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    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only]


    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Empty Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only]

    Post by Guest 28th September 2017, 5:37 pm

    Vorian had finally prepared for his first job, with his essentials packed, those being an adequate  sized water bottle, a change of clothes, and towels to wipe off any unwanted substances, all in his pack strapped to his side.

    With that out of the way he boarded the train heading towards Terra Ignis and took his seat, according to his job request he will be accompanying a Guy... wait no, a guy named... Guy, 'Interesting name...' Vorian thought. He also took note how he will also be accompanied by two other novice wizards for this job. Well, the more the merrier he thought, no harm in a little company, this was Vorians first mission after all and he was more than a tad nervous about the ordeal.

    Vorian was kicked out of his thoughts by the sudden halt of the train and the view of the mountains in sight. On that note, Vorian sat up, straightened his skirt, and departed from the train.

    Vorian took in the fresh mountain air, the amazing sights annnnnnd the smell of mountain goat poop... which he is standing in... "AHHHH!! EEEW EEW!!" Vorian bolted up the mountain dropping his pack in the process. Vorian landed in a small pile of leaves and used them to wipe off any remaining "Substance" from his boot.

    Vorian sat up from the small pile and tried brushing off any remaining dirt and grime, not only had he lost his pack but he dirtied his favorite outfit. 'Oh the joys of wizardry' Vorian thought.

    Vorian Hiked up the mountain side a bit more, wiping off a few droplets of sweat forming on his brow. Just as Vorian was getting ready to turn around and go home he noticed a small cave entrance and a man standing in front of it.

    Vorian picked up his speed and announced himself to the man "Excuse me! You must be the guy! Er... Guy, I am Vorian, one of the mages sent to escort you" Vorian did a small twirl and smiled. "Once the others arrive we should be on our way!" Vorian said with a smile.

    "Uh... yes, very well" Guy said as he pushed up his glasses.

    Words: 366 / 2000

    Guy's Color Code: #009900

    Monster Dice Rolls: 0 / 4
    Grey Masar
    Grey Masar

    Lineage : Gold Flames of Amatsu
    Position : None
    Posts : 143
    Guild : Nightmare
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Goddess Of The Moon
    Second Skill: None
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    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Empty Re: Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only]

    Post by Grey Masar 29th September 2017, 5:23 pm

    The purple haired girl sat in the Golden Phoenix,She was stroking her hair having nothing to do currently,maybe she could go and explore or do a job,but she was a bit lazy and wanted a job or an adventure to come to her instead.But instead of waiting around she checked out the job request board.There was an interesting job posted there,but no-one seemed to have taken it yet.So she decided to take it,she took the flyer with her and made her way to the job location,which is Terra Ignis.It would be a long while before she got there so she packed some food and a drink.She walked out of the Golden Phoenix guild then out of the portal.At this point she wished that she had some sort of transportation.But now was not the time to be complaining,it'll always be like this so she'll have to just deal with it.

    She walked down the mountain that the portal was on."Everything will all be worth it in the end!" She told herself.She kept up her pace and started to run down the mountain instead.In a moment of minutes she made it down to the multiple forests.She made it through one of the forests and saw a phoenix soaring above her.She started to call out at it,the phoenix dove down and led her towards the outside of the forest,and the outside of the forest where the quickest route to Terra Ignis would be.She thanked the phoenix as she made her way out."That was quicker than i thought" She talked to herself silently.All she had to do was walk a couple more miles and she could make it.An hour later she finally made it and was greeted by a feminine blonde haired male.And an average brown haired looking male."Hello! My Name's Ebisawa Ukikono Of Golden Phoenix,It's nice to meet you both" She told the two males smiling.The average brown haired male was supposed to be the so called 'Guy'.A weird name indeed but it really didn't bother Ebisawa alot since it was just a name."We're just waiting for one more person i'm quite sure" She told the two men.



    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] 6CAP4YvW_o

    Character Info
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    Speech Colors
    #9966ff= Ebisawa #990000=Jeanne


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms-- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    Posts : 500
    Cosmic Coins : 1
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    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Empty Re: Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only]

    Post by Bass 1st October 2017, 2:51 am

    Bass had found the job in a library on their noticeboard. They tended to turn up every now and then. Mostly for people who weren't sure they could rely entirely on guilds. The job seemed simple enough, but the journey to reach the location would take a while. Or at least it would by public transport. Fortunately, for Bass at least, public transport wasn't really something she needed to deal with. She headed outside the library and into an alley nearby and focused causing mechanical wings to form on her back, each fitted with a small thruster. She made a mental note of the job location and then chucked the poster into the bin and took flight.

    The journey was mostly uneventful, but as she neared the location she spotted an abandoned pack near some goat excrement. Somehow the bag had managed to end up suspended on a thin tree branch above a large amount of said excrement. Quite a predicament, but the bag didn't have anything to do with her. Or at least she didn't think it did at first, but after a brief check it seemed that some smelly footprints were heading from the excrement location to the location of the job. Perhaps the client or someone else involved in the job had dropped the pack. She shrugged and performed a quick loop grabbing the bag off of the branch and flew up towards the location landing next to the cave.

    "Apologies for my later arrival. I got distracted by this pack." she stated in her usual monotonous way. [color]"Does it belong to one of you?"[/color] She looked at the two others and then realised she had violated protocol. "Greetings. My name is Bass. I am here for the job." Bass was a machine with black metallic skin and gold markings that glowed slightly. Atop her head were two rabbit ears made of the same black material and her eyes glowed red. She had a feminine figure, but wore no clothing for she had nothing to cover.

    "Are we awaiting anyone else? If not then let us proceed or my tardiness will not be the only delay" Her crimson orbs swept over the party. Based on the ability known as magic sensory these mages weren't much more powerful than her. In fact, the three of them were about the same level as far as she could tell. It would be an interesting partnership.

    405 words


    Welcome Guest.

    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] 8Xdz1Cq

    Current missions(0/6):

    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Empty Re: Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only]

    Post by Guest 1st October 2017, 9:52 pm

    Vorian noticed the arrival of two women, and one holding his lost pack from earlier. "Oh! My pack thank goodness you found it!" Vorian gratefully took his pack from Base and took a small towel out wiping this sides of his mud stained boots. After cleaning himself up he put the rest of his belongings away and zipped his pack up and strapped it back to his shoulder. "Now! I am Vorian of the Noore family, it a pleasure to make everyone's acquaintance" Vorian made a small curtsy to his new partners.

    "If we are all prepared let's not waste any more time and get this mission done, shall we?" Vorian motioned towards Guy, who then nods and begins leading the group into the cave. The entrance is engraved with many different markings and symbols each very unfamiliar to Vorian.

    After a short walk into the cave the group is met with a long passageway with colored tiles. Green, Blue, Red, and Yellow. Before making a move Guy simply picks up a stone and tosses it onto a blue     panel. The stone does not react at first until it begins to glow and eventually implode, leaving small pieces of debris. Vorian gasp in fear as he ponders how to cross the cap.

    Guy eventually reveals secrets to the trap.

    "The s-simplest way I can explain this is DO NOT... touch any tile except for the yellow tiles, they are the only non-lethal tiles." This was extremely helpful advice besides the fact that the room was covered in about... 90 percent dangerous tiles. "If anyone can make it to that pillar at the end of the room... I theories it should be able to let everyone else cross if a person places their hand on the plate."

    Vorian pondered at the idea of jumping across but... he couldn't nearly make such large leaps. "Do you two have any idea to get across? I'm an not expert in this area." Vorian laughed nervously.

    Words: 697 / 2000

    Dice Rolls: 0 / 4

    Last edited by Vorian on 3rd October 2017, 2:55 am; edited 1 time in total
    Grey Masar
    Grey Masar

    Lineage : Gold Flames of Amatsu
    Position : None
    Posts : 143
    Guild : Nightmare
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Goddess Of The Moon
    Second Skill: None
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    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Empty Re: Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only]

    Post by Grey Masar 2nd October 2017, 9:43 pm

    The purple haired girl looked over to the entrance of the cave that she just entered,the other person that they were waiting for had Final come.Eventually the new lady started to apologize for the late entrance but Ebisawa was completely fine with this since she did come late alot to various events as well so she coudn´t say anything about the other lady coping late."It´s Alright Bass,I´ve come late to many events as well,so don´t reel bad.It´s nice to meet you as well as i hope to have a good friendship with you in the future" She told the lady before looking towards the deeper arena of the cave."I agree bass we should get going now,we don´t want to stay here forever" She told the people who she had just met before entering to the deeper area of the cave,mostly she was just following the group instead of leading.

    Eventually they had reached an area that was covered in alot of different colored tiles.And the 'Guy' had warned them all not to touch any tiles that were not yellow.And Ebisawa continued to walk on the tiles that were yellow being careful she didn't accidentaly touch any other colored tiles.And halfway through the tiled pathway they were stuck since the next yellow tile had a large leap leading to it.And of course Ebisawa didn't know what to do here.All she could think of was jumping on another colored tile and jumping agian quickly onto the next yellow tile but that would only let her pass and nobody else.So she started to think very hard and she did find an idea it was to make her shield and let them climb into the shield and jump to the yellow tile but then how would she be able to get across."Uh... Sorry but i really actually have no idea what to do... I can make a shield and you guys could jump off it since it's pretty big,but i wouldn't be able to pass and move onto the mission with you guys" She told them in a sorry tone.She really did want to help but she couldn't do anything at the time.

    Total WC:728/2000


    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] 6CAP4YvW_o

    Character Info
    Magic Info

    Speech Colors
    #9966ff= Ebisawa #990000=Jeanne


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms-- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 500
    Cosmic Coins : 1
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    Experience : 125

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    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Empty Re: Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only]

    Post by Bass 3rd October 2017, 1:45 am

    Fortunately, the bag had been the belonging of one of the group and not some random person who'd gone off to use the bushes. Bass had no real moral compass, but she did not want to be accused of theft as that could prove an annoyance. Eventually they were lead through the cave by 'Guy' until they reached some tiles of various colours. According to the instruction only yellow was viable for standing on. That made things tricky, but for a while they could quite easily walk amongst the yellow tiles. However, eventually they reached a point where passing over to another yellow tile would require acrobatics or athleticism of some kind. Not an ideal situation.

    It seemed that both members of the party were unable to make the leap to the next tile. It was possible Bass might be able to get across, but it would be difficult based on the space that was avaliable. She could activate her flight pack and leap across, but the small area to land on would be difficult. However, there was another option. "Please make some space, this will be a tad difficult." Bass said and began to focus and her feet changed into claws gripping onto the tile tightly beneath her.

    Her hands and arms began to extend till they were a full six feet in length ending in long claws. Her legs began to extend and she essentially formed a bridge across. "My back should be strong enough for you to walk across to get to the next tiles." she stated in her usual monotnous tone as she braced herself. Essentially, she'd formed herself into a human bridge and had secured herself using sharp claws. Her body was constructed of organic metal that could be manipulated by her nanites into weaponry. This technically was weaponry as it was a reach weapon with 'claws' for grabbing and crushing. "However, whilst I urge you to be careful so you don't fall it would be to my benefit if you were able to get across as quickly as possible."

    345 words

    Total word count 749


    Welcome Guest.

    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] 8Xdz1Cq

    Current missions(0/6):

    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Empty Re: Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only]

    Post by Guest 3rd October 2017, 3:32 am

    Vorian was definitely surprised to see a bridge form out of one of his comrades, but it takes all kinds of people he assumed. "Well, that is definitely a handy trick! If only my magic was as handy in this situation." Vorian made a small chuckle and smiled while climbing abroad the organic bridge. "Well... here we go!" Vorian quickly began making his way across the bridge and soon reached the stone plate and slowly placed his hand upon it.

    at first nothing happened and Vorian began to worry but soon all the stone tiles de-activated and a loud rumble was heard. Soon after a path way in front of where Vorian had activated the plate opened up and he yelled to the rest of his group. "It worked! I'll check out the room ahead to check for the next trap!" Guy and Vorian had marched into the dark hallway and watched for any new surprises...

    After what felt like an eternity Vorian began to worry about being lost... Well Guy...
    I think we're lost."
    After not hearing any response Vorian turned around and saw nothing but darkness. "Oh dear.. this isn't good."  As Vorian was about to go back he turned around and noticed strange guardians begin rising out of the walls.

    Vorian had little combat experience and wasn't sure if he was capable if taking on large number of the foes. He noticed 2 spawning out of the darkness but couldn't quite see if there were reinforcements. All he knew was that if there we're too many he would need to find the others... Hopefully they aren't in as much danger as he was right now. But for now he would have to worry about himself and do one simple thing... not die.

    Word count: 1003 / 2000

    Dice Rolls 1 / 4

    Last edited by Vorian on 7th November 2017, 9:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Empty Re: Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only]

    Post by NPC 3rd October 2017, 3:32 am

    The member 'Vorian' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] TV6mrb1
    Grey Masar
    Grey Masar

    Lineage : Gold Flames of Amatsu
    Position : None
    Posts : 143
    Guild : Nightmare
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Goddess Of The Moon
    Second Skill: None
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    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Empty Re: Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only]

    Post by Grey Masar 5th October 2017, 6:23 pm

    Ebisawa sat there in defeat trying to think of a way to even create a bridge like path,but nothing came up.Eventually it came to a point where Bass offered herself as a bride,which was very interesting.But instead of climbing up the 'bridge' that was Bass,she sat there waiting for Vorian to reach the bronze plate,and he did eventually reach the plate.And it made all the tiles flip over so everything was safe,finally Ebisawa could move around without having the danger of falling.

    Vorian went to check out if there was any other traps,But Ebi was tired of this boring stuff and wanted to find adventure so she started to run away into one of the corridors that had opened up after the plate was touched by Vorian.She ran into it so carelessly she didn't even care if anything there was dangerous."Well there seems to be nothing here..." She tried telling anyone who was behind her,but she didn't get any answer.No-one had followed her? It was a bit surprising since people usually went to follow her if she ran away,but no-one had followed her."It's fine i'll be alright" She told herself before going farther into the dark corridor.

    Going deeper into the dark hall,she felt as if something was watching her,like how it feels as if the is watching you in the night.But really the moon does watch you technically,it helps guide you through the night.Or at least that's what Ebisawa was told by the moon goddess Artemis.But of course this feeling was very different from how it would feel to have the moon gazing upon you,if felt as if someone not something was watching her.And something was watching her,she knew this because of the fact that something was starting to crawl out of the shadows.Well it wasn't just one thing it was actually multiple things.Ebisawa had pulled out her staff and switched it into a purple spear and got ready to attack the nearby Golem looking objects/entities.One of the golems charged at her and tried to hit her with it's large hammer,but Ebisawa dodged out of the way just in time,if she didn't try to dodge she probably would've been hit by the hammer.

    Total WC:1092/2000

    OOC; Sorry for taking so long to make the post i was busy with schoolwork and couldn't make the post til today.


    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] 6CAP4YvW_o

    Character Info
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    Speech Colors
    #9966ff= Ebisawa #990000=Jeanne


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms-- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 500
    Cosmic Coins : 1
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : -
    Experience : 125

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Naknight
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    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Empty Re: Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only]

    Post by Bass 6th October 2017, 3:16 am

    Bass had braced herself for someone to climb across and indeed they had. Fortunately, the entire group didn't have to climb across as the theory of Guy that the pillar would deactivate these traps proved to be correct. That allowed the group to proceed and for Bass to slowly reform into her usual self and follow after. However, shortly after heading down the corridor and entering a room Bass somehow found herself alone. She looked about for the others, but they were nowhere to be seen. She tilted her head curiously and then began to focus a layer of mist seeping around her mapping out the area within 100m within her mind. Suddenly, she backflipped avoiding vines that would of ensnared her should she have stood still. Two golems hammer were poised to strike the area as well whilst a third seemed to be controlling the vines. The proposed idea appeared to be trapping her with the vines whilst the other two smashed her. A good strategy but not that useful. Golems were magical beings but they still registered as objects and so they came up perfectly well on her map. That was why she'd moved. The dodging of the vines had just been extra luck on her part.

    "Three targets acquired. Parameter set: Eliminate all targets. Combat mode engaged." she said and with that she tapped the side of her head and battle music began to play. "Time to drop the Bass." With that she charged forward her own arm forming into a large war hammer. Rather than going for a direct blow she dove to the side and spring boarded off her hand and spun in the air colliding with the hammer wielding arm of one of the golems smashing it clean through and taking out a good part of its chest. Vines began to move towards her once more attempting to ensnare her. Two sets this time. It seemed by disabling the golem's weapon she had forced it to resort to magic. Her arm quickly changed into a spinning blade which sliced apart the vines before it could reach her. Somehow one of the golems had moved faster than expected because she was struck in the side by the hammer and sent flying into the wall. "Reevaluating situation. Target's speed is higher than expected. Preparing Assault Mode."

    390 words

    1139 total


    Welcome Guest.

    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] 8Xdz1Cq

    Current missions(0/6):

    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Empty Re: Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only]

    Post by Guest 7th October 2017, 3:26 am

    As the golems rambled closer he noticed only one other through the darkness leading to a total of three golems. This shouldn't be too much trouble, he thought.

    With Ifrit summoned he ignited his claws slashing at the stone golems, the damage seemed to affect them but not enough before they commanded strange vines to grasp at Vorian

    *Continued after dice rolls*

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    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Empty Re: Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only]

    Post by NPC 7th October 2017, 3:26 am

    The member 'Vorian' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Block Dice' :
    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Block Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Block Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Block

    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Empty Re: Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only]

    Post by Guest 7th October 2017, 11:50 am

    OOC: ^ OK that didn't work...^

    Vorian was ensnared in the grasping vines and was unable to move. Luckily, Ifrit was not grabbed and continued to attack the golems, with one more slash one golem was down which left two more.  Ifrit was beginning to look faint, and might not be able to finish off two more golems.

    Vorian began to worry as if Ifrit falls he wont be able to call out another spirit to fight, "Curse these Vines!" Vorian continued to struggle against the vines all while Ifrit tried to fend off the golems for Vorian. Ifirit was slammed againts a while from one of the golems hammers.

    This attack left a small opening for one of the golems and it rushed towards Vorian slamming one of it's hammers right into his side leaving him winded while still trapped in the vines.

    Ifrit rushed behind the hostile golem and slashed it through, leaving nothing but a pile of rubble. This left the last golem for him to handle. Sadly though, Ifrit collapsed from exhaustion and eventually faded and his spirit returned to the book.

    Vorian was panicking, struggling to retrieve his book to summon a spirit. As the golem edged closer Vorian managed to grab his book at his side and summon his spirit: Globe.

    The small blind spirit was summoned in a flash of light, "Globe, dear, could you handle that Golem for me please?" Globe gave a small nod and as the golem grew closer  the ground below grew bright and a sharp stone stalagmite grew underneath the golem impaling it whole and leaving a pile of stones.

    Vorian sighed with relief as the vines withered away, and the room flooded with light as a pathway opened.

    Vorian entered the room which held a shocked Guy, "Guy! Oh dear, are you alright?" Vorian knelt towards guy and he gave a small reassuring nod. Vorian sighed with relief and sat down with guy, and bookmarked his spirit globe, for a later use.

    Let's wait here for the others, i'm sure they'll be through any minute."

    Words: 1403 / 2000

    Dice Rolls: 1 / 4
    Grey Masar
    Grey Masar

    Lineage : Gold Flames of Amatsu
    Position : None
    Posts : 143
    Guild : Nightmare
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Goddess Of The Moon
    Second Skill: None
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    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Empty Re: Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only]

    Post by Grey Masar 12th October 2017, 4:02 pm

    Rolling some block dice


    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] 6CAP4YvW_o

    Character Info
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    Speech Colors
    #9966ff= Ebisawa #990000=Jeanne


    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

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    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Empty Re: Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only]

    Post by NPC 12th October 2017, 4:02 pm

    The member 'Grey Masar' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Block Dice' :
    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] FailedBlock Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Block Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Block
    Grey Masar
    Grey Masar

    Lineage : Gold Flames of Amatsu
    Position : None
    Posts : 143
    Guild : Nightmare
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Goddess Of The Moon
    Second Skill: None
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    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Empty Re: Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only]

    Post by Grey Masar 12th October 2017, 4:48 pm

    Ebisawa looked at the three stone golems that were trying to attack her.One of them had tried to hit her again but she jumped up just in time and ended up getting on top of the golem's head? It didn't really look like a head mostly just like a regular rock.She ended up jumping off and getting her spear ready.She wanted to defeat the golems as quickly as possible so she started to poke the golems with her spear.And of course there really was nothing that it did,it just made horrible scratching noises everytime she poked the golems.She started to give up and tried to run away but before she could do anything a vine or plant stem went chasing after her,she slashed through it and found out it was from one of the golems.She started to run away after learning this but this time she had been captured by the vines,She was grabbed by the vines and pinned to the wall.

    "Let me go! This is no way to treat a moon goddess!" She yelled in frustration at the golems.They didn't really have a reaction to this and just watched her stuck against the wall.Her spear was still in her hand but she couldn't really aim it to cut the vines of her,and instead she threw the spear into the ground.The spear glowed and a tall black haired lady appeared beside the spear."Artemis do your best!" She told Artemis hoping that she would defeat the golems.Artemis grabbed Ebi's staff and used it to try to damage the golems,now this time she did actual damage since the golems started to fall back from her."Go Artemis Go!" Ebi cheered.After hitting each of the golems in an equal amount of time she stared into one of the golems eyes and three red arrows appeared form the spear.Each one shot at each golem and made them break apart.And they just turned into a pile of stone.Artemis had disappeared after defeating the golems and Ebisawa was released from the vines."Finally,Freedom to move!" She told herself giving a sigh of relief as she grabbed her spear.She started to move deeper into the corridor and made sure that she wasn't going to be surprised by the golems again.But before she could reach the end of the corridor a pathway had opened up in the wall,she entered it and was greeted by a shocked Vorian and a shocked 'guy' as well."Dealing with those Golems was difficult." She told Vorian as she sat on the ground waiting for the Bass to come to the room.

    Total WC:1519/2000

    OOC; Sorry for taking so long


    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] 6CAP4YvW_o

    Character Info
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    Speech Colors
    #9966ff= Ebisawa #990000=Jeanne


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms-- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 500
    Cosmic Coins : 1
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : -
    Experience : 125

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    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Empty Re: Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only]

    Post by Bass 19th October 2017, 3:11 pm

    (Sorry guys real life got in the way for a few days there)

    With the words preparing assault mode Bass prepared to use her magic or what passed for magic in her case to improve her body when her keen eyes noticed a flaw in one of the golem's legs. With that she charged forward once more and swung her hand towards it. As her hand flew it turned into a blade which struck into the weakened joint. The golem was about to swing one of its heavy hammer like hands when suddenly the leg exploded outwards and the golem toppled to the side its own weight causing it to shatter as it hit the ground. As it fell it was revealed that Bass's knife like hand had split once it embedded and basically torn apart the golem's leg at the identified weak spot. It had prove more effective than expected.

    It was at that point that vines began to twirl around her, but not just her. No, they began to twirl around the pieces of stone picking them up and using them as projectiles to hit her. She didn't have much time to react to both assaults so she did the only thing that came to mind. She jumped and activated her thrusters slightly to blast into the air and clear of the vines. A glow came to her eyes as she flipped in the air and kicked off the ceiling blasting herself rowards the final golem with a powerful double handed blow. Except both of her hands formed into large maces shattering the golem.

    It was as the golems fell that her mist picked up that that the room had changed allowing her to progress to where she found the other two waiting. "Apologies for the delay." she stated, but did not explain herself at first. If they wanted explanations they would ask. "I suggest we try to stick closer together so we don't get divided again."

    Her gaze turned over to the guide known as Guy. He didn't seem to have fared too badly. In fact, it almost looked as if he had not suffered injury at all. Perhaps only the three mages had been forced into battle because they thought Guy could not proceed on his own? An interesting theory, but she doubted Guy would be completely helpless. He did seem to have some tools of his own after all and he was smart.

    395 words
    1534 words total


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    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] 8Xdz1Cq

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    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Empty Re: Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only]

    Post by Guest 3rd November 2017, 11:25 pm

    Vorian had waited with the calmed down Guy while the rest of their companions eventually made their way back together past the strange hallway. "Well, now that we are all back together shall we continue on?" Vorian and Guy stood up from the stone floor and were about to move on until Guy had suddenly seemed much more ecstatic.

    "I think this might be it!" Guy had run up to an ornate looking door pushing the old door open, the door lead to a large open room with a stone sarcophagus and a large marble statue. The statue showed a man holding several gemstones laid in an ancient looking shield. Guy's eyes lit up with excitement as he began to ramble on about how Prismic Aegis held power in these stones to pass on their strength if they fell.

    As Guy continued talking Vorian had an uneasy feeling in his stomach as Guy slowly began inching closer and closer to the shield, "Guy, might you back away a bit? I don't want another trap to activ-" Vorian was cut off as he noticed Guy's foot sink into the floor when he stepped on the marble statues own foot.

    The shield began to fall from its position in the statues hand, Guy instinctively tried to grab for the shield but it simply began to... float? The shield began glowing and it's ancient appearance began to melt away. Ages of rust and dust disappeared and the shield began to glow anew.

    Guy was transfixed on the shield, "Do you hear that?" Vorian shook his head and looked at the others in the group in question but saw no one speaking. "Guy, perhaps we might leave now? This is getting rather dangerous." Guy ignored Vorians plea and reached for the shield again.

    Vorian hadn't noticed it before but the floor was littered with deceased warriors, only leaving their skeletons behind. As Guy reached for the shield however, they began to stir and rise from their slumber. Vorian readies his tome and yells for Guy to get behind them. However, as Guy touches the shield, the stones begin to glow and shoot out of the shield, the red gem penetrating Guy through the chest and lifting him into the air in a bright red light. The other gems disappear through an opening in the ceiling of the room.

    Vorian has no time to get Guy as more and more skeletons appear...

    Words: 1810 / 2000
    Monster Dice Rolls: 2 / 4
    [OOC: Sorry this took so long! didn't have computer access for about 2 weeks]

    Last edited by Vorian on 3rd November 2017, 11:29 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Empty Re: Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only]

    Post by NPC 3rd November 2017, 11:25 pm

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    Grey Masar
    Grey Masar

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    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Empty Re: Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only]

    Post by Grey Masar 4th November 2017, 6:27 pm

    Ebisawa was a little bit exhausted by the fighting but she was still ready for anything,but luckily she didn't have to fight for the time being since they were met by a corridor with a stone door at the end.Guy had suddenly rushed over to the door filled with joy like someone on christmas day."This'll be fun to see what's gonna happen right guys?" She said as she followed guy and the rest of the party.They reached the door and guy pushed the door open,the whole party was met by a giant statue and an ecstatic guy.

    "What's so special about this place...?" She said as she looked around the place.But eventually she fixed her eyes on the statue it seemed like a old man holding some sort of shield with gems encrusted upon it.It was very shiny,maybe Guy was there to take the gemstones.But that was the only thing you could find interesting knowing that the whole room was just describing death,skeletons,armor, and more coffins, it was extremely creepy to Ebisawa.But then Guy started to explain the history of a king and prism knights or something like that,Ebisawa was extremely bored at this point and started to play around with her hair.But finally Guy was finished,all Ebisawa could even understand was that the gems gave the prism knights magical powers.But that was all she remembered since she almost fell asleep.But then Guy start talking even more getting mad about the fact it was gems and not some sort of Lacrima,Ebisawa just covered her ears and watched how fast his lips were going.

    But as soon as he reached the end of his sentence he stepped on the foot of the statue,the giant shield started to fall down almost hitting Guy."Noooo!" She yelled watching the shield falling on Guy,but it didn't even touch guy it froze in the air and the rust and dirt on it washed away.It was an interesting sight,but guy started to ask "Can you hear That?".Of course no-one heard anything but Guy started to touch the shield,some skeletons were starting to rise up."This is definitely a dangerous area now..." She said agreeing with Vorian,But as Guy touches the shield the gemstones started to fly,but the red one shot right at Guy,penetrating through his chest area.The other gems had flew away through a hole from the ceiling but Ebisawa didn't care about that.She was speechless,she thought guy was gonna die.But guy started to fly into the air and explode into a bright red light,the skeletons started to hiss and growl and surround the party.There was no way to save Guy,Ebisawa got ready to defea the skeletons."This'll be fun" She said with a smirk on her face as more skeletons appeared.

    Total WC:1972/2000

    OOC; I guess all of us were busy hahaha.


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    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Empty Re: Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only]

    Post by NPC 4th November 2017, 6:27 pm

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    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Empty Re: Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only]

    Post by Bass 5th November 2017, 3:57 am

    Such a strange situation. However, unlike Ebisawa the machine known as Bass was paying attention quite avidly to what was being said by guy the Guide. This wasn't because she cared about this particular bit of knowledge, but that it was knowledge in general. Bass was somewhat of an infovore. Any and all information she heard that she hadn't heard before she devoured. She would spend large amounts of time in libraries and attending lecture just to learn. However, her enrapture state was interrupted when Guy activated what seemed to be another trap. The shield rusted with age dropped towards him, but stopped and floated in the air suspended by magic. Or at least she guessed it was magic. The issue though wasn't the shield which seem to have somehow de-aged, curious as Bass was about that phenomenom, but the skeletal warriors who were rising up and seemingly preparing for battle.

    Red light pierced into Guy and he rose into the air surrounded by that light. However, Bass was no longer paying attention to that, but to the enemy skeletal figures. There were quite a few of them and even with their increased numbers the group were severely outnumbered.

    "Tactical analysis: We're are outnumbered. However, enemies are skeletal...likely to be fragile. Threat level: Medium." Bass said and formed one of her hands into a large hammer. A blunt attack would be much more effective against such an opponent. It was as she watched she noticed a strange gas-like substance flowing through the mouth of some of the creatures. For Bass, not having the ability to inhale, it likely wasn't a threat unless it was some form of acid. However, for the other two it might be dangerous. "Suggest not inhaling gas incase its poisonous." A glow of slight joy came to her eyes. "However, most poisonous gases are also flammable and/or explosive. We can likely use that to our advantage."

    320 words

    Last edited by Bass on 5th November 2017, 4:01 am; edited 1 time in total


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    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Empty Re: Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only]

    Post by NPC 5th November 2017, 3:57 am

    The member 'Bass' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Empty Re: Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only]

    Post by Guest 7th November 2017, 5:33 pm

    The group was surrounded by about 14 skeletons, all who breathed a rather noxious gas filling the room slowly with the poison. Vorian began coughing as his lungs were burning from the gas. Bass had mentioned something about igniting the skeletons due to the flammable fumes they are spewing.

    Vorian opened his tome and began to call one of his spirits."Come, Fiery Hell-Hound, Ifrit!"A bright flash of fire and light appeared and shaped into a small dog-like creature. "Ignite these dastardly creatures!" Ifrit smirked slightly and ignited his claws. He slashed at several of the skeletons and in the process caused each one he attacked to explode into a pile of fire and smoke.

    Ifrit was beginning to appear over-run however, as he can only take on so many at a time. While Ifirit was attacking the skeletons one charged at Vorian, slashing at him. Vorian dodged the blade far enough to avoid damage however, his outfit had received a clean cut through the sleeve.

    Vorian looked down at the tattered sleeve in anger. Vorian was overtaken with rage and kicked the warrior back against a wall, it had not caused any serious damage to it but made Vorian feel a tad bit better anyway.

    As the battle raged Ifirit could fight no longer and eventually was cut down by the warriors, he disappeared in a puff of light and smoke, leaving Vorian defenseless. Vorian was panicked now, he had no other offensive spirits left. Leaving now only his supportive spirits.

    Vorian opened his tome Come, Meek spirit of strength, Voxula!" A small spirit appeared cowering with tears brimming at the sight of so many monsters. "Don't be afraid, just keep our spirits high!" Vorian smiled at the timid spirit who nodded back in return. Voxula began to glow and began to give Bass a boost in their strength allowing for quicker KO's.

    Vorian had hoped it would be enough, as right now he is out of the fight until Ifirit is recovered enough to be re-summoned.

    Words: 2147 / 2000 *complete*

    Dice Rolls: 4 / 4 *complete*

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    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] Empty Re: Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only]

    Post by Bass 24th November 2017, 3:18 pm

    (Skipping due to long time waiting)

    Bass nodded in agreement as she saw the skeletal forces explode with the power of the firey spirit and the gas. As suspected the gas was indeed flammable and her ally had taken clear advantage of that. However, Bass was still not confident in their chances. She didn't have any easy way to ignite the gas and by the looks of it Vorian was out of tricks. The strength boost was nice, but she didn't relish get in range of that gas. She couldn't inhale, but it seemed to be doing something to the ground. An acidic poison perhaps? In that case she didn't want to get into range unless she could get in or out quick.

    In the time it had taken Vorian's ifrit to burn down some she had struck out with her fist like a hammer and thought to shatter one, but the skeleton barely even flinched. A few cracks maybe, but it held firm. With the strength boost perhaps she could cause more damage, but it wasn't guaranteed.

    She snapped her fingers and then flicked her hand down to her side a strange glow flowing through her body. She had her own thing she could summon via magical means, but unfortunately it had to travel through the physical plain. Fortunately, though it was fairly close and should even their odds, but until it arrived she had no choice. She hoped that something stronger wasn't due to arrive because she was about to use one of her trump cards.

    "Engaging Assault Mode." she said and her body once more glowed as the nanites that formed her body rapidly reshaped giving her a slimmer, but somehow more deadly looking shape. She lunged forward at high speed and struck once more with the hammer, but instead of her arm it was a leg sweep. The blow was so strong it knocked the head clean off one of the skeletal warriors and towards a wall. However, the strength was so great it actually shattered in midair from the friction and stress. As she landed she struck out with both hands like a shovel and struck two more in the chest sending them flying backwards before rapidly backflipping out of the poisonous gas. Assault mode was powerful, but it made her into a glass cannon and already she could feel some of the damage from that acidic poison. Still, she'd taken one out of the battle permanently and weakened two. That was a good start.

    421 words


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