Fairy Tail RP

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    First Step Forward


    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Completed First Step Forward

    Post by Ruvel 10th August 2017, 7:07 am

    Job Information:

    Ruvel had been feeling better after they had remained in the cavern underneath the now destroyed laboratory that Tankin had done all his monstrous and inhumane experiments on people. He knew deep down the fear they had when their number was called so to speak, he had and even now he was free of it was still living with that same fear. He knew he was being hunted, they never let anything they believed theirs go and would rather kill it than allow it to go against their wants. He also knew they knew he wished for death after everything he had seen and been put through so would only take him to the brink of the desired outcome before denying him it like they had done so many times before just so they could start his torture all over again. Sitting up quickly in a cold sweat, covering his mouth as he screamed into them his eyes opened the glow had dulled quite a bit but it was still there faintly after a moment he stopped panting as he realised realised he was fine. It was then he noticed that the one he had went through the endeavour with was still there. 'He remained? But why? I'm nothing but a stranger to him' he seemed genuinely confused at the others presence so he looked to his warrior summon in the hopes for answers.

    Barthenz looked to Ruvel's eyes studying them to see if his health had improved any, it allowed him to let the others know if he could travel and if they would have to take a trip for the medicine he was normally given during the rituals. "You're still not fully passed the sickness kid, you can't stress your body like that again until you're fully well and even then you shouldn't really do it." he said sternly swatting him on the back of the head making the young summoner flinch "I'm sorry Barthenz, it wasn't my intention to worry anyone. I have a question though, why did Cirven remain?" he asked said before verbally asking Barthenz trying to catch up on what had gone on when he passed out and something told him that Laurea had something to do with keeping him that way. "He was concerned for your health kid, part of me thinks he didn't think we could keep you safe" he didn't think such a thing it was more a friendly poke at the new ally "You've always kept me safe, since the day I made the contract with you" he commented back almost defending as he was defending his protector "I know kid and so does he." he tussled the youths hair "Then why is he here still?" it was clear he was still confused and that he knew the original answer was only part of the reason "We created a contract with him on your behalf kid, you are to join his guild, he has agreed to teach you personally kinda like a big brother would." he said before realising that Ruvel never had siblings before or a normal childhood after "A big brother has the right to make your life hell." he said hoping that Ruvel would understand "Been there already so I think I'll take a pass, anyway you have no right to make contracts on my behalf" he almost scolded the other.

    "Different kind of hell kid, not like what you're use to, think about how some of us give you a hard time... as a kind of big brother figure he would have the same right, not to mention there are somethings that he'll be able to teach and guide you on because he has been through similar to you where we haven't" he started clarifying so the youth could distinguish between the levels of hell "And kid we have every right so longs we all agree it's in your best interest and on this occasion we did. You could break the contract we created if you wanted but what would that say about you, besides in doing so you would break your contract with each of us and those who did stay would never respect you as a summoner" he added knowing that Ruvel was backed into a corner on this. With a sigh Ruvel nodded his eyes turning to Cirven "No complaints from me, thank you for taking me under your wing" he said respectfully, he didn't want to say anything about a new home for now, he didn't know the other well enough nor did he know the type of people that called the guild home "Oh one last thing kid, they're sea traders" he snickered a little at that Ruvel instantly brought his knees to his chest his head burying deep in them as he trembled, he had a fear of fake freedom due to his home and things like ships where just that. 'I'm not going to do well here you know' he sent to his summons 'You are strong our summoner, you will adapt.' Shindara said to him before going silent.

    Eventually Ruvel looked at Cirven again "While I wasn't quite myself I said something was wrong here, I remember Shindara saying the same thing. I'm guessing by now whatever it was has died within the pyre or left, either way there's more to this than I care to think on" he said with a sigh his eyes going to Barthenz "You best go rest up, you've used a lot of energy to be by my side for so long" he said knowing it was a risky move given that they didn't know that much about the other so could be hiding other motives but he also knew that Barthenz needed sleep. With a nod Barthenz was gone, he didn't have to be told twice. "It's not sitting right with me, he knew of you and he knew how I bleed though at that point I hadn't bled in front of either of them" he explained before scratching his head "We need to figure out what he was planning to do and if he had a partner or was working for someone" he said starting to stand up though he was on unstable legs but managed to recover after a few stumbles walking towards Cirven.

    Word Count: 1'054

    Last edited by Ruvel on 5th September 2017, 1:32 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Adding completed Tag)


    First Step Forward 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Completed Re: First Step Forward

    Post by Cirven 14th August 2017, 2:49 pm

    Cirven stayed awake as he watched Ruvel. Barthenz stayed out and watched over him as Cirven did so too. He didn't know why he was doing what he was doing but he felt like he had similarities with the younger man that he could help him deal with. He had lived through a life that was full of strife and pain but he found a way to be where he was at this point and possibly further. He didn't know where the future would take him but he planned to do the best he could do with the life he was given.

    Multiple yawns took control of his face and had him showing how tired he was but he did not go to sleep. It wasn't that he didn't trust Ruvel or his summons at this point but he wanted to witness what he was going through. He didn't want to suddenly have to deal with some sort of beast that Ruvel changed into from the crimson moon casting it light on him like some sort of werewolf. Plus, the demon knew that this would show more of how trustworthy he was to the yellow-eyed man and his friends. He pulled out one of the knives that rested along his waist and twirled it around in his hand and fingers for some sort of fun and distraction to keep him awake. The distraction only served to cause his mind to wander off on things from his past.

    ------------------------- The Past -------------------------

    "Go! Go! Get the intruder! Dead of alive, it doesn't matter anymore! We have lost too many men to care about capturing the failure!" A armed and armored man yelled out to other similarly armored men with a variety of weapons. They all wore a black colored armor with white outlining around the edges. His was different as he wore some stripes of red over the shoulders of his armor showing that his wank was higher than the rest. They all stood in the halls of a building with metallic-like walls that had an insignia hanging from the walls above every door like it was some sort of religious cult. The same insignia was on the chest of each of the armored men also. Groups of men ran through the hallway and headed towards the end of it where the sounds of weapons clashing, destruction and sounds of people crying out in pain could be heard in a larger room. Each of the men were quickly dealt with and left incapacitated. The higher ranked individual rushed through the end of the hallway where he was met with a black metal pillar slamming into his face and sending him into a nearby wall. The metal pillar moved back towards the person it came from and snapped back to where it came from which was Cirven's arm. It then morphed back into regular as the dual eyed man looked over his surroundings seeing all of the fallen men around him. "Cor Torva really has lost it's bite or something, hasn't it?" He mumbled out loud to himself and started to make his way through the room full of unconscious bodies. He didn't care if any of them lived or died with the sins that they helped cause in the world. Fate would be best to decide how they ended up, not him.

    He made his way through the hallway the groups of men came from and made sure to be ready for anything. It was weird to him because the people who were there were push overs. They were not the top level members that Cor Torva had. It was almost too convenient for it to be this way at the headquarters he was forced to work at with them. He knew what each room here was for and who ran each part of the building but none of the higher up people were here it looked like. He couldn't smell them or anything either. There was only one scent he could smell and it was ahead of him at the end of the hallway in the main room of the building. It was a large metallic room that held multiple blueprints for experiments and multiple experimental equipment and other experimental things. He walked into the room to see the black haired woman who ran Cor Torva standing there looking over a large capsule in front of her. "This will be it all ends, son." The woman turned her head to look at him with one of her red eyes after she spoke.

    ------------------------- The Present -------------------------

    Cirven broke from his mental trance of the past as he heard Ruvel speak out about accepting his offer to join him and his guild as a member. "Sounds good. There really wasn't any bad in it for you because you have everything to gain from the offer." He stopped twirling his knife around and placed it on the holster around his waist under his coat. "So from here I want to go and check on something. Hope you are ready to go outside. It should be morning by now too so there shouldn't be an issue." Cirven floated up to the top of the cavern they were in and focused for a second while his right arm was engulfed in black electricity and a purple aura. If Ruvel focused he could feel a sort of darkness with what Cirven was doing. Like a dark craving to kill. Ruvel could have felt this earlier if he was more coherent during his stupor. Cirven then quickly swung his arm out and across the rock above him multiple times cutting a way through it completely in a short flurry. "Yup. It is morning now." Cirven spoke out as the morning sun brightly shined through the opening he had made. He then flew down to Ruvel and reached his hand out. "I know it probably sounds embarrassing but I'll carry you up and out seeing as I can fly."

    After both were up on the surface of the island, Cirven stretched his arms and legs which was followed by a yawn. He let out a sigh from the yawn. He had hoped he could have gone without sleeping but his body had been feeling like it needed the rest. "Welp, are you ready to go? We won't need a boat or anything to go so I hope that that ship doesn't show up.
    Could maybe go and tell the captain not to come back.
    " Cirven then let off a unique whistle from his lips that was at a low tone. "Try not to get spooked. She will be scared enough with you being a new person after all." Just after he spoke the sky above them would echo with the sound of large wings flapping through the air quickly towards them. The flapping would stop suddenly and just in front of Cirven a winged serpent dragon landed with her tongue slithering out of her mouth. "Yo Zinny!" Cirven spoke out with a smile and his face and he put his hand out where Zinnath quickly put her head out for him to pet. Cirven then pointed at Ruvel. "Zinnath, this is Ruvel. Ruvel meet Zinny.
    She will be our transportation but she is much more than that to me.
    " Zinnath used large head to embrace Cirven's hand and then looked at Ruvel and let out a slow moan. "I know, I know but he is fine. If not I will kill him before he can try anything.
    Remember with that one guy we helped do that job? Remember how he lost an arm before he could even try to take your scales from you?
    " Zinnath let out another moan. "Think of that but it will be much worse. You might get a full body to eat this time rather than just an arm." Cirven's smile was still plastered on his face as he spoke as if he was speaking of common things with her.



    First Step Forward LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: First Step Forward

    Post by Ruvel 14th August 2017, 5:04 pm

    Ruvel's eyes continued to have a dull glow to them, it was true what Barthenz had said about not being completely over his sickness. He noticed how the other had yawned and tilted his head "Why didn't you sleep, we aren't monsters or killers..." he paused for a second as he realised what he had just said "Well I can't exactly say that about some of my summons but they have weird codes and morals so don't kill sleeping people unless there is a stupidly good reason to it. I don't like bloodshed so even with that stupidly good reason would never request it" he said honestly his back going against the wall as he looked around the darkened cave that seemed to be their room for the evening "The blood moon hasn't come yet, I have about a week" he mumbled to himself more than Cirven, he could tell the signs and it would be the first one away from his 'home' so had no idea how he was going to handle it, it scared him in truth if his eyes where already flaring.

    "I'm sorry for how I reacted when I woke." he mumbled looking down he never liked his summons witness him in such a way so having a person who was technically a stranger to him see him in such a manner. "Even when I am in a waking sleep I still wake in such a manner" he confessed he felt humiliated about this but it was part of who he was at current, part of him feared it would be a part that would never leave him regardless of how hard he tried after all some things were hardwired into him and he knew they wouldn't break easily if at all. He raised his head hearing the other speak for the first time since he woke up "There's nothing I need" he said calmly, he had been on his own with only his summons since he escaped and due to his upbringing if it could even be called that he had learned to fend for himself as weak and as fragile as he was and though Cirven hadn't been aggressive in any way towards the he wasn't ready to fully trust the elder male though it had seemed his summons had.

    "You want to check on something?" he seemed confused at what the other would want to check, he was sure that the lab of the insane scientist known as Tankin was destroyed, but even if it wasn't there was no way anything useful or harmful could of survived. His eyes went wide as he then realised something his hand going over what was normally a stoic face "What if there were still people in there... they couldn't have all been like Idain" he said standing only to fall back down his legs were still weakened beyond the norm due to the strain from the day before. 'Tch... Damn it' he thought only to be met by a snicker 'You pushed further than what was healthy for you dear one, you have only yourself to blame.' Edaenz commented trying to ignore Ordhabbi and her snickering, it wasn't often that the priestess of the wind took a disliking to someone but she couldn't stand the demoness of fire.

    'I know, had little choice' he commented back to the summon that acted like a mother to him 'You need to relax until further notice, if you don't Barthenz is likely to have you running laps or something crazy' she said softly knowing a normal training regime would likely do some serious damage to the youth if not kill him. "I'm unsure if I am ready to be honest, my legs aren't working at current" he said poking them before he knew it the ceiling was being broken and he was being brought to the surface before he could even protest that he would want to make his own way out. When put down he didn't looked to the other "That was not embarrassing it was humiliating" he said coldly, he might not have been able to get up on his own but he would have found a way one way or another, it was clear he wasn't use to being dependant on those outside of his summons not that any would blame him if they knew why.

    'Shindara, let the captain know that there's no need to come back to the island' he requested of his summon 'Of course my summoner, I will do that now' he replied in his normal disciplined tone doing as he requested. "No need to go to the mainland, Shindara is giving him a message now" he explained, his eyes looking around the area. He hated this place given what it now stood for in the youths eyes but he thought he would rather remain on this island than go on a boat or ship again. It was then he realised that there seemed to be a large a large serpent like dragon close to him, his next desire was to climb down to the cavern he had just spent the night but remained still and quiet on the matter "No thanks" he said simply the thought of being on the back of a dragon freaked him out more than being on a boat. Hearing the threat that he spoke to the dragon about killing him if he done anything his fingers clawing into the wrist his guild mark sat, due to everything he had yet to notice he had anything there.

    'Barthenz I require your strength' he sent to his summon pushing himself up his legs held this time as he backed away from Cirven and Zinny given their conversation and how much it scared him only to fall down the hole they had just came out of, his eyes going wide as he realised his mistake he twisted  mid air his eyes going around the place quickly as he tried to distinguish how he could get to the bottom doing as little harm to himself as possible. 'Damn it' he said finding stalactites to spring board between quickly getting to a wall finding groves and slight edges he could used to get to the ground back flipping at the last part "That could have ended badly" he said looking up to the light for a second before sitting down breathing deeply, it had taken quite a bit out of him as he hadn't been expecting it but then he was use to having to do such things to escape detection, he just thought now he was free that he wouldn't have to worry about survival so much 'And you wonder why I don't trust people' he sent to his summons 'You haven't had the best of luck within home, your luck seems to be no better outside it seems' Aelona commented 'Could be he didn't mean it the way it sounded' commented Edaenz 'You don't joke about that around someone you barely know, especially around a skittish kid' Barthenz commented with a yawn it was clear he was half asleep 'He has a point, there's no real bond between the two so even if he was saying it to put his companion at ease he also had to consider Ruvel's feelings and most people would have been scared hearing that threat' Seyuki commented with a sigh 'I will talk to him on your behalf if you wish Ruvel' Seyuki offered Ruvel just shook his head knowing this was something he would have to deal with regardless.

    Seyuki however a snow storm appeared in front of Cirven and his companion within it stood woman with pale skin, ice blue eyes, long white hair and wearing a white, blue and ice blue kimono would be standing "My name is Seyuki, I am a snow maiden assassin from his true homeland" she stated in full disclosure to Cirven "He doesn't know where I am from, nor does he know what I do and I would rather it remain this way Cirven" she said calmly taking a step forward how she held herself showed she wasn't there in a hostile manner "As I am guessing that idiot Barthenz has failed to tell you, our summoner is only a child and has had to fight for every moment of his existence for the last six years" she began, but then cirven would be ble to tell the woman was centuries old with an unearthly beauty. "Having you threaten his life like that even if it was to comfort your companion has brought him discomfort and fear, he will never trust you if you continue such actions. It also has a few of us concerned that we may have made a grave mistake in trusting you with his education and safety Cirven" she explained her eyes going to the hole "He doesn't know I am up here so don't take my words as his, they're of a servant concerned for the one they serve" she said before fading in a flurry of snow.

    Word Count: 1'517
    Total Word Count: 2'571


    First Step Forward 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Completed Re: First Step Forward

    Post by Cirven 15th August 2017, 8:32 pm

    The demon didn't exactly know what was going on with Ruvel at first. He was busy trying to joke around with Zinnath in order to get her to get more comfortable with Ruvel but forgot to think of doing the same for Ruvel to Zinnath. He figured that Ruvel would understand he was joking and get that the dragon needed that in order to be comfortable with a person but he was wrong in thinking that. He figured everyone was different though as he saw Ruvel fall back into the cavern they were recently in. He didn't exactly understand why he just left with a simple 'No Thanks' after agreeing to joining the guild. Zinnath was a part of the guild and was much less a ride for them and more of a partner for those in the guild. "Is it just me or is this guy weirder than I thought...?" He spoke out loud to himself and started to walk over to the cavern before he was cut off by a sudden snow storm blowing in front of him and forming the body of a woman with white hair, blue ice-like eyes, pale skin and in a white kimono. The demon readied himself for some sort of fight but the scent of the woman was something similar to Ruvel to him which caused him to wait before reacting anymore. She quickly spoke claiming to be a snow maiden named Seyuki. She quickly explained to him that Ruvel was only a child who had been through a lot the past six years which had shaped the way he was. Cirven was treating him like anyone else he was around which probably was why Ruvel just suddenly left without much word. He feared trusting people which was understandable given his past. "Got it, miss. I will take that into account when dealing with him more. I'm usually not the best at talking to people if you couldn't tell but I'll try. It does seem a bit more complicated than I figured it would be though." He spoke out and waved as the woman disappeared into a flurry of snow.

    He let out a sigh and continued making his way towards the crevice he made above the cavern they were in. He then used his ability to fly and floated down to the ground while speaking. Ruvel. Sorry about that. I was just making a joke with Zinny. She needs stuff like hat so that she is comfortable around others. Wasn't trying to scare you away. By the way,
    Zin is more scared of you than you are of her. She has always been like that even since I met her. She used to be a regular snake in the past that my sister owned as a pet. Crazy to think of,
    He landed on the ground near Ruvel and continued talking. "She was somehow changed into a dragon through some magic from a dragon that trained my sister in using dragon slayer magic named, Hydrianna. I wasn't around to see the smaller Zinnath or to meet Hydrianna or anything though so I never got to see the growth of either my sister or Zinnath." He seemed to be reminiscing on the past. "I inherited Zinnath after my sister died. She was captured by Cor Torva at some point while Aayla and I were missing and I found her being experimented on by Cor Torva members just like I was in the past. I quickly stopped it all and saved her. She took Aayla being gone hard but I helped her grow from it and now she is one of the closest friends I have in this world who is there for me through thick and thin. It's a great thing to have in this world." While he spoke his eyes looked around the cavern as if he were seeing clips of his own past flash before his eyes until he finished and then looked at Ruvel. "What I'm offering you, I hope will bring you some close friends the same way that Zinnath is with me. Friends that will be there for you no matter what the circumstance. Some of which could be closer than you expect but you have to act on that." His duel colored eyes stayed locked onto Ruvel. "I understand if you want to stay here and stick to the group you already have but the crew that I have can teach you a lot and help you overcome your past together with the help of those you already have with you. You just gotta give them a chance to help you. So are you going to stay here and fear the dragon and my jokes or are you going to come out from this dark hole in the ground and try to make new friends and get a cool guild mark to go with it? I'll wait for your answer top side."

    Cirven flew into the air and landed back up on the surface where he pet Zinnath some more. He did not want to force Ruvel to do anything he didn't want to but wanted to lay everything out to him so that he knew what he was going to be missing out on with being an actual part of the crew. He wanted to help Ruvel but he needed to want to help himself before anything else and because of that Cirven could only wait for an answer from his new ally. He was not going to throw a guild mark onto anyone who could possibly have an issue with joining him and the others.



    First Step Forward LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: First Step Forward

    Post by Ruvel 16th August 2017, 1:09 pm

    Ruvel sat in the darkness thinking unaware that Seyuki was above speaking to Cirven, he tilted his head seeing a slight movement and what he thought was a low groan of pain. Seeing and hearing it his eyes darted to the ceiling above wanting to call to Cirven. He sighed shaking his head deciding against it 'What would that prove in honesty, I've managed on my own for so long I don't require the support.' he thought to himself struggling to his feet but managed due to using the wall. He knew what he was doing was most likely a mistake on his part but at current he didn't really care given in his mind he had just been threatened to be fed to a serpentine dragon if he tried anything that the dragon or Cirven found wrong. It was only as he moved closer he seen what it was "It's..." he paused seeing one of the humanoid gopher experiments, hearing the low pain filled groan he ignored all else running to it best he could almost falling over several times before jumping back as it lashed out in fear.

    "I'm not like them..." he whispered to the one on the ground his slightly glowing amber eyes going to the right "I want to help you, nothing bad I promise" he tried to confirm moving forward this time when the creature lashed out he took the hit biting his lip wincing trying not to cry out to alarm the other as he continued forward allowing his arm to bleed "You can take your fear and anger out on me if you like I don't mind, I'll heal eventually" he said with a weak smile taking a second strike stumbling trying to keep on his feet 'Kid, what the hell are you thinking?' Barthenz bellowed out through the link 'Call one of us to protect you!' rang Aelona's voice showing some panic 'Then he will definitely see me as a threat and I don't want that... I am still where he is after all' he sent back looking at the person.

    "I was like you... once..." he explained moving to sit down in front of the other "In some aspects I still am like you I guess..." he continued starting to undo his top pushing his coat and shirt off revealing his pale skin that looked perfect until he closed his eyes allowing the glamour to fall showing the welts, scars, pin pricks, bruises, burns and other wounds on his body calming the other "Like I said, I'm not like them" he shook not through the cold the darkness gave but allowing himself to be seen in such a way "I don't remember my birth name, I was very young when the massacre happened at my home..." he said crawling over noticing how the other had calmed "They called me Ruvel during blood moon ceremonies even that was bad but it was better than what they called me every other time..." he said softly stroking the man's head "I was called Rothe" he said with a shudder "Ruvel means cursed moon and Rothe means slave." he explained "I hate both but if I had to choose Ruvel is the better of the two don't you think" he said fixing his shirt and top bringing the glamour back up.

    "Your wounds are really bad" he said noticing everything leaning in as the other spoke "Knaeuth?" he seemed surprised "This is what he called you? Doesn't that mean ground... we both got stuck with horrible names, but yours suits you" he flinched a little hearing the protest "Well think about it this way, the earth is a protector... it's also nurtures and is strong" he said to the one who had his head in his lap "See suits you" he said with a small chuckle "I was wondering Knaeuth, would you like to make a contract with me? I'm not overly strong or sturdy on my own..." he sighed listening to the faint words "Oh... no nothing like that, I'm a summoner" he explained "Some aspects are the same as a celestial wizard but I don't need keys" he said nodding as he listened "Yes, you would be cared for as much as my other summons, they drive each other up the wall but they're family to each other so you'd never be alone or harmed by them." he explained 'He could live me dear one, he could help us and the wind city would look after him in turn' Edaenz interjected "I have a summon by the name of Edaenz, she is like a mother to me she is a wind elemental priestess and offered for you to stay with her and her people" he said helping the other sit up "They'd also tend to your wounds, what do you say?" he said watching as a portal with a creation green border opened within it Edaenz would be stood smiling "If you accept dear, you just need to come within and we will be your family" her voice warm. Knaeuth leaned up whispering something before Ruvel nodded standing and though stumbling himself managed with some difficulty to help the other through the portal "We'll tend to him dear one worry about what going to happen when the others get their hands on you" she said with a sigh "I don't care, he needed help" a faint smile appeared on his lips the portal soon fading Ruvel falling to his knees coughing he knew he had to take it easy but he couldn't let the poor person suffer regardless of his own health.

    "Welcome to the family Knaeuth" he eventually whispered as he stopped coughing, then noticing that Cirven was there unsure if he had seen anything he sat down and began to listen to everything the man had to say. "I understand needing to comfort someone scared" he after all had just done the same thing "Place yourself in my shoes, we have no real bond.. we don't know what the other has been through so choosing such words was playing roulette with a gun that had more bullets than not" he said honestly voicing his thoughts looking down "I'm sorry for your loss by the way Cirven" he said his voice showing he was sincere in his condolences to the other "Close friends... I have those..." he thought on his summons, even though some were hostile and somewhat abusive towards him they had offered their services to him and who was he really to decline given that he couldn't do a lot by himself when it came to physical tasks. He had to laugh internally when the other had said it was his choice, he knew the choice had been made for him the moment his summons agreed and had made the contract with the other he was bound by it wither he wanted to be there or not.

    "Never had a choice before, why start now" he mumbled to himself his eyes on the ground as he thought for a moment "Was it worth running?" he said closed his eyes a sigh escaping his lips already knowing the answer to his own his question standing though he was struggling his eyes going to the hole he had not long falling down from "Getting back up there is going to be a pain" he complained before looking around the cavern for a path to the hole but then he knew he had another issue but he would deal with that when he got there. "Right.." he jamp on the spot 'I hate to be the barer of bad news my summoner, but you must get away quickly... you're eyes glowing the way they were has likely alerted them to exactly to this location' Shindara explained making the boys eyes go wide in fear "I got it... I got one attempt..." he said unsure if Shindara was doing this to get him to move or not but he wasn't about to hang around and find out.

    Running towards a wall he ran up as much as he could before bouncing between it and a ledge near by almost falling back but gaining his balance before falling off. His eyes then searched for the next step 'Why not just call on the gopher guy?' asked Ordhabbi making Ruvel huff in frustration he could do without this right now 'His name is Knaeuth not gopher guy and he is injured that's why Ordhabbi, and you could help me given I know you can fly now if you aren't going to help then I ask you be quiet!' his tone showed to her showed he was annoyed and tired so the summon didn't say anything in return leaving Ruvel to what he was doing. Moving quickly he got to a crevice within the wall where he bounced between the two walls before spring boarding off the wall to the stalactites where he jamp between them using one strong push to get half way out of the hole clinging the best he could but he could already feel himself falling "Help..." he called out to Cirven in a panic it was clear he wasn't joking as he struggled with his own dead weight he knew he could call on his summons but he wanted to show he was at least trying to trust the other.

    Word Count: 1'569
    Total Word Count: 4'130


    First Step Forward 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Completed Re: First Step Forward

    Post by Cirven 24th August 2017, 4:29 pm


    The dual-eyed demon was looking at Zinnath and petting her again with a smile on his face while his ears heard the sound of someone jumping their way up to him. The sound did not sound too great seeing as each step sounded seconds away from the person slipping but sure enough he heard the sound of flesh making contact on rock and then heard the sound of someone asking for help. Cirven made his way to the crevice to see Ruvel hanging from his hand on the ledge near the top of the crevice he made. "Glad to see you made up your mind." The demon floated down and grabbed the boy by the wrist and flew up top side with him. "Trying to break a record for the most embarrassing moment in a day, huh?" The demon chuckled as he safely dropped Ruvel onto his feet and landed next to him and Zinnath. "So this is Zinnath, Ruvel. She is a member of my organization just as much as any other person is." Cirven pointed to the dragon's right wing that had the organization emblem of the West Fiore Trading Company. Zinnath gave out a moan and slithered out her tongue then bowed her head to Ruvel. "She is saying hi and wants you to pet her. Don't be scared of her. She can tell and is pretty empathetic about stuff like that." Cirven watched as the two got closer in some way and then grabbed Ruvel by his arm again. "Time to get off this island. It is pretty boring here and I have somewhere I want to go check out too." He held Ruvel up into the air while he flew up above Zinnath and then lowered the boy onto the dragon. He took a seat on Zinnath also. "Zinny, you might not like this but we are going to the Mysterious Canyon." Zinnath gave a light moan. "I know but I have to check something there. I'm fine with you not staying around too long or getting too close. I'd rather that, honestly." Zinnath gave off another groan and then took off into the air with both men on her.

    "Zinny will get us where we need to go, Mr. Blood Moon. Yeah, I heard your conversation with the gopher guy earlier. Glad to see you helped him." Cirven yawned out and then stretched his arms. "So, I need some rest and we are real safe on Zinnath like we are because she is not a push over in any way. I hunt with her a lot to make sure she can handle herself. She will wake me when we are near our destination. Sorry about this but I will need my rest to focus more." A slight spark of electricity sparked out from Cirven's body as he laid over onto the dragon and passed out. The sparks seemed minor because it didn't shock the dragon at all but in actuality the sparks were a sign of a spell the demon could use that used a type of electromagnetism to keep him glued to something. In this case it was to keep him stuck to his close friend as they flew through the air and he slept. He knew the trip would get boring for Ruvel but it couldn't be helped. He'd need to be in a more rested mind state for anything they could run into.

    Cirven would later wake up after a couple hours of flying once they were over the Mysterious Canyon area. Zinnath circled around the area, not wanting to enter it. Cirven understood the way she was flying and spoke at Ruvel. "So you will need to get on my back for a way down there. Zinny is really cautious about this area because it was where she was captured before. I won't put her through that stress again." Cirven waited for Ruvel to get on his back or hold onto him somehow and then flew down to the ground, making sure not to go too fast to scare him. After some navigating through the canyon, the two landed in front of the old headquarters of Cor Torva; a building that looked like it was completely abandoned but was massive. It didn't look too welcoming with where it was seeing as the canyon they were in was known for people getting lost in it if they were not careful. Cirven expertly made their way through the canyon but that was because he was forced to in the past in order to find his sister. He had been lost in the canyon for over a week before finding it his first time but from there he made sure to learn his way around it. The building sat on the edge of a cliff of the canyon that overlooked a massive hole.

    Cirven gestured for Ruvel to follow him and made his way into the building where he looked around it and remembered everything he went through there. Each corner of the building triggered a different past experience he had. "This place harbors a lot of memories for me... Most of them are pretty dark ones... Be on your guard." He spoke out to Ruvel as he continued to make his way through the big first room they went through. It looked like a lobby like area where people showed up after a mission or before one for a briefing. The demon slowly made his way through a doorway that had its door completely blown off and turned to look at Ruvel to make sure he was okay as well as keep and eye out for anything that could go wrong around them. The hallway it lead into was completely dark probably due to the fact that the place was abandoned.

    The turn of his head seemed to be all that something was waiting for as a giant hand came through the air and grabbed Cirven before slamming him into a wall on the other side of the doorway where Ruvel could not see. Cirven was slammed harder into the wall over and over and then left leaning onto it in pain before the hand balled up into a fist and slammed into him, sending him through the wall and flying outside of it and off the side of a cliff half unconscious. The creature that attacked Cirven then came through the doorway to show a humanoid monstrosity who's body was continually morphing in color and shape over and over again. It gave out a grunt towards Ruvel before charging at him.


    First Step Forward LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
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    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: First Step Forward

    Post by Ruvel 25th August 2017, 5:19 pm

    Ruvel was struggling with trying to get out of the hole and the panic was written all over his normal stoic face as he knew just how long that drop was and given how he was right now there was no way he was going to make it back down safely. He was continue to slide back even though he wanted to cry due to the he fought back the tears, he didn't want to be seen in that light but then he didn't want to be seen in the current situation like a helpless child but then that was exactly what he was. 'Ordhabbi! Help him!' Seyuki demanded in a panic knowing out of those who where at full strength she was the only one who could fly 'No' was the reply that was given in response 'He's our summoner Ordhabbi, we are entrusted with his safety' Shindara remarked hoping to get through to the demonic woman 'And? He hasn't summoned me' she said coldly 'We can use our own energy to help him!' Seyuki growled 'Unless summoned I don't have to' she said with an uninterested tone 'Just wait til I'm ready firework I'm hunting you down' Barthenz growled knowing right now he couldn't help he was to tired from remaining out for so long so he was at the mercy of Cirven for help.

    Ruvel let out a gasp as he fell he moved to a position that he could embrace the fall but found that he had been caught his eyes looking to the side "No, that's not the reason" he admitted though he was irked that he had to be carried once again out of the hole "Like Barthenz told you, I am physically weak" he said biting his lip in humiliation his eyes dropping "I can't hold over half my own weight, I struggle with anything over quarter" he whispered he hated that he had to speak it, but knew this was likely something that the other would need to know given he was now part of his 'crew' "I rather that everyone not know that about me, it's already hard enough with my summons knowing" he said honestly happy when he was placed on the ground. He listened to what he was been told and shook his head "I am not afraid of her, I'm afraid that you're going to feed me to her" he said honestly he stepped forward placing his hand his hand on his chest a small smile on his lips as his eyes closed leaning forward just a little in respect "si mi bivai llewarin, shar si geou tepoha ekess yenta yenta thric ekess svabol wux tepoha tora di ve. wux re ekess majestic vur regal vi drekim ekess qe krara hefoc vi lincesa, coi ui vi petranaswin ekess tafiaf wux riluoh" he said his tone humble as he spoke standing straight once more his hand moved to his side 'Seems you've been paying attention to your lessons kid' Barthenz said sounding impressed 'It's language lessons or training... I'll take linguistics' he commented back remembering the last lesson with Barthenz.

    Hearing the other wanted to get off the island he was more than happy to oblige but remained stoic not wanting to let the other know that he was more than happy to get off the island even if it meant swimming. He didn't want his past to come up, nor did he want to let the other know he was more than likely being hunted for escaping "Somewhere you want to check?" he finally repeated, wondering what could be so important that the other needed to check it straight away but then realised he most likely shouldn't question things "Thanks for saving me by the way" he said realising he hadn't said it before and it was something that he should have. "Mysterious Canyon?" He seemed confused, he hadn't heard of it before but then before the rumours he hadn't heard of this island either. "Why are we needing to go there? Is that your home?" he asked showing he didn't understand but was at least trying to but he got a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach hearing how the other reacted and hearing how Cirven didn't really want her to stay "That's the place that harmed you both" he felt like a fool all of a sudden "I'm sorry... I didn't know. We don't have to g-" he was cut off as the other picked him up and plopped him on Zinnath's back making him instantly panic inside.

    'You're safe, calm down' Seyuki said trying to comfort him 'Calm down from a fear I've had since escaping, unlikely' he sent back to her bringing his knees to his chest hugging them his eyes closing as he concentrating on his breathing and humming Laurea's lullaby quietly to himself but stopped hearing his words "If you had been listening you would have heard that Ruvel means cursed moon not blood moon... and please do not call me that again, I want nothing to do with those damn evil ceremonies!" his voice started gentle but by the end of it his voice had become somewhat aggressive, after that he went back to humming the lullaby once more to calm himself. Listening the other needed sleep he nodded understanding after all Cirven had been awake all night though he had no idea why it was almost as if he hadn't trusted them or waiting for an opening to attack.

    He concentrated on humming the lullaby on the entire journey hugging his knees as the Zinnath moved he swayed with her, he knew that he was perfectly safe given if he did fall even from such a large height he knew at least two of his summons could fly and could catch him. Before he knew it they had landed at the entrance of the canyon his eyes going around as he slid off the dragons back walking a bit to stretch his legs, he should have rested but then if he tried it would have been bad when he woke, he hates the cold sweats and the screaming over the memories so would have to put up with what energy he had for now. He moved onto Cirven's back and allowed him to fly again his eyes closed as he hummed concentrating on the lullaby it was just something he done when he was restricted so he didn't focus on that. When they landed he looked around some more at the ruins of the once dark guild hall. "This is the entrance to your... um.." he went silent knowing that places like these weren't really homes to people like them, they were reoccurring nightmares they couldn't avoid. Seeing the gesture Ruvel quickly moved to follow nodding to when he was told to be on guard, he in general never let it down but understood why the other was cautious about the place.

    His eyes went around the large dark hall as they slowly adjusted to the dim light, their footsteps echoing as they walked over the crumbled rubble of the place. He had a really bad feeling about this place, to him it felt like the energy of the area was screaming for release of the pain it was in 'Kid, you're safe, I know it gives the same vibes as 'home' but it's not' Barthenz tried his best to calm down the nervousness he felt in his young summoner but knew that he would be more jumpy than not within places that reminded him of his own 'trials'. Ruvel jamp back seeing the hand of something coming from the darkness his eyes going wide "W-What is that thing?!" he blurted out he was in shock more than fear as it seemed it took out his teacher with little effort before throwing him towards the cliff leaving the youth with something he couldn't identify.

    'See this is what happens when people mess with nature' Aelona said in a matter of fact way hating when people done such things that disrupted the natural cycles 'If that thing just took out Cirven how am I meant to deal with it?' Ruvel put to his summons 'You don't our summoner, you use us the best you can and when you find an opening run' Shindara stated not knowing if it was going to be possible given Ruvel's sick and fatigued state, even Ruvel was having doubts on that one but it's the only thing he could do. Seeing the charge Ruvel held his ground 'Kid move it's gonna hurt if that thing hits you!' Barthenz yelled but for now Ruvel payed little mind to him concentrating on the charging abomination just as it was about to hit Ruvel ran up the unbroken wall narrowly dodging the things attack only to land behind it. 'Well played' Barthenz said 'Not out of the woods yet' he thought back panting a little.

    He knew he shouldn't really double summon but right now it would be handy given the situation, he knew this place was likely to narrow for the other to attack or so he hoped, taking out his dagger he sliced it over the palm of his right hand allowing the light blood he had to fall on the ground "I summon blood, I summon hate, I summon war and anger warrior of death her my call... Barthenz appear!" he called out, he hoped the other had enough time to rest but he was unsure, as the summoning finished Barthenz appeared within the runed circle. "I call on our contractual tasks and negotiations Barthenz." he said wincing as he felt the backlash already from them "Kid, watch yourself" he commented knowing that Ruvel wasn't really strong enough to do what he was doing but likely believed he had no other choice 'Where's sparky?' he asked through their bond as he dashed forward dodging what he believed to be limbs of the opponent.

    'That thing bashed him into the wall a few times before throwing him through it, he didn't look so good' he sent back his eyes going to the hole wondering if it he should chance a double summoning, biting his lip he nodded assuring himself "Edaenz" he whispered into the wind the shimmering blue skinned woman with matching hair appearing next to him 'Please go deal with Cirven, I think he's hurt badly' he knew that the older mage could take care of himself but he had just no idea how strong the other's healing abilities were and didn't want to risk finding out his eyes glow becoming stronger. Edaenz was concerned seeing the glow starting to return 'you shouldn't be double summoning when you're sick dear' she said through the bond but going to do the task she was asked to, as she headed to the hole the arm like thing of the abomination going towards her but was quickly sliced off thanks to Barthenz "I swear... all you mages are absolutely defenceless" he growled running in again.

    Ruvel wanted to run but he couldn't, he didn't know this place and who knows what problems he could run into to, then there was the fact he would leave Cirven defenceless in his current state and he just wouldn't do it. "Destroy it Barthenz, it is an abomination and needs to be put down" he said coldly his eyes in full glow once more as he watched both his summons at work, pleading Barthenz could hold out long enough for Cirven to get back on his feet but his eyes darted back into the room the thing had come from as he heard mumbling in the distance "Not more of these things" he was fatigued as it was he was sure that this was going to have him rest for a bit before heading in there 'Please don't come any closer, I can't deal with you right now' he begged internally even keeping it hidden from his summons not knowing how they would react given he knew he was already in trouble for the double summoning he had just done. His eyes went back to Barthenz who seemed to have taken a hit or two in his distraction. "Hold on a little longer" he called out to the summon knowing that this thing better make sure that Barthenz ended in a grave or it would regret it.

    Translation Dragonic to English:

    Ruvels HP: 172/200
    Mana: 100/100

    Barthenz's HP: 100/200
    Barthenz's Berserk: 1/5

    Edaenz HP: 200/200
    Edaenz Song: 1/3

    Hits still required to take out the boss: 8

    Word Count: 2076
    Total Word Count: 6'206

    Last edited by Ruvel on 4th September 2017, 2:48 pm; edited 1 time in total


    First Step Forward 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
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    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Completed Re: First Step Forward

    Post by Cirven 4th September 2017, 12:38 pm

    The devil had blacked in and out of consciousness as he dropped through the air from the savage attack that was committed on him. The blacking out was from the pain but from the fact that he had his skull slammed into a wall over and over until it gave way and he was sent outside of the building. If it was not for his body's ability to heal he would have probably been in too bad of shape to move after the attack, unless he used every but of will power he had in him to do so. He dropped through the air until he landed with a thud on the ground in an outside area where the experiments were 'trained' to use their abilities. He was still in and out of consciousness so he could not move or see correctly until finally he let himself go completely unconscious.

    He did not know how long he was out at all but he could feel himself being picked up and the sound of a couple voices speaking to each other as he could feel their hands on his legs and arms as they lifted him. His senses started to come back more and more over the few seconds and what pain he did feel disappeared. He knew this was happening due to his natural healing ability and instead of acting quickly he let himself be carried for longer while he regained himself.

    "We got us a good one here, right huh?" One of the high toned voices spoke out. "Yup, yup. We will be able to make some great specimens with this one's body. We will use him to make the army we always wanted, mhm, yup, yup." The other voice spoke out. Cirven slightly opened one of his eyes to look at the man in front of him. The man in front of him was wearing a tattered looking lab coat and glasses with one of the lenses having a crack down it. He quickly closed it when he thought the man looked at him. "Hey. I think the specimen was looking at me! Is it alive still?!" Cirven knew he had no choice now but to react so he quickly sent out a electric shock from out his body to hit both men holding him which quickly made them let go of him and drop him on the floor as they dealt with the pain that wracked their bodies. "You know, I was enjoying the ride but the commentary was a bit too weird for me." The crazed scientist that Cirven could not see earlier pulled out a vial of some type of green liquid and lifted it up into the air before throwing it down towards him. Cirven rolled out of the way of the vial just before it smashed against the ground and burned through it. "And now there is bad hospitality? Makes sense seeing as it was a free ride, I guess." Cirven quickly rushed forward as his hand was engulfed in black electricity in the shape of a blade and slashed it across the man's body causing a cut to appear on his body as well as black electricity raging across his body. The crazed scientist dropped to the floor after the pain that of the attack.

    "So are you going to be more hospitable or do you need a lesson in hospitality?
    You won't get any visitors if you are like him, you know?
    " Cirven continued his banter at his enemies. "How, how do you live?! You ruin this place before and now you back to ruin is more?! You die! You die now!" The scientist reached under his coat and pulled out five vials of a red color and threw them at Cirven who did not wait to see what they did so he moved out of the way of them. The vials exploded into flames over the area where he was standing and the flames continued to burn away at the ground. The scientist then quickly threw out another blue colored vial that was larger than the others towards his enemy and even though Cirven managed to move out of the way of his his leg was hit by some of the liquid causing it to be frozen to the ground along with the rest of it. He tried to pull his leg from the new ice formation made by the vial but could not manage to get it out as the scientist grabbed another blue vial from under his coat and threw it at Cirven hitting him and freezing him under a layer of ice. "You die! Die! Die! Die!" The scientist ran up to the frozen Cirven where he continued yelling over and over. Under the ice, Cirven's fingers on his right hand were covered in a purple aura and he started to try to move them more and more. After a few seconds his hand was able to break through the ice and he quickly used his strength to cut through the rest over his arm and reached out and grabbed the scientist by the neck. He then used his other hand to do the same and break through the ice over his body. "What did I say earlier? Guess you do need that lesson." He spoke out once his head was free and then freed the rest of his body. "The lesson starts now." He held the scientist up as he ran towards a nearby wall and slammed him into it. "I have a few questions for you. Answer in a believable way and I won't skewer you here." The scientist looked down to see Cirven's free hand near his chest covered in the purple aura from earlier. "Who are you?" The scientist's nostrils flared as he heard the questions. "I is Lithem and that is Tithem." Cirven's eyes squinted. "The lab assistant twins? You are still alive and here, huh. Next question. Why are you here?" The tattered man glared at Cirven. "Nowhere else to go. Everything here for us. Research, experiments." Cirven could barely understand the man but had one question he needed to answered. "Was there another scientist here looking for past research recently?" Lithem nodded to Cirven. "He take experiment on you and others." Cirven sighed and lightly put down Lithem. "See how easy it is to be hospitable?" He smiled at Lithem and then quickly slammed his forearm into the scientist's head causing him to hit his head on the wall and be knocked out.

    After getting his questions the devil quickly remembered that he left his new companion by himself to deal with the thing that had knocked him out. The realization caused him to quickly make his way back towards where he knew the outside training area was where he found Edaenz on the way. "Take it he sent you to find me and help me? As you can see my healing ability is working well enough but I know he is in trouble now so let's go." He flew up into the air once back in the outside area and made his way to meet back up with Ruvel.



    First Step Forward LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: First Step Forward

    Post by Ruvel 4th September 2017, 2:47 pm

    Ruvel looked to Barthenz his breathing laboured making the warrior summon glance back seeing the youth holding his chest, he knew that a blood moon was just around the corner and even the most basic of things would be challenging to the youth but he had to give him something he was fighting though the trials he was currently facing; something he wouldn't have done a few weeks ago so found himself wondering what had changed. Ruvel clenched his eyes tightly his left hand going to his chest as he started to feel pain "Barthenz either end it or we need to run... I can't... it's..." he called out his right hand going to his head as he started feeling dizzy, the fact he was going against what his summons said and had double summoned wasn't exactly helping his cause any but he had been worried about Cirven even though he knew the other had strong healing capabilities it was in his nature as much as he wished it wasn't half the time "I gotcha kid, but this bastard is tough..." he said with a grin charging once more making Ruvel worry more knowing that the dragon wanted to fight strong opponents but he knew he couldn't remain.

    His eyes went to the hole in the wall that had led outside and was surprised to see that Cirven nor Edaenz could be seen which worried him even more as this thing was taking it's toll on even Barthenz 'Where are you, he should only be outside' he asked to the wind priestess 'Seems that some scientists had taken him for a ride, this place is a maze if you have no map or a guide especially in it's current condition. How are you both?' she sent back some concern heard as she could hear the struggle of the other even through their bond 'Barthenz has taken and given a few good hits but to much more and he's going to have to go back and rest... I... I'm okay, I'll have to run though' he said watching as the abomination and Barthenz traded hits back and forth the only thing Barthenz had to his advantage was he was more mobile even for his large size.

    He wasn't going to wait to see the outcome of this encounter because if Barthenz did fall there was no way he would be able to out run that thing even if he was fully well but in his current condition there was little way the basic acrobatics he had done winded him. 'Barthenz...' he sent to the summon who nodded his acknowledgement understanding it was best for him 'Go kid... try not get into any trouble until they find you and if I win I'll catch up' he put through their bond. Ruvel bit his lip 'I said GO!' his tone made Ruvel jump but turned running deeper into the guild hall with little idea as to where he was going 'She's right this place is a maze' he thought to himself 'Shindara... do you know this place? I mean shadows talk right...' he asked the eldest of the void twins he had at his disposal 'Yes, shadows speak but it will take me a few minutes to gain the information you require. I would suggest heading upstairs to the sleeping areas it may be safer our summoner.' he sent back in his normal mono toned voice but at this point he believed it was the best thing to do.

    His bright glowing eyes looked from left to light trying to guess which way would get him to the sleeping area. He wasn't even use to sleeping areas himself people tended to sleep where they could find safety for the evening given what lurked in the night. What he was seemed to be both a blessing and a curse as those things avoided him, though to this day it was unknown to him wither it was because of what he was or they had been ordered to leave him be. Hearing a yell behind him he snapped out of his own head and resisted the urge to run towards Barthenz knowing that the warrior had been defeated. With that happening he decided to run to the right and run up the steps tripping in his haste 'Barthenz is down let Cirven know... I went down the hall from where the hole was and turned to the right... I've went up the steps and I'll be in the room at the end of the corridor. I know it will leave me trapped but it should buy time till you both arrive.' he explained running down the hall to the room that he said he would claim as sanctuary at least for a short time. 'Understood dear one' she sent back looking to Cirven "Barthenz has been defeated. Ruvel has went down the hall to the grand hall, he took the right corridor went up the steps and has headed to the room at the end of that corridor." she relayed to Cirven in the hopes he knew if it was a good or bad idea so she could best advise her young summoner if he needed to move.

    Ruvel had managed to push something in front of the door with some effort given it weight more than he did "If it wasn't for pushing my weight against it there would have been no way" he said to himself panting as he now looked around what seemed to be a large undamaged bedroom filled with the finest of everything. "What is this place?" he seemed to ask no one 'It is a bedroom summoner, someone of importance would have slept in this one by the looks of the materials and decorations used' Shindara replied using his summoners eyes as his own. Ruvel started looking through drawers in the hopes to find answers to perhaps some of the questions that had brought them here, but he was finding that hard as he had no idea what questions brought them here in the first place. "Hm... perhaps..." he started opening drawers but only found trinkets. Moving to the far corner he slid down the wall only to fall backwards through a hidden door "Gah!" he couldn't stop himself from releasing looking around the darkness as they slowly adjusted he seen note books "Pity I can't read them" he sighed to himself 'Shindara, find the book that is important in all these' he summoned the elder of the void twins who done as requested holding a book to him 'This is the one with the information needed I would believe my summoner, it tells of plans to make the perfect being by using the experiments of others...' he paused mid sentence as Ruvel took the book "Continue..." he said looking up to the one inside the shadows of the room 'You and your mentor are named several times within many of these books, but that is the only one that mentions you both...' he said his tone showing concern which only brought concern to the youth "Thank you Shindara, you should go back I'll remain here til found" he said quietly his eyes going to the door hoping Cirven and Edaenz wouldn't be to long.

    Word Count: 1'216
    Total Word Count: 7'422
    HP: 172/200
    MP: 89/100

    Barthenz Beserk: On Cooldown

    Edaenz HP: 200/200
    Edaenz's Song: 2/3

    Shindara's Shadow: On Cooldown

    Hits Required to take down the boss: 4


    First Step Forward 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Completed Re: First Step Forward

    Post by Cirven 4th September 2017, 5:20 pm

    The duo of the Wind Goddess and Devil of absorbing flew up the side of the building looking for the area where Cirven was thrown out earlier. He felt uneasy about what was going on because he had dealt with the building and destroyed it in the past only for it to be used now. The idea that other areas could be running in a similar way or even in a better way bothered him. He thought that he needed to check on each of the Cor Torva hideouts when he got the chance and make sure of what was going on at each, especially with someone pursuing the idea of making a perfect being like the now dead organization that birthed Cirven and others.

    Another issue was that the devil didn't exactly know the capabilities of the thing that attacked him earlier. He did not want to rush into a fight blindly and end up the way he did earlier after one of its attacks. His healing ability was great but that did not mean quick major damage could be healed just as quickly all the time. The more damage he sustained in succession the slower the healing was after. It was a secret he kept to himself but could be easily figured out while in a fight with a smart opponent.

    Before he could continue to think Edaenz spoke to him about Barthenz defeat at the hands of the creature and how Ruvel had ran to the sleeping quarters on the upper floor of the facility. "I can't tell if that will be a good or bad thing yet because things have been different here. That creature and those scientists were not here when I destroyed the place and left it to rot." His flight quickened after he spoke knowing that anything else could come out and surprise them.

    The two would find themselves in front of the hole that the devil was ejected out of and moved through it cautiously. Cirven could hear the sounds of grunting and panting coming from the way Ruvel had ran off and made sure to pursue it quietly to make sure that he would get the upper hand on the creature. The sound took him up the stairs to the living quarters floor that harbored all that worked in the facility in the past. Ruvel had gone to the largest room for shelter, the same room that was Cirven's mother's during her time at the facility. Cirven could hear rooms being ripped apart by the creature as it tried to find Ruvel in a rage. He arrived at the floor to see the creature about to go into another room. "Yo! Doing some redecorating?
    It kind of needs it.
    " To the sound of Cirven's voice the creature quickly turned around with a angered grunt. It seemed to not care about the banter that the devil said and made its way to attack him. "Looks like you need help cleaning up by the looks of it." A dimensional rift opened up next to Cirven and he put his hand into it pulling out 'Date', his nodachi blade that had a being based on the sin of pride. "Ohh? This one is a bit different than the ones you use me against." Pride spoke out to its owner as it was held by him. "This is meant to be a quick kill is all. I'm not wanting to waste time." Pride chuckled. "Or do you mean be beaten to a pulp again?" Cirven glared at the blade and then turned his focus back onto the charging abomination of a creature coming his way.

    The creature swung out its large arm's fist in a hook to hit Cirven but only collided with the wall as the devil ducked under it. The Date was then stabbed into the arm of the creature and cut across it, removing it from the rest of the creature's body causing it to cry out in agony from the pain. It then used its smaller arm to try and hit its enemy but found that arm was also quickly removed before it could hit its target by Date. The creature cried out in pain and moved backwards and looked towards its now missing limbs. Cirven walked forward as he cut the air with Date to get the liquids off of it. "I'm sorry but-" Cirven spoke but was cut off as the arms behind him started to make a squishy noise. He looked back to see both arms had formed into a wall of goop behind him. The goop walls then had small blade like pieces form out of them before shooting them all towards the devil. Cirven quickly ran into one of the rooms next to him, just barely dodging the blades himself. "Full of surprises..." He mumbled out loud as he dodged the attack. He sighed and made his way out of the room where the goop walls continued to fire the blade like pieces at him as he flew around the room with black electricity dancing over his mouth. He then let out a huge blast of black electricity that tore through the floor, the goop pieces and the goop walls leaving the top floor completely destroyed with the sound of thunder raging through the building.

    The creature the entire time had been mourning he loss of its limbs as if it had not control over what the limbs were doing itself. The creature backed away as Cirven turned his attention to it and moved closer. "I'm sorry..." The devil used his speed to quickly move pass the creature and with the movement cut the creatures head off leaving its body to drop to the ground. Cirven looked back to see that the creature's body had morphed into the form of a naked man and could make out the face as one of the people he knew as one of the newer experiments done at the facility by Cor Torva. "I'm sorry..." He knew the man by name but didn't feel he had the right to speak it with what he had done.

    "Ruvel. I know you are in my mother's room. Let's get out of here. I got what info I needed and now I am just swarmed with old bad memories and now new ones." He called out to his companion so that the two of them could leave the facility and so he could be done with the entire thing. He planned on reporting the building to the Magic Council so that they could deal with it themselves. He didn't need to take their job and clean it up himself after he got what he needed and they could do a better job of it than he could.

    WC Finished++:


    First Step Forward LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: First Step Forward

    Post by Ruvel 4th September 2017, 5:49 pm

    Ruvel held the note book close to his chest as he brought his knees to the chest 'Edaenz hurry, it's getting closer' he sent to her not knowing what was happening beyond the door and at current he knew to summon another would just make his health increasingly worse and even he knew he was almost past the point of no return. Edaenz done her best to make sure that even if Cirven was hurt that he would be healed knowing that right now both of them needed out of that place as soon as possible for the sake of their health and sanity. Due to being of the wind she managed to dodge the blades with little to no effort. "This place needs to be destroyed before we can leave Cirven, more people will come looking for the forbidden knowledge" she said, sadly both parties knew that this would indeed be the truth of things.

    Hearing Cirven's voice he slowly moved to the door using his body weight to push what he put in front of the door away as before it took some effort tiring the youth out as he opened the door the notebook in his hands he held it out to Cirven "I found this, it mentions us both." he whispered as he struggled to keep his balance. Edaenz ran forward catching him as he fell "Cirven, as much as he will hate us all for this he needs to go 'home', they have a medicine that will help this condition but they only make a two drop per ceremony for him. One is given at the beginning and the other given at the end... He will fight this when he wakes but we need to go" her voice showed that this wasn't a request but a matter of urgency as she picked Ruvel up with the help of her element a worried look on her face. she took ruvel's dagger and cut her own hand wincing a little "Ordhabbi, burn this accursed place to the ground... no information is to remain for both their safeties" she called out watching as the room set alight "That's our cue to leave" she said dashing from whence they came.

    Word count: 371
    Total word count: 7'793

    Ruvel HP: 172/200
    Ruvel MP: 83/100

    Edaenz HP: 190/200


    First Step Forward 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:51 pm