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    Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private


    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Vehicle- Ship- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Godess's Boon
    Position : Saint of Passion
    Posts : 763
    Guild : Lamia Scale - "Jizō"
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,444,887.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Assassin Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
    Third Skill:

    Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private Empty Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private

    Post by ○Kaori 30th October 2017, 2:54 pm


    Following the very embarrassing, but not necessarily unwelcome method by which Kaori had reclaimed the last portion of her heart- Samira would wake up in one of the rooms in Hibiscus rather than in Kaori's room on the Ark of Destiny. The ninja didn't exactly know how to face her friend after all the trouble she was put through, and she needed some time to get her thoughts together. She sat on her bed with her back against the back board, knees pulled into her chest and head resting on them. Ikuchi had opened the door silently and leaned against it while crossing his arms over his chest. He moved his arm over and gave the door a couple taps to let his master know she was no longer alone. Kaori gently lifted her head to reveal not a single tear was shed and blinked a couple times while looking at him inquisitively. "Master-" "Ahem!" Kaori interrupted him with a very 'subtle' pissed off look. Ikuchi let out a sight "My apologies, Kaori." "That's better. Now, what is it?" Kaori replied and relaxed her face. "Samira has gone through many efforts, trials, sacrifices, and hells to get you to this point. If there was anything you could say or do to make her separate from you, I think it would stop just shy of killing her while not possessed." It was with that, that Ikuchi turned to face the hallway and stop halfway. "I believe we should talk to our ship warden, he seems to have left the keys to the shuttle in the ignition. It also seems launch preparations are made, how sloppy." He said in a suggestive tone before leaving the room entirely, leaving the door open.

    Kaori let out a frustrated groan and buried her head in her knees again. "Summoner, you okay?" the sound of Ira's voice was heard, though, not in Kaori's mind as her other spirit's would be heard. Kaori turned her head to expose one eye to Ira, who was floating over Kaori with a concerned look on her face. Kaori grabbed Ira and pulled her down to the bed, the red haired spirit let out an audible yelp out of surprise and turned red when she realized Kaori was cuddling her, with her head on Ira's chest. "I believe your servant was trying to tell you to go talk with your lover." a soft spoken, mature voice said from not far away. Ira began hugging Kaori back and rubbing her head while blinking, still not used to having an affectionate summoner... That, and Kaori's reputation for brutality did not coincide with... this. "I know..." Kaori groaned, not denying the status Query had given Samira. Query was sitting at the edge of the bed, looking at her sister and summoner cuddling. "What do you think Ira? You agree with Iku too?" Kaori asked, wanting to get a third opinion. "You'll need to face her eventually, it'd suck if you two became awkward around each other- so yeah." the spirit replied. "I never stated I agree with his opinion... but yes, I do agree." Query commented, making it official. Three for three, Kaori was outvoted and she got up while making her way to her wardrobe to try and find something suitable to gift her. "Kaori, I believe I have something she would find more valuable than any human item. Consider it a gift from us to her for saving you." Query said calmly. Kaori turned to see that the spirit was standing directly behind her with a peculiar object in her hand, one that Kaori took and looked at curiously. The spirit explained what it was, and how it worked and Kaori had liked the gift herself since it meant she'd be able to protect Samira. Kaori also took a small wooden box with a hibiscus burned onto the polished cover to act as a gift from her clan, and not just Kaori herself.

    Kaori left the room and the two spirits vanished in a puff of red and azure particles. Kaori had taken the shuttle down to Earthland and made her way to Hibiscus, but found it was empty and figured Samira had gone back to the castle. She vanished and reappeared next to Sammy's window, peeking through to see her sitting at her desk writing something. She would feel the chair pulling itself back a bit just before Kaori appeared sitting on her as though she were riding a horse. Them being fully clothed meant nothing weird was happening, though, Kaori was kissing Samira. Samira would feel Kaori's heart pounding, embarrassment filling her along with happiness. Kaori wrapped her arms around Samira's shoulders and disconnected the kiss before resting her head on her arm, her face in Samira's direction. Kaori had kissed her to establish a connection with the summoner, so she could feel Kaori's heart and know her words were true. "I'm sorry for that, you can hit me later if you want." she said in a soft voice before tightening her hug on Samira, pulling herself to press firmly against the green eyed woman. "I wanted to say I'm sorry for everything... I ran away because I couldn't control my magic and didn't want to hurt you. I was scared that you'd hate me for letting the false version get to me, and I didn't want to face that reality. I was so ashamed of myself that I couldn't face Ashley or Ikuchi, so I left Gabriella to care for them. I was so broken that I stopped eating  and made everyone worry, and you were completely unaware- I'm sorry for that. I'm a coward, too afraid to talk to her closest friends and allies and I'm sorry for being so weak." Before Samira could say anything, Kaori had pressed her lips to hers again and closed her eyes. Their current position would make pulling or pushing away quite hard... 'You're the most amazing person I've ever met, and I owe you so much. You're able to contract so many amazing and fun spirits. You care about others so much that you make me look like a devil, and you're so smart it terrifies me. Seeing you nearly become a child at the sight of artifacts makes my heart skip beats, and I feel happy when you're like that. I feel calm at your side, and never want you to feel mad at me again.' Kaori disconnected the kiss and the hug, but remained sitting on Samira. She would see Kaori's eyes glistening with tears running down her face. "I know I don't have a chance, but I do love you."

    Kaori jerked out of shock, her eyes growing wide just before she frantically began patting herself. A hole in space appeared and the wooden box from earlier as well as a golden key with a hibiscus on the end had fell out. Kaori let out a sigh "Thanks Q." she said, a hand reaching out the portal with a thumbs up before vanishing again. Her face fully red from her screw up, and the current situation entirely, Kaori grabbed Samira's wrist gently and set the key in it. "This is my key, you can use it to summon me anywhere and anytime. It's a gift from my spirits to thank you for everything you did for me. Aquarius had to pull a lot of strings and even punched the king, which may or may not have resulted in him getting punched back to get the contract sanctioned." Kaori then held out the wooden box with the hibiscus burned on it. "This is a gift from me. Traditionally, the only way of getting this is by marrying someone from my clan, but as the leader I can give it to anyone I see fit. With it, you'll be recognized as a full member of my clan. You can own land, establish business, and have your own blade forged our lands. I'm... going to go now and recover from today." Kaori then vanished, leaving the closed box with Samira. Inside it was a necklace with a golden hibiscus on it, exactly like the one Ikuchi wore. All in all, Samira wasn't really allowed a chance to reply before Kaori vanished since the ninja was much too embarrassed to linger.

    One Day Later...

    Kaori didn't want to risk Samira hunting her down and finding her, so she hid in the most obvious place since it was also the least likely for her to expect the ninja to be... Her bedroom in Lamia Scale. She had spent the remainder of the day and her night there, only to have her door knocked on in the morning with a man calling "Izanami" through it and making Kaori think 'Who the fuck is Izanami?' while getting out of bed. She opened the door to find a man standing there with a smile on his face. "Izanami, I'm glad you were actually here! The others-" "Name's not Izanami, you got the wrong room." Kaori interrupted him and began closing the door. The only reason she stopped was because he said "You weren't told yet?" to which she replied by asking "Told what?" The man cleared his throat and said "You were labeled one of our guild's aces, all of which have a code name. You were given Izanami after one of the moon goddesses... it was decided by a multitude of the other members." Kaori only looked at him blankly with a frown on her face, the promotion was something she found highly unnecessary. "Some... guy wanted me to give this to the strongest person in the guild..." he said awkwardly before holding a letter out to Kaori. Allegedly being a Wizard Saint meant you were among the strongest wizards in Fiore, and to the best of her knowledge, she was the only one in the entire castle... so she supposed he wasn't wrong, but she wouldn't dare agree with being called the strongest. Kaori took the notice and closed the door, taking the letter to her bed to read it over.

    Kaori scanned over the letter and from what she could gather, there was some magic researcher off in a country that hadn't yet been raped by the rest of humanity who was now realizing that remote land masses with dangerous animals, primative humans, and giant monsters are- wait for it... DANGEROUS! Kaori couldn't help but to roll her eyes at the request since anyone with common sense would've taken a few body guards with them. She let out a sigh that was also a loud groan and folded the notice up. Much to her fortune, she was asked to meet with the magical dunce before conducting the mission. Kaori stood up and vanished, reappearing in front of Samira's door and raising her fist to knock but stopped an inch from it. She honestly was considering doing this as just her and Ikuchi on account of the day before... then her face turned red and she remembered the day before all over again. She then forced herself to knock, and as Samira opened the door, she'd see Kaori avoiding her gaze with an unsure look on her face. Unlike the last time she saw Kaori like this, the ninja moved forward and embraced her warmly. Once the hug disconnected, Kaori would ask "May I come in?"

    If Samira didn't let Kaori enter her room, she would ask her to meet Kaori at Hibiscus. In that case, she'd talk to her in one of the rooms in the upstairs portion of the restaurant. If Samira did let Kaori enter, then their little meeting would occur much faster. Regardless of whose room the meeting was held in, Kaori would sit on the bed. "Here, check this letter out." Kaori would say, her demeanor returning to the same confidence she used to have as she gave Samira the folded up notice. "That new landmass we found seems to already have someone on it. Judging by their situation, they arrived after we did so Gisen still has the ability to claim the land- though, that doesn't mean others don't have the ability to try and claim it from her, but I digress. The new inhabitant decided to go there without bringing anything more than a single person to help his research. As we both know, there's monsters on that land and in the sea near it. He also seems to have run into an issue where a lack of materials have left him unable to conduct some research, and would like some help. He's requested the strongest mage in the guild, but he'll need to settle for two helpers since I honestly don't feel like finding out which one of us is more powerful. That, and I'm not going anywhere without my favorite person in the world to back me up." Kaori's last line was delivered with a friendly smile and warm tone. "Naturally if you don't wanna come I won't force you. I'm heading out at noon, dock P-42 is where I'll be." Kaori left the letter with Samira and vanished so she could think about whether she wanted to help Kaori or not.

    Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private GTT5usu

    Once Samira got to the docks, she'd see a much different ship than Kaori's usual Sci-Fi looking ones. A member of the crew would escort Samira on the ship and to her room. This one looked more appropriate for the world they lived in as it looked like an actual boat. The ship had a metallic hull, and the deck was made entirely of wood. It floated over the water's surface, so it was safe to assume that they would be flying to their destination. The ship featured a much more open deck than any of her other ones and allowed those riding it to walk around in the sun during transport. Above the deck was the helm that overlooked most of the ship, and below deck were the living quarters where, just like on the White Mermaid, a door literally had Samira's name on it. The room was a bit bigger and had a full sized bed instead of twin, as well as a larger corner desk. The desk was bloodwood with gold embedded into the top with an intricate pattern. It had shelves for books, and the middle was a large work space for when Samira needed to do research. A lacrima screen in the middle overlooked that work space, and upon Samira looking at it, a voice would call to her. "Salutations Miss Nassar!" and a girl would appear on screen smiling at her. "I am Artemis, the Artificial Intelligence belonging to this ship and this is a pre-recorded message. To preserve your privacy, I am unable to interact with you in your room unless directly requested. To do this, press the icon highlighted in the bottom-right of your screen." A large flashing circle would appear over a shield icon at the specified location for a good ten seconds before going away. "This terminal is operated through voice command. You may open programs by saying "Open" and specifying the name of the program. For a list of programs, you may say "Open Program List" and for a list of commands say "Open Command List." If you wish to transfer hand-written data to this terminal, you may do so by saying "Action: Transfer Note" and then holding the page to the screen. If you have any questions, feel free to request me. Welcome to Recon-One and I look forward to working with you." the screen then went blank, leaving behind an actual desktop screen. Naturally, Samira also had a very lavish bathroom with all the amenities of the White Mermaid. Kaori would enter the room after a while and ask if she liked it.

    Words: 2,646   |   Kaori   |   Stuff

    Job - Lineage + G. Lac:


    Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private FN4I7td
    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
    Position : Goddess of Humility
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1697
    Guild : Lamia Scale (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 485
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 10,188,889

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private Empty Re: Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private

    Post by Samira Nassar 1st November 2017, 10:42 pm

    After some interesting events that led to a mission of reclaiming pieces of Kaori's heart, Samira had awoken not aboard the Ark of Destiny from where she had thought she had lost consciousness, but rather in one of the rooms that could commonly be rented out in a place known as Hibiscus. As she sleepily rubbed her eyes and forced herself to come out of her half asleep state, her mind began to send some red alerts and flashbacks to remind her why she was not even in her room that was within the guild halls of Lamia Scale. Yes, it made sense why she was in Hibiscus and not in her own room or even on the Ark of Destiny. The last piece of Kaori's heart had been with her, and it was the largest piece. Reclaiming it took a more powerful link than the previous ones. Samira sat up from her lying position on the bed and put the palm of her hand against one of her cheeks. "Oh my," she said rather calmly, although she could feel the warmth from her flushed cheeks. She really did go through with doing what was required after all. Unlike the time with Ikuchi, she felt no shame or guilt for the activity that had occurred. That had happened because she agreed to it in order to restore Kaori to who she had been before. There was no other way, and if there were Samira couldn't make herself agree to delaying what would save her. Sacrificing her pride, ignoring her embarrassment, and allowing herself to take part was worth the price. She hoped. Plus, it wasn't as if the experience was a truly terrible one. No emotional or psychological scars had been left. Unlike Kaori, she also didn't have any fear or feelings of awkwardness when thinking about seeing the ninja face to face again. Honestly, if she could handle the aftermath of that other time then the current one was a walk in the park by comparison.

    Her mind space felt light and it was silent. The spirits contracted to her had left previously due to not really wanting to get a front row seat to that sort of thing. Well some of them didn't want to. Those that did were dragged out. They all had yet to return. Good. Samira did not want to have to hear or reply to their comments that would surely come from them. Anhur was likely back at the guild hall. He didn't really much care about anything and certainly not about her exploits. The summoner removed herself from the bed fully and stood up. It didn't exactly process in her mind, but it was certainly convenient that her normal clothes had been put back on. Getting out of the building would have been slightly awkward otherwise. She left Hibiscus quietly, avoiding anyone that was present as she passed through the halls and talking to no one. From there she made the short journey to the guild of Lamia Scale, doing much the same thing; avoiding and being silent. It was rather difficult considering her new ace title. Before she could have gone unnoticed, but now other members had a tendency to say hello or want to start some sort of conversation. Such things normally would not have been an issue at all, and she would have taken the time to be somewhat polite. However, she really wanted to get into the private and familiar surroundings of her room. Chatting with others could be done later when her mind was slightly more clear. Naturally checking in on Kaori would have also been on that list of things to do, but given she woke up where she did it was unlikely the ninja had wanted to see her. Disappearing for weeks or months at a time was quite common for her anyway for one reason or another. It was probably also impossible to get aboard her main ship as well given its usual location lately. Finally Samira had made it to her room, shutting the door and pretending she did not hear someone shout her name from across the hall.

    "Goooood morning!!!" Serqet shouted in Samira's face, causing the green haired one to scream and back up a few steps, slamming her against the door due to the fact she couldn't exactly go through solid objects. It hurt slightly but wasn't anything she couldn't get over quickly enough. The spirit tilted her head, looking very confused as she swished her golden scorpion tail. Then she straightened up and placed her hands on her own hips. "Jeez, you could at least say it back without glaring at me, Miss Prissy Britches." It was true. With the mini heart attack she had just been given that had also resulted in her colliding with her door, Samira was indeed glaring green daggers at the spirit. Once again Serqet had shown up unexpectedly, and had probably been waiting right by the door ever since Samira reached the lodging area of the castle. "Morning," Samira said, having absolutely no positive tone that resembled Serqet's. She had also failed to say the term "good" in front of it. It had been at least somewhat decent until then.

    Serqet frowned and watched as Samira took a seat at her desk and began the rather difficult task of seeing how long she could go while ignoring the spirit. She had been sent by the others to scope things out and see if it was safe enough to return to the mind space. Privacy had its limits, after all. Surely enough time had passed! Although with her summoner so grouchy she wasn't all too sure she could give the A-okay on it. Samira had opened one of her journals and had begun writing about the journey of getting Kaori's heart back together. Forgetting details was frowned upon, and she wanted to make sure it was all written down while it was still clear in her mind. Some may have called such a thing a diary, but really her version was rather long winded and probably read like some sort of text book. The dangers of accessing her life story was falling asleep from boredom or getting a migraine from trying to read it. "Aren't you humans supposed to get all happy and lovey dovey when you..." The pen Samira had been using to write with somehow left its intended point on the paper and drew a quick diagonal line across the paper as her mind had lost complete focus and her hand moved on its own accord from the surprise at the rather embarrassing statement. A whole sheet of paper! Ruined! Well, no. What she was really annoyed about was how the spirit had mentioned lovey dovey. She had done what she had as a necessity. However, it would seem it was going to be a topic that would be constantly poked at by the spirits. Joy. Samira tore out the messed up page and began again. Serqet sighed and decided to head towards the bathroom to check out some of the nice products in there. It had been a while since she switched the hair products around.

    Around that point Kaori would have appeared next to her room window with Samira completely unaware to it. She felt the chair pull back and for a moment thought it was Serqet playing around. "Serqet I-" The rest of the sentence was interrupted as a wild Kaori had appeared, sitting on her lap while kissing her. Her cheeks had begun to turn crimson, and her verdant colored eyes had gone wide, although whether it was from her own embarrassment and inner feelings or part of the emotions Kaori was passing through to her was debatable. It was probably best not to think too much about it. Her own heart had raced to match Kaori's, but after the kiss had been apologized for Samira began to relax and her heart rate slowed. The tension fading probably could have been felt by the other, considering the hug that had been given. There were no thoughts of hitting Kaori for doing what she had. Strangely enough that was a reaction that was habitual when it came with dealing bold and perverted men. Doing it to a woman for such a thing seemed strange. Not to mention she just didn't have the heart to hit Kaori for it. She had struck her before but that was under serious circumstances that had been left to boil over the course of many months. Then the more lengthy apology was said; the one Samira had been waiting for, and not the false excuses that had been said to her some time ago. If she had been the sort of person that cried easily she probably would have right then and there just from hearing it. To her, those words held even more meaning than what she had originally been looking for. Kaori was whole again, and she had her friend back. It had been too long.

    Samira was about to say something when she once again found herself in a kiss with Kaori. Another surprise, although why she didn't expect it was beyond her. Too much innocent thinking perhaps. During it, Kaori's voice entered her mind and listed many of the things Kaori liked about her. Scratch that. No liked, but loved. Samira's own eyes had closed as she listened, and she made no efforts to push the rather forward ninja away. Although, she would later have to ask herself why she didn't. As the kiss and hug disconnected the summoner opened her eyes to see tears running down Kaori's face. The next sentence made her shift her gaze away, feeling guilty for having unintentionally made her friend cry again. It hurt to hear those three little words since she could not return them. A lot had happened over the course of many months, and just giving her a chance as she had been asked to by others around her proved difficult to comprehend. It was something that was easier said than done.

    The jerking motion Kaori had done gained her attention once more, and she stared quizzically as the other woman began to pat herself, seeming to be looking for something. Then a hole in space appeared, delivering some sort of wooden box as well as a Hibiscus decorated golden key. She sweatdropped at the hand that also appeared and indicated a thumbs up but made no vocal thoughts concerning it. The key was then given to her as Kaori grabbed her wrist and placed it into her hand. The explanation was listened to, leaving Samira completely stunned that such a key was even possible to make and had even been given to her. "He...he punched him?" Samira repeated in disbelief as she pictured a small chibi sized Aquarius hitting a large Celestial King that then sent the mini Zodiac sailing through the stars. The wooden box with a Hibiscus marking was then handed to her. She blinked at the explanation concerning whatever was inside. Why was she being given something like that? It wasn't necessary at all. "Wait!" Too late. Right after Kaori had said she was leaving to recover she vanished. There were way too many beings around her that could do that. Hell, even her spirits had a habit of doing it. Samira sighed and placed the golden key on the pages of the open journal so she could focus solely on the box. She lifted the lid gently and saw that what was contained within was a necklace with a golden hibiscus on it. She had seen Ikuchi wear one quite like it before, but she never really knew the significance of it. At least not to the extent that was just then explained to her. She removed the necklace she had already been wearing and set it on her desk. Once the newest and probably second most important accessory had been removed from its wooden container, Samira stood up from her chair and went to the mirror of the vanity desk nearby. The necklace was put on around her neck with the hibiscus mark below it. She gently touched the main decoration of the accessory and smiled, satisfied and glad that Kaori had given it to her. The benefits and the clan significance the object contained made no difference to her. She was just delighted to have been given a gift in general. Kaori could have given her something that had no meaning for her clan or country and Samira would have been happy to wear it all the same. For the moment, it was all she could do since she currently could not say certain words back.

    "Oooo, pretty!" Serqet's voice said right beside Samira, although she was invisible and could not be easily seen. The hibiscus part of the necklace lifted itself up, or at least that was what it looked like as the invisible spirit took a gentle hold and brought it closer to her face upon inspection. "I wonder if you'll get a ring next? That is what lovers give each other when they want to be together forever, right? Hmmm."

    "We are not...what you just said," Samira said bluntly before harshly tapping the invisible hands that held her necklace.

    "Really? Could have fooled me with that kiss. Mortal relationships are so weird!"

    "I believe I have the answer!" Amaterasu's voice rang throughout the room. Samira's mind began to feel its normal heaviness as the spirits began to return. The light spirit herself appeared, sitting on Samira's bed with a book that had been given to her by a certain perverted fire spirit. "I think your current state of feelings is because you have not done everything properly. We vanish when certain activities are performed so I can't say for sure you have done what was required. We will go through them one by one as is presented in this book!"

    "What is it?" Samira asked curiously, more so for what its contents were rather than being able to "help" her understand feelings and such. She didn't need anything of the sort. Time is what was needed, not some book.

    "Something that is educational!" Amaterasu said with a warm smile as she opened it.

    "Hey, Ama...that isn't what I think it is, is it?" Agni asked nervously, suspecting that it was the book of collected fanfiction he had given to her. Just asking the question warranted a glare from Susano. "What did you give my sister?"

    It was then with rather horrified glances and bleeding ears that each spirit within the mind space, as well as Samira, began to hear Amaterasu read from the book. The light spirit read it with a straight face, clearly having no idea what she was even saying or the meanings behind it all. She even seemed to enjoy reading it aloud, as if she were telling an innocent children's story to a group of young kids. Finally Samira could take no more. "Stop, stop, stop!" She shouted, to which the light spirit looked up from the book and stared with confused blinking brown eyes. "Please."

    "Does this not help you, Samira? Maybe you have already read this one. Agni do you...Agni?" She had been about to ask if he had another volume of such work when he disappeared from the mindspace. As did a very angry Susano. "Hm, perhaps brother is angered because Agni did not come prepared with the next volume." Samira and spirit alike facepalmed. Well, all except Serqet, who grabbed the book Amaterasu had been holding and began to read more. "We were just getting to the good part!" As the scorpion spirit began to read, Samira grabbed a hold of the book and yanked it from the spirit's grasp and forcefully dismissed her. Same with Amaterasu. Crazy spirits.

    One Day Later...

    The rest of the previous day was uneventful aside from more spirit teasing. Samira had stayed in her room and avoided any attempts to be contacted by other guild members. She had been planning to go out now that a new day started and her thoughts were a little less tangled. Not to mention she couldn't exactly stay in her room forever. It wasn't as if she was depressed or anything. Her normal over hour long shower what a water waster had already been taken, and she was already dressed and presentable. The only differences were now she was wearing the necklace that had recently been given to her instead of her usual one, and the new key had been added to her collection on her spirit keychain.

    A soft knock was heard on her door, and for a moment the summoner thought about not answering. With a hopeless sigh she decided to go ahead and do so. Her day was already starting before she even opened her own door. She slowly walked towards her door and opened it inward, revealing Kaori standing outside. The ninja appeared to be avoiding her gaze again, much like she did when she returned and before her medication. A bit of worry coursed through her as she began to think Kaori had returned to that state, but then she embraced her. Sighing and smiling in relief, Samira returned the hug. "You do not really have to ask," the summoner stated as she stepped back from the doorway and allowed the other woman to enter. It wasn't as if Kaori had asked for permission the day before, and honestly, she was quite used to people barging into her room. At the very least she appreciated that Kaori had waited for her to answer the door unlike a certain someone else.

    Samira took the notice that had been handed to her and began to scan through the words as Kaori talked. It seemed like a lot of work needed to be done with the request, and was probably going to be very dangerous. Well, it wouldn't be a Kaori and Samira mission if it wasn't. Working with Kaori as her actual self did bring a bit more happiness than it really should have had. Mainly due to the fact they weren't exactly going into a flower covered country with sparkling rainbows and glowing unicorns. Still, there had to be a bright side to everything, didn't there? Samira blinked her eyes and sweatdropped when the ninja mage had actually said she didn't fell like finding out which of the two of them was the most powerful. She wasn't serious with that statement, was she? The difference in their abilities was rather obvious. Samira may of had more control of her magic, but Kaori was stronger both physically and magically whenever her magic did work right. Not to mention the Wizard Saint status. No vocalized comment was made about it though and instead she just smiled. The comment about being the favorite made it hard to have any negative sort of attitude. Well, it did before Kaori once again vanished before the green haired summoner could reply. Sigh.

    Samira arrived at the docks several minutes before noon. Being late or arriving right at the departure time was quite rude, after all. Although when she got to the designated dock she thought she had been too early. The ship that was at dock P-42 was not the one she was used to seeing. Not at all. It was more boat-like and did not resemble at all the kind of stuff Kaori normally used as transportation. She had turned around and begun to leave to find something that was a bit more like Kaori's other ships when a member of the crew from the boat ship called out to her by name. As usual he had been told about her appearance although mainly in that case it had more to do with the fact he had to be on the lookout for her. She was escorted around the ship in order to familiarize her with it and then the tour ended at a room that had her name on the door, much like the other two ships. She went inside and noticed that it was larger than the one on the White Mermaid, and was quite impressed with it. It was specifically made with her in mind, or at least she had assumed. What was that...screen...thingamajig? It seemed to be one of those lacrima screen things she had seen before. Damn that new tech she couldn't really understand. Old stuff worked just fine for her. Samira stared at it, and then jumped in surprise when it began speaking and a girl appeared on the screen. As it began to give instructions Samira quickly grabbed a notebook from her bag and began to write it all down. There was no way she was going to remember all that tech...stuff. With that taken care of, Samira went to check out the bathroom.

    'So we're really back to this, huh?' Susano asked from his place in the mind space. 'I know you consider this back to normal, but lets look at the outline of normal with you two. You go on a happy rainbow filled adventure only for it to turn into some mess that can't be cleaned up easily. I am so tired of these trips...you can't even have a sleepover without something happening!'

    "Think positive."

    'Yeah, I'm sure that's what the problem was those other times. Say, where's Anhur?'

    "I left him at the guild hall to practice...social skills."

    'You commanded him to play with the kids in the park everyday while you're gone, didn't you?'

    "It is his own fault. He angered me, and now must make it up to me with that punishment."

    'Ouch, harsh. Although I don't really consider using his key to give direct commands he can't say no to as making it up. Punishing, but you could have gotten the same thing by commanding him to run into a wall a few hundred times.' Samira did not comment. 'You didn't...'

    "It was not a few hundred. Just...several dozen. The wall was fine afterwards, so I am not worried about it."

    'The wall was fine?' Susano asked, cringing at the thought of being forced to run into a wall several times at full force and then having a summoner that was more concerned about a wall. 'Note to self, remain as a spirit for all eternity to avoid spiteful commanding bitches. I can at least ignore what I do not like.'

    The conversation came to a close and Samira had gone to admiring the details of her room over and over. As Kaori came in and asked if she liked it, Samira grinned and started to run around and point at all the things she liked. The bookshelves, the large workspace, of course the bathroom, the comfy bed. Her steps and rapid speaking came to a sudden halt. She had never actually had a chance to thank Kaori for the items she had been given the day before. Her face turned a little more serious as she walked over towards the ninja and embraced her tightly. "I accept your apology from yesterday. Although, I will disagree with you being a coward and for being weak. You are here now, and no longer hiding. As long as you do not repeat the cycle I will never judge you as such. As for the items you have given me, I will cherish them always." Samira let off a small chuckle before her next sentence. "Let us just hope whenever I summon you it would not be because I was always in danger. I would like to think we are able to have more peaceful moments in our life without something appearing to ruin the day." The summoner disconnected the hug slightly so she could look at Kaori's face. "Thank you, Kay, for everything. Not just for the necklace and the key." Samira was well aware if it were not for meeting Kaori she would not be where she was that day. She could have even been dead for all she knew. Her own strength grew while accompany the ninja, and it had even grown while she did what it took to locate and restore her. Kaori always protected her, even during her worst states of mind. Samira never felt she would be invisible around her or be considered a true burden. She wasn't even sure if she could do anything that would warrant any sort of disapproval from her friend. There really were no words that could describe how grateful and glad Samira was to have met and befriended her, even with all the events of crazy that had passed since then.

    (Word Count: 4131)



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    Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private Empty Re: Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private

    Post by ○Kaori 2nd November 2017, 1:39 pm

    Kaori found herself in an embrace that for whatever reason, she didn't see coming. The act was enough to make her cheeks become flushed while she held her hands away from her body. Of course, she was used to Samira and hugging her and relaxed quickly enough to return the embrace. Kaori didn't argue when Samira said she wasn't a coward, though, she did want to. Whenever Kaori felt like she was too dangerous, or she had worn out her welcome, she ran away. Her magic had revolved around avoiding attacks entirely, creating clones to take hits for her, and using underhanded tactics to tear her opponents down. But Kaori had known Samira to be very blunt, and only hid something from Kaori once for the sake of protecting her mental stability- an act Kaori appreciated. She thanks Kaori for the gifts and even made a joke about not calling her in when the shit had hit the fan. After that, much to Kaori's disdain, the hug was disconnected but Kaori was still holding onto Samira's waist. "We're really an odd pair. If I'm summoned, I'm sure something wild will happen if it wasn't already happening." Kaori replied with a light chuckle and a smile. She then realized she was still holding onto Samira and let go, saying "S-sorry." with an embarrassed look. "Artemis." Kaori called while looking at the lacrima screen. "Yes, Captain?" the voice replied as the goddess appeared in the middle of the room as a very real looking hologram. "How long till we arrive?" Artemis was silent a few seconds while she gathered the data. "At our current speed, we'll arrive in six hours assuming we have no delays." Kaori then replied saying "Thanks, that'll be all." and then the hologram vanished.

    Kaori had grabbed Samira's hands and said "Meet me in my room when you get settled in, okay?" before turning and leaving Sammy's room. Kaori's room was right across from Samira's and normally she'd have time to hide... certain items, but today she got pulled aside by one of her crew who needed her to help with something. Samira would end up waiting outside Kaori's room for a couple minutes before the ninja randomly appeared next to her and apologized for being late, stating she had to help someone. By now the ship was already flying, and there was no going back. Kaori opened the door and walked in first, letting Samira come after her and then pausing at the realization that there was something she forgot... In the middle of the room was a metal pole from floor to ceiling, often times used by certain 'entertainers' to perform a dance so potent it began raining. Kaori turned around with an awkward smile, hoping Samira hadn't paid it any attention. 'Query, help me out here...' she said mentally, and then a magic circle formed around the pole and ran up the metal beam to make it disappear. Kaori grabbed Samira's hand and would pull her over to the vanity set on the side of her room if the celestial mage didn't stop her. Assuming she didn't stop Kaori, she'd be sat down in front the mirror with Kaori wrapping her arms around Samira and resting her head on the mage's shoulder. "Since we have some time, let's see how we can make you look." Kaori said in a palyful tone, definitely not using this as an excuse to play with Samira's hair.

    The first hairstyle Kaori did was the same one from the phoenix adventure. It was a braid that started at both of her temples and worked its way around to the back of her head before meeting in the middle and becoming a single braid. She looked at Samira in the mirror and then immediately began undoing the braid before spending more time giving Samira her hair style. The next style after that was a bun which evolved into a ponytail, and then another seven different hair styles. It seemed Kaori wasn't finding a hairstyle she liked by how she had puffed her cheeks while Samira's hair was in a ponytail that was on the left side of her head instead of the middle. The light came to her as she put on a big smile and said "I know!" Within a few minutes, Samira's hair was at its original look and Kaori had placed her arms around the summoner while resting her chin on Samira's head. The smile on her face was genuine and Kaori even went so far as to say "This one's my favorite." while completely aware that it was the original hairstyle.

    It was time that the ship would land and Kaori had pointed that out upon looking at the clock on the wall. "Looks like it's time to work for a living..." Kaori said while setting the various brushes and combs back where they belong. She then went to her wardrobe and pulled out her satchel and katana, mounting both of them on her person before heading out the door. The area they arrived at was relatively barren except for a log shack amidst the sandy expanse. The apprentice had pointed out that the shack was belonging to his mentor who, upon entering the shack, ended up being some guy in a lab coat. Kaori was expecting someone in a lavish dress robe with some sort of long evil looking beard. "Hmmm?" she said and looked at Kaori and Samira, her magic felt somewhat weak to be called a sorcerer... sorceress. She pointed at Samira and said "You must be the wizard I requested... and... she's your apprentice? Her magic feels... non-existent..." Kaori's eyes turned blank at that statement and she now understood how Samira felt when it happened to her. "Actually, we're both the strongest wizards from the castle. If I let my magic leak, you'd be on the floor." Kaori said in an annoyed but informative tone. "That... that makes more sense." the sorceress replied while blinking with a surprised look.

    "Ahem." the sorceress cleared her throat and turned to her work station. "Then again, I'm not in much position to talk about magical prowess- my magic comes from potions that I'm regrettably out of. I came to this island trying to find new plants and animals I can use to create more potions and antidotes, but after a few months I've come across a... slight dilemma..." Kaori had rolled her eyes while thinking 'Here we go...' since everyone's 'slight dilemma' meant giant ass monsters, ruins, or- "You see, I need very specific plants and materials-" "Fucking fetch quests!" Kaori said while slamming her forehead into her palm. The sorceress had an awkward expression on her face while holding out the list of plants "I'll... leave it to you." she said and Kaori took the list and looked at it. She let out a sigh and then pulled out her iLac. "This is the captain, mind giving me a scan of the area? I'd rather not walk into a hole in the ground or worse." A wave of magic was felt and Kaori had a map of the area, but not the entire land mass, on her iLac. "Here, you can use these to store the plants in and keep them alive. And this will help you get it out the ground." the sorceress... scientist person gave Kaori and Samira four lacrima pods and a pair of trowels. Upon leaving the shack, Kaori looked at the list and said "Venus Fly Trap, Belladonna, Purple Orchid, and a Stinking Corpse Lily... is that really so hard to write down instead of these convoluted names?" Kaori said in a still annoyed tone before putting the list away. They were flowers found all around earthland, but she assumed the ones here were special, somehow. "I guess we should both keep a lookout. Belladonna likes partial shade, and Corpse Lilies are normally low to the ground and they smell god awful. The other two are fairly obvious since they're common to find in houses." she said to Samira and once her partner began walking, would walk beside her.

    Words: 4,006   |   Kaori   |   Stuff


    Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private FN4I7td
    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

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    Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private Empty Re: Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private

    Post by Samira Nassar 3rd November 2017, 7:23 am

    Samira could only keep smiling at Kaori's words regarding trouble always coming up when the two were together. It was probably best not to jinx that sort of thing, no matter how accurate the theory probably was. The smile then turned upside down into a frown. "Hm, whatever for?" Samira inquired when Kaori made what sounded as an embarrassed apology. Did she mean the fact that Kaori was still holding onto her? She didn't really think anything of it herself, but then again she also wasn't the one that was in a rather awkward state. No more mentions of it came from her as she allowed the ninja to completely focus on the AI called Artemis. The hologram projection was somewhat surprising to see, and out of curiosity and just wanting to be a little more knowledgeable about it, Samira swung her arm through the body of the hologram. As her arm cut across the goddess's midsection, particles separated and quickly reformed back into position. Why did a ninja have such high tech stuff again?

    'That projection is actually very accurate. If I did not know any better I would say that was the incarnation of Artemis herself.'

    'Wait, there's no Artemis here.'

    'The real one did have a spirit created to represent her. I assume another summoner has her key. It does not really matter regardless. I was only making an observation on how strangely accurate the image was.'

    Six hours until they met their actual destination for the notice request. Kaori had asked Samira to meet her in her room once she had got settled in to which the summoner nodded and acknowledged. She wondered why, but her conclusion led her to believe it was to go over details concerning the mission. What else would it be? It didn't take all that long for her to get settled in so she found herself in front of the room across from her own rather early. She gave the door a knock and stood there silently; waiting for a certain someone to answer. When no one came she pouted a bit before knocking once more. Nothing. Honestly! If it did not make her a hypocrite for doing so she would have just opened it herself to go inside. Then again, she was expected. Would she really be going against the knock and wait for door to open rule if she opened the door herself? Moral battle had begun. The end of which would have to be seen another time for only a couple of minutes had passed since leaving her room that Kaori had appeared beside her and apologized for her tardiness.

    The door opened and Samira had followed the other woman inside. Then Kaori paused, resulting in Samira bumping into her due to not foreseeing ahead of time that she would stop. She let out a small oof sound at the collision and stepped back. Luck was on Kaori's side! Samira's focus of what was in the room had been knocked out of her temporarily. "Sorry," she said as she stared at the other that had turned around and had put on a rather suspicious and awkward smile. As the magic circle that had taken away the rather strange piece of furniture appeared and quickly departed, Samira caught glances of its light and shifted her gaze over only to see nothing. "I could have sworn..." Now not only did she hear spirits in her head she was starting to see things as well. Even if she had seen the pole it was doubtful she would have known its true purposes. Learning about such professions and entertainment was not on her agenda nor had it ever come up in the past. She was far too sheltered and naive. No doubt her first thought would have revolved around the pole being used as some sort of vehicle periscope. The pole required certain features for that to even be a good guess, but it wasn't as if she saw the thing anyway. If she had, the theory would have been debunked and the next on the list would had been that someone certainly messed up with the ship's design. Putting random poles in ship rooms. How outrageous! At least she didn't get one, although unknown to her it was likely if the idea had been there it would have been done.

    Samira would then find herself in a rather familiar scenario. Her hand was taken and she was led to a vanity mirror where she was set in the seat in front of it. The summoner already knew where that was going. The cheeks upon her face turned a slight pink hue when Kaori wrapped her arms around her and stated words along the lines of there were six hours to kill so lets play hairstylist. "Kaori..." She never did understand why she wanted to play with her hair. It was an activity young girls did with eachother, but not adult women...maybe. Honestly she wasn't sure since she hadn't exactly met any that did that unless it was profession based. At least, not until Kaori, who really did not have much of a childhood at all. Samira supposed she could allow her to do the rather harmless activity. The location was at least preferable to last time, which took place on a frozen planet where the chair was an iceblock. With a sigh of defeat, Samira sat there as the ninja went to work. The first was familiar and acceptable, although she would have preferred not to have something that reminded her of back then. The second was decent. Then came seven more. The experience wasn't so terrible and she liked how it felt to have someone do her hair, but the amount of styles was starting to get a bit overwhelming. By the time it had gotten to the rather ridiculous side ponytail, Samira's facial expression was blank and she considered slamming her face into the vanity desk. The ninja was not ever going to be satisfied! Then the current hairdo was undone as a light bulb appeared at Kaori's new idea. Before long, Samira was staring at her usual simple and non-designed hair self. "But...it is the same one," she said with confused eye blinks, pointing out the obvious and the word's meaning completely going over her head. She had expected with that much time spent she would have been given something different. Was there something she was missing? Some small detail that she didn't realize had changed? Overthinking at its finest. Still, at the very least she could enjoy the fact that Kaori was smiling again. Very few people ever got to see how contagious it could be, or, at least, that was how it used to be.

    They had arrived at their destination as soon as the final and original hairstyle had been completed. Kaori had gathered her things and Samira had left the room to get her own. Once on the ground, the duo of girls would see that the place was barren aside from a single shack, where not a sorcerer but a sorceress lived. Samira could only smile and sweatdrop as she was pointed out as the requested wizard with Kaori as the apprentice. Well, in a weird way it was a step up from lowly bodyguard, and at least she wasn't dubbed as the useless one as she often herself was. It was strangely satisfying for someone else to get such a label, and she would be lying if she said she didn't find it hilarious. No shame or guilt at all from such thoughts existed within her.

    Then it happened. The details of the mission. Two strong Lamia Scale wizards would surely be given a task worthy of their time and rank! Was it a giant monster that would bring doom to the land? No. Was it taking down an entire fortress of some horrible and terrifying army that would be too dangerous if left alone? No. It wasn't even a task to escort something or someone in a very hostile territory. What was the task one might ask? "You requested us in order to obtain flowers?" Her reaction was much the same as Kaori's, although with a more calm demeanor and less facepalming. Instead her eyes became dull and her eyebrow twitched. Well there was mention of a lack of materials, but any level of mage could have done something so trivial. Nonetheless, Samira took her set of lacrima pod and trowel with a sigh. The last time she went plant hunting was back when she was the lowest ranking mage imaginable. To be reduced to such a task once again...ugh. She could hear her spirits laughing.

    "People keep Venus Flytraps in their houses?" Samira inquired as she began walking in order to start the terrible task of locating plantlife. Those things were horrible, and weird. Now that she thought about it, who was to say these plants were not ridiculously huge? Would that mean they'd have to fight and defeat a giant man eating flytrap? That would certainly be more on their level. It also occurred to her that she did have druid-like spirits, one that could even summon flowers when his portal was opened. "The Orchid I may have covered, but unfortunately I have no short cut to the rest."

    Some more walking and looking out but with no such luck, at least on Samira's side. She stopped in her tracks and turned to Kaori. "I believe you had your ship 'scan' the area earlier, correct? Is it not able to pick up on the vegetation within the area?" Just as she asked, growling could be heard around the pair of girls. A pack of rather large predatory cats had arrived on the scene, hungry and looking to defend their territory. Even though they reminded her of a certain stubborn and grumpy half spirit, Samira really didn't want to outright kill them. Her eyes narrowed as one by one each cat entered the scene and began to draw closer. She put her arm in front of Kaori, hoping to stop the ninja from attacking. There really was no reason to waste too much time or energy on them since there was also no telling what else would be ahead lurking and waiting ahead. "I believe I can handle this simply enough," Samira said as she unhooked a key from her spirit keychain. Anhur may had been absent at that moment, but she had one other spirit that could lend a non-violent method of handling the beasts. “Open, gate of the Avatar, Goddess of Cats! Bastet!”

    For the first time since obtaining the feline's key, she was being summoned officially rather than her appearing in her more non-combat form. A golden armored cat-girl then appeared from her portal, looking rather annoyed before raising her hand to cover her mouth from a yawn. Apparently a cat-nap had been interrupted. A blue cat-like eye opened to see the large cat pack, although with her appearance they had stopped moving and seemed confused. "Taking advantage of our contract finally I see," she stated bluntly as she raised her arms above her head and stretched. Her tail also extended outward, stretching as well before swishing in annoyance. With Anhur being located, she was able to recover much of the power she had lost way back when he disappeared. "Can you speak to them? Get them to leave us alone and perhaps see if they know more about the area?"

    "Of course I can," Bastet replied, seeming offended for even being asked. She was intelligent enough to do such a simple task. It was even more difficult to do than some plant hunt! Well...not really for her. Just for anyone else. The cat goddess incarnation waltzed on over to the one that seemed to be the leader with no caution at all. She had no reason to be worried. Most of those within the cat family, domesticated and feral alike, could sense her aura and often became confused in her presence. Not to mention she tended to be more vicious and reckless in battle than her brother. The spirit and large cat began to communicate in a series of meows, growls, roars, etc etc. All of which was likely to not be understood by either human present. Some of the other cats left their positions and joined the gathering of cats. Before long Bastet had patted the head of each large cat and allowed it to leave. She returned to Samira, and Kaori if she was still there, and crossed her arms over her chest. "They won't bother you anymore. They can't speak for the other animals of this place though." Her arms left their position and she placed a hand on her left hip before giving her summoner a scowled expression. "This place is actually kind of dangerous. Did you know there's a fifty foot tall tarantula roaming around here somewhere? This is a terrible place for a flower hunt. They also told me there's even other humans around. Unfriendly primitive ones that make Chaac look modern. Try not to be used as some sort of sacrifice or end up in a giant pot of stew. Even being eaten by the oversized insects would be preferable."

    (Word Count: 2221
    Total So Far: 6352)




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    Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private Empty Re: Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private

    Post by ○Kaori 4th November 2017, 1:21 pm

    Samira had recommended using the scan she did earlier to find the plants, and Kaori was about to explain why that was impossible before a group of panthers had shown up in mass. Kaori was just about to materialize a Katana and make the bodies hit the floor but stopped when Samira had put her arm out, causing Kaori to blink a few times. She then relaxed and let the sword hilt in her hand turn to particles while closing her eyes and smiling from contentment. Some time ago, Samira would have dared to try and stop Kaori. Not because she was afraid of her, though, that might be a factor- but Samira was quite submissive back then. So long as the one Kaori was cleaving in half wasn't someone Samira had intentionally made unable to attack, the celestial wizard didn't care about their lives. Samira had changed over time and gotten herself to the point where she asserted herself and had Kaori stay her blade. She trusted Kaori enough to know she wouldn't go back and finish the cats off once everything was said and done, which made Kaori happy. Kaori watched the neko spirit interact with the panthers while nodding at the conversation since it was going in a generally good direction. The information provided were worth noting, a giant spider and lots of other oversized creatures. "So this place is infested with giant monsters, how long do you think before they call Lamia Scale?" Kaori asked, totally not foreshadowing anything. "Hehe, fuzzy..." a playful voice called from behind Bastet. The cat woman would feel something rubbing the back of her ear with the tip of her finger, but if she turned her head, she would see nothing while still feeling the rubbing. Kaori and Samira would easily see who Bastet's new friend was in the form of a floating red head with antelope horns on her head who began snickering. If Bastet got angry, or turned fast enough to finally see Ira, the spirit would float backwards while doing a slow twirl in the air and laughing gleefully. She'd then vanish in a puff of flames and appear hugging Bastet from behind and saying "Summoner I like this one, she's fuzzy!" naturally having a large smile on her face. Kaori was forcing herself to stifle laughter, letting out short bursts of it.

    Kaori recomposed herself and said "Indeed, but I have reason to believe she's not much for physical contact." with a light smile. Ira would look at Kaori and blink a couple times "How so?" she asked inquisitively. "I would imagine many try to touch her ears and tail in that form to confirm they're real, or just because they look cute. It'd get annoying after some time... and to be quite honest, I much prefer her other form." Ira blinked a few times, unsure of what Kaori was referring to. "She can turn into a cat, it's actually quite adorable." Kaori said to clarify for her spirit. "I see... Summoner, can you contract a spirit like this fuzzy one?" Ira asked while still hugging the other spirit from behind. A sweat drop appeared running down the back of Kaori's head "I'll... consider it..." "Her tail is soft." a gentle, mature voice said coming from behind Bastet answering the question of where Ira's sister had gone to... Ira had only rubbed the tail a couple seconds before standing up and walking up to her summoner. "I'm in favor of you contracting a spirit similar to this one. Perhaps one that could transform into a cute porcelain doll and ride your shoulder? Or maybe one that turns into a creature not of this world? I could create a new one if you promise to contract it." Kaori's eyes turned surprised. "You can... create... a spirit?" she asked for clarification. "What you call reality, I call wet clay. Creating a new Celestial Spirit is as trivial as making a paper hat." Kaori was thoroughly impressed and silent. "I'll take that as your consideration. Please excuse me while I find a good key to bind the spirit to." Query said and vanished, making Kaori wonder why she didn't just make one... unless she already made a crap ton and was choosing from among those...

    Kaori had never actually seen Bastet change forms, and this was the first time she'd ever seen the spirit in her human... human-ish one. If anyone had asked how Kaori knew about the spirit having two forms, she would put on a light smile and begin explaining the amazing, scientific method by which she deduced this in a highly informative tone. "You see, I'm able to sense the hearts of those around me much the same way everyone can sense mine when I go too far. Each of Samira's spirit has a different feel to them, and I've been exposed to this one's heart enough times to memorize her. Whether you change your form, your magic, your train of though, or even your ideals; your heart will always be constant. It's a rather amusing heart at that." Ira had finall released Bastet and floated over to Kaori, slowly circling her. "That's really cool, Summoner! What's mine like?" "You don't want me to answer that." Kaori replied with a sweat drop returning. She was able to see through the playfulness to what lay below, something she was certain Ira didn't want to be exposed. "You're not fun... Oh, hey it's my turn to roll- I'll be back later!" Ira said before vanishing.

    Kaori cleared her throat and turned to Samira. "My ship's High Density Scan is only good for creating maps of the area, and finding certain animals- nothing smaller than a house cat. It can also view the surface in thermal imaging, but that won't help with locating plant life. Hmm.... but there is... something... I can do." Kaori's outfit had changed slightly to include a brooch on her left side and she held her hand out. An object materialized that looked like a compass, but it lacked the compass rose in the background, and didn't point anywhere near where north was supposed to be. "That was a lot easier than I expected... Now I get why Q has such strict rules on herself." Kaori commented with an impressed look and turned with the compass in her hand. "This will help us find the nearest flower one by one. It looks like we're going this way." Kaori said and began following where the pointer lead. Going over the river, and through the wood, to a large stone door they stopped and Kaori shouted "FUCK ME!" and had a pissed off expression. She slammed her head against the door from frustration and immediately regretted undertaking the mission. "Goddamn ancient ruins and their damn traps and giant monster..." she mumbled under her breath before shouting "This bitch better have something to make this worth our time!" Kaori's anger could be felt radiating in the area and had even caused a flock of colorful birds to evacuate the premises. The feeling faded and Kaori let out a breath. "Sammy, mind having Janus drop a portal...? Let's... let's just get this over with."

    Words: 5,211   |   Kaori   |   Stuff


    Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private FN4I7td
    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
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    Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private Empty Re: Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private

    Post by Samira Nassar 7th November 2017, 5:20 pm

    "Probably not too long. Other guilds do not take much interest in monster hunting." The statement was a basic well known fact. While other guilds could have been called to clear the place out they likely would not have much interest in doing so, nor did they have the right resources or specialty that Lamia Scale had with it. Generally other guilds would take on missions revolving maybe a group of monsters in an isolated area; not a whole giant land mass full of them and whatever else. "Yes, I've always wondered why you joined a guild with such a profe-" Bastet stopped mid-sentence as something began to rub the back of one of her pointed ears. Her blue eyes widened slightly before she closed them and sighed. Her facial expression turned into a scowl as whatever was playing with her ear spoke and mentioned fuzzy. The ear twitched a few times with the touch. Eyes opening, the humanoid feline turned her head to see nothing was there. "Do not laugh," Bastet demanded as she turned her head to face Samira, who had seen the floating spirit culprit that was behind the playful ear rubbing. The summoner covered her mouth with her hand in order to hide the wide smile and hopefully muffle any sort of giggles that escaped their containment. The ear rubbing persisted, and so Bastet quickly turned in a complete circle in order to spot the one who dared touch her ears. She had caught sight of the antelope horned spirit and had heard her happy laughter, but it was but a moment. The spirit disappeared into particles before anything could be done, and Bastet had found herself being hugged from behind by the joyful spirit. A sweatdrop moment for the cat spirit as her face turned blank. She had been defeated, and once again she found herself in a position where someone had broken her personal bubble space. Being a cat in either form had its extreme downsides. "I am not 'fuzzy'. You make me sound like a fleece sweater." The cat spirit crossed her arms over her chest, closed her eyes, and nodded in agreement with each point Kaori made towards Ira. All the while the ears that pointed out from the helmet upon her head twitched and her tail swished. "Wait...adorable?" Her eyes opened wide at the label, and she made a sort of cat noise to signal her disapproval.

    "She likes cute things. Of course she would like small cats," Samira explained with a smile as Ira asked Kaori about making a fuzzy feeling spirit. There was a feeling of someone touching her tail a second later, causing her to swish her tail to the side to evade the touchy hands. By then the newly arrived spirit had already stopped and so was likely not offended. The next set of words spoken by the imaginative spirit had all of Samira's spirits yelling "NO!" at the suggestion of a porcelain doll. Samira herself just stared in a mix of disbelief and fear at that possibility. She already had that room in the Arc of Destiny to worry about since she knew it existed. There was no way she could tolerate one being on Kaori's shoulder. Or even being in the same room as that possible spirit. It was a good way to kill Samira at a young age though. Then her face showed even more disbelief as Query said she was able to create spirits. "Huh?" Her face then turned into a ghostly death look as Samira realized that that particular spirit was more powerful than any of hers by a long shot with such an ability. Kaori already had many other things over her. Strong magic whenever she used it, strong physically, lots of resources, having a Zodiac. The mini army summoner could have at least said her normal summons would have been a match for Kaori's. Now, not so much. 'I lose even in utility,' she thought as her depressing death face continued. May as well pack it in!

    'Uh....are you okay? You went full zombie mode...'

    Samira didn't hear Serqet nor the other spirits that made comments. Such failure. The face of embarrassing defeat disappeared near instantly once Kaori turned back towards her and was replaced with a forced happy grin. She let out a few forced laughs and tilted her head. "Oh, my mistake. Technology is not a strong suit of mine." Another sweatdrop as Kaori had created a flower compass...locator...thing. She followed the leader, all the while having to listen to the more immature spirits singing some sort of children's song about visiting their grandmother's house. Bastet also remained, seeing that while she was out she may as well linger a while longer. Then Samira saw it. A large stone door that likely led to some ancient ruins! Her eyes turned into rippling stars, and as luck would have it the flower compass had led them right to it! Although her companion seemed to be a little more than disappointed, pissed even.

    While Samira gave no thought to the specific words being yelled, her spirits knew better. Agni, Serqet, and Susano began to open their mouths to say something about the subject but were quickly stopped. Agni and Serqet had their mouths covered to muffle their words, while Skadi uncrossed her arms from their position over her chest and gave Susano a surprise shove that sent him flying before he could speak his first word. Amaterasu blinked her eyes, materialized a book, and flipped through the pages until she found the one she was looking for and quickly scanned over it. 'Samira, I believe the Leraci Clan Leader is making a request. Perhaps as a way to tone down that anger of hers. I have heard that this "fucking" can make a person happier and have less negative mood swings.'

    Samira nearly fell over dead upon hearing Ama being the one to say something so ridiculous. 'I...I am pretty sure that is not the meaning behind her words. That phrase has multiple meanings.' Her words were forced to be sent mentally just due to how embarrassing replying to that comment would have been right in front of Kaori. She had been embarrassed enough as it was just from hearing it, and once again being reminded of an event that had passed rather recently. 'Consider yourself lucky. You would have a rough time. I can feel that girl's wrath from here.' By that point Samira's pale face had gone red. Just...no. How she wished she could lie to her spirits and claim such details never happened, or somehow erase their minds of such knowledge. She was never going to go a single day at that rate without being reminded.

    "A portal...right," Samira said after clearing her throat, pretending her face was a normal hue and everything was normal. In no time at all the requested spirit was standing near the two woman and had activated his portal abilities. A human sized circular portal was placed on the stone door, allowing each of them to enter whenever they desired. He would remain for a short while longer in case any more needed to be created. Ruins were a pain to get through without some chance of death or time consuming task, after all.

    Whether or not Kaori went through first, Samira entered the portal herself. An unexpected set of ruins in a giant landmass filled with the unknown? She was absolutely giddy. Still cautious, of course, but still excited. "You know, I happen to like ruins. Funny how we stand at opposite spectrums regarding them." It was a minor observation used for a conversational topic. Nothing seemed interesting yet aside from walking along the stone hallway that was being slightly lit by the portal spirit's energy. Broken parts of the stone ceiling allowed some sunlight to shine through at various points, lighting it further. The hallway came to a fork leading to two possibilities; left or right. Upon the wall between them was some sort of writing. Naturally Samira got up close to them, wiping the dust off of the wall with her hand before pulling out her iLac and taking a picture for reference. "Hmmm, I have not seen these type of markings before."

    'Ancient language. Rarely used. One way life. Other death. Choose wisely.' The voice of Awilix entered Samira's mind, a spirit that rarely spent much time in the mind space. It figured that the paths would be split accordingly. It was a cliche habit of ruins. Another cliche would be that the one that obviously looked more happy going was the one that actually led to death. Their choice would unfortunately not be decided on instincts; it would be decided on which way their current flower target was located. 'Chance of guardian. Danger. Advise caution.'

    'Speaking the obvious there, Tribal Moon Goddess,' Bastet replied mentally as she too got distracted by the writing. Janus stood behind them as well, studying them but frankly had no idea what kind of garbled messages the writing was supposed to say. How you got guardian, life, and death, from such squiggly lines and pictures was beyond him.

    "Which way does that trinket say to go?" Samira would ask while still looking at the etched writing on the wall, assuming Kaori was still hanging around. If the ninja had taken off during the process, Samira would turn and go after her while making a comment about being left behind and how rude it was. Spirits would follow and agree. Otherwise she would wait for the answer, and then advise that there was likely a guardian or two within the ruins. Shocker.

    (Word Count: 1619
    Total So Far: 7971)



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    Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private Empty Re: Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private

    Post by ○Kaori 9th November 2017, 6:53 pm

    That smile Samira gave Kaori was stuckin in her head as Kaori went through the portal first and confirmed it was safe. She remembered back during the snake attack how Samira had lied to Kaori, or at least, tried to lie to her- and even now she was doing it. She told Kaori that she'd be more honest with her, but evidently the extent of that honesty was subject to the human condition. While walking down the halls, Samira had noticed how quiet Kaori was being and tried to strike a conversation with the ninja by pointing out that she liked going through ruins, and found it interesting how the two are at opposite ends of the spectrum in that area. "I've been through enough of these places to live several lifetimes. They're all filled with information that's useless to me, things that really should be dead, and normally have a giant, pissed off guardian that I always have to kill." she said bluntly. Ancient ruins were honestly horrible places for Kaori. "From the catacombs of Midi's birth, to the hell tunnels of Sin, and the machine ridden ruins of old Bosco... Gotta tell you, after you've been through your first hundred or so, the next hundred or so don't feel any different. But if I can find something in here of value I may be less ticked that I'm having to go at all."

    Further down, the group had come across a fork in the road where writing had been put on the wall between the two. Ira put a finger to her chin while hovering in front it and trying to read. "Does anyone speak squiggles?" she asked jokingly, though, there was a ten percent chance of her being serious. Up till there, the tunnels were lit by sunlight filtering in from cracks in the ceiling; but now the tunnels went down on both sides, and were very much dark. Samira had asked which way the compass pointed, and Kaori had looked at the small trinket and turned to her left. Kaori unenthusiastically said "This way, I'm putting five million petals on it being behind something that's overpowered." and began moving down the dark path. Moments after the last light from the sun vanished, Ira began glowing and coloring the surrounding area in red and white. "I didn't know you were bioluminescent..." Kaori said, feeling fairly impressed. "You never asked." Ira replied. "I never had a reason to..."

    A room opened up with several braziers around it and a small trench only a couple inches deep that was completely black and lined the room. Kaori could only see for a few meters around Ira, but this was something that she'd run into before. "Evidently they took a few pointers from old Desierto design... Ira, would you mind putting some fire in that hole?" Kaori had pointed to the black trench. As Ira did so, the flame traveled along the line and into each brazier one at a time, lighting them and filling the room with a gentle orange glow. The walls were adorned with hieroglyphs from extremely old days as well as the squiggly writing from before. In the middle of the room was a massive stone circle with over a hundred smaller parts inside, all the same size and shape. It looked like one tile was missing, and the pieces were jumbled up- a puzzle. "And now we're having to deal with a puzzle... undoubtedly the doors in this place are locked." Ira had gone to the door on the other side of the room and pushed on it. "Yup! It's locked!" she shouted, and then the sound of their entrance slamming shut with a massive slab of rock was heard. Kaori let out a sigh... "Here we go again."

    Kaori walked to the stone puzzle in the middle and noted that it was much too large for her to see all the pieces at once. She tried moving one of the one foot pieces with her foot and found it was stuck, but using her telekinesis she was able to. "Sammy, if you can get high up and tell me which pieces to move we can do this. There's a platform up there you can use." Kaori said and pointed to box high above the room that had a stone ladder built into the wall next to it. While Kaori could technically do both by herself, that would require extra energy to do. One part energy to get to the high spot, another part to process the puzzle and how to shift the tiles, the next part to actually do it... which would leave Samira feeling quite useless... again. Once the puzzle was solved, the rock slab from their entrance had lifted and the other door had been unlocked, and the two women were free to go.

    Words: 6,023   |   Kaori   |   Stuff


    Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private FN4I7td
    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private Empty Re: Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private

    Post by Samira Nassar 12th November 2017, 8:57 am

    Samira followed after Kaori down the path the little trinket said to go with a small smile on her face. While it seemed that her friend was very experienced in regards to traveling through ruins, Samira herself had gone through... no where near the same amount. In fact, she was positive she could count her deep ruin adventures on one hand. Maybe by the time she reached her first one hundred she would get tired of them as well, but it was highly doubtful. It was in her blood. Not even the chance of some powerful guardian standing in the way could get her down. What could though? Being useless. With no more sunlight shining through holes in the ceiling the path they currently walked was a dark one. Just as the last traces of light had vanished Samira had thought to summon either Amaterasu or Nox to provide light. As inconvenient as walking in the dark was, the thought had more to do with the fact she hated having to go through such old tunnels while in the dark. It made her feel uncomfortable and lost. Just as she was reaching for her keys Ira had begun to glow naturally resulting in the need for her own spirits to drop to zero. Well, with Bastet and Janus already summoned and present it was probably a good thing another wasn't needed, but it certainly wasn't a good feeling to have another form of utility taken away. The smile vanished into a frown and she sighed. Oh, well. It would have been slightly silly to get too upset over something so small.

    The path led into a larger room with braziers that Ira had lit once asked to do so. The flames went to each one until the whole room was covered in an orange glow that revealed hieroglyphic text on the walls as well as some sort of stone circle that resembled a type of puzzle. Samira held back the temptation to laugh at Kaori's reaction and distracted herself by turning away and taking pictures of everything with her iLac. It was clear the summoner was in no rush whatsoever. Kaori's next set of words gained her attention though and she brought down the lacrima device and switched her gaze in the direction of the ninja mage. "Platform?" Her eyes followed the direction of where she pointed and soon saw what she had been talking about, and noticed the stone ladder as well. It looked sturdy enough so she did not worry about having to climb up an ancient ladder. The iLac was put away and off she went to make her way up the ladder and help in solving the amazing terrible puzzle that stood in their way. Just as she placed her foot on the first step and prepared to work her way up further, she felt a pair of hands grab her waist and lift her up off the ladder.

    "Forgive me, Samira, but Chaac would have more than a few words if I were to allow you to climb this stone ladder when I am present."

    "I am not a child, Janus. Now put me down, please." Her demand turned into a disappointed pout as the spirit put her down, but not back on the ladder. Instead he turned around and set her down in front of him so that he was now blocking the climbing tool. A couple of seconds later and he had opened two new portals; one on a wall near the ladder and another up on the platform itself. "Much better. You may now proceed up the platform." Just to ensure she didn't try to take on the more hands on approach he remained in front of the ladder all while having a kind smile on his face.

    "It's a wonder the girl knows how to dress herself if you go that far over a ladder. If I didn't know any better I would think you also chose her outfits and put them on her bed everyday so she didn't get lost in the closet," Bastet commented before making her way over to the locked door that Ira had checked out a few moments prior.

    "Hmmm," Janus rubbed his beard covered chin in thought. "I was not active at the time, but I do believe I have heard mention of Isis doing that quite often before Samira joined Lamia Scale."

    "She did not, and I can still hear you." Samira had taken the portals offered seeing as the awesome adventurer way was cut off, and she did not want to forcefully dismiss him in case another portal was required. Now that she was set in position, the two women went to work on solving the puzzle, an activity she herself enjoyed even if the other didn't. Once the puzzle had been solved and the stone door unlocked, she took the portal back down and, with Janus behind her, walked over to the door. If Ira or Kaori didn't open the door, Bastet took the opportunity to do it herself.

    The new area the door led to was yet another single passage. Through it they went until it came to a smaller room that had a ramp along the sides that descended all the way down where some sort of indoor pool of water was located. Once the group had reached the bottom, they would all noticed that there was no where to go. Four walls lined the small room with no door, window, or passage. All there was was a square shaped pool. If Kaori used her flower finding tool, it would lead down into the water and towards one of the walls. "I am NOT taking a dive and swimming in that. No doubt there is some underwater passage leading into another room. It's been done before."

    "As fun as it sounds, I have no intention of swimming through an unknown passage that may go farther than I can handle. Drowning was not on my list of things to do during this day, or my life in general. Janus," Samira turned to Janus, who was already walking along the walkway to the wall in question. "Yes, yes. If there is one trick this old spirit knows, it is how to avoid such obstacles. Drowning would be the least of my worries. There is no way to tell what lurks in these waters." A swirl of magic later and a new portal had been created. Once taken the girls and spirits would find themselves in a large dark cavern area with a waterfall at the back as well as a glowing lake below it. In the center was a small bit of land that had just what they were looking for; belladonna sitting nicely under the shade provided by a ridiculously large cave mushroom. Samira wasn't an expert on plants so she wasn't going to question if it was even possible for the flower to grow in a cave. What would be questioned was why the mushroom looked so bouncy looking. Oh, and probably why the plants were sitting so nicely on display. Yes, that was the question that was on her mind fully. Most definitely. "Well we have found what we have come for. Although, I am uncertain about something..." Samira looked to the left, and then to the right. More scribbles as well as drawings. In most of the images, there were small lines with a dot at the top as well as other small connecting lines near the top of the original line and the bottom. Likely a representation of people. Then next to those small stick figures was a bigger image of...ummm. Samira squinted her eyes as she approached one of the images. "What in Earthland is that supposed to be?"

    As soon as she asked, the deep water within the cave exploded, splashing the liquid everywhere. From the depths rose a very large creature that made Samira look at it, then back towards the image on the wall. "Oh...it is a giant shrimp," she stated in a tone that was quite the opposite of what it should have been. No worry was in her voice nor was she exactly rushing to end the creature that was likely violent. The girl was still very much in her study mode.

    "Well here is where I draw the line, ladies. I am an old spirit that is not suitable for combat. Farewell!"

    "Don't you dare use that excuse to leave!" Too late. In a puff of light blue particles Janus was gone as was his portal that led them all into the cavern. Battle time against the Massive Alpheidae Synalpheus.

    (Word Count: 1450
    Total So Far: 9421)



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    Third Skill:

    Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private Empty Re: Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private

    Post by ○Kaori 14th November 2017, 2:21 am

    Kaori had giggled at the sight of Janus stopping Samira and forcing her to use his portal instead of climbing the ladder like a big girl. "It sounds like Chaac has issues with letting go." Kaori said loud enough to clear the room with a gentle smile on her face. 'You have no idea...' the voice on Aquarius sounded in her mind. Conversations with Ikuchi when they were bringing each other up to pace over a few (dozen) bottles of sake had revealed Chaac to have an issue with other males around Samira. The task for the puzzles took a bit of time since the image consisted of some portions that needed to be undone to progress to the next portion, but with Samira's help they were able to finish it in a reasonable amount of time. Afterwards the two came across a room where they were expected to enter a pool of water and swim to the other side, which resulted in Janus showing his usefulness yet again. Kaori had went through the portal first, asking Samira to be second since she didn't want a repeat of what happened in the Ancient Ruins.

    On the other side was a medium sized room if they were in a normal house, but a fairly small room for ancient ruins such as this one. The walls had cave paintings on it that Samira took to examining, and Kaori had began moving towards their target on the other side of the room that was residing next to a glowing mushroom. Ira's natural glow gave a bit of light to the area, enough for Kaori to see the plant and, as she hovered closer to Samira, her to see the cave paintings. Kaori had used the trowel to remove the plant before stuffing it inside the pod that the scientist sorceress person had given them, and just as she did so her common sense began tingling since that was the part where something -(explosion of water and the sound of something big slamming its feet on the ground)- yeah, that. After a large pistol shrimp had made a lavish entrance by destroying the floor around the water path that Samira and Kaori, with the help of Janus, had avoided using, Kaori could only let out a sigh of frustration. A hole in space and time appeared and Kaori tossed the plant into it for safe keeping, and she then turned to face their new opponent. The shrimp began opening its claw, but was at a very far distance from Samira, who it was aiming at, who was also staring at the wall. Kaori had spotted one of the images with five stick figures and a line going through each of them that originated from the image of the shrimp. It was enough to know what the shrimp was doing, and Kaori immediately vanished and reappeared standing between Samira and the shrimp.

    Kaori put both her hands in front her and formed a barrier that was powerful enough to radiate Kaori's sense of emergency and desire to protect her closest friend, and love. A blast of water shot from the claw, impacting the barrier and breaking it instantly to impact Kaori. As the jet of high pressure water hit her, Kaori let out a high pitched scream and shot across the room into the wall on the other side, leaving a small crater where her back hit. Kaori slid down the wall and hit the floor before saying "Next time I see Janny, I'm kicking his ethereal ass." with a spiteful tone for him abandoning them almost instantly instead of getting them to safety. She slowly stood up and spat out some blood before wiping what was left on her mouth with her right hand, not wanting to get blood on the white glove of her left. "Chaac would hammer him for letting you use a ladder, but not for ditching you?" Kaori asked inquisitively, the question being quite appropriate even if the timing wasn't. The wall behind Kaori exploded, sending the ninja flying forward into towards the shrimp who had its claw extended for another shot while taking aim at her. Kaori wasn't the kind of person to let the same trick work on her twice and immediately vanished before the shot was fired, and reappeared on the shrimp's head. On the other end of the room was another shrimp, except it was giving off a type of black mist and had eyes to match. She vanished and reappeared near Samira with a longsword in her hand. She said in a half annoyed tone "This is why I hate ruins." and immediately began running towards the black pistol shrimp, choosing it as her designated target. Why she chose it, even Kaori didn't know... The last time she fought a darkness creature, the next few months of her life became very hellish and lead to her being hit by her best friend among many other things... Perhaps she was naturally drawn to the shadow creatures, as though it were in her blood to fight them and purge them of their darkness?

    Totally Necessary Flashback

    Kaori closed her eyes while standing before the shrimp and her mind immediately went back to what happened at the soulsmoke Phoenix Shrine... The phoenix made the first move, inhaling before bellowing forth a cloud of black fire. Even from a distance, the intensity of the flames could be felt. The bird wanted the power to say that it didn't go down without giving Kaori hell, and its passion extended into its every attack. Kaori had no fear in her heart in the face of the intense flames. As her hair whipped around from the force of the fire pushing the air in front it towarda the masked ninja, Kaori released one of the shotguns and used her telekinesis to keep it held in the air. She stretched her hand out towards the blazing inferno as though she were commanding it to stop. A few feet in front of her, the fire slammed into an invisible wall of energy and began fanning out. It seemed as though the flames had consumed the wall as it wrapped around the barrier like ocean waves running over a sea shell on the beach; but, much to the phoenix's surprise and Kaori's lack there of, the ninja was completely unscathed by the attack.

    Embers shot past Kaori's mask in the wake of the clashing forces and Kaori grabbed the shotgun she let go of earlier and fired a slug at the bird, hitting the obvious target. The second one in the opposing hand was fired while she used telekinesis to pump the first, another hit. Kaori continued doing this, alternating the attacks to keep a constant spray on the phoenix, but the bird wasn't gonna go down from a few solid holy metal rods to the chest. It spread its wings and flapped once, sending forth a multitude of black, smokey crescents towards Kaori. They were at varying levels, and Kaori knew she couldn't dodge them all; but she knew she could stop some. 'No. I have the power to stop all darkness.' she thought as time seemed to slow down despite Ikuchi respectfully sitting next to Samira. "Shirofune!" Kaori shouted while spinning on the toes of her sandal, allowing her shotguns to erupt into white particles as a different set of particles took their place.

    As she spun, a one quarter inch blade formed in each of her hands that was one inch wide, double edged, and four feet long. The blade had no guard, and at the end of its hilt was the kind of forked end you'd see on an arrow. The first crescent wasn't only cut in half, it was purified by Kaori's sword. The black turned into golden light that erupted into particles as it tore itself apart. Kaori was attacking with a heart of love, a heart strengthened by the presence of her friends and reinforced by their love for her. The second sword came across, cutting the next two crescents in half and purifying it as well. In rapid motion, Kaori had alternated her attacks while seeming to be in a violent dance, cutting the darkened soul based energy and turning into a warm light. The bird spun, sweeping its tail across the area and smashing it into Kaori to send her flying back. Were they not on flat ground, Kaori would have to worry about falling off a cliff or something worse; but, as fortune would have it, such was not the case. She landed on her hand, keeping the white sword held in it and used the momentum to swith to her feet while sliding back a bit.

    The bird let out a screech while raising its wings, creating a large unit of twenty shadows to attack Kaori. "Send all the shadows you want, my light will reach you!" Kaori shouted, using her Multi-Clone spell to create nine more version of herself. These ones were special in that they could all use Kaori's spells, and shared her passive effects. Each Kaori had attacked one shadow, and vanished to reappear in double the numbers. As one of the Kaori clones stabbed the shadow with her Shirofune, she said "Shii-nee" and the shadow began glowing and then, it erupted into an explosion that consumed the surrounding area.

    The phoenix was smoking more than before, it feeling the sting of Kaori's passion as its righteous light began whittling away at its feathers. The birds eyes glowed a bright violet as it began using an ability that Kaori thought was unique to her, but had now learned there were others with it... A pulse of magic energy erupted outward and consumed the area, changing it from the green and white mists of Kyoka, to a burning hot hellscape. Buildings were on fire, and men and women were in the streets fighting each other with katanas. Kaori's heart stopped, she knew this memory... A man began running towards her, his eyes completely white as he raised his sword. Another version of Kaori showed up and cut him across the stomach, ending his life. She had no mask, and her eyes were filled with tears. A woman appeared out of nowhere and attacked her, the younger- much younger Kaori blocking and shouting "Stop, please! I don't wanna fight you!" with a desperate tone. Each person that attacked Kaori had something in common... One symbol dangling from their necks in beautiful solid gold... a hibiscus, the symbol of her clan. It revealed the source of Kaori's distrust for people, the fact that the day she lost most of her clan, the day she became the clan leader, the day she began hunting Saia down... was because she was forced to kill them herself at the age of ten.

    A white light erupted through the vision originating from Kaori. A powerful energy pulsed from her being as the pillar of light began to get brighter. Ikuchi had used his tail to block his own eyes to shield them from the intensity. Kaori's mask had untied from the force exerted on the bands as it flew from within her body. Kaori's kimono was flickering just as wildly as her snow white hair. White strands began forming in the air, surrounding Kaori and connecting to the brilliant pillar of light she had created. "You cannot phase me with my own past... I am a monster, I do not feel. I do not show remorse, and I do not regret killing my own people. We will meet again under the warmth of our sun, as the embers clear fields of death in preparation for seeds of life to be sown." Kaori said in a bold tone while raising her right hand. A white sword appeared in her hand, the same one that she had used against the leader when Samira first met Kaori. This time however, the area was filled with something much more powerful than Kaori's hope, her love, or her joy...

    White particles began lifting off of Kaori's being, Ikuchi's, and Samira's. The same particles began lifting off the ground, off the phoenix, off of the pillar and from the gem it held. The hope surrounding them was from more than just Kaori, but rather the hope of many people... the hope of humanity. Kaori's kimono was replaced by a flowing white dress, and a pair of angelic wings even larger than Gabriella's and twice as bright. Kaori prepared to attack, and the phoenix began to see the light as it shone too brightly to be ignored. Kaori began flying forward, however she suddenly stopped... Standing before her was Samira with tears in her eyes, arms spread wide as though she were protecting the bird. Kaori's sword began shaking, and she couldn't figure what to do. She quickly realized how great a 'friend' Samira was when she smiled grimly from ear to ear, a black sword appearing in her hand that was thrust through Kaori's heart. The white light radiating from her quickly turned to darkness and Kaori's hazel eyes quickly turned dull and grey as she collapsed on the floor.

    "Sammy..." she said in a weak tone, sitting on her knees with a sword of darkness in her heart "...Why?" she finished asking, tears running from her eyes and down her cheeks. The sword Kaori once wielded had turned black and began fading away, and the world became quiet. "You thought I was your friend?" she said in a bitchy tone. "No... you're my bodyguard- that's all you'll ever amount to! You're a half assed, sorry excuse of a wizard and an even worse clan leader. You can't even keep your servant under control the fucking pervert!" she began laying into Kaori, causing her eyes to water more. A dark barrier had formed around Kaori and the phoenix that even Ikuchi's strength couldn't break through. It was now an obligatory one on one match... "Do you even think that scaley mutt of yours loves you? He'd just as easily abandon you as soon as you stopped giving him food. That crew of yours? They'd all leave you. They don't like you, they're afraid of you, you stupid cunt!" "Stop..." Kaori said in a weak tone, blood beginning to drip from her mouth. "No! I wont stop! I'm tired of submitting to your will! I wanted to see ONE of these things, and you turn into a damn child instantly! Then you don't even ask what I want you selfish bitch, and force me to come along! Do you know how hard it is holding my lunch in on the back of that shit!? No, you don't! You don't even care-" "Please... I- I'm sorry..." "-about my well being! You just wanna see your fucking birds, and make yourself happy!" "No... that's not true." "Then you'll go back to your ship and flaunt all your WONDERFUL wealth about, with your expensive ass vanity set, expensive ass bed, fancy fucking chest while I'M left wondering what kind of TWILIGHT ZONE BULL SHIT you dragged me to!" "I... I didn't want..." "You snuggle the living shit out of me, and you know what- YOUR HAIR SMELLS LIKE SHIT! I don't want that near me, I don't want it in the same room as me! Cut it all off you ugly brat!"

    Ikuchi's throat began glowing bright red and he opened his eyelids, revealing hellfire for eyes that resemble a dragon's. He shot forth a blast of black flames that only left a red mark on the barrier. Then, he began frantically tackling the barrier with no signs of stopping. He knew the Samira laying into his master was false, but he also could sense his master was breaking. She trusted Samira, and right now, that trust was tearing her apart. He noticed the tip of Kaori's fingers beginning to turn black, and his assault on the barrier became more desperate as the darkness was consuming her and Samira showed no signs of stopping her verbal barrage.

    "Even your spirits hate you!" she shouted, arrogantly leaning over Kaori and adding more weight. "And just like your shitty half-breed, and shitty pirate spirits, I'd abandon you just as soon as you stopped being useful." and that was the final straw to break the camel's back. "SHUTUP!" Kaori shouted, all of the darkest emotions of her heart filling the air and completely paralyzing Ikuchi from their weight. However, those emotions cleared quickly... Kaori hesitantly looked around her and saw a field of wheat, sunlight washing over her as her grayed out eyes continued crying. Over a hundred thousand armored men and woman were standing around Kaori, Ikuchi, and Samira. An extremely old man walked out of them, materializing from dust particles and standing in front Kaori. "Grand... father...?" she asked in a weak tone, not believing the sight in front her. The old man kneeled down and touched the sword in her heart, turning it into light that dissipated. He then pulled her in, the phoenix all the meanwhile doing nothing as it hadn't known what was happening. "My dear, you worry too much." he said calmly, stating the last words he said to her when she killed him. "I did not appoint a weak child to take my place... I appointed the strongest of any clan leader who ever lived." his words turned Kaori's eyes to the light, causing them to return to their hazel appearance as the clan leaders of times gone by all got on their knees and prostrated themselves before Kaori.

    Kaori's eyes turned fierce and she became angrier than ever, she grit her teeth and grabbed the still dissipating katana. The blade exploded with white energy and Kaori's grandfather vanished, allowing her to blast forward while she rammed it into the phoenix, with it the love of her grandfather, and trust of ever leader bowing to her. The bird's black, smokey feathers turned white and the world returned to normal. Kaori fell from the phoenix's chest, landing on the ground while blood pooled around her from her wounds. The phoenix understood Kaori, and had seen what she meant by saying she (the phoenix) had a flawed heart. A voice rang through the air, peaceful and soft. "Your light has reached me human... for this I thank you." it said, bowing its head and sending a single tear down its beak onto Kaori's heart where she was stabbed.

    Back to Reality

    The shadow shrimp aimed its claw at Kaori and she vanished, causing it to move the claw around like a soldier aiming his gun, looking for a target that just slipped out of their field of view. It quickly found Kaori when she reappeared, stabbing the crustacean in the face with her sword and vanishing again. Kaori refused to let herself go down against the darkness a second time and she vanished, reappearing above the shrimp with a massive shuriken in her right hand that filled the air with white lightning. The room was filled with harsh winds that made Kaori's hair flicker wildly, even giving her a static charge from the lightning infused and crackling was heard as the star was let loose, flying towards the shrimp at a dangerous speed. The shrimp used its claw to smack the shuriken aside, sending it into the wall where it exploded and then aimed its claw at Kaori and fired a set of three black water blasts. Kaori vanished and reappeared coming at the shrimp from behind, vanishing again when it lifted its tail and reappearing from the left. The shrimp tried turning to hit Kaori but she jumped and landed on the top of the massive claw to begin running up its arm. A set of twelve swords appeared around Kaori, each of them being three and a half feet long with two inch wide blades that were a quarter inch thick, all slowly spinning behind Kaori's back. The crab lifted its arm, sending Kaori into the air, directly above the shrimp where the swords began spinning rapidly around her. A fierce look in her eyes as the swords began glowing white and sparking with lightning would show that she wasn't worried, and when she came down, each of the twelve swords impaled the shrimp in the middle of the top of its skull. Lightning ran down its body, shocking its muscles and paralyzing it.

    A wall of darkness had formed around Kaori and the shrimp and Kaori found herself facing Samira once again. She was coming at Kaori with one of her own swords, and the same wicked smile on her face. Kaori had seemed to be relaxing, accepting her fate at being stabbed by a blade of darkness once more, unable to defend herself against Samira. However, Kaori had seen this movie before and didn't care much for reruns. While the other Samira had begun slowly walking towards Kaori, dragging the tip of her sword on the ground with Kaori standing completely still; it looked like time would repeat itself... Kaori had vanished and the dark Samira raised her sword, blocking Kaori's attack, an attack that established she wasn't fooled in the least. Samira had materialized a key in her free hand and said "Open, Gate of the Avatar..." which caused Kaori to frown, knowing that this Samira would be a pain in the ass. "...Amaterasu, the Corrupting Darkness." Kaori vanished and reappeared further back while closing her eyes just in time for the blast of light that happened when the spirit was summoned. Kaori didn't give the dark Amaterasu any chance to prepare, she immediately vanished and crossed blades with the spirit and a series of sparks began flying as they continued blocking each other. Amaterasu striked at Kaori, releasing a crescent of black energy and forcing Kaori backwards, sliding on her heels till she stopped at the edge of the barrier where the darkness spirit appeared trying to strike Kaori. "Open, Gate of the Avatar! Kali, Goddess of Destruction!" was what Kaori heard from the corner of her ear and immediately saw Kali appeared next to her with her trident ready to stab. Kaori jumped, landing on Amaterasu's sword before quickly jumping again and pushing off the dark spirit's face with enough force to send her flying backwards, performing a flip in the air and cutting Kali's two left arms off. She landed in a low position and spun, cutting Kali at the shins and as she fell used a third motion to bring her sword up and cut the back of Kali's head in half. She then vanished and appeared in front of Amaterasu who was about to vanish, spinning with two sword and rapidly striking at the spirit who was matching her movements in equal. Twelve swords materialized at Kaori's back while spinning. The swords switch to spinning around Kaori's waist like a super sharp, deadly as all fuck hoolahoop that instantly put Amaterasu on the defensive. "Sasuno!" Samira had called, having begun the chant while Kaori was busy with Amaterasu. Just as the spirit showed up, a trio of blades were rammed in his groin all the way down to the guard and made him fall to his knees before exploding into black dust.

    Amaterasu had a smile on her face, the same one she had when toying with Samira, the same one she had when toying with everyone else- she wasn't taking the fight seriously. Kaori and created another ring of swords, increasing the count from twelve to twenty four with the second ring of swords spinning in the opposite direction. The second ring and the first separated and each sword began moving of their own accord, putting more pressure on Amaterasu who was beginning to wince from the strain so many swords had put on her. Nine more Kaori's had appeared, each grabbing a pair of swords and coming after her while the original Kaori took a knee to catch her breath. Amaterasu split to create two clones of herself, but as they formed were quickly destroyed by a pair of Kaori's clones that attacked them, allowing themselves to die which made them explode. Amaterasu stopped smiling, she forgot that Kaori had gotten stronger to the point where her unstable magic was capitalized... "Skadi!" the next spirit came out, using her wolves to get rid of three of the Kaori clones before charging in herself. One clone appeared behind her and was stabbed in the heart, Skadi knew Kaori would try that since she'd seen the ninja fight several times and back stabbing wasn't beneath her. The clone exploded, damaging Skadi a bit, but not enough to stop her as she charged towards the last three Kaori clones. The real Kaori vanished and appeared behind her, vanished again and appeared in front her as she tried stabbing behind and Skadi not survive skull stabbing.

    Amaterasu vanished, cutting all three of the clones and creating black lines in them before they exploded. Kaori vanished and reappeared in Amaterasu's face, slashing at her before vanishing and leaving a clone behind that exploded as soon as the dark spirit touched it. Kaori reappeared with a bow in her hand, using two fingers as a reticle to aim with. An arrow materialized as the string was drawn, and Kaori let loose the arrow, piercing Amaterasu's spleen and making her annoyed enough to get serious. 'Get ready.' Kaori said in her mind space. 'I'm always ready...' her darker half replied, the two of them having formed their plan. Kaori vanished and Amaterasu vanished, and when they reappeared Amaterasu had ran Kaori through while ignoring that the ninja's eyes were closed. Darkness began showering over Kaori in a pillar of black energy, and then Kaori opened her eyes to reveal they were pitch fucking black... The darkness had no effect on a being made of darkness, and then Amaterasu had erupted into black mist. The dark Samira was seen with Kaori, the original Kaori cutting her head off in a single fluid motion. The darkness shrimp was still paralyzed by the swords in its skull, and Kaori stood before it, aiming her open palm at its face with a scowl on her face. White partcles began swirling around her, converging on her open palm that was facing the shrimp and then a blast of white light shot from it, piercing the now screaming shrimp, shattering its exoskeleton and erupting from the other side. The shrimp went limp and the darkness barrier had vanished. The dark Kaori walked up to Kaori, giving her a nonchalant high-five and bursting into dust just as the 'clap' sound went off.

    Once Samira had finished off her water shrimp from hell, Kaori would come over and form a kunai seemingly out of nowhere, stabbing the shell of the crab and cutting a piece of the meat out. Pulling some seasoning from her satchel and using it on the meat, Kaori turned to Ira and asked "Hey, can I use you as a stove for a moment?" with a very casual tone. Ira floated over and formed a small flame in her hand that Kaori used her telekinesis to dangle the meat over for a bit until it turned white. She tore a piece off and ate it with seemingly no concerns for possible poison, and blinked a few times. "How is- (words cut off by Kaori stuffing a piece of shrimp in her mouth)" Ira blinked a few times while chewing it. "My god, it's good... and tender." she commented in surprise. "Well, I found something of value. Snoop Genie, get this to the kitchen so Ikuchi can do something with it." Kaori said and the shrimp vanished. What Ikuchi would do with all that meat was anyone's guess, but the logical thing would be to use what he wanted and store what he didn't need. Kaori offered Samira the last piece of the shrimp meat for her to try, if she refused then Kaori would eat it and look at the two options of exit. Either by swimming, or using the massive hole in the wall the shadow shrimp created.

    Words: 10,740   |   Kaori   |   Stuff


    Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private FN4I7td
    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

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    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
    Position : Goddess of Humility
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1697
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private Empty Re: Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private

    Post by Samira Nassar 16th November 2017, 6:03 am

    An iLac photo later for future reference and Samira had completed her study of random scribbles and game of pictionary. She had been so zoned out that she had assumed the gigantic shrimp was non-violent seeing as nothing happened. The summoner turned just in time to see Kaori's barrier shatter by a high pressured blast of water, resulting in the ninja being sent flying to the other side of the room screaming. "Kaori!" Her shout was of worry and concern for her friend that hit the wall with enough force to leave a crater on its surface. Perhaps she got a little too carried away with the images. One of the women of the pair hated ruins, while the one that liked them got too comfortable and distracted. Just as she was about to ask if she was all right, Kaori had stated along the lines that Janus was going to be in quite a bit of trouble the next time the two came face to face. "Yes, she is fine then," Samira said to herself with a sigh mixed with relief of the status but also of hopelessness from the reaction of Janus' departure. How many of her spirits were going to get a bashing or two from Team Kaori?

    "Every spirit has their limits. Seafood is where Janus draws the line, apparently," Bastet replied to Kaori's question regarding Chaac's hammering. No doubt in a combat situation she would be the one that would be heavily annoyed by the large tribal man's parental nagging. "He has never been much of a fighter." Samira added with a shrug of her shoulders. Unlike Kaori, she held no anger towards him. After all, it made room for a spirit that was a little more appropriate for the situation. Seeing as what had happened before, she did not want to chance having three of them using her energy at the same time any time soon. The wall then exploded before they could all move in on the creature that would have looked better being on a serving platter. Another shrimp had arrived, although covered in a sort of black mist that revealed its dark element and origin. Kaori had chosen it as her opponent, which brought a major concern to Samira's mind as she recalled what had happened the last time she took on a creature of darkness. She reached out as the ninja ran forward, obviously being too slow to actually stop her. "Wait!" She did not want to risk what happened with the phoenix happening again.

    "Leave her!" Bastet yelled as she ran up and tackled Samira, pushing her out of the way of another water blast from the original shrimp. The two fell over onto the ground, narrowly evading the attack. "We have our own opponent to deal with." Her cat ears twitched in frustration as she glared down at the summoner she was on top of. "I do not think she is stupid enough to repeat history...I hope." The spirit looked up at the original shrimp, her ears picking up on its movements and how close it had gotten. The claw was coming down to attack and likely break a few of their bones if not completely smash them. Bastet grabbed Samira tightly and rolled away as the claw came down and made a crater where they had just been. She then quickly broke the hold on her summoner and hopped up from the ground and taking a stand. "A pity. I prefer salmon, but shrimp for dinner will have to do," she said before hissing and summoning a sort of golden hilt within her hand. With a flick, three long and golden shimmering trails appeared from it, forming a sort of delicate looking whip. Even though the whip itself looked as if it were made of nothing more than some fairy tale pixie dust it was actually quite solid when used against opponents and even more lethal than a normal weaponized one. The water spraying claw raised once more, but was quickly wrapped by the shimmering whip and forced to change its aim as Bastet leapt high into the air and tugged upward. High pressurized water hit the ceiling, causing fragments to fall from the impact and land on the shrimp itself. The feline spirit released her weapon's grip on the claw and with her clawed hands grabbed onto one of the long antennae during her descent. From there she hopped onto its head and did a quick snap of the whip along its carapace, cracking a small part of it to create a weak point. However, before she could much more, the large shrimps antennae acted like whips of their own and came in for a defensive counter. She jumped down and retreated for the moment.

    Samira had watched Kaori's fight for a few seconds before concluding that Bastet was right. It was doubtful Kaori would fall for some darkness trick again. Although it was questionable why such creatures kept showing up to begin with. Turning to her own over sized edible sea creature, Samira narrowed her eyes and prepared herself to take the fight seriously. A key was removed from her keychain and with it came the usual summoning techniques that had been seen countless times before. “Open, gate of the Avatar, God of the Summer Storm! Susano!” Nothing happened. "Susano..."

    In the mind space Susano was sitting on the couch doing a crossword puzzle while Amaterasu was doing a Sudoku. "Brother, you have been called," the light spirit stated with a look of high concentration as she studied the puzzle book she held. "Yeah, I heard. Go in my place. I've been stuck on this one for five minutes," The wind spirit replied as he too concentrated on his puzzle. Both spirits refused to budge as the battle over puzzles seemed to take priority. "What's another word for-" He was interrupted by a rather annoyed feline spirit. "Susano! Put down that puzzle and get out here!" As she was met with a reply that was something along the lines of "piss off" she hissed and began to run towards the shrimp to crack its carapace further. As she avoided the snapping antennae, she transformed into a larger sized golden cat and bit down into the soft flesh that was now unprotected. A good chunk of it was removed, causing the creature pain but meant nothing in the long run. It would take several flesh ripping bites and scratches before that thing would go down.

    Seeing as Susano was a no show and she was getting the busy signal, she began to fumble around for another key while her first spirit had the creature distracted. "My, my. You lot take the hard way for everything. It's exhausting to watch," one of Samira's newer spirits said with a sigh before laughing as if it was the funniest thing in the world. "I left you a present in my toy chest. Use it." Samira just blinked her eyes. She did recall at one point the spirits would allow her access to their personal items. However, the current spirit talking was a trickster, not a fighter. "I suppose I will trust this present of yours." The key belonging to that particular spirit was unhooked and held before her. She turned it, as if unlocking a door and a smaller portal appeared. From it a cube with a lever that could be turned in a circular motion flew out of the portal and into her chest. She held onto it and stared at it inquisitively as it started to play music. Was it some sort of Jack in the Box? Her face went blank, and she suddenly felt stupid for thinking that spirit would be of any use when he gave her children's toys. "Umm." Before she could ask what she was supposed to do with it the spirit laughed and spoke again. "I would throw it if I were you. It's got quite the surprise inside." She did so, although what a small toy could accomplish was beyond her.

    The Jack in the Box rolled cube style until it landed right under the big shrimp. It wasn't exactly hard to do considering its size. The music continued playing and as it reached the Pop Goes the Weasel end, the lid popped off, revealing a jester doll that giggled before exploding in a large blast that should have been impossible given its small size. The water creature made some sort of sound as an indication of pain as the explosion hit its underbelly. It backed away and recoiled in such a rapid movement that Bastet had to retreat or else find herself smashed against the wall. "Let me guess: Loki?" She asked as she made her way towards Samira in humanoid form, who was now covered in explosive dust and dirt and had quite the look of surprise on her face. Bastet hissed, not needing an actual answer. "I despise clowns." It was then Susano appeared, finally answering the call. "What are you doing here? Finally finish that crossword puzzle?" The wind spirit made no answer and his eyes were covered by his hat. What had gotten him to finally arrive?

    Before Susano's Arrival:

    Ama: "Brother, it seems there is another dark Samira summoning clones."
    Susano: "Been there, seen and done that. Let me know when it's not a rerun." Both were still highly focused on their puzzles.
    Agni: "Hey, uh, shouldn't you guys go out there and do something?"
    Susano: "Cat girl has it handled. I am almost done, and THEN I can go make some sushi."
    Serqet: "Oh, look! Dark Samira summoned you, Susie!" The scorpion spirit wrapped her arms around Susano's neck from behind the couch and she pointed to the screen.

    Susano looked up from his puzzle out of curiosity and then instantly regretted having done so. All the males in the mental space cringed and suddenly felt it necessary to find some form of protection for their nether regions. Susano had dropped his puzzle and just stared at the screen, mouth open and expression full of disbelief. Out of all the places she could have hit to dispose of the clone and she chose there? Last he checked he didn't do anything that warranted such punishment even on a clone. Maybe. His memory was generally god awful since he just didn't tend to care. "Okay, that's it. This just became personal!" Blades poking places they shouldn't was where he drew the line. He disappeared from the mental space in a puff of grey particles. Serqet walked around the couch and picked up the crossword puzzle and blinked her eyes as she looked at it and then turned it over. "Was he using invisible ink? It's completely blank!"

    "Brother has a habit of pretending he doesn't care. He was probably focusing more on the fight than he let on. I imagine he did not show himself due to still being scarred from what he witnessed back at those desert ruins where Anhur was located. He refuses to speak of it, but I can tell that much." Still she stared at her nearly completed Sudoku. Unlike Susano, she was more focused on the puzzle. She had not been called, and it was doubtful anything major would happen that would cause worry. "Although, I am at a loss as to why he felt his presence was required just because the Leader of the Leraci Clan made an alteration to his dark clone. I do not think it is a necessary component for a spirit. Maybe I should make a few alterations to some of you as well. From what I have read, it is easy to get distracted with such a thing." The pen she held tapped against her cheek as she continued the puzzle, and all male spirits stared at her with wide eyes before covering their privates protectively and walking away slowly.

    Back to Reality:

    The shrimp had recovered itself from the explosion and was preparing another water cannon attack. It fell off balance and ended the attack prematurely as Susano raised his blade and slashed the air, creating a slicing wind attack that took out one of the creature's legs. He then charged forward, changing the air currents around him to make himself go faster. Bastet joined the battle once more after telling Samira to stay put. As Susano went after each of the legs, the feline spirit jumped up and clawed at the big black eyes. On Samira's side of things, she didn't want to just sit around. The spirit that gave her the toy Jack in the Box bomb suggested she try out a different item from his belongings. Why she had considered it instead of another spirit was unknown. Perhaps her curiosity was overpowering her common sense. Once more the smaller portal opened and with it came...a pepper grinder. "What am I supposed to do with this?!" She asked with a slap to her forehead. Granted it was a rather large pepper grinder, the size of a gun actually. "I thought we could add a little seasoning before eating. Oh, and it can be used as projectile damage. Do not ask for the logic behind it. It makes my toys so boring when you overthink it, dearie." Sure enough, when she aimed at the large shrimp and turned the lever on the back, the thing shot out peppercorns that grew in size and actually damaged the thing. Or, at least, that's what she could tell from its reaction of silent screaming and recoiling. That could of been from its legs being chopped off and eyes and antennae being ripped to shreds though. Honestly, she was just going to pretend she did not just use such a thing as a weapon. Susano ultimately ended the creature as he jumped onto the shrimp's back and made his way over to where Bastet had made her weak point. In his blade went and with some of his power added into it, a burst of wind shot through further, cutting the insides and traveling in all directions until holes were made all over for the air pressure to escape. The oversized meal on legs met its end and ceased to move.

    As Kaori and Ira were taste testing the corpse of the shrimp, Bastet was in the middle of a sneezing fit from the peppercorns that had exploded near her. "I am returning. This has been enough adventure for me." She said in between sneezes and covering her nose. Golden particles later and she was gone. All that remained was Susano. Samira had walked over and had watched Kaori cook a piece of the shrimp and had even given her the last piece to try. She gently took hold of it and nibbled on it rather than sticking the whole thing in her mouth. Seeming satisfied that she did not drop dead instantly or required spitting it out in disgust, the rest was shoved in and she chewed. "It is delicious." Samira said with a look of surprise upon her face. Why anyone was surprised was anyone's guess. It was a shrimp, just giant sized. "Great, you have dinner. Now lets move away from the topic of seafood and talk about what's really important here." He nudged Samira aside and pointed at Kaori, who seemed to be focusing on the possible exits. "Oi! Ninja girl!" Assuming he got her attention and she turned around, he would then pick up Samira and move her in front of him. It was not below him to do such a thing when his personal area was concerned, and he knew she wouldn't do anything to his summoner. "What did I ever do to you to warrant...that?"

    Samira blinked and adjusted her head so she could stare up at the taller spirit. "What is that?" Susano gripped onto Samira as if she were a holy shield to be used against a demon of ultimate evil. "She did something unspeakable to my dark clone. Now I have heard Ama plans to do the same thing to us all to cut down on our distractions!" The summoner was even more confused. She had been busy so she did not see Kaori fight the dark clones and certainly had not memorized how each one had been handled, including her own. "What did you do? Susano never worries like this." For once, one of her spirits was acting oddly and had her questioning what Kaori had done to it. Usually it went the other way around.

    Susano's holy shield of protection was then downsized as she quite literally turned into a doll sized chibi version of herself. She floated in mid air for a few seconds before the wind spirit caught her as gravity started to work. "Uhhh," he blinked, uncertain what happened and had realized his human sized shield was much smaller. Then it dawned on him. She had been using some "toys" loaned by the trickster spirit. "Dammit! Loki! Change her back!"

    "But she's so adorable!" The trickster spirit appeared in a puff of red particles that took on the shape of laughing jack in the boxes. A jester costume he wore with face paint and all. He was far from the happy and cheerful looking type as his wide grin ruined it and made him seem more malicious and cunning. The little Samira blinked her now huge green eyes and, upon realizing that she had been shrunken down, began to struggle in Susano's hold. She complained, but the words came out high pitched and were not very understandable. "Awww, I think she likes my alteration. Lets keep her this way!"

    "Well...she would fit nicely in a backpack..."

    The little Samira struggled even more. No way did she enjoy the thought of being stuffed inside a cramped backpack.

    (Word Count: 2985
    Total So Far: 12406)




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    Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private Empty Re: Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private

    Post by ○Kaori 17th November 2017, 1:53 am

    Kaori tilted her head to the side with by far the most innocently curious look on her face that even Samira couldn't recreate as Sasuno called for her attention with a somewhat angry tone. "What did I ever do to you to warrant...that?" he asked while moving his summoner between Kaori and himself, but only got a couple blinks as a reply since Kaori had absolutely no clue what he was talking about. While she did impale his clone in the most sensitive of male places, she wasn't exactly watching to see where her sword hit- so she was clueless. Samira had asked about what 'that' was, that Sasuno was referring to and was met with being held as a shield... a very thin, frail, fleshy, adorable, sexy human shield. "She did something unspeakable to my dark clone. Now I have heard Ama plans to do the same thing to us all to cut down on our distractions!" a statement that only warranted more confusion, but not before Samira had become much, much, much, MUCH smaller. A new spirit that Kaori had never seen showed up with the visage of a clown and seemed to have refused Sasuno's request for him to turn Samira back. Kaori kneeled down and gently pressed her finger to Samira's stomach to confirm the tiny thing was actually there. Kaori pouted, it wasn't the same as having the real Samira around and she personally wanted her back... "Excuse me, strange fool I've never met before..." aaaand her attempt at getting his attention had failed and out of nowhere a mariachi band had showed up and Kaori was wearing a sombrero and serape. She looked down with a blank expression and one of the three men had approached her "'scuse me, chica? One of our ese's are on break, you play maracas?" A vain showed up on Kaori's forehead as she said with a twitching lip "Yes... of course I do..." to which the men all shouted "AAAYYY!! WE GOT OUR NEW ESEEEE!" and one said "She's kinda sexy, think I got a chance?" in a tone that wasn't as subtle as he was trying to be. Kaori walked over to Loki and made one of the maracas begin glowing with a steel enchantment before bashing the spirit over the head with it and shouting "TURN HER BACK OR I'M GIVING YOU A TOBASCO ENEMA!" in a commanding tone that implied she'd actually do it... One of the mariachi's said "Hey man, I had one of those back in San Juan by some girl named Beefy Joselita... you don' wanna get one man... shit hurt, ese..."

    Once Samira was back to her normal size, Kaori tossed the maracas aside, took the sombrero and poncho off and threw them at Loki and turned to Sausuno with a very stern expression. She vanished and reappeared touching his back, completely negating the human shield that Samira was supposed to double as and closed her eyes. She was viewing Sasuno's past to see what he was seeing, and had been watching from the part where he was supposed to have been summoned, but refused... When Kaori opened her eyes she said "So that's what it looks like inside your head... it's quite different from what I imagined, Sammy..." while looking around Sasuno at Samira. Kaori then looked at Sasuno and blinked while processing the reaction of all the men and Amaterasu. She'd then walk around to stand in front him if he hadn't already turned around before pressing herself against him and holding him in a warm embrace. She held him for a few seconds before letting go and stepping back, looking at him with a bright smile and saying in a cheerful, nonchalant tone "Don't worry Saucy, if I were actually aiming I would've hit him in the heart. I'm surprised I hit at all with a random shot like that..." as though that sort of thing was any better. Kaori had turned to Samira and asked "Did you get all the pictures you needed?" and if she said she didn't, Kaori would go back with her to take more. Once Samira had gotten all the photos, or if she didn't want to go back for more, Kaori would say "Snoop Genie, can you get us to the entrance of this place?" and they'd instantly appear outside the rock slab.

    Kaori then pulled out the list the sorceress had given them and looked it over. "Next up is... a Purple Orchid, Venus Fly Trap, and a Stinking Corpse Li-" Kaori paused and looked at her right where a flower that was three feet across was sticking out the ground. "Just the Orchid and Venus fly trap; we found the Corpse Lilly." she said and pulled out the pod. Kaori looked at the flower, and then at the pod that had a six inch opening, then the lilly that was three feet across, and then the pod with a six in opening. "I have a sneaking suspicion that this flower will not fit in this receptacle." she said with a blank, emotionless expression. Her eyes then began glowing slightly and the entire flower lifted from where it was stuck in the ground, revealing the roots and the bulb that it grew from. Kaori detached the bulb an stuffed it in the pod, then slid the pod into her satchel where it would be nice and mostly safe. Kaori blinked a couple times and looked at Samira, "Hey Sammy, you wouldn't happen to have a spirit that can speed this up, would you?" Once Samira had summoned Cernunnos, Kaori would let Samira gather the last two plants while looking at the horned being. She began floating using her telekinesis and got high enough for her to feel the man's horns while saying "Ruuuub..." something she'd been wanting to do since she first saw him in the Forgotten Desert. Ira was touching the other one and said "I'm calling him Horny! Wait, no, Cern. Much less dirty." in a chipper, innocent tone. Kaori replied "I actually prefer Nuno." which Ira, after a few seconds, agreed it rolled off the tongue easier.

    Samira's Mind Space

    While on the way back to the sorceress's laboratory with the flowers, a certain spirit was sitting in the room that was supposed to belong to only the summoner who owned the keys to the avatar spirits... Just like the last time he visited her mind, the ninja was flipping a coin over the top of his index, middle, and ring fingers; back and forth, back and forth, repeating while watching the group and silently laughing. He hovered around the room while the spirits were watching Kaori and Samira's adventure, or playing board games, or sleeping, or doing whatever they were doing. He had paused behind Amaterasu while looking over her shoulder. She seemed to be stuck on the last couple words of her crossword puzzle. A minute had passed and no progress was made... Ninja extended his hand over her shoulder, removing the invisibility spell on himself and beginning to guide her hand to the word and let her finish drawing the circle around it. Things had gotten quiet and he stood up, looking at the spirits and blinking a couple times. He spotted a woman wearing a toga and walked over to her while slowly reaching into his sleeve and withdrawing a letter addressed to her colleague Aphrodite. He gently took her hand and set the letter in it and said nothing, then vanished mysteriously yet again. The letter was from someone who hadn't met Aphrodite, but heard of her and didn't know where to find her- so he asked Ninja to find her summoner and deliver the letter to her for him. Ninja had the skills required to enter the records department, find the records, and obtain the required information without being noticed at all. He was physically weak, but extremely dangerous because of his infiltration utility. The fact that not a single spirit had even heard him open the door was proof of his skill.

    Real World

    In the sorceress's house, Kaori and Samira would have given her the four plants and the list with everything crossed off. "You... seem to be missing some things... Namely the Coal, Iron Ore, Petrified Wood, Lacrima Stones, and the logs..." Kaori crossed her arms under her chest and put on a businesswoman's expression. "The Coal and Iron can be mined from my land in Bosco. The Lacrima Stones from Minstel, where I also own land. Samira has some land in Pergrande that shares space with the petrified forest, I'm sure you can work out a deal with her- but you'll be dealing with me first. As for the Logs... have your apprentice get off his lazy ass, grow a pair, and get out there to get some himself!" The sorceress wanted to counter Kaori's attitude with one of her own, but had come to the realization that she now had to do business with the woman. What's more, Kaori already knew what she wanted, and she didn't have any clue as to what she had that might be of value to the ninja... Her clothes were strange, but also flashy which implied she had a sense of fashion; but owning all that land meant she had more than enough money to fuel that sense. "Since you're having trouble thinking of how to barter, let me help you. I'll supply the materials, as well as transport for the materials in Samira's share of Pergrande. In exchange, I want a copy of every last one of your research notes on this place." To which the sorceress blinked and looked at Kaori in surprise "That's... all...?" she asked, not figuring a noble to be concerned with knowledge. "Knowledge is power, power is the ability to invoke change through any means necessary." Kaori replied, and the sorceress accepted he terms before looking to Samira to do business with her.

    Words: 12,411   |   Kaori   |   Stuff


    Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private FN4I7td
    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

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    Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private Empty Re: Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private

    Post by Samira Nassar 17th November 2017, 12:50 pm

    If one had expected the tiny Samira to react the same as the Pillsbury Doughboy when poked in the stomach they would be quite mistaken. Once Kaori had poked her, instead of holding where she had been poked and giggling, the summoner's large eyes turned into wavy ripples as they started to water in cartoony fashion. "Oh, this is just stupid. Loki!" Susano was starting to get annoyed with the clown, but it seemed he was not the only one. The scene got even more ridiculous once Ninja Girl had tried to get the trickster spirit's attention and was instead made part of a mariachi band. Complete with a sombrero and serape. The only thing she was missing was a mustache. Honestly, he was surprised such a detail was missed, but maybe the jester actually preferred her without it. Susano's eyebrow twitched and even the little Samira had sweatdropped. "You keep a mariachi band in your armory? Why?" The windy swordsman dared ask. Loki's attire had switched from a jester outfit to that of a colorful feista dress. He twirled around, letting the fabric swoosh beautifully through the air while he snapped a pair of castanets that magically appeared to compliment the outfit. "For when I am feeling festive!" More castanet snaps as he stopped his twirls and took on a photo capture pose with blinking eyes. His outfit completely vanished and returned to normal the moment Kaori had bashed him over the head with a powered up maraca. The white haired woman was certainly not one for humor, at least not his style of it. "Oh, very well," Loki replied as he rubbed the spot on his head where he had been hit. He was one for jokes and pranks, not fighting. The stories he heard was enough for him to not push things too far. At least, not before shrinking her down to size to prevent such complications. A trick best saved for another day! "One boring and average summoner coming right up." With a snap of his fingers, the tiny Samira poofed into a cloud of giggling smoke and then appeared again normal sized, much to her relief. His party items were tossed at him and with a glare from his summoner he realized it was probably best to leave altogether. The humor was at an all time low within that group. Plus, he probably should go annoy one of the other spirits. Or many. "Call me when you lot become more fun," he said with a grin and a rather content tone despite no one liking his fun. A large jack in the box cube then appeared. Loki opened the lid and hopped right inside. It then disappeared in a cartoony explosion of onomatopoeia cloud lettering such as "Kaboom!" and "Blast!" as soon as the lid had closed over him. The mariachi band poofed out of existence as well.

    Now that his human shield was back in proper form, Susano used Samira once more as Kaori turned to look at him. "Honestly, Susano..." She very much doubted the issue was all that serious. Not to mention Kaori was very capable of...oh, there she went. Just as she had expected, Kaori had vanished from both of their sights, and much to Susano's dismay had reappeared behind him. "Oh right...I forgot," he muttered sheepishly right before he felt Kaori's hand on his back. He tensed up but otherwise remained still. Then the next set of words caused him to blink as he put two and two together and realized what she had been doing. He let the Samira shield go, who had turned her head and smiled before shrugging her shoulders. She really had no idea what the entirety of the inside of her mind looked like, but she imagined it was a huge mess in the part where her spirits were. They could be slightly chaotic and lively. Susano spun around, prepared to go into his famous lecture mode that was usually best saved for Samira. "Okay, that's eno-" His words came to a halt as Kaori hugged him warmly. Stunned speechless he once again found himself, although the reasons being on the opposite side of the spectrum. Something not even Samira herself could do. The next thing he knew the hug had ended and he was being referred to as Saucy and was given some reassurance that was barely reassuring at all. She had hit that spot so accurately randomly? Oh, boy. "Oi!" He stepped back as she did and did a small cough to stall a second while he composed and convinced himself that his face had not turned a shade or two darker. "I know full well you have a beast you can nickname and hug as much as you want. Leave me out of it! I am not one of those sensitive men that likes to cuddle. Although at this point I am starting to worry that I'm turning into one." The last sentence he had covered his mouth as he spoke and was more of an outer thought to himself. He then disappeared into a swirl of grey colored particles. There was no longer a reason for him to be there, and really he felt uncomfortable remaining. "Not. One. Word," he threatened the spirits within the mind space once he had reappeared. Already he could hear snickers and giggles, but for the moment they were held back. "Hey, Mr. Saucy!" The humanoid form of Kukulkhan shouted from across the room where she sat on a recliner with her legs over the sides. Susano glared up dangerously at her, to which she only smirked. She was one of the few spirits he literally could do nothing to since they shared the same element to an extent and she was the stronger of the two. "Can I get a hug too?" The male wind spirit drooped his shoulders as he sighed in defeat once the room burst into laughter. Serqet had even felt it necessary to tackle hug him and cuddle against him, to which he could only sweat drop. The humiliation was real. "I...dammit...screw all of you!" He left the mind space and went to his own part of the celestial realm. "Aw, I think we hurt his wittle feelings. Not sensitive my ass!"

    The mindspace became calm once more as the spirits went back to what they had been doing before, which was many random things. Only a few paid full attention to the screenplay. The rest were goofing off or partaking in some other activity. Amaterasu had heard her brother's embarrassment and probably should have went to check in on him...but she had to finish her puzzle time! Her sudoku had been completed, and she thought to challenge herself with her brother's word puzzles. Her eyes narrowed seriously as she studied the puzzle, as if it were a game of life or death. Like all the other spirits, she did not notice the unknown spirit within the room even though he was so close to her. Then his invisibility spell was removed as he guided her to the solution of one of the words. So concentrated was she that she didn't even notice it belonged to a spirit not of Samira's collection. She had yet to become acquainted with all of her new spirits as well as their habits and personalities. "Thank you, but I must do this myself if I am to surpass brother in this complex mission of word finding." And so she returned to her task, oblivious to the gasps and gawking of the rest of the spirits around.

    "I guess the exorcism didn't work," Serqet whispered as the strange stealthy spirit made his way over to Athena. The guardian spirit remained quite stationary and calm as he approached. He didn't seem at all dangerous and with it being his second time there he had made little effort to cause harm when he could have. Her hand was taken, and in it was placed a letter addressed to Aphrodite. She grimaced when she saw the name, assuming it to be a love letter from him to the incarnation of the goddess of beauty. How had she become that obnoxious woman's delivery girl? The strange spirit then vanished and gave her no way to return it. "What is it?" Serqet inquired as she ran over and stood beside Athena curiously with wide eyes fixed on the letter. "Hm, it's addressed to Aphrodite. A love letter maybe? Let me read it!" As the scorpion spirit reached over to take it she was met with a smack of Athena's shield. "It is unwise to read another's mail. You do not know what you will find within. It is also quite rude."

    Chronos: "Be that as it may, she is probably just going to add it to that vault of love letters she has. Some people collect stickers, others dolls, Aphrodite's collective addiction of choice are letters of infatuation. It is embarrassing. I think she forgets she isn't the real goddess."

    Serqet: "Wait, so you mean she isn't even going to read it?"
    Chronos: "Well..." Both Chronos and Athena grew shadows over their eyes as they recalled the humiliating horror they both had been a part of once. They were actually requested to read the letter out loud for the beauty goddess incarnation. A harmless task they had thought it would be...until the Aphrodite had demanded they actually act the part. They had to put emphasis on each word spoken and even have dramatic movements. "Aphrodite does not exactly bother herself with reading." Serqet raised a brow and tilted her head in confusion. "Huh?" Athena took her hand and placed the letter within. "You must see for yourself. The warning I give you is that you may be with her for the remainder of the day. Be sure to clear your schedule." A grin appeared on Serqet's face, and she soon disappeared from the mind space in a swirl of purple and golden colored particles, oblivious to the torture she was about to endure. Then again, they were speaking about Serqet. Their torture may be her fun and somehow turn around to be Aphrodite's torture. "I would say what you have done was cruel, but I am uncertain as to which one we should feel sorry for..."

    Back to the Real World:

    Once Susano had gone, Kaori had asked about more photos, to which Samira smiled and gave a nod. Things had been cut short with the appearance of the two giant monster shrimp. More pictures were taken and with a little help from Snoop Genie the two mages and Ira were brought back to the entrance of the ruins. After their unlucky adventure through the ruins, they were blessed with good luck as they came across the second flower, the corpse lily, nearly instantly. Although there was one slight problem. It was too big for the pod they were given. Samira blinked as she stared at the rather large flower and at her own pod. They were most certainly too small. "Well, Loki could probably make it smaller." As much as she detested the thought of summoning him on purpose, it was a reasonable one for their problem. Thankfully Kaori had a solution of her own that worked quite well. "Hm? Well I did say I had one of the flowers covered, but I am uncertain of the Venus Flytraps. I guess we will find out." Her gaze went down towards her hip as she detached one of the keys; the one belonging to the satyr named Cernunnos. “Open, gate of the Avatar, Cernunnos, The Horned God!” The words were said as a portal was created using the key and the brown colored goat man spirit stepped out. Many species of flowers appeared around his portal, one of which was an orchid. "Just as I thought!" Samira said happily and went on over to the flower. She got on her knees and began to use the trowel to remove the flower from its place in the ground. Into the pod it went. Now for the venus flytrap. Her eyes scanned the newly added flower garden until she spotted a small cluster of them near the outer edge. Huh, apparently he did grow venus flytraps. Into the pod those went. A mission accomplished smile appeared on her face as she stood up. "I have the flow- uh." As she turned around and was in the middle of telling Kaori and Ira that they were done with their mission her words ceased to be as she was staring at an unusual sight. Spirit and ninja mage each were rubbing one of Cernunnos' horns. The satyr allowed it, of course. He was as patient as Samira unless someone was destroying his garden. He said nothing as he never spoke, or at least from what his summoner knew. He did raise a brow at some of the nicknames, particularly Horny. A nod was given once the two had agreed with Nuno. He was satisfied with it. A Fire Lily formed within his clawed hands, to which he held out for Ira to take. From what he knew she was a spirit that had the power of fire, and he wanted to give something to a fellow horned spirit. To Kaori, he gave an orchid. Then he poofed into particles. "We have completed our task," Samira said as she walked closer now that the two were no longer distracted by her spirit's horns. She didn't question why she didn't get a flower considering she had received some before and since he was her spirit she could request some at any time. Not to mention have a whole garden within seconds. From there, the small group made their way back to their starting point.

    Once they had reached the sorceress's house, things had turned more business like. Needless to say, Samira had no real experience with it. She had even forgotten that she supposedly owned land in some of the countries she had been to while Kaori was away. "Oh, no," Samira thought out loud to herself as she became well aware of how out of her element she really was. Kaori handled her negotiations like a pro while she pretty much stood there silently when the sorceress turned to her to negotiate her part. She sweatdropped, the sorceress sweatdropped, even her spirits sweatdropped. There wasn't exactly anything she wanted. "I do not suppose I could just come back later and request something, could I?" A sheepish and innocent smile spread across her face as she said the words with a tilt of her head, and within her mindspace she could hear crashing as all the spirits fell over.

    Within the mind space, Kukulkhan slapped her forehead. "How the hell do you spirits tolerate her?! She's too god damn nice! She can't even pick something at random for what she wants! ARGH! I can't take this!" The feathered serpent spirit disappeared from the mindspace and appeared in the real world alongside Samira. She was still in her humanoid form aside from feathered wings that took on a pink and orange hue and a bluegreen colored serpent tail at her rear. Purple eyes glared first at Samira before she nudged her aside and focused the narrowed glare at the sorceress. The woman squeaked as the newly arrived spirit moved even closer so they were face to face. "Okay, listen here, Ms. Demands A Lot." Kukulkhan reached up and grabbed the woman's chin firmly. "Apparently my summoner needs time to think about how to be selfish and demanding so we're going to call this an IOU for the moment. Once the shipment arrives, we're coming back to collect, and there better be no complaint for whatever she requests, or I will take the payment in the form of your blood, your apprentice's, and whoever else is on this place and connected with you at the time. No, I am not kidding. She's nice, I am not. Are we clear?" The sorceress nodded her head rapidly. "Good talk." The spirit let go of her woman's chin and turned, beaming with a victory smirk. Threaten people. That was how you negotiate! "Kuku-" Samira was displeased with the actions of her spirit and was about to scold her when she was flicked on the nose by said spirit. "Do not scold me, child. I am looking out for your best interests. Do you really want to be taken advantage of? Have twin tailed girlie here give you a lesson on bartering. You're moving up in the world so I suggest you stop acting like a nobody."

    "Um...one more thing," the sorceress spoke somewhat nervously. Kukulkhan turned her head to glare at the woman once more for having dared speak up and ruining her conversation with her summoner. "Didn't I just finish talking with you? What do you want now? Pebbles from a river? The flower hunt was already stupid enough as it was." Samira was about to speak up when her nose was flicked again, causing her to cover it with her hands. "Would you quit that?!" Her words were muffled by her hands that had covered up her mouth as well, but not that it mattered. Kuku had ignored them regardless.

    "There are some monsters that may present a few problems... I would like for them to be slain. You are allied with a monster hunting guild, correct?"

    "You do realize that only increases what you owe us, right? The same goes for the saint here." Kuku pointed at Kaori as she said the end of her sentence and brought her hand down once the sorceress gave a nod. "Yes, yes, of course!" The sorceress ran into her house and a moment later came back out with a paper in her hands. It was handed to Kukulkan, who stared at it for a few seconds before tossing it at Samira. "I can't read that shit! I read in squiggles!" Samira took hold of the paper and hummed as she read it. "We are basically dealing with the large tarantula Bastet spoke of before, and a plant monster." Her gaze lifted from the paper and turned towards Kaori. "Did you want to take on this additional mission? I have no issues with it myself."

    (Word Count: 3062
    Total So Far: 15468)



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    Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private Empty Re: Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private

    Post by ○Kaori 19th November 2017, 6:07 am

    Samira wasn't much for negotiations, far too nice and somewhat easy to pressure into really bad decision- a very specific event in her past involving a certain dragon god being a prime example. However, Samira had been getting ballsier in more recent days past. A report from Eclipse Team member Bill had detailed the summoner taking the much faster, much more violent route to solving an issue instead of the highly passive more intuitive path she normally would've taken with very little concern for the safety of her allies. She was strong enough to make that call as well as deal with the consequence very well, so Kaori had no issues putting her on the spot and having her negotiate for herself. However, it seemed that she wasn't prepared to negotiate trade deals as readily as Kaori was... Kaori had to grow accustom to such things at a very young age. She was destined to be the clan leader back then, and then, before she was scheduled for it she wound up being the clan leader. Samira was mostly sheltered for her life as far as Kaori could tell. She didn't need to make negotiations for trade that were fair for both sides. She didn't have over a hundred thousand lives at her mercy, relying on her every decision as the difference between life and total annihilation. No... she lived the opposite of Kaori in many ways and her request to 'come back later to request something' had been a very clear sign of it. Mach to her salvation one of her spirits had shown up in semi human form and established that the researcher would owe them something that she would be obligated to pay later; to which she agreed.

    The researcher had yet another request and Kuku had established she'd owe them twice for the new request, which was right up Samira and Kaori's alley. While Samira was looking at the page, Kuku would come to regret sticking around... "EEEEEEEE!!!!" a high pitched squeal sounded off like a siren just before a sonic boom shattered the windows and glass laboratory equipment of the shack. Kuku would find herself being tackled to the floor with enough force to make Kaori wonder how she was still alive. Not 'alive' as in she poofed to the celestial world, like... how the hell she didn't turn into bloody feathered paste. The other Kaori was snuggling her on the floor, nuzzling her cheeks against Kuku's before giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Original, I'm keeping this one! Her name's pretty close to Kukki, so let's call her that! It's just as adorable as she is." the extra Kaori said with far too much joy in her voice. A sweat bubble formed at the back of Kaori's head and inside her mind she heard 'Don't look at me, that's someone completely different.' Which made Kaori notice that this version of herself didn't have black eyes, it had eyes blue like the sky, filled with hope and innocence? Kaori let out a sigh, no longer surprised that her emotions took on lives of their own and were about as easy to control as she was. "We're not keeping her but I do agree with calling her Kukki (Coo-key). Now go back where you belong before I send you there by force." The other Kaori puffed her cheeks "But I wanna snuggle Ku-chan!" Kaori rested her forehead on the tip of her index finger and thumb while groaning. "-sigh- If she doesn't kick your ass, you can snuggle her until we-" "YAAAAY!" Kaori could only hope to the divines that this wasn't the version of her that she was mortified at the thought of it being... Either way, Kuku would find herself in a very tight, very loving, and much too happy snuggle by someone with biblical grip.

    Kaori turned her back to Kukki and gently took the paper from Samira saying "Let me take a look..." in a gentle, and respectful tone. The page spoke of a plant monster that either mage could easily dispose of, and something that was massive and known for demolishing ships instantly. "Hmmm... A dangerous plant monster that you're too lazy or weak to defeat, AND a sea monster that's known for killing ships." Kaori said in a cold tone that made the sorceress sweat drop, the spider was of little concern. "Exactly how are we supposed to find this sea monster?" Kaori asked, giving the sorceress a star that sent a shiver down her spine while also seeming to be a very graceful smile... quite passive aggressive in reality. "Well, there's a local tribe who may be able to help you." She said as calmly as possible, but Kaori's eyes only narrowed on her. "This tribe could've easily helped you gather those plants and far faster than I assuming they're natives... Why didn't they?" her tone was highly skeptical of the woman. "Most... tribes are somewhat... highly... xenophobic... and territorial... You'd need to negotiate peace with them." Kaori's expression relaxed somewhat and a grim smirk was on her face as she loaded the proverbial gun with more ammo. "So let me get this straight... We, individuals who will only be on this island this one time, have to kill a plant monster, negotiate peace with natives, and then kill a sea monster and a spider. You'd benefit from the monsters being killed since it won't destroy your little shack or do the unspeakable to your candy ass assistant. You'd also benefit from the natives not trying to kill you in your sleep, and you'd be able to sail safely between this continent and Earthland nice and safe with that sea monster dead... This seems quite one-sided for you owing us just one extra." Kaori then took a seat on a one-person chair with a very stern expression- beginning something that even Kukki might shudder at the sight of... a businesswoman. "My associate here is quite adept at killing monsters so long as their on solid ground... and I'm good at killing anything she can't, but only if it's worth my resources. So..." Kaori folded one of her legs on top the other in a very lady like position while resting her hands on the chair's arm rests "...What have you to barter?"

    The sorceress smirked and rested her fist on the side of her hip, not wanting to get pressured into being a slave or worse. "You did just destroy all my equipment, and the windows of my home. I'd say that's worth a monster or two." Kaori remained stoic as ever and said "No, a replacement will suffice for that. Or just as easy, a vehicle sized block of metal shot from orbit can be delivered." She was referring to one of the rounds from one of her flagship's main gun, the same ones that turned the city Samira got Anhur in, into a massive glass filled crater. "W-well... Destroying the sea monster would make it safe for your ships to deliver their cargo, and making peace with the natives would make it safe for your crew to board." Kaori had kept her expression the same through it all, knowing that the woman was quickly running short on shots to fire. "My ships are all capable of turning any native into the holiest thing since those guys who walk around in dresses with little boys glued to their crotch. If the guns on my ship aren't enough, the guns my crew carry are... As for that sea monster being a danger to my fleet... All of my ships fly." The sorceress's heart rate increased, she really didn't have much to offer and could tell Kaori was the most cut throat person in the room. Kaori began tapping her middle finger on the soft arm rest, glaring at the scientist whose panic was easily felt by Kaori. "Let me give you something else to mull over. I'm a noble in four countries, and any money you offer for my materials could be obtained from any other. Your research is easily obtainable by my... connections, and you are an expendable, replaceable asset. Any ideas you have of terminating service with me would only impact yourself. Additionally, the benefit of having armed personnel near your shack- I-E, my crew, is an additional benefit. Now, look me in the eye..." Kaori's ruby eyes narrowed and her face formed a frown. The sorceress looked at her in a way that implied she was about to have a panic attack. Kaori's words cam across cold, heartless, and without restraint "Your hand is empty, your options are few." Kaori relaxed and rested her cheek on one of her hands. "I'm not an unreasonable person, just know that you'll owe us both an extra five. One for the plant, one for the natives, one for the sea monster, one for the overgrown spider, and one for the protection supplied by my crew." The sorceress bit her lip before sighing and saying "Fine." in a defeated tone. The air instantly became lighter, implying Kaori was applying just a touch of magic to increase the pressure her business partner felt. The ninja said in a friendly tone "Great! I'll have some paperwork brought over while we take care of things. Yo, copycat, time to go home." The clone of Kaori pouted (if Kukki hadn't managed to get rid of her already) and vanished. Kaori then turned to Samira saying "You can handle that plant monster and spider, you're more than a match for it. Iku and I will handle the natives and sea monster. I'll meet you back here, okay?" Once that was agreed on, Kaori would step outside and vanish from sight.

    Tribal Village

    Kaori and Ikuchi had appeared at the entrance to the nearest village, noting the distinct difference in clothing but not exactly showing any judgement towards it. Upon arrival, arrows were being pointed in their direction as a very clear sign that they weren't welcome there. Ikuchi turned his head to look at Kaori who was raising an eyebrow while mentally counting the amount of sharp projectiles. One of them shouted something in their native tongue that Kaori didn't understand at all. Ikuchi however... seemed to have been very well educated as he said "Take me to your leader" in the same dialect. A a tan girl wearing animal skins had stepped forward saying in a broken version of Fiore's native tongue "How you know how speak?". Beads dangled from her garments that consisted of an animal skin head cover and poncho that left her front exposed. Under that was a top that had teasels at the bottom and covered her breasts, but left her stomach exposed with a ceramic accessory dangling over it. On her right side, starting at her oblique and running down her legs was a tribal tattoo and a similar one on the inside of her left thigh also running down to her feet. She wore something to cover her privates and butt, but they did nothing to cover her legs at all leaving very little to the imagination. Her white hair was contained by the head cover, so not many could see more than a couple strands of hair at very specific angles. On her feet, she wore a pair of ankle bracelets, but no shoes at all. Ikuchi took his mask off, letting it fall and dangle from his neck by its string to reveal the crimson hellfire eyes that made the tribals all very nervous. They had seen their share of monsters and didn't want to have to fight another anytime soon. "I am the Dragon God of Domination, now take me to your leader." The tribal girl raised her hand and as if rehearsed, all the arrows were drawn and readied to be fired. "The Iochi don't believe in Gods, they left many harvests ago. You don't resemble any of our old ones, only that of a monster. The two of you aren't welcome here... Leave." The last word was spoken so even Kaori could understand. In return, Kaori's expression turned fierce and she stepped forward, standing between the woman and Ikuchi. "We refuse, take us to your leader." she said in Fiore's tongue, not knowing how to speak their own like Ikuchi. The woman turned her back on Kaori and Ikuchi and all of the hunters had fired their arrows at the two... All the hunters eyes went wide when their arrows came back.

    Kaori had used her telekinesis to stop the arrows mid air, turn them around, and launch them back at her opponents; but had made sure that no one was hit. She wanted to make peace, not eradicate all of them except for the most useful member- that was reserved for more advanced civilizations. The woman had paused, curious as to why she heard the sound of arrows hitting wood instead of arrows hitting bodies or dirt, as well as why the bodies didn't hit the floor... She turned around and saw the two of them still standing and the arrows stuck in the walls and sides of homes of their village. 'If it's okay with you, I'd like to handle this fight.' Ikuchi said in Kaori's mind, to which she responded by simply stepping out of his way. The woman held her hand out and a spear formed in it, showing Kaori that not all of these people were your average human- some of them had magic. Ikuchi had took on a hand to hand combat pose, placing one foot in front and one in the back at an angle to redistribute his weight. One of his hands stayed close to his body while the other was extended in front him, waiting for his opponent to come at him rather than him going to her. The tribal girl shot forward fast, not as fast as Kaori- there weren't many things that fast- but pretty damn fast. Ikuchi was accustom to training with Kaori and having to react before she got close, meaning he had to predict her attacks before she even began making it. Luckily, this wasn't Kaori's little vanishing act but a straight shot forward that was highly ineffective since Ikuchi rammed the base of his palm into the tribal girl's stomach before dropping low and sweeping her feet to put her on the ground.

    Continuing his spin while getting to a more upright position, Ikuchi raised his leg high and tried to bring it down on the tribal who was on the floor. She raised her legs quickly into her chest, letting the heel come down further befor extending her legs and kicking Ikuchi in the stomach and making him stumble backwards slightly. In that time she used the same action to get herself to her feet and charging Ikuchi with a new spear in hand. She thrusted the spear at Ikuchi's chest and the young dragon used his palm to redirect the tip before grabing the shaft (wow that sounds dirty) and pulling the weapon his direction. His shoulder was slammed into the tribal girl's chest, then the elbow closest to her was lifted and slammed into her head which was enough to make her let go of the spear while grabbing her nose. Ikuchi took the spear and smacked her on the side of the head, sending her to the ground but not completely. She caught herself by means of using a hand to turn her fall into a cartwheel, landing hunched down on her legs before forming two spears and charging at Ikuchi. Ikuchi and her began a series of wasted efforts as one attacked and the other blocked, alternating who blocked who and seeming to be at a stand still. This ended when Ikuchi moved his foot forward, bringing it behind the tribal's leg and pulling to make her begin falling. The tribal girl vanished, causing Ikuchi to smirk. "I knew you were holding back." he said softly under his breath. A swift spin while kicking the air behind him made his heel connect with the girl's head and send her flying sideways. He wasn't psychic, it was just more logical to attack from your opponent's blind spot which made it make more sense to attack your own blind spot where your opponent will attack. She hit the floor hard enough to drop her spears and slide back a bit, and then watched as Ikuchi held his right hand out and formed a battle axe with a hibiscus dangling from a gold string on the end of it. He vanished and reappeared in front her with the blade touching the skin between her eyes, both eyes crossing to look at it in hopes that he wasn't planning to bring it down further.

    Ikuchi raised the blade and made it vanish before holding his hand out, the tribal girl flinching and shutting her eyes since she didn't expect mercy from an outsider. One of her eyes opened to see the hand and for reasons unknown, she slowly reached out and took it to allow Ikuchi to help her up. A quick tug and she found herself on her feet and falling forward, stopping herself by using Ikuchi as support and accidentally (totally not by anyone's will) finding herself pressed against the man. She looked up and into the burning eyes with demonic slits in them and finding some sort of peace among the flames they held, a type of determination that was beautiful to her. She quickly got off his chest and took a few steps away, looking at the ground and away from him. "Ashawti." she said in a slightly embarassed tone. Ikuchi replied by giving his name and introducing Kaori and then repeating the order to take them to her leader. Much to Kaori's surprise, she was the one who had to do the talking since she was the leader of her... tribe... if you could call it that. The tribe leader didn't speak any language that Kaori knew, so she had to have Ikuchi explain her telepathic abilities and use those to communicate by means of using images and memories. The tribal leader had said that they'd lend her Ashawti to find the monster they called 'Last Shadow' but only after she had a word with Ikuchi... a word that required him to go to her hut for several hours. On their way back to the Sorceress's shack, Ashawti never let go of Ikuchi's arm... ever.

    Sorceress's Shack

    Once at the shack, Kaori, Ikuchi, and Ashawti would all be waiting for Samira. Samira would notice the tribal girl sitting as close to Ikuchi as physically possible on the three person sofa with his arm around her while she leaned on him, keeping one of her arms strewn across his stomach. If she asked what that was about, he would only reply "I do not wish to speak of it..." in a very unhappy tone. Kaori would tell Samira mentally 'He won a fight against her which, when against someone of the opposite gender, means you belong to them... and she seems to be fully committed to that. We would've been back six hours ago but... well... let's just say I'm waiting to see what the end result will look like.' A statement that would leave very little for Samira to imagine as to what Ikuchi and Ashawti were doing for so long... and Samira would know first hand that he had a ludicrous amount of energy. "Anyhow, how was the monster hunt?" Kaori would ask, completely unaware that it was Samira's first one in a very long time. Upon hearing of her success, the Sorceress would look at Samira and ask "So do you have a plan for beating the Last Shadow?" to which Kaori would stare blankly at her, not liking the direction this was going. "I'll be the one handling that." she said calmly, feeling the same stab Samira felt by the doors when the sorceress said "But... you'd be so useless... Her magic feels much stronger, so I really do think it'd be safer to let the more powerful wizard handle this." the only reason she wasn't eating floorboards was because Kaori knew she was talking out of concern and ignorance. "Hey Cap, we're in position." a voice came over the speaker on Kaori's iLac.

    Kaori stood up and grabbed the Sorceress by the ear, ignoring her saying "Ow! Ow! Ow!" while being pulled outside the shack to view the ocean as it expanded across the horizon. Ashawti had gotten off the sofa and walked outside to see since she was obligated to tell the story of how Kaori died in battle when she returned... not knowing of Kaori's most powerful spell. Above the sea hovered a single ship, Recon-One, that had voluntarily been used as bait. Ikuchi had come out just so he could watch his favorite channel, the "Fuck Shit Up" channel, only available to Kaori's crew. If Samira was present, she'd be able to watch as the collossal monster rose from the sea and towered over five hundred meters above the tiny, boat like ship. Thick black scales adorned its body and it had massive teeth that were too numerous to be counted quickly, and every last member of Recon One looked up and began backing away, heading towards the lower levels of the ship. "Kaori to the Ark of Destiny, I've got the reel set and bait's been taken. Fire when ready." Kaori said into her iLac, after which a single red streak began firing down from the heavens and impacted the massive creature. Upon the beasts forehead exploding and it being forced to move backwards, every member of Recon One began cheering as Salty piloted it away. "Sorry Cap, trigger slipped. Sending full payload now." a voice came back, though, its tone didn't imply that the 'trigger slipped' but rather the single shot was their way of giving the creature the middle finger. Shortly after, fifteen more streaks came down and impacted the creature known as Last Shadow. The first one that hit its head weakened the scales, the second one cracked its skull, the third shattered its face, the fourth, fifth, and sixth destroyed its head and chest... the rest were insurrance. Ashawti's jaw dropped and the sorceress had dots for eyes, not anticipating Kaori to be capable of mass destruction on those levels. Ikuchi took the iLac from Kaori and said "Good hits, enemy KIA- drinks are on me." Kaori had turned to look at the Sorceress, waiting to hear what other absurd requests she had but at the risk of having to owe another one to both of them, the sorceress had walked into her shack and walked out with a pair of thick grimoires. "These will teach you a lot about magic no matter how strong you may be. Hopefully it knocks some of my favors from what I owe." Kaori raised an eyebrow and took the book. "I just put fifty grand into a giant monster's ass, this will knock off one favor." she said and stuffed the book in the satchel even though the book was wider than the bag's opening.

    Words: 16,292   |   Kaori   |   Stuff


    Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private FN4I7td
    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

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    Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private Empty Re: Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private

    Post by Samira Nassar 20th November 2017, 2:59 pm

    Rather than a simple answer to her question, Samira was left with near bleeding ears as a high pitched squeal sounded off instead. A sonic boom followed that resulted in glass breaking all throughout the shack. Kukulkan didn't even have time to bitch about the noise before she was tackled to the ground. The mysterious being collided against her in such a way that, if not for the invisible absorption barrier provided by that magic keychain, even she as a high ranking spirit would have been sent back to the celestial realm in gory pieces rather than particles. The barrier was instantly shattered and needless to say the collision was anything but comfortable. The eyes of the spirit went swirly as she was stunned and had yet to recover from the unexpected tackle snuggle attack. The newest version of Kaori got a free pass to snuggle and had even kissed the spirit on the cheek. That was when the stun had ended and Kukulkan realized the situation she was on. The veins around her temple popped and her eyebrow twitched. Did she just really get called a baked good while also being labeled adorable? She was not adorable. She was deadly. "Why is this pretty thing embracing me and not jumping into a sacrificial pit? Does she want to get eaten?" The question had both been at the original Kaori and Samira, but it seemed the original was too busy conversing with...her sister as far as Kukulkan could tell. They looked alike and she did not really know much about the different parts of the girl that had formed individuality. As for Samira, she was pretty much useless to help. She too was stunned but for her own reasons. She had seen the black eyed dark version of Kaori before, but the blue eyed one that was snuggling one of her more dangerous spirits without fear or caution was new. It was...adorable. Very childlike and easily excitable. Even if Kukulkan had been in her original form that was anything but cute it was highly likely that version would still find a way to snuggle the spirit to death. The different nicknames nearly had her giggling. Once again Kaori had somehow made a dominant spirit the laughing stock of the mind space.

    Sweatdropping at the realization both mages were useless, Kuku decided to free herself. After the squealing YAY that had been shouted right near her ear, the spirit pushed the clinging woman away, or at least that should have been what happened. Somehow something so cute and edible looking was terrifyingly strong. Everytime she made space between herself and the clinging girl, she would find the blue eyed woman pulling her back into the snuggle. She was like some weird kind of gluey...magnet...thing! During the original Kaori's business negotiations, Kuku had been dealing with freeing herself. Somehow she had stood up, and somehow the clinging maiden still held her godly grip around her. She couldn't fly to get away, and everytime she thought she had freed herself the thing came back at high speed and latched right back onto her before she could do much more. Her tail had even been used as a sort of crowbar to pry the woman away from her. That didn't provide much freedom either. The best she could do was use her tail as a prison and wrap the woman and hold her a good few feet away and slightly in the air. That only resulted in her tail being used as a snuggle pillow, but at least the rest of her was fine. As she glared at the cute thing that would have made a nice meal, Kuku had a sudden tingling sense that she could actually break out of that hold at anytime, and would have, if not for the original finishing her business and ordering her to leave. Her summoner owed her big for coming out and having to deal with such...adorableness as a result.

    Serqet: 'Can I get a hug too, Kukki?!'
    Agni: 'I want in on some of that snuggle action, Ku-chan!'
    Loki: 'Lets not forget that our dangerous flying serpent is adorable much like a harmless garden snake! Oh, it fills me with tingly feelings all over! Come back to me, Kukki! I have to know what it feels like to embrace you!'
    Kukulkan: 'That windy swordsman may be able to blow a little air and stab you lot, but keep in mind I will drain your insides, devour your bodies, and literally turn you all into shit if you keep that up.'
    Loki: 'Oh, so threatening. If not for that snuggle time I think we would take it very seriously. I think our dear Susano is more intimidating now!'

    Back to Samira's point of view, her attention had left the blue eyed snuggling Kaori and returned to the original as the paper had been taken from her hands. She didn't know why there was yet another version around, nor did she know just how many there were. The question had honestly never come up before since she had assumed there was just the original and the dark version. Maybe the blue eyed one was the light version? And the original was just the combination of the dark and light version? Maybe it was symbolic of the innocent and childlike side of Kaori? She really didn't know, and it was quickly apparent they were not going to have a conversation about it at the present time. Instead, Samira was forced to stand silently with a dumb look on her face as it went back to a business-like conversation between the sorceress and Kaori. Every point made was sensible and reasonable enough for her to agree with, yet she herself lacked experience to even begin to deal with others in such a way. It didn't help that she actually had no clue as to what resources she actually had at her disposal, and there was never really anything in particular she wanted from others. Trade deals would be a nightmare. Kaori had been doing it most of her life while she sort of just got pulled on the wagon and was along for the ride. One more thing to add to the list of what she needed to improve on if only to not be a complete embarrassment. Living a sheltered life certainly had its downsides, and they were showing up like a colorfully highlighted passage on white paper.

    "Consider them handled," Samira replied when the task of hunting the spider and plant monster was given to her. The sea monster was more Kaori and Ikuchi's alley, but she wasn't all that sure in regards to the natives. Their way of dealing with things wasn't exactly always a peaceful one, but Samira may had still been slightly scarred from the way the natives of a certain lost desert civilization was handled. Anhur had explained before they were creatures hardly worth living and were more of a plague on the world than an actual benefit, which was why he allowed the city to be destroyed in the first place. Still, the memory lingered. She was also a little concerned about taking on two extra monsters by herself after having already dealt with the giant shrimp from before. Not because she couldn't do it, but more so because she didn't want to end up using too much of her energy and ending up like she did back when they took on that colossal snake. Granted there were other circumstances involved in that case, but it was still worrisome for her. The worries were forcefully pushed back. She didn't consider herself as a coward and honestly it was probably stupid to even think she would get into any sort of trouble like before anyhow. She was a high ranking wizard as well as one that represented her guild at a higher rank. Two monsters would be a cinch against one from a monster hunting guild. The new optimism thoughts brought a more confident smile to her face. "Good luck!" Just as she now trusted her own skills more, she brushed the worries concerning how Kaori would deal with the natives aside as well. She could trust her to do what was appropriate.

    Kaori then went outside and vanished, leaving Samira and a fuming Ku-chan. Her anger was contained for the moment, but once she saw one of their targets they were going to get ripped into pieces as she unleashed her rage on them. For now the two went outside the shack and Kuku tapped Samira on the shoulder. "Can you stop with the worry shit? It's been a while since we defeated that overgrown worm." The response given by the summoner was something that made even Kukulkan sigh as it was a lie. "I am not worried. I am calm and confident." A harsh shove was given that made Samira nearly fall forward, but she caught herself by taking rapid steps to regain her balance. "We're all connected with you, you know. I don't have to be in the celestial world to know what's going through your head or what you're feeling. It's stupid to try and say otherwise." Another flick to the nose when Samira put on her scolding face. "I seriously doubt anything on this piece of land is anything on the level of that monstrosity...well except maybe the sea monster but twin tails has that one. We're left with the easy scraps, and I am pissed enough that they shouldn't be a problem." Crossing her arms over her chest,, Kuku closed her eyes for a moment before opening them and making one simple demand. "So, after getting all sort of mushy and telling you that you have absolutely nothing to worry about, I need you to actually use some of your energy to summon me properly. I know it takes a lot, but it needs to happen if I am to have my true form in this world. No, I am not asking." With that said the humanoid form of Kukulkan disappeared into a collection of particles. Samira stood there and sweatdropped. Was a spirit seriously giving her orders instead of the other way around? She did have others at that level of power. Amaterasu, Ra, even Nu Wa. Using ones of that tier may of not even been necessary either. There was only one factor that made the summoner actually go through with the demand: Kukulkan could fly. That was a nice advantage to have when trying to actually find their targets on a large piece of land. Unfortunately, that also meant she would have to actually ride the flying serpent, and she detested using creatures as transportation. It was not the most comfortable of rides and always tended to make her nauseous. One day she may get used to it, but it would certainly not be while riding a rather dangerous and reckless spirit. Samira took the few seconds to summon Kukulkan properly and soon the giant feathered serpent had appeared from her airborne portal. The creature descended to pick up Samira before quickly taking off in search of the giant spider target. Bastet had originally gotten information about the creature from the pack of predatory cats, so it was near there where the search began.

    Trees, trees, and more trees. Small creature, medium creature, large creature of the wrong species... For a giant spider the thing was difficult to locate. "Maybe it has moved on to another part of the continent." Samira shouted so the flying serpent spirit could hear her voice through the rush of air. 'You can mentally communicate, you know. I suggest you do so or you may end up swallowing a fly. As for its change in location, I doubt it. There should be plenty of edible things down there for it, and only dumbass monsters would change their home just for a change of scenery.' The feathered serpent swerved and changed direction slightly and was disappointed when there still were no traces of the thing. She did see a few bears though gathered at a river trying to catch some fish. 'I have yet to meet this Artio spirit of yours, but from what the others told me the bitch can turn into a bear, right? Lets summon her and see if she can communicate with these disgusting things and maybe get a lead.' Kukulkan descended, going with her plan without getting the okay. Really she was sick of flying in random directions when she wanted to kick some ass already and prove that she was not some snuggly cuddle snake. The serpent hovered above the ground as Samira summoned the goddess of bears incarnation. The orange haired spirit appeared much like she did when in the desert city, meditating. She was one that enjoyed silence so she could further communicate with the nature that was around her. One eye opened at the loud sound of the rushing winds around the serpent, and the other opened when the serpent, and not the summoner, had given her the task. She ignored it and closed her eyes, much to Kuku's annoyance. Samira just smiled and sweatdropped. Apparently none of her other spirits were too keen on taking commands from the easily angered spirit. 'Artio, can you see if these bears know where a giant tarantula is located? It should be the largest one in the area.' The spirit remained where she was with an emotionless expression. 'There is no need to disturb the bears. I have asked the surrounding nature. The home of your prey is near the base of a mountain just ahead. Now, be quiet. Do not call upon me again today.' Artio then vanished. 'Semi useful I guess. I almost feel bad having you waste energy on that one.' Kukulkan ascended and changed direction so they were heading towards a nearby mountain. 'She just likes to be left alone. I consider her information useful enough.' The serpent scoffed but said no more on the matter.

    Soon the duo had located the tarantula on the move. Kukulkan hissed excitedly before charging up a ball of lightning in front of her jaws and unleashing it onto the arachnid below. The spider flinched when it had been hit and stopped its movements. Really the thing was not much threat at all. Well at least to something airborne and not small like a human. Kukulkan could have toyed with the thing from her spot in the air, but she wanted a more hands on approach. Down she went, taking her summoner with her, who was screaming during the rather sudden descent and lack of proper things to hold onto. The serpent crash landed head first into the tarantula, sinking her fangs into its body and ripping out a good chunk of it as she passed by. Her tail snapped against a leg or two and the winds that always flowed around her sliced into the giant creature further. The spider made some sort of noise that she cared not for and as such used the end of her tail to stab the creature in its abdomen. Then she coiled around the creature and began to squeeze, allowing her slicing winds to inflict small amounts of damage while the squeezing took care of the rest. Samira had fallen off at some point but was quite unharmed since Kukulkan was at ground level. The summoner had waltzed right over, hands on hips, and with a look that said she was almost angry with the spirit. "Kukulkan!" She shouted as the feathered serpent was contemplating how she was going to eat the large tarantula, and if she should even try. Bugs weren't usually on her menu but she would try pretty much anything. "What?!" Her voice sounded even if her jaws did not move to form the words. Her glowing purple gaze looked over at the small woman, leaving her prey to suffer longer for the moment. The look she saw pretty much told her that she should not bother eating the oversized bug. And probably that she should apologize for the rough landing. Of course, the latter was not happening. "Oh, fine, boss." Kukulkan finished the large spider off by biting into it once more with her large fangs and sending lighting through it. The thing was fried, which in some countries would have made it a tasty delicacy. Oh, well. On to target number two: the plant monster.

    With Samira back to riding Kukulkan, the two went in search of a...plant monster. How the hell were they supposed to find such a thing when there were plants everywhere that was not barren? For the moment they flew over certain green filled areas just to see if there was anything suspicious around. During the flight, the two had discussed some sort of plan that did not involve crashing face first into the enemy. Since it was a plant monster, it was highly likely that Agni or even Ra would be a better opponent for it. It annoyed the serpent somewhat, but there was some merit. Burning the thing alive would end it quicker and there was no fun in killing...a plant. Could she even eat a plant monster? She could try... Anyway, the two were flying over a rather pretty looking flower and green plant filled area with a small lake in the middle when a group of large vines shot up from below and wrapped around the feathered serpent's body and began to pull her down. Kuku does not eat plant, plant eats Kuku. The slicing winds broke some of the thorny vines, but they were replaced just as quickly as they were destroyed. "Shit!" Kukulkan ascended as much as she could to get out of range to no avail. She couldn't even attack the source of the vines since whatever it was was still hidden somewhere down there.

    As for Samira, since the slicing winds were proven to be ineffective, no doubt using an armory portal to use a weapon to do some cutting would be equally as useless. Summoning a random spirit while in the air would have been unwise as well since they would likely fall. She had no choice but to just take the powers of a spirit as her own. The powers of Agni were taken, her clothes transforming to symbolize that fusion. Even though the situation was critical she still shrieked at what she was wearing. There was barely even anything to it and showed way too much skin! Plus, the veil thing would most certainly get in the way! A jerk further downward and a hissing spirit reminded her that she was actually supposed to be helping. Putting her hands together, Samira used Agni's power and created flames around her in a circle that quickly spread and took care of all the vines at once. Kukulkan used the opportunity to take evasive action against more incoming vines. Any that got too close or managed to wrap around were quickly burned. 'We need to find the source!' An observation that was met with a simple, 'No kidding, genius!' Kukulkan descended as she continued her evasive action and both spirit and summoner searched around for what the vines were connected to. Unfortunately, they seemed to be coming from all directions. At that rate they were going to have to retreat and just come back at ground level. The plant monster had other plans, however. Larger and much much thicker vines rose up and smacked Kukulkan with enough force to knock even her away and to the side. At that point Samira started to get a rather familiar sharp head pain, one that she had not felt since that one time with the colossal snake. Her hold on Kukulkan loosened as her hand went to her head. Bad timing as one of the thicker vines smacked at the spot she was currently at. Off the serpent ride she went and towards the ground she fell. More vines rose to catch her and bring her in. Kukulkan noticed her missing passenger and had gone to go after her, but was met with more violent vines. By the time they were past over it was too late. "Damn, I am going to get nagged at for this."

    Down below, the vines had taken the summoner further into the lush forest area and under a dome-like structure that was made entirely out of vines and thorn branches. She had gone unconscious at some point, and was now hanging upside down, held by more vines. Her fusion with Agni remained, as her clothes were the same. 'Uh...Samira? You should probably wake up now.' The spirit could only watch as a giant mass of leaves began to take form into some monster that was likely going to turn his summoner into plantfood. 'Aw, crap! It's coming for us!' Another voice then spoke up, communicating with the fire spirit. It was a voice that had been sleeping since that day. It took quite a bit of energy doing what had to be done then considering his actual form was elsewhere and only a small part of him was in the girl's mind space. He would have still been sleeping if not for the sense of danger. 'Leave, annoying ember. You are no longer required.' Before Agni could inquire as to who the actual hell was on the other line, the other spirit sensed the question would be coming and forcefully pushed him out, ending the fusion. From there, he took over as he had done once before.

    Samira's eyes opened, although snake-like. "You have one chance. Release this girl," the spirit spoke, all in Samira's voice and using her body to do so. The plant monster focused on the hanging woman and let out some sort of plant monster roar sound. Vines started to move around the area, becoming active now that the prey wasn't in some motionless state. "A pity. I will have to sleep again after dealing with you." The plant monster raised its giant leafy-type hand in an attempt to grab the talking fleshy thing, but had to retract its hand after suffering from a sort of dark energy that had been released and was eating away at the monster. There was no burning, slicing, or pieces falling from the monster. The dark particles were just causing the thing to completely become nonexistent. If only he were in his true form so he could swallow and let it fall into the endless void much more rapidly. The vines that were holding Samira up broke from the same energy and she fell, although since another was controlling her she did not faceplant as she would have normally done herself. The spirit had turned during the fall and landed with feet on the ground. Casually and with no concern whatsoever for the rather angry plant monster, Samira's hand began to dust off her shirt. The plant monster roared again, revealing what appeared to be leafy but most certainly sharp and deadly rows of teeth between its jaws. Down they came on Samira with the plan to consume the annoying fleshy prey as it had intended to do once it had finished catching the feathered serpent. The plan was a bad one. The plant monster exploded in a wave of chaotic energy that ripped it to pieces. "Not nearly strong enough yet, my dear human." The spirit then left, leaving an unconscious Samira for Kukulkan to find sometime later now that the vines were no longer moving. There the two remained for some time. After Samira awoke, Kukulkan had questioned what had happened considering there were pieces of plant monster when she had arrived but for some reason they all slowly disappeared. Not to mention the fact it had ended up in pieces to begin with and the summoner was unconscious with no spirit around. She could have asked the other spirits that were watching, but Kuku was ignoring them for their mockery. Samira had no idea what the feathered serpent was talking about. The last thing she remembered was being stuck in a swarm of vines while being on Kuku's back. For the moment, Kuku let it go because, outside of curiosity, she really didn't care. He Bo was then called to heal the minor injuries she had obtained. They were nothing really, but she did not want to return with them clearly showing and get asked for details. The targets were finished and all was well.

    Summoner and spirit returned the same way they had left, being the last to arrive and finding Kaori and Ikuchi waiting...along with some tribal looking woman. Kukulkan had reverted back to her humanoid form and was staring at the tribal woman. The god and incarnation were based on a tribal culture, and she even looked like one herself. However, Kuku saw differences that made her scowl. Immediately, the serpent spirit considered her as inferior. Samira stared as well but for another reason entirely. Why was a woman she had never seen before clingy with a certain dragonhound and why did he in turn have his arm around her? Did she miss a chapter somewhere while she was out? It was just for a few hours, right? Not...years? "What is the story for her?" She asked curiously, wondering why she was so clingy. Did he save her or something? The reply he gave made her blink. She could respect he didn't want to give details, although why he seemed like it was so unpleasant a story just made her more curious. An actual answer was given mentally by Kaori. One that completely made sense. Then it hit her. Wait... they didn't? Now she wished she had never even asked in the first place. She didn't exactly feel any jealously over it, but she certainly did not need to know who the next person on the lineup was. All that did was cause her to remember certain activities of her own, and all those memories did was cause her to have a face a shade of red as well as the feeling of embarrassment. Back to that sheltered life where those sorts of things were never at the forefront of her mind. She looked away from the couch and over towards Kuku just to have something else to focus on. The spirit had raised a brow at her summoner's look of dumb in the process. Upon being asked about the monster hunt, Samira turned back with a small smile. "One massive theraphosa blondi and plant monster killed."

    "Yeah, if that bitch of a sorceress wants proof I can cough up some of the spider chunks I swallowed. The plant monster I didn't get a chance to taste." Samira turned towards the spirit with a look of disgust at the mere thought of her regurgitating parts of the spider she had eaten during the fight. "What? I was making a helpful suggestion!"

    In yet another humorous turn of events, the sorceress had once mistaken who was the real powerhouse mage. Samira sweatdropped, knowing full well how Kaori would take it if even she herself disliked hearing such statements. Samira and Kuku went outside with everyone else to watch the show, and sure enough, one sea monster was defeated. That looked way too easy. Even Kuku was impressed, although there was certainly no jaw dropping for the tribal spirit unlike the tribal human. She had to remain superior after all, and looks of surprise were just dumb. Yes, there is a slight chance she may have forgotten she had been nearly tackle snuggled to death hours before.

    Samira took a grimoire of her own, and rather than stuffing it in her bag, opened it and started to flip through the pages. "Hey! It's been a few hours so have you thought about what you want as part of your deal with this so called sorceress? Or am I seriously going to have to bring you here another day?" The spirit's question went unanswered as Samira was too focused on reading to even hear her. That only resulted in Kukulkan's hand going under the cover and pushing it with enough force that the book rose and smacked Samira in the face. The woman made a small surprise scream as the pages met her face. The book was brought down with eyes staring at blinking at Kuku. "What is it?" The spirit shrugged her shoulders. "Nothing. I just wanted to smack you in the face. You make it so easy to do."

    With twitching eyebrows, Samira closed the book. As weird as the day had been, it marked the first mission accomplished since Kaori's restoration. That was at least something to be happy about despite annoying spirits. "What started as a simple fetch quest ended with you destroying a sea monster. I think something as outlandish as that story could only be done in one of our missions." The summoner sighed. She had recalled her statement before on them having peaceful moments in their lives, but even a fetch quest turned into some wild tale of crazy. At the very least it never got boring.

    (Word Count: 4881
    Total So Far: 20349)


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    Last edited by Samira Nassar on 13th March 2020, 5:29 am; edited 2 times in total



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    Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private Empty Re: Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private

    Post by ○Kaori 21st November 2017, 2:35 am

    Kaori had watched as Ku-Chan grew impatient with Samira and made her book slam into her face, saying that just felt like doing it instead of an alternative reason. Samira had closed the book while stifling her anger and turned to Kaori, seeming to calm down rather quickly for some reason before saying "What started as a simple fetch quest ended with you destroying a sea monster. I think something as outlandish as that story could only be done in one of our missions." Kaori put on a warm smile and looked out at the sea as a small dot was flying towards them. "Yeah, that sounds about right." she replied, the small dot getting closer and beginning to take shape. As the dot got closer, Samira would see it was a flying shuttle, come to transport Samira back to Hargeon before getting Kaori and Ikuchi to the Ark of Destiny. The shuttle turned sideways and landed a few meters away from them and Kaori approached the door as it lifted vertically to reveals a fairly small space within, just enough to fit six people seated and another nine standing. Kaori stopped at the entrance and turned to look at Kukki. She said respectfully with a neutral expression "Sorry about this Kukki, but there's not nearly enough room for you in here. I'll have Aquarius bring you something as a 'thank you' later on." and went inside the shuttle. Ikuchi had walked in after her and Ashawti had stopped at the entrance on account of Kaori putting her hand out to prevent her from entering. Ikuchi had said a message Kaori asked him to. The message was delivered in her own native tongue instead of a known language. "Kaori wanted me to tell you that you're not allowed to come with me. This place is so remote that there's a good chance you'll die within suns just by being exposed to the outside world. Furthermore, you need to go back to your village and inform the others that Last Shadow was slain. Kaori will send someone to test you and see if you're able to leave the island." Ashawti didn't know of anything that could kill her other than monsters, the natives didn't exactly get sick from many things so she had assumed he was referring to monsters. "I will pass your shaman's test and see you again." she said in her language with a very confident tone, not knowing that this 'test' would involve tissue samples, blood drawing, and waste product testing and not something she was actually accustom to.

    The door would stay open long enough for Samira to enter before taking off. On the shuttle ride, Kaori's iLac had begun pinging while lighting up, causing her to blink a couple times with a surprised look before opening her satchel while wondering who the hell was calling her... and why... and how they got her number. She put it on speaker since Samira was already in the shuttle with her and, whether intended or not, she would likely find out anyways if the news was significant enough....

    Kaori: "Hello?"
    MC Rep: "My name's Jason, a representative for the Magic Council. Am I speaking with Miss Leraci?"
    Kaori: "Yes, how did you get my lacrima designation number?"
    MC Rep: "One of our mutual contacts provided it. The Magic Council has a request for you, is this a good time?"
    Kaori: "I see. It's a better time than five minutes ago, just know that my partner is present and you're on speaker."
    MC Rep: "I'd rather keep this private if that's okay..."
    Kaori: "Whether you say it and she hears it now, or I tell her later; She's going to hear what you have to say."
    MC Rep: "Very well then. The Magic Council has discovered a new land mass that's quite... expansive, but has run into an issue..."
    Kaori: "Let me guess. It's filled to the brim with mega-megafauna and monsters, and the best you could do is set a single scientist on the island to conduct research in a half-assed laboratory, shack combination."
    MC Rep: "Well... yes... How did you-"
    Kaori: "We just finished wrapping up a mission there."
    MC Rep: "Oh. -clears throat- Since you already known some of the dangers, the Magic Council would like to emplore you assist us in disposing of the native monsters. We understand you have more than enough fire power to do such a thing-"
    Kaori: "Send your Rune Knights, my clan has other priorities."
    MC Rep: "That option was weighed and the loss of men would be... astronomical..."
    Kaori: "That's not my problem. As I recall there's a clan of magic users based in Hargeon who specializes in disposing of monsters. I just so happen to have one of their elite with me if you'd like to make a formal request."
    MC Rep: "Gisen Ceostra has already agreed to dispatch her guild in order to be rid of the monsters, but the cost is... heavy."
    Kaori: "So you were hoping that I'd act as competition against her and agree to the task for less? Were I to do it, that continent and all within a hundred nauticle miles of its shores would be mine as a prize."
    MC Rep: "That's... actually the same thing Miss Ceostra's being rewarded with; and yes, we were hoping for a lesser cost and faster results."
    Kaori: (forced to stifle laughter) "You're all idiots... Gutsy, but idiots all the same."
    MC Rep: "I take that as a refusal to perform the job?"
    Kaori: "Take that as a 'Go fuck yourself a thousand times with a white-hot barbed spit' and deliver it to the head of the Magic Council."
    MC Rep: "You... do understand that your position within the Magic Council may be at risk by refusing, right?"
    Kaori: "So what? A fancy title doesn't matter to me. Gisen's task is to take on the monsters, if she needs my help she can ask."
    MC Rep: "If she asked, would you aid her?"
    Kaori: "My best friend's part of her clan, of course I would... and for free."
    MC Rep: "Understood... I'll relay our... conversation to my superiors. Have an excellent day Miss Leraci."

    The trip back to Hargeon would take a long while so Kaori had decided to do the only thing that makes sense in this situation... Samira would notice Kaori scooting closer to her, shifting herself to sit next to Samira before lacing her arm across the green haired woman and resting her head against her shoulder and closing her eyes. She nuzzled Samira a bit while drifting off while somehow pulling herself closer. Ikuchi was sitting on the other side of the shuttle with one of his legs on top the other in the way men preferred to do it, keeping certain sensitive parts from being crushed by his legs. His mask had been dangling from his neck by the string the whole time which would let Samira have perfect view as he raised an eyebrow at her. "So... how long before you break her heart?" his tone wasn't condescending, but rather it was genuine curiosity. "Whether you want to admit it or not, you'll have to do it eventually. You're beautiful, smart, reliable, and even if you were none of those- a Guild Ace... Men will come to you and...eventually... one of them would catch your eye. Kaori's had around a hundred fifty give or take, started when she was six- all were too boring." Ikuchi stood up and opened a panel on the side of the wall, pulling a black suit case out. "One of the perks of being in the Leraci Clan, you're so rich and powerful you don't need to marry anyone you don't like. Anyhow, while Kaori's asleep I may as well give you these." Ikuchi opened the suit case to reveal six small spheres with buttons on the front. "It's a prototype Zhong made to help with your adventures. They can each hold one creature- human or otherwise... and from personal experience the insides are quite lavish. If the thing you try to catch is too strong you'll need to weaken it first, so don't try catching any dragons without kicking their asses. Press the button on the front and hit em with it, they go inside and if it doesn't immediately pop open and release em it'll catch them." Ikuchi closed the suit case and set it down next to Samira before laying down on the seats opposite her with his head on Ira's lap, forming a black cavalier hat out of flames and resting it on his face. "May as well get some sleep, got a giant ass shrimp to carve up later." And just like Kaori, he was immediately asleep. Ira just sat there with a gentle smile on her face before Query showed up with a black permanent marker. In a calm, gentle, and innocent voice she said "I've been waiting for this moment for weeks." before lifting the hat and giving Ikuchi a mustache, black eye, star on the other eye, cat whiskers, and a phallus on his cheek. "Oh, he's gonna be pissed!" Ira mused before the two sisters vanished.

    Words: 17,833   |   Kaori   |   Stuff


    Event Horizon - A Sorcerer's Plight - Private FN4I7td

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 8:01 pm