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    To stop an invasion

    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    To stop an invasion Empty To stop an invasion

    Post by Leila Vergious 29th March 2018, 3:18 pm

    Leila Vergious  ❃  S-rank  ❃  Silver Wolf
    It has been a good while since the infamous call to arms had happened. A call from the magical council that would require most, if not all, mages to head toward the Fat Monsterland and start using everything they had to stop the monsters there. Or, to be more precise, a monster army that was advancing toward Fiore in order to conquer it. Well, at least the girl could agree that they had to be stopped in some way. So she ended up fighting at the front lines herself, along with an old friend of hers she had not seen in forever. A start to this long and tiresome tale.

    After successfully halting the army’s progression, the council would start performing recon missions that discovered locations of several monster bases. Once again were mages of all guilds dispatched to these locations in order to bring the monsters to justice and prevent any future attempts at waging a war with humanity. There, the Void Spirit had met a dragon who was much smaller and willing to talk than most of her species. Together, they managed to bring down the monster forces without killing them, allowing the rune knights to exact their own justice that they believed in.

    That should have been the end of it all. And perhaps it was. However, the experimental scanner in the halls of Silver Wolf guild was now going off like crazy, showing magical signatures that would most likely belong to those very monsters based on the previously gathered information. Whether the first few fruits of the guild were starting to be seen or if the device was simply malfunctioning had to be verified somehow. And seeing how the guild was still at its very start and with few members to spare, the guild master had taken it upon herself to venture out.

    She needed a small stretch anyway, so not like this was anything bad for her. In a mild hurry, she would dress in the new apparel that she had prepared for herself before founding the guild. Or perhaps it was wrong to call it “new”, as it was still the very same armor she had worn for ages. One weaved from Eden’s shadow and capable of changing how it looked, even altering its abilities to fit Leila most in the stage of power she was in. And now, after Eden’s successful ascension? It had returned to the very original appearance.

    A long coat of midnight blue color with a white trim, crimson red on the inside and acting as a good insulator that could be worn both during the hot days and cold nights. Together that a brown-ish miniskirt and knee-high socks. To top it all off, she could also never forget the top hat adorned with roses. Flowers that meant much more to her now than ever before. Though it was still far too soon for her to be trying that magic out, so this little mission would have to go by without show-casting it in any way.

    But there was also one new addition to this outfit, one that the girl was somewhat unsure about for a while. But at the end of the day, it was one of the very few things that she had from her previous guild, Golden Phoenix. A mask of white porcelain-like material infused with magic, the Phoenix logo seared into it with eternal flames. The one unfortunate fact about it was that it looked somewhat creepy on the outside. But the Golden Phoenix meant a lot to her, so she would risk creeping some people out in order to keep a piece of that home with her at all times.

    Putting the mask on, she would let out a small sigh and head out. Melon was already waiting for her by the entrance, her body grown to a proper size and wings adorning her back. This transforming ability of hers was awfully handy when they had to travel like this. So without any further delays, the silver-haired maiden would hop onto the majestic creature and let it take to the skies, piercing the snow storm that always surrounded the guild hall, only calmed down by the rune formation put into place to keep the building and everyone inside safe.

    Thankfully, the guild symbol every member had somewhere on their body also create a similar effect, although on a much smaller scale. But still big enough to protect the individual from freezing to death out there. Soon enough, they would be out of the mountains and heading toward one of the closest villages that were marked by the scanner as affected by the hostile magical signatures. And that village happened to be a tiny nostalgia trip for the girl - the Beanstalk village. A place where she not only once, but twice defeated a horde of vegetable demons in order to break a curse.

    Those were the fun and simply times the girl often looked back at. But now, she could see it even from this much of a distance. Giant magical circles were positioned in the skies above the land, swarms of creatures being released every few moments. Thankfully, it seemed that the village was somewhat more prepared for this after their curse incident. Hunters and defenders were running all around, using both primitive and somewhat more modern weapons to defend against the monsters and beasts suddenly present. There were even few magic users already present and pushing the enemy back.

    As for Leila, she wished to take in the large scope of this battle so that she could form the best strategy for now. Giving Melon the appropriate signal, they would land on one of the many buildings at the very edge of the village, one that was also tall enough for her to see what was going on down below in pretty much the entire village. Not only that, she also felt many magical signatures that belonged to proper mages that were on her side. And one of them, she actually recognized as a certain summoner she had met in the past and worked with few times already. This was shaping to be very interesting so far!
    1,034 / 4,000 WC 


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

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    To stop an invasion Empty Re: To stop an invasion

    Post by Samira Nassar 31st March 2018, 8:32 am

    "Mages come in all shapes and sizes. Where one may falter at something, another may excel."

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    To stop an invasion V6JIcYH To stop an invasion WOyJ6my To stop an invasion JOeaZ9l To stop an invasion W1bEUgL To stop an invasion MrksPDy
    Anyone that followed any sort of news and diidn't live under a heavy rock should have known of the Magic Council's calls that were made some time ago to deal with a monster invasion of sorts. The first call had been successful, at least, as far as a certain green-haired summoner knew. She herself had not participated. At the time, it would have been suicide to even try taking on the monsters of Fat Monsterland despite being in Lamia Scale, a guild known for its goal of eradicating deadly and dangerous monsters. Her combat skill level as well as her magical power were low ranking and would have hardly been valuable to the real heroes that answered the call and pushed back the invading monster army.

    When the second call was made sometime later, it was to head further into enemy territory and thin the numbers to stop any more future invasions. At that point, her skills had improved, and she had aided in the effort along with a friend and fellow guild member. Their part in that tale remained hidden and untold for another mission that required them had come up almost immediately, and so they had left it up to other surrounding wizards to report to the council and take credit. They had paid no mind to it. Their work had been accomplished regardless, and other groups had been there to place the mark of Lamia Scale on the list of guilds that aided the council.

    Now there were even more developments in the monster invasion case that should have been closed. A twist of sorts that not even those of the Magic Council could predict and anticipate. Rather than monsters invading from their home within the Monsterlands, they were somehow appearing in towns, villages, and cities all across Fiore instantly with no way to counter beforehand or be prepared. Reports had come in already from other mages that had witnessed and dealt with the issue, and from what could be gathered the monsters were all being summoned by magic circles. A third call had been made; a call to investigate the magic circles and figure out just what was going on. The monster invasions were getting to a point that they appeared to be more than just simple invasions, and now, the Lamia Scale Ace was on a level that made her to where she could no longer ignore it. There was a mystery to be solved, and possible monsters to eliminate for the sake of the country.

    'Oh, great, for once we're actually doing what we're supposed to be doing. You know, hunting monsters.'

    "You do realize there is not always a monster threat that needs eliminating, correct? I do tend to need to take on other missions every now and then." Samira had explained to one of the many spirits that remained present in her mind. Much had happened in her life lately, and there had been great changes. One of which was the disappearance of an ally and dear friend. With her gone, the summoner had been left with a life that became a little too peaceful when compared to the dangers and chaos she used to face on a near weekly basis. Different jobs had been taken as a sort of distraction, but nearly all of them were trivial or did not have as much action as her spirits would have liked. They became bored and had actually come to miss their past lifestyle. The possibility of fighting random monsters and defending a village was actually exciting for many of them, although really Samira preferred if things did not end up so chaotic.

    'Yeah, yeah, excuses, excuses.' Another voice rang in her mind sarcastically. 'Where are we going anyway?'

    'Beanstalk Village.' Replied the winged lion spirit, Anhur, that Samira was riding as a method of transportation. While she did have a portal spirit that may have been able to transport her to the village more efficiently, Samira preferred not stepping into what may be an invasion in progress. She needed to be able to get a clear sight of things as a just in case measure.

    'Beanstalk Village? You're kidding?'

    "I am not," Samira told the spirit calmly, although her eyes narrowed in slight annoyance at the spirit mocking her choice of location. "The other cities and towns have either already had reports come in or were already well defended. There has been no word from Beanstalk Village. If I had to guess, it is possible that it will be a target soon if another invasion were to occur."

    'Save the argument for later. We are already here.' Words that were true and made summoner and spirit go silent. Further ahead the giant beanstalk the village was known for could be easily seen. It took but mere moments before the lion spirit was hovering over the village, which at that point in time was peaceful with the villagers going about their daily lives. There were a few that stood out from the rest, likely mages there to help investigate and defend much like she was. "So far nothing is amiss. Lets land and see if we can investigate further. Maybe we can find clues before the outbreak if there is one."

    Her current ride did as told, landing in the center of the village near the worshipped beanstalk. Many of the villagers gave her curious glances, but she wasn't exactly the first outsider they had seen. Not that it mattered to her, of course. Samira ignored the stares and made no comment as she hopped off of Anhur's back and went to work trying to find anything out of the ordinary. Well, out of the ordinary where magic was concerned. Her iLac had been pulled out and had made a quick scan of the village using some of the installed magic tech or whatever within it. She really didn't understand what made it work or how. All she knew was how to read it and push a few buttons. Advanced magical technology she was still trying to get used to.

    "Hmm, I am not coming up with any magic readings that we know about in regards to monster summoning." Her finger then flipped the window to a new one on the screen. "Nothing on the monster scan either. Everything here is either human or of a species that is not linked with the monsters appearing from the reports." The whole time she walked, her eyes stared directly at the screen and nothing else. It was by some miracle that she did not run into anything with her focus and concentration so heavily fixated on the device.

    'Oh good. We came all this way for nothing. Fascinating.'

    'You should be grateful that at least one village is not being attacked. Also realize that one can happen at any given point. There is a chance whatever is happening with these monster invasions is outside our normal library of knowledge and information. Being able to accurately find it with... that device may not be possible.'

    Samira thought that over as her spirits continued talking amongst each other. There was truth to that. Lamia Scale knew plenty about monsters and had a grand library for other information, but they didn't know everything. Whatever magic was being used could be something new or unknown entirely. Her verdant colored gaze finally left the iLac device she held and shifted over towards the lion that walked beside her silently. "Anhur, you go look around elsewhere while I-" How convenient. Just as she was about to suggest they split up, magic circles began to appear everywhere within the village and even the sky. As their glow brightened, a portal of sorts temporarily opened from each one. In just a few seconds swarms of monsters had appeared, turning the once peaceful village into a battlefield.

    'Look around elsewhere while you fight. Understood.' Anhur then took off into the air, leaving the summoner behind.
    "Wha- Anhur! Get back here!"

    'And there he goooeeesss!'

    Samira sighed in exasperation as she vowed to make the lion do what he hated most when they got back to the guild hall: babysit a bunch of kids. For now, there were several monster swarms to deal with. Unknown to her, an ally of the past would soon arrive and make a landing at the edge of the village, taking in what was going on and developing a strategy. Even more unknown was that another powerful mage would also be present for the defense of the village. Three mages of different guilds and views soon coming together to put an end to the madness. Hopefully once and for all.

    Template by ○Kaori

    (Leila said she forgot to roll, so I be rolling.)



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    To stop an invasion Empty Re: To stop an invasion

    Post by NPC 31st March 2018, 8:32 am

    The member 'Samira Nassar' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    To stop an invasion TV6mrb1 To stop an invasion TV6mrb1 To stop an invasion X6fB6gw To stop an invasion UtKyMUJ To stop an invasion TV6mrb1
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    To stop an invasion Empty Re: To stop an invasion

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 1st April 2018, 8:14 pm

    The Demon King

    A fair amount of time had passed since the last time he responded to the Magic council’s draft  notice was sent out across the nation to deal with what would could have escalated into a true national crisis. Kite responded to the call and reported to a section of the The Fat Monsterland in order to eliminate the army of monsters that had somehow organized and looked to invade and destroy the various villages surrounding the Fat Monsterland. He and the group of mages he teamed up with managed to fight against the numbers and defeated the Griffin that united all the monsters together. Despite his victory he did not respond to the second call that went out to all the guilds and every place in between. Other matters were much more important chief among them was the rebuilding of Sabertooth and establishing itself in its homeworld as well as its influence in the realms that were connected through the branches of the Yggdrasil. He had heard the news of the successful incursion into the heart of Fat Monster land where the numbers of the various monsters was decreased exponentially. Despite the effort put into both missions on behalf of the Magic Council a third request was delivered to Sabertooth’s mailbox and then it was taken right to Tailspin the personal Airship that belonged to none other than the GuildMaster, Kite himself. After reading the details of the mission he smirked to himself as he looked up at the viewfinder over head in the Ships massive cargobay. ”Hey EDI spin up the engines. We got a job to do.“ Kite left the  cargo bay and began to walk back towards the guild “Where are you going Kite?” EDI would ask but Kite kept walking. He decided it would be a good idea to invite Ryo on this little mission. His magic could come in handy as well as his companion. He would knock on the ace’s door before calling out to him, ”Hey Ryo we gotta job.“

    Kite would return with Ryo to sound of Tailspin’s main engine roaring as the turbines on each wing pushed the ship off the ground and into the proper airspace for take off. ”Make yourself at home. The common area is over there.“ he pointed to the door in the back where the med bay was located, ”You can above deck and is the kitchen or join me in the cockpit.“ with that Kite made his way up the winding catwalk ascending up through the catwalk to the nearest staircase that would put him on the main level just between the dining area and the foredeck which was a shot hallway that acted as a bridge to lead up to the cockpit which is where Kite was heading. “Kite The ship is ready to go. What is our heading?” the disembodied voice spoke from inside the speakers in the console. ”We are going to Beanstalk village.“ The turbines changed their angle so that Tailspin rotated in the air pointing in the direction of Beanstalk Village before rotating once more pointing back and in sync with the main engine they erupted from Tailspin being put into full throttle. Kite took sat down in the pilot’s seat and leaned back in the chair with his arms behind his head and his eyes closed. He had the notion of taking a nap but EDI of course had something to say to the captain of the ship, “What sort of job are we doing?” Keeping his eyes closed he answered, ”The Magic Council calling all hands on deck again.“  He opened his eyes to see the clouds racing by with EDI continuing the conversation. “You mean that job in Fat MonsterLand? Didn’t you turn them down the second time?” He nodded and shrugged, ”Yeah and even still they got the job done but mysterious magic circles are popping up across Fiore and no one knows what they are which is where I come in.“ EDI chimed in with a question, “So why BeanStalk village?” Kite’s eyes opened all the way now and leaned forward in his seat looking outside now, ”They said these things were popping up all over the damn place and Beanstalk is one of the closest villages to us. If there is no issue then we move to the next closest town but if these circles are there and something happens the village will be more or less defenseless.“ Looking down at the console he stood up from the chair and turned towards the door to exit the cockpit, ”How long until we get to the village?“ If he had time he was going to take a small nap but luck as he would soon learn wasn’t on his side today. “We have approximately five minutes until we are in the airspace above it.” With that plan ruined he did the only thing left to do and that was go below deck and wait for the Tailspin to land.

    Once the Tailspin landed and the inside of the cargo bay shook which informed him that they were on the ground  long before EDI did. ”Any disturbances?“ and without a word EDI performed a sweep of the area and once it was over the silence was broken by her voice. “It would seem that magic circles have been located and seem to be activating. Be prepare for battle.” EDI opened the airlock and the ramp lowered down to the ground and Kite walked down it keeping his sword on his back but his right hand on the handle. ”A fight already? Looks like I made it just in time. Oh EDI do you sense any other mages here?“ he was curious to know if he were alone or if he might have some help here. “I don’t detect anyone using magic although several signs of strong magic are present but I cannot distinguish them from the circles.” He smiled and finally exited the ship with Ryo and looked at him ”So we either find help or we find trouble. Either way this will be one hell of a party.“ of course his timing could not have been worse for the moment the word hell left his lips that is when the circles opened up and unleashed a swarm of various monsters onto the village. Pulling reaper from the back of waist he extended his the blade allowing reaper to enter sword mode. ”Bad guys first.“ were the last words he would say as he charged into the village ready to chop down anything in his way.

    Kite Wilhelm



    To stop an invasion Gvf4gD8

    Car King Saint

    Car King Saint

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    To stop an invasion Empty Re: To stop an invasion

    Post by RyoKnetegawa 12th April 2018, 7:58 am

    Ryo was living in the guild hall of Sabertooth once more. He couldn’t live in the home he had bought with Ian all those years ago, and instead he was living where he could do the most benefit to the world. He really liked this guild hall, he loved the place that was his new home. Yet, he couldn’t help but be absolutely angry with those elders who had taken his past home from him. It was a slight, a slight that he was unable to return in kind, it was a slight that he was unable to get revenge for. Sighing he looked up at the ceiling of his room which was actually a suite of rooms which was only appropriate for a Paragon of Sabertooth. He really didn’t want to bother with much of anything and despite his rank as one of the wizard saints. Of course, he was certainly happy to adhere to the magic council’s requests when it suited him because he was nothing if not a man of his word, he never lied, and was always true to his word. That being said his word could be twisted in a pretzel, bent up beyond recognition, interpreted in many ways and on many levels, but he would never break it.

    As he lay in his bed looking up at the ceiling his dire wolf lay on the floor panting slightly from the fact that he had just eaten a heavy meal which was meant to replace the blood that he had lost to his master whom had no other choice but to feed from him. He was very happy to do this for his master, he loved Ryo with all that he was, it was Ryo who had saved him all those years ago, it was Ryo who had raised him, and it was Ryo to whom he owed everything so he wasn’t about to be ungrateful or decline Ryo any help that he could offer. They lay down in silence enjoying the time that he had off to himself before he heard the sound of a knock on his door. He surged to his door and looked through the peep hole to see that it was the guild master. He opened the door and bowed his head in respect to his master “Master Kite. I shall be ready in a moment. Please excuse me.” He bowed back into his room and did his best to get dressed. He wore fairly traditional clothes for him his slacks black, his shirt a blood red with a deep royal purple vest over it. He wore a belt with deck boxes clipped on in several places and threw over his blood red duster over that. Finally, he pulled on his hat before stepping out of his door and moving along with his guild master. He looked at the tailspin that they were going to ride in and he raised his brow. He had heard about this vessel and he wondered if it was as good or as useful as it was said to be.

    He didn’t dare ask his guild master any of this because it would’ve been rude, but he was concerned. When they went on board he kept up with Kite moving to stand just outside of the cockpit, so he could listen in on what was being said, and what was happening. He himself didn’t much mind what the job actually was because he was here to do a job no matter what it was that was needed of him. When he heard they were going to Beanstalk village his brow slowly crept up his face as he looked at his guild master. What caused him even more confused interest was the fact that this was the calling of the magic council. He didn’t doubt it after all, he was very rarely talking to the magic council, and he really didn’t see the need to stay in touch with them more than he had to, not to mention that they had their ways of reaching him whenever they wanted their wizard saint to go out and do a job for them. Being that he knew nothing about the job that they were doing he decided that he would keep quiet. This job was apparently related to that incident that happened in the Fat Monsterland, but he was busy at the time of the incident and he never had a chance to help defend or partake in the incident. This had been enough to get a scolding by the magic council, but Ryo had personal matters to attend to and there was no point in him going. If the battle was lost then he would have made sure that the land, and more importantly his guild was safe. He was the unbreakable shield, or the striking sword, he was not to be used as cannon fodder which was what he decided that most of those people had been.

    The wait wasn’t something that bothered Ryo and he waited leaning against the wall outside of the cockpit and casually pulled a tarot card from a pocket. As he did so he placed a hand on the card and slowly pulled out the sword that was held in safe keeping by the card itself. Upon removing it from the card the card vanished entirely. He strapped his sword to his belt and began to roll his shoulders so that he could unwind and pop his muscles into place, so they would be useful again. When they were at their target and landed Ryo followed after his guild master nodding his head “I think this will be a lot of fun. However, we should also keep casualties to a minimum. We have no choice but to keep them as safe as we are able.” Shaking his head slowly he pulled his hat further down on his head “Well, this should at the very least promise not to bore me.” He surged forward towards where he could see the glow of the circle that was the thing that was summoning the villains into the village he didn’t bother with human speed, he rarely bothered with the charade of being human unless he was standing before the magic council or had been given orders. He was ready to fight, and he ran to meet the enemy head on.

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    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    To stop an invasion Empty Re: To stop an invasion

    Post by Leila Vergious 14th April 2018, 1:44 pm

    Leila Vergious  ❃  S-rank  ❃  Silver Wolf
    The magical circles above the pretty small village were gigantic, ones you would expect a massive monster to be brought in. But even as they became active, the magical lines that formed the actual circles themselves starting to glow with power that coursed through them and slowly warped space in its immediate vicinity, that was simply not the case. Instead, large swarms of smaller enemies would come through the newly opened gates and started heading down, some using wings of some sort to slow down their fall while others being carried down by magical lines from the circles themselves.

    In other words, this appeared to be more than just a random event occurring due to natural causes. Well, of course that was the case. After all, only larger human settlements were being targeted like this. There was a very obviously intelligent mind behind all of this, one driven by enough malice to actually try to destroy the structure of daily life in Fiore. But regardless of that, it was still somewhat fascinating to watch these magics at work. They were quite different from Leila’s own gates that were far more basic right now. In fact, she was tempted to take notes in order to improve her own magic later.

    Regretfully, there was no time to actually do any of this. The fact that these beasts and monsters were already descending down onto the villagers meant that she had to hurry and do whatever she could to protect them all. And the best way to do this was to shut down those magical circles before they would bring any more monsters in than they already have, while at the same time locking all present hostile forces in the village and allowing villagers themselves to run out of this place. That way, an accessible arena would be created and allow for the eradication of the enemy.

    The only problem with such plan was that the structures in this place could get damaged because of the combat. But as far as Leila was concerned, lives of the living beings here were far more important than anything that could be found here. Not to mention that the Beanstalk village was actually one of the least advanced and structurally impressive places in Fiore. It was not meant to be an insult to this place, just an observation that resulted in the fact that they could always rebuild once everything was over. Especially with Leila’s help who could provide unlimited sourced of wood and workforce alike.

    Nodding to herself, the girl had a plan. It would take a good bit of her energy right from the start, but that was why she had Melon on her side. And she sensed several more magical signatures in this place as well, assuming they were allies. This put her mind at ease, even as she looked up to see what appeared to be an airship above the magical circles. Even more unknown allies were arriving, so there really wasn’t anything she’d have to fear. Smiling beneath the mask, she would hop down from her companion’s back and pat the wolf while leaning to one of her ears.

    Go on ahead, help anyone you can find. I’ll get this place off so that no monsters can escape. A passage will be open to you and the villagers.” The bright green and pink wolf understood her perfectly and confirmed the plan with an excited bark, swiftly running off into the center of the village. Now it was time for Leila to work. That said, she was somewhat concerned as she noticed enemies surrounded by flames descending slowly toward the ground. One of her greatest weaknesses would be tested once more, huh?

    Thankfully, the ascended version of her magic was less susceptible to fire than the magic she had started off with. Eden truly was evolving along with the girl, growing stronger with every experience she’d have on the way to where she was right now. Smiling beneath the Phoenix mask on her face, she would crouch down and firmly plant her palms on the ground, letting her magical energy flow free into the earth beneath her and all around her. This would allow anyone to locate her rather easily, but she did not mind. Even if the monsters came, it would at least mean they were not going after the innocent people.

    Only seconds later, giant tree trunks would sprout behind her, moving like serpents, or perhaps worms, forming arches around the village before being buried in the ground again. Several of these massive guardian trees would easily form a pattern like this - a wall with several layers of thick magical bark that would not be broken easily. And yet, cracks between the trunks would appear in front of the villagers who wished to flee, or who were forcibly carried out by Melon for their own good. While the wolf was good in combat, it was for the better now that she would run around and get people out of here.

    All the other mages who arrived at this village could probably notice the wolf running around at high speed as well. Leila only hoped that no one would mistake the poor creature for a hostile. But considering that Melon was just forcing people onto her back without any malice behind her actions and then carrying them off toward the edge of the village, it could be surely deduced that she was only trying to help. And even if someone did attack the wolf, she was nimble and possessed a magic that would allow her to either defend herself or simply dodge and continue carrying out her given duty.

    Leila herself would wipe off the sweat that formed on her forehead from creating such a dense mass of trees all around, if only not for the mask she wore. But no time to mess around with that, she had to try and disable those magical circles. The only problem was that she had no idea how to do so yet. In order to break the magical logic of the spell, she would have to study and observe it much more closely. But there was no time for that. So she just decided on a method that often worked as well - a good old brute force.

    As a certain madman once said, if violence doesn’t solve your problem, then you’re not using enough of it. Nodding to that while also questioning the person who actually said and lived by those words, she’d call forth one of her faithful spirits. A blue swirl of light would form right next to her, distorting the space around as a celestial gate opened up and out came a young maiden with somewhat pale skin, blond hair and wearing a blue and white dress. Harpae, one of the first generation Eden spirits. “Sorry for the sudden summoning, but could you try to shoot down the circles?

    There wasn’t exactly the time to explain if they wanted to do this as efficiently as they possibly could, so Leila was rather thankful for her new companion’s understanding. “Understood. The enemy won’t know what hit them!” With a certain enthusiasm in her voice, Harpae would extend her hands forward as a silver bow manifested in her hands. Aiming the weapon up above, she would also start creating an arrow out of pure magical power, several magical circles appeared in front of the arrowhead and focusing power on it.

    The summoner’s pure blue eyes would shift from that strangely beautiful preparation of a deadly spell to the summoning circles themselves, hoping this would work. It took a little bit to gather enough power, but the spirit was ready to fire momentarily. And so she did, releasing the energy she held between her long, slender fingers. The arrow moved perhaps even faster than a bullet, leaving behind but a blindingly white trail of pushed out air and magical energy released. However, the plan did not quite work as Leila hoped. For as powerful as the arrow was, it simply passed through the circle it was aimed at.

    Huh…? I’ve sensed no difference in the energy… did I miss?!” Harpae was blind and could only rely on her other senses, as well as sensing of magic to find her targets. So it was understandable that she quickly grew confused as to what just happened, or rather, did not happen. Leila would only let out a soft grunt of disappointment. “You’ve hit it. But it passed right through…” This would probably be of no surprise if a normal arrow were to be released. But Harpae shot an arrow made out of pure magical energy.

    So instead of just passing through, it was supposed to clash with the summoning spell, resulting in either the circle or the arrow being broken. But neither occurred, which was rather problematic. It meant that there was some kind of special defense on this summoning spell. Another problem was that if someone didn’t find Leila by using their magic sensing abilities, they definitely knew where she was now because of the arrow trajectory left behind after the shot was fired. Now what to do… she had to come up with something else that would allow her to shut the enemy’s magic down.
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    To stop an invasion Empty Re: To stop an invasion

    Post by Samira Nassar 15th April 2018, 1:31 pm

    "Mages come in all shapes and sizes. Where one may falter at something, another may excel."

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    To stop an invasion V6JIcYH       To stop an invasion WOyJ6my       To stop an invasion JOeaZ9l       To stop an invasion W1bEUgL       To stop an invasion MrksPDy
    Chaos began to take over the village as the monster that appeared from the portals began to run wreck havoc and cause a little more than trouble for the villagers. Strangely enough, it appeared the variety of the monsters was quite few and not very intimidating. At least, nothing compared to the ones from the past monster problems. No, rather than size and power it seemed the current invasion was nothing more than being dangerous due to the sheer amount of them. It was working considering all the reports and the call from the Magic Council itself. Not to mention the villagers that were running around in a panic rather than doing much else to defend themselves. Slightly disappointing really for someone that was used to the larger variety of monsters, but it wasn't as if she was there for the challenge to begin with. She had come to help defend and figure out that monster business before it became an even larger problem. So, what was one of the Aces of Lamia Scale doing during the start of all the commotion and panic? Standing there. Thinking. Pondering. Possibly talking to the voices in her head.

    "I do not see an end to the summoning process. The monsters keep appearing one after another." She thought out loud, or at least that was what it seemed like as she communicated with her spirits. A few moments had been taken to observe how the circles worked and of the monsters entering to get a better idea on what to do. From what she could gather, the circles had to be eliminated in some way to stop the swarms from coming through. How that would happen she could not yet figure out. As she continued her thinking mode, which was a rather awkward state to be in given the circumstances, a swarm of dog sized rats approached swiftly as they ran through the village. They were clearly diseased ridden, giving off a green sickly aura and with such an ugly and half dead appearance that obviously said they were contaminated with something. That did not phase Samira in the slightest. Just as she tuned out the airship that landed nearby, she had tuned out the rat swarm. The few that got near enough with the intent to take a bite of her flesh ran smack into the invisible barrier that surrounded her and bounced backwards.

    'Hey! She who is supposed to know what she's doing and not stand around like an idiot! That barrier is supposed to be a just in case thing. You aren't supposed to purposely get hit!'

    'Samira, shouldn't we focus on at least lowering the numbers of these creatures? ... The ones surrounding you at the very least...'

    'No point. The girl is gone somewhere. Not her mind considering we're the ones in it, and she is most certainly not here that I can see.'

    "Hmmm." Her deep thoughts were only interrupted when she felt a strong but somewhat familiar magical presence. That got her attention quickly enough even if the rats around her and the nagging of a few spirits did not. The village was soon surrounded by a thick wall of trees. A tactic to keep the swarms inside and not escape to invade neighboring villages and cities most likely. A familiar looking colorful wolf was also noticed helping out by saving the endangered villages by getting them out. Well, as far as she was concerned the matter of the summoning circles was handled. Surely if the one she was thinking of was nearby she was already trying to shut them down. That meant she could forget about that herself for the moment and actually take on the task of just slaying whatever creatures did not belong. First things first though. A wall was made to keep the enemies in, but there was nothing actually protecting the villagers themselves. One wolf helping them escape was hardly enough, and she herself was not going to waste time doing that. It was better to just make a barrier of her own.

    As she turned to head back to the center of the village a crack appeared on her own personal barrier. Her eyes narrowed as she lowered her gaze and finally took notice of the rats bouncing off the barrier while trying to get to the human behind some invisible force they could not comprehend. Samira unhooked a key that had been attached to the keyring along her hip, not needing to even look to see if it had been the correct one. All of her keys had been memorized long ago, and she could tell which was which by their magic alone if their position on the keyring and the way they were shaped were not enough. From the key she called forth Agni, a flame type summon that was the spirit incarnation of a flame god, or so the story goes. The moment he appeared from his bright orange and fiery portal he went right into action. No orders had to be given since he already knew. Being connected to his summoner through the mind helped with that. A wave of flames burst all around him and Samira, incinerating the surrounding rats that had not moved on before his appearance.

    Thanking him for his quick efforts was in order, but before she could do so and move on the spirit tossed her a pair of chakrams that made her cringe the moment she caught them. "I was told to pass those along and to tell you that you really should stop leaving those behind."

    "I do not like them," Samira muttered quietly with a twitching eyebrow. No doubt the summoner was much better at using weapons than she was before, but that did not mean she enjoyed using them. Especially the chakrams. They were almost insulting due to their ability to home in on targets. Missing was nearly impossible. Just to prove the point she tossed one and watched it spin through the air over towards a few more menacing rats that were after a couple of fleeing villagers. Naturally they came right back, after slicing their intended targets of course. With a  sigh and shake of her head she continued her way through the village to reach its center once more, quickening her pace to a run to make up for the time she had lost. Agni himself poofed into particles and returned to the celestial realm for fear he'd get mixed up as some monster due to his appearance and the fact there may have been a few buildings on fire now because of the flame minions that were running around. A mix up and misunderstanding would be slightly unfortunate.

    By the time she was nearing the center of the village she could see the swarms beginning to overtake the area. A quicker initiative to act was taken as she called on the defensive spirit she had in mind to create the barrier. From the newly opened portal an armored spirit wielding a lance and shield appeared and began to take off towards the center without saying a word. She already knew what to do. Samira was left behind to direct whoever she could to get to the center for safety while taking out the enemies that were in the way. As for the spirit incarnation of Athena, she tossed cleared her own path using her lance until she got close enough to throw her shield. As soon as it slowed and came to a stop, the shield remained floating in the air and pulsed with magic energy, creating a barrier that extended from itself and over the center section of the village. The monsters that had been terrorizing that portion were pushed out as the barrier grew and the magic kept them out. For how long there was no telling. The monsters were not too terribly strong, but they were numerous. That left whatever other allies were around to help out in whichever way they could.

    Template by ○Kaori


    Kite Wilhelm
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    To stop an invasion Empty Re: To stop an invasion

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 19th April 2018, 6:24 pm

    The Demon King

    He kept his feet planted on the ground, just off of the ramp that would lead him back into the ship’s cargo bay if he so chose to go back in. Ryo stood near him and responded to Kite’s comment about this being a party of sorts, the human like being made it a point to press that he believed that they should keep the casualties to a minimum and save who they would be able to. In nature Kite agreed completely, none of the people in the village asked for this to happen but desire aside the probability in that being possible dwindled with in minutes. ”I don’t object to that.“ he said to his friend but used his chin to point to the flood of creatures spewing from the various magic circles in numbers so great it could only be described as an army. ”But with this many that will become more difficult over time. “ Kite knew it may not be the answer his friend wanted to hear but he felt that it was a very realistic outcome to expect.. But that didn’t mean Kite would just not try to protect who he could but in the event that lives were lost taking on the role of an avenger for those to fall was comforting enough for him but he didn’t share this thought with his friend but instead watched as Ryo lowered his own hat and rushed towards the horde of enemies. He took his first step forward but stopped to look back at his ship looked back out to the horde and then back to his ship, ”EDI lock up and get into high altitude and stay there until this is over.“ “What if you need extraction? High altitude will be too high for me to reach you or Mr. Ryo in time.” He would shake his head, ”There will be no extraction. The magic council said these things are all across Fiore which means all of these things will be bearing down on the country. If we cannot stop they you need to send word but we aint dead yet. On your way up use Yammato and blast some of them for me.” His voice was resolute, he didn’t expect to fall in this battle but the vast numbers make it a very strong possibility but EDI was still reluctant to follow this order. “Kite you…” that was all he let her say, ”EDI. Go now.“ the tone was sharp and demanding to which EDI responded and now obeyed. The ship’s ramp closed behind him with the engines roaring to life before it took to the air. EDI pointed the Yammato towards the ground fifty yards ahead of Kite and released the blast of molten plasma which took out a fair amount of the beings that seemed to be constantly on fire and then pointed the bow up to the sky and with top speed ascended above the clouds. Kite turned his attention towards the flood of monsters and smirked. ”They brought an army. How unfair for them.“ He now steadily walked towards them and after a few steps the steps became more regular as he went from the walk to a steady run. During his run his right hand reached to the back of his waist and gripped the hilt of Reaper, sword that could also turn into a scythe and pulled it free as he was with in combat range of the enemy. He swung horizontally with his weapon in hand still fully retracted so it missed but it was after the miss that he pulled the trigger the right way to extend the blade so it now looked like the sword it was crafted to be. A typical move would be for someone to regain their grip and counter swing but instead Kite moved his foot so he was on the ball of it and let the sudden extension of his weapon accelerate his rotation speed and so he came back around bringing the edge of his blade through a rat that has leaped at him and two of the flame minions that lumbered their way towards him, ending his rotation just short of a 540 degree rotation. He looked over his shoulder back at towards the enemy and examined the result of his attack and smirked, ”I was able to cut through without much resistance.“ his gaze was then transferred inquisitively to the massive army before him, ”There are a lot of these suckers. I doubt that hack and slash will cut it for much longer.“ that is when all the eyes of the flame minion as well as the vile rodents turned their gaze onto him. ”I guess I pissed them off now.“

    Kite held his sword’s hilt with both hand while the weapon was held out in front of him in a guarded posture. He didn’t know what was going to attack him first or where they were going to attack from but what he did know that with him being surrounded completely that being in any sort of offensive posture would be pointless. It meant that he would have to get offensive and he had just the perfect way to do so. He pulled out from his access to the supply train one of the many explosive lacrima at his disposal and slapped it into the open slot near the base of the blade and with a decisive downward horizontal swing releasing a blast as well as an explosion taking out a handful of the rats in front of him but like an army of ants the numbers that were eliminated it was impossible to tell due to surge of rodents to take their place. Mentally sighing Kite swung his way through the rats cleaving those in half that lunged at him and those that didn’t have a chance but the numbers were soon too much reaper in it’s sword mode. He moved the trigger and the blade of the sword curved back towards Kite until it made a near crescent like shape jagged where the blade was segmented but perfectly edged red blade popped out from the curve as the blade rotated on its guard and the hilt telescoped into a long handle. Now that it was in scythe mode and with long sweeping motions he hacked at every rodent he could that was on the ground not unlike a farmer using a tool to chop weeds. This worked well enough for the rats and kept them at bay. Any that got past his sweeping motion was blocked by a well timed strike or a block with the handle. One of the Flaming minions got the jump on him though and latched onto his back  with his arms locked around Kite’s waist and in the process lit Kite’s coat and him on fire which would have been unfortunate if he were just any mage. Another one made its way over and looked to join in the “heated” group hug and it did creating more flames to engulf the Guild Master of Sabertooth. Kite  stuck the point of reaper into the ground before pressing his the tips of his finger into the stomach of one of the minions and with a shift of his shoulder and snap of his fingers into a fist he slammed it into the minion, ”Flame Demon’s Exorcising strike!“ and an explosion of azure fire surrounded the minion and sent him flying. Using both of his hands to break the hug he positioned his hips under the minion and flipped it over with a Judo styled throw onto the ground. His hand would then reach and grip the handle of his scythe and with a hard pulling jerk the blade slid across the neck of the minion severing his head.

    ”This is going to take forever.“ he said in frustration, the enemies were cake but the numbers were going to be the thing that was a pain in the ass. That’s when he noticed two things occur, the first was a sudden blast of magic into the air with a white tail like a jet stream behind it. Kite didn’t have a moment to react to it when a near transparent dome appeared in the center of the village both were clear signs of magic being used, much more than what was made by these things. Kite looked over at his ace who was dealing with his own share of the army, ”Hey Ryo we have at least two other mages. One at the other edge of the village and one in the center with that dome thing.“ He pointed just before he pushed the top of the scythe into a flame minion pushing it back before adding a short swing bisecting it. ”There are probably people in town but that blast of magic was the only one so I don’t know if someone is in danger over there. What do you want to do?“ He inhaled when he was done and aimed his mouth in front of him, ”Flame Demon’s Rage!“ from his mouth a blast of azure flames shot towards the rats a few feet in front of him and as he craned his neck back the flames arched up clearing a straight path in front of him for several meters until the flames were pointed into the air clearing a path towards the village that was now surrounded by a wall of tree trunks with . ”Let’s go to the center to sess out what is going on.“ Kite said as he ran down the path he had created towards the village and where the dome was located. Once he breached the center of the Village by fitting his way through one of the cracks in between the trunk he could see the dome had been strong enough push and keep the minions away from it’s inside where villagers were being protected by a wolf attacking the creatures and directed by a young woman with dark green flowing hair dressed in white and black, she was a very attractive woman to say the least. ”She's cute.“ he said out loud for anyone to hear but shook his thoughts free. He instead focused on the houses that were on fire around them and there were plenty of people on the outside that were in need of help being chased by the horde. Feeling that he was close enough he began to inhale directing  in the flames that danced on the houses into his mouth and didn’t stop until the homes in the area were free. From where he was he could see the people being chased by the Minions and rats as they ran towards the girl. ”Let's even the odds, Flame Demon's Desolation Fist.“ he punched the air but from his fist a giant hand clenched in a fist flew through the air with a stream of fire behind it punching a nice sized gap between the villagers and the monsters. Knowing his singular style of magic might not be good with so many people near by he had an idea of what to do ”Ryo you might be of more help here than me. I'll head to the outskirts and see what that blast was about.“ he looked over at Ryo as he contacted his ship's AI, ”EDI we have Villagers in the center of town that need extraction. Listen to Ryo.“ When he was done he shouted to the girl, ”Hey Cutie my ship is on it's way down. Load up anyone who can't fight and it will take them to safety.“ that was all he had to say to her and then looked at his friend. ”I will meet up with you as soon as I can.“ and with that he ran towards the edge of the village where one of the magic circles that had summoned the monsters stood with a white haired female dressed in a dark colored coat with knee high socks and with a white mask with another girl in front of her  with dirty blonde hair dressed in a blue dress with a bow in her hand abd all around them the minions of flames began to gather. He wasn't sure if she had noticed him but he was about to give up his location fully unaware if this girl was guarding the circle or trying to destroy it. He approached her ”Who are you and can you destroy that thing?“

    Kite Wilhelm

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    To stop an invasion Empty Re: To stop an invasion

    Post by RyoKnetegawa 28th April 2018, 1:27 am

    As they charged forward into battle they were ready to fight. He vaguely heard something about no extraction from the battleground, and he would not care about that really. Anyone who couldn't fight would run, anyone who couldn't run would die, and anyone who died wasn't worthy of saving anyway. What he did know was that he would save as many people as possible, and he was sure that he would indeed slaughter many of these enemies.

    He saw that there was plenty of foes for him and Kite to attack. Hearing the fact the joke about them bringing an army he nodded his head smirking his vampire fangs peaking out from his lips "Well, I suppose that you are correct. However, I think that even with an army, they won't stand much of a chance." he said rather simply before he started towards enemies of his own. Seeing what they were facing he gave a put upon sigh and sheathed his blade putting it in his belt once again before he began to prick his fingers. Soon enough they formed into several large blades. One on each of his fingers and they were essentially his fingers now, or at least his 'claws'. Yet, the swarm of rats that came towards him he rolled his eyes and began to slash through the beasts spreading their corpses around without any kind of concern. These rats weren't very strong, but they were numerous, and that made them very annoying to try and deal with. He wished he had some kind of fire breath to deal with them all, but alas that was not his gift nor something of either of his magics. He hissed in irritation as one of the rats started to climb his leg and slashing it off he leapt back hearing about the getting through and the hack and slash wearing its welcome out pretty quickly.

    With this in mind he sighs and nods his head in agreement deciding that he would indeed need to do something. He looked to the rest of the swarm of rats and smirked "Well, it seems that you did indeed do that. You know Master Kite, I would say that our guild has a knack for pissing off otherworldly invaders." he said with a bit of dark humor in his voice. Still, as the flaming minions came at him he summoned up the three cards that were always his to summon and command. The Magician, the moon, and the Wolf flowing his magic into them using his blade he slashed through two of his playing card deck boxes and allowed the cards to spill out forming into two giant wings made of cards. His Card God spell was now activated and he was once more flowing with power. Deciding that he wouldn't bother with subtly or anything more complex than killing rats at the moment he let his wings launch their cards slamming into several of the rats while he flew through their number and used his blood claws to slash them into bloody pieces. He had only finished slaying his portion of the problem when he heard about the two other mages one on the other edge of the village and the one under a dome thing. Looking around he saw that this came out of nowhere and had been erected sometime since he started fighting. He had heard the question to him and he gave a shrug "I suppose helping them would be the best bet at this time." He said as he slashed through the another set of rats that had neared him.

    When Kite said 'Let's go' Ryo killed the last of his rats before he flew away towards where Kite was following after him as best that he could which was easy enough considering he had wings and was fying along with Kite. He was still close enough to hear the bit about the woman they were helping being cute, and he kept it to himself. The orders that were given to him were crystal clear, he had to protect these citizens, he had to help this woman, and he had to make sure that the ship they were taking wasn't destroyed. He used the same communication skill that Kite had and called down EDI "EDI, land next to this giant bubble, I don't care if you have to bring down a building or two. Land that ship as close to the magical dome as possible. I will clear any hosties in the area, do not fail in this or these civilians are not likely to get away." With the orders given he held up his right and left hands summoning up an animal Tarot card and then a bunch of playing cards "Card Creation: Serpent, Poar Bear!" surging from his wings and his coat his cards formed into his hands then changed into the shape of the two animals before they shattered and grew into the larger versions of the animals in question. As soon as they were made he looked to them "Kill anything that tries to attack these humans." he turned to face any oncoming enemies as the ship landed because EDI was obediant if nothing else. "I'll hold off whatever enemies I can my lady. When the ship is full EDI will take off." he flexed his claws and waited until the enemies approached then he would engage.

    OOC: I'll add spells and stats when I return from my sister's wedding. Sorry for the delay and the short post. The next turn it wil go much better.


    To stop an invasion Au9DYh5
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    Eden's Rose

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    To stop an invasion Empty Re: To stop an invasion

    Post by Leila Vergious 2nd May 2018, 6:58 am

    Leila Vergious  ❃  S-rank  ❃  Silver Wolf
    The magical summoning circle was not destroyed even by one of the more powerful spells that Leila and her spirits possessed, the number of enemies was not decreasing even as other mages rampaged through the broken village, and they were certainly unable to save every single person in this place. The situation was seemingly becoming truly dire at this point. And new ideas were not quite coming in either. The Eden’s guardian might have been a summoner herself, but she knew not how to shut down these gates, considering the fact that her previous method did not do the trick at all.

    From behind the white and black mask, her shining blue eyes would dart rapidly from one spot to another, as if she was hoping that she could find the answer written down somewhere nearby. But, of course, that was not the case. Nothing was ever that easy. All she could really see were the collapsed homes and monsters slowly closing in, trying to surround her. Their efforts were for naught, given the girl’s abilities. But she was concerned with something else entirely at the moment. Perhaps it was nervousness that started creeping up her back as she tried to regulate her breathing again.

    She hasn’t felt like this in a very, very long time. A small and quick reminder that she was truly not some god or an almighty creature that could fix everything with a flick of her fingers. But… there was probably a way. Another method of closing the portals for good. Though that method was not exactly something that Leila wanted to use. At least not just yet. It’s been ages since she had discovered who she really was. But only pretty recently did she unlock the full potential of the powers that brought about her lineage. Powers that she did not have control over just yet.

    And they were dangerous abilities. Both to her and everyone around. But what choice did she really have at this point? She would sigh and narrow her posture. Harpae was still nearby, just as nervous as her summoner. After all, they were all one at the start. “What are you going to do, Leila?” It took few seconds of gathering courage before the silver-haired maiden could even say it. “I’m going to use the power of Void to reverse magical flow inside of those circles, making them collapse on their own. It’s a risky move, but also our best chance at this.

    The moment she finished, yet another voice resonated with her. One that only she could hear, as it was one of her spirits still present in Eden, rather than summoned here. “Void? Think of a different plan, there is no way you can use a power that dangerous yet. If you summon me, then perhaps our combined strength will be eno-” “It’s fine. Even if there will be consequences, I’m sure I’ll be able to take them. We’re immortal, after all.” It was true, but Yuki was still rather unhappy with this decision. She knew the danger of these spells.

    They all knew them. But it was definitely the quickest was to shut the warp gates down and save as many lives as possible. So it simply had to be done. Crouching down, multiple branches covered in leaves would start emerging from the girl’s back, forming a pair of beautiful green wings. It was at this moment that someone else arrived, though Leila only gave the man a side glance as she suddenly took off and headed straight for the circles. Harpae, the blind spirit, was the one to start explaining and answering the question instead. Or at least she tried to do so.

    We are here to help. Magical energy of these monsters was detected all over, so now we’re trying to shut them down. We… have a plan, so don’t worry.” Taking firm hold of the bow, she would try to sense different locations from which enemies were approaching. But before she could even shoot once, another magical circle would show up right next to her. One from which another spirit emerged. It was Lisette, the maiden of horrors that resided in the corrupted Gardens of Eden. In her hands, a pair of scissors already rested and ready to strike at any moment.


    What are you doing, trying to be a hero and fighting here alone? You wouldn’t stand a chance.” “Lisette…” “Besides, she never lets me out. So I want to slaughter as many of them as I can while I can!!” With a wide and rather unsettling grin plastered on her face, the spirit with scissors would dash into a cluster of enemies and start swinging her weapons around, cutting their flesh into pieces. Harpae, too, would grip her bow and start shooting around, hoping Kite who just arrived would help them as well.

    In the meantime, Leila closed in on the magical circles. They were huge when one looked from the ground, all the more so when she approached. Doubts started filling her mind, but she quickly shook them off. It was now or never, for more enemies would soon start heading in again. And it would be much more difficult to do anything then. Extending her hands toward the warp gates, she started focusing. The power of her lineage. The power of her very being. A Void that could warp and twist everything would slowly infect the magic in the air and start reversing its flow.

    As if glitches, the magical circles started freaking out in the skies and all creatures that tried to come through it into Earthland afterward were very quickly destroyed by the warp gate itself. And only in few more seconds, they would all fall apart, leaving the skies clear of any more options for the enemies to get in. Now, all they had to do was clear the ones that already got into the village before. But Leila wasn’t sure if she could help all that much with that. The wings on her back started falling apart as well, as she slowly drifted toward the ground.

    Her landing wasn’t exactly soft, either. But even after crashing into the ground, she did not sustain any more serious injuries. Or so it seemed. A piercing pain was going through the entire right side of her body. And looking down on her hand, she knew exactly what was happening. Due to certain greedy individuals in the past, a part of her Eden was corrupted by the energy of humanity. And this showed on her body as well, in the form of several gray spots bearing black markings all over them. And for some reason, those marks started spreading now, covering nearly all of the right side of her body.

    Why this was happening, she had absolutely no clue. But she was barely able to move because of it at the moment. Seating herself against the wall of a nearby broken down house, she was ready to summon another spirit to defend her if the need would arise. But other than that, she just kinda hoped that her other two spirits, along with the friendly mages that were present in this village, would be able to wipe out the rest of the enemies now that she cut them off from wherever they were coming. She needed to rest at least a little bit, and bear the pain of her body.
    3,829 / 4,000 WC 


    Samira Nassar
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    To stop an invasion Empty Re: To stop an invasion

    Post by Samira Nassar 4th May 2018, 2:07 pm

    "Mages come in all shapes and sizes. Where one may falter at something, another may excel."

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    To stop an invasion V6JIcYH       To stop an invasion WOyJ6my       To stop an invasion JOeaZ9l       To stop an invasion W1bEUgL       To stop an invasion MrksPDy
    Things so far were not looking as good as Samira hoped for. Directing the villagers to safety was simple enough, although there were some that refused to listen during their panic and took off only to likely meet their doom elsewhere. She couldn't go after every single one to save them. There were just too many and even the monsters outside the safety barrier were piling up. The destruction of the summoning circles was taking too long and she had begun to wonder if she made an error in her choice to ignore it and allow another to solve that issue while she helped defend.

    'Samira, my barrier will not hold for much longer,' the spirit who's power was keeping the barrier intact told the girl mentally. Information that the summoner already knew. 'I am aware.' Fighting with just her chakrams was not going to cut it. More of her magic power was going to have to be used. Her intention had been to save as much as she could to keep the barrier up and for if something more dangerous appeared through those circles. Reality and facts were not allowing her to so. As far as she knew she was alone in her sector of the village. There were sounds of fighting further in, but that didn't exactly help her out in any way. That is, until they too made it to the center of the village.

    The flames that were burning the homes of the villagers were... inhaled? She had heard of such a thing before, but had never seen it for herself. This was no time to ooh and ahh, however. As one of the other mages cleared the path with some flaming fist spell, Samira let the chakrams poof into particles and used the extra time to prepare her spirits and get ready for the next wave that she could already see incoming. Something distracted her though. Something she had not expected to hear in the middle of a monster invasion, something that made her cringe, something that made her lose focus and drop her keys just by hearing it. "Cu-cutie?!" Why was it that in the middle of an invading monster army someone had the audacity to call her such a thing? What inappropriate timing! It was inappropriate in general actually, but yes, the timing only made it worse! Samira could feel her cheeks burn as they flushed in a mix of embarrassment and anger. The man had taken off just as quickly as he appeared though, leaving little room for a proper response. No matter. He had mentioned something about a ship approaching and to load the more helpless villagers onto it. Her annoyance with some stranger would have to be put aside for the sake of the village.

    The other mage, one with wings and a rather stylish hat, had stayed behind to assist her with handling the monsters that swarmed the barrier. From what she could tell he had some sort of advanced card magic. A polar bear had been created from them, as well as a serpent. Interesting. Yet another serpent appearing in her life in some form. It was no time to stand there staring as he used his magic either. The ship had landed soon enough and she had been told that he would do what he could to handle the monsters while the ship was filling up and at that point the ship would take off. "All right. I will move the villagers as quickly as I can into the ship and then assist in fighting once the ship takes off. The barrier should remain a while longer to stall for time." She knew absolutely nothing about the pair of mages that had shown up, but as it was now the current one with her stood as an ally. Any aid he could offer was appreciated. The "my lady" usage was a slight trigger, but it was at least more respectful than the one the other man had used. Just before leaving him to handle her own task, she took hold of a key and summoned forth Kali, one of her more battle oriented spirits, to help out with clearing the monsters. The blue skinned spirit hissed as she came through her celestial portal and immediately went to work on cutting down the many monsters that were around the barrier. How insulting it was to be summoned to deal with such vermin!

    Samira left her spirit to do what she did best: destroy her foes. She had already been ordered to not get in the way of the other mage or his magic so there was little worry for her there. So began the task of directing the villagers that were within the barrier to move towards the ship and get on board. It took quite a bit of convincing and Samira was not the type to force people inside. But as some people became brave and trusting enough to take the escape method others began to follow. The remaining villagers that wanted to escape by ship were making their way inside when Samira got the warning from her barrier spirit that it was beginning to fail. One. Two. Three. The dome that had been protecting the center of the village shattered into millions of tiny magic particles and faded away into nothing. The spirit herself also vanished from the normal realm, taking her now depleted shield magic with her. At the same time, the summoning circles in the sky began to act strange. They flickered in a strange manner and nothing more had been coming through successfully. A few seconds later Samira had watched as the skies cleared entirely. The elimination of the summoning circles succeeded just in time. Naturally, she had no idea what it took for them to be shut down or of the status of the one that had managed it. All she could do was move onto the next phase that was obvious and right in front of her and that was to clean up the remaining monsters that were left.

    Many of the swarm still remained and now the barrier was down entirely. There was a silver lining in that no more would join the fight which meant the summoner could stop saving up her power for possible more dangerous foes that required it. Another was that many of the villagers were now safe and she could fully focus on slaying the unwanted creatures attacking the village. Once the ship had taken off, Samira would leave that area and get closer to the battle. As she moved she took hold of her keys and summoned more of her spirits to help with the clean up. Nu Wa, a spirit that took the form of a Lamia, and Amaterasu, a light spirit who was very mobile and could make quick work of cutting down the remaining monsters. "Please split up and clear what remains of the monsters within the village."

    The two spirits then went their separate ways to different sections of the village, using their power and abilities to deal with any and all monsters that crossed their path. Kali continued her attacks on those that remained in the center, and Samira herself joined in. Her chakrams were called once more from the celestial storage of her spirits. Using their magic, as well as taking on the powers of the spirit Kukulkan for her own, the summoner became a quick moving tempest that cleared her own way through the swarm. She still remained close by in case the man that stayed to help defend the center called for her or needed aid. He seemed powerful and could probably take care of himself just fine, but she wasn't going to just assume things and completely ditch him without a word. A good thing to consider since in the madness of the swarming enemies no one had thus far seemed to take notice of the dangerous wasps that had a very unique approach when compared to the others that had come through the portal. Throughout the village those that had died rose again, now being controlled by the wasps that went inside the corpses. The invasion was no where near over just yet.

    Template by ○Kaori


    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

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    To stop an invasion Empty Re: To stop an invasion

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 7th May 2018, 6:51 pm

    The Demon King

    With the situation now in the capable hands of both Ryo and the green haired girl in the center of the village Kite was able to deliver his focus onto the task at hand and that was lending his aid to whoever it was that was alone in the outskirts of town. While he approached the large magic circle that acted as a waypoint for him he was able to hear the sound of Tailspin’s engines roar over head now which meant that Ryo was taking full advantage of the fact that he could lead a full extraction of the civilians. ”Good. At least the people will be safe.“ he said to himself but shook any other thoughts akin to those words from his head. He had to focus on the enemies ahead as well as the mage alone out here. When he arrived he had learned that she wasn’t alone at all and that there was at least one other person with her, also a female but holding a bow. Kite had asked the white haired girl who she was and asked the leading question if she could destroy the circle but his answer would be unanswered. His red eyes would meet her side glance before she would take off towards the circles leaving him unanswered and the girl wielding the bow behind. Kite’s eyes would follow her until the girl holding the bow spoke to him answering him by stating that she that they were there to help and reassured that they had a plan to deal with the circles. Kite looked at her as she spoke but he noticed something about the way her eyes focused or rather didn’t focus. Had he not tried to look her eye to eye he wouldn’t have guessed that the girl before him was in fact blind. ”A plan?“ he would ask her and set his gaze on the girl who was on her way to the circles, ”I guess if she left you behind she must know what she is doing right?“ he had no choice but to hope that was in fact the case. However while the girl went to invoke her plan the enemy forces were converging in on the blind girl and himself. The grip of his right hand tightened on Reaper’s hilt while his left hand took hold of Rose, his lacrima saber. His eyes scanned over the flaming minions and rats that grew nearer trying work out the best way to go about this he took a step back so he was a little closer to the bow user and was about to say something about having her back but a magic circle different from the ones that acted as a gate for the monsters, appeared and from it came a blonde haired girl holding a pair of golden scissors, ”Huh. So she is a summoner.“ he said to no one in particular as the spirit known as Harpe spoke to her addressing her as Lisette who was berating the blind spirit calling her out on her inability to fight this amount of enemies on her own. The new spirit Lisette blitzed her way into the center of a mass of minions and rats with Harpe taking up her bow to begin her assault and now it was Kite’s turn to engage.

    Kite decided against dashing in to attack the enemies, he instead decided it would be a better strategy to give the girl with the bow support, she could attack from a distance and even possibly carpet bomb the horde but the one big weakness with a weapon like a bow is that close range you could be at a disadvantage and that was even more so the case with how outnumbered they were. The rats didn’t wait one at a time to attack, they all came in at once surrounding his feet so Kite immediately kicked into the group of rodents sending some skidding on the ground while others were sent into the air. Some jumped into the air but were quickly knocked out of the air with a heavy swipe of his sword hacking them in half. A flame minion lumbered up to him but was met with a slash from Rose horizontally across its stomach and was followed ups Kite spun a full 360 degrees clock wise  and with Reaper held out he cut through a pair of rats that had jumped up at the wrong time and only stopped once the blade sank into the side of the flame minion cutting it in half the rest of the way now. While dealing with those one of the rats began to climb up his back and wasn’t gentle digging it’s claws into his clothes and back easily leaving cuts as it climbed higher. Letting out a yell mixed with anger and pain he stabbed reaper into the ground so he could reach back to grab the critter and he did so by the nape of it’s neck and quickly ripped it off his back and slammed it into Reaper that was stuck in the ground but it didn’t move an inch. Dazed from the attack the rat didn’t see the point of Rose jabbing into it’s neck but that wasn’t all rose was going to do, he noticed that a flame minion was closing up on Harpe as she dropped arrows on everything that moved. With a precision based move Kite flicked his wrist and flung his arm in the direction of Harpe sending the sword into the flame minion’s chest. ”Flame rocket.“ a flame sprouted on his boots and he was thrown into the air landing next to the minion who had Rose in his chest and pulled it free by grabbing it with his left hand but threw a stiff right hand into the it pushing it off the blade and back into the horde. His head turned towards the circles as he felt a sudden spike in power which caused the circles to become fragmented and imperfect taking away their ability to act as a gate of any real sort. He looked at the horde before him and he held his hand back with his right arm bent and his hand gripped nothing but air at first but soon a long flame appeared in his hand. ”Flame Demon's Purgatory Spear!“  he threw the spear into the air at an angle and watched as it drop into the middle of the horde and then released a massive explosion clearing out several of them. ”Hey It might be a good idea if we meet up with your summoner. She might be exposed due to the huge amount of mana she used to break the gates.“ He charged over to where the girl had run off to and was fortunate to see that aside from being up against the wall and showing signs of fatigue she was fine however there was a solid line of Flame Minions, rats and now these Wasp looking things, the last one was a new addition but regardless they were all making their way towards her. Kite used his fire rocket to propel himself over the line and landed in front of them and held his open hand out ”Flame Demon's Flame Away!“ from his hand a long wave of blue flames erupted and washed over the line that had been closing in. Kite looked back at the white haired mage ”Are you alright?“ he asked her, normally he would have had a smart remark or even tried to flirt but he knew that since she was clearly exhausted he wouldn't press his luck any more until the fight was over and done with. He had turned and faced her by this point extending his hand out for her to take and pull herself up. ”So did whatever you did work?“

    Kite Wilhelm

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    Car King Saint

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    To stop an invasion Empty Re: To stop an invasion

    Post by RyoKnetegawa 11th May 2018, 4:55 am

    Ryo watched as the polar bear and the serpent; which was actually the size of a giant anaconda (Over 200 ft long). Made quick work of the rats that swarmed towards the shield, and the ship. The bear would swipe, bite, and trample them as if they were just that rats under its massive paws slaying dozens at a time. The serpent was more skilled in this because it would also eat the rats in vast groups barely having to slow down to swallow them as its own momentum forced its meal down its throat. Of course, it didn’t have to eat, and it wasn’t like a typical serpent and so it didn’t need to really swallow, nor did it even need to breathe. With these great advantages it was able to swallow up the rats and inside of its body the stomach acid that would be in a normal snake was inside of it as well, but the inside of the serpents’ body was also lined with razor-sharp cards that sliced into whatever was sliding through its body.

    However, Ryo would’ve preferred to make his serpent out of blood, but he decided that beggars couldn’t be choosers, so he would make due with what he had. Slashing his way through the swarms of rats he cleared the area around the ship. He would not allow anything to happen to these innocent people under any circumstances. He was the protector, he was the guardian, he was the shield that they were supposed to count on. He would not fail them. Just because he had given up his own humanity for this new unlife, didn’t mean that these people had to make that same choice here and now. He was sure that he could turn one or two of these people, however, he was also sure that so long as he had a say in the matter he wouldn’t ever turn another person into a vampire. The trio were fighting and held off the invasion until the ship lifted off into the air. There were still more people who had to be evacuated, but for now, they were safe behind the shield. He frowned in irritation at this, but he knew that the ship could only take so many people and that the ship had put as many people as was possible inside of its depths before taking off.

    Still, this didn’t amuse him at all, but he wouldn’t give up. That’s when he heard it. The sound, it was a buzzing sound. It was close, he spun towards it using his blood claws to slice through the air and he sliced the creature into thirds. When it dropped to the ground Ryo used the claws and the wing cards to kill the rats around him, so he could stop to see what he had killed. He dropped down and looked at the thing he sliced in the air. It was a wasp, but it was unusually large even for a wasp, it was big enough that if someone swallowed it they would likely choke. Not only that, but it was very strangely colored, and it seemed like these things weren’t the typical wasps he knew. He sniffed at it then recoiled his wings flapping violently to get him into the air. “What madness is this?!” he hissed out in anger. He turned to listen and sniff the air. The scent of decay was heavy in the air, not only that, but the scent of blood and death was just as strong. Yet, decay wasn’t right, the bodies even of the earliest victims wouldn’t start to decay this fast. No, something strange was going on here, and he snarled in anger. He summoned up his cards again and spoke “Elemental Construct: Fire Wolf, Lightning Tiger!” the cards lay on top of one another and the flames formed into the shape of a wolf, while the crackling lightning became the shape of a mighty Siberian tiger.

    Ryo flew down towards the ground and snarled out his orders “Kill any rats that get in your way, find and kill as many wasps as you can, I don’t care if they are regular or not. Slaughter every last wasp you come across…” he stopped and frowned deeply as he heard the sound that he was waiting for. It was the shuffling, the shuffling of something walking that wasn’t used to doing it. Not only that, but the scent of death became stronger as well, now he could also scent decay. Slowly 10 shambling corpses came into Ryo’s line of sight, and they were typical humans from the village, but one of them was wearing armor and had a sword. The other had a butcher’s cleaver. Ryo’s eyes became pools of inky black and his vampiric features grew extremely exaggerated he hissed angrily “Those who impersonate the dead are doomed to join their ranks!” without any more discussion he surged forward and slashed through the corpse with the butcher’s cleaver. He slashed through it so many times and chopped it so fine that only gruesome chunks hit the ground. He turned in time to see the blade that was coming towards him and he parried with his blood claws. Glaring into the creatures’ eyes he could hear the soft buzzing coming from the ‘zombies’ mouth or throat.

    This sent Ryo completely over the edge “So that’s it! These wasps are going to take bodies of the dead!!! Vile creatures!!!” he bellowed using his other claws to stab straight into the creature’s neck moving them to the side and slicing the creature’s head clean off. The buzzing sound stopped so he was sure that he had stabbed the wasp that was inside of the neck as well, and nothing can move without a head for very long. With one great flap of his wings he managed to back off into the sky glaring down at the town he clenched his fists as best he could his knuckles going white in the process as he snarled “These foul creatures…. these foul vile things…How dare they do this to the dead…I can’t…not without Master Kite’s approval. If he doesn’t approve of my attack I can’t level this godforsaken town…” He inhaled deeply and flew back down to slash through the last few rats that his card created creatures hadn’t been able to handle, or rather they hadn’t gotten around to killing just yet. Presently, he landed again his wings flapping and shaking loose from his back as he flexed his hands letting the claws click and clack against each other as he stood guard. He looked up to the sky in order to hopefully see the ship returning to take on more people, but it looked like it was taking more time than he thought. He sighed shaking his head irritated before looking to the woman “Don’t let the wasps sting you, and don’t let the wasps get into your mouth. They can puppeteer the dead, and I don’t know if this power let them take over living bodies.”

    WC: 3,151/4,000


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    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

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    To stop an invasion Empty Re: To stop an invasion

    Post by Leila Vergious 17th May 2018, 7:09 am

    Leila Vergious  ❃  S-rank  ❃  Silver Wolf
    Lisette and Harpae actually worked like a well-oiled machine together, despite their little remarks toward one another. Kite’s covering was appreciated, but what he could not destroy in time, Lisette could. Not only thanks to her deadly speed and precision, but also her ability as two clones of herself appeared on the battlefield, ready to rip everything around them into shreds. And despite being a ranged type, Harape was quite mobile, capable of dodging enemies that were coming at her thanks solely to her superior hearing.

    Not to mention that the bow in her hand had several spikes at its front, making it a very unpleasant weapon for anyone who got too close and did not manage to dodge a strike to the face. As the horde of enemies around them finally started to thin out, the blind spirit would try to turn toward the man, who had suggested meeting up with Leila. “Our mission is to wipe out the enemy and save this village. I believe our summoner will be just fine, but if you feel the need, go ahead.

    And so he did, heading toward her location while the two spirits spread across the Beanstalk village. Leila herself was quite exhausted from what happened, yes. But more than that, she was fighting the change in her body. Thankfully it was not too strong, so she was able to push back. And as soon as enemies started showing up, she clenched her fist and extended it forward. Opponents with flames… she had exactly the thing to deal with them. Eden’s origin, a power that allowed her to merge with her own spirits.

    So just as Kite approached her, along with few more opponents that tried to ambush them, an ice-cold aura would surround the girl and then shoot outward, freezing everything except the man. The enemies that remained after Kite’s attack were not encased in blocks of ice, the grass covered in snow and walls of nearby buildings frosted over. “There. I cannot sense any more enemies them in this area.” She would inform the man and exhale. “If you look up, you will see that it did work. I am fine here, so you go and clear out the rest.

    Along with the spirits of hers that were already running around on their own, there probably wasn’t that many opponents left. And even if more tried to run into this part of the village, the Wizard Saint was perfectly ready to deal with them instantly. The merge she performed would last quite a while, after all. And the way her spirit, Yuki, with whom she merged, used her powers, this ice would not even consume a whole lot of her magical energy, ethernano. She could very easily defend herself even if more arrived.

    Those that were already frozen solid would also serve as a good warning for any new ones arriving. So yes, she was quite fine. But she did wish for a little bit of rest, if nothing else. Using Void abilities put a different kind of strain on her body, one that she did not yet learn how to deal with. All she could now to recover was to wait patiently and if at all possible, motionlessly in the spot she found for herself. At least she knew that there were other capable mages that could finish this.
    4,391 / 4,000 WC 
    Really sorry for the short and delayed post, but my WC is now done, so you can all go wild.


    Samira Nassar
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    To stop an invasion Empty Re: To stop an invasion

    Post by Samira Nassar 18th May 2018, 6:13 pm

    "Mages come in all shapes and sizes. Where one may falter at something, another may excel."

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    To stop an invasion V6JIcYH       To stop an invasion WOyJ6my       To stop an invasion JOeaZ9l       To stop an invasion W1bEUgL       To stop an invasion MrksPDy
    The task of clearing out what was left of the monster invasion continued. During her part, Samira had cleared what appeared to be a safe path for some of what remained of the villagers to escape. At least from the distance that she could see. She couldn't follow them the whole way out if she remained where she was to keep the center safe until the ship returned to take more in. Her other spirit however could. 'Kali, go further ahead and make sure the path is clear for them. Eliminate-

    'I do not need to be told to destroy these vermin, girl!'

    Samira did not comment on the rudeness. It had been expected and as far as she was concerned did not matter. Kali was doing the given task regardless, moving up ahead to keep the safer path for escape clear for those that did not want to remain within the village. Then there was a buzzing sound. A fairly normal sound that one could encounter anywhere else. A strange sound to be that noticeable while in the middle of a fight though. Samira stopped what she was doing and took notice of the wasps that were beginning to fly around. Few in number thus far, but obviously larger than normal. Those that got near enough to her were sliced by the rapidly moving air current that was around her, and she watched as their remains fell to the ground. "What on-?"

    'The dead approach...' The words of one of her spirits of the dead category echoing in her mind. Even from his place in her mind he could sense the abnormality. Corpses should not be moving. There wasn't even any real powerful magic involved from what he could tell. 'Samira, Au Puch speaks correctly. I am encountering many of those that should be dead walking. I had to destroy many of them for their hostility.' Indeed on another part of the village Amaterasu stood, surrounded by a ground that was littered of torn bodies and their parts, having been killed for a second time. There seemed to be a few more however lingering. 'I am encountering them as well,' spoke Nu Wa from her side of the village. Just as she relayed those thoughts she turned and used her snake half to swipe at three of the walking corpses that grew much too near for her comfort. She continued to slither to the edge of the village and dropped off a child she held in her arms. The small boy ran to join with the parents that had been saved moments before when they had tried to rescue their child from the new type of swarm. A shame it existed from the fact not everyone could be saved in the first place.

    Further confirmation on that was made when the possessed corpses made their way over to where she and her new mage ally were. He seemed to have already been aware of it though and was none too surprised. Angered, perhaps, but not surprised. He had already begun to deal with at least one of them. One thing in their favor was at the moment they were not very quick, nor had they possessed anyone that was remotely powerful such as another mage. Those were still on the bottom of Samira's worries, though. The moving corpses were few when compared to the wasp numbers that seemed to be increasing. That did not make much sense at all to her. She took a moment to glance up at the sky. All summoning circles were still gone. There didn't seem to be any on the ground either. Nothing new should be engaging them. Unless something that held all of the wasps had been summoned well before the disappearance of the circles and was still hidden from their eyes and senses.

    By that point her current ally had landed from when he took off in the air, and had advised her about the wasps abilities and what to avoid. "The advisement is appreciated, but killing a few of them here and there is not going to work. They did not appear until after the summoning circles were stopped. They are coming from something else entirely. That should be our main focus now. Most of the villagers have been evacuated and many of the creatures besides these wasps have been eliminated. I do not find it necessary to remain at this point any longer." Samira then looked back at the fellow mage. "I do not know the fighting capabilities of your friend, but you should find him and make him aware of the situation in case he has yet to discover it for himself." It was rather obvious with her word usage that she had no clue as to who either of the two were. She didn't really keep Wizard Saint names and descriptions in her memory or Guild Masters and their Aces for that matter. Maybe she would learn to look into it after the current events, but for now she took off from the center of the village to meet up with her spirits elsewhere so they could find whatever nest was holding the wasps.

    'Kali, did you take care of your task?'
    'It is done besides these disgusting insects.'
    'Fair enough. Return to the celestial realm.' And with that order the spirit did so in order to replenish her energy and power.

    So began the summoner's search for anything that fit her theory. Nothing on the outside and in plain sight obviously, so that left the buildings of the village. One house in particular had a numerous amount of wasps coming from the doors and windows. Nu Wa had discovered it while meeting up with Samira and Amaterasu and led them there. There was no way Samira herself was going in there though with that mass swarm. Instead she called on Cernunnos and with his power the insects all fell to the ground near instantly as the energy from his portal made them all go into a dormant state as it spread over the home. That was when she finally went inside to check things out. Inside she found the answer to her theory, and she had been correct with her assumption. A very unnaturally large wasp nest was in the center of the main room. It was destroyed by her summoners, but of course that wouldn't be an end to it. That would all be much too easy. There were much more wasp nests spread throughout the village, and as Samira walked out of the current house she saw for herself.

    Other buildings of the village pretty much exploded with monster wasps to create a severe case of infestation. One would be lucky to open their mouth without accidentally breathing one of them in. With one step out the door her face became very blank at the sight before she stepped back inside and closed the door. The summons had already begun closing the windows. They could all go out there and make a run for it. Maybe blast a few hundred of those wasps. That didn't seem very wise in the end though when there was no other cover. No doubt the wasps were going to be spreading from the village in due time and invade elsewhere. "All right. New plan."

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    Last edited by Samira Nassar on 19th March 2020, 12:48 am; edited 1 time in total


    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

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    To stop an invasion Empty Re: To stop an invasion

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 24th May 2018, 3:43 pm

    The Demon King


    Kite had managed to easily reach the area where the summoner had been but that was only due to the fact that the majority of the enemy were already converging on her location. ”Damn. I’d better hurry.“ however his worry was in fact misplaced. He could feel a wave of cold beginning to accumulate and burst out from where the summoner was located. Kite reached but all of the enemies except the ones that fell to his attacks were frozen solid where they stood. Kite couldn’t think of a good pun for this situation which was a shame considering there was a lot of ice jokes just literally staring him in the face. She spoke to him informing him that she couldn’t sense anymore enemies in the area and answered his question by telling him if he looked up at the circle he would see that the circles were deactivated and thus it had worked. ”I’m curious to what you did to make them close but I guess now isn’t the time.“ he said to her right before she could tell him that she was fine and that he should give his attention to the remaining enemies. ”You look exhausted but I guess if you insist I’ll go assist back in the center of town.“ he would turn so his back faced her and looked at the town. Without a word he began to jog his way back to where his ship was hovering and hopefully extracting as many survivors as possible. ”EDI what’s the situation?“ he asked from his direct connection to the AI. “We are just about done loading up the villagers. Ryo and the female mage have been combating the enemies.” Kite picked up the pace ”Are they still fighting?“ he had to ask. He didn’t want to waste time running there if he wouldn’t make it to actually contribute. “Yes however it would seem that some how corpses are being reanimated by some sort of bug and fighting against Ryo. The female mage entered a house and soon after the buildings released a large number of these bugs It’s an infestation.” Kite heard the word. Infestation was a serious manner and if they reanimate the dead it could cause a huge epidemic in Fiore. ”If we clear out the village could theYamamoto’s power wipe it out?“ he asked looking for an analysis. “The cannon would take some out but it won’t be able to clear it all out. We are going to have to take out the entire village in one shot.” Kite didn’t like that idea. He didn’t want to have to nuke the village but it was a situation to where if he didn’t then so many others would be in danger.

    Kite made it into the village and was close enough for Ryo to hear him. ”Ryo! We have a huge infestation of those bugs. We need to wipe them out along with the village.“ the orders were clear and if anyone could pull it off it would be Ryo the most powerful mage in his guild. ”EDI close up and drop a cable. We are gonna pick up the girl before this place blows. Ryo I leave it to you.“ the Tailspin closes up and lifted into the air leaving a cable for Kite to grab a hold of and he was pulled into the air. ”EDI take us over to the girl and lower the ship enough for me to get to the ground.“ and EDI followed the instructions and he lowered him down so he landed right next to her outside of the house where she had discovered the nests. ”Hey we got to leave. We are taking out the bugs but we have to blow the village with them.“ he was sure that she was going to protest but he knew there wasn’t any time to do so, so if she had anything to say in response it was followed up by Kite lowering himself down and lifting her onto his shoulder and with his free hand he gripped the cable so EDI could pull them into the air and out of the blast radius that was about to occur. ”I’m sorry miss we don’t have time to argue over it.“

    Kite Wilhelm

    00,000 / 00,000 WC 


    To stop an invasion Gvf4gD8

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    To stop an invasion Empty Re: To stop an invasion

    Post by RyoKnetegawa 28th May 2018, 7:38 am

    Ryo snarled in anger as he quickly flew through the village killing all of the walking corpses that he could see. He was making sure that he only destroyed their heads as well as their necks so the wasps that were inside controlling them were sure to be destroyed. He was not about to let these foul creatures get loose nor would he let them infect more than one host if they were capable of doing that. He glared at a building that started to thrum loudly with activity clearly it was filled to bursting with these wasps. Ryo didn’t know what he could do, or what he would do, but what he did know was that the elemental constructs and the card constructs were killing as many of the zombies as they could get ahold of. They were biting through their necks and ripping them apart as best they could. The fire wolf and the lightning lion would go around behind the card constructs and light every single dead body on fire to make sure that it is dead for real. Of course, their own kills were already burning and turning to ashes after their heads were ripped from their bodies.

    He was about to move onto his next attack when he heard the sounds that he was waiting for. His eyes slowly turned into deep black pools as he received the order. His smile slowly spread into his wide fanged grin before he whipped around to make sure that Kite could see him. He pulled his hat off of his head and placed it over his heart bowing low with the greatest respect that he could show to his guild master “Yes Master Kite. I shall make sure that not a bug is left beating its wings, that not a building is left standing, that this whole village is cleansed in fire, blood, and true death.” Slowly he put his hat back onto his head and flew down to the ground from his wings and his coat came the cards that he needed “Please if anyone among the living dies tell them I am doing this for the lives of those they love.” He said more to himself than anyone else. The two cards he was holding were two different versions of ‘The Devil’ tarot card. He flooded them with as much magic as he possibly could and then let the one in his left-hand shoot into the air. He looked to his creations as he soared up into the sky with two giant wingbeats “Get out of the village!”

    He only just made it the necessary distance into the sky only a split second before the card slammed into the ground with the force of the orbital strike spell. The card flew straight through the roof of a building smashing it into what would essentially be brick dust at this point. Nothing of the building was left standing and all the of the wasps that were inside were either dead on impact as the direct blast area of 1 meter around the POI was some of Ryo’s most powerful magic, the rest were crushed in the collapse of the building. The blast spread out to nearby buildings tearing down every building that was within 30 meters of the first, the buildings that were beyond this suffered serious structural damage, and would definitely no longer be up to code, but they still stood. Ryo flew over to another building where he could hear the thrum of the wasps and he flew down to the ground once more. As soon as he did the Devil tarot card in his right-hand shot into the air just like he did a moment later. The building didn’t hold up any better and soon it was nothing but dust and rubble. Similar results happened and left nothing but devastation. The few buildings that were still standing were not going to be standing for long. He pulled out more cards this being a playing card combo spell. He threw a card shape missile at one building that was still standing and it exploded on impact turning that building into rubble crushing the wasps that were inside of it as well.

    Ryo took several playing cards and a tarot card with the moon on it. He conjured a sphere of playing cards and sent it slamming into another building in order to topple it over killing everything that was inside of it. Ryo didn’t care if there were living people here he only cared about destroying as much as he could and making sure that there were no living wasps and no bodies that were left intact. His constructs had taken some damage from his first orbital card strike, but the second did not do any damage to them. With this in mind, Ryo looked to them “Kill anything that moves, do not let a wasp, escape this village, and show no mercy. Mercy is a luxury that would doom Fiore if we chose to take it. I will burden this responsibility." He pulled out two playing cards and shot them at such velocity that when they slammed into the base of two buildings they folded in on themselves as if they were a house of cards collapsing in on itself.

    He shot two beams of light magic, and lightning magic shot through more buildings cutting them deeply which served to fell the buildings. Finally, he pulled out a few more cards and threw the cards towards more buildings exploding them drastically and it was clear that nothing was left standing. All of his constructs were moving through all of the devastation and killing any wasp they saw. They were also killing and ripping all of the bodies into bloody pieces. Ryo himself heaved heavily, he had used so much magic and he slowly floated down to the ground outside of the destruction and he looked up throwing up a purple card filled with his magic as a type of flare. His wings shattered, and he was panting heavily falling to his knees. He was so exhausted, he hadn’t felt this way since he had first been turned into a vampire. He looked up to the tailspin and used the communication ability he had with EDI “EDI…I’ve done all that I can…” he sighed heavily “I have to leave the rest to you. Destroy as much as you can. My constructs are still in there killing things, and they don’t matter. I have done all that I can. Please come pick me up.” He said as he sat down his head hanging low as his hands fell in his lap. He was done, and there was nothing he could do about anything. When EDI would get near him he wouldn’t be able to pull himself into the ship, and yet he wouldn’t fight against anyone pulling him in.



    To stop an invasion Au9DYh5
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