

    After Nyx had debated with herself for some time? The winged woman decided there was only one way to figure out if the power's she had been born with initially, still worked even if not all of them aligned perfectly with herself anymore. She had to try. Of course, intentionally using that power was not as simple as accidentally utilizing it, at least not if she wanted to do it correctly. "I should be safe in here." of course within his halls she doubted that anyone would attack someone who was asleep, but she still sought out the room she had been staying in, locking the door behind her and tucking the key into her dress. Slightly nervous the horned girl crossed the room in order to lay in the skeleton bed, laying down upon it. "Hmm, they smell like blood." she let out a content sigh pulling the crimson sheets up onto herself, having no doubt the smell on them was actually blood. After this was over? She would have to buy sheets to soak herself, sleeping in sheets someone else had bloodied didn't sit well, she was strong enough to do that herself. Not that she knew how long it took, but eventually, she could feel herself floating within slumber, it still worked. The only thing remaining? Was to focus her mind on Chaoris so that her power could take it's own course, luckily thinking about the man she worshipped with pretty much everything she now was, it didn't take any effort.

    Finding the male had been easy spotting the white-haired god just as he disappeared into the campsite while she was still finishing the projection. During the first part of the exchange performed by the others? One could suddenly see bright golden eyes, stunning alabaster horns, shockingly snowy white flesh, the rest of her being largely invisible expect when the flames danced a reddish tint unto her ebony wings and hair. The new body actually cleaned up very nicely now that she wore a white dress trimmed with brass shaded embellishing scattered throughout it. "I'm with him." bright gilded optics looked calmly at the situation, announcing herself after she walked up, staying a couple of feet behind her god. While the revived girl always longed to be right next to the man? She knew where she stood was wisest, she was close enough to instantly engage in combat but also far enough that when he swung there was no risk she was in his way. However, every second she did insanely miss the days when she was small enough to fit on his shoulder until a battle began, to be that close again, oh those stupid mortal emotions of hers longed for it.

    Nyx normally got along with Mythica fantastically, both of them were equally insane, but today it seemed they were going to off on the wrong foot. How dare the time wizard call her god, Sweetie, as if he was some mortal she dotted on! The emotions denoted by such a term being used, if it had been anyone besides Mythica she would have challenged them to a death match right there, but she already knew the time wielder didn't mean it that way. Better yet? Nyx wondered why she had felt envy towards the call in the first place! Even if someone called Chaoris like that in a serious manner? The horned girl was fairly certain that thing's like 'love' and 'gentle fondness' denoted by a term like that, didn't exist within the man she worshipped. So why did she feel that way in spite of her faith it was pointless in the end? Humans emotions were over rate-

    Mythica fucking went and hugged the god of war! This time it was not envy or jealousy that flash-fired across her emotional state, it was a simple and pure rage. How dare that bitch hug chaoris! Golden optics narrowed angrily and she clutched her own hands for a moment. It didn't matter that she knew that sort of fondness was not anything up the males alley, she knew the gesture was pointless and meaningless on his side. Heck, she knew the hug meant pretty much nothing to Mythica expect for a game. So why was she so angry about it?! No matter how someone looked at it, the boiling heat in the pit of her stomach shouldn't have been there, it had no logical reason behind it, yet there it was distracting her. How was she going to eliminate such a distraction if she couldn't understand why she felt that way in the first place? Some days she really wished this new body had also come without any mortal emotions, but her existence had been borne from a mortal one initially and chaoris couldn't change that no matter how powerful he was, she knew it. Plus, when she actually knew and understood them her emotions proved to be wonderful fuel for her magic, for her fighting and to follow him she needed things like rage, the emotions that drove her to seek blood more strongly than she would without them.

    Little did she know the reason for her rage would eventually become an even bigger motivator for her worship and bloodshed than any rage.

    She let it go, the girl had every desire to go punch Mythica, but they could always fight later, they owed each other that at one time or another anyway. Right now, her loyalty to Chaoris ensured her focus quickly shifted to a desire to get going to whatever his current goal was around here. Maybe the next time the two of them were at the guild hall together? Nyx would issue the formal challenge and they could actually fight, it would be fun, the both of them were bundles of power in their own ways. Plus, the girl was able to 'let go' of her rage easier as she quickly noticed if Mythica could go around hugging Chaoris then she could give the god a hug herself, from time to time, definitely not right now, they had other things to do. "Yes, let's get going, my claws itch." her hip cocked slightly as she crossed her arms slightly glancing off in one direction unsure of which way they were going to go, but she knew the fight would be good regardless, she was next to him again after-all.

    "And it's good to see you again, Mythica." it really was, even if she had been infurated with the time weilder not too long ago. Most of the other girls she met through her travels to shed blood and whatever else she did, none of them compared to herself in terms of personality and disposition. Mythica? Was actually someone she could have a deal of fun fighting around, and it was also nice to cross pass with a shooter who didn't just rely on assassination skill as most of her experiences with those who used long range weapons was meeting cowards. While the other girl preferred to fight from a distance? It was also clear Mythica reveled and enjoyed in battle, nothing cowardly about the time mage whatsoever. "geeze you cry baby, if one of us wanted you dead, you'd be dead already." the female expressed the comment as she crouched down near the man they were supposed to be escorting or such, the individual was a mess of sobbing and shaking from Mythica's little game with him.

    How could someone so cowardly have survived so long? It amazed the woman sometimes that those with no backbone could make it so far in the world, slithering like snakes and using the strength of other's to get by without repaying those other stronger people at all. "You know Mythica, sometimes I wonder how people like this survive." the horned beauty grinned slightly, slanting her heads direction to look up at the time weilder. "Can you catch me up on the way Myth? I had originally intended to stay home, I keep lighting my own wings on fire by mistake, but I just couldn't stand staying behind, needed to come, so I found a cozy spot to sleep safely so I could project here, sadly it means I have little idea of the job." Chaoris talked when he needed to, the god could and had held numerous conversations with her, but there was no reason to ask him to speak right now, there was nothing she needed him exclusively to answer, and maybe she could convince Mythica to actually follow Chaoris properly this time! Oh, how wonderful it would be if the both of them could join him. Why did her head nag her that there was a reason she didn't have his guild mark yet? Oh well, she'd remember why later. At that exact moment? She could barely feel the mark that made her master of her own guild, the only thing she could feel was the desire to worship chaoris and shed blood very soon. Simple as her need was, it was almost overwhealing.


     Nyx LuxEquipmentPrimarySecondaryTetariy
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    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris] Empty Re: Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris]

    Post by Khorne 17th June 2018, 12:59 am

    The abrupt hug almost seemed like a normal thing for the crazy girl to do, not that it phased the war god in any way. He had no want for such trivial things, even if another wished it from him. He had felt those feelings before, from before he was a true god, and that had caused a greater pain than any battle could have driven into him. The female celestial spirit known as Sharp was a woman he had gotten close to when he had been a schizophrenic with grand delusions running around with her key at his disposal. The girl had gone along with him everywhere, and any human would start to have emotions with how much time they had spent doing the same things together. It was a dark stain on his soul, one the god of excess had pointed out before in their bouts or arguing and screaming. "Love is not of my domain, it is simply excess! You could have someone for your own, to love and care about! But instead, you blame other gods for the fault in yourself!" The god of excess said the things surely to spite him. He was Chaoris Orneis! God of Blood, Skulls, War, Honor, and the titan that sat upon a brazen throne! Nowhere did it say he was a god of emotional attachment. It simply weakened one in combat, made them second guess themselves as they had to make sure the one they cared for was safe. They also had to worry about the backstabs, the ending of the couple, their death or injury. It simply made them both sloppy, which gave him even more reasons to avoid anything but his job as a god. The god would do nothing back with the hug, standing there like a statue that made no scathing remark nor comments about the hug. The girl would treat him like a man she was close to, which he knew was just a ploy to mess with the man she was holding captive, and then would ask him how life was.

    How was life? That was a strange question to ask someone that could live for all of eternity, so long as he had some form of worship in his name going on. That meant that as long as there was bloodshed he would be around forever. Life was unending, life was whatever he wanted it to be even if there was nothing for him to do. "Life is fine." There really wasn't any reason to speak further on the matter, it did not make a difference to the current situation nor did it have any reason to be clarified further. After that, Mythica would travel back to the man that was hanging upside down so that she could give him a good scare before shooting him down so that he would fall to the ground. Nyx was close behind him, not really saying much other than saying she was with him to make sure no one was surprised. Though no one was going to be surprised when the only ones here that would do anything already knew about, or had created, her new body she was currently residing in. With the man they were to be escorting cut down and able to move on his own now, Chaoris would ignore the biting remarks made by Nyx to him and speak up. "We have a ways to go if we wish to safely get to the border of Pergrande. Let us commence on the path of blood and battle so that we can get this done and he can move on to give himself a better life." The god would look off in the direction they needed to go before his weapons would be readied in his hands. He did not feel that his armor would be needed just yet so it would sit inside his holy realm until it was needed and summoned around him.




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    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris] Empty Re: Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris]

    Post by Mythica 22nd June 2018, 8:02 pm

    As the night began to come into full swing above the small encampment, it seemed as if it would be getting more and more interesting as time went on. As Mythica had predicted, the self proclaimed god of war took really no mind to any of her interactions. He seemed rather still and silent. A sign that the boredom she had assumed he had was becoming increasingly more apparent. Not that it mattered much to Mythica, though. Soon all of it would be shattered in the glory of the fight ahead of them. Mythica wasn't very bored though. While it was true she was very excited to confront her target, and check another name off her list, interrogation was also very entertaining to the clock eyed girl. No wonder why there might've been a slight change in her expression after she let the man go. She had hoped to gain a little more knowledge about him and his intentions before being interrupted. But alas, that wouldn't seem to matter that much in the end either way. While she couldn't claim to personally know the man in any way, past experience had taught the clock eyed witch that he could be trusted. In regards to whether he was being honest or not anyways.

    The three of them weren't alone for long, however. Out of the sky, a familiar face dropped in with black wings. It was Nyx. It took Mythica a minute to remember who this intruder was, due to the new body and all, but her mind soon flashed back to the battle at Era, and the loss the woman had suffered. Due to the... Unnatural relationship she appeared to have with Mythica's good friend Chaoris she was given a brand new body. It was now no secret to Mythica that this woman had caught some personal feelings towards the god, that much could be seen just in the woman's response to the insane girl's actions. That didn't stop Mythica from getting a chuckle out of them, though. To think the insane clock eyed girl was genuine in her actions was... Well.. Insane in itself! She didn't think of anyone that way... Well... Almost anyone anyways. That young fairy tail wizard had gotten her attention, but none of them needed to know that!

    With the party now apparently assembled as Nyx opted to join in on their little operation, it seemed the young man they were supposed to be escorting had the best possible group of body guards he could ask for! Even if he was still terrified of them. However, Mythica still had a specific reason for being here. To be perfectly honest, making sure this man got to the border safely was the least of her concerns. It was merely a cover so that her prey wouldn't be scared off when he heard hostile wizards had been spotted in the area. To him, it would seem as if Mythica and her two companions were simply trying to help this young fellow across the border. The thought that Mythica was actually there for HIM would never cross his mind... Well... Not until it was too late anyways. With that thought in mind, Mythica summoned both her weapons. She hoisted the rifle on her shoulder and held her pistol in her other hand as they began to walk towards the border. It wasn't much later until Nyx inquired about the details of the job. Odd. Mythica had assumed the woman was informed about the situation they were all about to get into when she showed up. She provided an explanation though, so Mythica was inclined to agree. "Hehe... Seems our little 'friend' here wants a better life across the border. Issue is it's too well protected for a weakling like him to handle. So he called on us, the good people of the Fiore kingdom to help him get across! By which I mean slaughtering the border guard." She chuckled. "WELL. That's actually your guys' goal. I uhh... I have my own separate reason for being here... And this little runt provided the best means of achieving my goal. But don't worry.. I won't get in the way..." She said with a dark grin as she faced the path ahead of them...

    4039 Words


    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris] Myth-Sig1-1

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    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris] Empty Re: Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris]

    Post by Fluffy 27th June 2018, 9:28 am

    Myth was crazy, everything that happened was perfectly normal especially when one party was insane, remembering that made controlling herself much easier. She just couldn't understand why she had needed to keep herself under control in the first place. Knowing that someone great as her god had no need for something trivial as the affections some random mortal? It shouldn't have bothered her at all. Of course, she wasn't going to dwell on any of it because regardless of the reason she considered the rage that had surged through her not long ago to be a good thing. Nyx didn't know the god's exact view of every single emotion. If she knew how he viewed any kind of emotional attachment as useless to his causes? The resurrected female may very well point out that it was one of the most useful things to his existence. While chaoris may be able to summon rage and battle from anywhere? Mortals needed a reason, and in almost every case that reason was some positive form of emotional attachment twisted until they could justify the act of taking another life. The wars he thrived off started because of emotional attachment. Of course, she couldn't explain this because she hadn't heard any rant from him on the subject yet.

    "I doubt you'd ever get in the way Myth." the dark-winged girl laughed at the other girls comment of not getting in their way, having fought beside her several times now even if Myth was on the other side she wouldn't be in the way if anything it would be another enjoyable fight. "The good people." she doubted many would agree with that comment when knowing it was speaking about the three of them. Even just between herself and mythica? They had to be responsible directly or indirectly for the death of nearly thousands at this point. The morally 'good' could be so weak sometimes. "Just tell me when we see your goal so I don't accidentally get in your way." she wanted any blood she could get, so if Mythica didn't point out which target she wanted, Nyx couldn't promise she wouldn't accidentally end up hitting what the time mage wanted.

    With the discussion out of the way, Nyx opened her wings as she started to follow behind Chaoris once more. As they went along towards the fight? The golden eyed mage was clearly 'strengthing' her wings as she went along, moving them in different ways still trying to figure out how to properly fly with them and such. Once she could fly properly and stop lighting her wings on fire, she would be prime to actually come with from the first word again, without worry.


     Nyx LuxEquipmentPrimarySecondaryTetariy
    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris] Nyxsig
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    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris] Empty Re: Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris]

    Post by Khorne 4th July 2018, 4:12 pm

    The God of Blood would allow the two friends to speak to each other as they all began to move. Mythical would talk about her having other reasons for being here, which was of no concern to him in the slightest. He did not control the complete lives of those that served under him, not at all. He held those that worshipped him more to a higher standard, yes, but he would not tell them what to do at every given moment of the day. He could prod them, poke them, push them in directions that he wanted them to go. In the end, each and every one of them still had their free will. Now, if one of them should go completely insane he would simply set them down and tell them to go forward and slaughter. Once one was filled with a thirst for blood there was no more thought process, no more self-control, and thus they could be guided and commanded just as if they were no more than another daemon of his realm that he could create. After the two agreed to make sure not to get in each others ways they would all prepare themselves for battle and begin moving on. Chaoris was at the front, with the weak boy only a few feet behind him and to the right. Nyx would be right behind him, following almost like a puppy that was trying to get used to her body before she began to walk at his side, and Mythica would go where she pleased. There was no sense in ordering her on what to do or where to move, her mind was in its own world as if possessed by a daemon or some type of illness. He dared not look without asking, it was against his own code, and thus he would wait for a reason to ask or for her to allow it first.

    It wouldn't be long before they could see the first checkpoint up ahead in the distance, the tall watchtowers that powered a forcefield making it quite obvious what it was. "If seems the first battle is upon us. Once we clear it, continue on with each and every one of them until we get to the end. No respite, no mercy! Only war, and bloodshed!" The God would allow them the honor of going first, making sure to keep their escort safe from a distance as he slowly walked forward and began taking a few shots to damage the towers so that the forcefields would go down and allow them to simply walk in. This was going to be easy, or so it seemed, and this small 'job' he had taken upon himself seemed like it was going to be a small batch of fun before he went and found something more appetizing to attempt.




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    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris] Empty Re: Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris]

    Post by Mythica 17th July 2018, 4:18 pm

    The path ahead was now blocked by the familiar site of the border checkpoints that lined these two nations. The man behind Mythica gulped in fear as he witnessed it, and she could feel his heartbeat rise. Mythica however, just retained her normal grin as the group walked towards the checkpoint without a single care in the world. It was soon after this that the man realized the three didn't actually have some sort of plan, and this made him visibly more nervous. Before he could even open his mouth to protest though, a spotlight flashed onto the group from one of the floating watchtowers. Alarms could be heard ringing in the distance as armored men rushed up and down the walls of the checkpoints, holding their weapons steady as they pointed their crossbows at them. The watch towers wasted no time either, as they made sure to quickly surround the group. On all sides now, soldiers appeared ready to charge in at a single moment's notice. The man they were protecting stared around them with wide eyes, thinking all was now lost. Mythica however did not show any signs of doubt in her mind. She just stopped her advance, and slowly glanced around her. She looked at every face of every guard. Memorizing every detail before moving onto the next. Her golden eye glowed in the darkened night that veiled the region.

    Before long a loud voice boomed through the group of soldiers. It gave them commands to surrender themselves and drop their weapons. Of course such commands would likely be ignored by the rest of the group Mythica was traveling with... But not her. Her keen senses locked in on this voice, trying to determine if this was indeed the person she was looking for. If she had to be perfectly honest with herself though, she wasn't entirely sure. Mythica didn't actually know much about her target in terms of voice or appearance, but only their position. However she was good at learning about people based on their tones and how they carried themselves. Not specific details persay, but even the smallest hints could pave the way for their true identities to slip. A very useful talent. Especially in this situation. She listened carefully to the words. From what she could gather, the man speaking wasn't in command. He sounded somewhat inexperienced. His voice had tiny hints of hesitation in it. Of course that was to be expected. If a group of armed wizards casually walks up to the checkpoint on the border with obviously no intention of being stealthy in the matter, one could only guess what their motives were.

    After determining that the person barking orders wasn't who she was looking for, Mythica soon began to look upwards and scan the floating watchtowers. On top of each of them a line of soldiers stood pointing downwards with their weapons towards the group... But one watchtower in particular caught Mythica's golden gaze. It floated higher than the rest, and was situated far behind the others. On top of it she could see the same formation of soldiers. However a different one stood in its center. This man was taller, wore different armor, and was holding no weapon. He just stood there staring at them from his perch with his arms crossed.... Bingo. Mythica's smirk returned as the white teeth now showed in her expression. She gripped her guns tighter and slid her foot back as she prepared to fight... "Pretty boy up there is mine." She said to Nyx and Chaoris.

    It was at this point Mythica stopped caring completely about the mission she agreed to take. The safety of the coward who hired them was no longer a thought in her mind. Her only mission right now was to kill that man staring at them from his tower in the distance. She didn't care how many others she needed to slaughter in order to get there. She'd leave the safety of the man to her two companions. If either of them even still cared anyways. She couldn't be certain. Chaoris claimed to be a god of war and destruction. If that held truth, than surely the battle would be far more important than the objective. As for Nyx Mythica couldn't really say. She knew the woman shared a passion for war and chaos as much as any of them, so it was also entirely possible the woman disregarded the man as well. After all, Mythica didn't pay attention to how much the man was offering to pay either. She no longer cared about such trivial things. The only thing that mattered was that man lying in the dirt and another red star appearing in the sky above the world.

    After a lengthy period with no answer, the soldiers were soon given the order to open fire. All around them crossbow bolts let loose and flew through the air straight towards them! At the last second, Mythica leaped upwards, barely missing a few of the objects as their metal tips sung through the air past her body! She performed an elegant mid-air twirl as her body narrowly missed the arrows, before landing abruptly on the dirt, and dashing forwards with extreme speed! It was almost instant. She had been on top of the first two soldiers before they even knew what happened! The swing of her rifle like a deadly club knocked one to the ground before the flash of her pistol lit up the night, sending another straight to the rocks! Now the battle was in full force! These guards were nothing to Mythica. Lightly armed and lacking in training, their armor could not resist anything Mythica had. However, these soldiers weren't the only ones that guarded the border.

    When it was made clear this group of wizards were not going down peacefully, the more advanced fighters showed up. The magi patrol agents. Dressed like assassins they leaped downwards to fight the wizards. A few jumped off the watchtower closest to Mythica, and landed just as she blasted a hole through the head of a guard. His body fell limp and dropped to Mythica's feet. The agents took one look at her before getting their staffs ready. Mythica stared at them before turning her gaze upwards towards the watchtower with the captain. He had not moved. Hopefully he would stay put. Rushing forwards at lighting speed, Mythica hit one of their staffs out of the way as he pointed it towards her to cast a spell. She used her other hand to quickly shoot the mage in the head. Sliding underneath his arm she quickly leaped upwards and over the 2nd agent, landing behind him and digging both her weapons into the chest of his companion, firing several bolts before swinging around and slamming the edge of her rifle into his head. With those three dealt with, Mythica wasted no time scaling the cliff edges that surrounded her. The mountains would serve Mythica well to reach her target, but they weren't without challenge.

    She jumped as high as she could with her magic before being forced to land on a nearby ledge. She continued to do this until she reached a stone bridge that connected two mountains. Multiple agents were already there waiting for the wizard, so she gave them the fight they anticipated. Releasing a flurry of yellow shots in their direction, most of them either dodged her bullets or summoned barriers to repel them. In response the agents lined up and released a powerful joined attack towards the girl. Smirking, Mythica quickly lifted up her hand! In a yellow flash her own barrier appeared, but this wasn't the usual defensive spell so many wizards had. As soon as the magical beam made contact with Mythica's barrier, it shot straight back towards the wizards! Their eyes widened as they saw their own magic being used against them! WIth limited space to move, most took the hit directly! An explosion could be seen from the battlefield as the bridge began to crumble to pieces! Mythica sprinted passed the knocked over mages, and quickly leaped from piece to piece before finally reaching the other side. Within the next few minutes, the girl found herself atop the peak of the mountain. With one more powerful magic enhanced jump, the girl soared through the air straight towards the floating watchtower! She landed elegantly near the edge of it as several of the guards turned in shock to see her there.

    THe guard captain looked unphased however, and quickly ordered his men to attack the girl! The limited space of the floating watch tower would make this fight more tricky, but that was also going to be the case for her opponents! She spun, ducked, and dodged the magical and physical attacks of the agents assaulting her, employing the use of her superior agility and physical prowess rather than wasting more magic energy. She could sense the power coming off the captain who stood on the other end of the platform watching. She knew she'd need to save as much magic power as she could so she'd be able to defeat him. Mythica would take advantage of the speed and weight of the agents. Out flanking them only to let their own weight trip them off of her foot as they fell to their demise below. Others she'd use her rifle to block their attacks before finishing them off with her pistol.

    Finally the final agent fell to her feet as a hole smoked from his chest. Mythica stood her ground, breathing heavily and now half covered in blood as she stared at the captain with an insane expression. His own did not flinch. There was no hint of fear or concern in his face... Only irritation. Finally Mythica swallowed and cleared her throat. "You sure... Traveled a long way, Captain." She breathed, wiping some dirt from her mouth before slowly getting in her combat stance. The captain pulled his greatsword from his back and got into his own stance. "You may be strong wizard, but you're crossing this border illegally, and you've committed murder against the citizens of this country. I cannot allow you to pass." Mythica chuckled before laughing hysterically in her place. This man still had no idea who she was even though it was obvious she came here specifically for him. How long had he been hiding here? Had the time he spent on this border really cleared his memory of his purpose? "Your ignorance is quite amusing, but rather unfortunate for your life." She stated.

    5811 Words


    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris] Myth-Sig1-1

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    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris] Empty Re: Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris]

    Post by Fluffy 29th July 2018, 7:46 am


    Most would believe that learning how to utilize the magic circuits and new muscles in one's body was impossible when someone was merely projection. However, due to the honesty of the former ghosts projection abilities, all that stuff was also copied perfectly, not just her appearance and she retained everything from the moment she projected to the moment she returned to her body. Numerous 'psychics' experienced the art of astrally moving as no more than some foggy dream they barely knew was real. She on the other hand? Mastered it completely, only bound to the limits of her soul which she rarely encountered, especially when she stood at the side of her god. Whenever she was around him? She seemed to have some sort of extra strength that couldn't be simply explained even by the fact he did have a habit of making his allies more powerful to ensure greater destruction. Something changed whenever it was for him.

    Golden eyes lit up in delight as she heard the battle cry of sorts from Chaoris cut through the relative silence of the walking. Swiftly the horned female let one of her little wing strengthing jumps turn into an all-out pounce which was granted additional devastation by the force of her large ebony wings. Feathers fluttered in combination with blood splatter flying up dirtying the snowy white golden trimmed dress she wore, the result of her bringing both sets of claws down directly onto someone's chest. Whoever she had attacked fell to the ground still alive but clearly bleeding to death choking on their own blood, no longer worth attacking as any more would be drastic overkill and get in the way of attacking someone else. "Well have fun with that, Myth." the dark angel snickered slightly as Mythica stated her intentions for one of the opponents, Nyx was never one to stand in the way of someone's target. Plus, the golden-eyed killer had other things to attend to on the battlefield, like picking whose skull she would be ripping out!

    A blade swung down barely being detected in her vision due to the fact the wielder was trying to strike her from behind. "Coward." the female sneered it out, glaring as she extended her wings slightly blocking the blade with almost no effort, not a single scratch on her. When the enemy saw the blade had not left any mark on the horned female? He backed up quickly, blade dropping as terror filled him, apparently he had never met an opponent he could not cut. Without any word, Nyx struck her arm out as she spun around impaling her opponent through the chest and using the rest of that force to tossing him to the side. This was not very challenging for her at the moment but it was so much better than what she had been doing before falling asleep to join Chaoris on this job, so it was a win.

    Spotting another opponent coming at her the fire mage grabbed the sword that had been dropped earlier turning to meet the staff of her opponent. A crack could be heard, the woman's blow having possessed the force to break the lacrima atop the staff, continuing to move her wrist through the motion the blade swung back down and shattered the head of her attacker. Nyx did not bother wasting time yanking the blade out of the head of the dead, instead opting to grab the staff as it fell snapping the object in half and impaling the next two enemies that came at her with either side, taking their staffs as well so she could move right on to her next target. Stopping to pick up a weapon that didn't even belong to her? Would be such a waste of time she could be spending killing someone! One of those two staffs became a stake to impale another opponent. The remaining staff? Served more than one purpose starting with the lacrima ball at the end being used to bash someone's head in, shattering the next time she tried leaving that opponent less blundeonged and more stabbed in the head with tiny shards that caused his death. Instantly following she broke part of the staff off and used it to impale the next opponent once more.


     Nyx LuxEquipmentPrimarySecondaryTetariy
    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris] Nyxsig
    ★  You Created Me, Something I Would Have Never Seen.  ★

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    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris] Empty Re: Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris]

    Post by Khorne 6th August 2018, 8:44 pm

    The two females that were at his side would swiftly make their way into the battle, as he had come to expect from the both of them. The fighting would begin, a man far off yelling to open fire now that it was clear these three were not going to be standing down. Chaoris appeared to be completely unarmed, still no weapon or armor on his person, and he would simply watch with a smirk on his face as he saw how the others dealt with the volley of crossbow bolts that were coming their way. The man they were protecting would scream out in terror, he did not want to die this way and it seemed like there was no way for an unskilled person to avoid this type of attack. Just before the bolts could pierce skin the God of Blood would raise a hand and a torrent of blood would come forth from him as individual droplets. Every droplet would go for a bolt, the pieces striking into them and being moved through his own perfect manipulation of the element he had released. Bolts would go flying back the way they had originally been going, piercing through the men and some others that had fired the ranged weapons in the first place. When the people meant to halt their progress realized what they were dealing with they would release the mages and stronger fighters to deal with them, which was why he would look at the man they were escorting before covering him in a shield of blood that allowed him to still see the battle and move around. "You are safe, show no fear and follow close to me. No harm will come to you as long as you listen." The God had given his promise to this man. No man or beast would cause him to go back or fail on his word, and any that thought they could were in for a terrible experience.

    It was clear these men would never stand down, thus they would have to kill anyone that stood in their way. Mythica would make it clear she wanted a specific person, which was perfectly fine with the God of War that was with them. Who was he to keep two from fighting one on one? What honor would there be if he forced the battle to be uneven in any way? No, he would honor her request and claim to fight the person on her own. A few mages, staves in their hands, would throw spells at him that would simply hit the blood around him and cause it to steam a bit before he was charging the ones that had attacked him. One would find himself trying to breathe, and failing to do so, after a fist would meet his through even as Chaoris used some of the blood already scattered about to pierce through another with it to tear out his heart from his body. The others that came at him fared no better. They were not equipped to fight a god, and none would be able to really do any lasting damage to him at this rate. Soon they would clear out these checkpoints and watch as this man they were protecting crossed the border to Pergrande and was escorted away to his own personal safety with them.




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    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris] Empty Re: Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris]

    Post by Mythica 24th August 2018, 3:26 pm

    The captain did not intend to humor Mythica, instead he only seemed to have one goal in mind. Elimination. Without uttering a single word, the tall man would dash forwards with incredible speed and attempt to kill Mythica in a single hit! His greatsword swung in a long arch, almost decapitating the time wizard! However, her precognition allowed her to narrowly avoid losing her head. Ducking at the last second, Mythica proceeded to roll forwards underneath the armored man's arm, before standing straight and spinning around with her rifle. However, the man had reacted just as quickly! His massive blade sung backwards as he turned and hit her musket directly! Luckily for Mythica, her weapon was magic and could not be broken so easily. If it were any other type however, it would've surly shattered from the strike. The weight of the sword and the strength behind it proved to be a difficult challenge for Mythica as she struggled to hold it in place with the back of her rifle. Her feet began to slide backwards, but that's when she remembered something quite obvious... She had two weapons. Without a second thought, the time wizard summoned the pistol in her other hand and swung it directly at the man. He was forced to abandon the lock and step backwards as Mythica fired several shots towards him! Whatever weapon he was using, it seemed to be also quite magical. Her bullets exploded upon impact and left no mark across its steel. He was obviously skilled with his craft, and that fact started to irritate the girl.

    She'd have to move faster if she hoped to best him. Obviously she wasn't strong enough to overpower the man with pure ferocity like Chaoris might've been able too, so the only way to claim victory was to tire him out! As he swung again with a quick strike, Mythica narrowly dodged it before vanishing in a yellow flash! She appeared a few feet behind the man and dashed towards his back, releasing multiple shots with her pistol before sliding underneath his swing and vanishing again. Now she appeared directly on top of him! The girl landed on his shoulders and attempted to wrap her legs around his head and use her weight to make him fall. However he was quicker than even she had seen! His hand darted upwards to grab her wrist, and he yanked the clock eyed girl off! With a painful landing, she rolled on the floor of the watch tower, nearing the edge! She looked up in shock to see his blade flying downwards with a powerful stab! A mere split second before the steel would've made contact with her body she teleported once again! This time she found herself on the other side of the watch tower... This fight had been a lot more difficult than expected. Her magical energy had started to strain, and that was evident by the fast, deep breaths that Mythica was taking. No more insane grin or smile, only anger. The captain pulled his blade from the stone and pointed it straight towards her. "You seem ill prepared for this fight... I would advise you to surrender." Mythica would chuckle slightly before straightening her back and hoisted her rifle onto her shoulder. "Ohoho... If you've looked up at the night sky recently and seen the stars... You know that isn't an option..." She responded ominously. Even though her dialogue seemed vague, the captain appeared to realize exactly what she was talking about. His eyes widened slightly in shock before her tightened the grip on his sword. "... So you are the one who's been hunting down my brothers..." Mythica shrugged. "Guilty." She laughed. "Then I cannot allow you to live! I cannot risk that evil power falling into your hands!" He yelled, charging forwards, his sword now glowing! Mythica braced for it and would respond by elegantly sidestepping the strike and teleporting directly behind the man! With one swift kick he lost his balance and was sent directly over the edge of the watch tower! Mythica knew better than to rely on gravity to finish him off, so she followed quickly by leaping off the floating tower and falling straight towards the man! She flashed multiple times through the air and dealt blow after blow on him as he was powerless to swing his heavy weapon while falling! Finally Mythica charged up both weapons and appeared directly over him. With one bright flash of yellow, an explosion appeared in the sky just before the two hit the ground!

    As the rock and dust cleared Mythica was seen standing there. Her clothes ripped, her hair a mess, and dust and blood covered her entire being... The captain was lying on his back in the middle of the crater... Just barely alive. His blade destroyed, he was powerless to resist. Mythica chuckled before slowly walking towards him, putting a foot on his chest and pointing her pistol directly at his head. Blood trailed from his lips as he coughed and sputtered, grabbing her foot, but far too weak to do anything. All he could do was mutter. "You- You are c- crazy... The power... Y- You seek... You can't hope to control him... H- He will only destroy everything... Nobody can control him..." Mythica grinned wildly before responding.

    "I'm counting on it..."

    The echo of her gunshot could be heard throughout the area as the captain finally fell dead. She sighed before looking up to the sky... Staring at a single red star that appeared from the blackness of the veil of night.


    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris] Myth-Sig1-1

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    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris] Empty Re: Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris]

    Post by Fluffy 28th August 2018, 10:23 am


    If she knew that Chaoris had come to expect swift entry into battle from her? That would make the horned beauty very happy, after all, that would mean she was meeting the expectations of her god. Of course, he was never the kind to frequently speak about that sort of thing, she should know what he required of her because he didn't make demands and his expectations for the behavior followers were not complicated. Sometimes? She still managed to fall short of what he taught, but she was mortal and he was a god, so it was only expected that she would fall short sometimes even if she tried her hardest not to. Somehow? She would have to find some way to make sure she could always perform flawlessly for him, for the sake of being able to cause the most war, honorable bloodshed and skull ripping of any follower he had! Nyx knew she could never do everything that the god could do, but she would fight hard as she had to in order to stand near to his side.

    If one could say anything for these mere humans wielding magical staves they were fighting against? Opponents were numerous as ants protecting their hill. Yet, these men were much less efficient then the animals were, not truly realizing how to work together for one clear objective, that was the cost of being human. For something like the ants in their hill somewhere? Individually their lives meant nothing, none of them fled for their life or fought to save themselves, they were a cohesive unit because they all had the common goal. Within battle? It was rare for mortals to all have the same goal, making them weakened. Two people, one fighting for their own life while the other fought to defend their country? Could never truly cover each other, one of them would always be willing to sacrifice the other dishonorably. As she approached another group, this concept became clear, one of the members of it running off. "Coward." the word was huffed out, her clawed hand catching the neck of another mage, slamming them into the ground snapping the bone. Without much time wasted, she fought through the other mages, before finally going after the coward who had fled.

    "S..S..Stay Back!" he was clutching his staff to his chest like some child gripping a toy in fear, his fear meant nothing to her even as she stumbled backward falling onto his rump and scooting back with every step she took closer. "I Surrender, I Surrender!" he was shouting at her, tossed his staff a few feet in front of him, the object rolling onto her foot. Why did they always think surrendering would earn them pity after they had already run in cowardice! There was no forgiveness for those who chose to remain, cowards, they were all doomed to the same fight, the only reprieve they would get was when their days of running were over. This man? Would finally find his rest as she snapped his staff in half and used the broken wood to impale him from the top of the head down. Glancing around, the fire mage realized most of the fighting was finally completed.

    With no care for all the blood she had to walk through, Nyx returned to walking a few steps behind her god. "Why do they always think that cowering is the way out?" she shook her head with a sigh, crossing her arms over the half of staff she still had not used to kill anyone, the woman had no idea why she hadn't just dropped it yet, but she would figure that out later. "Myth?" she turned her head in several directions, the group had kinda fanned out while fighting, considering the strength of them all they needed some space to not instantly kill everything. "There you are!" she was still kinda irked that the gunslinger had the nerve to touch her god, but since she didn't understand why that upset her, Nyx had no intention of acting on it yet. "Seems you accomplished your objective, whatever your reason for wanting him dead was." her wings fluttered slightly, as she walked over to the other mage. "Coming?" Nyx asked the question as she turned around, heading back towards Chaoris once more, she wanted to make sure this was absolutely done before she let her projection end. Next time? She'd come with even if she didn't quite have the grip of her new body yet, she could learn in heated combat by his side, it would be better that way.


     Nyx LuxEquipmentPrimarySecondaryTetariy
    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris] Nyxsig
    ★  You Created Me, Something I Would Have Never Seen.  ★

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    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris] Empty Re: Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris]

    Post by Khorne 24th September 2018, 2:21 am

    Even as Chaoris fought against the border guards that were coming at him and their person of interest, the God of Skulls was able to see the fight that was going on between Mythica and the leader of the guards. The fight started off strong, neither letting up their guard or letting their opponent hitting them with a good hit. A few traded blows made it seem like Mythica was in danger of being overpowered, at least until she began using her speed and ranged attacks against him. Even then it would seem that the fight would turn against her, being forced to teleport to survive a couple times, until they came down to a single attack that was sidestepped. It lead to the Captain's downfall, causing him to kicked over the edge and receive a beating as he fell. It was at this point that it was clear that he had no teleports of his own, falling to the mercy of Mythica who showed no inclination that she was going to serve any kind of mercy at all.

    The fight could be seen, as all fights could be seen, through a second sight he held due to his realm of influence. Battle was an ongoing thing, as it went on he could feel direct power flowing into him because of it. Any time someone did something honorable, shed blood, fought another, or even gathered the skull of someone they killed, it was direct worship of him. Whether they knew it or not he knew exactly what was going on. Even though he was redirecting arrows from those that fired them, even though he was punching through men and women's chests with single punches with his full power behind them, even though he cleared checkpoint after checkpoint as he and Nyx would go through as if this was nothing but a walk through the park. The War God would not notice wounds made upon the bodies of Mythica and Fluffy, it was just more blood and violence added to the fray. The man under his protection would make a strange yelping noise as an arrow got past Chaoris, only to reveal that he had a small circle of blood around him that raised up to protect him. The god would take his mind off of his current battle, allowing bolts and spells to strike him as he spoke to the charge. "As I said. A god has given you their word on divine protection. Fear not, and walk with me to Pergrande." A hand would reach out and point at the man that was too weak to be able to survive any of this on his own as he said it before it was closed into a fist. Every arrow and bolt that hit him was suddenly shooting out at targets within his sight, each striking a person in the head and killing them.

    The rest of the fighting would be basic for Chaoris. Attacks would be easily deflected or blocked, some even being allowed to hit so that he could counter-attack with even more power. Soon they would find themselves at the edge of the border, looking out at the place where land would be under the domain of Pergande. He would raise a hand to call the one he was escorting to halt, the man clearly stopping as he was smart enough to realize that he needed to stop where he stood. He had felt the result of Mythica's fight before he had even heard the gunshot earlier, and Chaoris Orneis was so proud that she had fired the kill shot after her victory. Mythica had sought out her target and defeated them in combat. There were no tricks or deceptions she had done it honorable. Even as crazy as she was the girl was worthy to be a champion in the future, just as Lucie and Fluffy were as well. Fluffy had done well today as well. For someone in a new body she had done well throughout the entirety of the fighting they had done here today.

    Chaoris would walk to the very edge of the border, where Pergrande border guards were now gathering with weapons drawn, before waving over the charge he that was still under his protection. After he had come forth, the war god would speak to the guards that were glaring at him. "This man that has come forward with me seeks asylum in your nation. He has been mistreated by those with magic because he has no aptitude for using such abilities himself. May he cross? We hope that you will allow it, with how much of Bellum's border protection we had to fight to get him here." The guards would seem surprised, talking among themselves until they all turned and nodded before asking the man to step forward. Chaoris would nod to him, receiving a thank you from the man before he would also thank Fluffy and Mythica for bringing him here safely. The male would simply nod at the group before they walked away, they had succeeded in bringing him to safety. He was safe with a group that was strongly against magic in general, which meant he would become strong with them because of a distrust of magic as well. "Come Fluffy, come Mythica, let us depart from this place. I'm sure you both have places to be now that we have all finished what we wanted to do here." With that said he would open a portal back to his own realm and step through. He had had his fun here today, now it was time to go home.

    [4743/4667] Word Count Complete!



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    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris] Empty Re: Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris]

    Post by Mythica 24th September 2018, 11:18 am

    With the battle finally over, and the red star appearing in the sky above, Mythica could finally breath with a sigh of relief. That battle had come a little too close than she would've liked it too, but it ended with her victory nonetheless. She was now one step closer to her goal... Only a few more stars were left to unlock. Hoisting her rifle onto her shoulder, Mythica turned to Chaoris and Fluffy who both seemed to have finished their fights as well. To nobody's surprise they seemed to be both victorious and largely unharmed. It appeared as if the border guards were not strong enough to face a collection of only three mages. Funny, sensing their entire job was to keep people like Mythica, Fluffy, and Chaoris out. Not that it mattered much now, anyways. They were all dead and wouldn't be keeping anyone from crossing. Not now anyways. Fluffy confirmed that Mythica had dealt with her prey, and noted she wasn't entirely sure of the reason as to why Mythica wanted him dead in the first place. At this remark, Mythica simply chuckled with a sinister grin. "I'm sure you'll find out soon." The clock eyed wizard said while staring up at the red star.

    Not long after the three had reached the border, and were met with another group of guards that stood poised to attack them. Mythica gave them a glare and readied her weapons, but much to her surprise the god standing next to her began to reason with them. This was... Very strange to say the least. Mythica couldn't claim to have known Chaoris long, but this action was certainly nothing she'd expect from him. She'd assume he'd wipe them all out without a second thought, but now he favored the diplomatic approach? Mythica gave him an odd glance before slowly lowering her guns as the group agreed to let the man through. After that was dealt with, he announced his goodbyes, claiming that both Mythica and Fluffy probably had somewhere else to be now that the job was done. Mythica could agree with him on that. With the guard captain dead, that made the rest of her targets harder to find... But more scared than ever before. With a smile she bowed to the two. "Right you are, my armored friend." She said before winking at Fluffy. "Hope we'll meet again.. Soon.." She said before turning and walking away...


    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris] Myth-Sig1-1

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    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris] Empty Re: Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris]

    Post by Fluffy 25th September 2018, 5:05 pm

    Wc met.

    The second fighting ceased the winged warrior was extremely quick to follow after the god as he went about whatever they were doing. Honestly, during the fight she had forgotten what exactly their mission was, not entirely adjusted to her new body she still had an occasional short circuit. Sandal clad feet tapped against the ground as she hurried along a few feet behind him to the side, smile across her face. Coming out even if she was merely a very well crafted projection of herself? Was exactly what she had needed to feel fantastic again, sure she was going to need more practice in general since she couldn't do aerial combat yet, but that would only be a matter of time. Fluffy was eager to get better with the body Chaoris had given her so that she could cause more bloodshed with it, although she was far from eager to end up with that blood being hers considering she suspected he had to put more into hers than a typical regeneration in the blood pools, since she hadn't been marked yet and it was entirely a new form.

    "Are you heading right back?" after they had gotten the man across the border she moved from behind him to beside him, looking up at the tall armored man smile still happily across her face. Seeing him back at the guild? Would be rather enjoyable, and she now knew enough to not decide to stay behind whenever he left the guildhall again, she couldn't resist fighting next to him, projecting herself all this way had proven that. "I'll need to wake up soon, so I'll end up back in the guildhall before long." her projection only lasted long as she slept, without aid she very well could not force herself to sleep for perfect lengths of time. Considering they had walked? It had to have been a few hours already, and since it was only a nap the warrior figured her main body would be waking sooner rather than later, even if she disliked that fact. Watching him open the portal and step through, she smiled with a slight sigh, glancing over at the other girl momentarily to catch the wink and shrug in response to it. "We do have a habit of meeting up." she commented before watching Mythica also leave. With both her job partners gone? The warrior decided to try something new today, laying on the ground and closing her eyes where she stood, in an attempt to go back to sleep. Perhaps sleeping while projected would force her to wake, she'd never gotten to test that before.

    Golden optics opened sluggishly to the bronze ceiling above her, one hand rising to run slender along her horns to brush away the hair that had tangled around them as she slept. "Good to know that works" canceling projection was now easier than ever, it would come in handy. Of course, she didn't intend to be projecting any more than she had to. Rising from the bed she had used for her slumber the female allowed her hand to trace over the skull posts of the bed, enjoying the feel of them. Since she couldn't stay sitting there forever, the winged woman stood up and set to work making the bed, sure there was no need for such manners around here but she was still the sort to do it. Having everything in order? Never did hurt someone, unless they got obsessive over it, but hey maybe than they could kill someone over messing something up and she would enjoy that too. After making the bed, Nyx checked around the room for anything interesting, not really finding anything else that needed done or entertained at all. Exiting the room she moved swiftly through the halls in order to seek something she could fight once more.

    Having been awake for a little while the woman's stomach growled slightly, causing Nyx to give up her random wandering around the grounds of Nightmare searching for something to practice her skills again. While she could fight anywhere anytime? She didn't want to fight on an empty stomach, at least not more than necessary cause she wasn't about to turn down any fight she ran into on the way to attempt securing some food for herself. Obviously considering the sort of place this was, she ran into several fights while trying to find some sort of foot or a place in the grounds where she could eat. Encountering a kitchen decorated like the rest of the area, she simply grabbed something that had been in a freezer and used her fire magic to change it's state so she could eat it. She often didn't pay much attention to what she ate, but at the very least she liked things to be cooked, so having fire power was very nice.


     Nyx LuxEquipmentPrimarySecondaryTetariy
    Divine Intervention [JOB//Chaoris] Nyxsig
    ★  You Created Me, Something I Would Have Never Seen.  ★

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 9:35 pm