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    But Now it's R.I.P;; Private


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    But Now it's R.I.P;; Private  Empty But Now it's R.I.P;; Private

    Post by Pandora 30th June 2017, 6:21 pm

    This was absolutely disgusting, she couldn't even believe that this had come to happen but she was living it so there was no option expect for it to be real. People of the world did not know their place and the one woman she thought had a solid place was gone, had not been seen for such a long time! Months or something like the such had gone by since anyone had last seen the Guild Master of Savage Skull and it was becoming increasingly clear that the death embodiment was not returning, ever. Clearly, this hurt Frey for several reasons, one of them being that her family was falling apart which would lead to her losing it after working so hard to find it, the other reasons included how tense the Guild was becoming as its member's struggled for power and numerous other things connected to that. Even if she was incredibly mature for her age? Rune was still only a six-year-old child who was about to lose her home for the second time in her short life, at least it felt like that. The child was terrified that on top of losing her mother and likely more member's of her family, the Guild she belonged to would also fall apart under its own pressure. Normally it would be one of the children of a royal that would take charge once the 'Queen' vanished, but Madison seemed to be in no rush to do so, Achim was not around and even if she knew herself capable of ruling as she had been raised in Wivern to rule it, the Guild would never respect a simple six-year-old as it's Guild Master especially since she did not have the offensive magic to force submission to her whim.

    "Come on Silver, you're lagging boy." her blue pelted wolf was out with her this morning, but unlike the way he normally stayed at her side, he stayed a bit away from the Dragon Slayer this morning. Likely? This was due to the fact he could very clearly detect how upset she was internal, knew how stressful this was on her, as he was one of the only one's around who knew that Frey had already lost family once when she lost Wivern, becoming seperated from her twin brother. When the large canine refused to walk in stride with her she scoffed and glanced to the side, crossing her arms as she walked a few steps further ahead, pushing ahead briskly. "The best I can do is seek another Dragon and you know it boy, Hemlock had already done all he can do for me, but he's a scholar, he doesn't actually know about fighting I need a battle oriainted Dragon to help me advance further." the wolf gave off a small bark that seemed half between agreement and resentment. Clearly? The ice powered male was not delighted by the idea of the young child seeking out a Dragon that actually had the drive to destory things, but he could not exactly change the young girls mind.

    Thus they contiued their trek through an unknown forest searching for another Dragon she could convince to teach her how to use her magic better or just do better in battle even though she was a slayer.



    But Now it's R.I.P;; Private  Tumblr_n7wtu3Hg4w1tfft79o1_500
    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    But Now it's R.I.P;; Private  Empty Re: But Now it's R.I.P;; Private

    Post by Special Snowflake 3rd July 2017, 1:07 pm

    What to do, recent events had driven the young girl into chaos and left her with mixed feelings. Reactions and her reality blended together to form an out of character experience, for the first time rage had consumed Erika beyond rational thought, a strange feeling for one who was famed for calculating every outcome and outsmarting and outmaneuvering everything in her path. Brute force was beneath her perfection and was completely unsuited to her tastes. It was a bit out of character for her, but Erika had decided to open a random point in reality and simply go to it and relax, not in her shapeshifted form, but in her dragon form, her birth form. It was a strange desire, but since she had recently fought within it, she felt finding the solution to her outburst was best to do in her dragon form. Large, but not as large as other dragons, Erika appeared small compared to the stereotype, though she liked it because it meant others would underestimate, and since her favorite method of warfare was subterfuge and mind games, it worked out. Her blue scales were dim but had a sheen, but otherwise, she just looked like a dragon, she hadn't fought much in this form so she didn't have the scars of others and even if she did, she was smart enough to know how to heal herself.

    Back on the main topic, Erika rested within a grove hidden away by the forest. it was large enough for her to relax, but not so large as to give away her location so easily. What she had done, it was pretty terrible, and Astrid didn't even deserve it, which is what pissed her off the most. To be clear Erika wasn't mad because Astrid was upset, but rather in her mind by making Astrid upset and fighting, Erika had been less than perfect, which is just unacceptable. Maybe while she sat there thinking something would come along, like a thought, to make her feel better, though in reality something stupid would probably just come along.


      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:39 pm