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    The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu Empty The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 2nd April 2018, 11:26 pm

    380 words
    What could possibly be wrong with having that many tails around once more? Jiyu knew that the mission she had been assigned was too much for her alone, plus she didn't want to be alone for any decent stretch of time recently. However, she was beginning to wonder why her first choice for companionship on this had been the biggest slut in the world. Seriously, what could go wrong? A lot, the wind mage knew she would be pretty much helpless to resist someone who so wantonly gave themselves over at this point. Their last interaction's had proven to Jiyu that Aiyana was the sort who could be whatever or whoever someone wanted to her to be, just to get laid, with her current craving to have some control again, she'd take advantage of someone like that in a heartbeat. Unless? Someone was there to stop her! Astrid was also powerful, and they had grown up together, Jiyu was pretty confident her childhood friend would not tolerate lewd behavior near her. That had seemed like a good idea at the time too, but now she realized it really wasn't, Aiyana would likely try to sleep with Astrid and Astrid would likely break someone's arm or something. She fucked up.

    Jiyu now stood in her natural appearance the large black tail attached to her swiping back and forth nervously while she waited for the other two, sighing out. This was going to be fun, especially since she was dressed like a common street hooker, she had tried to manifest more clothing, but that wasn't going to happen, the wind knew well as she did what she wanted to do, but of course that's why astrid had been invited, to keep her from doing something stupid. Although Jiyu hadn't told her friend this, she just kinda trusted Astrid to be a prude still. "Am I early?" or had she told them the wrong time? She hadn't been herself since realizing things, thinking back on that reminded her once more, she needed to apologize to Astrid for running away, but not today, the first step was lu-lu cause Astrid would just forgive her and give a backbreaking hug, Lu-lu would fucking kill her. She was screwed no matter what she did these days.


    The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu H6NcPbM The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu H6NcPbM The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu H6NcPbM The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu H6NcPbM


    The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu Empty Re: The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu

    Post by Guest 3rd April 2018, 2:55 pm

    Terasu. The star-filled planet was like a second home to the elf. Being the planet of which her mentor, Sirius, resided in it was of course only natural that she was more used to how it worked than others. Where as most only came here for romantic dates and family nights, Astrid came here to train. For days to weeks on end the slayer would spend most of every second she was awake fighting off the hostile creatures and overall just surviving in the tough terrain most others had no clue even existed beyond the color lights of the sky and deep within the forests. So to hear something strange was going on? Of course the wizard saint had been one of the first to respond to it. Actually, she was rather surprised she hadn't heard about it while she secluded herself in the mountains after the guild war. At least, she hadn't heard anything about falling creatures from the sky while she was here. Sirius had always told her the stars on this planet were more than meets the eye... But she never knew he meant it quite literally. Still, the slayer had taken what was happening to the planet rather personally, and she knew she would have to get to the bottom of it no matter what.
    ... Only, she would not be doing this alone. Mikka had been the person who brought this up with her in the first place and asked for her help. Without her, she wouldn't even know about this problem. Unless Sirius would eventually contact her, but knowing the white dragon, that wouldn't have happened. So it was up to them (and some other person she wasn't quite sure the identity of) to figure out what was going on.

    Running across the planet from the Wakusei Portals it only took her about a few seconds to reach the destination the canine had chosen for them to meet. But when the elf actually got there, Mikka would probably be caught off guard. By the hug.
    The streak of silver light that was Astrid Foss ran into the dog-like girl at full force, wrapping her arms around her and picking her up like some sort of stuffed animal. "Mikka!" she cheered happily, squeezing probably a little too tightly to be considered comfortable. She hadn't seen her childhood friend in a couple of months, at least not after the guild war. So to say she missed her, would be an understatement. Actually, maybe it had been more than just a couple of months. Back when she was Golden Phoenix's guild master she had wrapped herself so much in her work that she barely had time to really hang out with anybody. So really, this was their first reunion in a long while. "Long time no see~" she would continue to hold onto the canine with a bright smile, with no real intentions of letting her go.

    WC: 491/4,000

    Posts : 1756
    Cosmic Coins : 8
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    Age : 33
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: FrostFire Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Cosmic Slayer
    Third Skill:

    The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu Empty Re: The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu

    Post by Cr1tikal 3rd April 2018, 10:50 pm

    Aiyana was naked, but it wouldn't be long before she would have a covering through the use of the standard magical illusions so that she at least seemed like she was clothed. The sound of snorting from where she sat, hunched over a table, made it pretty clear what she was doing before she slammed her fists down and suddenly stood up. Sitting upon the table was an image of a covergirl from the same company she had been modeled in, a girl by the name of Desire. It was a nice image, and she had a nice butt, so it was a pretty good one to do a line off off. If only it was with them physically, but that was something to try in the future and not right at this moment. That was right! She had a job to do with the furry she had gotten with before on another job! The woman would forget about her weapons and equipment, and her pet, before making her way to the Wakusei Portals so that she could make her way to the planet of Terasu.

    Upon arrival to the always dark planet, with the star-filled sky that seemed to be falling for some reason, the female celestial spirit would make her way to where she was supposed to meet the wind mage and whomever else she was supposed to be working with. Mind raced, likely from actions prior to now, as she moved and eventually found the other two females in what looked to be a bear hug on Jiyu. The nine-tailed fox would not hide herself, in any form, and would come up to them and embrace both in a hug as well. "Group hug time!" This was all that would be on Aiyana's mind until someone else gave her something to think about or do, scattered and wired as her mind was, and thus would continue the hard hug against the two cuties that were currently wrapped in arms and tails.



    The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu MQNhOUw

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu Empty Re: The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 3rd April 2018, 11:21 pm

    So far 748

    Mikka was beyond happy to hear someone call that once more, not minding for once even though Astrid's hug felt as if it would break her bones and had likely fractured a few of them. She could always regenerate a new body later. "Far too long" slender arms raised behind the girl, returning the embrace with one head settled on the back of Astrid's head, a soft smile on the canine's light pink lips, tail swishing back and forth happily. Neither girl had any intention of letting go, and Mikka had no intention of speaking a single word, she just wanted to stand there and hug the other female as if nothing had ever happened. For the moment? Her world wasn't spinning out of control and she felt like herself for a second as if she hadn't screwed up badly as she knew she had.

    The chaste hug would only be 'interrupted' by the rising instincts of a predator the drive to hunt and 'capture' being awoken by the voice of prey she had gotten her claws into before. She felt the arm of the kitsune across her back, eyes suddenly dilating when she felt a melon squished in by the hand attached to that arm. Mikka had no power to think as nine very dexterous tails joined the hug, one of them wrapped around her leg getting a bit too close while another few wrapped around anywhere they could find grip like some sort of octopus. "I Can't Take You Both At The Same Time!" it was barely squeaked out as her hand struggled to grip one of the tails tickle it or something in an attempt to make it loosen up. While she had been strengthened somewhat by her complete merge into the wind? "I'm Going To Break!" she couldn't take both of their weight hugged onto her like this, she was still too delicate and had no real weight of her own to push back with.

    Of course, physically weak as she was, she really couldn't actually do anything against the two, apart from squirming a bit and make uncomfortable slightly pained noises, some of which sounded like moans when the tails moved too much.


    The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu H6NcPbM The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu H6NcPbM The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu H6NcPbM The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu H6NcPbM


    The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu Empty Re: The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu

    Post by Guest 4th April 2018, 2:05 pm

    It seemed as though neither of them had any real intentions of letting the other go. At least, Astrid wouldn't even begin to think about it, even if she was crushing the canine's spine. If she had known, of course, she would have released the girl right away. But no one had ever really mentioned to the elf girl about how strong she actually was, may it be that they were fearful of what her reaction would be or that they they didn't know exactly how to tell her. Either way, it was a surprise no one had thought to tell her yet. Especially, when she was known to break bones with her hugs. It would have saved so many people's lives...
    But that was besides the point! Astrid was just happy to see her childhood friend again. They hadn't seen each other in so long, the extended hug was all they really needed to say in greeting. It was as if, with just the simple gesture alone, they were making up for lost time. The slayer buried her into Mikka's chest, still holding her up without breaking a sweat. Maybe she could just carry her like this throughout the entire job. She could do this one handed, right? Right.
    But sadly, attempting to solve this issue with a single hand would never come to be. The fox's soul had not gone unnoticed by the elfling. Especially when it appeared she was trying to hide it anyway. But being too involved in the hug, the silvernette didn't release Mikka to check and see who it was. It didn't feel malicious by any means, and people were known to come to this planet all the time to sight see. So Astrid had thought nothing of it from when it blinked onto her soul wavelength radar. However, when the being approached closer and embraced the two in a tight hug, it was kind of hard to take no notice of her anymore. Astrid froze on the woman's touch as not only her arms but her many tails wrapped around them. Only now would she release Mikka, at least enough so she would be able to slip out of her grasp. Though the slayer was all for hugs, having so many things wrap around her all at once was a little suffocating if not overwhelming. At first she tried to bite her lip through it, struggling against the extra limbs to hopefully escape. But when it became evident that the being's grip rivaled her own, the elf could do nothing more than to cry out. "I-It's too tight!" she breathed out heavily, gasping for air, her breath ragged. "It's too much! I'm going to- kya~!" Feeling a tail inch a little too close to a certain place Astrid let out a strange noise that she hadn't ever made before, her face reddening. Her one eye widened before narrowing in slightly annoyance, letting out a huff. "Okay that's enough! Please let go!" She didn't want those tails going anywhere else... Besides, they should really get going with their job. As much as she liked hugs, this was getting a little out of hand.

    WC: 1,021/4,000

    Posts : 1756
    Cosmic Coins : 8
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: FrostFire Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Cosmic Slayer
    Third Skill:

    The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu Empty Re: The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu

    Post by Cr1tikal 4th April 2018, 10:15 pm

    Aiyana's group hug was a great one, at least she felt like it was. Her illusionary clothes would act as if they were real while the hug was on, even though she really was not wearing a single thing, even as her arms hugged tightly around the two. The tails, her nine beautiful tails, would act like they had a mind of their own for the hug. Up, down, left, right, they hugged around where ever they pleased without really stopping too long on one part. That was at least what Aiyana thought was going on, her tails actually going along with her crazed mind to hit parts of the girls that were quite lewd if one were to focus on it for more than a few moments; which was happening right now. The words from the two to end the topic would cause her to squeeze just a little bit harder before ending the hug, though her tails would inch a little further from where they were currently before doing a light flick across their bodies before returning to their proper place behind her body.

    "Nice to see you again Jiyu, it's been a while! I missed you so much! And who's your cute little friend! I do not think I've had the pleasure of meeting her!" With that part said Aiyana would turn to the other woman that was still a stranger and introduce herself. "Hi! My name's Aiyana, from Lamia Scale! It's a pleasure to meet you!" The wizard saint of pleasure had no clue who other woman was, but if she was a good friend of Jiyu's then maybe the three would have a really good time here on this planet, and a good time after! Of course they still needed to do their job here first, or at least try to do it before getting to anything else. That would be after introductions though, and a calming down of the two that sounded like they were close to getting off from a hug!



    The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu MQNhOUw

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu Empty Re: The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 4th April 2018, 11:05 pm

    [1220/4,000] words
    She had given up struggling against the hug at some point as one of those tails had wrapped around her own resting most of its weight against the base of her spine removing her ability to do anything but pant. Was Aiyana high or did she just not realize what she was doing in front of Astrid?! Mikka crumbled to the ground when Aiyana released the two of them, taking her tail into her own hands and hugging it close to protect it from any further assault by the kitsune. "Nice to see you too." for the moment she had her head under control, smoothing down ruffled parts of her long and thick tail with her tongue. Of course, things didn't remain that way for long.

    When she had gone and invited Astrid she believed simply having the older yet less mature girl present would be enough to encourage better behavior in herself, prevent her acting on the screaming need she knew would enter her head. Quickly, the canine found she was wrong and regretted inviting either of them! Mikka didn't want to jump on Aiyana in front of Astrid because the latter was someone she wanted to protect, but beyond her need to protect Astrid there was the fact she had also called the Kitsune a friend to some extent. Friends? Didn't just decide to pin their friends down and ravage them, simply because they felt as if they had lost all control in their own lives, it wasn't right. Yet, she wanted to, already knew it would be so easy and feel so good.

    With a playful growl, the wind user would jump at the high party in the room, being able to tell by now that someone had gotten hold of some good shit. "I bet you want that pleasure to be all yours, don't you?" her voice was firm as her clawed hand grabbed the fox's chin thumb stroking across the other girl's cheek, the free arm going around Aiyana's waist to pull her close as one leg moved forward slightly. "And call me Mikka, little fox." her arm would tighten around the other's waist pulling them closer together feeling the heat of her right there, a heat she knew was beyond easily submitted and wasn't that reason she was acting like this? She knew the other wouldn't stop her, Aiyana was running wild and pretty much had no limits to her knowledge, she could act out, the other made it alright to do. "That's what she's going to call me anyway as it's my birth name." with that clarification she would slip her hand around to the back of the kitsunes head and push her head forward so their lips touched. Of course, a good deal was considering Aiyana let her perform such stunts, but it was Aiyana after all.


    The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu H6NcPbM The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu H6NcPbM The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu H6NcPbM The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu H6NcPbM


    The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu Empty Re: The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu

    Post by Guest 5th April 2018, 8:27 pm

    A sigh of relief came from the elf's chest as she was finally unhanded... And also untailed by the vixen. Thankfully, it seemed as though her pleas to be released had not fallen onto deaf ears. Otherwise, they might still be within her grasp and getting nowhere. At least finally now they would be able to get on with what they came here to do. Though, right now, before they could do that introductions were in order. The hug had been quite the greeting in of itself, but Astrid didn't even know the name of the one she assumed was the mage who would be helping them.
    Upon being untangled by all eleven of the limbs Astrid backed away slightly, just a small step from where they had once been, giving herself a little bit of space to breathe. The slayer would cast a curious gaze over to Mikka, who was currently breathing rather heavily as she applied her tongue to her tail, before the expression turned to that of slight annoyance. The canine had... Enjoyed that endeavor a little too much. From the fox's words, it seemed as though the two knew each other from elsewhere, though from where exactly and how? She did not know. But, judging from the dog girl's various moans and ragged breaths? She probably didn't want to know, and that was for the better... This, was going to be a long job wasn't it?

    A silver eyebrow twitched with annoyance as she thought about what the two of them might have done, but was quickly pushed back further into her mind when the girl introduced herself. Aiyana, an ace of Lamia Scale. That name did sound familiar, which was no surprise for an ace. She wasn't sure exactly where she had heard that name before, but for popular guild higher ups that wasn't entirely uncommon to hear their name here and there.
    A small smile overcame the elf's lips, about to offer a hand to Aiyana in order to introduce herself... If Mikka hadn't literally jumped in front of her and clung to the woman like some deranged animal. The silvernette watched with a horrid expression as her innocence was once again stripped right from her in a series of playful gestures and a making out session. First those seahorses, now this. What was the canine thinking, just jumping onto someone so suddenly and giving her body away?! Didn't she know that the exchange of a kiss so deeply should only be for the person's significant other? And as far as she knew, Mikka certainly had no significant other. How indecent had she become over the past couple of months?! Had she just forgotten not only her manners, but her sanity??
    With her lips parted open a silent scream sounded from the elf's mouth as she watched the scene, unable to move, completely taken aback by such forwardness from someone she really hadn't been expecting it from. She wasn't sure what to do about this, how to process this. How the heck did she even think this was okay?!
    ... Such indecency needed to be stopped, and punished.
    Her shocked features turned into that of anger as the slayer would suddenly allow her body to become consumed in a pulsating silver light. Only a mere few seconds later, would her foot find itself plunging into Mikka's face. The elf had made a running start, approaching Mikka before hopping off the round and giving her a good back kick to the face. If it landed correctly, it would separate the twos lips and send the canine flying backwards a couple of feet, maybe even with a broken or bloody nose. In her place in front of Aiyana, would stand a fuming Astrid, casting her reddened gaze upwards towards the vixen, smiling, as if she hadn't just sent her friend flying across the ground. Pushing her hand forward for Aiyana to shake, she would continue from where Mikka had interrupted them.
    "Astrid Foss. It's nice to meet you too. Please forgive my friend, she needs a bit more training. I'll be sure to keep her on a leash from now on." A weirdly dark giggle would escape from her lips, all complete with an innocent head tilt as she mentally made a note to sit Mikka down later and give her a private... Lesson on manners.

    WC: 1,752/4,000

    Posts : 1756
    Cosmic Coins : 8
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    Age : 33
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: FrostFire Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Cosmic Slayer
    Third Skill:

    The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu Empty Re: The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu

    Post by Cr1tikal 9th April 2018, 12:18 am

    Well, things took an interesting turn once she finished her hug! Tails would continue to move a bit erratically as here drug-addled mind tried to process everything that was going on around her. Things happened pretty quickly after she spoke, almost making her panic with how quickly, and the nine tailed fox barely kept her reactions as something appropriate for each response she tried to do. Aiyana would start to reach down to try and pet the 'puppy' that was Jiyu as she fluffed her tail. That would not work out well as Jiyu would suddenly be back up on her feet and would put the two of them into a lewd position without any kind of warning. While Aiyana normally would not have an issue with this, especially with how the other woman was rubbing up against her at the current time, she doubted that doing such a thing in the middle of a planet having a catastrophe was the right place for it. The celestial spirit would return the kiss, automatically doing so because she was so used to being kissed like this, and think about the new name she had been given for Jitu; Mijja. It was a strange name, and it was even stranger to be called 'little fox' by the girl that was shorter than she was.

    Before Aiyana could ask about anything Jiyu did, or said, the newcomer would surprise her. A shocked face would turn angry even as the woman flashed into a pulsating silver light that reminded the nine tailed fox woman about some of the acid trips she had had in the last few months. Knowing not to mess with anything that reminded her of an acid trip, the drug using woman dodged out of the way before she got hit by the angry girl that she did not know enough to trust with that kind of expression on her face. It was a good thing the Lamia Scale mage had done so, as Jiyu would suddenly be the one under attack by a raging kick. After the kick was done the new girl would be in front of Aiyana with a smile that said "I didn't do that, what are you talking about?" even as she began to put her hand out for a handshake. Aiyana would carefully accept the handshake, praying the woman did not attack her as well, and would listen to the introduction that the girl names Astrid Foss gave. Forgive her friend? For not being trained enough? Keep a leash on her? Was Jiyu...er Mikka some kind of BDSM freak and not tell Aiyana? How dare she keep that a secret! Well, that or Miss Astrid was a prude. Yeah, that made more sense! Aiyana best be careful, lest she meets whatever fate her one day stand from another job would meet tonight. "A pleasure to meet you Astrid, and don't worry about Mikka. I think she may have just gotten a little carried away with that dog nose of hers. I'm sure she'll behave after such a strong hit!" Aiyana would giggle along with the other, not realizing how dark it sounded and how crazy it looked. Someone was laughing, her mind said laugh along. Simple!

    Aiyana would look over to Jiyu to see if she was okay, though not speaking cause she was sure that the girl would have something to bark at Astrid, and maybe even bite her. If there was an injury the woman would be able to easily heal it with her magic, so it was all good from here on out!



    The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu MQNhOUw

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu Empty Re: The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 22nd June 2018, 3:12 pm

    In spite of Mikka's out of the norm response, how the other two knew each other was nowhere near what Astrid was expecting. Of course, who could blame the elf for assuming such things, the canine was not good at keeping things clear. Heck! The girl couldn't even keep who she was straight. How was she possibly even the least bit capable of keeping communication between herself and others clear. The only thing correct about any line of thinking was the fact that Mikka had nearly lost whatever sanity she had still possessed after her time as a runaway and captive.

    She barely responded to the kick in the face, except for the normal physical reactions someone had to have towards the fact they had just been injured. How was she supposed to react when she didn't know who she was, Jiyu and Mikka would respond to such a thing completely differently, even if they were both her! Thus she was trapped in a state where she could do nothing except sit there for a little while, not moving.

    Aiyana was expecting the canine to turn around and bite the hand that had just struck her, strike back in some way even if it was just verbal. From everything, the kitsune had seen of 'Jiyu' that should have been what she did, but shockingly nothing like that took place. Mikka had never turned on Astrid no matter how many times the 'special' mage had accidentally hurt her or hurt her more than intended. Plus, apart from nostalgia the wind user had to make sure of the damage. Astrid was exceptionally strong and her body was weaker than average since it was just the wind thrown together to create temporary parts. She was made to fall apart.

    "You know Astrid that makes it sound like you're into some kinky shit. Careful how you word things to other's." people who didn't understand how innocent, how vulnerable and naive the elf really was. She wasn't capable of clarifying her own motives nor what was going on for her, but she knew that regardless of her name she cared for the light-haired girl. "Careful how you say things. Didn't I tell you that before?" she managed to get back on her feet, albeit preferring to use her levitation power more clearly now. "Also I don't need more training, it's nothing for you to worry about so please just stay out of it Astrid." How else was she supposed to protect Astrid from the growing confusion in her head if the elf didn't stay out of matters involving it.

    Now that she was up, it was clear to see that kick had done a good deal of damage to the weak-bodied canine. Several teeth were missing and one of the canines in the front was broken in half, the nose out of place and several bruises around one eye joined the blood from her mouth and nose. "My behavior has nothing to with being hit." deciding that her face was fairly damaged and looked horrible in her humanoid state the wind user decided to shift into her natural body. "Though my nose may be part of it." the comment was spoken in the form of an actual dog, something resembling a slightly long furred sleeker wolf-dog, only she stood at her normal height making her much larger. "It's still working as well, in case we need to track anything." at least for the moment it seemed that the hit may have potentially given some control back to the wind user. "Astrid please be more careful, you know I rely on my nose and ears! My vision has only gotten worse since we were kids." the canine spoke with glaring slightly at her friend, as much as she loved Astrid the girl had just nearly taken the risk of leaving her almost 'blind' in a sense. "You know I can barely see to begin with, You can see a tree to avoid walking into it, I have to be able to smell it or hear something bouncing off it!" Aiyana had proven trustful enough before, so the canine didn't mind admitting her lack of sight in front of the kitsune.


    The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu H6NcPbM The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu H6NcPbM The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu H6NcPbM The falling star;; Astrid/Aiyana/Jiyu H6NcPbM

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:06 pm