Name of Guild: Grim Dark Erikasey
Name of Guildmaster: Your lord and savior Erika, rulers of all cosmos and the bestest at everythang.
Alliance: Erika (the other three types simply aren't good enough)
Location: Erika city, Erika County, the nation of Erika.
Guildhall: A giant statue of Erika, she permits people to go inside of her, but for some reason, Astrid still refuses to go in.
Symbol: A picture of Erika's face, either winking or flipping you off.
Special Upgrades: Too lazy to come up with shit.
Reason: She's Erika what other reason is needed?
Name of Guildmaster: Your lord and savior Erika, rulers of all cosmos and the bestest at everythang.
Alliance: Erika (the other three types simply aren't good enough)
Location: Erika city, Erika County, the nation of Erika.
Guildhall: A giant statue of Erika, she permits people to go inside of her, but for some reason, Astrid still refuses to go in.
Symbol: A picture of Erika's face, either winking or flipping you off.
Special Upgrades: Too lazy to come up with shit.
Reason: She's Erika what other reason is needed?