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    Songs Collide: Ice (Job, Kaori, Private)

    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
    Position : Goddess of Humility
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1697
    Guild : Lamia Scale (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 485
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 10,188,889

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Songs Collide: Ice (Job, Kaori, Private) Empty Songs Collide: Ice (Job, Kaori, Private)

    Post by Samira Nassar 13th September 2017, 10:17 am

    Job Info:

    It had been at least a few weeks since the strange and oddly eventful sleep over that had been hosted by Kaori and still Samira was having recurring nightmares over it. Each time gigantic and fluffy stuffed animals would be in the scenery, acting as the walls to a large maze. She would be chased through the whole thing by the more cutsie side of Kaori, who had every intention on capturing her in the form of a tackle hug and squeezing her to death. Each time she had the nightmare Samira as well as Kaori would always be wearing a different set of pajamas that would usually be worn by children rather than grown women. Lots of fluff and fuzzy additions were in the design as well as images of small and adorable animals sewed into them. If she escaped the pursuing Kaori and managed to reach the end of the maze she would find Ikuchi there and would find herself being taken away and put on display as some sort of trophy in a glass case. What made it worse is that the case was rather crowded as many other women were also a part of the collection. To make matters worse, the nightmare would always end with everything disappearing and darkening. Then, a giant version of Chaac would appear in the sky. He was always angry and each time her voice was called in a manner of an angry parent disciplining their child. Then a long stream of scolding would commence that she could not tune out. She would always wake up from the nightmare as Kali instantly appeared and chopped off her head. Needless to say, Samira was not getting much sleep these days.

    Samira sat at her desk in her room, looking grumpy and tired with dark circles under her eyes from sleep deprivation. She let out a yawn before faceplanting into a book she had opened and was attempting to read a moment before. It was still early in the morning, a time when she normally went out for breakfast. Why was she not doing so that day? Because she had given up. Everytime she went out Chaac had made it his mission to use his own power to enter the mortal realm and follow her like some sort of bodyguard. It would of been something she would not of minded before but he had grown to be so far beyond the definition of over protective that they may as well have created a new word just for him and slapped it into the dictionary. Every man she passed by on the streets got threatened in one form or another, and one time a small child that had asked her to play catch was run off by the large and intimidating spirit. She was even still trying to make up for the time the mailman had accidentally touched her hand when handing her a letter. The act sent the spirit into a rage, thinking it had been a love letter and the touch was a form of perversion. The mailman was sent flying and to that very day he skipped her address or ran away whenever he saw her. It also didn't help that whenever he was out it always rained. Having an umbrella on hand had now become a habit.

    "Samira!" The voice of Serqet reached her ears but the woman made no effort to move, not even as the scorpion spirit walked over and proceeded to poke her several times. All she wanted to do was sleep. "Hey. Hey! Summoner? Key Owner? Celestial Wizard?" Serqet frowned and placed her hands on her hips. Then with a mischievous grin she leaned over, moved the green locks away from Samira's ear and whispered, "do you need a certain kind of kiss? I know who to-" The woman quickly sat up with an embarrassed squeak. "I am up!"

    "Oh, darn. I really wanted to see what happened." Serqet pouted while raising from her leaning position so that she was once again standing fully. "Oh well, guess what?!" Serqet clasped her hands together before her and waited in anticipation for the long line of guesses to come. She would be further disappointed as Samira merely rose from her desk and with another yawn put the book she had away on a nearby shelf while asking the question of "what?", which was almost completely drowned in the yawn.

    "You're no fun. But I forgive you and tell you anyway. Chaac won't be stalking you today. He is busy at some meeting with Awilix. He'll be gone the whoooollllee day. I think." Serqet grinned, expecting Samira to jump for joy at having a normal day. Unfortunately she was too tired to care about that part and her mind focused more on the part of the meeting. Awilix had been another one of her newer spirits, sharing the same country of origin as Chaac. When her power rose she had unlocked three new keys of power but with them came spirits belonging to lesser keys that had been hesitant to become active until she reached a certain point. While Chaac was the leader of her lesser spirits, Kali and Susano were also leaders of the ones that matched their rank of power. "Are Susano and Kali still available?"

    "Susano is busy arguing with Bacchus on whether celestial wine or saké is better. Last I checked in they were having a drinking contest to see which one could handle the most alcohol."

    Samira let off a sigh. In that case he would be useless. No one could ever out drink Bacchus, although they could try and fail horribly. And why were they drinking so early in the damn morning? Was time really different in their world or did it just not matter to spirits? "And Kali?" After the whole sleep over ordeal Kali was had very harsh words for Samira and had been distant ever since. She never even showed when summoned. Serqet clenched her teeth together and drew a breath, cringing at the question. She was still pissed then. Well it was what it was. Some time was just needed for the spirit to cool off.

    Samira turned back to the bookshelf and started to run her finger along the bind of each book until she found one of interest and pulled it out. "So Chaac will be gone a whole day, correct?" A smile appeared on her pale face as she decided to take advantage of the opportunity and be a little...disobedient. She was part of a monster hunting guild and what better way to get experience in that department than to do some actual hunting? Legends were something she took great interest in and the tales of phoenixes were well known to her. What was more obscure were the stories of the other elemental variants. It was hard to have any solid proof of their existence due to the theory that they were all split up and made their homes on different planets. It was unlikely she would be able to take a trip to all the planets in one single day but she could search around a small area of one and gather some notes. The book was tossed into a knapsack along with her weapons, having learned before that walking out without them was generally a bad idea no matter if she was just doing a social visit or not. Some other odds and ends were also tossed in and soon she was ready. She remembered the planet name Kosetsu, a place full of nothing but snow. It was the most likely place for the phoenix of ice. Samira reached for the door but stopped herself at realizing getting to the Wakusei Portals was likely going to take the whole day by itself. "I did not think that part through."

    'You have ally with means of travel, ya?' A newer spirit by the name of Skadi asked within Samira's mind. The voice was that of a woman, but it was deep and carried with it a type of accent. 'Stop being a slápr and ask her.'

    "Stop being a what?"

    A book materialized in Serqet's hands and she began to search for the definition of the word. "I think she just called you a good for nothing lazy person."

    'I wish to see winter planet.'

    Samira made a sort of an annoyed sound in her throat but made no comment. The spirits had done well to have Skadi use terms she could understand but when it came to the insults she went back to her personal preference. The suggestion was a good idea though. Kaori did have a ship and using it to get to the portals was reasonable. There was just...well several things that made her hesitate. With the fears of their last meeting aside, there was the fact she may of been busy or was using it herself. "I'll go ask!" Samira made an attempt to stop the spirit as she threw the door open and ran out, but it was too late. Serqet had begun her short journey to the docks with Samira having no choice but to slowly tail after her.

    The spirit of venom reached the docks at a high speed and made for the Arc of Destiny. Or should she have gone to the White Mermaid? Eh, details. Her invisibility cover took over as she snuck aboard the ship and made her way through the halls, looking for any signs of familiar faces. Along the way she made it a point to switch things around and even play around with some of the crew she passed by with simple trickery. Before long she would get tired of her search and, with her invisible cloak still activated, announced her presence. "Heeelllloooo? I have come to haunt this place! Take me to your leader!" A few seconds of pause before adding some fake and childish ghostly sounds. Hey, it was her opinion that spirits should actually act like simple spirits for once.

    (Word Count: 1681)

    Last edited by Samira Nassar on 13th September 2017, 6:06 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Vehicle- Ship- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Godess's Boon
    Position : Saint of Passion
    Posts : 763
    Guild : Lamia Scale - "Jizō"
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,444,887.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Assassin Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
    Third Skill:

    Songs Collide: Ice (Job, Kaori, Private) Empty Re: Songs Collide: Ice (Job, Kaori, Private)

    Post by ○Kaori 13th September 2017, 11:59 am

    Songs Collide: Ice (Job, Kaori, Private) Ukar8e11

    Songs Collide: Ice (Job, Kaori, Private) Nviajx11

    Ikuchi had woken up early to get breakfast made, knowing in his gut that today was going to be another long day for him. As always, Ashley refused to let him out of bed and clung to Ikuchi in her sleep. The girl was so small, but she had a terrifying amount of strength when she wanted to... In the darkness of his room, crimson, hellfire orbs rested on the child's face. He felt his heart skip a beat as it often did when he saw her like this, she was simply so peaceful that it made him forget what he was. He lifted his hand and placed it on her small head, running the fingers through her honey blonde hair a few times before resting the hand on her back. He noticed a tear forming in her eye, moving down her face and let out a small sigh. The girl had seen her parents killed, sacrificing themselves to get her to a hiding place. Ikuchi knew that Kaori had gone through something similar, on a much grander scale. Kaori was a member of a clan that was used to death, this child was not... Ikuchi didn't need to be told that difference, and he knew what she was dreaming about. He pulled the child closer to him, pressing her against his bare chest and saying "Fear not, you walk among dragons. None shall harm you." in a soft, but strong tone. Out of instinct, she reached up and held his shoulders to pull herself closer. Ikuchi moved his other arm to support her bottom and began lifting her out of bed with him while feeling glad that she was a heavy sleeper. He went to the kitchen among the Arc of Destiny and managed to use a spatula and some elbow grease to free himself of the child's grip to set her down on a chair in the corner. He placed a fresh towelette over her eyes so the lights didn't disturb her.

    In her office, Kaori was already awake while looking at a map of the world. Several places had been crossed out, marking the towns, cities, and settlements that had been demolished either by herself or her brother. This room contrasted her bedroom in every aspect... In the middle of it was a large, circular table with the map of the world and rolled up pages pinned to it with daggers. The pages marked contracts that Kaori had taken up, and there were currently five of them. Wooden figures shaped like men, horses, and ships dotted the map. A large cluster of men and horses were in Midi, with several ships on the largest port in the nation. All of the ship pieces looked like a normal boat, except for one... At Hargeon's end of the map were two ships, one that was a normal boat piece, the other was a tiny version of the Arc of Destiny that was scaled to match.

    The walls of the room were made of bloodwood, an extremely rare and expensive, but beautiful and rugged wood. Mounted on the walls at the top were the heads of different animals, taking up three rows and encircling the room. The animals weren't the cute ones like deer, elk, and gazelle; no, they were the horrifying types... the ones that Lamia Scale hunted. Below them, on each of the walls were weapons galore. Swords, spears, axes, bows, daggars, guns from all civilizations and time periods- all in perfect condition. Tables with glass cases on them lined the bottom of the room with treasures within, neatly arranged to display Kaori's travels. On the far side of the room was a desk with a stack of paper on it a foot thick sitting in the middle, and six more stacks of equal size on the right side. The desk, like the walls, was made of bloodwood and had an ornate golden pattern imbedded into the top that made of gold, not gold paint. Hovering in front the desk were a dozen lacrima screens, all flashing with video feeds from within the residing guild and port town of Hargeon. Kaori was wearing her mask since there was no rule to knock on the door to her office, and she didn't want to be caught off guard. Her attire was different from other day, consisting of a white kimono with a light blue trim that matched the light blue markings on her mask. She had her katana laying on her desk behind her with a satchel full of her standard loadout. Even aboard her ship she was ready for battle...

    Later in the day, after Ashley had begun her chores, Gabriella and Ikuchi had met up in her room for a private chat. He explained to her what her place on the ship was, and what his expectations were. The archangel found his rules to be fair and agreed with no argument, stating that they would begin immediately. Several minutes after, Serqet was in the halls of the ship moving about. As Samira waited outside, she would notice a man approaching who was one of the recruits from the Ancient Ruins. "Oh, hey! Didn't ever think I'd see you again bay- Miss." the man said, instantly stopping himself from calling her 'babe' again. "I don't have much time to chat, but I wanted to say I'm sorry about being an asshat back at the ruins. Captain gave me a poundin' when she heard bout it, and explained how those kinds of names could make people mad. Anyhow, that's all I wanted to say so I gotta get back to moving stuff- later." he said, getting his business over with quickly. After a minute or two, his voice echoed from a short distance away "You look beautiful by the way!" while he was still doing his job.

    Inside the ship, as Serqet called out making her strange sounds, a loud crash would come behind her from where Gabriella sent Ikuchi flying. Ikuchi was wielding a broadsword instead of his usual katana, and him and Gabriella were seeming to have a death battle from how hard they were fighting. Upon smelling Serqet, Ikuchi said "Pause." and Gabriella stopped mid swing and blinked. He vanished, and Serqet would find himself being held by Ikuchi in a bridal position. "Greetings spirit, you seem to belong to lady Nassar." he said calmly, as though holding someone like this was normal. Serqet would notice that Ikuchi's eyes were closed, preventing her from seeing the hellfire irises below. Despite him looking human, he had incredible strength that equalled that of a dragon- something he wasn't too show with normally. The two of them vanished and reappeared at Kaori's office door. "Please wait here." he said and vanished again.

    Back outside the ship, Samira would find herself being held as a bride yet again. "Hello, my lady." he said, this time with his mask on and vanished with Samira. He reappeared inside the ship and just as he arrived, the words "Put her down." came over the loud speaker on the ship in Kaori's tone. Ikuchi set her down gently, as it was his intention from the beginning, and gestured to the door next to him. The door slowly slid open without needing to be touched, and Kaori would be seen inside at her desk- and then she was gone. At the same time, Samira would feel herself being tackled to the floor. "Sammy!" Kaori screamed with glee, seeing her only friend from Fiore made her happy. Kaori sat above her with her legs straddling Samira. She gave a small giggle before vanishing and reappearing standing up, extending a hand to help Sammy off the floor. "Sorry about that. What brings you to my ship? Are you hungry? I can have Ikuchi make some snacks. Come in, I was just doing some paperwork and could use some company. You too Serqet." Kaori said with a very welcoming tone, leading the two into the office.

    Songs Collide: Ice (Job, Kaori, Private) J6q08l11

    Lava Hawk
    Iku's Mask
    Word Count: 1,338/3,750
    Mana: 100%

    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
    Position : Goddess of Humility
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1697
    Guild : Lamia Scale (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 485
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 10,188,889

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Songs Collide: Ice (Job, Kaori, Private) Empty Re: Songs Collide: Ice (Job, Kaori, Private)

    Post by Samira Nassar 13th September 2017, 1:30 pm

    With the sudden crash behind her, Serqet quickly turned and hugged onto her scorpion tail as a reaction of surprise. She was supposed to be the one making the scariness, not the other way around! Her eyes blinked and as her head tilted to the side curiously she noticed the source of the loud crash had been caused by some type of fighting. Didn't people normally do that outdoors? The thought of going to check it out further developed in her mind, but before she could make much progress her invisibility cloak disappeared and she found herself lifted from the ground, held in a very familiar bridal style she had witnessed happening to Samira before. Not only was that quite a pleasant surprise by itself, but Serqet was lucky enough to get the shirtless version. Points scored for the spirit! It was nice being held by a mortal with a set of lovely muscles and she couldn't wait to use it as some fun jokes and pranks against her summoner. "Oooo, so this is what it feels like. Very nice." The spirit became relaxed in his arms, enjoying every second of it, which unfortunately for her wasn't as long as she would of liked. He had done a mini teleport of some sort and dropped her off at a random door before taking off again. "Hey wait!" Her hand went for him but he was already gone. "Awwww. I wanted to see if I could get a backrub." Her arms crossed over her chest as she pouted and waited.

    Samira took her time with her small journey to the Arc of Destiny. Even fully rested she wouldn't of been able to keep up with her spirit so what was the point of trying at that moment? She just hoped Serqet wasn't causing too much trouble in the meantime. As she approached the ship a man had crossed her path, someone she didn't recognize fully but with his explanation he was one of the ones that was recruited from the Ancient Ruins. His life was a lucky one. If not for Iron Fist saving that one man from the trap they likely would not of been recruited and instead would have ended up as corpses in some form. It was odd running into someone and that acted all happy to see her when if things had gone the way she would of left it their fate would of been changed as well. An apology was made, to which she did not have much time to comment on since he had gone back to work. A couple of minutes later as she kept walking the shout of her looking beautiful reached her ears. "A waste of an apology," she whispered quietly as her face flushed from the compliment.

    'In my country, you receive compliment from male you beat his skull in. If still living, he is perfect mate.'

    "...I am not going to do what you just said."

    'Don't blame you. Is often hard to find male willing to compliment after while.'

    Samira couldn't help but almost laugh and resist the urge to make a sarcastic reply of how she wondered why Skadi had difficulties finding someone willing to take her. The small good mood left her almost instantly as she found herself once again picked up bridal style. "Put me down immediately!" She cried as she squirmed in his hold. It didn't take long for her to notice that something was slightly different than before. Eyes widened as she suddenly felt the urge to scream. "Where is your shirt?!" How was it that he remembered to wear a mask but completely forgot about fully dressing himself before poofing into existence to pick someone up? The two vanished and appeared inside the ship where the loud speaker gave the single instruction to put her down. Kaori! Her savior from all things Ikuchi! But who was going to save her from Kaori?! The door to the office opened and as she begun to wave towards her the ninja woman vanished only to reappear in the form of a tackle that sent the both of them to the floor. Maybe she should of sent a letter first to tone down the excitement from a surprise visit.

    "Hello, Kay," Samira said with a small smile as she gave a gentle wave from her place on the floor. The other woman was straddling over her, preventing her from getting up. "Am I allowed to get up now?" The question came off rather timidly as a bubbly sweatdrop appeared on the side of her head. Kaori had removed herself with a happy giggle and helped her to stand. It was still weird seeing that side of Kaori, but Samira felt happy that the other was glad to see her rather than think she was a burden.

    "Ooo, I want snacks!" Serqet raised her arm above her as she walked into the room. This caused Samira to turn towards her and shake her head before turning back to Kaori. "Actually we came to ask if we could get a ride to the Wakusei Portals." The summoner removed the knapsack straps from her shoulder and took out the book she had packed and turned to a page that covered the great ice phoenix of Kosetsu. "I acquired some free time for today and wanted to visit the area to gather what information I could about the creature. No one is for sure if it even exists." Samira held the book to her chest and looked at Kaori with pleaful eyes. "I just require a ride is all. Due to some...personal matters I only have today and any other form of travel would be too slow."

    (Word Count: 956)



    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Vehicle- Ship- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Godess's Boon
    Position : Saint of Passion
    Posts : 763
    Guild : Lamia Scale - "Jizō"
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,444,887.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Assassin Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
    Third Skill:

    Songs Collide: Ice (Job, Kaori, Private) Empty Re: Songs Collide: Ice (Job, Kaori, Private)

    Post by ○Kaori 13th September 2017, 2:46 pm

    Songs Collide: Ice (Job, Kaori, Private) Ukar8e11

    Songs Collide: Ice (Job, Kaori, Private) Nviajx11

    Kaori walked over to her desk and continued going over the papers in front her, most of them being requests from other nobles to 'borrow' some of her land for agricultural purposes, the government of Midi wanting to use some of her clansmen, other nations requesting her assistance with dealing with violent matters, and one person asking her to sell them a goat. The one with an offer to buy a goat from Kaori was immediately balled up and dropped into a hole on the left side of her desk, shortly after a flame shot out letting her guests know that the hole was more like a portal to hell for paper. "Hmmm... seems like everyone and their pet rock has something they want fro- WHO THE HELL MAKES A REQUEST LIKE THIS!?" Kaori randomly shrieked in anger while looking at a request that deserved a medal for conceiving. "Nope. Burning this too." she said and dropped the page in the incinerator. "At least offer something if you want someone to transport your dead wife." she mumbled under her breath, still angry about the rewardless request- what did people think she was, a legal mage? Ridiculous.

    "At the moment Salty's on vacation for another day, and my bike's getting serviced. My hawk would get you there, but then you'd be without backup and I doubt I'm fitting the Arc through one of the Wakusei portals... Then again we could use a space jump, but then the issue comes with a three month ride back..." Kaori spoke while looking over more papers, most of which ended up being used as a sacrifice to the underworld. "You're lucky I like you, I normally charge for favors." Kaori said in a playful and slightly sexy voice before placing a paper weight on the stack of papers that was eight inches thick now before getting up. Kaori grabbed her katana and slid it under her sash and grabbed her satchel. "Come on, we'll grab something from the kitchen on our way out."

    Having taken an elevator down three floors and visited the kitchen, Samira and Serqet would see Ikuchi without a shirt peeling potatoes. Around his waist was a white apron that had the top half dangling, rather than being connected to his neck. His chest lacked any hair, and he was clean shaven so there was no worries about finding something in people's food. Next to him, standing on a step ladder, was a little girl no taller than four feet. She had honey blonde hair, and heterochromia with one eye being sky blue and the other being violet. "Would you mind taking the turnovers out of the oven?" Ikuchi requested, the girl gently setting down the spud and knife and jumping down from the small stool. She walked to an oven nearby with some mitts that were four times bigger than her hands, if not more, and took a tray of turnovers out of the oven. The entire kitchen began smelling of cherries from the pastries, and Kaori began feeling glad she showed up in time. "Could we have some of those?" Kaori asked calmly, the small girl looking at the group with wide, bright eyes. "Yes Miss Kaori." the girl said, causing a small 'eap' to come from Kaori as she resisted all urges to tackle her for fear of dropping hot food on her. The girl wrapped and put the six pastries in a small basket and gave them to Kaori while looking at her with a joyous expression. "Ikky made them fresh so they'll taste really good!" she said, the sound of her voice causing Kaori to blush under her mask. There was only certain levels of cute she could handle... Ashley exceeded all of them.

    Kaori took two from the basket and put them in her satchel, letting Samira and Serqet take however many they wanted. "Master, you are heading out?" Ikuchi asked while continuing to peel potatoes. "Yeah, Sammy and I are gonna go hunt a giant chicken." she replied. "Do you wish for me to accompany you?" "No thanks, you know he doesn't like carrying a lot of people." Kaori said, vaguely using 'him' instead of the creature's name. Ikuchi replied saying 'understood' and let it be. Ikuchi walked over to a drawer and pulled out a scrunchie, handing it to Samira. "I advise you make use of this, my lady." he said, putting it in her hand and returning to his potatoes.

    Returning to the elevator and going to the boarding deck, five floors down, Kaori had still not specified what their mode of transportation would be. Upon stepping out on the docks, a massive creature that Samira knew all too well was waiting for them. Upon her stepping out of the ship, Samira would immediately be licked by something with a massive head with large, demon-like horns pointing behind it. The head would have many exposed teeth, and be decorated with black, gem-like scales that had crimson trimming on the ends. These scales continued down the back of the monster, all the way to the tip of his tail. His sides, and belly were covered in a thick, dark grey, leathery material that may as well be on a rhino. His four massive claws were the same material as his scales, and were razor sharp. In terms of size, the creature stood at six feet tall while standing on its four massive legs, fifteen feet from nose to tail, and three feet from shoulder to shoulder.

    While licking her, he let out small happy whimpers while slowly waving his tail. Kaori immediately began laughing and resting her hand on his head to calm him down. "Relax, you can play with her later." she said through the giggling, immediately receiving a lick on the mask of her own. "We have a target we need to find, but first we need a ride." Kaori said, the large creature switching gears instantly and snarling loudly. He lowered his front side to let Kaori on, and whether or not she liked it, Samira too. One they were on, Kaori would say "Kotetsu." and the beast would be blasting through the streets of Hargeon. He shot through the Wakusei portal and Kaori and he slowed down on the other side, ignoring the frigid temperature. "We're looking for an Ice Phoenix." Kaori said, and the dragonhound began sniffing the air. He snarled and began running as fast as he could while keeping track of the scent. He had stopped at a pillar with a rather large gem in it and began sniffing around the ground, stopping and then letting the girls off.

    Songs Collide: Ice (Job, Kaori, Private) J6q08l11

    Lava Hawk
    Iku's Mask
    Word Count: 2,448/3,750
    Mana: 100%

    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

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    Songs Collide: Ice (Job, Kaori, Private) Empty Re: Songs Collide: Ice (Job, Kaori, Private)

    Post by Samira Nassar 13th September 2017, 5:35 pm

    Samira began to take a look around once Koari walked over to her desk. She would be lying if she said she didn't expect an immediate answer with her request. Some form of no or hesitance. Even a gleeful yes would of been appreciated. All she got was silence though as the other woman began to go through papers on the desk. The summoner could only describe the office as some type of war room. The weapons. Oh my, all those weapons. It should of been an expected thing to see, but after seeing Kaori's room Samira had a tough time expecting anything. She had expected at least one stuffed animal plushie to serve as a stress reliever but instead of that she was met with the many monster heads that served as trophies. Even the decor was a little strange. How was it that an assassin came to have so much wealth to be able to afford all of that? Then her green gaze took notice of the tables with glass cases that had different sorts of treasures displayed within. A surge of excitement spread through her as she rushed on over to have a closer look. It was as if she were a child trying to pick out a toy. Samira moved from case to case, happily staring and making mental notes of each one before going back to the previous ones she had already looked at. It was only with Kaori's angry shout that she jumped in place and returned her focus to reality. Samira bit her lip and held her book tightly to her chest again. 'This was probably not the most appropriate approach.' Samira thought, for once communicating with her spirits inwardly rather than vocally.

    'Agreed. In my country, you bring grand gift when asking favor.'

    'That advice would have helped before we got here.'

    'Bug Lady was in rush. No time for proper preparation.'

    Samira walked over to the desk as Kaori was destroying slips of paper in a rather unusual and unorthodox manner while explaining the many different methods of transportation she had but were unavailable. It seemed getting a ride was going to be impossible and she prepared herself for the inevitable disappointment. However, as usual Kaori had another plan up her sleeve and seemed to not really be bothered on the fact she had just waltzed in there expecting a favor for nothing. Samira felt relief and made a small nervous laugh in reply before following her out of the room. "Come, Serqet," she said as she passed by, remembering that it was probably not a good idea to leave the spirit in there.

    The scorpion spirit had been examining the weapons and when she heard her name she had already been in the process of poking one. "Huh?" Her poke was miscalculated as she looked away and the weapon fell from its place on the wall. "Gah! No, no, no!" Serqet kept her desperate words quiet since she didn't want to hear the other two hear and she had managed to catch it before it clanged on the ground. The weapon was put back easily enough, which was a good thing due to her back up plan being the action of her throwing it into the paper hell underworld that she had seen being used. "Hey wait for me! I am the one that wanted snacks, remember?!"

    Once they had made it into the kitchen Samira could only facepalm at the sight. Ikuchi peeling potatoes and still without a shirt. He had been dressed so nicely during the sleep over party and yet that day he seemed to be fighting the basic principles of wearing proper attire when guests were around. The little girl she had almost missed completely until she had removed herself from her step ladder and made her way over to the oven. Samira blinked, rather confused by the sight. There had been no prior mention of her before nor had she ever laid eyes upon her until right then. She felt it was not her place to ask about it though regardless of her levels of curiosity, especially when she had already asked for a pretty big favor. One thing she was most certain about was that the child was the epitome of adorableness. Then again, she thought that about most children she came across. The company of kids was usually a delight for her even if she didn't make it a point to constantly surround herself with them.

    "Pastries!" Serqet grabbed two from the basket the little girl had filled up with such a happy expression one would think her life was complete. Samira only grabbed one. She wasn't one to have an overly large appetite even if she missed her breakfast. "Huh? Just one? Be more greedy, like me!" The final pastry was taken by the spirit. "There is being greedy, and then there is being gluttonous." Serqet just shrugged, the comment completely going in one ear and out the other as she unwrapped a pastry and began to eat it. Through her full mouth and the activity of chewing the spirit let Samira know that she was going back home to enjoy her tasty pastries. Fighting in a planet of winter was so not good for her health.

    Samira was about to leave the kitchen right about the time a scrunchie was offered to her and placed within her hand. "Thank you?" The woman wasn't trying to be rude, rather she was just confused on why exactly she would need to make use of the hair accessory. The answer came in the form of being licked the moment she left the ship. At first she stepped back, surprised, and uttered a short scream of alarm. Not that it did any good considering she was still under the lick attack. The creature was familiar and once her head started working again she giggled while trying to escape the intimidating looking monster that was really nothing of the sort when it concerned her. "I remember you," she said with a smile as she petted his snout. So, that made one question in her list of unanswered questions answered. The mysterious creature that had helped her defeat a Titano belonged to Kaori and was perhaps sent by her. That explained a lot.

    A bit of hesitation was evident when it became her turn to get on the creature. She didn't exactly prefer the method of travel but it seemed it was going to be the only choice. Samira got on and just before the creature was commanded to take off she recalled the scrunchie. Now the reason she was given it made sense. "Oh, no," she muttered as she realized she had yet to put it on. "One moment I have to put on the-" the command to go was given and the creature she rode upon took off at a high speed. "scrunchhiiiiieeeee!"

    The ride slowed down on the other side of the portal but it did nothing for her already tangled hair that was everywhere in a giant mess. Samira blew a puff of air to remove some of the strands around her face before using her hands to do what she could to fix it. A mistake to assume the ride was over. The speed quickened once more, ruining all progress she had made fixing her hair. Finally it was time to get off and get off she did with much enthusiasm. If only it weren't for the queasiness that followed. Samira held a hand to her stomach as she slowly and somewhat wobbly walked the few steps to the pillar with the large gem. It was with some form of twisted luck that she had no fresh stomach contents to throw up due to missing breakfast. The book was taken out of her pack once more and she instantly flipped it over all the way to the end where some blank pages were as well as a pen stuck between the sheets. Her writing hand began to work, writing everything that came to mind with what she saw and concluded. Kaori and the dragonhound were likely very bored during the process but in a few minutes of the writing and studying the pillar she forgot they were even there. There may have been no phoenix to be seen but Samira doubted the dragonhound was mistaken with its tracking. He had proved capable enough before and it served as evidence for her to fully place her trust on.

    "What is that?" She said, talking to herself even though there was actual company in the area. She got closer to the pillar and, laying the pen back between the sheets of book, she used her hand to brush some of the snow off the structure. A collection of symbols were below the ice blue colored gem that she did not recognize and after taking notes on that she went for the main thing that stood out, actually touching the gem and seeing what happened. The blue gem lit up from her touch and created a thin layer of ice over her hand.

    From behind the shrine a high pitched shriek of a large bird could be heard and from the snow emerged a large blue avian creature, similar to that of a normal Phoenix but with a different element and coloring. The creature was the color of a mix of snow and ice and with its light blue eyes it focused on the small group that had invaded the shrine. What was Samira doing during all of this? Drawing the damn thing rather than bringing out her weapons or spirits. Priorities.

    (Word Count: 1617)



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    Songs Collide: Ice (Job, Kaori, Private) Empty Re: Songs Collide: Ice (Job, Kaori, Private)

    Post by ○Kaori 13th September 2017, 7:13 pm

    Songs Collide: Ice (Job, Kaori, Private) Ukar8e11

    Songs Collide: Ice (Job, Kaori, Private) Nviajx11

    Kaori leaned against her Dragonhound as steam emitted from the snow below from the heat the beast gave off. Kaori felt perfectly fine in the arctic air since Ikuchi was heating the air up around him. They watched as Samira took notes, and even got a bit of freezer burn from the small gem that most adventurers would know is almost always a trap. After that however, the Dragonhound began snarling and getting up as he sensed a change in the wind. A gust came that encircled the pillar, blowing away the snow to reveal a rather large, ritualistic platform that was glowing. Kaori sighed, knowing that something massive was about to attack- it happened every time she and Samira did stuff together. Something weird will always happen...

    Just as the thought crossed Kaori's mind, an unreasonably large shadow was cast on the snow with a loud screech that belonged to something that could fly. Leaning against the dragonhound while he stood, and crossing her arms over her chest with her eyes closed Kaori let out another sigh. "Loud... check. Bigger than logic could dictate a cause for... no shit. Showing up while traveling with Sammy, every-fucking-time..." she said in a half-groaning tone. Then, as though commanded by the gods of Kotetsu himself, Kaori opened her eyes and looked up. "EEEE!!!!" she shouted while it was still displaying its wings by spreading them far apart and releasing its screech. Kaori vanished and the bird's eyes turned white as it let out a loud, panicked squak that got stifled by choking sounds. The bird began falling over to a side and began kicking its claws, and flapping wildly while letting out panic sounds. Snow, feathers, and proverbial hearts floated into the air as Kaori hugged the bird's neck- not knowing she was suffocating it.

    The orb from the pedestal was knocked over from all the small tremors made during the bird's battle, and it hit the floor making a distinct 'clink' sound before rolling over to Ikuchi's claws. Through his eyelids, Ikuchi looked at the object and began examining its magical structure; noting it was quite old. He gently lifted it with his teeth and realized it was no longer ice cold to touch. As it was now safe to carry, the large monster of a wolf walked over to Samira and nudged her shoulder before showing the orb. He sat down and watched as the bird continued its flailing, kicking more snow in the air. "It's so soft, and cute, and OOOOHHH IT'S STILL A BABY!" he heard through all the flailing. A large proverbial sweat bubble appeared trailing down the dragonhound's mind space as he thanked the dragon gods that he was neither fluffy, nor soft. Suddenly, the bird erupted into snow and Kaori landed on the frosty ground sitting on her knees. "...." she was speechless, and feeling quite sad that her new friend had left.

    The dragonhound walked over to Kaori and grabbed the back of her kimono, pulling her up to her feet before setting her down. He let out a type of grumbling sound, as though he were talking to her. Samira would be unable to understand it at all, but Kaori knew he was giving her shit. "But I wanted to be its friend..." Kaori whined back at it, receiving more grumbling. "But- but it was fluffy, and cute... and fluffy." Kaori retorted, receiving a very short grumble from the beast. "It's not fair." Kaori declared while puffing her cheeks under her mask. Her dragonhound poked his head into her stomach and made her keel over him from the force, lifting her up and trotting off towards Samira where he put her down. Then he looked at Samira... the air grew tense as he began thinking of how to proceed. On one end, he could take his trophy and run before his master could catch up. On the other side of the spectrum, the side of logic and reasoning, doing so would be unintelligent since he would have to blow his cover. However, if Samira remembered how things happened last time, she might already have a feeling that Kaori's prior fate was to become her own.

    The large creature approached Samira, but instead of pushing into her, he went behind her. His snout would his her in the upper back to send her to the snow before he dropped his head on her back. Kaori instantly began laughing at the sight on account how rare it was for Ikuchi to be this affectionate towards others. It had happened to her several times, and now she knew what it was like from a third party perspective and it was glorious. "I- I think..." Kaori tried to call him off but was too busy laughing at Samira. She had taken a moment to compose herself, starting to talk but being interrupted so rudely by an audacious giggle that she forced herself to stifle. "Okay, get off her." Kaori said, and her dragonhound following the command.

    Kaori cleared her throat and began tapping her foot on the ground with her arms under her chest. The fact that one of these birds existed would mean there were others, and the fact that the legends were true meant that Kaori wasn't stuck with her one defeat. "Wars are not decided by losses..." she began saying, thinking of something her grandfather had taught her before lighting an entire city on fire "...THEY'RE DECIDED BY GAINS!" she shouted to the gods of Kotetsu, letting her know that her attitude was to screw their rules and keep trying. Kaori used her telekinesis to pull the book from Samira's bag and begin flipping through it rapidly while memorizing the words within. "So there's four more of these things... That which walks the abyss of the heart, bringing forth light from the shadows within. One who lives in mystery, cloaking its soul with a haze that none can see through. The fourth whose blood boils, and feathers ignite the hearts of those around it..." she muttered while reading the pages as quickly as possible. "So the other three are subordinates colored Crimson, Steel, and Ebony... and their leader is rainbow colored." Kaori began thinking where to start.

    She quickly turned to Samira, pointing at her and announced "We should find all of them!" with an awkwardly cheerful attitude. Even if the adventure took several days, Ikuchi was in his beast form; and Samira was blatantly not a zoophile. Kaori was a girl, and to the best of her knowledge she had no desires to do anything more than lay with Samira in bed... with her head on her arm... holding onto her gently... asleep. Chaac would have few reasons to suspect any 'advances' out of Kaori on account of her being a murderous monster who knows no love, or so the rest of the world thought.

    "From what this book mentions, there's three more pillars like this one- each representing something. This one was the Ice pillar, as so elaborately named by the world around it, and the other three are... Soulsmoke, Bloodfire, and Shadow." Kaori said, reiterating what Samira likely read ten thousand times already. "They seem to be named after their element, so I don't really think any of them would be a challenge in battle. A strange man wearing some sort of magic dress visited my clan when I was five and taught me how to alter magical properties. I can change the element of my spells at will, which means we'd always have the advantage." Kaori mumbled something about wanting to befriend one of the birds, but didn't say it loud enough to be heard from any incredible distances. If Samira would agree, then Ikuchi would lay down next to Samira and begin heating the air up instead of grabbing her and running. Kaori would have a malevolent aura about her while approaching, cracking her knuckles in anticipation for what was to come next...

    Songs Collide: Ice (Job, Kaori, Private) J6q08l11

    Lava Hawk
    Iku's Mask
    Word Count: Done
    Mana: 100%

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 9:17 pm