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    Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika]


    Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] Empty Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika]

    Post by Guest 18th September 2017, 9:40 pm

    And while you are sitting indoors
    waiting for the storm to pass
    I will be outside dancing in the rain

    The wizard saints were usually the first on the long list of mages to call when the magic council was in dire need, due to the obvious fact that they were dubbed among the strongest within the entire nation or Fiore if not also Earthland in general. Astrid had only but recently made it onto this list... Somehow. Even though she wasn't sure how she had done it exactly, just like she wasn't sure how she got the top spot of rising star. But it was not something the young guild master was planning to think upon too much. It had always been her dream to stand among the heroes of legend ever since she was a child and she was not about to complicate things by staring at a wall and recalling every single action she has done so far in order to accomplish this. The magic council had called for her attention, and like the loyal mutt she was Astrid was inclined to answer it.
    From what the council members had said there appeared to be massive groups of monsters escaping the confinement of the Fat Monster Lands and leaking out into the rest of Fiore, causing havoc and mischief across the nation. Most monsters were already being detained by other wizards. Given that this could potentially be a catastrophic event to not only Fiore but the rest of the world if the monsters were not dealt with most of the country's forces had already been deployed to deal with the problem. At least on the surrounding lands. But the Fat Monster Lands were still littered with rouge monsters, and they were coming out faster than the forces could deal with. Which is where she came in. She, along with other wizards, were being drafted to help contain the monsters and hopefully push them back deep into the land where they belonged.
    Killing them was a given, due to their bloodthirsty and non negotiable, which bothered Astrid a bit. She was against killing for the most part, but not completely against it when necessary. And with how many monsters they still had to take care of it looked as though she wouldn't have any choice but to get her hands dirty.

    The blonde currently stood in her spirit form atop one of the many rock formations scattered about the area, scanning over the dreary and overall gloomy landscape. No wonder the monsters wanted to get out of here so bad. If she had to live here for all of eternity she too would do anything to escape. It was a depressing place that no sunlight would ever touch. It was no life to live, even for a monster.
    She leaned upon her blue scythe, blade-side down and arm resting upon the end of the steel pole. Yellow eyes framed behind silver glasses stared dully out into the fog-covered distance, her facial features only distorting when she let out a loud yawn. She probably should have slept more the night before, but with all the changes happening in the guild currently her sleeping schedule was once again disturbed. Not that she had much of sleeping schedule much anyway, as she liked to make the most of her time and sleep generally took up more of her time than she would like. But now especially with these huge changes she found herself resting less and less. Probably not a good thing due to her deteriorating health, but the slayer found that as more of an excuse to push herself further, to ignore the fact that she was pretty much dying slowly. She didn't know how much time before the cursed Foss curse got her too, but dammit she was determined to do as much as she could before then.

    A single, deep roar sounding from below her caught the girl's attention, causing her to straighten her posture and ready her scythe, twirling it around once to make sure she had a good grip. Cutting through the white smog appeared one cyclops rising up from beneath the rock structure, it's one single red eye popping up and glowing as it looked around before settling on the girl.
    This one appeared to be alone, which was strange given that all the ones she had fought so far had been in groups. But she could not sense any others, so she doubted this was some kind of sneak attack or something. Not that these monsters were really smart enough to think of such a thing anyway. They just mostly ran around and smashed everything and anything. There was no logic to their actions.
    Spotting her the monster let out another dissatisfied grumble, rising a fist into the air to smash down onto her. But when the creature did so all it was met with was the rock structure crumbling beneath its force. Large pieces of rock and stone spread out into the air, allowing Astrid to climb onto them and jump from falling debris to falling debris with the utmost ease. Eventually climbing up all the way to the top Astrid lunged herself off and landed upon the monster's head. In an attempt to shake the woman off the cyclops moaned and shook his head violently. But in the end all it would cause him was more pain as the guild master inserted the blade of the scythe through his head and probably a bit of its skull also, causing the beast to cry out in pain. Astrid clung onto the pole as she was shaken about like a rag doll, her senses becoming jumbled due to all the ways her body was being thrown about. At one point, the slayer even began to feel slightly motion sick, but managed to swallow it down so it would not interfere with her battle.
    Feeling the beast fall down through another rocky structure Astrid used the forward motion to throw herself off the cyclops' head and jump down onto the surface. She landed full force onto the ground, making her lean forward to catch herself in order to stop the force fully and not take any of the painful fall damage she would have gotten had she not. She rose up from her knees, looking over her shoulder to see the beast in great agony. Poor thing. If the fact its skull was not bad enough it was probably going through the painful process of the scythe's burning exorcism magic. Being a beast of darkness, it would automatically have its damage doubled. It was time to put it out of its misery.
    The slayer faced towards the giant, summoning a bar of light. She would take the bar mid air and peel half of it back, allowing for one half to bend freely while the other stood stiff to take the shape of a bow. A magic arrow produced itself and formed into the middle in a twinkle of light. She rose the bow, taking aim at the blue scythe that was still atop the beasts head. She had to readjust a few times, due to how much it was moving. But eventually she saw a clear shot.
    "With this arrow i will end your suffering. May you find happiness in another life."
    In a swift movement, she released the light arrow. The arrow shot off at blinding speeds, instantly making contact with the blue scythe. Upon contact the scythe exploded in a ball of blue hellfire and consumed the monster whole. In a mere split second, there was no trace left of him. he simply sizzled up into nothingness. Other than the trail of rocks it had left behind from flailing around no one would have ever known there was anything there.
    Astrid's bow flickered out of existence, and her arms lowered back down to her sides.
    The girl stared up at where the cyclops used to be, only to hear another roar in the distance.

    As they say, there really is no rest for the wicked. There was a lot more where that came from, and it was sure to be a while before she could say she was done.
    1,357/4,000 ● @tag ● notes


    Last edited by Madame Astrid on 18th September 2017, 11:39 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] Empty Re: Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika]

    Post by NPC 18th September 2017, 9:42 pm

    The member 'Madame Astrid' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] UtKyMUJ Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] TV6mrb1 Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] TV6mrb1

    Posts : 1219
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    Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] Empty Re: Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika]

    Post by kittykool75 20th September 2017, 6:05 pm

    Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] HjYByyj
    Lucius Foss Golden Phoenix B-Rank
    I   c r e a t e d   a   m o n s t e r   a   h e l l   w i t h i n   m y   h e a d

    Lucius had made no plans of leaving the house, as expected from the boy who doesn't often leave is room. And as always, his sister Astrid was the one that dragged him out of the house to do something. Considering he wouldn't do it himself, and he doesn't even talk to any of the other residents of the house. Because he finds them all considerably annoying and intolerable, so he especially wouldn't listen to them if they were trying to get him to get out more. So of course it was his sister that brought him along, being requested to help deal with the surplus amount of monstrous creatures trying to escape their distasteful home that they have been permanently exiled to. Because he would not be requested to do so by the Magic Counsel, he wasn't a Wizard Saint or even a Rising Star, quite the opposite in fact.
    He would be one of the last people asked to do this mission, actually he wouldn't ever be asked, considering the counsel aren't particularly known for asking dark mages to do their bidding along with legal ones. Not that they could command illegal wizards about even if they wanted to, which he doubted considering that would be horrible for their own reputation. So long story short, being who he is as a person, nobody besides his sister would actually want him to help deal with with the monsters. Because everybody else would think he would just cause more issues, and well, they aren't necessarily wrong.
    The shadow mage didn't really know the specifics of what he was supposed to be helping his sister with, besides the fact that the monsters of Fat Monsterland have gotten overly restless and are streaming out of their home and terrorizing the nearby villages and such. Really though, that is probably all he really needs to know to do this mission. Kill the over-sized rampaging abominable creatures, show them their place, save the people and make them happy. Personally he didn't really care what happened to anybody, he would prefer the monsters killing everybody over having to deal with normal everyday life with people. But his adoptive sister asked him to help, and he couldn't say no to her, even if he actually would like the consequences if they were left to their rioting better then dealing with it. At least he would be able to let off some pent up irritation on the monsters, even if they didn't have as good reactions to torture and their friend's dying as humans and creatures of the like did.
    While his elder sister dealt with whatever monsters she may be fighting, either cyclopes or two headed snakes or whatever other freaks of nature were out there, he was fighting some monsters of his own not to far away from her. His black boots were pressed into the unusually dark colored grass, which was hard to tell if it was just the shade of the tree's canopy or just it's natural color. Not that the assassin could wonder this, considering he couldn't see anything at all, much less some insignificant grass. The blades of grass were crushed underneath his dark combat boots and the butt of his walking stick. He felt the presence of multiple enemies, and it was obvious to what it was with the unmistakable hissing of the slithering reptile.
    The hissing from the multi-headed creatures sibilated with each other, blending together in some sort of harmony, making it hard to tell how many were near the eighteen year old. But he managed to make it out, deducing with his heightened hears that it was about six, or three, depending if you are counting the heads as individuals or not. Gripping his cane tighter, he lifted his free hand, then proceeded to fashion the darkness around him into a black needle. With surprising aim, he nailed one of the heads of the snake that stood (do snakes stand?) a mere meter away form him. Upon impact the reptilian beast stopped moving, it's slit eyes glazed over. Veins blacker then coal spread like branches from where it was hit by the needle woven from darkness.
    Lucius then pointed in the direction of one of it's kin, it turned a blank gaze over to it and with a surprise to the other set of snakes, it struck. Grabbing that the throats of the two heads with venomous fangs. The two snakes, who of which were attached to each other, hissed in pain. This shocked the third set, though not enough to stop it from attacking the young man. He grit his teeth, it was hard to concentrate on controlling the one creature and fight another. Lifting his gun he blind fired in the direction of the snake, well of course any firing he does is blind fire, but with his enhanced abilities he is still good at aiming and such. By using his other senses he is usually able to pinpoint his targets, but he didn't really pay attention to any of this, thus for him, he shot blindly.
    Thankfully a couple managed to hit, and with controlling the other snake monster he was able to finish off the one it was fighting. Because after they were bitten in their throats, they were weakened by that and the poison. So they were able to finish it off with more strikes from their fangs and hits from their tail. When complete, they looked at it's current commander with it's glazed over vision. Gaining his breath he got distracted, forgetting about the other snake for only a split-second. From the sound of the wind, he realized that the snake was mid swinging it's tail at him. He managed to summon his shield, a black tinted orb erected around him, and upon impact it shattered. Though he managed to guard his face as the dark shield took the brunt of the built up momentum. But he still got a nice hit to his forearms.
    He growled, glaring in the direction of the creature he kicked up his cane which he felt on the ground be side him. Unsheathing the blade, he swung it at the reptile. He sliced one of the heads clean off and only grazed the neck of the other. But him missing didn't matter that much, because he quickly dealt with it with a thrust into it's long neck. Then he forced it upwards, cutting it in half. He inhaled deeply and let out a large huff, turning around he gestured for the reptilian monster that he controlled to drop it's heads to the ground. It did so, and in one swift swing he beheaded the monster. The boy took another deeply exaggerated breath as he flicked the snake's blood from his blade before sheathed it, proceeding to again, use it as his cane. The assassin barely managed to finish regaining his breath before he heard the sounds of other monsters nearby. The boy rolled his eyes, taking a quick listen in the direction of his sister to hear how she was doing. But it was hard to tell with the variety of different roars and growls that flooded through their surroundings. So he just continued to deal with whatever may have come to attack him for trying to keep them in their usual stomping grounds.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    1,228 4,000


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] Empty Re: Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika]

    Post by Special Snowflake 30th September 2017, 11:27 pm

    Pre-rolling cause you guy's killed all of them



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    Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] Empty Re: Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika]

    Post by NPC 30th September 2017, 11:27 pm

    The member 'Special Snowflake' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] TV6mrb1 Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] MPfmPli Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] TV6mrb1 Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] MPfmPli
    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] Empty Re: Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika]

    Post by Special Snowflake 1st October 2017, 12:10 am

    People were all in an uproar over the whole monster outbreak that had occurred, so much so that you would have thought the dragons had broken free or something. They were just monsters nothing important or serious, if anything, it was decent exercise to fight against them, build some character, make sure you are ready for when a real threat happens, then again all these people seemed to be worrying about dying or them getting free? Oh well, all Erika knew was that if she didn't want to hear it on the news in the morning for three or so weeks she would need to get in there and finish it off. It was truly a selfish reason, as she wanted the center of attention on whatever horrible exploits she committed in her other form broadcasted on the news, not something about some stupid escaped animals or whatever. So packing up some of her stuff Erika made a trip out towards where all the fuss was.

    It didn't take her that long to arrive, about the same it would take others using normal means. Why didn't she just teleport over or something? Well, mister smart guy she felt like being a jerk like always. See if she just teleported over via a portal she wouldn't get to teleport out of the cab and skip out on paying the guy, oh and she made sure the back seat was ripped a little bit at the same time. Of course, the entire time she was in the car she was in the wonderful pink and brown appearance of her former teacher Erika and when she teleported out she was in her birth form, so he wouldn't even know she had skipped out. Why did she do all of that? Well, one time she remembered that the driver, who she had just ditched,  had previously hit a curb and knocked some water onto her favorite outfit and now was when she would get her well thought out revenge. No one got away with ruining any moment of her life, even if she had to wait years she would get her petty revenge.

    The scene in the monster land wasn't too troubling, at least to her. As she started to explore the land Erika noticed that it seemed to shift between plain and jungle, but the color was all off. Now Erika prided herself on not being racist against various shades of foliage but when it was that strange of a color she rolled up the windows. The whole environment seemed flooded by some form of corruption. Were the monsters all turned into something aggressive for some giant plot to take over the world? Oh, the joy that Erika would feel if this was all some sort of plot to take over the world, there was, almost, nothing more enjoyable than beating up those who viewed themselves as the villain, especially if she could rub how terrible all of their plans were and just how garbage their execution was. She thought it would be funny if they were monsters too, then no one would get in that whole moral quandary of killing a human, seriously Erika didn't get what the big deal really was, there were supposedly billions of them so what did a few dying matter anyway, her species was far rarer and more important, so their deaths are the ones which should be mourned, well unless Erika killed them herself, then she would have a party with a six-course meal on their corpse, possibly made from it.

    As she wandered from the plains to jungles Erika felt the atmosphere shift from quiet to a nefarious killing intention. Scoffing Erika looked to her left and then her right, to threaten her with killing intention was one of the best methods... of suicide. Hissing whirled around her as she grew a smirk upon her lips. The attack came swiftly from behind where the snakes tried to penetrate her, but they missed as if they were fooled.

    "Oh, what a clever girl... girls...? You are. I'd still give that only a 4 out of.... eh 1000. The form was off, your attacks were broadcasted and you didn't have enough of a lead."

    As Erika spoke towards the snakes they started to struggle and pull away from each other, well the heads did as they are on the same body.

    "Oh my, I didn't... I'm so sorry I didn't know my comment would just... tear you apart like that. No really, please don't fall to pieces over my little criticism, I'm sure something will pick you up off of the floor."

    In agony, the snakes screamed as some unknown force pulled them apart and their body slowly started to shred into pieces. With a faint glimmer in its last moments, the snake saw upon it something sharp and small. With a flick of her wrist, the snake exploded into various chunks and split down the middle. Erika certainly enjoyed sewing their demise, though she got a bit bored with this part of the thread and wished to move on. Wandering around Erika didn't find much, some of the monsters seemed to run from her, she wasn't that scary was she? She just wanted to say hello.

    As she looked around, Erika's nose caught a whiff of something, it was faint but... she could have sworn...

    "I smell autism..."

    Moving the environment around her Erika went towards the source only to emerge directly behind Astrid and give a tiny sniff.

    "I was right, hello there Astrid what are you doing out here? Oh and..."

    Catching out of the side of her eye the boy, or was it man, who looked fairly ferocious. Could that be her...?

    "Is that your brother? Oh, he sure is tall, I can see why you have a complex about your height. Anyway, what are you guy's doing out here, killing monsters for fun, need some stress relief just like in the mansion?"

    [WC: 1000]



    Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] Empty Re: Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika]

    Post by Guest 1st October 2017, 9:42 am

    And while you are sitting indoors
    waiting for the storm to pass
    I will be outside dancing in the rain

    As much as Astrid would have liked to say that the woman's appearance was a surprise to her, by now the elf had grown accustom to Erika randomly showing up where ever she went. It was either a blessing or a curse, and the wizard saint couldn't decide if her situation always got better or worse upon the thread mage's arrival.
    Maybe that was a little harsh to say. They were friends now... Maybe... Kind of... Probably. Well she did join her guild and hadn't killed her yet, so that had to mean something. And after the mansion the slayer had grown to tolerate the girl's egotistical nature, or at least more tolerate. There was something about seeing her past struggles that caused the elf to feel like she had a connection with her. She didn't know what or why. Maybe it was because she saw her more as human now, rather than some strange and freaky god that could do pretty much anything. It was hard to tell, and that entire situation had been one big mess anyway. She could hardly remember most of that night, but Erika's memories were not something she could remove from her mind.
    Either way, she was a friend in Astrid's eyes, no matter how irritable.

    The soul dragon's blue flames burned brilliantly as they consumed the last remaining cyclops into nothing. She watched until the last inch of fire vanished, and along with it, the monster's body. By now she was a little more worn out. She could not recall what time she had arrived here. Judging by the sun, it was perhaps somewhere in the afternoon. But now that there was indeed no sun, or none that she could see, it was hard to tell. Maybe evening, or even night. She could feel her movements getting more sloppy, mostly due from exhaustion and fatigue.
    The blonde exhaled with a huff, removing her glasses to wipe away a bit of blood caked upon her forehead. It was either her own blood, or one of the monsters, but it was hard to tell. They had gotten a few good hits on her towards the end, which just ended up slowing her down even more, but she at least noticed her deteriorating stamina and finished the job quickly.
    Noticing some of the blood spatter had gotten on her glasses too she used a sleeve to wipe them clean.
    "Well nice to see you too." She spoke back to the thread mage, not even needing to look back in order to tell where she was as her soul energy did that for her. Despite the small agitation brought about by her comment on her height and anger issues, the slayer couldn't help but let a small smile take over her lips. "I have this strange urge to hit you, but seeing as how my job isn't done here yet i'll restrain myself." Though a bit threatening the words were said with a slight hint of tease, almost like a sibling would threaten to another. Looking over the glasses to check if they were clean (despite not having good eye sight in her spirit body, so it was a little hard to tell) she slipped them back on before turning around to face Erika. For some reason Erika didn't seem to be in the know about the magic council asking mages to take care of the invasion. Which she found strange. They were practically begging everyone to do it. She would assume the woman would have been one of the first to either accept or deny their request. Which she guessed, Erika decided to come from her own free will. This surprised the blonde a bit, but in the end the thread mage was always a mystery to her.
    "I'd hardly call this fun or stress reveling. Quite the opposite actually. But you know, i don't exactly want the entire land to be infested in monsters." She would have done this, even if the magic council hadn't asked her. But now that they were counting on her there was some added stress to look and do good.
    But if she didn't do it, then no one else would.

    Astrid would have began to tell Erika she didn't have time to chat for long, but the approaching soul energy of two chimera basically said it for her. Before they even appeared close enough for them to look at Astrid was able to sense their presence, and therefore became slightly tense. Out of instinct to protect she inched over more towards Erika, keeping her yellow gaze out into the distance to try and pinpoint their location. However, with the amount of circling they were doing within the thick fog it was a little hard to keep track of them. She knew there were two, but their movements were confusing her. "Speaking of monsters... We've got some visitors."
    She would once again summon her blue scythe in her grasp, and await for them to make the first move.
    These were no longer mindless cyclops that went down in two or three hits. These beings seemed... More smart and agile.
    This would not be an easy fight, counting in her slowly deceasing stamina.
    Hopefully if Lucius was done with his fight he would be able to help out with these creatures. But with the chimera the fog confusing her senses it was hard to tell.
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    Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] Empty Re: Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika]

    Post by NPC 1st October 2017, 9:44 am

    The member 'Madame Astrid' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] X6fB6gw Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] TV6mrb1 Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] X6fB6gw Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] TV6mrb1 Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] TV6mrb1 Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] TV6mrb1 Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] MPfmPli

    Posts : 1219
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    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
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    Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] Empty Re: Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika]

    Post by kittykool75 3rd October 2017, 6:33 pm

    Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] HjYByyj
    Lucius Foss Golden Phoenix B-Rank
    I   c r e a t e d   a   m o n s t e r   a   h e l l   w i t h i n   m y   h e a d

    The assassin had no monsters where he was, so he decided to return to his sister, maybe she was having more luck with them there. Or less luck, depending if you wanted to be there or not. Astrid who was not seeing this as a stress reliever, in fact quite the opposite, white her brother saw it as quite a nice way to let of steam. Such polar opposites the siblings were, in almost anything really, it was hard to find something they had the same opinions in. It's a wonder they get along at all, Lucius probably only liking her purely because of the amount of time they spent together. First meeting as children, and growing up together after the young shadow mage was adopted by the light mage's grandfather. Though who really knows, maybe it is because they grew up together, or maybe other reasons. Opposites attract right?
    As he walked back towards his elder sibling, waving his cane in front of him as to allow him not to trip on whatever might be in his path, he felt the presence of another approaching. It wasn't a monster, so the eighteen year old assumed it was another wizard sent from whatever legal (or maybe even neutral) guild to help deal with the chaotic escapist monsters. This person, whoever they were, clearly knew his sibling by the way they spoke to her. Lucius assumed by the sound of their voice that they were female. Then he assumed she looked at him where he stood a little ways away from them, because she asked if he was her brother before stating something about her height complex. It sounded like a snarky jab towards the silvernette, it was truthful, so they were usually more painful to be told to the receiver of the retort.
    He proceeded to listen to the mystery girl's next comment. Asking why they were out here, something about stress relief and a mansion? First, they were actually here for work, but she appeared to be clueless to that, so now she was even more of a mystery. If she wasn't out here for work, why was she out here. And though the boy was here because his adoptive sibling asked for help, this was, as earlier stated, was stress relieving. It was way better to be out here fighting and killing clueless and idiotic monsters, then having to deal with the rowdy members of Astrid's house. Those of which he couldn't kill, which was very upsetting for the mage who preferred peace and quiet over the loudness that constantly filled the whole entire house. Even his room that was always closed off to the rest of the abode. Usually he would just murder people if they were annoying to him, if it was in his ability to do so, but his sister would get angry at him for obvious reasons, so he couldn't.
    Secondly, He wasn't sure what the mansion was, but it was perhaps were they first met, or just some place they did a job together. The white dragon slayer had told him nothing about it, like with a lot of things lately. Though I guess it made sense, her business was her own, she was a grown up now and they no longer needed to constantly be around each other and know everything about each other. Plus he didn't ask, and if it was anything troubling, she would most likely not want to worry or bother him with it. But he was curious about how his sister was doing, what she was doing, it was the only thing he wanted to know about or at least wanted to know about and bothered to learn it. Perhaps he would have to ask later after they returned home, though that was unlikely considering the circumstances. They were fighting so they were most likely going to both be exhausted and want to sleep when they return home.
    Though knowing Astrid, she would most likely not be able to get the sleep she most rightfully deserved. Whether it have to be dealing with the pain in the neck child of the dreadful sky dragon slayer, who of which she was taking care of for him, due to the two of them not residing in the same guild. Or being called out on another job by the Magic Counsel or other people, or having to finish paperwork or some other business around the guild. Whatever it was, his poor sister was most likely not going to sleep after they returned home. And who knows if the dark mage would even be able to sleep himself, even if he is exhausted he sometimes can't sleep. Plus usually his body doesn't like to sleep at night, and that was the time it was currently. He is not a big fan of his insomnia, but something he has almost always been dealing with.
    The boy listened to his sister speak to the other mage, similar to the sibling's harmful banter. He was sort of annoyed by the fact that she was close to another person, especially one that he didn't know, but he stayed silent and showed no sign of his irritation. Then to snap him from his own annoyance and jealousy, he sensed what his sister was talking about. Approaching monsters, smarter then the cyclops that he'd seen earlier but didn't fight, and even the two headed snakes. Though those were lagging behind the stronger creatures, of course, cowards didn't want do be so easily killed as their kin. If they little brains could even comprehend death or anything else besides attacking people. Which would make sense if they couldn't, considering their unhesitant nature to rush into battle with people who were clearly stronger then them, and previously showed off the murder of their friends. Like his sister, he got ready to fight, unsheathing his cane to reveal a blade hidden underneath.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    2,219 4,000


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] Empty Re: Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika]

    Post by Special Snowflake 8th October 2017, 6:48 pm

    Some emo kid and a sassy Astrid this was just going to go swimmingly! Surely this meant that Erika had to try and show just how great she was via her superiority in the art of speechcraft.

    "I'm pretty hot so I'd hit me, oh wait you meant punch, that's significantly less fun as I'm not in the mood to see you die for the..."

    Flipping her hands to look at the palm side, she slowly curled her fingers inward and seemed to be counting... one... two... three...

    "I'm sorry Astrid I don't have enough fingers to count that high, please forgive me."

    Was she being a complete jerk about the whole situation? This was Erika, she wasn't being a complete jerk at all, in fact, this was downright saintly of her, more like a little joke, others had known what it was like when she was being a real jerk, mainly because of their horrific deaths. Why did she ponder on this, because unlike Astrid the boy seemed to give off an aura which felt like a baby version of her... come to think of it aside from looking like her brother he also looked sort of familiar. Well, of course, he looked familiar she had seen him before in Astrid's memories, but now that she got a decent look, even if from an unusual angle, he seemed really familiar. Oh wait, Erika knew, he was one of those coming storms, right? The so-called up and coming wanted list.

    Well, the wanted list for babies more like, in Erika's mind only a fool let themselves be so well known in their true identity, in fact to her the essence of evil was being hidden away in plain sight and right next to the ones who were considered the good guys in the world. Though recently despite all of her previous machinations Erika started to slow down on her plans to try and take over the world, as the world just didn't seem to want her, or notice her all that much. Maybe she was too cruel to the world or something, as it seemed to fight back, or maybe the world was just uncaring, oh well she wasn't one to easily give up, just stunted in her own way.

    As Erika was thinking about what to say next, the rush of enemies came about into the area. Some weird hybrids and some snakes. Of course, enemies would come out of the woodwork in order to try and kill them, for some strange reason. It just didn't make any sense, what would drive said monsters to commit suicide in mass numbers like that? Others surely called it fighting,  but to Erika, those who decided to attack her were really committing suicide, thankfully she wasn't too religious or else they would be committing religious suicide. Regardless, Erika's question was about to be answered as a couple of magnificent looking griffons descended down from the sky and into the clearing, surrounded by all of their companion monsters.

    "You shall not oppress us any further!"

    Erika sighed.

    "Your right, you won't be oppressed any further, after all, you can't oppress something..."

    With a smile, instead of waiting for them to make a move, or for some kind of monologue or moves made from the others around her. Instead, Erika simply blinked right next to the griffons, in the middle of their 6 or so bodyguards and merely smiled towards them.

    "That doesn't exist."

    It was swift and painless, something Erika didn't like to do often but she didn't wish to drag out the killing of such a lesser life form. To think some monsters believed they were above her stature as a mighty dragon well, smiting them seemed like the most prudent option. Strings stretched out and engulfed the ground as the various monsters felt the cold touch upon their scales and skin. With a flick of the wrist, a shish kebab of monster parts flew into the air, each monster sliced multiple times by the threads from multiple different angles. With a soft sense of pride, Erika enjoyed the little attack, she had perfected her threads to the point where it only took a few to topple giants which cause the majority of the world to struggle in terror fighting. FInally, her bark matched her bite.

    As the pieces fell to the ground Erika created little plates out of some less sharp threads and allowed the pieces of gently land upon them.

    "I was going to ask if a restaurant is around here, but I think the better question is, do you think the griffons will have a gamey taste or do you think they will be more refined? I personally think gamey but you never know."

    Total WC: 1795
    Post WC: 795



    Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] Empty Re: Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika]

    Post by Guest 8th October 2017, 11:25 pm

    And while you are sitting indoors
    waiting for the storm to pass
    I will be outside dancing in the rain

    'Don't have enough fingers to count to one'? Astrid didn't completely get what she was saying. Well maybe it was more than one, if her death at birth counted that would be two. Plus Erika had seen a ton of her memories, maybe her time as a wandering soul could also count. But still, she would have thought counting to two was easy, and could even be done on one hand.
    As the monsters continued to gather, the blonde craned her neck over her shoulder to give a cheeky smile over towards the dragon woman. "You can't count to two? My, and here you're always telling me i'm slow" the slayer teased, a pink tongue poking out at her for a moment. It was sassy, and overall surprising to hear Astrid of all people say something like that. But that would be surprising only to anyone who didn't truly know her. She may try to push a more graceful and considerate persona in front when with strangers or acquaintances, but when you got down to it she was still a relatively normal girl from a small village filled with snarky kids. If you couldn't take a joke, you weren't going to last long and become an outcast. Granted, she was an outcast in her younger days, due to not being able to understand English quite as well as the others thanks to her deafness. But she had still managed to pick it up as she grew, especially thanks to Lucius. The boy didn't care if she was deaf, he treated her like a normal human being, the only thing she had ever wanted. Despite her disability he gave her the harsh reality she needed. And even though it took a very long time, she eventually got use to it, and realized if she was going to get anywhere in life she couldn't be such a crybaby. So she fought back.
    The same could currently be said for Erika. She continuously poked fun at her, so Astrid could only do so back, right? Otherwise the woman would just step all over her, and having already dealt with Lucius she had a pretty good idea on how to handle her type, even if she was slightly more twisted than him.
    The snarky grin dissolved, and was replaced with a warm smile. "Besides, there's no way i can die. Because i have you with me." Maybe a bit cheesy to say, and might even cause the dragon to vomit, but Astrid did truly put a good amount of trust into the woman. She was powerful, even more so than her, and was wiser in the grand scheme of things. She trusted her to protect her, just like she would in turn. She had done it at the mansion, after all. Erika wanted to kill her, the blonde had seen it in her soul. She was angry the guild master had seen the very secrets she tried so hard to keep hidden. But instead she killed Sombra, and basically saved her from both the vampire and herself. The two had a connection, a friendship of some sorts. Trust was only natural to occur, even in the most dreary of situations.

    The guild master's gaze returned to the still growing number of enemies surrounding them. She grew a bit more confident, spotting Lucius now on the sidelines and ready to help out. But before she even got to ready her scythe the battle was over. The griffons approached at last, but were swiftly dealt with, both them and all their bodyguards. The Chimera, the snakes, even some of the remaining cyclops. Threads penetrated their bodies in a flash and ripped them to shreds. Astrid would have been more taken back by this, had she already not seen this when the two did their job together helping the young boy across the border. By this point, gore was barely effecting her, not with all the things she had already seen. Instead she was more impressed by how quickly and swiftly she managed to take out what would have taken Astrid a couple hours, making the progress she had already done seem like nothing more significant than a spec of dust. All that time sweating and getting bruised when someone could have just walked up and sliced them in one second.
    The realization was enough to take what remaining breath resided in the girl before she fell to her knees in exhaustion. Her scythe disappeared as she fell, and with it, so did her spiritual body. Staying in it was too exhausting with her low mana, and was no longer needed since their job was done. She could no longer sense any threat. The monsters were defeated.
    The silver haired elf returned to normal, and collapsed the rest of the way onto the ground daintily. She stared up at the grayish sky, which was now beginning to clear thanks to the threat now being deleted.
    "Neither, i think i'm going vegan after this..." The thought of eating the things she saw living just mere seconds ago felt a little nauseating. Never mind that she just saw their bodies get chopped up, just the actual action of eating them felt wrong.
    Purple eyes closed, and she started to concentrate on her breathing as she tried to not fall asleep right then and there.
    Well, she was right. She trusted Erika, and she had gotten the job done. It could have been handled a little more tastefully, but they had done their job.

    And just for now, before she had to return to the magic council she tell of their success, she would take a moment to breathe for once.
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    Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] Empty Re: Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika]

    Post by kittykool75 10th October 2017, 9:08 pm

    Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] HjYByyj
    Lucius Foss Golden Phoenix B-Rank
    I   c r e a t e d   a   m o n s t e r   a   h e l l   w i t h i n   m y   h e a d

    The assassin listened to the friendly and snarky conversing between his elder adoptive sister and the still mystery girl, as Lucius assumed she was by the sound of her voice, unless it was a male with a more feminine voice but it's hard to tell. His sensing of presences doesn't go as far as specifying genders, probably because it doesn't actually matter at all. But he listened to them speak, they were close, even an idiot could tell. They talked to each other similar to how they do, which was annoying, since he didn't even know who this strange young woman was. And his sister wasn't doing the pleasure of introducing who she was, as she usually would when one of her seemingly endless amounts of friends appeared from nowhere. Like this one had. Astrid then said a rather sappy thing, that would usually make the boy roll his eyes, to the girl who was still a stranger to the boy. This of which made the boy had slight suspicions to what their relationship was. How long had they'd even known each other, and they were already so close without him knowing so. It made him regret the fact that he rarely leaves his room, and barely kept tabs on his sister's whereabouts anymore. Like he used to before he just lost interest in doing mostly everything.
    Before the two Foss siblings could even start fighting the approaching monsters, the battle was already over. Started and completed by the young woman that his sister was having playful banter with. Like she usually would with him, and probably weren't, due to being busy fighting all the monsters and being separated from each other due to such. It was awfully convenient for the new comer to just come in and dispose of them in a matter of seconds, when they have been struggling for hours on end. Being there from early in the morning, or at least what felt like early in the morning for the boy who was rarely awake during the daytime, to whatever time of night it was now. He didn't even know what kind of magic she used, but it was quickly done. The dark mage could tell she was powerful, more then is sister, and probably more then the two of them combined. Made the boy wonder what kind of company she'd been keeping these past few months. Who was this mysterious girl, why was she here, and could she leave. Because his sister being overly comfortable, and acting like she does with only people she is really close to, like himself and a few others. Was making him uncomfortable, and rather annoyed and upset.
    Instead of offering to leave, since they were done now, the two of them just continued talking. Why were they still talking, why were they so comfortable with each other, why were they having a good time. Why was Astrid having fun playfully talking with someone besides him? She should want to go home immediately since they'd been fighting for hours, like usual she'd politely say goodbye and leave, why was this different? The boy was fuming without really knowing why, but none of his emotions were showing on his pale complexion. And his sister was to oblivious to notice that he wanted to leave, like she would normally since they knew each other so well, since they knew each other so long. Unlike whoever this was, stealing Astrid away from him. He felt around with his cane to find a place to sit upon, feeling that these two would be at it for a while. Once he had found a fallen log, he sat himself on it, stretching out his extremely long legs and crossing them over each other. The different shades of black that his clothing was basically blended in with the shadows and their dark surroundings. Only thing that made the boy stand out was his snow white face and hands that gripped the head of his walking staff and laced through each other's fingers.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    2,895 4,000


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] Empty Re: Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika]

    Post by Special Snowflake 14th October 2017, 12:41 am

    Astrid was being very... snippy and her brother seemed to be upset. This was just great, Erika had planned out a perfect BBQ right here and they were both just upset, tired, or didn't want to eat. Frankly, Erika didn't have to eat either, but she was just really curious about what griffon and friend tasted like. Sighing, Erika threw her threads towards a tree and chopped it into tiny pieces of firewood. With a small burst of energy Erika had all of the now plates of uncooked meat float in the air around her and with a flick of her wrist, she threw the now firewood onto the ground in a neat little pile. Gathering some stones around the area she formed a circle around it to try and keep the soon to be fire somewhat contained. With grace Erika extended her fingers upward, allowing her threads to form into a spittle. Tossing the various selections of the monsters meat upon the long pike she made sure they were evenly spaced as to avoid cross-contamination and to keep the various flavors apart from each other. As she lowered it on top of the firewood pit the ground burst as some stone holders emerged for the meat to be the perfect distance from the fire, as to cook it evenly and with utmost care. finally placing the pike down Erika cracked her knuckles and took a deep breath, She hadn't tried to summon this ability forth much ever since she had met her father, it was something she still felt uneasy about like she was exposing a part of herself to the world by using it. Normally she would have never cared but, well, the world liked to stare and silently judge her actions, or at least she thought so.

    Within the palm of both her hands, Erika summoned forth a small burst of white flame. It was awkward to be sure, the fire was hot but it didn't burn her, it was gentle to her touch, was this part of the mother her mother held? If so, and if this was just a pale amount, then Erika was in for one heck of a battle if her mother turned out to be evil, which judging by how her father had to hide to avoid her company, Erika figured that yes, she probably made Erika look like a saint by comparison. Such a scary thought that woman, if this was a fraction of her power, then Erika might not be strong enough to do battle with her right now, at least... alone that is. Perhaps if she had others to help her, but really who in this world would help her at all, not many if any would. That was another scary thought, to think she would end up walking into a potential deathtrap and not come out of it, she almost shivered if she didn't have the ability to keep her composure very well. Snapping back to reality Erika let the fire float over onto the wood and create a burning white firepit that allowed the meat to be cooked with her own special flare.

    Thinking for a second how weird all the stuff she did just now looked, and how absurd all of her apparent abilities were to be able to form such a simple task with grace, Erika thought that she just might be a Mary Sue. She quickly scoffed at that thought and shot in the head as she couldn't be a Mary Sue, that would mean she was equal to another and that just WASN'T possible in this or any dimension. Such a foolish idea for her to be a Mary Sue if anything Mary Sue wished she could be an Erika, the best type of trope to be in the entire world. To be an Erika meant being perfect (arrogant) it meant being graceful (a bloody show off) and most of all beautiful (despite not being all that curvy and having a sour expression). Yes, Erika was the very essence of what it meant to be perfect, in any form she chooses as well, the perfect actor, perfect partner, perfect criminal, perfect officer, it didn't matter she didn't everything with perfection... so why did she suddenly smell smoke.

    "Oh shit!"

    The meat was being burnt by her fire which was growing out of control. Her own ego seemed to have inflated the fire, really such a fickle thing to get so large as to try and match her ego, NOTHING could match her ego, not even her own ego for her ego was so massive that her ego had an ego which was larger than her ego. Try and figure that out, I certainly couldn't as I wrote it, but I don't disobey Erika when she points a gun at the back of my head and says "just write it". As she tried to dim down the fire I get to live for another few hours, which is a good thing. Anyway, the fire calmed down and Erika continued to roast hoping that the char would just add to the flavor. Looking over towards the direction the boy was Erika didn't pay much mind to Astrid, instead, she tried to think what was going on in his head. he was clearly well trained but his mind seemed... clouded. She knew that look as she had experienced it recently, so she could relate to having a desire to end so much life yet being conflicted over what you were seeing, hearing, and feeling. Was he going through puberty, maybe a few lonely nights too many? Did he need to shack up with someone to relieve stress, she knew that helped when she shacked up with Faeral a few times. Maybe he needed some nice girl or guy she wouldn't judge... openly, in order to get rid of that frown and turn it upside down.

    "Hey, emo kid why are you all the way over there with a look that screams sexual frustration and angst, come over here and a have a BBQ and some fun instead of being the cloaked kid in the corner who thinks he's a badass, cause news flash that's not how you get to know people, like how I got to know your sister Astrid."

    It was mocking but this is Erika, did you expect anything else but the worst forms of mock--- uh... PERFECT way of speaking, that's right the perfect way of talking to another, not a form of mocking, it was merely her way of complimenting others! yes that's right she was just complimenting people and in no way offending them at all. Perhaps if she hadn't just decided to be a complete jerk all the time she might just have friends, well more than just one... she might have two or three and now have to keep the creator of magic book on her friend's list just so she didn't feel lonely. That was a bit sad wasn't it? Well Erika is a sad individual. As she waited a bit for the young boy to respond she checked on the meat, it was almost ready...

    Post WC: 1198
    Total WC: 2993



    Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] Empty Re: Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika]

    Post by Guest 14th October 2017, 7:40 am

    And while you are sitting indoors
    waiting for the storm to pass
    I will be outside dancing in the rain

    Not that she would admit it to anyone, or even herself, but for the past few passing minutes she had managed to fall asleep a couple of times. Nothing too deep, just enough to slip under before being pulled back by some noise or talking. If she could control it she would, as she hated sleeping during the day. It already wasted so much time at night, sleeping during the day when she could be doing something important brought distraught to the elfling. But this time she couldn't help it, much to her dismay. She was already feeling weak enough these days as is. Put a couple hours worth of fighting a large number of the toughest monsters in Earthland and she felt completely drained. Not to mention using her spirit body put a ton of strain onto her, and anyone would understand why she couldn't seem to keep her eyes open. Not that this was too much different from what she was basically doing each night until she passed out anyway, sometimes for even longer than she did her.
    How she wasn't dead yet was a mystery indeed.

    Due to her wavering sleep pattern she couldn't exactly keep track of Erika and Lucius' conversation. Words jumbled together, and sometimes got even completely ignored by her consciousness, making trying to follow anything said near impossible. Unable to gain anything from staying awake any longer the slayer was about to slip back into sleep until a most wonderful smell caught her off guard. She sniffed the air a few times, and then once again. It was a pleasant smell, completely opposite from the foul odor all the monsters had given off. It was hard to describe, as it wouldn't really have a smell to a normal being. Rather, the elf noticed it was only one kind of smell she had noticed after she received her slayer magic.
    Light's smell.
    It reminded her a bit of Sirius' smell, as the elder dragon was constantly radiating his own light from his whitened scales. Except this was perhaps, more tastier. Sirius smelled more like nature itself, which made sense for the drastically older being. He drew all most all of his power from the natural light around him, much like herself. But this smelled different. Hard to describe, but it had more of a smokey smell, and much lighter than her or the elder dragon's magic.
    Purple optics blinked open, feeling her stomach rumble in demand to be fed. Now that she thought about it, she hadn't had much to eat that day. A sandwich on the way here, but nothing too filling. She was more focused on getting her task done before indulging herself. And now because of that the wonderful scent of Erika's light was suturing her hunger. Not really the cooking animals themselves, as Astrid was completely serious about being unable to eat thing she had just seen alive a few minutes ago. But the light however... If anything she was curious about how it would taste. She didn't get to taste a lot of light magic, as the element was only specific to a few mages. She couldn't eat her own light, as that was sort of like cannibalism... Another strange rule slayers had. But even if she was a cannibal she wouldn't want to consume her own light magic... Yes... Yes she had tried before. Are you really surprised? This was the same girl who thought she could get out of a crystal that was proven to crystallize light magic by just using more light magic on it. She wasn't very smart. But even then at least trying to consume her own magic wasn't THAT strange, right? She had been new to her magic back then, and was not aware of all the drawbacks. Little to say, she didn't taste very good.
    Sirius' magic didn't really have a taste to it, which was a shame seeing how much she had to consume during their battles. All it would do is fill her up without any satisfaction. Yet again, dragon slaying magic was known for being the most neutral of the slayers, so it wasn't too surprising. And besides him the only people she got to taste light magic from was random enemies on her missions. And surprise, they were usually bad or had little flavor at all.
    By this time, she was really craving a flavor her of own elemental magic that actually had some flare to it.

    Astrid pushed herself up to sit, and watched the white flames dance around the fireplace. A few times she caught herself drooling, and had to use a sleeve to wipe it away. She wasn't aware Erika knew how to use fire, but she was a dragon after all. Not that all dragons used fire, that was speciesist. But, whatever. She knew how to use fire, simply add another thing Astrid didn't know about Erika. The woman never ceased to surprise her. Actually it'd be more worrisome if she didn't.
    Turning her attention away from the flames she looked back over to Lucius. The poor boy was sitting alone in the shadows, sulking as usual. That's right, he'd probably want to be home right about now. He was as exhausted as she was. Plus Erika was new to him, and he didn't exactly deal well with meeting new people.
    "Yeah come on, Lulu! Have some of this..." pausing, she would look back to the flames, as if enchanted by them, and continue talking more under her breath. "Delicious... Filling... Creamy... D-Delicious... A-Aha" she would stop mid sentence, at a loss for words as her hunger began to fog her mind.
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    Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] Empty Re: Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika]

    Post by kittykool75 14th October 2017, 9:19 pm

    Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] HjYByyj
    Lucius Foss Golden Phoenix B-Rank
    I   c r e a t e d   a   m o n s t e r   a   h e l l   w i t h i n   m y   h e a d

    His crimson eyes were closed, he was tired and just wanted to go home so he could get some rest. He tried to picture himself laying in his comfortable bed, ready for his thoughts to be taken away by unconsciousness. But it was a really hard thing to imagine when you aren't on a comfortable bed, but a log that was the opposite of such. Plus the strange girl was making a lot of noise, so that was not helping. Though you think it would, filling the void of silence with many sounds similar to what it would be at home with, whoever lived at Astrid's house, making all the noise in the world. Though he preferred to sleep in complete and absolute silence, he has learned to live with the noise, for the most part. Sometimes he is extra irritable and can't handle it, so he'll just leave the house. He would just tell his elder sister to try and shut everybody up, but that was rude to her and she was busy enough. She was the only person he didn't want to be mean to, at most he liked their playful banter.
    Speaking of such, previously mentioned sister and strange girl were no longer doing that. But it didn't tame his already enraged emotions that showed as slight irritability on the outside. His eyes didn't open at the sound of the mysterious thread mage in distress, but he did feel slight pleasure, but it wasn't showed and quickly diminished. He assumed her cussing was because of the smell of something burnt, which he assumed to be food cooking. Which made him actually feel hungry, for once, since it was such a rare occasion for him to eat more then some quickly microwaveable meal almost everyday. But he didn't move to get some, not yet anyways. He heard the stranger speak, took him a moment to realize it was him she was speaking to. The boy opened his eyes, but didn't look in her general direction like he would usually do, so it was hard to tell if what she said was heard.
    But it was heard, and was analyzed by the assassin. He didn't really appreciate the nickname given, but he understood why it was given, didn't make him happy about it. Wasn't quite sure why his expression screamed 'sexual frustration and angst', well he did understand what she was getting at, but didn't actually agree with such. Then after all that stuff that she claimed to know about him, she told him to join in on the barbecue and stop being the 'cloaked kid in the corner who thinks he's a badass'. He personally didn't really think he was a badass, he knew he was highly trained in combat and manipulating darkness. So he guessed that she was going off of that and random stereotypes and maybe other people she's previously met. Who really knew.
    The dark mage wasn't one to brag about himself, not anymore, he lost any semblance of an ego or fake confidence that he once had. Now he just found it rather stupid, constantly thinking you're the best, because you aren't. No one is, and there is always going to be someone greater. He sensed this was not the way she thought, but he wasn't quite sure, not yet anyways, maybe he'd figure it out. Hopefully he wouldn't have to stay around her much longer that he would be able to. She did show off, and her powerful presence spoke in a way that she wanted everybody to look in awe because she was perfect and amazing. Especially by the way she spoke. He was getting a vibe that she always talked in a way that she didn't care for the consequences, because she could handle them and stop them from their probably hilarious attempt.
    Lastly she said that wasn't how he made friends, or however she phrased it. He was anti social and an introvert, the last thing he wanted to do was openly go out and talk to people. Though she did not appear to care about anything but herself, so he doubted she would listen to anything he would have to say that would go against anything she said. So the boy stayed mute, figuring that would be for the better, maybe if he ignored her long enough she'd go away and Astrid and him could go home. But that was just wishful thinking and very unlikely, and he knew nothing like that was going to come true, so he shut those thoughts down before they could continue to properly progress. Plus he stopped trying to figure out how this girl worked, maybe he was right, maybe he was wrong, but it really didn't matter. If his wishful thinking was true, he wouldn't have to see or have to listen to her stupid voice ever again.
    Lucius would've just continued to stay silent to the side, being completely unresponsive to the new comer, but his sister requested the same thing. In a much different way of course, Astrid was nothing like whoever this was, and for that he was glad. The boy released a sigh, uncrossing his legs he used his walking staff to help himself to his feet. He stood tall naturally, but was to lazy and tired to bother trying to keep a proper posture as he would usually, so he was slouching. Which helped him look more like all the stereotypes the strange woman was trying to fit him into. The dark mage walked over, he felt the ground for the rocks the made up the edge of the fire pit. Leaning over, he reached to grab one of the spits with his long and pale fingers, doing so gently and slowly as to not burn himself on the fire created by the chef of this meal.
    The assassin proceeded to walk away from the fire pit to stand beside his older sister and very much smaller sister, he slightly bumped his cane up against her arm on purpose. As to try and break her from her weird trance, that he wasn't surprised by, his sister was always doing weird things. And muttering random things while having a hunger clouded mind was just one of them. One of the less weirder things probably. If him slightly nudging her didn't work to break her from whatever she was in, he'd just roll his crimson eyes and proceed to try his food. Though maybe he'd do the same if she did break from her trance. It was hard to say, but he would stay quiet and continue to try and ignore the other person. Trying to think of it just being him and his sister, like it was originally before this pest had arrived. Though she help kill the rest of the monsters and make some food, as much as he wouldn't like to admit that she helped. He actually would never admit such.

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    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika] Empty Re: Underneath It All, We're Just Savages • Private, Event-Job [Lucius & Erika]

    Post by Special Snowflake 15th October 2017, 8:30 pm

    The two seemed to be getting along, or at least the boy listened to Astrid, but not to Erika. It was obvious why he was clearly not used to hearing such perfection, that or he was also deaf like Astrid had been. Was he deaf? Erika didn't know, he shouldn't have been deaf at all, what was it that was wrong with him, well besides trying to be all edgy, maybe he just couldn't smell? No, it was that he couldn't... see, right he was blind! That's why he had the cane, honestly, Erika just thought he was trying to imitate a green midget or something. She hadn't heard him speak so she didn't know if he spoke in such a way, but now she couldn't get the thought out of her head, him talking backward. Obey Astrid I must, be emo in a corner shall I, oh just too great. Lately, Erika had been having more silly thoughts than world-conquering ones and she didn't really get why, why did one suddenly give up on a few of their goals out of the blue to just pursue a few meaningless ideas. Maybe it was part of her growing up or maybe it was part of her living out in the open for once rather than trying to hide everything behind smoke and mirrors.

    It was an odd feeling, coming out here on a whim and just hanging out with people she knew, even if she was incredibly awkward with it. Even then she only really knew one of them, as the other had just been from Astrid's memories and interactions with him. Sadly the less silly Erika thought about him, she started to believe she was looking at herself in a mirror. Erika really had been distant when she lived with her father and didn't have the freedom she now did. He seemed trapped, was it by Astrid or himself?

    Without much time to ponder on the subject further Erika saw that Astrid was getting quite ferocious in her expression. Erika didn't think she would actually want to eat after what she had said. Clearly, Astrid was hungry for Erika's perfect cooking right? No, she wasn't at all, Erika saw Astrid's eyes pointed down towards the fire. Astrid wasn't a fire slayer, why would she want to eat the fire, that just didn't make any... oh no, oh no... the fire wasn't just made from a fire was it, it also seemed to glow a brilliant light. Oh crud, Astrid was a light slayer and she didn't want to eat the other food, she wanted to eat the fire itself! Erika needed that fire to cook!

    "Astrid no, I need that fire to cook, stop looking like you want to devour it! First, paste and now fire, you are like a puppy you put everything in your mouth!"

    Erika didn't realize how terrible that sounded until she had an unusually pervy thought and then in a shocking display she blushed a bit. Whoops, Erika had just made a mistake with what she had said and now didn't have the courage to try and correct it, not like Astrid had probably heard it anyway as she was most likely chowing down on the fire. Grabbing a spittle before the flame died underneath it Erika took a bite of the griffon, it tasted gamey like a human, eh it wasn't her favorite type. At least humans could have more fat especially if the meat was tenderized, the griffons were like a cross between chicken and the worst aspects of humans. If only Erika have some fava beans to go with this creatures liver, oh well.

    Sighing Erika thought about what to do next, she could just head home as it seemed Astrid only wanted to head to tell the magic council about these monsters being beaten and Lucius just wanted to go home, so maybe it was best for her to do the same. it would be brief but no one except for Astrid was enjoying herself and that was only because, apparently, Erika's fire was crack cocaine mixed with chocolate or something. Was it really so much to ask to not have her fire eaten so harshly, really? Uh now she had to watch out if she used it around Astrid, in order to keep the little idiot from going hungry at the first whiff, though thankfully her brother didn't seem to care, well he didn't seem to care about anything but in this instance it was about the fire or the meal. To insult her cooking by not caring, what a punk, maybe she would have to beat him up later. She thought about throwing a bag over his head but if he was already blind that didn't matter, maybe she would just club him with her patented seal club or something... OR she could restore his sight just so she could throw the bag over his head and THEN beat him with the bag on his head. That was a brilliant plan if Erika said so herself, which she did, no, really a clone of her's said it sounded awesome.

    She couldn't do it here obviously, no she had to do it later, and she would need to make the preparations to do so. The next time she would see him, he would see her true potential as she beat him with a bat and forced it on him. Astrid might get mad but when didn't Astrid get mad over something Erika did. "Don't kill those humans" this and "Don't torture those children" that. If they were so innocent why was Erika torturing them in the first place? Seriously Astrid just needed to realize that on these subjects Erika was just right, all the time, except for when she turned left in her car, then she was left.

    The train of thought in her mind is dying so it was time to go now.

    "Well uh, it's been fun, I can't believe they were even worried about those things right? Anyway I'm going to head home, you guys should do the same before more scary monsters show up... or a dark corner has a can of paste in it."

    The last bit was a jab at both of them, and how both of the siblings seemed to have weird problems that didn't get resolved no matter what happened. With a swipe of her hand, Erika vanished through a portal around herself and went back to her home in the Golden Phoenix area and pursued her various bats, and decided on which one she should use for the previously thought up plan.

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