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    The Savage Price

    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 2972
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 258,417

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plague Craft
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    The Savage Price Empty The Savage Price

    Post by Godlike Frederik 26th January 2017, 12:47 pm

    Job: Stop The Traitor!
    Rank: A Rank
    Location: The Town of the Guild you wish to work for.
    Player Requirements: 1 A rank Minimum or 2 B Rank Minimum, Neutral and Dark Guilds only; guildless may be invited to help out a Neutral/Dark Guild member doing this job. 350 words per post. If done solo: 30 posts, otherwise 15 posts per player
    Job Requirements: To find and neutralize the member of the guild who has began plotting against the Master and attempting to destroy the Master's plans!
    Job Description:
    Guilded Member: A member of your guild has begun plotting against the Master and destroying the reputation of the Guild along with selling its secrets! Find them and take care of them before they can reach the enemy!
    Non Guilded: A Master of a guild has a traitor in their ranks who is selling their secrets! Find and stop them before they reach the opposing guild. Take them dead or alive.
    Importance: High level.

    Weak: 10x Hypnotised Villagers - C Rank: These people may be knocked out or killed depending upon your guild's ethics. They carry small or no weapons. - Takes a single B rank to bring down

    Normal: 5x Rogue Mages - A Rank: Mages who will want a piece of the information, these mages magic will vary at the writers choice.  - Takes a single A rank to bring down

    Strong: 5x Members of opposing Guild - A Rank: These are members of the guild that want your guild's information! Bring them down by any means necessary. - Takes 2 A ranks to bring down each

    Boss: 1x Traitor! - S Rank: This chap uses Hypnosis and illusion magic! it is strong and he likes to play tricks, he gained the nickname Loki so be wary of him! Bring him down no matter what. - Takes 10 A ranks to bring down
    Reward: 25,000 and acknowledgement from your GM.

    (Credit goes to Naziel)


    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 2972
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 258,417

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plague Craft
    Second Skill:
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    The Savage Price Empty Re: The Savage Price

    Post by Godlike Frederik 26th January 2017, 1:19 pm

    ~ The Savage Skull Guild Hall ~
    For days now Dahau had wandered these foul halls and lurked around its corridors. Always watching, always listening to those who didn't seem to notice his presence. At first glance you would just think that they just ignored the enigmatic man in their midst. But in reality, it was Dahau himself who had chosen this path. With the might to control ones magical powers Dahau had the ability to make his presence undetectable. At least to most of the people. In the guild there was but one who probably seemed to be aware of his activity in the guild itself. Namely it's current master.

    Among his many walks he came to lay eyes on a rather strange girl in their midst. A young girl, one that hasn't even fully blossomed yet. Probably somewhere in her early teenage years. Not that the presence of a woman was such a strange sight in the darkest of guilds. But rather what she managed to accomplish in here time being here. Not only did she emerged victorious after days of mental torture and humiliation. But also she achieved what many had not, namely killing one of the more notorious mages in Fiore. Harrigan Crawford. A former master of the dark guild Savage Skull. Well it was not entirely Madison who achieved that feat, some could say that it was Harrigans own arrogance that had lead him to this outcome. But still, to kill a man of profound strength such as Harrigan was more then reason enough to take an interest in the girl. And if that wasn't enough, then the fact that Harrigan was Dahau's former student would be more then enough.

    For some reason the girl hadn't made her escape yet, no she'd had stayed for god knows what reason. Maybe it was guilt, or has the darkness finally start pulling on her sleeve. Whispering to her in her sleep. As it promised a future she never even dared to dream of? Honestly Dahau didn't know what her reason might be, not that it really mattered. No what he was interested in was the girl itself. Since she killed one of his former proteges, then she surely held some promise right.

    A couple of days later, after which he had made his presence known throughout the guild. Which was a magical shockwave just by releasing the seal that suppressed his magical aura. He'd actually went out of his way to find the little girl. And for that he went to the only place he knew she could be, her former living quarters giving to her by Harrigan. Which was nothing but a cage, similar to the one pet owners would use for some exotic bird. Only this time it was bigger. Enough so that one could walk around in it and properly stretch your legs. In its midst she stood, a small red haired girl, currently standing with her back towards the enigmatic man. Who till know still hadn't spoken to anyone.

    'What's on your mind girl?' he asked as if he was actually familiar with the girl. Which in a way was true, only one sided though. 'It must be something, since you are basically staring off into nothing.'

    544/10500 wordcount



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,079,142

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    The Savage Price Empty Re: The Savage Price

    Post by Sanguine 26th January 2017, 4:06 pm


    For some reason, her mind had begun to settle on things that years ago she would find detestable, deplorable, and unimaginable that she could ever come to terms with. Though the couple of years spent mentally traumatized, she hadn't let that get in the way of progressing through the problems she had. Honestly, after all that happened in Magnolia, it only strengthened the idea that guilds of all types were pathetic in anything aside from loyalty. All the exposure of these Savage Skull mages had started to convey the idea that other guilds were cowards. Despite what she knew, what she believed, what she lived through... There was just that one idea that she knew who was and who was not believed to be in that crowd of rather horrible people. What she was against was always just things told to her until she first encountered Harrigan had turned to become a further growing in her path. What would make her do such a thing? Possibly the only excuse she could come forth with is that to shine brightest in the light, one must explore the darkness and find the light hidden within.

    Through this time in her return, she had the time to personally view the way the order of the guild worked from the top it seemed. Her guild mistress, the raven mistress, the only thing she could think to call her. She knew not a name to go by, but the womans appearance and the given details of the bit of a conversation that they had during the time she was used as bait had served to be what it was. The long, raven black hair and the seemingly large smell of death on her, the torturous manner of pain she inflicted simply implied the feeling of a raven. Beautiful in appearance, but deadly to all once it got too close. Surely, she'd find a way to get herself more accepted into this guild, through the raven's eyes even... More than just that innocent soul to use as a hostage. Whether she was aware of her healing ability from her magic was beyond her, but it was more than what she expected of it. Her hand lightly trailed along the front of her neck, remembering the feeling of the Raven Mistress slicing along it. That feeling... that of her blood leaving her body felt close, but nowhere similar to either time that she'd ever had her chest concaved into.

    Blue orbs slid left to right, looking about as she didn't really realize why she was in this place again. Over the last few weeks, the feeling of her mind taking her body places left her in the strangest places. First, Beanstalk village... Or what two years time left of the place had given her a better outlook on the aftermath of something that happened to her. The other place she'd find herself at was this large, metal birdcage looking place. There, she could picture a younger child sitting there; her long red hair left down and cascading down her back. A long, black dress that had been tailored to her smaller form, and a saddened depressed look on her face. She just sat there, eyes trained to the bottom of this cage. These images made her choke up, finding it nearly impossible to speak. In fact, her subconscious could not stand to be here in her normal form, to which her body had contorted her appearance to the disguised appearance that Sayrn and Madison had developed. A long haired blonde, tied up into twin tails with two thin black ribbons. As she stood in the entrance, a voice called out to her. She didn't even react as her body hadn't even moved, her mind didn't get jumpy or move in the slightest. With the feeling of her body calming from the company, a black hazey looking energy would disrobe the appearance, leaving only a red haired girl of the same height, standing in nothing but a lab coat and lingerie. "Actually a lot, sir... I-" She choked up and let out a sigh in her pause, her arms folding at her sides as she wondered how to work out her feelings. "Two years ago... I sat in here as a prisoner... I detested this guild, it's morals. Now I stand here, a member, something different. I feel different. I had to develop a disguise and... It just feels like before and now are just... It's..." Without a thought, her body turned around, hugging onto this stranger in silence, a moment of weakness in her mental stability that she couldn't think would happen now of all times. "I just.. need to fit in more..."

    544 + 786 = 1330/10,500 words


    The Savage Price JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 2972
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 258,417

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plague Craft
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    Third Skill:

    The Savage Price Empty Re: The Savage Price

    Post by Godlike Frederik 10th April 2017, 8:54 am

    Two years... two long years this girl had fought against the insanity and the menace that was known as Savage Skull. While most would succumb in not even a month, this girl had manage to keep on standing amongst her captors. However even though she managed to survive this dreadful guild even she had to give in somehow. And so she did in the most unlikely manner that anyone could have expected. Even Dahau had to admit this was rather surprising.

    Her mind did not break, no in fact it had chosen to adjust to the current conditions. It had chosen to accept the guild and become part of it so it seems. That alone was an astonishing feature. Most people would just keep on resisting till every part of them gave up, they would die from mental exhaustion alone. Then again, most people in the Savage dungeons were met with torture and death. But not this girl, sure she appeared to be unscathed but Dahau doubted that she wouldn't received some sort of cruel treatment. Actually when Dahau thought about it he would compare her to some of the flowers in the marshes. Gorgeous to look at, a natural beauty that grew in a putrid environment. Only because it managed to adapt itself and become just as dangerous as the rest of the swamp. This girl was the same, but still in the process of adapting.

    Maybe that was why he was here, to take this girl by the hand and cultivate this process. To make sure to have her become the flower that she was meant to be. Well flower... Dahau seriously doubted that she would turn into an actual flower. This was off course Savage Skull, and it would twist and turn anything until it became something dark and powerful.
    Dahau placed a hand on top of her head, briefly ruffling her hair a bit. It was almost fatherly if it weren't for the fact that both of them were standing in the middle of a cage. 'Young girl' he said the moment the girl would look up. 'Do you think that just fitting in will help you?'

    Dahau took a step back before he continued to talk, giving her a moment to recover her posture a bit. Not that it was really possible, the girl was standing in her underwear after all. With the only thing that could possibly cover her womanly parts, a lab coat that hung open. 'Look at me girl, it's not about fitting in. It is about you, you need to become strong. You need to stand firmly and know who you are. Only when achieved that you'll see, the world will adapt, the world will start to fit around you...but you have to seize moment'

    1330 + 456 = 1786/10500 words



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,079,142

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    The Savage Price Empty Re: The Savage Price

    Post by Sanguine 10th April 2017, 10:10 am

    There was something comforting in the way she had hugged herself to this person. He wasn't like most others thought of when they described dark mages, or even what they had taught her growing up what they were like. If one thing was for sure in her being in Savage Skull now, it was that she could see and learn things from the other side of the line. Something she hadn't thought to do, but she was a lot like them in some ways just as she was with the legal mages. Just being marked with this guilds crest at first made her hate herself, becoming something she despised, however she changed her mind rather quickly as the reasons for her choices outweighed those feelings. She had to set them aside to coincide with those she'd be stuck with from now on. There wasn't a reason for Madison to leave so long as mama Sayrn was here, and so much so in the same process she wanted to be sure that she was wiling to make herself a target for the rest of her life.

    His hand laid on top of her head and ruffled her hair a little, which really wasn't that big a deal seeing as she hadn't gotten dressed, so her hair wasn't fully taken care of either. Still, the reaction he gave was more than she expected to feel and it had given her a sense of comfort and trust. When he spoke, she hadn't looked up, but remained in the hug to soak up the feeling for as long as she could. However, his question had come to make her think quite a bit as to what she was actually trying to do. She didn't react as he stepped back, just looking up to put a voice to a face before she looked down to the bottom of the cage below her. "W-Well.. It's not... I mean.... It would help, wouldn't it? I don't wish to become a rampant murderer, but I know the lord has plans that we can't see, ya know?" Rubbing her arm, she wasn't too sure how bringing her religious views, but just the small mention had made her smile a little.

    She listened to him speak again, his mantra rather inspiring and uplifting to really anyone that she could have expected to have found. Smiling lightly, she nodded and let her magic cloud her body once more, re disguising her to her blonde appearance, giggling and placing one hand over the other in front of her. "I'm very confident in who I am, sir. I must have just misworded my intentions and I apologize for that. But, I'm a religious girl, of whom grew up with limited resources in teachings, atmosphere, and morals until my magic originally developed enough to be removed for training. When I had wanted to fit in, it was more of to get adjusted to the different atmosphere." She giggled and looked behind her at the cage before looking back to him. "Put the past is behind me, both figuratively and literally. I can't ever forget what's happened, but I haven't let it hold me back either. But now, I believe you're here for me, sir? Consider me your loyal pupil in return for you cheering me up!" Her bubbly personality began to fill the air, much different than before, but happily enjoying the idea she could find at least one person to confide in if she needed it. Help is always appreciated no matter where they're at.

    1786 + 595 = 2381/10500 words


    The Savage Price JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 2972
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 258,417

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plague Craft
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    The Savage Price Empty Re: The Savage Price

    Post by Godlike Frederik 21st June 2017, 11:19 am

    'Pupil huh...' responded Dahau with an amused tone in his voice, clearly he was taking a liking to the very idea that this girl would work from out under his wings. Maybe that way he could find the answer he was looking for, because right now he still couldn't see it. How can this tiny pretty thing manage to kill one of the most notorious mages in the guild, a man who had lead Savage Skull himself, yet got taken out by this... girl! You could say that Dahau was intrigued, enough so to play along for now. The fact that she managed to kill Harrigan, means she has a lot of potential. Though, knowing his former student it was probably his own arrogance that become his downfall. Oh the boy was so full of himself all the time, enough so that he felt so much better that he exacted cruel and torturous amusement on anyone he deemed lesser. Yet somehow this girl thrived under it?

    'I like it' responded Dahau. 'However I must warn you, my teachings aren't for everyone, to become my pupil I need you to submit yourself fully to me. Meaning, my word will be command, and it can very well be that you won't always agree with me. So knowing all that are you really sure you want to be my pupil?'

    Dahau never had someone like her before as a student, her goals were a bit vague for him, she didn't crave power as Harrigan did or desired forbidden arts as Frederick. Nor was she the cold machine that was Janneline who sought to enhance herself with anything she could find. No she was very different from all those that came before her.

    'Well then shall we start right away?' he said as he gestured his hand towards the open gateway from her cage. Only as he did, it appeared as if reality itself split apart. A crack appeared right in the doorway, that stretched itself open, torn apart as a gaping hole in your jeans. In it lay an entirely different landscape, a green field with colorful flowers that flourished. In the distance was a port town, and you could see the sun glisten in the sea, you could even hear a seagull shriek. 'Oh and might I suggest in wearing something, appealing, we might need to have a boy fall in love with you. Which might not be such a hard task'

    2381 + 415 = 2796/10500 words


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