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    Crossing State Lines


    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

    Developer/GFX Artist- Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : None
    Posts : 1093
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 206,450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requiem
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    In Progress Crossing State Lines

    Post by Hania 24th September 2018, 12:40 pm

    Last edited by Tamashi on 20th October 2018, 8:25 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Updating sign-up information)


    Crossing State Lines 59875_s

    True sins are the ones that you cannot atone for.
    Golden Lacrima: Valid until December 8th 2019

    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

    Developer/GFX Artist- Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : None
    Posts : 1093
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 206,450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requiem
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    In Progress Re: Crossing State Lines

    Post by Hania 24th September 2018, 1:36 pm

    So much had happened in such a short time, he still had no idea who the hell he was, what he was or why he had ended up in a guild filled with mages when it seemed he didn't have a magical bone in his body. That being said he did have some unusual gifts such as being able to hear better than most with slayer magic and was even able to feel vibrations through the air and earth that had come in handy or so he would hope. He had been sitting in the guild hall on the floor near Sabertooth's job board, he had no idea why he remained so close to it. Perhaps it was so close to the entrance and he had hoped that the ones who cared for him would be looking for him and find him waiting but hope could only hold out for so long before despair took hold. He listened as fellow guild members came to the board and did his best to hide behind it, those who did try to talk to him he just felt anxious around and said nothing in return. It was almost like he was a scared child thrown into a world he was not yet ready for, he listened as several of them just came and discussed jobs that they were interested in. He listened to a set of two mages as they spoke of a certain job and bit his lip as they said it wasn't worth their time.

    "I.. I'll take it..." he whispered standing up the two mages looked at him chuckling, it was well documented since his arrival that he was blind by the many times he fell over something "And what you gonna do? Trip up over yourself?" one of them said this made the black haired youth turn his head away ashamed that he was different from them "I might not be able to see but I am still have better clarity than you." he said the other mage pointing to it's rank "This is an S rank job, you haven't shown any magical ability and where you're going is magic heavy, you'd be treated as a second class citizen." the other said showing concern. This of course worried him but at the same time he wasn't about to allow someone to be harmed if he could prevent it, even if it meant he himself would get hurt "Give me the flyer, I'll find some help and get the other to safety... that's the point of this guild right?" he said holding out his hand for the flyer to be handed to him "It says that several mages should work together anyway if they want, south gate so I'd suggest going there and seeing if any others turn up." the kinder of the two said with a small smile before getting nudged by the other "Why you helping him? It's clear he's not meant to be here." the boy huffed "Will you quit being a jerk, we don't know his story and if Kite or Ryo heard you speaking like this or even one of the aces they'd be kicking manners into you so shut up and apologise." her voice showing she wasn't pleased with how her partner was acting "It's okay, I won't say anything to anyone. Last thing anyone needs is trouble for a misunderstanding." he replied taking the flyer and leaving to find transport to the south gate of the designated city inside Bellum where he might be able to find help from mages, he just hoped the didn't look down to him, he was sure he would be of use and not just a burden. 'I'll prove my worth... even without magic... I have to... for those in the guild, for myself and those who care for me. Whoever and wherever they may be.' he thought to himself with determination.

    Word Count: 654

    Last edited by Tamashi on 29th September 2018, 12:02 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Fixing coding error)


    Crossing State Lines 59875_s

    True sins are the ones that you cannot atone for.
    Golden Lacrima: Valid until December 8th 2019

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior Dragon
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    Posts : 772
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
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    Experience : 2,290,286

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Archive Magic
    Second Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer
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    In Progress Re: Crossing State Lines

    Post by Lethe 25th September 2018, 9:04 pm

    Adalinda Ortinbras

    Iron Dragon Slayer
    'You really plan to go out dressed like a peasant?' Veles questioned his hosts clothes. No one else could really hear Veles' voice unless he took over her body. That was one of Adalinda's biggest pet peeves after she had gone on a journey with Cirven and Yona to find her dragon father. The wildest ride was her still trying to get the hang of controlling herself a bit. Running her hand through her black hair, Adalinda looks in the mirror. "I'm dressed as a Vice President of a trading company... Buzz off..." She grumbles. She was wearing a newer uniform. She felt she needed the change and to look more professional for her roll. It was an all white business pant suit with her West Fiore Trading Company pin on her collar. 'You still look like a peasant. Wear something better to show off your magic with.' The dragon snickered at her. Adalinda wished she could turn this dude- er dragon, off, but unfortunately that wasn't going to be able to happen at all. She had yanked her hair back and put her hair into a ponytail as she made her way out of her room. Tammy had a matching suit that had a skirt instead, and smiles sweetly to Adalinda. "The kids are asleep, Yuudai is also with them. Ready to go see about a job now?" "Yeah... Lets get going..." "Veles giving you a hard time again?" Ada just grunted, not responding as she walked out the door. That gave Tammy all she needed to know.

    At the Head Quarters, Adalinda had gone up to the job board and taps her chin quietly. There was a request on there asking for someone to be escorted across the Bellum boarder because of a potential threat to them. She frowns and thinks for a moment before she grabs it off the board. She felt like she had to do this job... "Lets go. I want to fly." She smirks. Only one way to learn how to properly fly, and that's with practice and doing it. Tamaria ran a hand through her fur on her head, and takes a deep breath. "Okay..." She was a bit unsure of her slayer flying, that was typically her thing, but she could still help her out on occasion. They had gone outside and to a rather secluded area of Togalen. The dragon slayer grabbed her horned flask and took a big swing of her alcohol in it, then shook her arms and shoulders out, relaxing herself. 'Must you drink that rubbish?' 'If I'm to think properly, yes. Now shut up unless you're going to actually help this time.' The first time she did this on her own, Veles decided to not help her and just laughed as she had managed to ruin her clothes. 'Remember, just feel it... You're a dragon now... Let it flow through you. And take it slow.' The dragon rambles on softly in her mind. Ada closed her eyes as she took a deep breath. A moment later she snapped her eyes open wide, and her body shifted to that of an iron dragon. She was surprised that this was the first time she managed to do it without hurting herself or Tammy, despite the fact that the exceed went away to hide while watching. "You did it!" Tammy cries as she flies herself onto her back. Adalinda gives the cat a toothy grin. "Lets get to Bellum..." She says in a deeper, reverberating, voice before she takes off with guidance from Veles again.

    When she reached Bellum, Ada decided to land outside of the city a distance to transform herself back into her human appearance to not scare anyone. She nearly got stuck transforming, but while being careful, and ignoring Veles' blabbering, she managed to get it smoother. 'So, transforming back I needed to practice on a bit more... got it...' She thinks to herself. 'Like you even can do it....' Veles chortles back at her. Is this how Kyran feels with his demons in his head? She knew she could, she just needed to put her mind to it. "The south gate isn't too far. I have our passports." Tammy beams as she holds open her bag she often carried. The bag had their passports, as well as change of clothes for Ada in case she ruined them while transforming again. Adalinda makes her way with Tammy right next to her. "You... should ride on my back... just in case... Act like a kind of backpack..." Tamaria blinked up to her. "They don't like other species besides humans... as well as people without magic... Don't ask me how I managed to remember that... Just know it." She mutters to the cat as she goes to the gate and makes an entrance into the city. When she went in, she saw what seemed like a black haired guy that looked similar. "Advent...?" She mutters to herself. Veles flashed her a memory of Advent from before... he was different. It was the hair most definitely. Slowly, she walked up to him. "Excuse me? Sorry if I'm rude, but do you know Advent? Or are you him...?" "Ada... I think that is him... He just changed his hair. Unless he has a twin or something that has black hair instead of white..." Tammy whispers to her slayer quietly. Of course, Adalinda wasn't too sure, and would have to wait on this guys response first.

    TAG    WORD : 914    TOTAL : 914/2800



    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
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    Posts : 316
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 9,687.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ocean Demon Slaying Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
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    In Progress Re: Crossing State Lines

    Post by Kiru 26th September 2018, 5:15 pm

    965/2800 Words

    The shadows of the night could slowly be seen creeping up the rocky faces of the cliffs around the small makeshift campsite. The sun had begun to set on the horizon just as the small flakes of burnt wood drifted into the air above the fire. Kiru sat next to it, staring at the flames within deep thought. Her cyan gaze unmoving as the other figure in the campsite could be heard rummaging around his tent. Making last minute preparations before the two decided to head out. The demon slayer would not move from her position, unphased by the man's obvious nervousness. All she could do was stare at the fire with her regular blank expression, a hood covering her split coloured hair. "Oh god oh god oh god..." Kiru's gaze did not shift. "Are you sure this is enough? What if we get spotted? You intend to fight all of them yourself? I can't believe you're all they sent... Oh god!" With a heavy sigh, the demon slayer finally moved her optics from the flickering flames and looked at her companion who had been digging through a large backpack. "Trust me, I know the stakes. I wouldn't have come if I didn't think I could handle the job." She said in a monotone voice. It didn't really seem all that reassuring to him. "S- Still! You're only just one wizard! They have a lot more!" Kiru finally stood up and turned to face him completely, crossing her arms. "Your lack of faith in my ability is duly noted Mr. Hano, yet that does not change my purpose for being here." Kiru told him. She angled her head slightly towards the path that had darkened with the coming night. "You asked for help, and I seem to have been the only person willing to come to your aid. I've handled more challenging jobs before." She said truthfully. Kiru had undergone some serious trials in her day. Sneaking past a border wasn't going to be anything special for her.

    Hano began to pace back and forth across the campfire as Kiru stood there staring at him without expression. "I- I trust you! Believe me, I do! I- It's just that I think we should wait a little longer for anyone else to show! Please Miss Nivani!" Kiru sighed and slowly shook her head. Fear was an irritating factor in this mission. "Fine. But we should not delay too long, Mr. Hano. The border guards may not stick to their usual rotations for much longer." She told him. That fact wasn't entirely true, at least not that Kiru could guess anyways. But it was enough to make the man fear the consequences of waiting too long. Truthfully? Kiru just wanted to get this job over with... And quickly. She had places to be. Oddly enough she found her life was not any less busy than it was before she left the guild. Around every corner she came across someone who needed something from her. Luckily her identity to much of the population of Fiore as previous Rising Star and guild ace of Black Rose had remained a mystery. She had no idea what her guild would be doing right now, but she couldn't be too careful in case Izayuki had sent someone to track her down. The last thing she wanted right now was to see anyone from Black Rose. The guild had gone corrupt in Kiru's eyes. She was already against using shady business deals and violence to accomplish their goals, but teaming up with terrorists and accepting murderers into their own guild was the last straw. She couldn't bear to be around them any longer, especially when every one of them seemed to be against her. She needed a break. It was obvious that Black Rose was going to continue with Iza's plans despite her council against them, so she decided that she wasn't going to be apart of it. Maybe she'd return in the future, but with the path the guild was on now, that option didn't seem likely to happen anytime soon.

    Hano was doing some more last minute prep. Double checking and triple checking everything he had. Which seemed to be a lot. It was true that sneaking over a border would probably require the need to take as little as possible, but then again this man was completely abandoning his life and aiming to start a new one. According to the flyer she had found, Hano's friend had been murdered due to his lack of magical power. Now he was moving away before the same thing happened to him. She could easily understand his plight, and decided not to bother him about his carry on. After all, Kiru wasn't planning on getting the two caught. According to a map she had picked up, there was a large river that went right through the border of the two countries. She had hoped to use her demon slayer magic in order to utilize that river to their advantage. A veil of water to protect them from the watchful gaze of the towers that dotted the mountain range which loomed in the distance.

    "The flyer said to meet at this spot.. Just give them another hour. More people must've seen that flyer!" Hano said, looking at the path with a worried expression. All Kiru could do was sigh and lean back against the tent. She pulled her hood lower and shut her eyes so nobody could make out her identity until she revealed it herself. After all, what could she do? She couldn't complete the job unless the client reached the other end of the border, and she wasn't about to force her only source of income into dangerous territory against his will.

    short note
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    Crossing State Lines 2f730cc21c

    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
    Position : God of Mettle
    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2597
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 21
    Age : 25
    Experience : 10,355

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    In Progress Re: Crossing State Lines

    Post by Mura Kensho 27th September 2018, 8:23 am

    Was magic normal for humans? Mura knew at least a whole family without magic excluding the passers-by, and things like this gave out questions about the whole role that magic had in Fiore… rather, all of Earthland. It was but another day in Magnolia when the shaman found a random flyer in his guild’s job board, one that came from a rather young client given by the handwriting. On such a cold day, Mura would have to go find his jacket again before heading out, but first he read through the flyer with focused eyes and deep concentration…

    Although… concentration was limited due to a certain conversation going on behind him…

    “Bellum is a magical country, right?”
    “Bellum is the magical country.”
    “But many countries have magic- hah, every country that we’ve been at had wizards in one way or another.”
    “But Bellum is special… its cities are powered by magic. Every citizen is influenced by it in some way… but according to this flyer… even Bellum has non-magic users roaming around.”
    “W-Well, that’s also the case for here in Magnolia.”
    “If what that wandering engineer told me was right… then Bellum should have a very strict, none lesser discriminating view on so-called ‘non-wizards’… Oh! Oh! I’d eat a hundred men to see Bellum and Pergrande tip each other over, that would be hilarious! HAHAH!”
    “Y-You don’t really want to throw those two countries into war… right?”
    “… Who’d win, though?”
    “I don’t know, maybe Pergrande? I’ve heard that they hae anti-magic equipment, and Bellum is all magic… kind of enough, there.”
    “But why are they so uptight with each other, then? Wouldn’t Bellum keep their distance… I mean, they are neighbors, but still?”
    “Unlike you good-for-nothing swordsmen, some wizards have true pride. Nothing about ancestry or skill in melee combat; they have magic, they use magic, and they love their magic. Although, I’d say that the problem with Bellum isn’t their pride… it’s their arrogance.”
    “Ah, arrogance… I was once arrogant, just so you know.”
    “… And you just say that out oud?”
    “Yes, indeed.”
    “… And what now? Are you still arrogant?”
    “Nah, only a fool would be arrogant. Am I right, Mura?”

    “… Uh, what now?” the shaman asked out in oblivious thought, a tiny sweat pearl trickling down his forehead. He hadn’t heard a single word from those two, because he was so deep in his thoughts. This request would lead Mura to confront people who thought that their way of life was better than others, and it built anger inside of him. As unseen as it was, he was pretty pissed - however, did his anger go overhand, then his guild could take damage from his reckless next actions, or he could expose himself and get severely punished by Bellum’s wizards. He clenched the cloak around his shoulders and took a deep breath…

    He was ready…

    When it came to transport, Mura was very versatile; he would have to thank his ancestor for teaching him Onmyōdō, one of the most versatile types of magic that Mura knew. He could fly on a rock, dive underground or simply fly himself as was shown in this instant; charging over the lands until he finally reached his destination. The south gate to a city within Bellum was where their client would be found, and their duty was to escort him out of the borders and into a place where the non-wizard felt home and secure; Pergrande.

    Mura was surprised to sense a familiar magical presence just as he reached the border between Bellum and Pergrande. Down near a river were two figures; a small boy and none other than Kiru. It had been… how long? As far as he remembered, he was paying back for a cake and got into a lot of cold, frozen issues on the way… ah… that damned cake. It was funny, because he’d eat another cake if Iza asked him to anytime; who wouldn’t?

    The boy had clear issues with wizards… his friend had been killed by wizards. As by now, it didn’t appear that any border patrollers were present, so Mura would slowly land down at the tent near Hano and Kiru, his small cloak flapping in the air and showcasing all five tomoe’s. “Nice place here,” he commented with the pretty river in the background.

    WC: 725


    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
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    In Progress Re: Crossing State Lines

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 27th September 2018, 2:14 pm

    wc: 431
    She had not accepted an actual mission this high ranked in a long time, considering she had no use of her magic for sometime since her last mental breakdown. However, thank to the help of Astrid she had recently figured out how her magic now worked, regaining what she had most wanted within it and letting the rest fade away for the new things she had found out she could do. In spite of realizing the wind made her body out of whatever happened to be floating within it? It had taken her childhood friend to help her figure out she could also utilize those things, that her magic had been super charged in the best way possible for her. Though hopefully she would have no reason to test her abilities this time, just getting back to purposefully taking high ranking missions she didn't want to do anything to drastic yet, she had chosen a job that seemed to have lots of help just for that purpose. If five other mages or something near that had also taken this job, the power would be more than enough.

    She had decided to take a more rustic form of transportation, laying back on her large white feather. Considering how much she had traveled? Jiyu could navigate herself to Bellum without looking, especially when she was part of the wind, it was simple as keeping her destination of the south gate in mind. As she flew without much effort, the wind mage put that additional effort into playing with her shapeshifting powers, wanting to change a few things up. Mostly she spent the trip playing with her hair, from it's color to its cut and length. What better purpose could someone have for shapeshifting that had almost no limits apart from playing with their own appearance for mindless entertainment even when they couldn't see it perfectly.

    The south gate was beneath her, something ticking in her mind to tell her that resulting in the wind user allowing her feather to shrink back to it's normal size. With nothing beneath her and no effort to levitate, Jiyu plummeted towards the ground, just letting herself fall for a little. The wind witch cut things very close with righting herself and letting the wind catch her fall, lowering her to levitate a foot above the ground. "I take it your both heading out for the job nearby?" pay no mind to the fact the bow carrying woman had just fallen a pretty hefty distance with no attempt to stop herself until the last few seconds, that clearly didn't matter.


    Crossing State Lines Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Crossing State Lines H6NcPbM Crossing State Lines H6NcPbM Crossing State Lines H6NcPbM Crossing State Lines H6NcPbM


    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

    Developer/GFX Artist- Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : None
    Posts : 1093
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 206,450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requiem
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    In Progress Re: Crossing State Lines

    Post by Hania 29th September 2018, 12:00 pm

    Advent had just gotten to the gate and was about to sit down and wait to see if others would be turning up to help in this task, if not he would figure out a way to do it on his own. Sure he had no magic and walking into a place like this seemed like a suicide mission for anyone in his predicament from what his two guild mates had said when talking of the job, but he couldn't bare the thought of someone being treated so badly just because they had no magic. He thought the world they lived in was suppose to be more enlightened that it currently seemed, he had no idea why he thought such a way perhaps it was just a childish dream in his mind. Hearing a voice he stood and almost moved behind the city walls in the hopes not to be seen but the female calling out seemed to be calling the name that was on the letter that had been so precious to him when he found himself in the place his guild resided. "Yes, I'm Advent." he said calmly with an unsure tone as he cautiously moved towards the vibrations he felt "I'm sorry miss... but... do I know you?" he asked his voice quiet almost timid as if he was afraid that asking would get him into trouble. The dragon slayer would know instantly that there was something wrong with her normal childishly happy team mate.

    Hearing another unknown voice he had to fight once again against his flight or fight responses to stand his ground, he disliked the fact he couldn't remember more than the fact that he couldn't use magic while being inside a mages guild. "The escorting of a non mage into the non magical country?" he asked having forgotten the exact name of the place they where actually heading, he then started to wonder if that was the place he was born and raised given his lack of magical talent. It would need some investigating and since they where heading there he could make some enquires in the hopes to get some answers on who the hell he was and how he had managed to end up in Fiore. "I'm Advent, I'm a member of the guild Sabertooth..." he said pointing to his cheek that held his white and periwinkle guild mark proudly on show "I don't know her name though so she'll need to tell you it."  she said with a sheepish almost embarrassed tone as it seemed like she should know her name and where they knew each other from but nothing was coming to him on the matter. "We should get going, it seems there are others waiting for us just ahead with the person we're meant to be escorting I expect." he said calmly pointing to the ground and his ears showing how he knew this information, once happy the two that had joined him understood he moved quickly to Mura, Kiru and Hano.

    He stopped just short of them smiling a little "My name is Advent, I'm from Sabertooth and have come to help on this task. There are two other women that caught up with me at the gate, I know one of them is here to help but not sure on the other." he had admitted as Ada had never stated her reason for actually being there in the first place. "I don't know who either of them are, though that being said one seems to know me somehow." he said with a bit of a shrug as he still thought about how that could actually be possible, his mind was still blank on the matter however. "Who are the rest of you and might I know your guilds to? As you can see I'm a little visually challenged" he asked pointing to his blindfold wanting to know who he was working with and for as that was something that wasn't said on the flyer.

    Word Count: 668
    Total Word Count: 1,313
    @Adalinda @Kiru @Mura Kensho @Jiyu Kazehime


    Crossing State Lines 59875_s

    True sins are the ones that you cannot atone for.
    Golden Lacrima: Valid until December 8th 2019

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 772
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : -
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,290,286

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Archive Magic
    Second Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    In Progress Re: Crossing State Lines

    Post by Lethe 5th October 2018, 7:50 pm

    Adalinda Ortinbras

    Iron Dragon Slayer
    Adalinda blinked down to Advent as he said he was him, and she tilted her head. "Yeah... it's me...? Adalinda? You gave me sake before when we went on that one terrible job with plants like a year ago or something like that by now... jeez... it's been a while since we've been on a job together... with Kyran too! I should hunt him down and drag him... we can go on a job together again if I do!" She paused though as she looked to Advent. "Wait... you really don't remember me at all?!" She whines a bit as she ran a hand through her hair. 'Are you a nitwit? He doesn't act like how you first met him... he doesn't seem to have that musical or whatever aura around him.' 'I know... I'm hoping he's just pulling my leg...' 'Wishful thinking, brat.' Ada suppressed a growl as a new person came levitating down after falling a bit not too far from them and blinks. Of course she smelled her scent, and kind of heard her falling down to them.

    She raised an eyebrow to that landing, and snorts. "Try landing harder, didn't make enough of a dent in the ground." She couldn't help but tease the girl before she nods to her question. As per usual, Adalinda had forgotten for a moment about Advents inability to see. It had been a while since she last saw him, so it was slightly easy for her to forget. 'You're forgetting something...' Veles grumbles at her, making Adalinda close her eyes for a moment and takes a deep breath. Advent had introduced himself first. Why had she been oblivious to his guild mark? She quietly shook her head and looks over to the new comer, giving them a small smile as she nodded her head to them as a greeting. "Hello, I'm Adalinda Ortinbras. A member of West Fiore Trading Company." She had been improving her social skills with Tammy, so long as Veles didn't interfere as well. The dragon slayer nods to the blind mage as he suggested going to where they were to properly meet up. She then had grinned to him. "Nearly forgot you were able to hear like a slayer as well." She muses as she begins to follow him without issues.

    At the group, Adalinda stiffened as she realized what she had done earlier when the girl whom floated down asked if they were there for the job near there. She mentally smacked her own head, and takes a deep breath, which only caught in her throat as Advent said he didn't know who she was and that she somehow knew him. She frowns. 'Told you he doesn't remember you... You're still a nobody.' 'Zip it, Veles, before I find a way to stuff you down a blender or something without harming myself!' She bows her head a bit to the group, standing up with a polite smile upon her lips. Again, she had to represent the guild. Business. She could do this... she hoped. "Apologies for not making it clear earlier... I'm here to also help out as well. I'm Adalinda Ortinbras. A member of West Fiore Trading Company." She had no issues repeating that line over and over. 'You're like a damned broken record! Jeez! Just shut up already!' Veles practically shouted in her head. Adalinda clears her throat as Tammy lightly patted her back. She had used Adalinda's walking to be able to twitch her tail and adjust herself accordingly, making it seem like she was moving as a bag only slightly would while one walked with it on. "Do I have to stay on your back still...?" Tammy whispered to her. Adalinda shook her head just slightly. "Phew! I'm Tamaria! I'm also a member of West Fiore Trading Company with Ada, I'm also her exceed companion!" The purple cat jumped up onto the dragon slayers shoulders, eager to show herself and act somewhat normal again.

    So long as she didn't screw this up, Adalinda believed the other mages here she could make connections with, if she was capable of doing so, but she noticed Mura a bit. She slightly coughed into her hand, having recognized him from a festivity that happened not too terribly long ago at Togalen, but she didn't think they talked much then? She'd have to change that. It honestly hadn't taken her long to notice the panicky guy, and quietly walks over to him. "I apologize if we took a bit longer than expected to get here... But rest assured, we'll help you get to Pergrande. I can't speak for the rest, but I bet they will say generally the same regardless, I'll try my best to help you out of here to safety." She tells him before stepping back. She was actually itching to drink her alcohol again, but she was slightly restraining herself. Not yet. Not in front of everyone without a proper reason... even though focus would probably have been a decent reason. Of course, Veles felt that was something to comment to her about again. 'You wish, child... They probably wouldn't believe it, not until you got close to your breaking point.'

    TAG    WORD : 868    TOTAL : 1782/2800



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    In Progress Re: Crossing State Lines

    Post by Kiru 6th October 2018, 5:43 am

    1827/2800 Words

    It didn't take long for Kiru's slayer senses to pick up the scent of approaching figures. Friendly or foe, she could not determine from this distance, although some did seem somewhat familiar. She abruptly stood up from her spot in front of the campfire and stared at the cliffs with a stern, serious expression. This action caused Hano to stop his talking and turn to her, instantly getting even more worried when he saw her expression. Kiru said nothing at all, but only continued to stare towards the cliffs, slowly turning her head to encompass her view across all of them. Silence. Finally however, a figure appeared. Much to Kiru's surprise she recognized the figure to be none other than Mura Kensho. Kiru's muscles relaxed slightly and she straightened her back, crossing her arms as he approached. If she remembered correctly, the last time she had seen the fairy tail wizard, he was repaying his debt to her guild by assisting her with a mission. That was some time ago, however, she wondered if he had changed much since then. Kiru nodded towards him as he approached and finally spoke. "Indeed. Although I do not plan on staying here long. The night only lasts so long, and darkness is our best bet on getting across undetected." She said turning towards the nearby mountains that loomed like ominous shadows in the night. Kiru had naturally assumed that If Mura had randomly showed up to this spot at this specific moment than he was also here for the same job. If that was the case, Kiru didn't think she really needed to explain things to him, assuming he already knew what was about to happen. While Kiru was stuck with her emotionless ways as always, Hano was thrilled to see someone else had finally come.

    "OH thank gods! Finally more capable wizards! I- I told you more would come Miss Nivani! S- See! He's here to help!" Kiru narrowed her eyes at Hano and hissed. "Shh! We have no idea who could be nearby. Try not to blow our cover!" She said through a harsh whisper. "S- Sorry.." Kiru sighed and slowly shook her head before returning her attention to the fairy tail wizard. She sized him up quickly before speaking again. "Seem's time has been good to you. Don't seem to have changed much since we last spoke." She nodded. Of course, what people saw was only half the story. Much like Kiru, Mura could have gone through some tough events since the last she saw him. She was careful not to jump to conclusions. Kiru might've looked the same as always, but inside she was still mourning the state of her guild, and how she left things. She almost wished she could go back and apologize. Make things right... But that was impossible. Not with the way the guild was acting right now. Kiru could not take part in any of their schemes or plots with the way Izayuki was handling things. And it had been made clear to Kiru that nobody else in the guild thought the same way as her. She'd be treated as an outsider, and would be ignored.

    Not long after however, Kiru could hear others approaching. This time from the main pathways that lead to the main road. She turned her head slightly and slowly closed her eyes... That scent... Oh no... This job was about to get very awkward. As soon as the woman began to speak to them Kiru let out a long heavy sigh and opened her cyan gaze to stare at the three newcomers.. Specifically Jiyu. Kiru did not say or do anything, she simply stood there with her arms crossed as Hano quickly went over to greet the new wizards. Kiru had to have prepared for this eventuality at some point, but she never did. The last time she saw Jiyu the woman attempted to knock her out. If their guildmaster hadn't intervened, a very destructive battle would've likely ensued. However, here, there was no guildmaster to leash the wind mage. Kiru could guess she was here for the same reason as the rest of them. There was no way Izayuki had sent her to look for Kiru. She just hoped the guildmember wouldn't compromise the mission with the demon slayer's presence. Kiru could get over it and focus entirely on the job if she had too, but she had no idea how Jiyu operated.

    The only reflection of Kiru's emotion was the faint thunder in the distance as a storm cloud formed overhead... "Seems like everyone is here... We should get moving Mr Hano..." Kiru said to the man as she eyed the other two wizards who came along with Jiyu. By the looks it she saw Advent. A surprisingly clever and intuitive child she had met on few occasion. His blindness wasn't a concern for Kiru, she knew he was capable of handling his own despite the lack of sight. As for the girl, she had never seen her before. However she smelled like Kiru's own aura.. A slayer? But of what type and element, she could not determine.

    short note
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    Crossing State Lines 2f730cc21c

    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

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    In Progress Re: Crossing State Lines

    Post by Mura Kensho 13th October 2018, 11:47 am

    It seemed that the little kid whom Kiru accompanied was the client. Hano, was it? He was without any magical sources, which made him a target for bullying and discrimination, leading to one of his friends’ death. Mura did wonder… did he have parents again? Was that friend of his the only friend that he had? Maybe he was like Mura, a young soul in the middle of who-knew-where, but wasn’t he hailing from this land? Perhaps… perhaps this boy was on his own. It felt daggering to Mura’s chest just thinking about it. However, sometimes he had to expect such realities, because he didn’t know everyone. Most likely, it was a good idea for Hano-kun to move… if it was just as easy as moving from Midi.

    Apparently, Bellum wanted him to stay given by their strict immigration/emigration system… but that didn’t make any sense. Perhaps it was misfortune that the policies concerning moving from one country to another were so severe; especially between a country that worshipped magic on a higher scale versus a country that despised and discarded magic in its entirety.

    Kiru stayed as unphased as he could remember her being back then. Time either passed very slowly, or it hadn’t been that long since he *cough* paid back to Black Rose for absolute whack and ridiculousness. Whether if it was a joke or even necessary to go through, he did make a new friend through that event, so there was something grateful in eating that red velvet cake.

    “Well, to be fair, neither have you,” he replied with a goofy smile. Kiru looked like Kiru. Behind the crystal-clear waters and demonic inheritance was a face that most certainly related with the expressions that Sorano gave him… faces without emotion. He’d have to learn how to look like that, because he wouldn’t risk spilling out at the worst times. Then again… what was Kiru’s story? Who else knew? “… Ah, you’re lucky tonight, Hano; we got lots of assistance,” he spoke in confidence as three people showed up; a blind-folded wizard who went by the name Advent of Sabertooth, Adalinda from the beach party, and the floating ghost-fluffy, not-so-fluffy-at-the-moment wind master from Black Rose. Last time was back at the Halloween Party… where she had the nerve to scare bricks out through his- you know, if she wanted to help, he’d better just forget that episode and move on.

    “I’m Mura, and I’m from Fairy Tail,” he greeted to Advent who specifically wanted to know them and their guilds. He’d smile over at Adalinda to try and see if she recognized him, and given by the cough earlier, it appeared to be just the case; maybe she remembered his delightful octopus dish. Anyway, time was passing, and Mura saw a good bunch of things from the sky when he flew over here. “… They have way too many border patrols hanging around. Especially near the barriers,” he expressed to the others, “We should take things more discreetly… I got an idea.” As he said that, he moved his hand and pointed his palm towards the ground next to his feet, suddenly dissolving the earth and creating what looked like a tunnel. “If we’re sneaky enough, they won’t even realize that we left the country… and don’t worry, I can cover up the hole as easily as I dug it out.” From their position, the border to Pergrande met the border of Bellum up north approximately a few dozen kilometers away - however, in that distance between one and another country, several units of border patrollers surveyed the areas and held their duties and jobs to keep any from illegally crossing the state lines. With their magical affinities and Bellum’s reputation, direct combat was risky even with five wizards - and that was from an objective point of view. Mura just thought that they’d reach further this way…

    He did hope that they wouldn’t get spotted.

    “Kiru, you and Adalinda’s senses far exceeds ours. You can be our eyes and ears underground - in case if the patrollers take notice of us from the surface,” he explained to the two slayers on their team. “If we engage in combat, then you all know what to do.” And with that said, he’d take the lead and expand the length of the tunnel so that everyone could advance towards the north border between the two countries, having a sudden flame in his hands for light…

    WC: 746 + 725 = 1471


    Jiyu Kazehime
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    In Progress Re: Crossing State Lines

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 17th October 2018, 12:13 pm

    1,249 total so far.

    Jiyu quirked one of her blue brows, ears flicking as the other female made her sarcastic and pointless comment. "I didn't leave any dent to begin with." it didn't seem playful to the wind mage, thus she had to assume it wasn't exactly jest. "I don't weigh anything, my body is, uh different, I'm actually incapable of such." with a body made of nothing but what the wind decided to throw together and the negative energy of her life state? The small woman weighed nothing if one put her on some sort of scale, of course she also didn't truly touch the ground much either. Floating was far better than actually walking, even if she preformed motion as if she was walking sometimes. However, there was a slightly chuckle after, suspecting it was teasing if it didn't seem to be exactly the most playful of comments. "Yeah." the wind witch laughed slightly at the mention of the WFTC, not because it was funny but because she had once been part of another guild besides Black Rose during one of her crisis times, and plus Cirven was her cousin. Most people may easily under estimate 'traders' but she knew better.

    She was going to have to visit that mutt when she actually got over what was going on with her. Sadly, at the moment she truly had been too focused on things like learning how to use her newer magical abilities. Considering going anywhere apart from things which could help with that end task? Had not been possible until Astrid's help had caused her to realize the exact way her magical capabilities had changed. However, she was still very shaky on using her main method of fighting apart from her bow, it had taken a long time to figure it out and she had a bit of a learning curve. "...." she seemed as if she was going to say something, but she didn't say whatever she was going to say. "Jiyu kazehime, Black Rose." she introduced herself, adjusting the bow slung across her shoulder, offering a pale lipped smile to the other girl, following after her and Advent.

    Kiru stood there worrying, considering that the other Ace was somehow off leash, but she was missing one important fact. Between then and the current? One other condition was different, Astrid wasn't around, the canine had no one to protect in the way she defend the elf from even herself. The history she held with the wizard saint was long ago, they had been separated for years until recently, but that didn't change how Jiyu felt, in fact it may have only deepened the desire to keep the slayer safe anyway she could. Right now, there was no reason for the wind mage to get confrontational or even act as if it had ever happened. Astrid was safe elsewhere, Kiru couldn't make the slayer feel bad about herself right now. "Oh come on, don't stare at me like that." the canine rolled her eyes, tail wagging slightly showing she was not unhappy to see the other mage, though it also did not suggest she was overly happy, just average.

    "I have the top senses of dogs, so I'll be joining the sensory task." Plus she could in her own unique way see the wind now, in spite of having poor canine vision. "One hitch does exist though." she groaned, looking away from them, slipping her weapons to the ground and letting her body shift forms, until she stood there as a dog of her own height. "I wouldn't be able to navigate a tunnel in my humanoid form due to a small complication that I won't be explaining further. So I have to go like this." the weeping red line around her neck was likely a bit disturbing but she could only shapeshift so much, so often. After the stress she on her body recently from another event? Completely erasing the signs of her life state on her true form, was impossible. Luckily she had been able to eliminate everything but the line that made it look as if someone had beheaded her. "So if someone could help secure my weapon to me again? I can't do it without hands." she would have broken the strap if she had tried to transform wearing it. Luckily, it was not difficult it could just be secured around her mid section with the bow being hooked to the quiver, not hard to do at all, if one had hands.

    The complication? Without the wind she had to rely entirely on her canine senses, which meant she wouldn't be able to see her hand in front of her face, she needed to make sure her nose and whiskers stuck out further, it was the only way she'd be able to make her way through a tunnel she had no idea the shape of.


    Crossing State Lines Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Crossing State Lines H6NcPbM Crossing State Lines H6NcPbM Crossing State Lines H6NcPbM Crossing State Lines H6NcPbM

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    Nessa Cordelia Lux

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    In Progress Re: Crossing State Lines

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 20th October 2018, 9:45 am

    Crossing State Lines Av30Crossing State Lines Av30Crossing State Lines Av30

    Oh no! I'm late! I'm late!

    The panic Nessa was feeling was at maximum capacity right now, she had managed to jump onto the tail of a really important job and she was friggin' late for it. A bunch of mages were out there waiting for her to arrive, Oh gosh, I hope they're not mad. It was all because Sebastian had spent a ridiculous amount of time arguing with her about whether he should be allowed to go. She had preferred that he wouldn't but he had basically clung onto her leg all the way out of the door. Resulting in a magic spat between the two of them. With a growl of frustration and realising how much time the two of them had taken up fighting about it. She had given in and allowed the damn exceed to attend the job. Although this had stopped him from holding onto her and slowing her down. As a result she had the job of experience him giving a lecture the whole time they were travelling. The two mages whizzed through the air, the little grey Exceed had his white wings out and was flapping along. Nessa had her orbs spinning around her vigorously, giving her the ability to levitate. Her feet glowing as well, propelling her through the air at great speed. She had also transferred a little of her magic to Sebastian so that he could fly faster and therefore keep up with her.

    "...and another thing, you do realise you can't just coddle Arielle and I all the time, I mean, I get Arielle cause he's a fairy and doesn't have any offensive magic, but you know I can fight right. Sometimes I swear you do nothing but hold me back cause you're scared I'm going to get hurt when I clearly am tough enough to handle myself. I've been fighting a lot longer than you have Ness, and yet you always underestimate me..." The Exceed's lecture seemed to dragged on for an boorish amount of time. How long had it been now? At least two hours of non-stop telling off. This was probably his third round of telling her how strong and capable he was, undoubtedly she would be hit with another talk about how he couldn't progress if he didn't get to do the tough jobs and that accepting help from others is a sign of strength rather than weakness. Nessa could go on and on about how she only stopped him from joining her on the occasional job to protect him and Arielle, but those comments always seemed to fall on deaf ears. She cared about Sebastian like a brother rather than a pet, and the last thing she wanted was to lose him. Maybe it was selfish of her, but she just couldn't handle the thought of losing anyone else.

    Nessa was only half listening because at present she was trying to figure out where the heck she was supposed to be. She reached into her satchel, checking the paper once again. Squinting as she tried to read it awkwardly as it flapped in the wind of her flight. She skimmed the words before chucking it back in her white bag, she was definitely heading in the right direction. It was just a case of finding the others now. She was wearing her usual white and purple dress. Sporting her neckless with the blue crystal she had earned from her first job with Rina. Underneath her dress the magical corset she had recently acquired as well. It was pretty tight and uncomfortable but it was worth it for the extra layer of magical protection. Even though this job was simply a matter of escorting an individual to the Pergrande border, something told her it wasn't going to be an easy feat. There was bound to be resistance, so she had brought a long everything in hopes that this would help her be a useful member of the group. Although being late to the party, wasn't exactly a good start..

    As her violet eyes scanned the ground below her, she spotted a group of people, appearing to already be on the move. That's gotta be them! She thought happily, she did an excited little squeak before swooping down at full speed, heading in a little too fast as she realised a few metres up she was going to crash. She pulled herself up quickly, barely catching herself in time. She still hit the ground pretty hard, a cloud of dust bursting up as she landed. She stood there eyes shut, coughing for a moment. The grey exceed flew down next to her, arms cross over his chest. "Real smooth Ness." He remarked sarcastically, as the dust settled she shot Sebastian a look before glancing back to the others. "Sorry I'm late!" She said in an anxious tone, hoping they wouldn't be annoyed with her. She spotted two familiar faces, the first was a brown haired guy from her own guild, and her fellow ace. The other was a black haired girl she'd recognised from the beach party she'd recently gone to. "Oh hey Mura, Adalinda! Good to see you!"She looked at the rest of the group, none of which she knew. There was a white haired man who was blindfolded for some reason. A girl with two toned haired, Oh wow, cute! She thought in reference to the hairstyle, the other a pretty blue-haired girl with animal ears. Then finally an anxious looking man who Nessa assumed was the client they were escorted, on account of the lack of magical energy she sensed. "Um, I'm Nessa Cordelia Lux from Fairy Tail, my Exceed friend here is Sebastian." She said, the cat floated over to the other exceed. He sniffed her, "You smell familiar... like someone I've met before, but less drunk." He remarked, Nessa stared at him with a confused look, wondering why on earth he was talking to the purple exceed this way. Shaking her head she glanced back at the others with a nervous smile, "Er, don't mind me, guess we can just er… carry on our way." She said hoping they would all forget about her tardiness quite quickly.  

    Crossing State Lines Nes35Crossing State Lines Nes35Crossing State Lines Nes35

    WC: 1036
    Note :: Thanks for adding me to le partay XD


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