Fairy Tail RP

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    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 336
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾


    Post by desirée 12th February 2018, 5:48 pm

    Job Information:






    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 336
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾


    Post by desirée 12th February 2018, 11:15 pm


    Living on the ship of Crystalli was just as peaceful as it was useful. It was a beautiful thing that Desirée had the chance to establish her guild at such a young age, the age of 18, and have it be successful. Crystal Swan was one of the best things that ever happened to the demon slayer, it was something that was absolutely breathtaking to witness succeed. Her dreams were something that blossomed into that called reality, and it was something that she never saw being able to succeed. However, with this, it proved to her that the things you work hard on can prevail easily. Her plans for the guild were something that sat in a notebook for years upon years on end, so much so that they were coated in dust before they were revisited. After all, Desirée did not look upon them much as they brought her sadness and nostalgia of the girl of angels, the one that helped her conceptualize and build Crystal Swan's blueprints. Just thinking of her made her heart flutter, just as the wings of her celestial angels did in the skies above; it was truly magnificent. Sometimes she would fly with Lele upon the backs of her strongest angels, watching the trees flutter beneath; it was powerful as well as beautiful, it almost brought her back to the day she saved her life and brought her to Summoner's Stone. She could feel the pain of the scars on her back slowly get glossed over just thinking of her as she did when she was younger; when she was saved. Now, Desirée had finally fulfilled the wishes of Lele Stone, and knew that she would most definitely be proud.

    "Now, all I must do is wait." she thought to herself as she sat upon the crystal piano inside the guild hall, gently playing it as she watched the silver magical circle twirl upon the ceiling. Desirée had sung the Chrysalis Song, the song that allowed her to summon any Crystal that lived in Chrysalis that she desired. It was something she was only taught weeks ago, something that allowed her to experience that of what she lost in the starfall; her summoning magic. The magical circle pulsed slowly as she played a beautiful and classic song on the crystal piano, slowly watching the koi fish and flowers float under the keys as her fingers quickly shifted. As she witnessed from the few other times she attempted to summon a Crystal by the method of song, it was apparent that this newer method took somewhat longer than it did summoning with a golden hoop. It was most likely because the hoop was designed for combat, unlike the song of Chrysalis kind. It was a beautiful song that only previous and present Queens knew, and as Desirée was the current reigning, she now had access. It was saddening that the starfall ruined her ability to summon, but it replaced it with a much powerful magic of multiple dimensions. It blessed her with light, which was always present around her body. Her radiance was extremely bright, almost as bright as the silver magical circle looked as it erupted into a ball of multi-colored light. The song had worked, which was something that Desirée did not think would occur due to the Crystal she was summoning. It was someone who was not seen much in the public eye in Chrysalis, but someone that was greatly recognized and known.

    As the orb shattered into that of a Crystal, Desirée halted her fingers from hitting the keys of her piano and looked towards the woman which was called upon. "Platinum." Desirée and the Crystal said in unison, as their eyes met and swirled the exact same color. Prism eyes, a sign that they were both Queens of Chrysalis at one point. The woman was sitting upon the lid of the crystal piano while Desirée stood from her location, sliding the large bag that sat beside her on the bench over her shoulder and placing the white and blue sun-hat upon the top of her head. "I apologize for the lack of haste that I expressed after I was called upon. However, I was still in the middle of getting dressed for this occasion, and I did not want to look unacceptable for where we are going. I also appreciate that you look well dressed now as well, especially with that pop of pink provided on your white and blue bag by that flower.  I think it is beautiful that you still have that keepsake from Lele, it makes me very happy that you can stick onto the little things." Platinum told Desirée as she hopped off the lid of the piano and landed on a small stone on the pool of water, a similar stone that Desirée was now standing on. "That is perfectly fine, Platinum. I am just as ready as you are, I just got ready a bit early." Desirée told her with a smile as she tipped her hat forward, symbolizing that she was ready to embark.

    Out of her bag came Kiwi and Strawberry, holding hands as Kiwi held a spoon that looked to have a small remnant of cookie dough stuck to its side. "Desi! That cookie dough was very yummy! When are we going?" Kiwi asked Desirée as he licked the excess dough off the spoon. "We are just about to leave, you guys! Now, I know both of you are not well rested due to the amount of playing you two were doing last night, so I want you to go sleep in the bag. You can use the soft change of clothes I have in there as blankets." she told them as Kiwi's eyes began to sparkle. "Soft blankets! Yes, yes, yes! Strawberry, come with me!" he exclaimed as Strawberry sighed, passing through the top of the bag in order to sleep. After all, it was about four in the morning, therefore the majority of the guild and people staying upon Chrysalis were asleep or out on jobs. Only some members stood in the central guild hall at this time, the ones that were either eating early breakfast, preparing to leave in order to go on missions, or to wave the Guild Master off as she was to leave for a small yet long amount of time. She only planned a week or two at most, but she had no idea how long she would be in Terasu training with the dragon that produced one of the two lacrimas that resonates within her body. It was why she was leaving one of her pets behind at the guild, Pitaya, as she was the most well behaved beings under the rule of Desirée. As she peered across the large room to the other side, she could see Pitaya sitting on the edge of a pool in her human form, a red cloak covering her entire body as she scrolled through an iLac. It was a spare that Desirée received weeks before when she was to embark on her trip, a spare that she bought specifically for her and Pitaya to speak back and forth from in order to give each other updates, especially if the guild were to get out of hand. It was unlikely that it would but anything was able to happen in the span of a week, which is why Desirée felt it would be better to be safe rather than sorry.

    Hopping from stone to stone with her white and blue boots, she began to make her way to the doors of the guild hall in order to finally embark on what she woke up so early to do; pass through a Wakusei portal. After she had got away from the pool and onto the lower ground of the hall, Desirée walked toward Pitaya to give her a pet on the forehead before leaving. "If anything happens that I would want to or need to know, message or call me. Understand?" the Guild master told Pitaya as she followed with a nod, her bangs bobbing with the motion of her head followed with a smile. "Thank you. I will see you soon, Pitaya!" Desirée told the mire wolf as she began to walk out the guild, her hair fluttering due to the wind hitting as the doors opened. Platinum followed the slayer and shut the doors behind her, walking directly east from the hall and through the silent streets of Crystalli. Some of the shops were setting up at this time, but not that many; some lights upon the skyscrapers were still slightly illuminated from the windows, others were not. The fresh scent of flowers filled the air from the bushes and trees sprouting on the sides of the streets, it was truly magnificent that a technological feat like this was able to be established in only a week. As the ship flew through the sky birds flew behind it, it was constantly moving across the world. Today was special however, and the schedules of Platinum and Queen Diamond were planned just around the route in which Crystalli was taking on this day; at 4:23 AM, the ship was to pass directly above the Wakusei Portals. It was something the ship did not typically pass by, which was why they decided that now would be the time to embark to Terasu in order to train with Sirius. It was something that Queens did not typically get to accomplish, Desirée being the second after Platinum, the first Queen of Chrysalis. It was to be an honor in order to try and locate Sirius in order to train, and they wished he was to be willing to do such a thing. After all, it had been an extremely long time since a Crystal even grazed the land of Terasu, Platinum was not even sure that he would recognize her despite her appearance not changing in the slightest.

    As they walked toward the edge of the ship and looked over, it had appeared that they were approaching the portals rather quickly. "Well Platinum, have you ever free-dived before? The ship is not scheduled to stop and land for the portals, therefore that is the only option." Desirée told the older Queen as her eyes widened. "...Are you crazy? How are we going to do that without shattering?" Platinum asked the slayer as she locked her hand with hers, reaching the edge of the rail before climbing over and standing on the edge. "I can fly, remember?" Desirée said as she hopped off the edge, freely falling through the sky just as she did when she appeared in Chrysalis before being crowned Queen. Locking another hand with Platinum's as they faced each-other face to face, Platinum looked at her worryingly as they flew toward the surface of one of the portals at an extremely fast rate. "Well, did you forget!? Why aren't we slowly descending?!" the first Queen exclaimed as she looked downward, the ground inching closer and closer to their bodies. Desirée smiled as they fell, her eyes glancing toward one of the higher-up portals sitting upon a small island and glistening with light. Freeing one of her hands, Desirée shot a large beam of light out one and caused it to stick onto said island, resulting in them swinging through the wind at a rapid speed toward one of the higher islands because of momentum. As they flung into the air quickly, Platinum screamed as she held onto the guild master's chest tightly, not realizing that the portal they landed right in-front of was actually the portal they were due to go into.

    "For... for the love of the Great Chrysalis Dragons... please let us land." Platinum said as she shook, not even realizing that they had stopped flying through the air and stood on secure ground. "Open your eyes, Platinum!" Desirée exclaimed as the older Queen gasped, leaning down and shaking her head in embarrassment. "Well, we are here.." she told the slayer as Desirée secured her bag on her shoulder, standing in-front of the portal that shone a beautiful blue with golden fragments of light shining across. The pink flower upon her bag produced a scent of lilies as they stood there and peered into the endless void that the glaze appeared as, a flower that was enchanted by Lele in order to never die. It was one of two that she received from her, but she typically left the one sitting on her dresser in her current residence. The flower was not nearly as pink as the color of Platinum's hair and heart on her cheek, it was much brighter. "Let's." Desirée told the other Queen followed with a nod back, symbolizing that she was also ready to dimension travel. With a gentle walk into the glaze, a bright flash of light developed their bodies and shone gold in their minds, reminiscent of the stars that shone upon the night sky.

    After a few brief moments, they stood where they stood seconds before but in a different dimension, one that appeared to stretch as far as the sky could see with small yet beautiful golden stars across its dark sky. With the conversation they had days before about the realm known as Terasu, it was known to always be at this state of darkness. It was extremely beautiful, it made Desirée look in awe just peering onto those beautiful stars. Her body radiated large amounts of light at this current moment, which appeared more vibrant as usual due to said darkness. "Queen Diamond, look over there. Do you see that? We must go there." Platinum pointed across the horizon to an extremely bright star, the brightest looking star to be on this planet. "It is where I found Sirius the last time I was here, thousands upon thousands upon thousands of years ago. I believe he is still there." Platinum told the guild master as she nodded, tightening the strength of her hat as it sat on her head. She looked at the brightest star and felt above where the lacrima sat inside of her body. 'Could that really be where the lacrima that was passed down from Queen to Queen have come from? The brightest star, Sirius?' Desirée thought to herself as she watched it twinkle in the distance, holding onto her bag as she saw the pink and green light being produced by a small slit in the top. "Very well." Desirée told Platinum as she grabbed her hand and blasted into the skies, flying nearly twenty meters off the ground below. Secured in her hands was the older Queen, and secured in the older Queen's hands was the bag that carried Kiwi and Strawberry along with the rest of her possessions she brought with her. As the dust of auroran lights and rainbows blasted around her body as she shot across the sky, the flower upon her bag twinkled along with the stars in the sky. As she flew, Desirée did not keep her eyes off the star that twinkled in the distance. She was determined to get there, she was determined to grow stronger.

    WC: 2,556 / 10,000.
    Template by Desirée Blooms.

    Last edited by Desirée Blooms on 12th March 2018, 9:57 pm; edited 3 times in total





    Post by Guest 13th February 2018, 1:41 am

    It did not rain often on Terasu. It may be a strange thing to think about. How did a plant flush so full of vibrant plants and unique creatures stay in such a state when a necessary resource like water was rare? Well, sunlight was always said to be a necessary resource for plants and animals alike too, but you certainly didn't see a lot of that around this planet. In fact, there was never sun. Ever. The entire world was covered in a constant and ever lasting blanket of night. Mornings, afternoons, and evenings. The sun, nor moon ever rose, for the planet had neither. Instead, the planet had stars. Tons of them. With no ultra violet rays or intense artificial light that places like Earthland had Terasu's sky was allowed to do what many planet's skies had no capability of doing. Looking absolutely stunning. The sky here was mostly always clear, so clouds weren't even a problem. The perpetual cover of the stars was the planet's main attraction point. Which is probably why it was a hot spot for dates and family gatherings. Young couples and families would often come here all the time to lay under the ocean of stars and have fun. Luckily for Sirius and the other wildlife around here, there were not many people who came into the wildness itself. Most people stayed in the various clearings, where it was safe and heavily explored by those before them. Rarely did anyone stray too far into the woods, apart from the cases of dares or even just the insane or deranged. This planet, while being popular as an tourist attraction, was actually mostly unexplored. You know, wildlife protection agencies and all. Always wanting to preserve things. Which has led to the planet being for the most part untouched by human society. Which may be for good reason. Not many people would probably want to stay too long in a place that was always dark, no matter how beautiful the stars were. Not to even mention some of the weird nocturnal creatures that roamed these lands, some more terrifying and twisted than the ones back home. But as long as the humans kept their distances, the wildlife also kept their's. It was a mutual understanding for the most part, a silence contract only broken by the foolish and punished by the most vicious.
    Where did Sirius stand on all this? Well, honestly, he couldn't care. The elder white dragon was just happy it was raining for once. The earth was getting a little dry these days, so it was about time they were able to quench the land. Mother nature always had a way of knowing when to do things. Just when you think shes forgotten to do something, she surprises you. She was a tough old bird. Well, not actually bird. Mother nature was actually a rabbit. A crazy old rabbit, to be exact. He would know, he met her once before. But that was beside the point. She was doing her job, and that's all he could ask for.
    The rain allowed him to sleep a bit more peacefully. It wasn't something a lot of people could say. In fact a lot of people hated rain. But the dragon found the sound of it rather calming. Yes, maybe getting stuck in it and drenched from head to claw was a little bit of a downer. But from inside a nice toasty cave? The raindrops hitting the rock and echoing inside of his cave was like a rhythmic lullaby to the slumbering beast of legend. When you got to be his age, the little things always managed to count the most. And soothing times like these, they were one of them. The smell of wet moss, the warm air combining with the cool moisture to create this steamy and humid effect, the dripping of water traveling down the cracks in ceiling and plopping into tiny pools of water. Everything seemed to be in alignment for the perfect snooze. And for a tried old dragon? Well, there weren't many things better than a good nap.
    The great beast fell asleep to the sound of pouring rain, his head only protruding slightly outside the entrance of the cave so he could breath in fresh air but not enough so the down pour would touch his scales. The rest of his body, was curled up deeper within the cave in an attempt to keep himself warm. Though his wings were arched slightly, just so he could circumvent the air around him to not get too sticky with the humidity. He parted his jaws slightly to sneak in one final breath deep into his chest, letting the grassy smell reside deep within his nostrils before he closed his golden optics and breathed it out softly, relaxing his body before it was lulled into a deep sleep.




    "... Sirius?"
    To what seemed like a few seconds to the dragon, in actuality, had been a few hours. The light weather that had been at one point nothing but a lullaby was now like that of an entire orchestra preparing for the climax of their piece. Harsh winds blew, whizzing past the entrance of the cave, resembling closely like a constant scream of terror. The rain was now just noise. It no longer held a rhythm to it, not in the slightest. Instead now it all came down crashing at once in a blur of noise. No pattern, just discord. Pure chaos. It was really quite painful to listen to. It was as if Mother Nature herself was throwing a fit. Just what was that crazed hare up to? When he was thinking they needed a good rainstorm, he had not meant to this extent.
    Sirius reveled his optics slowly, blinking a few times against the dim brightness from his scales to once again get used to any kind of light. But it was only a few mere seconds he pondered about the goddess in this dazed state, before the smell of blood hit his nostrils. The metallic and sickly scent hit the back of his throat. It caught him off guard, though being used to it, did not gain any other reaction from him. It wasn't the scent that caught him off guard. No. It was an all too familiar scent for it to do that. Rather, it was the fact the scent was so close to his home that made the dragon question everything... That and... It was not fresh blood. It smelled like dried blood, mixed with infection. Something close to the smell of death, but not quite there yet.
    His gaze rolled over to the area in front of him, spotting a bloodied figure standing in the rain in front of him. Most likely the source of this smell.
    It took a moment to sink in, mostly due to just waking up and with how the harsh rain obscured his vision. But it was a figure he had grown so used to over the year, it would be almost impossible for him to mistake it for anything else.
    It was the person who had awoken him. His student. The granddaughter of Vivian. Astrid.
    Yellow oculars stared at the girl, who was currently in a horrid state. Her hair, was matted and drenched, sticking to her sickly white face. Her crimson eyes wielded up with tears, and were bloodshot. Well, at least one of her eyes were. The right one seemed to be missing an eye altogether, only leaving a large, bloodied crevice in its place. If one were to guess, it's probably where the rotting smell was coming from, seeing as how the muscle inside was pale and the blood was dry. The only wet blood was not fresh, but was currently streaking down her cheek under the hole, obviously due to the heavy downfall of rain loosening it up. The rest of her body wasn't as bad, but wasn't as good either. She looked thinner than she had been, and her clothes were worn and tattered, dust and dirt caked onto the fabric.
    She stood in a stance as if she could collapse at any moment, hunched over slightly, holding one arm with the other. If he didn't know any better, he would say she was the actual walking dead.
    Sirius' pupils dilated in shock.

    "Astrid? W... What happened, child?" He asked, completely shaking off whatever drowsiness was left in his system. The last time he had seen Astrid she was leaving from a short training session, looking a little worn down, but absolutely nowhere close to this. She looked practically death, as if lady death could take away her soul with a single breath.
    The dragon's question was not answered. Instead, Astrid continued to gaze at him with wide crimson eyes and stepped forward one tiny step towards him, and after a moment another one. Even her steps seemed to take so much out of her, as if she had to use all of her energy to push herself forward. She looked so fragile, so breakable, like if he touched her she would just disintegrate into dust. Was this even the Astrid he knew? Was he sure she hadn't been replaced with a glass replica?
    After a few moments of forcing herself forward she was inside the cave. She stopped when she was just close enough to him before collapsing onto her knees, pushing her face against his scales. He flinched physically upon her touch, feeling how cold she felt. He recalled when they had first met, and she held that cursed Glacier God Slayer lacrima inside her heart. She felt just as cold back then. But, compared to that coldness, this one felt even harsher.
    A few moments of silence between the two was created, each passing second building up tension before it was completely shattered a few seconds later by her shuttering. Astrid breathed heavily, her chest convulsing roughly with every breath she took and exhaled. If one was familiar with how an asthma attack looked, this may look similar to one such thing. She breathed in, but breathed out too quickly for her chest to really catch up.
    And then, the sobbing happened. Sirius could feel the tears dripping down his white scales. He knew these were not the cold drops of rain water from her clothes or silver locks. No. These were warm compered to everything else. There might be some blood on there too, seeing as how her other eye could not produce tears as well as the other now, but Sirius did not move. He was still somewhat in shock over everything, and right now, the slayer looked as though she had been holding this back for quite some time. He knew his student tried so hard to hold back her tears. She found it embarrassing to cry in front of others, so she tried not to. So to actually see her cry this badly? Something had gone terribly, terribly wrong.
    She cried, and cried, her sobbing muffled somewhat by her face digging into his scales. Whatever strength she had left, was focused purely on wrapping her arms as best she could around his large cheek. Though because he was so large, it did not wrap around at all. If anything, she was clinging to him. Tightly... So... So tightly, like if she left go she would die.
    "They're... T.... They're... They're...!" The elf tripped over her own words. She could not get her throat to cooperate with her. Her sobbing was too great, and interrupted her words. Each time she tried, she would end up choking on them and cry even harder.

    "Slow down, take it calmly. What happened? Who did this to you?" Sirius would ask again, his long tail curling around her shoulders in comfort.

    "They're... They're... I... It's all gone... They're all gone!"

    "What is gone, child?"


    It then clicked within Sirius' mind.
    Mother Nature was not raging.
    She was grieving.




    It has been a few months since Astrid came back to Terasu covered in blood and missing an eye. It took a while for the dragon to get it out of her, but he's pretty sure he has a clear picture. At least, a clearer picture. Death, destruction, and loss. So much had happened to the girl, in such little time. It was no wonder she was such a wreak. Losing her grandfather, losing her entire guild, being kidnapped, losing an eye, feeling weak, feeling responsible. She had such a heavy burden on her shoulders, and within a single minute her whole life came crashing down upon her. So much time spent on the guild, so much money invested, so many lives wasted. It was not something he could imagine enduring for as long as she has. And now that it was gone, she feels as thought she has nothing left to her. To Astrid her life was lost, along with the murky wreckage of the guild.
    He was the only person she felt like would not judge her, or blame her for the incident. She also felt, he was her only option left. Her only option to get stronger, stronger so this would never happen again.
    Or maybe, she was just using that as an excuse so she wouldn't have to face the reality of her actions...

    The dragon sighed, taking in a deep and refreshing breath of the cool night air. All he could offer her for now, was a place to stay. She felt as though she needed this, and he would not stop her. Perhaps, being up here for a while would help her. But three months had passed, and she didn't seem to want to go back. Every time he would ask if she had any intentions of going back down to Fiore, she would tactfully dodge the question. It wasn't what he wanted. He wanted to help her... But babying her? There was a point where he was just helping her hide from the world. Which, was just never good.
    The elder dragon flexed his claws outward and peeked his head out from the cave, peering up at the sparkling stars above.
    ... What would Minako do in his position?

    WC: 2,389/10,000



    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 336
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾


    Post by desirée 14th February 2018, 1:32 am


    The feeling of the soft grass and delicate flowers lining Desirée's body made her feel relaxed, something her body needed after flying through the air for so long. Before landing for a break, Desirée flew with the party she was bringing on this expedition for twelve hours straight, not keeping an eye off of the bright star that sat upon the horizon. Her body was tired after flying for that long, as one would be for basically running nonstop for the same amount of time; it was physically exhausting, but she pushed through for a very large amount of time. Now she could feel the ground once again, the flowers hydrated with dew upon the darkened field in which they rested upon. It was a large clearing and island that lie surrounded in clear waters, but was completely flat and covered in pink tulips. They were extremely vibrant despite the darkness that was cast upon them from the sky, they looked to be the most vibrant tulips Desirée had ever seen. The light that shone from the body of the guild master was most likely the first light the flowers ever saw besides the stars that reigned above, but they still grew perfectly. They had adjusted to the terrain that surrounded them, which was how they grew in the first place and maintained their beauty. Sometimes the world was filled with things that made sense and some that did not, just like how it was filled with beauty. Flowers were just like that, which was one of the reasons Desirée and Lele chose the ponds of the guild hall to be filled with white lilies. They were beautiful and intricate, and were definitely a constant reminder that the world produced beautiful things.

    "We should be able to get there in one to two hours if we fly fast enough. The star is much closer to us than it was before." Platinum told Desirée as she looked toward the star, sitting upon the field of flowers right next to the slayer. While the older Queen kept looking at the star Desirée was stretched out upon the flowers, curled up slightly in a blanket that was stuffed toward the bottom of her bag. The blanket was that of a quilt, one side being entirely a blue-black color while the other was in a patchwork-style pattern of white and red. Over the top of her was the blanket while on the bottom she was laying on the cold flowers themselves, cooling her body as it prepared to finish the expedition. She tried to fly faster than she ever did before and it did apparently work, but it also took a toll on her body- Desirée was very tired. The short white and light blue sundress that she wore felt extremely soft on her body as it was made of silk and fine cotton, it made her feel relaxed, but tired. When they first landed she had ate a blueberry muffin that she packed in advance, that of which she picked up from her local bakery the night before she had left. She also brought a few other dishes of food, as she did not know what she would eat there, but she did not know how long they would last. Things like macaroni and cheese, a bag of chicken sandwiches- she hoped they would last as long as she was going to be here in Terasu, but she was entirely aware of how long that would be. It would all come down to what Sirius asked her to do, if he were to even accept training with her or even be there in the first place. She thought about this as she slowly dozed off, the warm quilt feeling as if it were sheltering her body from everything that could ever wish to harm her. As Desirée began to sleep, Kiwi and Strawberry began to run throughout the flower-field while carrying larger tulips and their stems that spanned nearly double the size of their body. "No! Please... please don't smack me with it!" Strawberry ran away from Kiwi as he chased her with a large tulip, holding what appeared to be a large bouquet of pink flowers that she had picked from the edges of the island. "I'm going to get you!" Kiwi exclaimed as they ran around where Platinum was sitting and where Desirée was sleeping, causing Platinum to sigh as she watched.

    As Desirée slept she dreamed of dragons, fleets upon fleets of them flying throughout the sky. Large and small dragons, white and pink dragons, sharp and dull scales. They were all beautiful to her, she had seen artist renditions of them but never one in person- besides those that worshiped her, but they weren't exactly full on dragons. Before long she was riding upon the back of a pink dragon, the hard yet secure scales providing a saddle-like seat for her to ride upon. The wings of this being were huge, met with white splashes of color along with bright pinks and sakura ribbons. As they flew through the sky she felt like she was in a state of pure bliss, holding onto the dragon as more followed in-front and behind. Upon the backs of each dragon that flew in-front of her looked to be figures of her, each one representing a different year in her life. All different sizes yet all looking extremely similar, it was a fleet of blue haired Desirées flying upon the backs of multi-colored dragons. However, there looked to be a different dragon flying toward the front and leading the brigade. An angelic dragon with angel wings instead of dragon wings and a halo around its head, it looked to have an angelic being standing upon its back. "Lele.." Desirée thought to herself in her dream, standing upon the back of her dragon as they faced each-other. The face of the angelic summoner looked to be expressionless, staring directly into Desirée's eyes as the tears began to flow. The dragon that flew beneath her disintegrated into light and left Desirée standing there in the sky for a brief moment before releasing her into the wind, free falling through the clouds as the brigade of dragons advanced without her. "No... Lele... Lele!" Desirée screamed, falling through the clouds and toward the sea beneath them at a quick rate. She was falling head first, and could not stop herself as she fell. Her body was about to slam against the water and shatter, as one would when hitting concrete. Inches before her head met the surface of the water, the sea turned into doves and flew into the sky; her eyes opened.

    "Had a good rest? You were drooling, and were asleep for approximately eleven hours and twenty-six minutes. Six-hundred and eighty-six minutes, to be exact. While you were sleeping Strawberry made you this, go on." Platinum told Desirée and Strawberry after she had shot upward from her slumber in fear, realizing it was just a dream, while Strawberry floating over to the slayer's face holding a large bouquet of pink flowers secured together with a string of delicately ripped and tied petals. "I... I- I thought these flowers were super pretty! And um... I- I wanted to make you a bouquet!" Strawberry exclaimed as tears began to roll down her face, quickly placing the bouquet of flowers on a part of Desirée's blanket before running off into the flowers that surrounded the area. "Thank you so much!" the guild master tried to tell the bio-luminescent organism before she began to run, although she knew it would have been no use. Strawberry was always like this, and it pained Desirée to watch. She wanted to fulfill Nova's presence in her heart, but it was so difficult to do so. "Well, I guess I am ready to begin flying again. You two can fly aside me while I hold Platinum, or stay in the bag. It is your choice." she told the BLOs as she began to fold the blanket she was sleeping with, slipping it into the bag along with a plush version of a pale pink teddy bear. It was a byproduct of the necklace she was wearing then, which allowed her to create endless stuffed animals and ribbons. Zipping up the bag and handing it to Platinum, Desirée locked her hands around the older Queen's waist and shot back into the sky, with Strawberry and Kiwi following directly on each side of her. Emitting the same rainbow-based aura as before, she flew rather quickly as she was ready to get to her destination. The stars overhead not changing as they flew, Desirée's eyes met the brightest star once again, functioning as a guide for where she was to go.

    Nearly three hours of flight later, Desirée along with the rest of the party finally arrived at what appeared to be the destination. It was very dark there, even with the brightest star shining directly above. Standing right on the outskirts of a large mountain range, Desirée's presence began to shine greatly and illuminate the area in which she was standing in by a great amount. Floating beside her were two orbs of pink and green light, while on the other side was a pink haired girl that had been here once before. "I'm still not entirely sure if he is still here, let alone if he will recognize me after so many years have passed. However, I hope he is here more than I hope anything else. Your training with him is much more important than recognition." Platinum told Desirée softly as she faced downward, her head meeting the formations of the mountain below her feet in which they stood upon. Desirée was definitely not as tired as she was before, if anything she was energized. Her heart was beating fast, almost as much as the first time she performed on-stage. She was as nervous as she was excited, the butterflies flowing throughout her stomach like the koi fish back at Crystal Swan throughout the white lilies that coated the clear, blue ponds. Desirée was unaware as to what would come out of coming here, she was unaware if Sirius was even here in the first place. Taking a deep breath as she stepped a few feet forward from the rest of her peers that had accompanied her here, she set her bag at the feet of Platinum as her mind began to reflect upon the lights of the Aurora.

    "I was told to follow the brightest star in order to get here, and so I did." she spoke quietly, her words slightly bouncing off the formation of the mountain that stretched upwards as her verbiage spoke downwards. "I am here to see the dragon known as Sirius." she said a bit louder, her voice twirling through the wind and up the mountain like bright yet invisible colors. Reaching her hand upward, it began to glow the colors of aurora before shooting a beam of light upwards into the sky from where she was standing, like a beacon of sorts. The mountain was extremely dark from the level she was standing, therefore she could not see anything above her besides the beacon she had created, not even the cavern that had an opening meters upon meters above her. As the beacon shot upward it pulsed the colors of the northern lights, reflecting small waves of light that swirled together to showcase her current location. She wished that this could get Sirius to notice her if he was really there, but she was unaware if he was or not. All she could do was wait for a response, big or little, before she could decide what to do next. Desirée stood in silence as she watched the beacon of light stand there, shooting directly out of her hand in a perfectly vertical position. In her heart and mind she wished that he would be there, as she desired to become stronger under his guidance. She hoped he would be willing, but was unknowing as to what would come out of her desire.

    WC: 4,575 / 10,000.
    Template by Desirée Blooms.

    Last edited by Desirée Blooms on 12th March 2018, 10:08 pm; edited 2 times in total





    Post by Guest 14th February 2018, 11:28 am

    It had taken a couple of hours for Sirius to calm the woman's grieving soul. Even now with his best attempt she looked as though she was going to burst into tears any second again, but he at least managed to calm her breathing so she wouldn't hyperventilate and was now able to speak properly without any stuttering. She was far from recovered. But given her situation, he did not think recovery was going to be such an easy thing, even with her stubborn nature. It took a lot to break her, which meant climbing back up was going to be just as hard. Like they say, the greater they are the harder they fall. But this was Vivian's granddaughter, and in some weird way, his great granddaughter. If he knew anything about the Foss family they were fighters. It would take a hell of a lot more to completely smash her to pieces. And even when in pieces, the remnants were still there. Persistent little things, that family is. But given their history, he could see why.
    "Here you go. Drink up" the elder white dragon used his tail to bring down half a coconut shell, filled to the brim with a colorful swirling liquid to the elf who was currently sitting upon the floor of his cave. The liquid, to Astrid, would be a familiar one. It was the same substance she used to unlock her soul guardian some odd months ago.
    Astrid peered down with a disgusted look in her light red eye, the side of her lips curled upward.

    "You can't be serious... Sirius, i'm in no mood for jokes." She huffed, looking up from the fill coconut shell.
    What else had be expected? Not much else, really. He had guessed she would reject the idea of using the liquid again, given her disgust last time. Why were humans like this? All he wanted to do was help her, but she acted like what he was offering was a hate crime. It was a natural liquid, much like all liquid. Even if it came from himself, it still came from nature himself. What was so disgusting about it? First Vivian and now her, humans really were all the same.

    "I am always serious, it's my name." The dragon stated rather matter-of-factly.
    The two stared at each other. It was true, he was always serious about what he said. She should know this by now. He may sometimes tease, but he was not the joking kind of guy. If he said something would work, then it would work. They needed to get that eye fixed, pronto. There was no joking about something as important as that. It was infected, he could smell the rotting meat wafting out from it. They would have to act fast. There was no way they could save her eye, but if they could at least save the rest of her face then it would be worth it all.
    "The power used to remove your eye was unholy, extremely dark magic that not even an advanced healing spell can fix, which is why even your elf blood could not restore it. But unlike gods or demons, dragonic power is purely neutral. This does not make use weak, not in the slightest. Because we are neutral and are not stronger against one side of the spectrum, we do not have a weakness. Which, makes our power extremely useful in situations like these."
    The dragon moved his tail forward towards her face slightly more, keeping it there. Astrid pouted, staring at the rainbow liquid before taking it from his grasp, defeated by his logic. She lowered it into her lap, watching her image thoughtfully in the reflection upon the surface. After a moment of staring, she lifted a finger and traced it around the chasm of her eye socket.
    Sirius frowned. "I am sorry to say, this will not bring back your eye. But it will at least heal it enough so it doesn't rot the rest of your face away."
    Astrid continued to trace over the edges, a few moments of silence following the two before it was broken by a single inquiry.

    "Am i still pretty?" The silvernette questioned, seemingly out of nowhere, placing her arm back down to her lap. Sirius was taken aback by this somewhat, as his yellow orbs shined curiously with question.


    "I wish for a family of my own one day, it's a dream i've always had since i was a child. In order to do that, i need to get married. To get married, i have to find someone who finds me attractive. To be attractive, i have to be pretty." While being somewhat calm up until this point, the elf's words started to shake and become weak. Her remaining eye once again wielded up with tears. "But now that there's a gaping hole in my face, am i still pretty?"
    Sirius solemnly gazed upon his shivering student. She had once again broken, due to her own specie's deranged thoughts on what qualified you to be beautiful. In their society, there was a massive pressure about one's appearance. To some, it was all that mattered. Astrid had never been one to think about that kind of thing before. At least, not like this. She was rather girly with her appearance, but he had never seen her so greatly care about it before. Though, given she was missing an entire body part, he could see why she would start to care. Unlike dirty clothing or shaved hair, an entire body part was not as easily replaced or regrown. She would have to live with it missing for the rest of her life.
    Sirius let out a huff through his nostrils in thought.

    "Beauty is a subjective thing. While one person may find something pretty, another one might not. But the human species is very different compered dragons and most other kinds of beasts. Unlike humans, dragons do not care for scars. In fact, in some aspects, they are seen as trophies. If you manage to get a scar or some kind of wound from a fight, it shows you were brave enough to challenge an opponent more powerful than you, and you were strong enough to live. It does not matter if you won the fight or not. The fact you are still alive shows great power and persistence."
    Astrid gripped tighter onto the shell, her sad frown forming into a neutral expression, looking up to her mentor.

    "But what if you continue to get scars? Doesn't that show that you are foolish to keep challenging stronger opponents like that?"

    "It could either be bravery, or pure idiocy. Like i said, beauty is subjective and dragons are no exception to that. I don't know about humans, but dragons are very attracted to bravery, may it be blind or not."
    Astrid's expression grew soft, gaining a small smile upon her lips, seemingly getting over whatever hurdle was getting her down. She gazed back down into the liquid.
    Seeing her once again at least content also brought a smile to the dragon's scaly face. But he could not help but notice there was something a little more to her look. She looked relived. Not just by his words, but her own thoughts.
    "You seem very happy by that information. Is there perhaps someone you're wanting to impress?" he'd tease, his deep voice filled with a laugh that had yet to leave his throat.
    Just like he had hoped for, the silvernette's face flushed a bright red. But, unlike what he had wanted, there was no snappy reply or a threat to cut his tail off. No playful rejection, no temper tantrum. Nothing. Instead, she actually replied like a calm and collected adult.

    "Possibly. If they're the type of dragon who likes dumb bravery."
    Though embarrassed, she still held a content smile upon her lips. Sirius, though taken aback by this answer, was just happy she wasn't crying anymore. If anything, she seemed fairly comforted by his reply. Which, is all he could really ask for.
    He was tempted to ask who, but that may be pushing things a bit too far. He was lucky to get this out of her more than anything. Normally, she would have gotten flustered and angry at him for asking. But now, there was something different to Astrid.
    He couldn't put his claw on it, but she looked... A little more like an adult.




    An adult. That was a weird thing to think about. He still thought of her as a child, at least in age. But he guessed to a human, her age would be around an adult's... Humans really had no idea about maturity.
    Sirius opened his jaws wide in a yawn, curling his tongue backwards as he did so. Despite the dark, it was actually fairly early in the morning. The only time he got up this early, was when he was training with Astrid. But because she was here for a long period of time, it had been pretty much every day for three months straight. It was tiring, to an old beast like him. He liked his slumber, and had managed to sleep for years on end before she stumbled up his mountain.
    But, maybe getting a schedule again was good. Sleep, while he thought was good, was not so good for his body in reality. It was apparent during their first fight, he had lost his edge through the years upon years of resting in his cave and ended up loosing to the dragon slayer quite easily. Granted, she literally had the upper hand with her magic, but still for his reputation to had gone down a little too quickly.
    Maybe waking up and training with her was a good thing after all...
    Looking up at the star lit sky and pondering these thoughts it was a few moments into his thoughts that he was disturbed. In a quick moment shining lights were flashed into her vision. This caught him by surprise, as all he had been doing just before was staring into the dark. The light, while not too powerful, agitated his vision as it had been summoned just inches away from his face.
    He snapped his neck back in pain as his eyes fizzled, and roared out in a fit of both surprise and anger. It took a couple of seconds to fade, but the pressure against his eye sockets were still there, lingering black spots pressed against his vision. Dazed and confused, he lifted his wings and flapped once, lifting himself off the ground. He accidentally ran right into the top of the cave, as he could not properly see where he was going. But another flap released him, and crumbled a little bit of the cave entrance. By now the spots were gone, but that did not mean he wasn't agitated. Serious, who let  a beacon go off right in front of someone's face?! That was just rude. If they wanted his attention they could just, you know, come up to him and ask. What was it with lesser beings and disturbing him? First Astrid had used his tail as a rope and now this person was using a light to blind him. Why did he even help these people?
    Sirius circled the mountain for a few moments in order to locate the beings, and directed himself to land in front of them at the base of the mountain, the source from where he pinpointed the voice was coming from. He dipped down and landed with a great thud before them, golden optics blazing. He bared his fangs, holding himself high.
    "Who dares disturb the elder white dragon!?" He roared out darkly, glaring at the blonde who shone so brightly. Most likely being the one who sent such a bright beam of light.

    WC: 4,381/10,000



    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 336
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾


    Post by desirée 14th February 2018, 1:42 pm


    The beacon that flew out of her hand shimmered greatly, the northern lights sparkling with small crystals on the inside as they flew. Desirée's white and blue boots stood firm on the ground as she shot this beam upward, her hat fluttering slightly with the power and lights that bent through the winds. As the light flew it pulsed similarly as her heart did inside her body, holding close two lacrimas in which sat securely inside. It was a strange concept to think that two materialistic things could grant something so much magical power, especially since they were produced by another being of the sorts. It was different to think that they could allow the wielder to do different things from the normal mage as well, being that they allowed the holder to consume the element in which corresponds to the lacrima's type. Desirée never expected herself to hold one let alone two lacrimas inside of her body; she expected to stay a summoner forever. It was disheartening yet empowering to witness the falling star liberate the restriction of summoning on her body, as it was something that she had done for so long. Despite the event only occurring months ago, she still felt like it only happened yesterday; the colors exploding on the beach of Rose Garden, the crater forming wit her body lying in the center, the red and blue blood combining to make a deep purple with golden flakes swirling about. It all felt like it had just happened, when in reality it was months upon months ago. It felt the same way about her establishment of Crystal Swan, it felt like it was just yesterday when it was truly established nearly three months before then. As she stood there and channeled her magic through her hands in the form of a beacon, her guild mark just under where the beacon illuminated greatly; blues upon blues, blues upon swans.

    The mountain and ground began to slightly shake, throwing the beacon off of vertical balance and causing it to fade into the dark sky around Terasu. Out of the cavern system seemed to come a flying mass in the shadows, that of which circled the mountain rather quickly. "Is that.. him?" Desirée and Platinum both said quietly in unison as they held their ground as it shook, the presence of the dragon being nearly too much to be able to hold on with. After a few moments he began to descend to the location in which the party stood, clanking down onto the ground in-front of them with a large thud and extremely bright presence. As he landed, his presence swept Desirée off of her feet and caused her to fling backwards through the air, her hair and dress flowing greatly like white, yellow, and blue colors of the sky that was not above. Doing nearly a back-flip in the air as she was flung, not on purpose but by physics, her skin began to glow in fear due to the landing that was about to commence. As she landed, she landed on her stomach and face directly onto a rock, sliding nearly one-meter backwards due to the amount of force exerted onto her body to fly backwards. Skidding part of her face, light-blue and thick liquid began to slowly pour from her cheek and part of her forehead, golden sparks shimmering as they made their way down her face onto the rocks below. Desirée breathed heavily after the impact and caused her hand to glow immensely, shooting a wave of northern lights toward her forehead in order to heal her wounds. As the wave hit her head her pain felt relieved, and her cuts began to gloss over rather quickly. As she slowly pushed herself back up from the ground and onto her feet, she picked up her hat that had flown off in the process and placed it back upon her head, pushing back her blue hair behind her shoulders and wiping off a bit of blood that had dripped onto her left under-eye.

    As Desirée listened to Sirius speak, his words suddenly hit her- she had disturbed him with the beacon. "Fuck." she thought to herself as she slowly walked closer to him alone, Platinum and the bio-luminescent organisms standing to the side after they got up from the blast that had affected them slightly as well. Although the force did not push them as much as it did Desirée, Platinum still held a few drops of blue blood on her clothing and scarf. The guild master walked toward Sirius and proceeded to look him directly in the eyes, her presence illuminating the area around her greatly with multi-colored lights. "I am Desirée Blooms, I have come to Terasu in order to see the elder white dragon Sirius." the slayer said rather loudly in order to answer his question, her eyes switching to a vibrant golden color as she spoke. Her eyes began to glimmer as her verbiage slowly poured out, the golden color shifting around with darker and lighter versions of itself like liquid gold; it was truly magical, it was full of light. Her hand covered the center of her chest as she looked at him dead on, producing a large array of multi-colored lights as if she was creating a small portal to go inside of her own body. As the lights formed into a circular shape, her hand seemed to sink into said portal and grab hold of a materialistic object, but what was it? It was the lacrima itself, tied to a beautiful pendant that branched designs of crystals and symbols off the sides with silver and golden plates. The chain that was connected to the lacrima was a beautiful silver with golden fragments embedded into its sides, and swung rather long. Tied around the fingers of Desirée while holding various elements of white light around it, the pendant glowed significantly around the illuminated presence of the slayer and the white dragon.

    "I currently wield a lacrima that was produced by Sirius thousands upon thousands of years ago. It has been passed down from Queen to Queen of The Chrysalis Realm, and now I possess ownership of it due to my status of being the current Queen." the slayer told the dragon as she spoke, resulting in Platinum walking up behind her while carrying the bag of the belongings Desirée had brought with her on this expedition. As platinum walked to the side of Desirée, her eyes began to shine the same color that Desirée's did, symbolizing that she was indeed the same as the guild master was in a sense of being. "It has been a while, Sirius. I am the first Queen of Chrysalis, Platinum, the one you gave the lacrima to so long ago. I'm not sure if you remember me entirely, but I definitely remember you." the Crystal spoke, her heart on her cheek beginning to emit a bright pink glow in response to her verbiage. "I led Desirée to this location because she is different than all the other past Queens of Chrysalis. She was not born Crystal, she was born human, but became a Crystal due to a rare event that happens once in a universe. She is rather significant in Earthland, being that she is a Guild Master and Idol, and possesses great power from your lacrima in addition to another that resonates inside of her body. I brought her here to possibly train under you, so she can reach her full potential." the older Queen spoke and slung Desirée's bag over her shoulder, Kiwi and Strawberry joining their presence and floating on each side of the two Queens as they stood. Kiwi stood strong on the side of Desirée while Strawberry hid behind Platinum's neck, being afraid of the giant dragon that stood in-front of them. To prove their authenticity Desirée held the pendant with the lacrima in-front of her, it slowly swinging back and forth in the wind that flew gently through the land that they stood upon. The weapon sitting on her back in addition to the presence she emitted, the two beings floating on either side of the party as her eyes shone, she was coated in various colors of light, which radiated almost as beautiful as the northern lights that stretched across the skies. Platinum wished that Sirius would accept their request, but all they could do was respect whatever he had to say.

    WC: 5,992 / 10,000.
    Template by Desirée Blooms.

    Last edited by Desirée Blooms on 12th March 2018, 10:11 pm; edited 3 times in total





    Post by Guest 15th February 2018, 8:32 pm

    Bright yellow oculars stared down to the two figures before him, never removing his sight from the blonde one. It would be rather hard to do so in the first place anyway, seeing how she... Shined so brightly. Both her blood and just her entire presence in general. Sirius shone rather brightly also. The tip of his tail was constantly alight, and his scales naturally reflected said light off of them. It was how he earned his nickname, 'the brightest star.' Minako had given it to him after seeing him flying through the night sky during the war all those countless years ago. He shone so brightly against the inky blackness, even more so than the regular stars. When others were lost, he led them the way with his beacon of hope. The tale was born soon after, a tale for those who had lost their way and needed guidance. Follow the brightest star. If you follow the brightest star, you will once again find your way. And for people like Vivian and Astrid, that way was Sirius himself. This girl, apparently, sought his guidance too.
    Just how many lacrimas had he given out again? It was a question that the elder dragon himself didn't know. It had been too many years, and too many people within his life to properly calculate. Lacrima were hard to produce, given they took a large amount of power to store and crystallize. Therefore giving out a lacrima was a precious symbol of loyalty and trust. Minako had earned his lacrima during the battle for Earthland. She used a great amount of her power to seal away the seven demon beasts, and in doing so almost died. That sort of bravery and self sacrifice, to a dragon, meant a lot. The goddess was willing to die for the sake of her people. So during the ceremony of peace, where each god gave a lacrima to their respective elder dragon, Sirius had kindly rejected the idea of taking anymore power away from her than needed. Instead, he gave her a lacrima of his own, and in return asked for nothing more than to be able to exist under her name.
    The second, was Platinum herself. As the pink haired woman approached, the elder's dragon's fiery gaze soothed down to a dim light. He blinked, and relaxed, staying silent and thoughtful through her explanation. He dipped his head, a small smile forming at the edge of his lips.
    "Dragons do not forget old friends. It is nice to see you are doing well, Platinum." He greeted her happily. The former queen had taken quite an awful blast for him during the war, a blast that may have otherwise permanently placed him out of commission for good. In which, it almost actually did for her. The queen was in a weakened state, on the very verge of death in fact. But Sirius was not one to let others take a bullet for him and die. To save the young queen he had used his power to produce a single lacrima and placed it inside of her. Being a significant piece of his healing power, it had managed to do the deed quite well, and healed her in full. Even after the war, the elder dragon refused to take it back. He told her it was a prize, a rare gift given to those worthy enough in his eyes. She had his blessing. And in a way, she had his friendship.

    His yellow gaze traveled to the swinging pendant held in the blonde's hands, watching it go back and forth. He did not even need to look at it to know it was the same one he had given to Platinum all those years ago. His power was still strong, and radiated off of it like a pulse.
    Settling his eyes back on Desiree, he would then close them in thought. "So you wish to train under me?" he questioned, reopening his eyes after a moment. "It should be said that i do not train just anyone, child. Even if you are now the queen of Chrysalis, a guild master, and an idol figure it does not mean you are worthy of my teachings. Titles are meaningless when it comes to real power. To become my student you must prove your worth. Only those wise and strong enough may come under my wing and-"

    "Trois souris aveugles. Trois souris aveugles. Voyez comment ils courent. Voyez comment ils courent~" A sudden French singing voice interrupted the dragon, as from the mountain came down Astrid herself. She skipped from each one of the crumbled rocks to another in her pajamas, descending downward while singing the nursery rhyme in the foreign tongue.
    "Ils ont tous couru après la femme du fermier. Qui a coupé leur queue avec un couteau à découper~"
    Once she reached the bottom she would continue. "Avez-vous déjà vu un tel spectacle dans votre vie? Comme trois souris aveugles?" Though to many people this sort of thing would feel normal given her childish nature, someone paying close enough attention to her face may notice her one remaining eye was closed, even while she approached the group with her back slumped, a goofy expression upon her sleeping face.
    Sirius watched as she came over towards them and went over to Desiree, stopping just before her and the former queen. After a moment, the elf would wrap her arms around the blonde in a inhumanly tight hug and press herself up against her, petting the top of her head like someone would do to an animal, a giggle sounding from her lips. "Bon minou! Soft kitty warm kitty little ball of fur. Happy kitty sleepy kitty purr purr purr~!" She cheered happily, hugging her tighter.
    All Sirius could do, was offer the girl an apologetic look.

    "I apologize about her. She has a habit of sleep walking. This is my other student, Astrid. Much like you she wished to train under me. I know she may not seem like much, but her performance in battle has improved greatly since her training with me started."
    Astrid nuzzled her face against Desiree's cheek, letting out another light laugh.
    A sweat droplet formed on the side of his face.
    "I do not recommend moving. She has quite the temper, even more so in her sleep. I fear if you reject her advancements you may loose an arm or two. But still, back to the situation at hand. Since Platinum sees potential in you i shall give you a chance. If you can prove you are worthy of my teachings, i will train you. If you refuse the challenge or i do not see anything that interests me you are allowed to keep my lacrima, but you will never know of its true power. That being said..." He looked back over to the sleeping Astrid, who was currently still deep asleep and not letting go of the guild master anytime soon. "Your challenge is to fight my student, and win. Do you accept?" he questioned, looking back to her.

    WC: 5,567/10,000



    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 336
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾


    Post by desirée 9th March 2018, 6:26 pm


    The swinging pendant that swung back and forth in the air in-front of her body pulsed greatly with white light, as one would expect a lacrima of the white elder dragon to do so. It swung like a pendulum, meeting its equilibrium every five seconds as it ticked back and forth like a grandfather clock. As it swung and she looked toward the dragon that was much bigger than her, the blue hair that stretched downward to where her legs began gusted ever so gently like the waves back in Fiore; Terasu felt much more different, but still also felt the same. It felt magical and beautiful, its darkness coating the skies with the stars illuminating the shadows that bounced around in the skies like dancers of ballet. It was a place that Desirée did not expect to be as beautiful as it was, but why would Sirius want to be located in somewhere that was not magnificent? A slight chill crept up the idol's spine as Sirius had spoke to Platinum, telling her that he indeed recognized her from long ago. The last time Desirée had heard about the war was quite a bit ago, being when she learned about the production of this lacrima itself. It was just as powerful as it was terrifying to think about; the concept of all the demons fighting the gods was a lot to take in. However, it was also very fascinating to learn about in the eyes of Desirée; although, she probably did not learn even a large portion about what had happened in reality. Everything was told to her by Platinum herself, therefore there were most likely many more perspectives that were immensely different than what she had experienced.

    As Desirée looked over at Platinum as he expressed his recognition, she could see that the heart on her cheek began to shine slightly; it was symbolic of her heart fluttering in the process. Platinum was smiling just as much as she was blushing, something that Desirée had not seen her do much; this Crystal was much more of a classical and serious type, and it took a lot to make her express joy. Perhaps this was what she needed to break, because her hands quickly gripped her heart as she gazed upon him, her eyes fluttering with adoration. They must had been good friends or had some sort of bond, Desirée was unsure of what it could have been; she had never looked at anyone the same before besides her first Guild Master. Maybe their bond was as strong as Desirée's was with Lele? It was unknown to the luminescent idol, but it was certainly a feeling that she had missed. Desirée looked back toward the pendulum swinging back and forth quickly and then up to Sirius once again as he spoke, his verbiage stating that his training definitely was not something that he did on a whim- it was exclusive, just as Desirée had expected. She was to prove her worth, which was something that she felt as though she could do very well; a slight feeling of nervousness resonated deep within her soul, but she was also confident with what he had to say. As he spoke, she held the lacrima toward the center of her body and pushed it inward, the glowing formation quickly passing through and sitting directly where it was before she had pulled it out. Along with the chain it sat snugly, right next to the other lacrima inside. They twirled together beautifully after it had entered back into her body, and she could feel her magical energy increase once again.

    As he spoke about the wisdom needed to come under his guidance and train, his verbiage seemed to have came to a stop as a sound began to come from the crumbled rocks that coated part of the side of the mountain. The sound of rocks being applied pressure to and a very quiet sound of singing, that of which did not sound to be in Desirée's native language. While the idol was bilingual, being able to speak in English, Latin, and Korean, she did not recognize this language the song was being sung in. The voice sounded very soft and delicate, as if it were being sung with no care in the world. Desirée's eyes glanced toward the direction the sound was coming from and it appeared that there was a girl skipping in the direction; or at least, that is what it looked like from afar. As she had skipped down the mountain, the girl appeared to be missing an eye and had silver-white hair. Were Desirée's eyes deceiving her? The guild master watched the girl in great detail as she neared closer and closer, and the features of the girl began to get more and more clear. Her ears were pointed and she was missing an eye, her hair was nearly the same as it was three months ago; it was her. "A... Astrid.." her own voice blasted through her head in an echo, a luminescent tear beginning to form on her waterline. As it fell down, the girl singing appeared to have her other eye closed; she was sleepwalking. It was the girl that had helped save her many months ago, the same girl that she had ran into in the cursed lands. The girl that had loved muffins. As Desirée's mouth appeared widened as the trail of a single tear began to fade into her cheek, the sleeping girl neared closer and closer to the guild master and hugged her extremely tightly. All she could do was stand there in shock and gently hug her back; when Desirée left after being rescued, so did Astrid, and she had never heard from her again. How did they run into each-other at this place? How did Desirée of all people obtain a lacrima produced by the same dragon that Astrid learned her magic from? It had to have been fate, what else? Desirée was angled to where her face was facing Sirius'; he looked apologetic.

    Sirius began to speak again, warning her that if she was to try and move away from Astrid, she could be potentially injured. He began to speak of that he was willing to give her a chance like he had given the girl that was hugging her; the form of how she was to be tested was not ideal, and not something she was capable of expecting in a million years; she was to fight Astrid. Desirée was to face off against the past Guild Master of Golden Phoenix. She was to fight her and win. As Sirius had told her that and asked for her to either accept or decline, her eyes peered over to Platinum and the two Bio-Luminescent Organisms floating toward each side of her head; they all looked to appear serious, with the past queen nodding her head. 'I have to accept, I have to do this..' Desirée thought to herself as she could feel Astrid's grip tightening around her, resting her head on her shoulder as the thoughts began to hit. 'How would Astrid take this fight?' she began to think of the girl that was hugging her and what they had went through the last time they had seen each-other; it was horrific, and it would make sense if she was still fragile because of what had happened. The even took the blue-haired girl a week to revive from the pain, even though she was always known to be extremely tough and durable. Would Astrid even be able to expect this fight? After all, she was sleeping, so she could only probably hear so much. Desirée's eyes met with Sirius' once again, and began to swirl many different colors of the prism in which they both were. It was like a fluffy of multi-colored clouds of smoke in the two places she saw out of, they were truly magnificent to look at; it was something all of the Crystals had.

    "I accept." she exclaimed to the dragon that stood across from her, the eyes centering into a golden color; she was determined to win, which was why the color of gold was displayed. The color of Midas, the color in which was shown when he touched anything with his delicate hands. The color of the irises sparkled dimly as they existed in this color, reflecting off the light that Kiwi and Strawberry produced as they floated over and picked up the weapons that lay scattered across her body. Her saber that sat in its case on her back, the sniper rifle that sat in her pocket, and the grappling stones that sat in another pocket; this fight was to be magical by the looks of it. Kiwi removed the hat that sat on her head and combed her hair tightly as Strawberry held all the weapons, removing a ponytail from her wrist and tying it upward into a high-ponytail; she did not want her hair to get in the way of the fight. She was fully ready, now all she needed was Astrid. Desirée was not sure how she would be awakened, and she did not want to move because she did not want to face the anger that she had witnessed with the muffins. All she could do was hug her in a greater amount, which was what she did; Desirée strengthened the hug around her.

    "Astrid? Astrid.." the idol would try to speak into her ear, not loud to where it would be obnoxious; it was in a very soft voice. Kiwi and Strawberry floated over to where the Queen was standing on the sidelines and sat her belongings next to her bag. Desirée let out a deep breath and waited for her to potentially respond, her eyes meeting the ground behind her as she waited for the event to possibly occur.

    WC: 7,648 / 10,000.
    Template by Desirée Blooms.

    Last edited by Desirée Blooms on 12th March 2018, 10:13 pm; edited 1 time in total





    Post by Guest 10th March 2018, 1:45 pm

    Astrid had always been a rather light sleeper, despite what some may think in most recent events. The lightest sound or movement woke the elf from her slumber, may it have been Lucius banging his head on the door frame as he exited his room early in the morning or even the constant chorus of crickets that filled the air of Peace Village in the evening hours. But ever since she had started overworking herself? The slayer was less and less bothered by the noises at night. She was exhausted from her work, to the point where she didn't usually fall asleep of her own free will. She would blink, and suddenly it would be morning and there would be drool all over her desk. Her body was exhausted, to the point where it would force itself to stay asleep. She had also never been a sleep walker. Sleep talking, yes sometimes. But it wasn't until recently had the habit developed. It was a little... Worrying to the dragon. Especially given how much it took to wake her up. Who knows how many times she had escaped the cave so late at night and wondered off around the dim planet. It was a surprise she hadn't been eaten alive by now... Yet with her strength? It was hard to imagine anyone taking advantage of her. Even in her sleep she seemed to keep that unnatural strength of her's. So maybe it was a but foolish to worry about someone who could choke you out with a hug just as easily as she could break your spine in half in anger. She was probably even more scary in her sleep, seeing as how she had even less restraint than when she was awake. Which is why Sirius was now cautious with Desiree, seeing as how Astrid had picked her as her new target for an uncomfortable bear hug. One wrong move, and the child could be snapped in half like a Twix bar.
    The white dragon felt a sudden pain in one of his golden claws, recalling the time he tried to budge Astrid's sleeping grip off of it one night... Little to say, he was never going to have to clip that specific one ever again.
    But the painful recall did not sway his stoic stance. The dragon had felt large and bigger pains than that. Not that it didn't hurt, of course it did. But as a great beast he was very cautious about how he carried himself. To show pain would be to show weakness. But unlike dragons, humans didn't seem to think the same way. At least, not the humans before him. His steady gaze shimmered when the blue haired woman hugged the elfling back in comfort, tears beginning to run down her face. This brought confusion to the dragon. Did this girl prehaps now his student? He could not know for certain, but it would seem so. At least, he guessed from his knowledge of humans. Humans did not shed tears easily, at least most didn't. There must be some connection he was missing. He glanced over to Platinum for a moment before looking back to the two girls hugging. Being a creature of knowledge and wisdom, he wished to know what this meant. But he was not one for pushing, especially Astrid who had come to him in such a horrid state. He wished to know, but that would be a question for later. Right now? Well, he had to figure out how to awaken his student without killing the other girl. Desiree tried to hard trying to gently do it, whispering her name into those pointed ears. But nothing would come of it. The hug would continue, even after the guild master tried to so carefully rouse her from the deep state of sleep.
    Honestly? The slayer probably needed that hug. After his time with Vivian, the dragon had discovered it was something humans did for comfort. Sirius, was not one for physical comfort. He could always comfort with words, but it was never the same as an actual physical connection. Given his size, he couldn't even attempt it. Even when he tried, it ended up being a weird kind of hug thing with his wings. But even then, it wasn't the same as a genuine hug person to person. Astrid was a lover at heart, and she had gone for too long without that contact. Desiree being here, it probably what she needed right now. So the dragon would look on for a few moments as the woman prepared herself for the fight, allowing Astrid a few more moments of what she had needed for so long. At least she had accepted the terms. It would be a shame to turn her away when she had come all this way to learn from him. But he needed to hear how serious she was about learning. He needed passion. Without passion, he could not kindle it. It was hard to stoke a non existent fire after all. Fighting someone so much stronger than you was a terrifying task, but she seemed to accept without too much hesitation. He would say he was impressed, but she would save the compliments for after he saw if she could live up to her words. Now the only problem was, getting Astrid to go along with it.
    Astrid still hung onto the woman, muttering nonsense words under her breath. Seems she was unable to wake her gently, so the dragon would go for a more rough route.
    Sirius lifted his tail over to the two, and used it flick the end at the silvernette's forehead. He got an immediate reaction, a whine followed by the elf released the guild master finally. She squeezed her eye closed tightly as she cringed in pain, bringing both hands up to rub the front of her forehead where he had flicked her. "Hey! What's the big deal?" She whimpered, rubbing the place that had gotten hit. Really, it was going to leave a red mark.
    After a moment of holding it in pain Astrid blinked open an eye, realizing she was now for some reason outside. She blinked a couple of times, looking around with her reddened gaze. "Huh? Since when did i get outside?" she questioned out loud, the last thing she could remember being falling asleep in her usually spot int he cave system.

    "You were sleep walking... Again." Sirius huffed. She really was hopeless. She has done this many times already, you would think she would automatically know what happened. But Astrid always had been a little dim. "But now that you're awake there are matters we must attend to." He tilted his head to the side, gesturing to the woman beside her.
    Being half asleep, the elf had not even realized there were other people here at first until he had mentioned it. But then she felt it. That familiar soul wavelength. Her crimson optic widened as the soul energy hit her, turning suddenly to face Desiree. She stared for a moment, her mind slowly taking in who this was, and recalling what they had been through together. The slayer's limps quivered as she tried to speak, but nothing would come out. Too many emotions filled her at once. Sadness, relief, guilt, happiness. She wasn't sure what she was supposed to be feeling right now. Sadness, because she had gone for so long without seeing anyone until now? Or happy, that someone was finally here, and that someone was the person who she had experienced to much trauma with. The longer she stared, the more her emotions jumbled and pressed against her chest.
    Until finally...

    "D... Dizzy?" The wrong name. Astrid, had remember the wrong name. What was supposed to be a deep and joyful reunion, was somewhat ruined with Astrid's awful memory. Not that it ruined it too much for Astrid herself, as she thought it was the right name. But to everyone else? The tension was pretty much shattered into a million pieces.
    Tears pricked the edges of her eye, before the silvernette lunged forward and once again wrapped her arms around the girl. But it would only last a couple of seconds before Sirius used his tail to force them apart.

    "For Gods sake child, you just spent a good solid five minutes choking her out in your sleep. Give her a break." Sirius rumbled, growing tired of the interaction. He wasn't going to keep separating them so they could finally fight.

    "Oh, i did?" Astrid questioned, a pointer finger pressing against her bottom lip as she tried to recall what he was talking about. She looked back to Desiree, offering a sheepish smile. "I apologize, forgive my forwardness." Astrid had always been one for hiding some of her truer emotions until she knew a person well enough. So for Desiree to see her being so forward with her in such a fashion, it was a little embarrassing. Especially when they were meeting after such a long time.
    Sirius shook his head.

    "Save the apologizes until later. Desiree had come here for a reason, Astrid. the more we continue this banter, the more we stray from the reason." He looked from his student, to the lacrima holder. "Much like you once did, Desiree wields one of my lacrima. And much like you do now, she wishes to train under me."
    Astrid gazed over to Desiree, spotting the glowing pendant in her grasp. She wielded his lacrima too? That was strange. She could not recall the woman having such power the last time they met. She would have surely recognized it if she did... She was curious, but it was not entirely her right to know. She must have gotten it quite recently.
    But still, now that she has it she wishes to train under Sirius also... But Sirius was never one to train for free, she would have to prove herself just as Astrid once did too.

    "So i take it you two are going to fight?" The questioned, knowing that's what she had to do for her trial.

    "No. She will be fighting you." Sirius stated back, rather matter-of-factly.

    Astrid blinked. "... Huh?" She turned back to Desiree with a questioningly look, unsure if this was some sort of practical joke or not. She was about to laugh it off and ask Sirius if he was serious... But then she remember... Sirius was his name... Her expression turned concerned, and worried. Fighting? He was going to make them fight? Sure, Astrid wanted to continue fighting and training to get better... But fighting Desiree? A person she had just helped escape with from a dark experience? It... Didn't really feel right. It felt, wrong. Really wrong.
    She looked back up to Sirius. "Is this really okay to do? Like, really okay? After all we went through..." The elf wondered off on her words. If it meant Desiree would be able to advance her power, she would do it... But was this morally okay to do? Astrid felt like she needed to hear it agreed to herself.

    "That's not my question to answer." The white dragon flickered golden orbs over to the blue haired girl.
    Astrid turned back to her, giving her a look which pleaded to answer her question.
    Was she really okay with this?

    WC: 7,464/10,000



    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 336
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾


    Post by desirée 11th March 2018, 3:44 pm


    The pair of golden Crystal eyes peered toward the rocks that scattered across the surface of the ground, shimmering faintly as the hug continued. The whispers that came from Desirée's mouth into the pointed ears of the slayer did not wake her up in the slightest; she was still fast asleep, holding tightly onto the idol's body like a lonely girl would hold onto a stuffed animal at night. However, much like how it was possibly great that Astrid was able to have this hug, it was the same situation for Desirée; she had not seen many of the people that she was captured with since the event occurred. The Guild Master was happy to be able to see one of the people that had went through the situation that she did, as many people were not able to truly understand how awful the situation truly was unless they went through it themselves. Like Desirée, Astrid was also a victim of this cruelty, therefore it was another thing that they had in common; it was a curse as it was a blessing. Despite being as tough as she was, a small bit of hurt still resonated inside of Desirée's body because of Savage Skull; it was hatred against them, which would most likely never be able to be removed. Being able to spend this moment with Astrid was truly an unexpected yet great feeling for Desirée, as the slayer of light would most likely be able to understand exactly what she had went through and how terrible it truly was because they both went through it together, and hopefully their friendship would be able to grow because of it.

    Sirius had hit the forehead of the elf with his tail, and she whimpered slightly before finally releasing the Guild Master. It was as if she had taken off a corset after wearing it for the entire day; it made her body feel much more at ease, as the pressure being applied around her in the form of constriction was finally gone. The hug being terminated felt like a drastic change, as it was like that for so long, but it definitely felt good. Letting out a deep exhale, Desirée began to strengthen the pony-tail that sat behind her head to where it was much more secure, listing to what Astrid began to speak of. She appeared to be confused, speaking to Sirius as he began to state that she was sleep-walking yet again; it appeared to be a normal occurrence. Desirée was never really that much of a sleep-walker, as whenever she was asleep she typically was knocked out unless she had nightmares. When she was in her first guild, she would have nightmares nearly every night; they resulted in her wandering to her Guild Master's bed and having to sleep in there. Lele was like a mother to Desirée, the only mother she ever had; her true mother was nothing but a corrupt being, just like her father and the rest of her biological family. Because of them, many tears were unnecessarily shed, many wounds were caused, and many lives were lost; the lives of her best friends, the lives of the people she used to call her true family. All gone in the form of swinging blades and flames, their ashes rose to the sky that day; and with that, Desirée's tears sunk to the ground.

    A red eye meeting two golden, Astrid directly turned toward Desirée after she had finished speaking with the white elder dragon; she appeared to have her lips quiver, words being unable to come out as if she was muzzled. Was she just as shocked to see the blue-haired idol here as she was to see her? A single word seemed to come out, that of which seemed to be pertaining to Desirée's name; however, it definitely was not of the sorts. A small laugh escaped the mouth of the Guild Master as she had said the incorrect name. It was fair that she possibly got her name wrong, as they had not spent too much time together; after all, she could have even been bad at keeping track of names, or perhaps it was a nickname! The girl looked to have small tears form around the exterior of her eyes as she soon greeted the blue-haired girl with another hug, the air beginning to squeeze out of her lungs once again; until the tail of the dragon pushed them apart once again. After a few more sentences back and forth between the elf and the dragon, the white-haired girl seemed to apologize for the hug that she had spent minutes upon minutes performing on Desirée's body, which lead to a simple bow and smile from her to produce. The hug was definitely a bit excessive, but it was also very nice; she had not hugged anyone besides her in a while.

    The dragon of white began to explain to Astrid why the Guild Master was here, and all Desirée could do is nod in agreement. Sirius came off as immensely intelligent, as many different life-forms typically were when they roamed the world as long as Sirius seemed to have. Similarly, Platinum was intelligent just as he was, as she knew him from many, many years ago. Relaxing into a sitting position, Platinum removed the saber from the sheath that sat on-top of Desirée's bag and began to polish it gently with a pink cloth that sat in her pocket, the light reflecting off of the blade pulsing with each streak that the cloth provided upon the delicate metal. The elf appeared to be surprised that the idol held a lacrima produced by Sirius, which was definitely what Desirée expected her to be like; it was similar to figuring out an acquaintance was in reality a cousin, or your boss was really the best friend of one of your siblings. It was big news. However, the elephant in the room in regards to news was definitely that of how Desirée was to prove that she was strong enough to come under his wing in training. Astrid looked unsettled at the news that he had given her, slightly similar to how Desirée thought about it when he had told her about what she was to do. The way that the elf spoke about it, she expressed that she thought that it may had not been okay because of what they had been through. It was the same as how Desirée thought she would react to the news; the idol was perfectly fine with it because of what was at stake, but she was nervous that Astrid would not be able to take it. Desirée's wounds were completely closed from the event but still slightly resonated within her, but she was unaware how Astrid would be able to fair in the situation. The Guild Master wanted to train under Sirius in tremendous amounts, she wished to become immensely stronger.

    Desirée neared toward Astrid and lowered her head for a moment before picking it back up, meeting her two golden eyes with her singular crimson optic once again. Her other eye seemed to be missing, as it was whenever they escaped the capturing three months ago. It looked grotesque, and it was terrible that a wound so noticeable would be so difficult to cover up. Luckily, Desirée did not receive any physical wounds that were unable to be healed from that incident, and her scars on her back were easily covered by that of clothing. But a missing eye? It was definitely noticeable, and hurt Desirée's heart greatly to look at. "It is okay, Astrid... I wish to learn under Sirius more than you could ever think." the idol began to state as the two orbs of green and light began to lower to the ground by Platinum, her eyes wandering to watch them slightly as they regained focus on the elf, "No matter how difficult it may be, I am willing to fight against you. I will give it my all, and I hope you will too." A smile stretched across the blue-haired girl's face as she finished speaking, her eyes beginning to twinkle with different shades of golden as they began to shimmer into the air around them. Her sleeves raised, if one were to look at her wrists they would see two beautiful tattoos of similar blue color, the first being "Veritas" and the second being a swan with crystal wings. Similarly, if one was to look at her hands they would see that on the right looked to be a formation of a circular crystal of different blue colors, jetting out of the skin as if it were embedded inside. Raising into the sky above in a flurry of multi-colored auroran lights around her body, she flew nearly thirty meters away from Astrid's current direction and landed among a similar rocky surface, that of which appeared to be similar to the one they stood on earlier. A flat ground, a perfect place for an honorable duel to occur.

    Holding her hands around the location of her heart, she looked downwards and began to glow even more than her presence did before, as if she were coating herself in the essence of the northern lights. As she began to state a simple incantation, her hair in the form of the two strands that sat on each side of her face and her ponytail began to faintly gust around the lights that bounced around them, and with that, the sky began to slightly change. Under the stars that shone greatly among the dark sky began to stretch the aurora, powerful northern lights in the colors of purple, blue, and green. Illuminating the sky above, the stars above them began to twinkle greater than ever before and brighter. Desirée was truly ready for this battle to begin, and her golden eyes twinkled just as the stars did above along with the northern lights. A beautiful visual change, the northern lights that pulsed around her body faded, but the ones in the sky sat there in great amounts, swirling together with pure bliss. The Guild Master stood in her position and watched Astrid and Sirius, waiting for one to commence the fight. From a distance, she looked to see Kiwi and Strawberry sitting among the shoulders of the previous Queen as they watched in full, sitting on a large rock formation with her belongings. "This will be an event that will be learned about in Chrysalis for the rest of time, it will be legendary." Platinum said softly to the two bio-luminescent organisms, Strawberry shivering in fear as Kiwi looked toward the idol in valor. "Desirée will give it her best, I am super excited!" he exclaimed in joy, while Strawberry silently crept into Platinum's scarf in nervousness. The last time she had seen Desirée and Astrid together they were fighting on the same side... seeing them fight against each-other made her immensely nervous, as she did not want to see either party get injured and knew that they both were capable of wielding immense power. "I... I hope so." the pink orb cried, as she peeked her eyes out of the scarf. They were to both fight each-other... but who would win?

    WC: 9,536 / 10,000.
    Template by Desirée Blooms.





    Post by Guest 13th March 2018, 3:02 pm

    Was it really wise to make the two of them fight, even after everything they had been through? Astrid could not even begin to think why Sirius would choose this out of everything for Desiree to do to prove herself. She could maybe get why fighting Sirius himself would be fine. She had to do that the first time she met him, in order to become his student. So why he changed this routine all of a sudden? She wasn't sure. Perhaps he was testing her, as well as Desiree. That was entirely possible. She hadn't fought anyone on Terasu besides the great dragon himself. Day after day she would throw her attacks at him, but once her movements got a little repetitive it also lost a lot of its edge. Not every enemy she would come across in the world would be a dragon. Not every enemy would have light magic. And not every enemy would move in the same ways. By making her go up against the lacrima wielder, he was in theory testing her just as much as he was testing the other woman. It made Astrid slightly nervous, as he was sure to be judging her every move with those large golden oculars of his. The slayer was a rather self conscious person. She liked to carry herself with pride. But when that pride is examined and picked apart? It made it a lot harder for her to keep her cool. She was once the same way about performances. When she first started out on this adventure she was absolutely terrified of preforming in front of larges crowds of people all over the world. But because she continued to push herself forward and conquer her fear, playing in the middle of a street of field for all to hear was like a second nature. She did not think, she merely did. However, fighting was an entirely different beast all together. Unlike some Astrid had only really learned to fight once she started her life as a mage. Growing up in Peace Village, it wasn't necessary to train yourself unless you were specifically going into something that required it. So she had otherwise lead quite the peaceful and mundane life. Which basically started her off as fairly below average when it came to strength and fighting. Even guided under Elyx, he never really taught her magic. He was only there for musical and basic self defense purposes. She didn't learn to start fighting for real until she absorbed the lacrima. After that, and with some help from Kite, she started to hone her magic and excel better. She wouldn't say she was the best at it, not by far. She has only been under the guidance of Sirius for a little over a year now. But she was at least a lot better off from where she started.
    Still, she was very self conscious about her fighting style, especially when she knew she was being judge by it by such an important figure. One wrong move and he was sure to make a fool of her in front of Desiree... That would embarrass her to no end. She was a Wizard Saint, a figure that people were supposed to look up to. If she was beaten by a lower ranked mage? Her title would then come into question.
    As Desiree assured the elf she was completely okay with this happened, Astrid glanced back over to Sirius, who just watched the conversation with staring yellow eyes. She supposed if Desiree really was okay with it, then it shouldn't be too much of a problem. Within that golden gaze of her's, Astrid could see herself. A small fire of passion burned within them, wishing so desperately to be kindled and ignited to burn brighter... Her eyes once held those fires too. But over time, her work had smothered them down into nothing but embers. The light was still there, but it was defiantly nothing like it used to be. She was tried, she was drained. Life had sucked her dry and sometimes wondered if she would ever find her passion again. But as she stared into Desiree's eyes, she felt a flicker. She could feel how much she wanted to learn from Sirius, how much she wished to learn, her gaze was so full of wonder and determination... Astrid wished to relearn what that really felt like.
    Her singular crimson eye blinked, her features settling into a neutral expression before she nodded.
    "Then so be it." The silvernette's domineer seemed to change somewhat, appearing more serious now than her normal soft attitude. Desiree was a friend, but she was also now her opponent. Both had things to prove in this fight, and she would not let her feelings ruin it. "If there's something you will learn about me quickly, it's that i never hold back. You will not have to worry about that." A small smirk etched onto the corners of her lips. Everything the elf did, she made sure to give it her whole entire being into. Which is also the reason she tended to crash and burn more quickly than others... But well, even after wearing herself out with guild master duties because of it, it seems like she was willing to change that. Old habits die hard, and Astrid wasn't going to stop anytime soon. Even with her fire of passion burned out, the light from her embers was still burning. Rekindling it? Well, that's why she was here in the first place.
    With their agreed battle set in place Astrid began to feel more confident about what was to come, even if she was nervous about Sirius. Either way it was ending, both of them were sure to give it their all. So it would be a good time to see if all her training had paid off.
    Desiree began to glow. Astrid though, would wince back at the multicolored light radiating off from the girl. She was used to a little bit of light, given as Sirius naturally reflected the bright light from his tail. But shining so close to someone who had been on a very dark planet for a few months now? Wasn't exactly the best idea. The light stung at her eyes for a bit, causing her to use an arm to shield them before Desiree flew a couple of feet and landed a good distance away from her, upon a rocky ground a little away from Sirius's cave. That was probably a good idea, seeing as how if they destroyed his cave he would probably kick them both out. So, it was better to be safe than sorry.
    She brought down her arm once she was far away enough, about to walk a few steps forward to prepare herself. But by the time she began approaching the blue haired woman, she already seemed to be manipulating the sky to her will. Colors of blue and green and purple soon covered the sky lightly, pulsating against the intense light of the stars. What was one just a inky black sky, was now like a water color painting. One could still see the black, as the colors were rather see through, but the vivid coloring did bring a certain life the night sky of Terasu seemed to lack. Her crimson eyes stared upward, shining against the dancing colors and blinking stars. Though, was it really necessary? Astrid thought it was nice and all, but did she really need to do it? All it came off as, was as if the girl was trying to show her up, like she was showing Astrid this just to prove herself. Maybe this was a spell, like a secret spell and she was setting it up. Would that be cheating? She wasn't sure. If she was showing off or not, it did not matter. The fight would happen anyway, with or without the beautiful colors.
    Once positioned a good couple of meters away from Desiree, Astrid would lower her gaze to her.
    "Your magic may be pretty, but being pretty doesn't prove anything if you can't back it up with good attacks."
    To the side of Desiree the lacrima wilder would see a ball of silver light spark into existence. The ball would form and mold into a long thick roll of pulsating energy, taking on what some might describe as a snake-like shape. Or in this case, a serpent. Seemingly being able to control it with her mind alone Astrid's crimson eye flickered over from her spell to Desiree, and the being listened. In a flash it would float over to her and attempt to whip her with the end of its body.

    WC: 8,923/10,000



    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 336
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾


    Post by desirée 13th March 2018, 5:15 pm


    As the colors stretched across the sky in full and illuminated the golden stars of Midas that shone through them with increased vibrancy, the battle was to begin with exquisite taste. Similarly, the golden eyes that shimmered from Desirée's face began to shimmer even greater than before; almost too bright to be true, it symbolized her undying determination for this battle. The fight had finally began with Astrid's agreement, and with that, the sleeves of the idol had been pushed up even more and the red tie that lay on her dress around the collar tightened. Desirée was physically and mentally ready for this fight to occur; her hair tied tightly back into a high-ponytail, her massively long stream of blue would definitely not be able to disrupt the fight in any way. With the small hearts shimmering in her golden eyes and sapphire hair in addition to her skin now showing with a transparent essence of radiance, the light was pulsing out of her just as how it did within her. Both of the lacrimas inside of her body began to emit immense amount of magical power throughout her veins and heart, pulsing with the excitement that resonated deep within.

    Watching Astrid initiate, the Guild Master watched an orb of silver light expand into that of a thick arc of pulsating energy, that of which illuminated greatly in the form of a snake. Flying toward Desirée at a quick rate, the blue-haired girl quickly began to blast across the battlefield in the form of a quick sprint; the colors of blue and green aurora began to shimmer behind her as she sprinted toward the left of the attack as it followed her from behind, the silver meeting the sea-colored lights as it quickly slammed into her back. With a heavy blow to her back it caused her to fly forward nearly 10 meters, her hair fluttering as she slammed into the dusty rocks that lay on the surface below. A heap of light and dust-based smoke, she quickly picked herself up and looked toward where Astrid stood last, her immensely glowing eyes most likely being able to be seen from the heap of dust around her. However, her eyes would soon vanish into a view of nothingness, a blue crystal appearing a bit of a way away from the cloud of dust that began to fade from where she had crashed. From this crystal shattering would appear the idol, with her skin and clothing looking slightly covered in dust. However, her eyes still glowed the same as they did when the fight had started.

    Running in the direction toward where she had begun the fight but closer, she began to raise her hand as she sprinted and caused lights with small crystal fragments to raise into the sky above, a magical circle forming diagonally facing Astrid. The magical circle pulsing blue and green light and spinning in a clockwise motion, from it would be produced extreme amounts of crystals in light blue colors which would fly extremely fast toward the girl she was facing off against. Each crystal was delicately positioned to strike the one-eyed girl's body and the close surroundings around her, pulsing with magical energy of holy light. Making a twinkling sound like delicate bells as they flew, Desirée would run directly behind them, her eyes swirling with a small twinkle of rainbows within the golden pools that sat within her irises. She was preparing her next attack.

    WC: 10,117 / 10,000.
    Template by Desirée Blooms.





    Post by Guest 14th March 2018, 2:09 pm

    Desiree tried to escape the light serpent's attack, beginning to run towards one of the edges of the arena in order to try and dodge it. Unluckily for the girl, this attack was one of Astrid's most highly ranked spells, an S-rank spell of all things. When she said she wasn't going to hold back in this fight, the elf was not kidding. Most would think you would want to save your most powerful spells for later in the fight, but the slayer wanted the lacrima wielder to know just how serious she was being. By using a higher ranked spell, she would surely know just how strong her opponent was.
    Flickering her gaze over to Desiree she made she to keep track of her, despite her amazingly fast dash forward. Also unluckily for Desiree, the ex-guild master was known for her speed. Her spells held no exception to this. She was known to across an entire country in just under a couple of hours. While such blazing speeds was unneeded for a battle that was taking place in a small area, it did not mean she wasn't still fast, or couldn't keep up with an enemy who also moved at a very past pace.
    her crimson orb following the blue haired girl's movement she was able to summon the light snake a little more forward and flick the attack into her in one swift movement. Thankfully, it landed a hit, and sent the girl forward a couple of meters before falling to the ground. Dust and light flew up in a cloud surrounding her. The snake however? Disappeared in a flash of light before reappearing around Astrid. It floated around her figure, coiling itself loosely around her body, leaving a few inches in between itself and her. But Astrid did not take her eye off of Desiree. Her gaze flickered over to a blue crystal summoned just slightly away from the cloud of dust, watching as the guild master emerged from it. Perhaps some kind of teleportation? Though, the slayer didn't exactly see the point of it. Couldn't she just have gotten up and continued? Or if she was going to teleport, then at least try and surprise her from the back? She wasn't sure what Desiree's strategy was, and it was slightly unnerving after fighting a person who had a solid style for months on end.
    Watching her run forward Astrid noticed her summon a magical circle into the sky, and produce dozens of small, sharpened crystals all pointed directly at her... Yeah, she could see where this was going.
    Reacting quickly Astrid placed her arm out in front of her, a blue magical circle forming in front of her open palm before a light blue, curved square of soul energy was produced. The crystals fell towards her at great speeds, but the shield managed to block them all. The crystals battered and pounded against the shield like harsh rain, causing it to ripple with each hit. But it did not crack, and stood strong against the attack.
    The crystals that missed, instead plunged into the ground around her and stayed there. Once the attack was over Astrid swiped her hand over the shield, causing it to disappear in a blink. There was no use wasting magical power keep a shield up. Astrid wasn't sure what the remaining crystal would do. One would think if a magical attack was truly over they would have vanished along with the rest of the shattered crystals. Yet, these ones stayed. Though, Astrid merely took note of this, in case they came into play later on. Expected the unexpected, after all. It was a simple rule, one that every should and thought they knew. But it was actually a harder rule to follow than you make think. After all, if you don't know what exactly to expect, how could you actually expect it? Desiree's powers weren't quite what Astrid thought they would be. It was nothing like she has ever seen before. Her power was holy, that was for sure. But, crystals and light? She did not know of such magic that had that combination. Plus, she recognised the energy as a slayer. No, not the dragon slayer part of her. That was obvious. But there was more to her, Astrid could feel it. This holy energy... it felt like Kiru's. Of course Astrid would recognize it, after getting blasted with holy demon slayer water when she destroyed Black Rose. So then did that make her a demon slayer also? Was she a hybrid slayer? Just like her.
    Once the shield was unsummoned, Astrid's attention turned back to the blue haired woman quickly approaching her at break neck speeds. A smirk formed onto her lips. Close and personal... That was more like it.
    With the snake still coiled around her being, she would wait until Desiree was close enough to then also dash forward to close the space between them. She would bring up her arm and allow it to consume completely in glowing multiple colors, the colors of a rainbow. Once close enough to Desiree, she would attempt to slash her glowing arm down onto her. If the attack hit? Where ever Desiree was hit would then have a rainbow colored slash engrave onto her skin, which would deal damage for a while over time. To make things worse, upon her hit the snake would attempt to crawl up her body and to her arm, empowering the first hit immensely.

    Sirius, in the mean time, would sit back and watch the two girls clash in all their glory. His features stayed neutral, no matter who hit who with what, watching them with staring glowing yellow orbs .In reality? He did not actually care who would win. He merely wished to see how far Astrid had come in her journey, and how passionate Desiree really was about growing stronger. By this point? He did see potential in her. She did well with attacks and thinking, through being with Platinum he didn't expect anything less. As for how well she could actually use her attacks? Well, that had yet to be seen. As for Astrid, she seemed to be getting better with strategizing, through his main concern was seeing if she could keep her calm and not loose her temper if things ever started to get too rough... he hoped he wouldn't have to revive a crystal being on this day, nor having to calm down a raging beast.
    His long, white tail swished curiously in the air as he watched.

    WC: 10,022/10,000



    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 336
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾


    Post by desirée 30th March 2018, 11:39 am


    As the Guild Master sprinted quickly toward the silver-haired elf, she could feel the chilly wind bouncing off the mountain range stretching into the skies above them coarse through her hair. It was a refreshing feeling, the cold air with dampened and dewy humidity brush against the hot skin of the slayer; it made her skin much more loose and at ease. Her eyes pulsing a bright golden color with what appeared to be a singular rainbow of small size swirling around each in a peaceful manner, they would definitely be able to be seen in the darkness of Terasu; in fact, Sirius would most likely be able to see them from his area that he was located in during the battle. With a flash of light, the crystals that sat peacefully on the surface of the ground from her last attack had vanished and shimmered off into the surrounding air and sky, fading like blue and green paint being tapped into clear water. As Desirée neared closer to Astrid, the ex guild-master began to sprint closer as well, her arm beginning to be coated in the colors of a rainbow. Like the idol, Astrid was also one that seemed to be familiar with working with multi-colored light; it was a beautiful thing to be able to work with, that of which served them both well in battle. Astrid appeared to be preparing another attack quickly, that of which looked to leave an opening on her body that could definitely be utilized in the fight. Her back looked to be slightly vulnerable, which was one of the first things that caught Desirée's eyes.

    Using the opening to her advantage, the idol quickly burst into that of a multi-colored crystal and appeared right behind Astrid, facing her and looking to be absolutely prepared to use her magic to her advantage. Channeling her magical power into her legs, Desirée quickly jumped in the direction of the silver-haired girl and attempted to kick her in the back, which would function as more than an ordinary kick. If the bottom of her boot would meet her back, a pop of light in the colors of blue, green, and purple would strike her and damage her slightly, as well as cause her to be flung 15 meters away in the direction of the kick. Landing from the attempted magical kick on her back, the Guild Master would begin to channel her magical energy through her eyes, causing the shifting rainbow to appear slightly bigger and more vibrant than before. "Fragmenta Aurorae." she said with a solemn tone, the rainbow developing the entirety of both eyes and beginning to flash tremendously with each color of the rainbow. The blue-haired girl was facing the direction Astrid was located in; if Astrid were to catch a glimpse of her eyes, they would appear extremely bright, as if two extremely powerful flashlights were on and switching between 100 colors every second. With both eyes facing Astrid, the lights would begin to produce two magical circles in-front of where her eyes were situated on her face, each angled slightly to face the elf. The sound of crystals shifting through the wind, these magical circles would release two large lasers of auroran light in all colors of the rainbow, flying very quickly toward her body. If these would strike her body, it would soak into her skin and provide a good amount of spell damage and magical pain in the form of beautiful colors. After the lasers finished releasing from her eyes, the flashing colors of the rainbow would soon switch back into that of their golden color, symbolizing her determination and willingness to succeed.

    WC: Job Finished. ☆ Duel Social.
    Template by Desirée Blooms.





    Post by Guest 10th April 2018, 1:39 pm

    The weak points of her being was not something Astrid usually thought about. Her mindset for fighting, was to simply hit hard and hit fast, to finish the fight as quickly as possible. As someone who did not even really like fighting to begin with, it was understandable that the elf wanted to get strong enough so she would not have to take part in drawn out battles, so she would be able to finish them off in no time and continue on with whatever needed to be done. That, and due to what she was, if fueled enough she could become a little too carried away with her strength. Though the elf knew plenty about her anger issues, she did not truly know just how horrifying she could become once pushed past the edge. If angered enough, she could become an unstoppable beast. Her temper is what got her here in the first place after all, with her guild destroyed and missing an entire right eye. So the slayer knew even with Desiree, she would have to end this quickly, before anything like that could happen. If not for her own sake, then at least for the guild master's. She could not promise the other woman that she would not let her anger leak out and control her actions. But that was something Desiree would have to deal with, having accepted the terms to their fight. All the elf could do, was try her best, and suppress it. Not that she really thought it would go that far, but you never really knew. Either way, the point was that the slayer was a bit reckless still when it came to fighting, both in and out of an angered state. She did not care much for the defensive side of things unless an attack was straight out coming for her. Which is why, when the blue haired woman teleported right behind her, it had caught her off guard. Astrid's eye widened when her fully charged fist hit nothing but the air which Desiree once stood. Using her reflexes she tried to turn around using the momentum of her movement, spinning on the heel of her foot to twist around. But by the time she did, Desiree's foot meeting her chest had knocked the wind out of her. A muffled cry of pain choked out of the girl's throat as she was sent back, a throbbing beating inside of her chest from the kick. it hadn't been too painful, but having the air ejected from your lungs wasn't exactly the most pleasant feelings. The silvernette was sent backwards away from the woman, but she was able to stop only a few meters in instead of the full distance she would have been sent by digging her feet into the rock and pressing down, weakening the knock back effect. Taking a second to catch her breath she finally found it, inhaling once and allowing it to fill her chest before her flashing red gaze flickered back up to Desiree, her breathing somewhat ragged as she tried to regulate it once again. She had actually managed to hit her. Not bad, given the elf's infamous speed. But she guessed going up against another light slayer, her speed would really be put to the test. Watching as the idol's eyes flashed into various different colors, Astrid would only now have regained enough air in her lungs to react and stop just standing there. But by the time she did, she knew she would not be able to escape this attack's range in time. Given her strength and rank, even Astrid's burst of speed could not get her far away enough so she could dodge it. She would have to take this head on, and hope for the best.
    The elf clenched her jaw as her body began to glow in various colors, diamond shaped lights glowing against her pale skin before they shimmered and melted away into her flesh. Her entire body was now covered in a protective layer of light. Not that it was noticeable. To anyone who had not been paying attention, they would not even know she had done anything. She would look completely normal, even insane as she did not move for the blast that was soon to come. Instead, she just stood there, staring at the woman with a determined red eye. When the blasts of light were finally sent out from the other slayer, even then she did not move, and instead allowed the blast to hit her, consuming the area around her in a cloud of light and rocky dust from the ground under her. She stood strong against the lights as they consumed her body whole. But she did not seem too effected by it, as her body merely shimmered with rainbow colors, as if trying to shine brighter than Desiree's attack itself. It did force her back a bit, as just the pressure of the light attack alone would make anyone take a step back. But for someone who just took a magical attack of that caliber head on, she did not seem all too effected, and merely gritted her teeth together, forcing herself to not fall back from the blast as she dug her feet even more into the ground to hold herself steady. However, the longer she took the attack straight on, the more some of the rainbow shaped diamonds would begin to peel off of her skin and sizzle into the air. The light consuming her, would then start to burn. And sting. And melt into her flesh. It was breaking her defense apart, slowly but surely. She didn't have much time before it consumed her whole, and she knew that...

    When the attack faded the rock debris still clouded the area, reducing vision and any indication of what happened to the elf girl. The small mountain arena they had chosen, would fall eerily silent. At least, for few seconds. Only when the cloud of mist subsided, would a streak of silver light fly from out of it and right for Desiree. In no time at all, the guild master would find herself being run into, picked up by her arm, and tossed into the air. Without letting go of her arm, she would then force the girl downwards and into the ground with a forced thud, before once again being lifted into the air ruggedly and being brought down with a ton of force. This would last for a few seconds, being picked up into the air and then being slammed down into the ground. The guild master would only see the elf for a few split seconds if she tried to look towards her, currently consumed in the pulsating silver light. But what would most likely catch her attention, was that she would notice the slayer's eye would be a shining crimson, her pale skin scorched and burned from her attack just now... And her expression was rather intense for someone who just only a few minutes ago was smiling so sheepishly and so against beginning this match in the first place. In fact, she would almost seem to enjoy it, with a strange glint in her one remaining eye. She was enjoying it a little too much...



    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 336
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾


    Post by desirée 18th April 2018, 9:35 pm


    After the attack of the vibrant colored eyes had landed, Desirée stood slightly still and began to catch her breath. Her clothing was tattered, her skin was blotched with dust from the rocks that they had fought upon, and her body was beginning to greatly weaken. The fight was one of the most difficult she had ever fought; two high ranked light mages facing off against each-other was something that did not happen much in Fiore, and when it did it was a pretty notable event. Astrid was most likely feeling worn out like this as well; it was a fight that placed two people with extreme skills in magecraft against each-other. It could be especially true after the chain of the idol's attacks had landed on the silver haired elf, as it barraged her with sharp lights and crystals of all different types and frequencies. After the blast, it was silent in the rocky arena, as the mist that coated the area loomed over in a sense of peace and vision-clogging perfection. The twinkling of auroran lights and the stars overhead could only be slightly seen through this veil of opaque color, along with the twinkling gold that shone in the Guild Master's eyes. It was until the mist faded into the surrounding air that Desirée saw Astrid running toward her with brute force; reaching behind her to attempt to grip a saber that was not equipped, she soon found herself thrown into the air.

    Astrid had forced her onto the ground with a very powerful motion, and the idol's health began to deplete quickly. Extreme amounts of pain flowed throughout her entire body; with that strike to the ground, her skin appeared to be coated with something that was not present on the battlefield. What appeared to be thin cracks coating her body and emitting a soft light of blue, white, and gold, she was beginning to shatter. With each slam into the ground the cracks just got larger and larger, along with the whimpers of pain being expressed; it was a strange sight, especially if the elf thought she was a mortal. Astrid would most likely think that it was a spell, but this was the closest the Crystal could get to death itself. With a being of silver light and crimson red eyes that glowed greatly slamming her into the ground over and over again, Desirée's vision began to get cloudy and fuzzy as she tried to look around the area until her mental image of thoughts faded into a white color with golden and pink flakes glistening- all feeling in her body felt to be removed and she went entirely numb. With a final strike to the ground, a loud scream would be able to heard from her shattering body before the cracks around her body finally exploded; a burst of crystalline light reigned outward and faded into the air around the elf. Falling from this burst was an orb that was purely golden in color, as Desirée's eyes were before she was shattered. It was glowing in extreme amounts, and swirled around its outer casing of transparent crystal greatly; it was the Guild Master's quickest way to make it back to the world she was in before, as long as a healing spell was performed to it. In a sense, it held a separate pool of her own life essence, that of which did not travel with her to Chrysalis so that it could be utilized by her allies in order to bring her back. With the flash of light that Desirée had saw earlier in her mind? It was now pulsing, her vision foggily coming back into effect as she lay upon a soft bed unscathed. In Terasu, the Northern Lights that coated the sky would look to be shattering. As if the sky was breaking, with a large explosion of light and crystals the starry night sky would return to its normal state.

    The room that she was now sitting in was utterly divine; it had four walls in a rectangular fashion, and the longest of the four was made of glass and overlooked an endless ocean of clouds. It was the sky of Fiore, being that she was in the room within the Chrysalis Court that was meant for her return if she was to ever shatter. Opening her eyes and looking down at her hands, they looked to be entirely clean and felt soft, along with the large crystal mark on her palm being polished and shining greatly with the light from the bedside lamp and window hitting it with style. Desirée was tucked into the bed and covered in soft blankets, though she was still dressed in the outfit she was in before. With this being said, the outfit was clean and unscathed like how it was before the fight, smelling like peaches and being super comfortable. Her hair tied into a high ponytail and her boots sitting beside the bed, the door to the room slowly opened; it was Bismuth, a princess of the Court, wearing her usual wear of blue and her pink hair flowing downward in beauty. She appeared to be holding a tray with a teapot, a cup, and things one would use to fix their tea. Sitting it on-top of a dresser that was clean and organized with flowers and a picture frame housing a photo of Desirée and her past Guild Master, Lele, the Crystal Princess turned to the Queen and bowed.

    "How would you like your tea? Sweetened, or unsweetened?" Bismuth expressed with a smile and soft voice, pushing her crown to the center of her head.

    "I... did I win?"

    "I'm sorry..." Bismuth began to express as her face sloped downward into a frown, "The fight ended a minute or two ago. You... you lost, and were shattered in the process."

    "Oh.." the idol began to state as she gazed into the sky of blue and white, "Unsweetened."

    Bismuth turned around and began to fix the tea in the cup that sat among the tray, but all the idol could do was gaze into the endless sea of white and blue that sat across from her. Her body did not ache in the slightest besides her mind and her heart; Desirée was embarrassed and ashamed that she had lost the fight, especially since she would be unable to train under Sirius and gain his knowledge. The girl began to weep, with two small trails of rainbows falling down her cheeks and hitting her dress. Her task was unable to be fulfilled. She felt weak; it had felt as if the fight was days ago instead of minutes before. Sliding to the side of the bed and slipping on her boots, the girl walked over to the glass windows and proceeded to sit next to them, being able to sight white birds twirling through the skies together with freedom and independence. The princess walked over to the Guild Master and knelt beside her, handing her the cup of tea and running her fingers through her blue hair.

    "You will most likely be brought back there any second now, Diamond. Sirius, Kiwi, and Platinum all know how to bring you back from your orb of stardust." The Princess felt bad for her Queen; it was something she knew would be effecting her in a great amount. Wrapping her arms around Desirée's body and hugging her tightly, the tears that fell from her eyes just fell quicker and quicker.

    "But I lost! He won't let me train with him because I lost!"

    "Everything happens for a reason, Diamond... It will be fine, I... I promise."

    "I am weak... I don't deserve to be a Guild Master... I don't deserve anything!" Desirée cried into the shoulder of the Crystal and coated her blue garments with a shimmer of multi-colored essence. Bringing the cup of tea to her mouth and sipping from it after pulling away, her tears began to flow slowly once again; all the idol could do was wait for an action of healing to be performed onto her golden essence that remained in Terasu as she cried within Earthland's atmosphere, shimmering just like the stars upon its dark sky.

    WC: Job Finished. ☆ Duel Social.
    Tags: @Madame Astrid
    Template by Desirée Blooms.



      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:10 pm