When this job showed up on the job board, there had been a very large and mixed discussion about it amongst Shea’s fellows on who would take it. Not that many wanted to do it, the discussion was actually about who would be the ‘victim’. So far all of the male mages had backed out, leaving the female mages to bicker. The Songstress was rather new to the guild so they didn’t think of her right away, but when they did suddenly all eye were on the half-elf.
It didn’t take much begging to get her to go. Actually the begging wasent needed, Shea decided to volunteer as soon as the argument started. She just thought their reactions were funny so let things stew for awhile. Honestly though, she didn’t see the problem, this job actually sounded like a lot of fun! It was also admittedly something the woman was good back. Yup, if people were honest about it, most would admit ecchi was definitely one way to describe the beautiful half elf.
With that settled the fledgling mage headed to Clea Village.
WC: 183/1500