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    In a world unlike their own

    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

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    Lineage : Child of Eden
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    In a world unlike their own Empty In a world unlike their own

    Post by Leila Vergious 1st September 2017, 12:33 pm

    In a world unlike their own JJHtJuZ

    Leila Vergious Golden Phoenix B-Rank

    Once again, the world was slowly descending into the chaos and confusion. People were magically disappearing from various villages and towns with no witnesses or suspects at all. The news quickly spread through out Fiore at amazing speed and panic was slowly starting to set in, everyone afraid for their life and well-being in general. With something happening on a scale this large, even the magical council could no longer remain silent. An official request was sent to all guilds in the kingdom, begging the mages to try and investigate this phenomenon and prevent it from happening ever again. Few already tried, but they all seemed to have disappeared all the same, never to be seen or heard from again. When normal humans became victims, it was obvious that something was happening. But when even mages could no longer consider themselves safe, you knew that there was something much bigger and more dangerous than you could imagine. On her way through the land, Leila was currently resting by a campfire she crafted, her mildly lifeless eyes staring into the dancing flames with no thought or expression. The girl was not quite 'herself' as of late, considering the real Leila Vergious was resting in her own world, the Gardens of Eden right now.

    And in her place, Aurora Solaris, her other half taking on her duties while trying to make sure that no one will find out about this devious change and possession. On the other side, Libra was sitting and reading a story book from Earthland, currently not interested in anything that would be happening outside of it. The most loyal spirit to Aurora was Yuki of course, but it seemed that Leila's body currently still did not have enough power to actually summon the young dragon girl. Libra had to thus do for a company, even if her presence in this world actively continued to drain the girl's resource of mana. So why was the silver-haired mage in a place like this? Unlike the real deal, she was sick of staying in hotels all the time and true, she was capable of always returning to the Gardens that were her true home... but she still wanted to experience the joy of traveling and everything that came with that, the joy that Leila always seemed to crave so much. For some reason, Aurora wanted to understand it all as well. Which meant sleeping underneath the stars with no roof over her head and no proper bed to lay down onto apparently. A simple blanked or sleeping bag had to be enough for a hardened traveler!

    "You heard the news as well, right? It seems that people all over the kingdom are disappearing one after another and no one knows what is rightly happening. Does Leila always have to deal with idiotic problems like these? What can even cause people disappearing randomly?!"

    Her words were of course directed at the only other person who was awake right now. There was still Ori, the beautiful little creature from Eden that traveled along with Leila for the longest time, who made his way into the warm sleeping bag, as the night's air was colder than the one you could feel during the day. But he was already sound asleep by now, not bothered by the conversation these two girls would have. Libra managed to tear her gaze away from the interesting story that her book was telling and instead started staring at her current owner and companion for many journeys to come, as the fate would have it.

    "Sounds like something from a powerful magical device or being that is capable of casting magical spells that would traverse the space between two dimensions. In a sense almost like the magic the body you're wearing used to call me and the other spirits, but reverse. If the humans were kidnapped and held somewhere in Earthland, they would probably be found by now, given how much commotion is happening because of it."

    It was most definitely strange, this whole situation. Somehow, the Gardens of Eden came into the girl's mind. But back to being alive, Aurora was once again the goddess of that realm and had an absolute control over the place, knowing that nothing inside was changing, no humans were being transported there. Which was good, actually. Humans... they would only corrupt the place, just like they did in the past. Having a large quantity of them transported into that place, it would only bring trouble and possible destruction of the Gardens. And that was the last thing the goddess wanted to happen when she finally managed to transform the place into a proper home for herself and all of her spirits that she could now call family without having to feel betrayed in any way. It was... nice. Without constantly being chased by a demon that wanted to take away her soul, quite relaxing. But nothing nice could last forever, as it stood. Even a simple thought of her home was crudely interrupted by a strange light that suddenly remade the night's sky filled with stars into something much more bright and obnoxious to look at.

    It was something magical in its nature without a doubt, there was no way that there would be a natural occurrence such as this one. In this state, Aurora had all the memories that her other half collected over the years and this resembled nothing that could be found inside of them at all. And then, without any warning and in a literal instant, the two girls entered a multi-dimensional rift. A powerful magic that allowed for transport between two entirely different worlds. Leila knew perfectly well what it was and how it worked, after all, she was using the same thing to return to her Gardens at any time she wanted. But this was far from her own doing, or Aurora's for that matter, someone else was trying to take her into a place she had no intention of entering. But the process was fast and the magic used powerful, the silver-haired witch could not get out of it in time. And in no time at all, both of them were standing on a dried out plain which would remind them of a very rocky desert. It was still night, even in this place, but everything was strangely illuminated even without actual light sources. And not only that, gravity seemed to work... rather odd here as well, judging by a distant island that was simply floating several kilometers above the actual ground, some way away from the girl's current position. There was not a single doubt in her mind, they were transported somewhere. But where? Neither of them knew, but one thing they managed to connect instantly. They became victims of this stupid incident where people would be simply spirited away. As it stood, the universe just wanted Aurora to get involved in what Leila usually had to go through and such, she had no option but to comply.

    "I hope you were not getting ready for bed, Libra. While we're here, we might as well take a look around and maybe find the one who teleported us and kick their arse while we're at it! No one will dare to do something like this to a goddess!"

    Clenching her fist while smiling, she checked that her loyal companion was in the same state of mind and getting ready for anything that could try to stop them. This combo was pretty damn strong after all, and it would be nice to finally find some new challenge to conquer. Though just simply exploring this unknown world could bring quite a bit of joy to the curious young woman. The real question was, what all could she expect from this place?

    Word Count: 1303 / 8000
    Tags: @Cirven
    OOC: -


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