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    Songs Collide: Shadow (Job, Kaori, Private)

    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
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    Songs Collide: Shadow (Job, Kaori, Private) Empty Songs Collide: Shadow (Job, Kaori, Private)

    Post by Samira Nassar 16th September 2017, 3:09 am

    Job Info:

    Continuation Of:
    Songs Collide: Ice Part 1
    Songs Collide: Bloodfire Part 2
    Songs Collide: Soulsmoke Part 3

    A nightmare. That was what it was. That is what it should of been. It wasn't though, it was a cold and dark reality. The battle between Kaori and phoenix had been going well. A difficult battle to be sure, but for the most part her friend seemed to be handling it. Then it shifted drastically. The Smokesoul phoenix had more power and abilities than she had thought for she assumed it to be on the same level as the other two. A costly mistake for both mages to make. Koari had gotten stuck in a moment from her past, a time when she was young. Samira was not clear on the details of the battle but the golden hibiscus necklaces each person that attacked the young Kaori wore stood out. It reminded her greatly of the one her servant had worn, which would mean those she was fighting were of the same clan as her. Samira never did get the chance to question her regarding the feud between the man known as Saia and herself, and if it had anything to do with what she was seeing then it would of proven to be a question that brought much sadness. It would explain the tears she had shed when she met Kaori at the entrance of the Ancient Ruins, and even explain how back then she said some questions would be too painful to answer. Samira was glad she had held off on asking if what she saw playing in front of her was the answer.

    A bright light erupted from Kaori and covered the area, causing Samira to shield her eyes from its bright intensity. When she decided to look again she saw a change in the appearance of her friend. Unmasked, winged, and now donning flowing a white dress instead of her usual kimono. She was a being of pure light; more powerful than the archangel they had fought some time ago. Koari would not lose, Samira knew this, and with confidence that her friend would defeat the creature she prepared for the battle's end.

    It was not to be the case. She was one that disliked when others made assumptions, but she often made them herself. At that moment, her assumption of an easy victory was wrong. Oh, her friend did succeed, but at a cost for everyone present. As Koari flew forward to make her final attack she came to a sudden stop. The reason for that was due to another version of Samira standing in front of the bird, guarding it, protecting it, being a trap. "No..." She could come to the conclusion of what was to happen, but that was likely due to being the real one. Koari had been fooled completely, seeming confused as to how to act and forgetting the placement of the real one. Samira watched as the false version of herself grinned widely before stabbing Kaori in the heart with a black sword. Her eyes were wide with horror as Kaori collapsed to her knees and weakly questioned why she had stabbed her. "That is not me..." she said quietly, her voice barely leaving her lips as she stood there, stunned and unable to force herself to react and put a stop to the false version of herself. It wasn't happening. Her eyes were clearly deceiving her. No, the phoenix had managed to trap them both with its trickery.

    Her ears were also being deceived as the false version spoke the most cruel things imaginable. They were words she would never say to anyone and certainly not to Kaori. "I am your friend..." she said quietly once again, still stuck where she was as her mind refused to snap back into reality and make her body act. The things her false self were saying were hurtful even to her. Did she really think any of that? She had been relying on Koari more than she should have. Her fighting abilities were weak and she always needed someone by her side. That didn't mean she only thought of Kaori as a simple bodyguard. She was someone she had come to trust. No mere bodyguard would have been given one of her keys as a loan for a spell. Did Kaori not see that? It was also true that she had only requested to see one of the shrines but that was only because she thought she only had time for one at the time. If given the choice from the start she would of gladly requested to journey to them all. "That is not how it was..." The part about Kaori not caring about her well being was also unfounded. It was proven time and again that she did care and Samira knew it, but was there a part of her that really thought that? "I do not think that..." Regarding the surprise sides of Kaori as the twilight zone may of been accurate but it was just something that came off as surprising and unexpected. It was fun in the end no matter how much embarrassment she went through. "There is more to that..."  And then came the snuggle part, which she did not even realize had happened during the sleep over once the arena matches were over. From what she saw through the vision shown to her as Kaori watched over her on the way to Kyoka she had looked peaceful and did not show any signs of hating it. Back on their first mission together it had happened then as well and aside from confusion and embarrassment there was no issue with that as well. Samira also recalled feeling comfortable and relaxed as Kaori held her on the way there and even took to rubbing her head until she had fallen asleep. There was nothing wrong with the snuggles. "That is not true..."

    The actions of the dragonhound went ignored as she remained in her stunned state. "Why is she believing I would say those things?" Samira felt the need to cry as the sadness that Kaori actually believed those words were truthful hit her. No tears came though as the sharp pain coursed its way through her heart. She rarely cried and even if her eyes were to water she would hold the act of crying back, usually resulting in a headache afterward. She felt betrayed, much like Koari, only in a different way. Kaori had been presented with a very false version of Samira, feeling betrayal from acts that the real one would never do. What Samira was presented with was the real Kaori actually believing that she would do and say everything that had transpired. From her sadness came anger. It appeared that nothing about her was understood at all. Kaori should have seen immediately that it wasn't her! From the very moment the sword appeared to the moment the words of the false Samira ended. Even though she knew so little about Kaori she felt she would of been able to tell the difference if the roles were reversed. But when it came to Kaori knowing her? Did she really know so little? Her green eyes narrowed as she took to staring at the ground her feet stood on. She couldn't watch anymore, she didn't want to.

    Eventually the fight ended as Koari overcame more tricks that the phoenix threw at her, but Samira paid no attention to it. Her mind was distracted, swarming with emotions. At that rate her spirits were going to catch on and check on what was going on. She formed a wall around her mind, preventing them from getting through if they tried. Their voices were not something she wanted to hear at that moment. She was confused, sad, angry, and most of all felt her own form of betrayal from the one she had thought was a friend.

    She raised her head just in time to see the lava hawk take off with Koari riding it, leaving her there without so much as a word. The dragonhound had then approached her, not hiding any of the anger he had been feeling as he snarled and allowed his claws to tear into the very ground as he made his way over to her. More anger coursed through her as it appeared even he had some caution towards her, as if he also believed she had betrayed the one that was his master. He made no attack though, and just merely got close to her face and gave a warning glare with eyes she had never seen before. They were crimson and flared like the fires that one would think were birthed in hell. While a moment of fear did run down her spine she stood her ground, likely getting some courage and stubbornness from the anger she felt no matter how stupid it was to do so, and just stared back before finally looking away. "That was not me..."

    It seemed the dragonhound was there to stay although she doubted it was to take her back home. When he lowered himself Samira slowly got on, unsure about riding a creature that seemed to think she had done great harm to his master. There would be no arguing with him though. She knew that from back when he was actually not in a state of such anger. Now in his current state he would be even less tolerant of objections. "If we really are completing the task of finding all of the phoenix shrines then Nazo is the next planet," Samira told the beast she now rode in a monotone kind of voice. She had no more emotion and felt dead inside. The battle had taken its toll on them all.

    (Word Count: 1622)

    Last edited by Samira Nassar on 16th September 2017, 8:58 am; edited 1 time in total



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    Songs Collide: Shadow (Job, Kaori, Private) Empty Re: Songs Collide: Shadow (Job, Kaori, Private)

    Post by ○Kaori 16th September 2017, 4:22 am

    Songs Collide: Shadow (Job, Kaori, Private) Ukar8e11

    Songs Collide: Shadow (Job, Kaori, Private) Nviajx11

    "Miss Gabriella, where's Ikky?" Ashley asked the arch angel as it had been a long time, and no one had returned. "As I know it, him and his master are assisting a friend." she replied while placing a book on the shelf of Kaori's brand new library that she definitely didn't force anyone to give her. Ashley had walked over to Gabriella, leaving a small stack of books that she was organizing on the bottom shelf. The small girl grabbed the arch angel's garb and looked up at her with tears in her eyes. The arch angel had looked at her in confusion. "Something's wrong." the child said in a highly worried tone.

    Ashley had a very deep bond with Ikuchi ever since the two of them had met. She trusted him, and he treated her as though she were his own. She knew his secrets, and always knew when he was confused or scared. The child had the same bond with him that he had with Kaori. Gabriella's eyes narrowed, seeing that the child wasn't lying to her, or just being paranoid. There was a magical presence within Ashley that was connecting her to Ikuchi... Kaori had the ability to link people together to help them understand each other, and while Gabriella didn't know she had that ability, she did know it existed. The angel took a knee and rested her hand on Ashley's head. "I'm going to make sure they're alright." she said in a soft tone, beginning to make her way out of the ship. Ashley nodded and began resuming her task of putting used books back on the lower shelves. She was confident that Ikuchi would come back safe, more so if Gabriella was going to his aid.

    Back in Kyoka, the second Ikuchi heard the word 'Nazo' he began sprinting. It didn't take nearly as long for him to reach the wakusei portals as it did before since on their way in, he was being nice and going slow. This time, he wasn't holding back so much but wasn't going at his maximum speed. In his mind, he was going over the information that was presented before him... Kaori was a strong woman. She was intelligent beyond compare, and had many abilities she could take advantage of to ensure victory. She didn't hesitate in battle, nor did she show mercy... ever. If there was an enemy in her way, they were quickly dispatched. However, over time, this had been changing. He'd noticed his master letting people live while Samira was around. She had begun smiling for Samira, and laughing for Samira, and showing concern she showed no one else. Kaori had invited Samira to her room, a place that even he himself wasn't allowed in until the night of that slumber party. Kaori had commented on how she looked while asleep, learned to style hair purely for an opportunity to do that- for Samira. The more he thought about everything that she had begun doing for the girl, the more he felt his hatred increasing...

    He shot through the fields of Nazo, running through a deer looking thing that jumped in his path. The dragonhound didn't care for the whatever it was's health, he used his horns to move it the fuck out of his way as he continued barrelling towards the final gemstone pillar. Halfway there, he slowed his running down and stopped completely. He was beginning to see what it meant to be human... Humans were weak, and subject to their emotions. Ikuchi stood there in the middle of the path, slowly breathing while he considered what he wanted to do. Kaori didn't ask him to finish the mission, she didn't ask him to help Samira or protect her- so why did he come this far?

    Samira would feel Ikuchi shift his weight hard, moving her off him to let her fall into a fairly soft patch of grass. If they were going to finish anything, he needed access to her full trust... and his full power. A black and red magic circle appeared below him and his body lit ablaze. The flames grew smaller and so did the magic circle... When they finished shrinking, Samira would see a man who wore a pair of black dress shoes polished to a perfect shine. In the middle of the bottom lace was a solid gold flower, a hibiscus. He wore a set of black dress pants to match, and a well cared for shirt of the same color was tucked into them. From his neck dangled another golden hibiscus, as though it were symbolic to the man. His broad shoulders gave way to normal sized arms, the muscular structure hidden behind black silk sleeves; courtesy of his dress shirt. The man wore a dark grey tie that had a crimson outline on the top, and holding the two tie ends together and preventing wind from flicking them about was a golden clasp.

    Ikuchi stood up from a kneeling position and a katana materialized in his hand. The katana was pure white all the way through, and for a guard was a golden hibiscus. He pointed the tip towards Samira and spoke with a stern voice. "Listen, and do not speak. Had I believed you were the one spouting those vile words, I would have killed you." The sword vanished and Ikuchi grabbed Samira, holding her bridal style. "My master has allowed darkness into her heart... because she lets her guard down to your face." he said bluntly and vanished, reappearing at the site of the next phoenix and promptly put Samira back down. "The runes on this structure are identical to the second. There is no need to photograph it. I'm beginning the battle." Ikuchi said and pointed at the black gem, materializing a small magic circle and firing a blue fireball from it.

    Meanwhile, Gabriella had flown from the largest ship in Hargeon... the Arc of Destiny. The ship alone was 1,500 feet from front to back and 350 feet across. It towered at 600 feet above the sea, and had two massive guns that a grown man could walk in, jump around and never hit the top of the barrel in. The top of the ship had a hatch that opened up to reveal a third one of these guns, and the sides had another hatch with two more half their size... the most terrifying part of the ship was that a man could still not hit the top of the barrel if he jumped. Hargeon Port's government had no problem with Kaori parking such a monstrosity in its port as the one who owned it was technically a government official herself, and held high status in the Magic Council as a 'Star' of sorts.

    She had begun making her way to the Wakusei portals and entered Kotetsu, the site of the snow bird that Ikuchi had reportedly gone with Kaori and Samira to find. She found the frigid air to be detrimental to her wings as it threatened to form ice over them, but still she pressed on. The only thing Gabriella could think of nothing more than the look of desperation on Ashley's face. The child was preparing to cry from the pain in her heart, the knowledge that the only father she had left in this world was likely in a bad situation and she was powerless to help... Gabriella knew this feeling. She stopped at the sight of the Ice Phoenix, knowing the location as she saw it being erected. The arch angel looked around and saw nothing, but could feel a very weak magical presence. "I missed them... did they go to the others?" she questioned, and then, her eyes widened...

    Gabriella was well aware of the elemental phoenixes. She knew of their power, and how they were dangerous depending on which mage they faced. Kaori's magic was similar to her own in that it was holy, and very pure. When a pure being is clouded by dark energy, a corrupted soul, they can become consumed by that darkness faster than a normal being. "I must ensure that Miss Kaori does not reach the Soulsmoke phoenix." Gabriella said with a determined voice.

    Songs Collide: Shadow (Job, Kaori, Private) J6q08l11

    Lava Hawk

    Word Count: 1,376

    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
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    Posts : 1697
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    Cosmic Coins : 485
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    Experience : 10,188,889

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Songs Collide: Shadow (Job, Kaori, Private) Empty Re: Songs Collide: Shadow (Job, Kaori, Private)

    Post by Samira Nassar 16th September 2017, 1:00 pm

    With Samira riding on his back, the dragonhound took off in an instant sprint. She still was not used to riding an animal at that speed and the ride itself was more rougher than before. Samira could barely even keep her balance during the bumpy ride and clung on for dear life. Once the portal to Nazo had been taken, the hound had even forcefully knocked a deer looking creature that was traveling peacefully by away rather than go around. She knew the change had nothing to do with the fact that Kaori was not around to control him but rather because of the events that had transpired that caused his mood to worsen. It was surprising enough that he could tolerate Samira even using him as a mount. Besides the sounds of the dragonhound during his swift run it was silent. Samira did not speak and even her mind remained quiet as she kept her mental wall in place from her spirits. She did not wish for them to know of the events, make accusations, ask questions, be judgemental. The events that transpired at the last shrine were a collection of mental entries that she needed to process herself before she allowed them to influence her. For the moment, the thought of why they were even bothering to see the last shrine jumped around in her head. The excitement of seeing the ancient structures of legend had long past, and it was Kaori that wanted to see all of the phoenixes. She was no longer there... The image of Kaori's reaction towards the ice phoenix played in her mind on a loop. Why could they not all have been as pleasant and fun as that one?

    The dragonhound had come to a stop for some reason unknown to her. They had not fully reached the shine and the trip she had assumed was for the very purpose of seeing it. Her movement began to shift so she could hop off but he was well ahead of her. His weight shifted, and she fell right off, landing on a soft patch of grass beside him. Well, it could of been far worse given the circumstances. She stood up fully and turned towards him with a questioning expression upon her face. A magic circle then appeared beneath the hound and with it he was lit ablaze. Samira allowed concern to pass over her, although rather it was concern that something may have been wrong with him or for her own safety was somewhat of an inner debate. Both the flames and magic circle grew smaller and smaller as the seconds went by and by the time they ceased to be altogether a familiar man she had thought was left back in Hargeon was kneeling there. He and the dragonhound were one in the same. Although why it was kept such a secret was unknown to her. Most likely it was yet another one blocked by trust, but then, why was it being revealed now?

    A katana of pure white coloring materialized within his hand, causing Samira to once again feel somewhat fearful. Surely she wasn't taken all the way there just for him to try and kill her? The original impression she had of the kind, complimentative, and mistakenly perverted servant of Kaori instantly shattered. She didn't even know which version would of been worse; being killed by the hound version that had been sweet towards her previously, or by the human version that had once showed enough concern to the point that he had restored her power in a quite abnormal and unorthodox way. Even being given the scrunchie before the whole mission started came back to the forefront of her mind. The entire scenario stung just as much as when she saw Koari fall into the trap of the false version of her. As expected the weapon was pointed at her and just as she began to say his name she was told to listen and to not speak. She did as she was told without question.

    Some relief was allowed to pass as it seemed he was not going to kill her and knew quite well that it wasn't really her that had said such awful things or stabbed Kaori. Then why did he seem so venomous towards her? As the sword disappeared she then found herself picked up and held in the usual style she so often found herself in when he was around. It was different that time though with the situation being as serious as it was and with thick tension. She had no desire to allow herself to feel embarrassed or flail around comically while demanding to be let down. He then went on to mention that darkness had entered Kaori's heart, and that she herself was to blame for the ninja woman had begun to change her ways whenever she was around her. So that explained why he was acting the way he was towards her. It was a simple matter of placing easy blame on someone that was causing change within another. Samira herself was confused by that train of thought. To her, Kaori had been showing more signs that she was human and not the monster everyone else seemed to think she was. Even during their first mission Samira thought something was off with Koari with the way she struck her opponents down and it was to the point even her own spirits had concerns of their summoner being around the ninja. Kali didn't trust her and some of the others had even questioned if she was human at all. Back in the Ancient Ruins Samira had also shown her disapproval for the way the mercenaries were handled to extract information when Kaori could have used other methods that did not require them to die. Was it not more human to give them a chance before blowing their brains out? Perhaps the quality of being human was just something that was difficult for him to understand. He may of been able to take the form of one, but he was not human. That was fact. The Koari before was easier to understand than the one that revealed itself whenever Samira was present. To be human meant having weaknesses and it was doubtful he desired his master to have any. To be a monster one did have power and would have no emotional barriers, but that did not mean much in the grand scheme of things. Monsters were beings that were ultimately destroyed by the very beings they thought were weak and insignificant.

    They then vanished and appeared at the location of the shrine belonging to the phoenix of shadow. Oddly enough as soon as she was put down from his hold he told her that the runes were the same, but what was more odd was how he told her there was no need to photograph it. He was seriously going to give her time to do so if the runes had been different? It was probably best not to question it. His patience was already thin and he was beginning the summoning process anyway. The gem was struck by the blue fireball that shot from the magic circle he materialized, causing a dark aura to surround the gem as it fell to the ground. The aura from the orb grew and leaked trails of shadow above it until they all came together and formed into the shape of a phoenix. Eyes of crimson were the only thing that appeared to be solid as it glared down on the duo that stood before it. The rest of its body was faded, as if it was not really there but instead a shadow of some other phoenix that clearly did not exist.

    "I do not feel the presence of the one who has defeated my sister." It said coldly from its mind, but with some amount of patience considering it did not immediately go for the attack. The soulsmoke phoenix before him was one that could be overtaken by a powerful force of light just like himself. Mere light was not going to be able to take him down though. His defeat also required a powerful soul, one like the opponent that defeated the previous phoenix. Without her, the two beings left stood no chance in his eyes. Shadow was the final trial before the final shrine would be known and yet again just like in ages long forgotten he concluded the trial would be a failure. If attacks were made against him now they would pass right through him unless they consisted of light. He would otherwise remain composed and unmoving no matter what Ikuchi may have done against him. As for Samira she drew her weapons, figuring that since they had some form of celestial power that they may had some light based element tied to them. She had no spirit in her arsenal that had the sort of soul and light power to overcome the phoenix.

    The phoenix merely snickered. "Those will do nothing to me, little human. Power they contain but with the owner lacking the soul to wield them properly their light will never shine through my darkness." A shadow trail was then sent towards Samira and grabbed onto the weapons. The trail had become solid and if used as an attack would of been as lethal as a sword for it was sharp. The phoenix then paused for a moment and soon a swarm of shadows latched on and pulled Samira further towards the shadowy phoenix. The two would then be covered by a small dome made from dark shadows, leaving Ikuchi outside and unable to hear or see anything unless he had some power to do so.

    "You confuse me, human. Why do you try to face me when in your heart you know you are like me?"

    The shadow chains had evaporated from Samira's form, leaving her standing there freely but unable to escape from the shadow dome. The phoenix's words confused her though. She had nothing in common with the shadow phoenix at all! "I do not know your meaning."

    The phoenix eyed her with its crimson orbs and ruffled its shadowy feathers as if it were annoyed. "Really? You are unaware of the fact that you are nothing but a shadow that follows others? You are submissive and do what you are told by the more dominate entities that surround you, much like a shadow that has no choice but to follow the movements of the one that it is attached to. You stand on the sidelines as others fight, as if you are unimportant and that your very existence will not do anything to change the outcome. That is who you are. You are nothing more than a soul that vanishes under the existence of a pure light. You cannot change anything and you lack any form of substance."

    "That is not true," Samira said matter-of-factly. She would not be taken in by the creature's words. Her mind was clear and she did not want to allow herself to suffer the same fate of Kaori. "I have changed something." The fact Kaori had started to change because of her was proof of that.

    "Hm? You mean the one who nearly died against my sister's tricks? She already had a great light within her. All you did was make it possible for her to lose that power when she needed it the most. If that is a change you desire then you are nothing more than toxic. I wonder..."

    A shadow trail touched Samira's chest where her heart would of been. "There is some darkness there I did not expect. Your philosophy of doing anything, even torture, so long as the intent was just and for the good of all is very unbecoming. You disapprove of killing and yet you are content with leaving others to die slowly by other methods. So long as you did not pull the trigger or stab them yourself there is no blood on your hands, right?" The phoenix then laughed in a mocking way, amused by the next thing he was prepared to say. "You even grew angry with your supposed friend who was dying and suffering right in front of your eyes instead of doing everything you could to save her. My, little human, are you sure you are not the monster in the relationship?"

    Samira said nothing as the legendary bird made those stabs at her. They were all true and she could not refute the remarks. She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists as she glared at the creature. There was nothing she could say or do.

    The shadows coming from the phoenix began to slither around like snakes in rapid fashion. The calm and passive composure he had began to shift and the area surrounding them started to give off a tense aura around it. "The point I am trying to make here, little human..." The phoenix rose and spread his massive shadowy wings. His form had solidified, now no longer being a shadow but instead of a normal phoenix colored in a pure black of the dark abyss. The dome shattered as the shadows that formed it came down and with the burst of energy Samira was sent flying backwards. "YOUR LIGHT IS WEAK!" Talk was over. The battle had begun.

    (Word Count: 2241
    Total So Far: 3863)



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    Lineage : Godess's Boon
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    Guild : Lamia Scale - "Jizō"
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    First Skill: Assassin Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
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    Songs Collide: Shadow (Job, Kaori, Private) Empty Re: Songs Collide: Shadow (Job, Kaori, Private)

    Post by ○Kaori 16th September 2017, 3:23 pm

    Songs Collide: Shadow (Job, Kaori, Private) Ukar8e11

    Songs Collide: Shadow (Job, Kaori, Private) Nviajx11

    Ikuchi had watched from outside as his visual range was obstructed by a large black dome, preventing him from intervening. One thing that the bird couldn't stop however, was Ikuchi's hearing. He had told Samira that she was little more than a shadow. She bends to the will of others and is helpless but to do as they're told, staying on the floors and walls and letting them dictate her life. She was weak, lacked initiative, lacked the drive to act when those who protected her had fallen... Ikuchi had seen it before, and knew that he would see it time and time again. She had to be forced to hold her pride and use her spirits the first time he met her, and allowed herself to be harmed greatly in the process. Even now he could tell she was doing it, but not out of pride, out of fear...

    As the shadows cleared and Samira was went flying back, Ikuchi moved his shoulder to let her continue her path. It wasn't his mission to protect her, nor was it is mission to catch her when she fell. He didn't care if she strayed from her path as it was not his mission to guard her. "You're absolutely right, you know..." he said in a deep, grim voice. "She's nothing more than a human, and a stupid one at that." Ikuchi stated, knowing the words would be daggers to her. He didn't know how to be gentle when uplifting adults, they were all so damn picky. "She's an abysmal wizard even compared to lady Lareci... at least my master knows better than to ignore her spirits." he said, revealing that he knew exactly what Samira had been doing. "The darkness in her is of pride, fear, anger, and betrayal... her light is weak because it is dim. She's afraid that her spirits would misunderstand the situation and think ill of her. She's afraid they'd judge her as a bad person, or a weak one for not trying to move... yet they know her heart like I know her scent."

    The phoenix had stopped his boasting and began listening to Ikuchi as he was further assisting him in tormenting Samira with reality. "However... there is one thing that you were incorrect about, phoenix of darkness." Ikuchi said as he created a black key in his right hand, one that Samira would recognize as one of Kaori's. "My master didn't die from your sister's tricks... my master gave your sister some of her light, and she killed the darkness in her. Just like I'll do with you- Open! Gate of the Slave, Scarlet!" Ikuchi shouted, making the motion to open the celestial gate, out of which a red haired woman stepped forth. Two shotguns materialized in her hands and she aimed it at the large bird. "Sup." she said and fired from it a thick, white chain that slammed into its beak and rooted it in place.

    The phoenix spread its wings and flapped once, releasing a large gust of wind with dark energy that was more solid than the smoke bird's version. A pair of white swords materialized in his hands and he began cutting them apart, just as his master did. He was grateful to know Kaori, and be able to travel with her. Even if he knew this technique before meeting her, he would have never known the power behind it. If he knew the power behind it, without Kaori, he wouldn't be able to use that power as his master did since he would have lacked the training she gave him. All of that training came to life as he rapidly cut the black crescents in half, overpowering them with his will and turning them into dust in the wind. "You wanna explain what the hell's going on!?" Scarlet asked while standing behind him. Ikuchi had finished slicing the attacks and flicked the shirofune. "Shoot first, ask later." he said before charging in.

    "How foolish." the phoenix said and raised shadow clones that took on Kaori's image. "WRONG! You're the fool!" he replied, vanishing and reappearing behind each figure and cutting them in half. He vanished one more and appeared in the air, spinning like a top and slamming down on the bird's beak with both swords. After landing on the ground he was swatted like a fly with the dark wings, and the chain holding the phoenix down was shattered. "No rendition of my master other than the original can make me stay my blade..." he said in an angry tone. "Shii-nee." he said, causing the bird's beak to glow bright white from where it was cut. Two explosions went off at the same time that made the bird fly backwards, sliding on the ground and obliterating several trees. "There is one other thing you were wrong about..." Ikuchi said while he began standing up.

    His mind returned to his thoughts of his master, repeating them in his mind. Kaori was a strong woman. She was intelligent beyond compare, and had many abilities she could take advantage of to ensure victory. She didn't hesitate in battle, nor did she show mercy... ever. If there was an enemy in her way, they were quickly dispatched. However, over time, this had been changing. He'd noticed his master letting people live while Samira was around. She had begun smiling for Samira, and laughing for Samira, and showing concern she showed no one else. Kaori had invited Samira to her room, a place that even he himself wasn't allowed in until the night of that slumber party. Kaori had commented on how she looked while asleep, learned to style hair purely for an opportunity to do that- for Samira. "All of it... for her..." he said in a low growl.

    He remembered back to the arc of destiny, sitting atop the ship as his master meditated. "Master, is it standard practice for humans to eat each other's teeth?" he asked, causing Kaori to let out a strange sound and turn asking him "What?" out of shock. "I saw two humans at the park... their faces were connected for a great deal of time. Is this a common method of acquiring nutrition? Or is it one of these 'games' you speak of?" he asked with genuine curiosity. "It's called kissing. People do it as a show of affection." Kaori replied while forcing herself to not laugh. "Like when I lick them despite their skin not tasting of salt?" "Yes, exactly." Ikuchi was silent for a few moments. "How does a human know they wish to display affection?"

    Kaori: "It's something you feel in your heart, called love."
    Ikuchi: "How does one know they feel love?"
    Kaori: "They don't... not at first. Or at least, so I've been told."
    Ikuchi: "I do not understand this answer..."
    Kaori: "I've never felt love that compels me to kiss someone, so I can't say for certain. What I was told by others, when you feel love, you make changes and compromises to attract the attention of the opposing human. Sometimes, you do this knowingly- other times you don't realize it."

    The last words of the memory echoed in his mind. The fact that his master didn't realize she was changing around her was part of the reason he didn't notice it at first either. "... My master did have a great deal of light from the start... but it was that woman... that weak, proud, foolish woman who made it stronger!" he shouted while holding up his hand just as Kaori did for the last phoenix. A white sword appeared in his hand, the same one that Kaori had used against the leader when Samira first met her, and the same one Kaori tried to use last time.

    White particles began lifting off of Ikuchi's being, and Scarlet, and Samira's too. The same particles began lifting off the ground, off of the pillar and from the gem on the floor. These particles would feel familiar to Samira... they were Kaori's emotions. They were filled with love, and happiness- the primary things she felt around Samira. There was a sense of duty to protect, not just Samira, but her heart as well within the deeper layers of Kaori's love. Further below, there was fear of rejection in very small quantities- but it was still there. The phoenix had gotten up and began flying towards him, trying to stop Ikuchi before the attack could be released. A white chain shot through his stomach followed by eleven more, all keeping him on the ground. "Yup, still here dumbass. Those are made of Holy Celestial Light, your mist shit won't let you escape." Scarlet said while walking out of the way.

    "And there was a third thing you were wrong about... my master was never killed." Ikuchi formed a second sword in his opposing hand, and the white energy around him had formed a pure white samurai armor around him. "HEAVENLY BLADE..." he shouted, causing the swords to begin shining as brightly as Kaori's did when she did it. "...DESTROY ALL SHADOWS!" he finished, placing both swords in an 'X' shape and slashing the air. A white blast of light shot from the blades and barrelled towards the struggling phoenix. As they impacted them, a loud explosion was set off consisting of light. Ikuchi didn't bother waiting for the light to stop eroding at the dark bird's body. He flicked the swords and let them vanish, walking to the orb and taking it. Scarlet vanished back to the Celestial Spirit World and as Ikuchi passed Samira, he said "One left."

    "Wait... Dragonhound..." the deep voice of the bird sounded, beseeching him to stop. "... Your kind is born of arrogance, and greed... to what do you attribute your power?" Ikuchi had stopped, keeping his back turned to the bird that had appeared overtop them.

    Ikuchi: "My kind was born of arrogance and greed... but I was born of Fire and Brimstone. I protect those I love with a volition only matched by the Goddess of Passion, my master. Her power courses through me, and as she gets stronger, so do I."
    Shadow Phoenix: "Why do you continue this mission?"
    Ikuchi: "My master wanted to see each of you glorified pheasants. She can do so through my memories... and if I am lucky, she'll finally take her mask off for me."
    Shadow Phoenix: "So there is darkness within you..."
    Ikuchi: "There is no darkness without light, and there is no light without darkness. There is no equilibrium between the two, only the purpose for which you have them."
    Phoenix: "That is a good quote. I might use it the next time I am challenged... human, you might learn something of this man."

    The phoenix bowed to Ikuchi and Samira before erupting into shadows. Ikuchi looked to Samira and picked her up, putting her over his shoulder instead of carrying her in a bridal position. "Where's the last shrine?" he asked in a determined voice. He didn't want Kaori to have to come back to this place, or any of the other shrines. The phoenixes were worshiped by people of old times who were obsessed with the beings. Ikuchi himself had grown somewhat tired of them, and would prefer that they were all put in their places. The last place was Terasu, a planet known for being dark all the time. There were stars in the sky that were constantly falling, making it a place for people who enjoyed face eating to go. Little did they know a phoenix lived on that planet, and that a dragon would be coming to kick its feathered ass.

    Before he would go, Ikuchi would address Samira. "Human." he would begin, not even doing the honor of addressing her by name as he no longer saw her worthy of such a thing. "Your spirits are likely trying to reach you, but I have not heard you utter a word to them as you so often do when you 'speak to yourself.' My master's spirits allow me to summon them because they know -from the words of your own spirits- that you do not fully trust them. Even now you hesitate to let them in because you're scared of what they'd think. You're afraid of the questions they would ask, the responses they would offer, and any scolding that you deserve that they would deliver upon you... You forget that these spirits would transcend the bonds of space and time to come to your aid, a feat even my master cannot accomplish. Bear in mind, at some point you will be obligated to face them and the longer you shut them out, the less of a Celestial Wizard you can call yourself when you finally do. Let that sink in, along with how much your pride is worth and decide which takes precedence." he would say in a calm, not necessarily condescending tone before vanishing. He'd reappear every so often, before immediately vanishing again until the two of them had reached the Wakusei portals where he'd instead go to Kyoka and set her down. Her magic power would be stronger here, allowing her to have more spirits out and face them if she so decided...

    If Samira had chosen to remain on Kyoka and speak with her spirits, she would have an easier time doing it here. While she could talk to them mentally, a face to face discussion might prove more beneficial since humans relied on seeing the people they talk to for a more memorable conversation. Of course, if she stated she had no desire to converse with them, Ikuchi would have no choice but to leave her there and go to Terasu alone, saying that she'd only hold him back without her magic.

    Songs Collide: Shadow (Job, Kaori, Private) J6q08l11

    Lava Hawk

    Word Count: Done

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 11:20 pm