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    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only]


    Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Caverns and Caves, oh my! [Job/Invite Only]

    Post by Guest 25th November 2017, 9:05 pm

    Vorian's strength was dwindling, with each passing slash the skeletons threw, the slower Vorian was becoming. As it seemed the end was near Guy had exploded into an even larger red light and send friend and foe flying into the walls.

    Vorian looked up from his now crouched position next to the wall and had noticed Guy was no longer floating, but was dressed in a rather tacky red suit of armor with a shield on his back an a large red spear in his hands.

    "Guy" looked around for a few moments before slashing at the horde of skeletons easily wiping out several of them. Vorian stood up relinquished of his fears and had a surge of confidence.

    Vorian had sent his spirit, Voxula, back into the book and began to summon a new spirit. "Come, the queen of Fairy's and life. Fae Queen!" In an instant and flash of light, a beautiful woman adorned with a green dress and large wings had appeared on the field. "I could use a bit of a pick me up if you don't mind." The Queen nodded and enchanted Vorian with her powers, healing him of his pain.

    Vorian stood up and rushed towards Guy, helping him fend off the remaining skeletons.

    After a bit more fighting they had finally finished off the remainder of the skeletons. Vorian sighed with relief looked towards Guy who had removed his helmet now. "This is incredible! If my research into the history of these stones is correct, I seem to have been chosen to carry on the legacy of the Red Prism Knight! That voice I was hearing earlier, was actually King Gen'atoh, asking me to bring together the rest of the Prism Knights! Before Guy could ramble on any further he stopped himself and looked at the group.

    "I must thank you all so much, without your help I would never have been able to accomplish this, here if your reward. Guy handed the group a rather hefty bag of jewels. "Now, I must be on my way to find the others. I have a feeling we will meet again one day!" With that Guy had rushed out of the temple onward to wherever fate was to take him.

    Vorian looked at the rest of his group and gave them a warm-hearted smile "I must also thank the both of you for joining me on this mission, You have made my first mission a rather pleasant one. I hope we get the chance to meet again. Ah! I had almost forgot, my train leaves in a few minutes, I'm sorry but I must get going! Farewell!" Vorian smiled and waved at the group once again, and had made his way out of the cavern eventually reaching the bottom of the mountain and onto his almost departed train.

    *Exit Thread*

    Final Word Count: 2620 / 2000

    p.s. This was a really fun mission you guys, I hope we can do one together again sometime!

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 8:20 pm