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    A Guild at War

    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
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    Guild : Errings Rising
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    A Guild at War Empty A Guild at War

    Post by Godlike Frederik 25th March 2016, 7:11 am

    A guild at war

    A Guild at War Dg1f1x

    His cloak fluttered in the wind as Frederick Corbyn marched down the skywalk towards the large doors that would give him entrance to the magnificent floating castle which was the Sabertooth guild hall. Yet while many would stand still and gawk at the grand sight of a building surrounding by nothing but the blue skies, Frederick would continue walking. His face cold, not angry as always, but stern and serious.

    Just earlier he and some others concluded, that based on the evidence that their beloved guild master Hikari Starr along with her paramour Chelvaric had perished at the hands of an yet unknown perpetrator. How this had happened none of them knew, but whatever it was, it had to be powerful. Enough to face of with a guild master classed mage and eradicate her from the face of the earth.

    The first of their small group that Frederick had gathered was Kite Willhelm, a long time mage of the guild. Together they had flown out to the last known location of their master and both laid eyes on the horrific sights that were the remains of her own personal air ship. Within in time they were joined by Ryo Knetegawa, one of the strongest mages in the guild and a personal friend of Frederick. Even though he didn't really showed it. Kiersa, the nun and one of the remaining aces of Sabertooth. And last, Ardere, guild master of Infinity Hydra. The co-leader of their alliance, and a close friend to Hikari herself.

    Their discussion went back and forth, from the future of the guild to the continuous mystery of who their unknown enemy could be. Some theories were shared, some of which Frederick immediately disregarded as complete bogus. Especially the one Kiersa laid bare, sure what she said could be true as it was surely powerful enough to blast an entire ship out of the sky. But then again no one has seen of those beasts for quite some time now.

    Either way, whatever it really was didn't matter now. As Frederick continued his march, he knew that there was one dilemma he had to tackle first. With Ardere already on his way back to his own guild. To inform them of the tragic news, Frederick as well had taken up the task to break this heart crunching news with the rest of the guild. It wasn't a task Frederick took lightly, in fact he rather avoided this if he could. Ah well, at least the other three were already gathering as much of the Sabertooth mages as they could find, to assemble in the main hall.

    Hey guys, welcome to the ST guild event. Before we entirely lift off first some ooc knowledge that could be handy.

    As some of you might notice, some Infinity Hydra members have signed up as well, that is because we are in an alliance with them and we might need their help, Either way, see this as a ST event with IH showing up as well.

    Post order, I don't think I really need to cover this. But first round establishes the post order. After that there is a 24 hour rule. But don't worry you are not out if you miss it, just post at the end of the round. Or if you can't, next round. Or you can always let the one behind you know.

    Don't worry, we will have plenty enough to hit xD. Our beloved Marshal, Queen of the Antlers, breaker of chains, mother of small lizards has agreed to take on the villain part. So basically every new round starts when she has posted. Feel free to punch her tho.

    For those that haven't signed up, and still want to join. You can, just sign up in appropriate thread, and post your part in the event.

    Either way that was all, have fun and kick some ass.



    Car King Saint

    Car King Saint

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    Second Skill: Blood Master Maic
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    A Guild at War Empty Re: A Guild at War

    Post by RyoKnetegawa 25th March 2016, 12:06 pm

    Ryo stood in the main hall inside of the guild. He was already here, and had been. After some time alone traveling and settling missions in his own time and in his own way he had returned to living in the guild hall. With him as always was his trusted companion and partner the dire wolf Gora. The canine was powerful and now full grown stood almost a head taller than the self-proclaimed Card King of Sabertooth. As one of the ones who first heard the news about the former guild Mistress Ryo had been one of the first in line to offer his aid, and his power in order to help find the beast that they believed was responsible for the death of their beloved leader.

    He had taken it upon himself at the request of Sabertooth to go around the guild hall, and the Ace of Spades telling any and every member of the guild that was local to assemble in the main hall. He wasn’t sure how many of them would come, but he was certain to emphasize how important it was for as many people to show up as humanly possible. He wouldn’t let Frederick down, nor the guild, and if what he and the others thought was the truth then the entire guild was at risk, and it would take no less than the entire guild to deal with this new threat. He personally hoped that whatever had killed the Mistress had been an isolated incident and that there would be no grander threat to the guild itself so long as they avoided the territory, but that didn’t change two things that the Wizard knew. The first one was that they had to find this monster and bring it down for the Justice of Sabertooth, and number two even this hope of his wasn’t fact, and Ryo was almost certain that what spelled the doom for Hikari, could, and most likely would spell the doom for the rest of Sabertooth.

    As Frederick arrived Ryo bowed his head taking his hat from his head placing it over his heart as he did so “I have told as many as I could find Frederick. I don’t know how many will come, but no one may claim ignorance of this meeting if they were in the guild hall, or in the Ace of spades.” He said as he put his hat back on his head. He looked his friend up and down tsking slightly to himself as he stretched himself out “I know this goes without saying, but this is an important thing you must do, and I’ll be here to keep the peace if needed. Count on me again my friend.” He said before he silenced himself leaning against a pillar next to the guild master’s platform looking ever the silent watcher he was. Gora was no exception true the Dire Wolf was happy to see Frederick after all they had gotten to know each other already and any friend of Ryo’s was a friend to Gora, but the great wolf knew better than to approach Frederick especially with this important event going on. So he sat to Ryo’s left looking around keeping as much in his sights as he could. Now they only had to wait for the others to arrive, and this meeting to commence.


    A Guild at War Au9DYh5
    Ryo's Info:

    Books I've Written:



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    A Guild at War Empty Re: A Guild at War

    Post by redheadedstepchild 25th March 2016, 6:50 pm

    Mashyuu stepped into the bar at the Ace of Spades, his blue pants covered in sand after he and Rocky had helped find the One Piece and dug some treasure up out of the desert. A chest was held in each arm, snugly under the fabric of Mashyuu's jacket. The slits in his blue eyes narrowed and his ears perked up when he heard a woman in the guild speaking about the fact that Fred had discovered that something killed Hika and Chel. Mashyuu sort of knew they were dead when Hika never showed up to proctor his B rank Exam after she asked him to meet her in a town where no magic could be used.

    "Rocky, we have work to do. Lets go." He said to the Gargoyle standing next to him. The stone creature snarled and ran at Mashyuu's side and the two hit the teleporting lacrima. The pair appeared in the center of the guild hall and ran to the meeting room. He stumbled through massive doors and looked at Fred, a man Mashyuu had only seen a few times and the current defacto Guild Master, speaking to a man in red that Mashyuu had never seen before. But what really shocked him was the large Wolf at the man's side.

    "FRED! What do we know? Who did killed her?" Mashyuu asked brazenly while he walked over to a table and sat upon it. He cracked open a chest that held some fine boots inside and he slipped the magical shoes on while looking at Fred and the new man who was actually a long standing Sabertooth member. Mashyuu extended his hand to the man in red and smiled. "Hi, Mashyuu. Sabertooth Ace and Rising Star. You are?"
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
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    Age : 34
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    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
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    A Guild at War Empty Re: A Guild at War

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 28th March 2016, 9:20 pm

    A Guild at War Gz9pLlV

    A Guild at War Gz9pLlV




    Cool Down


    "Word “
    "Thought “

    "You ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

    A Guild at War Nice%202_zpskiwaehaj

    - Kite

    It had been merely a few hours since the meeting had taken place, the inevitable meeting to discuss not only the future of Sabertooth which was thrown up into the air but to also divulge the information regarding the disappearance of Hikari and Chelvaric or rather the destruction of their airship. The meeting consisting of himself, the new Guild Master Lord Frederick, Keirsa, Ryo and Ardere was earthland shattering to say the least especially with the amount of speculation being thrown about especially the one regarding the Black Dragon, Acnologia although it was dismissed as a possibility due to the beast not being seen for years but what other creatures could cause such damage? The answer to this question was unknown but it was a common opinion that the answer to that question could be revealed in the form of an attack on the guild which is what prompted Fred to host an assembly in the guildhall. Taking advantage of the time he would have between the meeting and the announcement Kite made his way to his ship where his crew were stationed until he arrived. He had taken the time to have his crew prepare for a possible upcoming battle and then spent the rest of his time in his personal quarters not training his body in physical workout or working on meditation to train his magic, no this time he just sat in silence letting everything that he had heard finally sink in. After the time had come for him to leave his ship and make his way to the main hall of the guild he stood up placing his sword on his back and climbed up the ladder to the foredeck on the way up he merely said ”Hika Chel..whatever happens next… I won’t let you down.“ making a promise to his missing friends before emerging onto the Foredeck where a crewman was waiting for him. ”Is the ship ready?“ he asked only for the crewman to say “Yes, cannons are warmed up and the engines are prepped” This made Kite smile and placed a hand on his shoulder ”Good, I am counting on you.“ he said as he walked away from the man and eventually out the cargobay.

    After walking through the guild he had finally made it to the main hall where Fred and Ryo had already arrived. ”That’s two..just need Keirsa to show up then.“ he said knowing that Ardere had already left to prepare his guild. Kite had approached the two men just as Mashyuu had, immediately asking Fred for information on what happened and introduced himself to Ryo. Kite didn’t get a chance to greet either of the men but instead addressed the questions Mashyuu had asked ”Fred, Ryo…” he said greeting them but then pushed his red eyes onto Mashyuu ”.. What do you mean by that?“ he asked the Dragon Slayer. While he was aware that a conclusion could have been formed by the consecutive absence but by the way Mashyuu had asked the question it was as if he was told about the meeting, the private meeting that housed only five people and he wasn’t apart of it.  
    template by Darkee

    Spells used:

    OOC: If possible ST members please refrain from having insider information about Hika and Chel being demise. Mashyuu was setting up for plot later on in the event so no one else should be aware of this information until after Fred announces it.


    A Guild at War Gvf4gD8



    Moderator- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- A-Rank- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Have an Admin as a friend!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A Guild at War Empty Re: A Guild at War

    Post by Fair 29th March 2016, 1:06 pm

    Morning, Zlatan!” Lynn called out to the winged beast slumbering just outside on the cramped balcony with just enough space for his body to fit without being able to move more than a few inches. With a grunt he rose to his feet, shaking off whatever might have been clinging to his brilliant mane. “Woah, careful! You’re going to break it off if you keep doing that. It’s a tiny balcony,” laughed the youthful sorceress, combing down her azure tresses. She drew up her hair into a cute bun atop her cranium. You look like a child, mistress, the lion commented. “Thank you? Haha.” Lynn clothed herself in a plain white tee and checked blue shorts. Spring mornings were beautiful and she thought she might take a walk outside, fresh air and everything.

    Wait, mistress. I sense a lot of activity in the main hall, Zlatan informed. The ice dragon slayer raised a sharp brow at her friend. It’s an assembly. People are gathering in the main hall. You should find out what that matter is, he continued. Lynn immediately slouched her shoulders, releasing a very disappointed groan. “What do you mean!?” she complained, knowing she wasn't going to get to take that morning walk. It seems important. “Great.

    Rushing to the teleportation lacrima that would take her from the members’ chambers to the main hall, Lynn made a mental note to find a decent apartment in the town below the guild. She needed a larger space for both herself and the poor beast. As Zlatan had told her, there were a lot of Sabers flocked together in the spacious guildhall. However, the guildmaster wasn’t there. Lynn searched all over, crimson optics scanning the entire lobby. A frown etched on her flawless face, Lynn spoke under her breath, just to note. “Hika is missing.” Zlatan had flown down to the west of the guild building, floating just beside it, watching through a window, the events that would follow while Lynn stood leaning on a large marble column.

    Last edited by Lynn on 29th March 2016, 3:50 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : coding error x.x)


    Blood Plus
    Blood Plus

    Lightning Bolt Gif

    Lightning Bolt Gif

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    A Guild at War Empty Re: A Guild at War

    Post by Blood Plus 29th March 2016, 1:46 pm

    Words: 612
    Tags: —

    a dragon's tale: unexalted fear
    Assemblies called by his former sensei were uncommonly rare. The very notion that he wanted to meet with a large congregation of people was practically unheard of to the young dragon slayer. Frederick disliked talking to any one person at any particular interval, let alone a large group of people that Frederick would never come across positively too. The fact too that Ibara had to get out of bed at an untimely hour of the morning made him grimace to no end. Hearing a overly-powerful pessimist chastise Sabertooth was the last thing Ibara wanted to hear before breakfast but there was no escaping such a notion. He would have to attend regardless of circumstance, apparently it was essential that he be there.

    His room a mess, he left it was it was; as was the custom. He slammed the door behind him and walked out onto the bustled street of the town that the most powerful Guild; Sabertooth resided in. He glanced around him as people moved left and right to avoid the young fiery dragon slayer. His uncommonly body temperature usually ensured the avoidance of ordinary people, they couldn't tolerate his natural eat which Ibara somewhat enjoyed from time to time however a state of loneliness would overcome him every now and then. He put the thought to the back of his mind and began walking up. His head inclined backwards to throw a glance towards the sky. His two-toned pupils trained on the castle that resided there. The Sabertooth Guild Hall. He could already see a mass of congregating powerful mages that began to flood through the entrance.

    "So many of them.. what's going on?"

    Ibara lightened his foot and quickened his pace. There wasn't an explanation that came to the young dragon's mind that could justify so many Sabertooth mages appearances' at once. They were the largest guild, sure, but all of them wielded extraordinary power at a range of skill levels from novice to master. As a result, it wasn't uncommon to find the majority of the guild members out on jobs at all times. The Sabertooth Hall was often desolate save from the few that didn't care to use their power but rather to occupy the hall with chatter. Such an idea was frowned upon in Sabertooth and Ibara supposed that explained such business. But to have them all here? Something was definitely wrong. Perhaps this meeting wasn't to be full of chastisements but rather matters of importance.

    A few minutes later...

    The doors of the Guild Hall exploded on either side. Not by natural means but an explosion was more a term of emphasis to imagine the doors powerfully opening at the young dragon's presence. His hands were extended infront of him and his eyes blazed slightly, little wisps of fire arising from his eyelids. He glanced forwards, it didn't matter who he glanced at; it was a glare of emotion. An immediate interrogation.

    "What do you want, Fred?!"

    Ibara's voice was slightly casual, perhaps slightly annoyed at the fact that he had to wake up at such an untimely hour (for him). However, his mind wreaked with concern. He wanted answers and fast because the anticipation of news that required such careful deliberation literally tore at the young dragon's reptilian-like soul. No amount of scales or magical power could soften the blow of what was to come so the young dragon waited. His arms folding over his chest but his glare never left the dark lord of Sabertooth.




    A Guild at War CNMQ731

    Summoner of Faith

    Summoner of Faith

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    A Guild at War Empty Re: A Guild at War

    Post by JaffaArchfiend 29th March 2016, 2:20 pm

    After the meeting, the blonde nun had gone to the library, trying to figure out what could possibly have happened to Hikari and Chel's airship and also try to figure out where they could be. She searched through scrolls about the local region and the fauna in the mountains, poured through books concerning shifting sand currents and sandstorm patterns... anything that could be in the slightest bit of help.

    But her search turned up nothing. Kiersa ran a hand over her face as she tried to calm her nerves. Frederick was assembling the entire guild in the main hall to inform them of what's transpired, and as one of the Guild's Aces she had to be there to try and help things along. She could only hope that whoever became the next Guild Master would allocate time and resources to trying to locate Hikari and Chelvaric... even if only to uncover what their fate was.

    She pushed that thought aside for now and made her way towards the main hall where she found herself standing beside Frederick, overseeing the growing number of mages as they all slowly and swiftly entered the guild hall. Kiersa winced at how some of them entered, with raucous noise and immediate demands for their summons... She remained silent though since this was Frederick's gathering and would let him speak his piece once they were certain everyone had been accounted for.


    A Guild at War Kiersa%20Signature2_zpsbeofxgfa



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A Guild at War Empty Re: A Guild at War

    Post by RockyTheRockiestRock 29th March 2016, 8:34 pm

    "You knew about the disappearances already, yet you have not yet told the others."

    An aged, senile looking old man spoke to a familiar earthen figure who sat by a tree, listening to the older male speak, yet he did not turn his head back upon responding. His only reply was a long sigh followed by the quiet cheeping of his avian companion who sat on one of the lower hanging branches of the tree next to him. The small beast was the only thing that told Minh of what had occurred with his former guildmaster and her...partner before others had done so on this day, and he had spent countless hours making rounds to find out more information on what had happened...no more information was gleaned except that a force powerful enough to kill them had done this.

    "I am a perceptive man, but I am not one to trust with much ease, and now that the others have spread this and organized this meeting, I have no need to disclose anything. If I had been the first and spread it to the wrong people, I might not have survived. While I am sure of my abilities, I am not one to underestimate others. Plus, whatever took her down, would probably be able to bring me down as well."

    The response was blunt like usual, and Minh was not going to explain more to his colleague who probably already understood his concerns and stance on the matter. In fact, the exchanges between the two of them were quick and brief as they did not want any eavesdroppers catching onto their conversation as well as leaving less suspicion about their partnership. An old man whose persona was that of a bumbling, senile old man who knew nothing and Minh was known as a quiet, solemn individual who helped out a lot in the town with little time spent in the guild hall itself with others, a simple man of great power. No one would suspect a thing from either while they could keep an eye on any forms of corruption about the guild and territory.

    "A man who can throw giants around like toys considers himself not as powerful as he seems, and do understand my own suspicions towards you, Minh, as from my experience, many strong mages tend to have an aura of...greater importance. Being humble is quite rare if I had to say so myself. As for your inquiry, I am sorry, I have no fruit to bear either for your search. This was not anticipated at all, and my sources have failed to procure any information on the matter. Anyways, it be best for you to participate in the meeting that was called....I will be observing from a distance like usual."

    "It is not being humble, it is being realistic. My power is great and all, but there are still many threats out there that far surpass me far beyond imagination."

    And like each of their meetings, it ended quickly with the elder hobbling off in one direction while Minh was left there sitting in his peace once more. A sage voice suddenly rings inside of his head, a familiar one that he had picked up just weeks prior to all of this. A reminder of what was it he meant by greater threats in the world. His eyes flashed even more brighter now.

    ~~"A mortal who understands his morality, rather pessimist of you, don't you think. And here I thought you were the indomitable slayer of the darkest entities to exist on these many planes."~~

    ~~"And you are quite the cheeky one, I already have one old bastard to deal with, I do not need another. So, give up that persona already, Librarian."~~

    The voice shifted to its true pitch and tone, fitting that of a more mature woman in her prime, and this belong to the entity in that tome he had recovered from his exam during that same time long ago as well.

    ~~"Oh, and I take it you just enjoy envisioning just what physical form could belong to a voice like mine, or is it much more soothing to have a woman's voice ringing in your head like this."~~

    ~~"It aggravates me less is all...now...bugger off. I would not want anyone picking up on your existence when I enter this meeting."~~

    The voice went silent, and Minh stood up to begin a quick run to the Guild Hall with haste. As he approached the doors to the main hall, he noticed that they was already swung open before a roaring voice filled the room. His stride became greater as he heard even more voices filling the room from some upstart of a Dragon Slayer. Others came from much younger members, some of whom he knew and also were aware of the potential deaths of Hikari and her comrade. For once, the quiet individual unleashed a sudden surge of thunder as his voice rocked the room.

    "SILENCE, this is not some children's school rally during a festival, YOU ALL will be silent and respectful for Frederick as he is our standing Guild Master as of now. He is to be addressed as such and not as a casual friend which I am sure not a single one of you are with the man. You will respect the circumstances of the meeting and not bicker among each other like gossiping old women."

    The head turns to Ibara before a glare that can shatter stone shot through him with an intensity surpassing his own. It turns and blasts off the resentful looks of other guild members who seemed to go passive at his gaze. He turns back to Ibara, still with the intense look in his eyes.

    "And...you...you better understand that, I do not tolerate disrespect of this sort especially in a public setting. Perhaps in a personal talk between the two of you, but not here like this, understand me."

    Minh takes off for the table with a slow walk, taking a stand by everyone, not pulling up a seat as he had no use for one.


    A Guild at War Minh_by_ravenart5-d9drt2d
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
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    A Guild at War Empty Re: A Guild at War

    Post by Godlike Frederik 31st March 2016, 7:24 am

    One by one the mages of Sabertooth gathered in the great main hall of the guild, slowly creating a sea of curious and some even frightened. Especially the children looked a bit scared, the pupil mages who were still so very young. Not that Frederick could blame them, after all to them, he had the status that was equal to the boogyman. If not worse.

    Yet among the bickering and whispers, Frederick already noticed that some of them suspected what was wrong. That this collection of Sabertooth mages, this meeting, could only be connected to their guild master whom one had seen for the past two weeks. Matters grew worse as one voice bellowed over them, blurting out his own thoughts without even considering the impact it could have on a large crowd. The voice was recognizable, belonging to none other then the Earth Dragon Slayer Mashyuu, who immediately caused a wave of panic among the large crowd.

    Voices started to raise, questions were being shouted, one even louder then the other. And Frederick just glanced over to Ryo, giving him a look that he probably understood very well. A look that simply said: 'I haven't even said anything yet'
    Kiersa joined their fray as well, and simply decided to stay silent for now. Probably because she understood more then most, the severity of their situation. The impact it had on the others, and the threat the still remained a mystery.

    Then the next implication entered, namely the other dragon slayer in their guild. Ibara, a young mage who Frederick personally had taken under his wing, albeit it wasn't because he preferred being a mentor. No the young man continuously proved the be a nuisance to the point Frederick had no choice to accept him.

    'Ibara' he said with sarcasm dripping from his every word 'how nice of you to join us, as usual I'm glad to see that you could escape from your strict training regime'. Judging by his poor clothing choice, it was no secret that his 'strict training' consisted about sleeping in and loitering around his own room.
    Before Frederick could continue his small rivalry with his own mentee, or say anything else for that matter another face had joined the fray. Sure others had joined as well, but they made their presence less known compared to this one. It was Minh, who above all bellowed like a god himself, immediately silencing the entire crowd.

    'Thank you Minh, but I got it from here' a shock was felt through the crowd as some of them actually heard Frederick thank an other member. And above all, appeared fairly calm. Which despite his hostile attitude that more then often caused conflict in the guild was maybe even more shocking.

    'I will not sugarcoat it' he continued, his voice raised yet surprisingly clear 'It is as some of you might already suspect. Our Guild Master Hikari Starr along with her beloved paramour Chelvaric are gone. Missing and presumably dead.... '

    'Dead?!' shouted a voice from within the crowd 'How do you even know that! What happened?!'

    'Let me continue please, earlier this week. After hearing the news that Hikari never made it to her destination, I and another from Sabertooth have tracked down their ship. Following the same flight path as theirs, only to discover what can only be described as the mere remains of what was theirs.... judging from that evidence I can only conclude they might be dead... or worse.'

    The crowd started talking again, people asking each other questions. To which none of them actually had the answer to. Until someone raised above it, and asked Frederick directly. 'But how? Isn't their ship the strongest in the guild. Who could have done this?!'
    Others followed, and soon enough several people started shouting again, offering one theory after another. Some even crazier then the other.

    'Mages' bellowed Frederick above the noise 'Unfortunately I can't answer that question, simply because I can't. As of now we still don't know who or what could have possibly attacked them... but one thing is sure. It was extremely powerful. Even for my standards'



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    A Guild at War Empty Re: A Guild at War

    Post by RyoKnetegawa 31st March 2016, 7:17 pm

    Ryo glanced around the guild hall counting the people who arrived and made sure to memorize all of them. He was approached by Mashyuu and he simply nodded his head lightly smiling “Yes I know who you are Mashyuu. I am Ryo Knetegawa, the second strongest member of Sabertooth, and the resident card Mage here. I’ve been here for a long time. I know of you well.” He said with a slight confidence about himself. He simply left it at that not bothering to say much more. He didn’t think anything more needed to be said.

    It was Ibara who caused him to frown deeply, and with great anger. He couldn’t deny that this bothered him, and he didn’t want someone with such a disrespectful attitude to speak to anyone that way let alone someone who was clearly his better. Still Ryo refrained from saying anything, and simply let things go as they may. He instead was distracted from this line of thought as he turned his head to the newest arrival. Minh was well known to Ryo, and he was even more blunt than the earth dragon he was supposed to be a slayer of. It was quite a thing to see, but he wasn’t going to Rattle the Card King.

    He slowly leaned forward walking past the younger ones and approaching the Earth Dragon Slayer. He stood in front of Minh cleared his throat softly shaking his head “While I appreciate you, and your zeal for making sure we honor those of power. You will speak to other members of our guild with respect. We are all of one family, and I will suffer no threats made upon those of the same guild against one another. Now that is enough. Help keep the peace, but do not keep it through fear.” He said with a stern voice, and even sterner gaze. As he was about to walk away he spoke out “There is one here who could claim Frederick as Friend, and that is me. Don’t speak about matters which you know nothing. Now be silent and wait to hear what is to be said.” With that he walked back to Frederick shrugging his shoulders lightly as he saw the look from the stronger mage. He didn’t really know what to say about it either, but he decided that he would allow his friend to continue on. As Frederick spoke he walked through the crowd silencing some dissenting voices and returning the focus of those he could.

    For the most part however he simply stood off to the side making sure that everything was going smoothly and that there wasn’t going to be an attack on his friend’s life. That was his true purpose here, he was ever the silent watcher of Sabertooth making sure it stood, and being around when he was needed, but staying above the politics whenever it was possible.


    A Guild at War Au9DYh5
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    A Guild at War Empty Re: A Guild at War

    Post by redheadedstepchild 31st March 2016, 9:18 pm

    Mashyuu smiled at Ryo and nodded his head. "It's a pleasure to get to meet you." Mashyuu replied to the apparent second strongest Wizard in Sabertooth. "That's going to be third strongest soon enough." Mashyuu said in a friendly tone that showed he was serious and joking at the exact same time. Ryo started to walk away and Mashyuu gave his attention to Kite.

    "Kite... Come on man. I'm not dumb. Hika was supposed to oversee my B rank Exam and never showed. Either she died or she played me. But she isn't the type to play a fellow Guild Mate." Mashyuu reasoned while patting the Earth Elemental at his side. Just then Lynn silently entered and Ibra came bursting into the guild hall drawing the attention of everyone around. The young Earth Dragon Slayer had grown to be a fairly calm man since learning his Dragon Slayer magic and gaining some wisdom from the spirit in his ring but the thug that was the Fire Dragon Slayer always seemed to get under Mashyuu's skin.

    After the outburst of Mihn and Ryo exchanging words with him Mashyuu twisted to look at them all. "Guys.... Really now is not the time. Lets have some level heads and talk about what we are doing about all of this like rational adults." Mashyuu calmly stated. The young man turned back to Fred as the man explained what had been happening. "O.k. So Hika and Chel are gone. We need to do something about this. Either we are worried about why whatever took their lives or we aren't. What is the plan? All hands on deck to keep the town below safe? Or are we going about things as normal. Fred this puts you in charge right now right? We need a new balance of power and order if Chel, Hika, and a few other aces are gone. It's your call..."

    A Guild at War Empty Re: A Guild at War

    Post by Guest 1st April 2016, 9:18 am

    Thunderous wing beats resounded over the open landscape of the city below, a beastly figure rising to block out the sun. Citizens from the city below had looked to the sky, both in awe and in fear, some pointing upward, others moving to run. A few gasped at the sightly creature and took pictures of it, as if this beast was merely flying past the city and nothing more. However, its wings folded inward and its body went plummeting to the ground, spiraling and swirling until the last second. Its wings snapped out before it hit the ground, and out from its mouth spewed molten steel, splattering against the streets and buildings. Terrified screams echoed into the air as the dragon first terrorized the citizen, creating a mess of them, then shooting upward. The wings flung out again, beating forward and back, and it sucked in a deep breath, then let out another spray of molten steel.

    What followed after was the loudest and most terrible scream to enter into the world, like that of metal grinding against metal. The eyes of this dragon blinked, head turned, and stared down at the people, who were terrified, running and screaming. "You all shall burn for your sins, for I am Death and I have come to take you all. . ." a deep vice bellowed out to the citizens. Its chest grew bigger as it breathed in another large breath of air, drawing in what energy around it that it could. At its mouth formed a swirling orb of motel steel, growing in size as it charged up with the energy the beast was drawing in. Once it was large enough, it released the blast, that scored through the city, killing what citizen had gotten in the blast's path. It laughed at the misfortune it was bringing upon Ace of Spades, flapped its wings and soared outward over the place.

    Wherever the dragon flew, sprays of molten steel would rain over the buildings, melting them beneath the intense heat. Its target, however, was the Sabertooth guild, yet as old and as powerful as this beast was, it did not know where the headquarters were. So, in compensation for not knowing, it was destroying the confines of the city, certain it would kill members of the guild there. "Where are they?" the beast's voice boomed out again, angered in its inability to find any sort of mage to fight back. "Are you cowards? Do you dare hide from Death? Come out and battle me, mages of Sabertooth. Come out and see your maker!" The malicious laugh echoed through the thin air before the dragon swiveled around and started flying in the direction of the guild.
    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

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    A Guild at War Empty Re: A Guild at War

    Post by Ardere Kasai 3rd April 2016, 11:51 am

    Wind rushing through his thick brown locks, Ardere stood at the edge of the Black Sun before letting out a slight sigh. Looks like we arrived a bit late then. Unsheathing the crimson blade strapped across his back, the fire mage gazed upon the city. The Ace of Spades was quite the nice place, but with a giant dragon roaring across it, he didn't get that welcoming feeling he got before. Or perhaps we're right on time. The guild master of Infinity Hydra had made a quick trip back to his guild hall to acquire some warriors for this fight. It was certainly one hell of a dragon, but the wrath of two guilds was upon it. Twirling Clarent between his pale fingers, he moved the ship a bit closer. They were a ways away from the dragon, but perhaps that was not a bad thing. Getting shot out of the sky was not on the list of priorities he had set for this endeavor. 

    ~Earlier that day~

    Standing in front of the guild, only a handful of members stood before him. The dilemma that had struck the guild of Infinity Hydra was a personal one, but it did not directly threaten them or impede upon their goals, rather it heavily affected one of their allies; Sabertooth. I know it's not our guild, but it would be a lie if we claimed that it was not our fight. Sabertooth has been our sister guild since our inception. It is fair to say that without them, we would not exist. Pacing back and forth, he let out a slight sigh. Now, I would not ask this of you if I didn't find it of the utmost importance. But there is a hellish threat at the gates of our friend's house, and they will need all of the help they can get. So, who's with me? 

    ~At Sabertooth~

    Staring right at the dragon, Ardere's clutched the crimson sword tight. You're a big bastard, aren't you? He did not bring many guild members with him, but he was ready for a fight. The fire in his eyes glowed slightly as his ship moved ever so close to it. The ship was faster than most, and possessed apt weaponry to lay down some hellfire, but he had a feeling he would need the former a lot more than the latter. Twirling the sword, the fire mage put his foot on the edge of the ship, ready to jump.

    Post #

    Marshy @ THQ


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    El J. Dawnson
    El J. Dawnson

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    A Guild at War Empty Re: A Guild at War

    Post by El J. Dawnson 3rd April 2016, 12:27 pm


    This, was a day unlike the others. Usually El's day was lax, with pretty much nothing to do other than drink coffee or do some job. But today was different. El had already heared about the disappearance of Saber Tooth's Guild Master. Well, former Guild Master if we stick to technicalities. But El never expected something like that to happen. Out of all the adventures El has been in this would probably turn out to be the weirdest. I mean...being aboard a ship, waiting to fight a freaking huge dragon? Yup, that was the weirdest, but at the same time, most awesome thing that happened to El the last...tewnty or something years.

    Eariler, IH Guild Hall

    El was cassualy sitting at the guild's bar. He had heared about what happened to Saber Tooth's Guild Master...but truth to be told he didn't even have any close ties with anyone from Saber Tooth. So he just didn't care that much.

    However that changed when Ardere, his own Guild Master, came and asked for their help. Seems like the folks at Saber Tooth were facing off against something...big. Something really big. Ardere didn't get into much details, probably so as not to scare off anyone willing to help Saber Tooth. However he still somehow managed to ignite the passion in his members' hearts. Something not that hard to do, since Infinity Hydra is known for it's family like ties...and Saber Tooth has been a sister guild to the former since day one.

    Not even knowing why, El decided to go with Ardere. It could be his thirst for adventure. Or it could be him looking for strong allies. Taking over the world was not an easy feat. And since not so many guildmates of El were interested in that idea, he had to search in other guilds too.

    Later, at Sabertooth

    Jackal was aboard the Black Sun, his Guild Master's ship. As was the rest of the small, expedition force Infinity Hydra sent. Truth to be told, El was really nervous. Why? Because right next to them, above this, currently-gloomy-looking-town, was a freaking dragon. El never really lost his calm...almost never, but this was an exception. A dragon. It was a huge, black dragon.

    El took a deep breath. Two breaths. Three breaths. He grinned. "Bring it on you flying lizard. Let's see what you can do." It had been a while since El discovered this side of him. A more sinister, perhaps a tiny bit evil side of him. He still did not know what caused it. But he was sure that fighting this dragon would calm it down a bit.


    Not wanting to venture in this alone, and also wanting to increase the good guys' numbers, El had summoned Lyra the momment he boarded the Black Sun. From that momment till now, Lyra hadn't said a word to anyone else than El. Nor did she move away from him. Even for the usually shy Lyra, this was too much. She didn't act like this under normal circumstances. But this...well this was a dragon she was facing. And she knew it, way before she saw it. You see, demons have great noses. But she never thought that it would be such a formidable looking dragon.

    *Gulp* "Damn...where did we get ourselves into El? You sure we are going to make it alive out of this?"

    El J. Dawnson, her childhood friend and sworn brother gave her a happy look.



    El saw his Guild Master staring at the dragon, clutching his sword. He looked...anxious. No, not anxious. More like worried. And if such a mage was worried then what was El supposed to be? Scarred shitless? If it was anyone other than El they might be...but El had right now locked away the feelings fear and worry. He had consentrated all of his being into getting ready. Ready for war.

    He glanced at his Guild Master again before saluting. Getting ready to battle, he removed his piercings and tied his hair in a ponytail. A sing that showed he was getting serious. He sighed and grinned. His lips parting, his voice so soft it could barely be heared.

    "Once again, the shadows will bring anarchy. The hawk will bleed. And the demon shall lit up and shine."

    717 WORDS


    notes notes notes yeah!
    deltra of gangnam style



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    A Guild at War Tumblr10

    The Emotions:
    Rowan Protegan
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    A Guild at War Empty Re: A Guild at War

    Post by Rowan Protegan 3rd April 2016, 12:59 pm

    This fancy shmancy template was made by Nicole

    Rowan made some sort of noise that could’ve been something between a gurgle and an old man breathing his last. The plasma mage was standing at the very front of the ship, clutching the railing tightly as the wind quickly rushed past. The constant flow of air stung his eyes, but Rowan couldn’t look away from the dragon ahead. Watching the dragon spew molten steel was incredibly unsettling, but now that he was here, there was no backing out. Finally prying his eyes away from the death and destruction, Rowan wobbled off to find Ardere. Someone would have to keep the ship piloted.

    Ardere had just called a quick meeting from the guild’s tavern and Rowan meandered over, slightly curious about the sudden meeting. There weren’t that many people gathered, most likely because most members were off doing missions or other important things. The plasma mage listened in carefully and pursed his lips in minor worry. Rowan wasn’t too well acquainted with anyone from Sabertooth, but if Ardere was here asking for help then there must’ve been some serious trouble. Whether it was his loyalty to the Guild or his morbid curiosity, or even Ardere’s speech, Rowan decided to tag along. Maybe he’d find some way to make himself useful.

    ~At Sabertooth~
    Rowan watched as Ardere piloted the Black Sun even closer to the dragon, his hands moving mechanically to set the auto-pilot before walking out towards the edge of the ship. The plasma mage quickly followed after his guild master like an old grandmother follows her toddler, and with shock Rowan realized that Ardere was preparing to jump.

    “You’re going to jump!?”

    To his side, Rowan spotted El and his friend Lyra, his eyebrow raised in concern .

    “Are you going to jump too?!?”

    Shaking his head slowly, Rowan waved his questions aside before quickly steeling himself.

    “Uh… good luck, I’ll go pilot the ship and get you as close as possible…”

    The plasma mage had done some quick skimming through the flight guide for the ship on the way here, and now, he was going to have to put it in practice. While the ship had an auto-pilot function, it was going to need an actual person to pilot it if the guild’s were to put it to full use. Rowan quickly found himself at the controls of the ship, and with a steady hand, he switched off the auto-pilot. Immediately, his hands flew to control the vehicle, and he continued their trajectory towards the dragon. Rowan realized that if they kept this angle, they would hit the dragon headfirst, and so the plasma mage adjusted their path so that Ardere would have to jump off the side, but it’d be much easier to steer the ship away once that was done. The dragon was only a few moments away, and Rowan’s eyes watched both Ardere and the ground below. He planned on giving a lift to any Sabertooth member’s that needed air access to the dragon, and it was practical to find his guild’s allies while he could.


    Rowan Protegan
    [Plasma Magic]
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    A Guild at War Empty Re: A Guild at War

    Post by Fair 6th April 2016, 9:37 am

    Holy shit,” Lynn muttered to herself, hearing the terrifying news that Frederick, who seemed to be the one in charge now, delivered to the clueless mages of Sabertooth. She remained silent from then on, imagining her close friend Hikari and his boyfriend dead on a destroyed ship. They were friends since before she became the guildmaster...and to hear such news was heartbreaking, to say the least. The cacophony of thoughts in her mind made her oblivious to everything else happening in the guildhall, including the disturbance that Ibara brought some older members dealt with. It was the inevitable point when everyone was drawing their own conclusions about Hikari and Pein’s deaths, and arguing with each other. Lynn folded her arms and dropped her gaze to her feet. She already had a gut feeling they were dead for real when Frederick announced it. She just didn’t want it to be true. Lynn was scraping her brain for all sorts of reasons to prove that her friends weren’t dead.

    Mistress, do you hear?

    And with that message from Zlatan, Lynn was brought back to reality, a thunderous voice ringing in her ears, one that came from outside the guild. Sounds of screams and explosions all over Ace of Spades entered the guildhall, alarming everyone. Lynn hurried to the entrance of the Sabertooth guildhall, taking in the immense size of the dragon that was threatening the entire guild and the mages within, sanguine orbs widening in shock. It’s dark scales reflected off sunlight, almost blinding any spectator. Where did it come from? Why was it here, in Ace of Spades? Why was it targeting Sabertooth mages? Lynn turned back to take a look at what the rest of the guild was doing. She wasn’t in charge of anything and so remained motionless at the door, awaiting instructions from whoever knew what the hell they were supposed to do.

    A ship follows the dragon, informed Zlatan. Azure locks whipped to the side, Lynn raised her head so she could see the ‘ship’ that Zlatan had mentioned. Indeed there was a ship in the sky, sailing close behind the monstrosity. Squinting her eyes, she made out the features of the men standing on its edge: a white haired young man and...Ardere? Her old friend was here? Obviously he couldn’t have been the one who brought the beast...so he must have been there to help Sabertooth!


    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

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    A Guild at War Empty Re: A Guild at War

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 6th April 2016, 11:52 pm

    A Guild at War Gz9pLlV

    A Guild at War Gz9pLlV




    Cool Down


    "Word “
    "Thought “

    "You ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

    A Guild at War Nice%202_zpskiwaehaj

    - Kite

    Kite had to wait a moment or two before he received an answer to the question he would ask Mashyuu for the interaction that he and Ryo, the second strongest in the guild currently would have as their introductions. However Mashyuu would eventually answer Kite’s question by claiming that he wasn’t dumb and that he was able to come to the conclusion due to Hika’s absence during his rank up exam. While it isn’t really a stretch of the imagination to think of the worst case scenario he didn’t think of Mashyuu as the kind of person to jump up to such a conclusion. It didn’t even come across as a possibility until he personally saw the wreckage for himself but even still the way the Earth Dragon Slayer brought it up made Kite rather weary since it sounded more like he knew it as a fact than a speculation. ”Not saying you are dumb, but that wasn’t really public information and you sound pretty sure… which is why I was a mite concerned with how you came to the conclusion.“ he said in a whisper making certain his enhanced hearing picked up over the regular folk.

    The demon slayer stood by where Fred would be making his grim announcement, the news that would shake the guild to it’s core and only after a few moments Kite watched as more and more members of the guild poured in the large hall for the including the likes of Lynn, the Fire Dragon Slayer Ibara, and Minh. Everyone was speaking at once asking questions and jumping to their own conclusions but only started to simmer down as Minh yelled out into the crowd demanding their silence. Kite looked at the rock man with one eye as the other one was closed not sure if his approach was necessarily the best one but it did prompt Fred to take the reigns from that point on and got right to the meat of the matter. The newly crowned guild master mentioned he wasn’t going to sugar coat it and he didn’t as he immediately mentioned the how Hika and Chel had never made it to their destination and after the discovery of their ship’s wreckage the conclusion was that they were missing and possibly dead, such news hit the entirety of the guild like a sledge hammer. People began to get frantic and asked questions to which Fred answered as best as he could. Kite spoke up to add what little bit he knew seeing as he was the mage that Fred had taken along to discover what happened to their missing Guild Master. ”One thing we can say is that there were no signs of any conflict, its possible that when their ship was attacked they weren’t looking for a fight..but even that is speculation.“ he added and nodded in respect to Fred not looking to steal his spotlight. Kite knew it was only a matter of time until the guild was at war and he hoped that whatever was coming their way they could handle even with the backup Infinity Hydra was willing to offer in the conflict.

    It was almost on cue when the sound of screams could be heard in the distance followed shortly by the sound of a thunderous explosion with the sound of a roar to it? The force from, whatever caused it was able to shake the floating guild hall ever slightly. ”What the hell wa..“ Kite was gonna ask by familiar crackle of the loudspeaker system from his ship caught his attention followed by the voice of his Copilot “Kite have a problem Ace of Spades is under attack...by a massive Dragon.” Kite’s eyes widened as he looked at Fred, who predicted there would be another attack was now standing correct. ”Fred my ship is ready to go and canons are ready to fire. My pilot is at the ready as well, how do you want me to approach this?“ he asked. He could either hop on his ship as well as take a handful of guildmates down to battle but with Fred being the leader he dare not run off recklessly.
    template by Darkee

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    A Guild at War Empty Re: A Guild at War

    Post by JaffaArchfiend 16th April 2016, 12:48 pm

    When the screaming started, Keirsa immediately ran for the nearest window, ledge, door, anything that would let her get outside to see what was going on in the growing town below the Sabertooth Guild Hall. What she saw filled her with dread, and at the same time a little bit of relief.

    The culprit for the destruction of the guild vessel that had been carrying Hikari and Chelvaric had made themselves known, with another airship coming in at it, carrying the emblem of the Infinite Hydra guild.

    "Phew," she began to say, wiping her brow. "it wasn't the Black Dragon... it's just a metallic and fire dragon." the blonde nun said before blinking. "It's a metallic and fire dragon?!" she exclaimed before quickly shaking her head and looking at everyone else.

    "I'll need volunteers to help me get all the civilians up here where it'll be relatively safer for them. The rest of you, get to work on taking down that dragon, or at the very least getting it away from here where it cannot do any more harm." the Paragon of Selflessness ordered, wincing a little before looking towards Frederick. "If that's alright with you sir?" the blonde nun inquired.


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    A Guild at War Empty Re: A Guild at War

    Post by RockyTheRockiestRock 19th April 2016, 3:24 pm

    Minh did not take the reception well from Ryo and Mashyuu with their remarks and attitudes, but he understood each one's point of view, not necessarily really agreeing with the direction each went. However, he did not pay anymore mind to their bickers and took to melding with the crowd as Frederick took charge in finishing up the meeting with the delivery of the dire news that everyone had been wanting to hear. It had the effect that he expected, the crowds went silent and things almost escalated ten fold afterwards in response to such atrocity. He saw doubt and sudden blame in the eyes of some mages while others held bewildered expressions as if unable to process the situation. He did not know how this would help things given that the masses were more prone to panic and causing more unrest than providing a solution. Already, some people seemed close to going up in arms, and Minh took his leave out of the Guild Hall, feeling rather annoyed with the others of the guild save for the sensible few like the new leader and his close allies. Of course, things went from bad to worse as a familiar flurry of cheeps came to his ear before a tiny ball of yellow bounces against his face. Cheepie had arrived, telling him of some kinda emergency that was happening below that required his attention. Apparently the town is under the assault of a rather massive dragon, and Minh made his way hastily back to the Guild Hall.


    Minh shouted before taking an upright standing posture, looking ready for combat at a moment's notice with a visible bird parking itself onto his head. Despite not being the most powerful mage present, his nature clearly filled in the gap of power as the determined look in his eyes told no lie of his intentions, which to everyone was quite clearly to jump down and initiate combat with the beast presumably on its back. He was quite known for suicidal attack directions that were somewhat possible thanks to his sheer tenacity and unyielding stubbornness. A few handfuls were quite aware of this, some being of his caliber or even greater, and they stood up from the crowd to gather themselves near him as if to say that they too were ready to jump into the pits of hell. Sabertooth will live up to its ideals and philosophy even in the face of destroyers such as these.


    A Guild at War Minh_by_ravenart5-d9drt2d
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    A Guild at War Empty Re: A Guild at War

    Post by Blood Plus 28th April 2016, 5:00 pm

    Words: 1071
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    a dragon's tale: unexalted fear
    "With fire in our bellies and the sun in our soul!"
    The young dragon did his best to match the other overbearing gazes he received from some of the Sabertooth members whom clearly didn't respect his entrance nor his treatment of his former master. Maybe they didn't know the quick-to-anger dark lord like Ibara did or perhaps they naturally perceived his demeanour as a rude one which was a perfectly understandable reaction, to some. Ibara growled for a few moments before an extremely foreboding figure approached him and immediately warned him of his fiery mannerisms. Ibara didn't speak, he only matched this attempt at intimidation with the occasional flicker of flame that arose from his skin. From what he understood, the man's name was Minh, a recognised and respected figure of the Guild unlike Ibara. Despite their differences in seniority, Ibara refused to back down and even went so far as to size-up the rock man in earnest of their colossal differences in size. The notion looked quite silly and a few guild members even scoffed at the thought. Ibara met their gazes one by one before another, even more foreboding figure spoke out and quelled the tension that arose between them.

    "This is getting way too heated. Even for me. I'll back off but..."

    Ibara managed a whisper under his breath out of earshot as he turned his back from the remaining Guild Members that defended the respect a guild member must have for their respective Guild Master.

    "...he's still a punk."

    While Ibara attempted to soothe himself and heed the advice he was given, steam curling off his back in a ridiculous manner, he took the time to observe the other Guild Members who had made their entrance clear. The likes of Kite, another fire mage as far as Ibara knew, Kiersa, a talented wizard whom never failed to support the guild whenever they needed it, Lynn whom had accompanied the young dragon on a job that didn't end all too well and a few others that Ibara couldn't recognise or name.

    That's when Frederick began speaking again. His voice was commanding and dark as per usual, if there was one thing Ibara respected about the man, it was his demanding presence. He maintained respect no matter what, everyone either feared and hated him or loved and respected him. He was a man of simplicity and he got things done. However, the news that he delivered definitely didn't suit his persona. Ibara could feel a slight depression dawn upon the Guild Hall, everything seemed to darken and shift at that very moment. The Guild Master.. dead. It wasn't like the young dragon knew her or her partner particularly well aside from that one pool party that they had threw together which he hadn't necessarily enjoyed. It was a great loss and Ibara's anger subsided, a feat that no simple words had ever accomplished before.

    Confusion slowly replaced the sadness that had once echoed throughout the Guild Hall for a matter of minutes. A simple question was on their minds. Who wielded the power necessary to take down not only the most powerful Guild Ship within the guild itself but to also single-handedly defeat the Guild Master and her respectively powerful companion in one foul sweep. They would never have left themselves that vulnerable. Ibara's gut wrenched at the thought. Do people like that really exist in this world? Capable of wielding such immense power?

    His mind twisted in an attempt to come up with an answer before his train of thought was immediately interrupted and prohibited entirely by a small sonic boom in the sky above. It's piercing noise wrenched into Ibara's ears with his heightened senses already being on high alert. It caused him to bend over slightly, doubling back in order to regain his balance. The feeling was familiar though, close to his heart. Such tremendous force behind a singular flap. A flap. Wings perhaps? That familiarity began to grow within him. Such power could only be generated by one limb. A limb most humans seemed to lack.

    "It can't be.."

    He couldn't believe himself either. A creature of such a magnificent species? Here, in Sabertooth? This was absolutely insane. There was only one simple question on Ibara's mind. Despite the frantic calling of order and formation within the Sabertooth Guild Hall as well as the occasional martyr going out to confront the beast directly, Ibara walked into the outside world for a much different reason. This dragon, this overwhelmingly powerful beast that had to be overcome must have some idea as to where Igneel was. All of their species shared some kind of divine connection and Ibara would rip that from it if it was the last thing he could do.

    "I need to get to that—"

    Ibara's self-mentalised words were interrupted as he glanced to Minh, a mage whom he had a brief altercation with inside only a few moments ago. He glanced at him again and again and again. Finally his true features were truly coming into focus. A behemoth of a man, solid as a rock quite literally. Surely this was his one way ticket to getting on top of the dragon. One problem led to another though. The black dragon finally came into view and what a sight it was. It's words finally became audible and Ibara didn't like the sound of them. They lacked the paternity that Igneel's words seemed to hint at. This dragon had nothing but malicious intentions and Ibara was determined to put a stop to it, if not for himself and the location of his father then for the Guild Members he had one day proclaimed to align himself with.

    "I realise we may not have seen eye to eye but I need a favour. Can you throw me onto that dragon?"

    Ibara had walked up next to Minh at that time whom stood on the ledge of the Guild Hall looking down on the city below. His gaze was transfixed on the dragon ahead and his eyes burned with absolute determination that reminded Ibara much of himself. Despite their differences, in a few short seconds, Ibara was slowly beginning to develop respect for the rock man; something that was not easily earned especially in such a short period of time. Now he just hoped Minh would fulfil his request without questions. He could inhibit this problem at its source but he needed help to build the bridge.




    A Guild at War CNMQ731
    Godlike Frederik
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    A Guild at War Empty Re: A Guild at War

    Post by Godlike Frederik 29th April 2016, 4:49 am

    'you.. you've got to be kidding me'

    Frederick's jaw literally dropped open the moment a magical portrayed screen revealed to him the moving image of the very creature that had been causing all this sudden commotion. Only what he saw was a being so strong, that even Frederick failed to fully phantom the very thought. In fact the only time he had seen creature of equal power was a couple years back when the dark guild Tartarus laid waste to Era by summoning the black dragon.

    He had always disregarded that moment as a one time thing, an oddity from normal circumstances. Especially since no one has ever seen the black dragon since that day ever again. Yet now, against all odds, and for some mysterious reason, he was laying eyes upon the very kin of that spieces. A dragon, engulfed by flame and steel.

    For a moment everything around Frederick felt motionless, not a sound was to be heard. As his brain was trying to catch up on the current twist of events. In fact, right now, it felt as if Frederick was alone in the large hall. Nothing but him, and the image of that dragon floating in front of him. Sure his comrades and guild mates were around him, all shouting something, their mouths moving yet Frederick didn't hear any words coming from them. Not until, someone cleary shouted his name, asking for order and ripping him away from his own chain of thoughts.

    'Orders... orders! yes off course!!' he replied, a bit late but finally caught up to everyone and what they were trying to say. 'Alright Kiersa, take the young ones and a couple of others and start evacuating the town below. Away from here, away from the Ace of Spades. Call in other guilds if possible!.'

    Having the weaker and younger members of the guild help in the evacuation of the town would deal with with two problems at once. Meaning that the ones that remained could fully concentrate at the threat at hand, even if it could mean their imminent demise.

    As he stared across the room from face to face, he noticed that some of them already stood up. Proud and ready to go, to face the dragon heading their way. If you could call it courage or stupidity Frederick didn't know. Either way, they were going to need it. Talking about stupidity, it seems that one person just upgraded himself to a level far beyond that. Ibara who as always could be quit hotheaded, and always was more the action kind of guy, offered the most insane plan of all.

    Unfortunately, or fortunate for the fiery dragon slayer, his plan wasn't all so bad. If they wanted to evacuate the town then they had to keep the dragon occupied, at all cost. And maybe catapulting someone at it wasn't such a bad idea, especially if it was someone like Ibara. Hell who knows, he could always annoy the beast to exhaustion.

    'If we ever are going to defeat such a thing then we need to fight it on our terms. Which means we need to fight at our guild. Where all our members can have a shot to take this beast down.... so Minh, do what Ibara says. Grab him, and throw him as hard as you can.... anyone else with any form of flight capability may it be ship or magical! Divert that beast to our hall! Ground it at all cost, only then we can fight all together!.. Kite, you try to contact Ardere at first, it is a priority that we combine our efforts as much as possible!'

    It was a risky plan, one that definitely will cause destruction to their beloved home, but if they really wanted to keep the town below safe. Then the dragons full attentions had to focussed on them, and them alone.



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    A Guild at War Empty Re: A Guild at War

    Post by RyoKnetegawa 29th April 2016, 2:59 pm

    Ryo heard the roar and his body trembled in a terrible rage, and also with something that Ryo had only felt once before this. Fear, fear of his imminent demise and that would be enough to cause him a serious nightmare. Still, he couldn’t allow himself to be choked off and he had to leapt into action. He would make sure that he figured out how to act. He reached into his coat and withdrew three tarot cards the wolf, the moon, and the magician. He let his magic flare up as he stepped away from the wall and glanced at Gora “Gora my boy, help with the evacuation and keep Kiersa safe.” The wolf nodded his head lightly as he walked over to the Nun and Ryo spoke while the cards began to orbit him like he was the sun “Lady Kiersa, I am making a loan of Gora to help your efforts. He can ferry people on his back with a good speed. Please try not to get him, or yourself hurt. He will give his life for yours if necessary, but I’d rather that not be the case.”

    Now that the first step of his spell was finished he reached into his coat and withdrew two decks of cards letting them fall around him before they slowly began to shape into two great wings made of cards. He glanced over at Frederick tipping his hat “I shall head out and see what kind of damage I am capable of causing Master Frederick. Send anyone you think may be useful to help.” With that his wings grew in size and he took off flying out of the guild hall with as much speed as he could muster. He was going to make sure to bring the dragon right to where it needed to be.

    As he flew towards the dragon he could see that there was a ship and several others engaging. He could only assume that this was the ship of Infinity Hydra, and that meant that they wouldn’t be alone here. In this particular fight he couldn’t risk himself or his guild being destroyed in this fight. Still he would make sure that this was taken care of no matter what he himself had to do. Now that he was in range, and ready to attack he pulled out the cards needed to in order to perform his next spell. From his right hands cards fell down into the sky forming into a Dragon that was made entirely of cards, from his left hand formed a Griffin that was made of cards. They formed and with a quick word they soared directly for the dragon. His own dragon made to rake his incredibly sharp claws along the right wing of the metal and fire serpent. The griffin soared out aiming for the dragon’s face to rip out its eyes and mess it’s face up as best it can.

    This left Ryo to keep his eyes on the rest of the people flying around and engaging the dragon in their own ways. He was very careful not to stop moving he was flying around; he was being careful to keep his eyes on the dragon in order to lead him to the Sabertooth guild hall which is why he flew in the pattern he had slowly flying backwards towards the guild hall hoping the dragon would’ve seen that he was the one who had summoned the two beasts that were attacking him now and would be mad enough to come after him.

    HP: 100%
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    A Guild at War Empty Re: A Guild at War

    Post by redheadedstepchild 29th April 2016, 9:15 pm

    At the sound of a roaring Dragon Mashyuu's head perked up and the Slayer couldn't help but give everyone in the room a very wide yet terrified grin. "Sounds like we have ourselves a Dragon Fight on our hands boys and girls." The Slayer stood up without another word and started for the roof as Fred started to give orders. It didn't sound like the man was sure of himself but that was to be expected by someone who was just put into power.

    Mashyuu really wasn't even sure if Minh could throw the Fire Dragon Slayer as far as the Dragon was. But Mashyuu could at least get to the Dragon. With Rocky in toe Mashyuu raced from the top of the Sabertooth Guild hall and jumped as hard as he could forward. Wind grabbed Mashyuu hard, forcing his brownish grey jacket to billow out around him as he started to fall. Suddenly Rocky grabbed Mashyuu up by the sides and soared behind Ryo. "HEY RYO! I'M GOING TO TELL THAT SHIP TO DRAW THE DRAGON TO THE GUILD THEN JOIN THE FIGHT, KEEP THE OTHERS SAFE UNTIL THEN!" Mashyuu shouted but was already sure that Ryo would keep the members of Sabertooth safe.

    After tapping Rocky on the arm, the pair soared over to the ship and Mashyuu landed atop the vessel and flagged down whoever he could from Infinity Hydra. "Get this thing over to the Sabertooth Guild so we can fight it with the guilds weapons. If possible draw the Dragon with some covering fire. Rocky lets roll." With that Once again Mashyuu and Rocky were off.

    Closing in on the gap with the Dragon Mashyuu soared a few meters over the creature and wondered for a moment if he could eat the creatures breath weapon. Then again based on the heat that was coming from it the Wizard didn't want to test that idea. Mashyuu pulled back his right arm and let golden electricity crackle from his mothers jacket. "Not a slayer spell but it might get this things attention... Thunder Flash!" He shouted and pushed his right arm forward. Golden electricity slammed into the Dragon for a moment before dispersing...

    A Guild at War Empty Re: A Guild at War

    Post by Guest 2nd May 2016, 7:14 pm

    It was the ship that drew the dragon's attention first, the vastness of the vessel that carried the guild, known as Infinity Hydra. Burning, umber eyes turned upon the massive beast and stared at the ant-like beings who meander around the ship's main deck. One in particular glared back at him, a man decked in samurai armor and smelt of burning ashes from where it hovered. A long, deep breath drew out from its nostrils, releasing dark smoke from the bowels of its body and into the air. Following the extended breath of air was a low, menacing, growl-like sound, though not necessarily a growl, but a rumbling in its chest. Its maw drew open and at the pit of its chest, the scales light up with a brilliant golden-orange hue, silver hidden inside. However, it thought otherwise and snapped its mouth shut, flapping its wings and swiveling to the left of the guild's ship.

    The beat of its heavy wings echoed in the air with a thunderous roar, and its body glided along the hull of the beastly object. It dared to get closer to the craft, reaching its long neck out, and with a hard thrust forward, it rammed its head into the ship's side. From the force of the impact, the ship would rock side-to-side roughly in the air, unbalancing those who were on it. Rising from keel, the creature threw out its wings, blocking out the visage of the Sabertooth guild and the sun floating above. Here, the dragon opened its maw again, and the fire sac in its chest light up that same brilliant, golden-orange hue. Bubbling could be heard from the depths of its throat, and a spray of molten steel spewed from the jaws of the monster. Once the spray of burning liquid ended, the beast dove away, backward, with its tail trailing long and far behind it.

    As it plummeted downward, the tip of the tail would smack harshly against the keel of the ship, either leaving a dent or a hole respectively. Now, the dragon headed toward the Sabertooth guild, shifting its weight to the right, so that it turned with its belly facing toward the building. It swooped upward, shadow cast over the structure, then closed its wings into itself and spiraled to the building, aiming to crash into it. However, the moment it as too close to the guild hall, it stretched out its appendages and stopped itself from colliding. Its claws scraped against the rooftop, sounding much like nails on a chalkboard, before it flew away from them all. Liquid umber eyes glared back down at the half destroyed Ace of Spades below, and a bellowing call rang out from its mouth. With it, molten steel piled onto the buildings' rooftops below, melting through the metal and wood of the stores and homes.

    A tickle rolled across the scales of the dragon from Mashyuu's Thunder Flash, it blinked, stopped its damaging of the city, and looked to the Earth Dragon Slayer. What came from its maw was a coherent laughter, rumbling deep in the guttural depths of the monstrosity's chest. "Foolish child of dragons," its called out to the Sabertooth mage, "your little zaps have no effect on the likes of me." It whirled on the man, ginormous compared to the small being that was to be Mashyuu floating in front of its face. Another bout of laughter echoed from its jaws and its mouth opened wide, molten steel spewing out toward the mage. Before long, it felt a scraping against its side, its attention drawn to the card-made dragon, and it laughed once more. "DO YOU REALLY THINK A THING LIKE THIS WILL DAMAGE THE SCALES OF A DRAGON??? BOY, YOU HAVE MUCH TO LEARN OF OUR SPECIES!"

    Rolling over top of the carded beast, the dragon easily combated the papier mâché structure with a blast of its molten steel. The cards melted, turned to ash, and crumbled to the city below, leaving only that of the griffin, flying toward it. Its tail hardened into that of metal and it whipped itself around, limb colliding into the griffin, just before it could get to its face. These cards, too, scattered as the animal was struck and brought down with a single blow, cards fluttering away from it. Angered now, instead of attacking Ryo or Mashyuu again, the beast turned on the ship belonging to Ardere and blasted a cone-shaped spiral of molten steel at its bow.
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    A Guild at War Empty Re: A Guild at War

    Post by Ardere Kasai 3rd May 2016, 2:40 pm

    So you can throw me to the wolves
    Tomorrow I will come back
    Leader of the whole pack
    Beat me black and blue
    Every wound will shape me
    Every scar will build my throne

    Twirling the blade between his leather covered fingers, Ardere narrowed the glowing orbs in his head, focusing his attention on the dragon purely. It's never easy is it? Clutching the grip of the bastard sword tightly, he grabbed a hold of one of the ropes attached to the mast as the ship soared around. Within a matter of moments, the majestic beast maneuvered itself around to the Black Sun. The dragon was faster than he had expected. While his ship was a bit faster, they were not in the best position to escape this attack. Swinging the ship sideways, the reinforced hull of the ship took the brunt of the blow, liquid metal spurting across the ship. What kind of dragon was this? Shit. Rowan, El, either hold on tight or jump! Swinging the ship around, their current tipped position allowed him to unleash the napalm bombs upon the dragon just as he burst across the deck. Before leaving, he smacked the autopilot on to give the two guild mates a secure landing if they chose not to jump, but it would be a bumpy landing. The ship had taken some serious damage, but the Fire King was not allowing this to stop his plans. Leaping off of the ship, a black aura shimmered across his pale white skin. Inferno Drive! Attempting to land on the dragon, he narrowed his dark brown brows. If this landing was successful, he would drive Clarent between the plates of the beast's scales. Using his blade to hold on tight, as well as his own grip, he had a feeling it was going to be a less enjoyable ride than one would expect. 

    Holding on tight, the Samurai was flung around. He did not possess any form of motion sickness fortunately, for he imagined another slayer in his position might find it the appropriate time to hurl. I've got you, you bastard. Engulfing the blade in an intense amount of black flames, he allowed the blade to heat up. This no doubt would harm the dragon, considering his sword between the scales of it's upper back. The Sword of Kings and The Coward's Blade were the monikers for Clarent, the legendary fire sword. He had also chosen these names for his abilities, combining the two to form the ultimate flame blade technique. Hopefully it would be enough to get the dragon's attention, and dish out some serious damage. Holding on tight, he skid his blade of flames across the thick scales of the beast soaring above the Sabertooth guild hall. Ardere could not help but worry about his guild mates, but he had faith they could take care of themselves. This was the beginning of a long and intense battle.
    @ST MP:85% HP: 400/400



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