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    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  Empty Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 21st June 2017, 10:09 am

    307 words of 3750 words required



    She really did not personally like heading in this direction, going out towards this place because it meant that she often had to pass over or near Peace Village, Jiyu really did not like doing that! However she had taken a job for the residents of Mountain Village so she just had to do whatever she needed to do, it was not like anyone would recognize her even if she had to walk right through the cursed village anyways, she looked nothing like she used to right now. Even apart from the years passed and her more lewd way of dressing now? She had become a demon and gained shapeshifting abilities, she could even manipulate her scent and voice, there was no way to know. “This is almost where the paperwork says the sightings started.” waiting for the village to get attacked again was one way to do things, but she did not want to spend days on this mission especially since she was supposed to be working with another mage they hired! Thus she had sent a request that the other mage should meet her where the sightings of the troublesome mountain lion started and she would handle tracking the beast so they could defeat it today, or maybe the next day at the longest.

    “Best have a sniff around while I wait for the other mage.” the comment was off-hand as she shoved the job paper into the back of her jean shorts, tilting her head down slightly. Since she had the senses of a dog? Jiyu didn’t track her targets like other mages, she had to rely on hearing and smell mostly, so she let her hearing span out to see what she could find about the area, to track the lion she would need to find some scent trail strong enough to follow.


    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  H6NcPbM Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  H6NcPbM Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  H6NcPbM Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  H6NcPbM


    Posts : 1219
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
    Third Skill:

    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  Empty Re: Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.

    Post by kittykool75 21st June 2017, 10:34 am

    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  HjYByyj
    Lucius Foss Golden Phoenix B-Rank
    I   c r e a t e d   a   m o n s t e r   a   h e l l   w i t h i n   m y   h e a d

    The assassin in a more better mood today, had decided to take up a job, though sadly he had to conduct it with another. And from his old guild none the less, very undesirable but he would have to deal. It was very unlikely they knew him anyways, it was a very long time ago that he was even a part of it. And he wasn't even that active in the socializing aspect when a part of the guild, only times he was, was when he was with his sister. So I guess not much changes, he usually doesn't leave his room now due to his usually depressive mood and doesn't like leaving the house unless Astrid drags him out of it. At least in this job he would be exterminating animals, which was always fun. He would prefer to be killing humans, which he hasn't actually done lately (which was very unlike the young adult), but killing animals would have to do. Perhaps he could let off some steam and hopefully his job partner wasn't going to be to troublesome. Which was usual, considering that he disliked all people besides the likes of his elder sister. Anybody else he ever had some kind of caring feelings for either died or went missing. At least he had less weaknesses, well less friends, which was something the antisocial boy liked. Quite unusual to like not having friends, I know.
    With feet covered in black lace up combat boots, he walked across the paths that where barely distinguishable from the forest due to people not using them that often or not giving them proper care. He gently waved his walking stick back and forth in front of his, occasionally it hit the something which allowed the boy to avoid it. Being blind was quite the hassle, but he has learned to deal with it for the most part, though he didn't enjoy it. Soon he heard a voice saying something about sniffing around, which he found rather unusual, but this whole plant was weird so he didn't think much of it. He walked closer to where he sensed the unfamiliar presence of his job partner, when close enough he stopped, resting the butt of his cane on the ground. "I suppose you're the one I'm doing this with?" he said, not really properly introducing himself. He raised an eyebrow at looked in the direction of the young woman.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    407 3,750


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  Empty Re: Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 21st June 2017, 11:56 am

    869 of 3750 words
    The first thing that ran through the Inugami’s head was a resounding no, her brain screaming at her, requiring every bit of anything she had to prevent herself from vanishing into the wind because there was just no way. She turned around and used her senses to pinpoint the other person who had spoken up, body moving as to place the individual in her extremely limited visual range. Instantly Jiyu felt as if she could not breathe, even though externally she seemed fine her mind began racing as her prior fear was confirmed. For a split second? She could see herself much younger standing in a white sun dress speaking up to a younger boy with long hair and a foul mouth. Kazehime did not allow her mind to wander long, no matter how strained it was, because she could not deny the fact that his scent, his voice, this man was Lucius and she was in some deep trouble now, maybe even in danger! The wind blew bringing her own lavender hair into her vision, reminding her that the risk, the problem here was only within her head, there was no way Lucius knew who she was, she no longer looked the same, she didn’t smell the same, she didn’t sound the same and she was over a decade older than when he last saw her, he couldn’t know.

    “You’d suppose right, I’m Jiyu Kazehime, I had us come out of here instead of waiting for the Mountain Lion as I am a canine and thus capable of tracking it if we can find any sort of trail from it, allowing us to deal with it before more damage is done.” she had not explained much about her senses when telling the village they would start out here, because honestly not everyone instantly believed someone could be a humanoid dog, which she basically was. “So if you’re ready to go we can start looking for some scent trail its left around to follow.” though this also likely meant they would have to deal with anything else they came across on the way to find the mountain lion, but she still figured this method best, it was the swiftest with the least damage done all around. If the beast was not stopped soon? The village might just hire more hunter’s, which would result in much more damage than two mages taking out what they had to in order to find the target. With her comments made she turned around to start sniffing the air once again, hoping to find the trail quickly so they could be done swiftly. “Just keep alert, I’ll be focusing most of my sense’s to trying to find the mountain lion so I might not notice other things around us, and if I do find it’s track I will start hunting it.” she did not want to be around Lulu any longer then she had to, Jiyu didn’t want to get to know him again, and she certainly didn’t want him to figure out who she was! Thus the female started following the first trace of something she could find, toes curling against the ground, moving lightly barely making noise as only that portion of her foot came in contact with the earth, she had always walked like a dog after all, it was just how she was made.


    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  H6NcPbM Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  H6NcPbM Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  H6NcPbM Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  H6NcPbM


    Posts : 1219
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
    Third Skill:

    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  Empty Re: Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.

    Post by kittykool75 21st June 2017, 3:53 pm

    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  HjYByyj
    Lucius Foss Golden Phoenix B-Rank
    I   c r e a t e d   a   m o n s t e r   a   h e l l   w i t h i n   m y   h e a d

    Being rather genius in the arts of people watching (despite not having the eyes to watch them anymore) and reading a person's hidden emotions. Whatever was right beneath the surface he could easily sense, and this young woman who had introduced herself as Jiyu was uncomfortable around him. Which he wasn't to surprised about that; with his harsh and unapproachable attitude, and being dark dressed atop being extremely tall. But he felt it wasn't like that, some other reason, maybe because she was a sort of canine she could sense his rather homicidal nature and dark emotions. Like most animals could, which left him and all animals with a sort of mutual hate relationship towards each other. Though he couldn't be quite sure of anything, so he decided to leave it be, he was curious but not enough to put any effort into figuring it out. He listened to her speak, giving him guidelines to follow, which he didn't like very much. Being a type of person that dislikes being bossed around, even if it's just little things, or if they were just casually saying it. He has the urge to do the exact opposite or snap back at them, or both. But this was a sensible thing to do, and he could tell she didn't really want to be around him more then he did around her. So he figured rolling with it would just make it go faster, thus allowing him to go back home to recharge quicker then it would be doing a job with a more sociable person.
    So begrudgingly doing as instructed, the dark mage moved in the opposite direction of the girl. Using his slightly enhanced senses to try and find anything, and since he usually depended on his hearing something small he picked up was the sound of Jiyu walking. Which was normal, normal people make sound when they walk, besides Lucius who is trained not to (being an assassin and all). But hers was unusual in a way that it was quiet, like she was constantly walking on her toes, which is was she was doing. Something he found odd, but he didn't think to much of it, though it did sit in the back of his head with his other thoughts about the Inugami. He waved his cane about, which was very helpful for the blind young man, prevented him from tripping over all the tree roots and plants that stuck out from the ground in his path. Though they were more frequently disrupting him considering he was no longer walking on the mountain path but in the forests that covered the mountain. Which he had to do to find the wild creatures. And he succeeded in doing such when he heard a sound of something walking towards him, and it wasn't the odd foot steps of his job partner. Stopping in his tracks he lifted up his staff and arm, hold his arm horizontally in front of his chest he rested the cane on it. Readying himself to shoot when whatever came closer.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    920 3,750


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019


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    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  Empty Re: Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.

    Post by NPC 21st June 2017, 3:53 pm

    The member 'kittykool69' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  WeakMonster Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  NormalMonster
    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  Empty Re: Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 24th June 2017, 8:58 am

    2018 of 3750 words

    Jiyu had never been very good at ‘watching’ people so to speak, she was not daft to things going on around her, in fact with her advanced hearing and sense of smell, sometimes she was more aware than others, but she had just never been able to see very well. The woman mostly relied on her canine senses, even when she was a child she had a good sense of the people around her due to the dog demon blood that had lied largely dormant in her veins. Sometimes when she was young? She had shied away from people due to having an odd feeling about them, but Lucius had not been one of those people, she had never exactly gotten that bad vibe about him! Of course, when they had first met she was a wreck, nothing worked properly because she had lost her mother days before, she had been doubting her own instincts and such because no one believed her mother had been murdered. Thus even if he was dark back in those days, she wouldn’t have noticed it, and since she was only part canine the girl tended to ignore anything her instincts said after she made her opinion on someone, it was so easy to drown them out for her own ideals.

    Normally Kazehime was a rather social mage, she met many people when she took missions and left most missions with some new friend or friendly acquaintance. The more antisocial behavior she was currently displaying to the Golden Phoenix mage? Was a direct result of the fact she already knew who the boy was, she already knew his name, she knew his sister, she knew how much he hated people, she knew him, and she didn’t want to know him again, she couldn’t! Because of this Jiyu wished to complete this mission swiftly as was possible, so that she could get away from someone she knew could end up being dangerous to the life she had currently built for herself. With her goal in mind, the Inugami was devoutly tracking down the Mountain Lion having even resorted to running along the ground on all four feet, her nose nearly smashed into the ground as her elfin ears twitched every few seconds looking for any sound that could be made by a feline.

    Jiyu had been right in telling Lulu to keep his attention out because the wind user was not paying attention to anything outside her target, so zoned in she barely missed running directly into a raccoon! “Huh, oh just a raccoon.” she had nothing on her besides for her bra top and shorts, so the vermin was not interested in her, allowing her to simply jump over it and continue down the path, unaware it was likely going to go straight for her companions cane. Karma would quickly bite the dog back, however, because something she stepped on crunched startling a buck that had been standing nearby, causing the beast to quickly charge her. The only thing Lucius would hear? Was a loud whimper and several thuds, two from the animals falling, the other two thuds from Jiyu hitting a tree then falling to the ground from when the buck had sent her flying. While her aura’s were quick enough to bring down the opponents, she had still been struck by the now deceased buck.

    “Fuck.” it was muttered as she slowly struggled back to standing on four legs, her flank bleeding from where the deer’s antlers had collided with her, coughing up a small amount of blood as she panted. “Little bitches did it fucking look like I wanted a fight?! Should have left me alone.” she didn’t even realize it, but the words she spoke were very close to the first words Mint had ever said to her, almost identical expect changed to match the current context, her own mouth betrayed her somewhat using his words due to how close he now was once more. Of course every single time she cursed it seemed to sound slightly like him anyways, considering the other mage had been the one to teach her how to cuss when young. Jiyu purged thought’s of the male when he was younger from her mind. “I’m sorry, I just need a moment.” she still had the scent of their target, but her frail body was now in agony from being rammed into then thrown into a tree. Mint was going to be so upset with her over this, he didn’t like people and now in his mind, he was going to have to be around a stranger for longer because she was weak! Why did she even care if he was upset with her? Lulu wasn’t important anymore, in fact, it would be good if he came to hate her, it meant he wouldn’t seek her out, never have the chance to find out who she was.

    “Come on, careful this way, we’re going up some rocks..” she jumped from rock to rock, carefully her blood dripping onto them somewhat, stopping after she got about four up to make sure Lucius would be able to go the way she was. As she sat waiting for him to start climbing? The wind mage noticed a patch of Mint plants sitting beside her “We could use this mint later to disorientate the Mountain Lion for a moment, getting this stuff right on a sensitive nose is misery, you’ll have to pick it though, I can’t carry it on me, it would affect my ability to track.” thinking about the plant was hard, her brain started getting the better of her as she watched the man she had once called by the name of the plant, cursing her own head for feeling anything about it. “Hey you never introduced yourself, I need something to call you if I need to call you anything during this.” she sounded thoughtful even though she actually already knew what she was going to call Lulu, more so going through this whole dialogue simply to cover her own ass. “Since you didn’t give me a name to use, I’m just going to call you Mint alright, from what I’m collecting you don’t want to tell me what you are called, and you’re not exactly going to seek me out again after this, so there isn’t a need to push for who you actually are or anything like that. I just need something easy to call out incase there is need to do so.” it seemed entirely like a matter of convenience, as if she was being lazy and just assigning a random item to call him to keep things simple, she had these days become far too good at covering for her past, taking steps so that anything linking to Mikka Ambrose would be explained away, so people would not know who she was.


    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  H6NcPbM Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  H6NcPbM Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  H6NcPbM Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  H6NcPbM


    Posts : 23956
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    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  Empty Re: Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.

    Post by NPC 24th June 2017, 8:58 am

    The member 'Jiyu Kazehime' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  Boss Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  WeakMonster

    Posts : 1219
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
    Third Skill:

    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  Empty Re: Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.

    Post by kittykool75 28th July 2017, 4:48 pm

    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  HjYByyj
    Lucius Foss Golden Phoenix B-Rank
    I   c r e a t e d   a   m o n s t e r   a   h e l l   w i t h i n   m y   h e a d

    The assassin continued to hold up his weapon, still unsure of what creature may be coming his way, but then came the familiar and odd footsteps of his job companion along with her talking to herself. Though even if her statement wasn't that loud, the boy could hear it with ease due to his enhanced senses. With a roll of his blind eyes the boy let out a huff and dropped the cane back to his side, proceeding to lean into it. The raccoon didn't give them any trouble thankfully, less work for him to do. He was sort of tired at the moment and didn't feel like being here anymore, so the young adult was now going to try and exert the least amount of energy as possible. Most likely going to leave most of the fighting to the canine, well as much as he possibly could while still actually doing the job. Feeling around with his walking stick he found a nice smooth boulder to take a seat upon, so he did so. Gently sitting down, crossing his feet and holding his cane across his lap. If he just had a cup of tea, he could almost imagine that he wasn't on a job, and was just having a peaceful time by himself.
    Though the peace was quickly broken for the dark mage as he heard rather loud thuds and an even louder whimper from what he presumed to be the Black Rose mage. Letting out a groan, he got up just in case he needed to help, which doubted. She was a high ranking mage, higher then himself, so she had to get up there somehow. As he approached the area where which most the sound came from, he could hear the wind mage swear under her breath. And then continue to let out a stream of cussing, in a way that he would say himself if upset. Instead of all the time like he used to as a child, he usually only did it when he wasn't in control of his emotions or under his breath. He got enough smacking to the back of his head from his elder sister to get it through his head to not curse all the time. Though as I said he still does it from time to time, though if he slips up around his adoptive sibling he is almost guaranteed to get a scolding. Thankfully that is a rather rare occasion for his poor fragile skull.
    Upon arriving he smelled blood, he prodded the corpses as if trying to see if they were still alive, which he clearly knew wasn't true. He was tempted to take back his thoughts of not needing to worry about the canine, who was clearly injured by the sound of her voice and how her feet made it sound like she stumbled more then walked. Which as Jiyu predicted in her thoughts, annoyed the assassin very much so. Of course she had to get hurt, this means he most likely had to put more work in which was very upsetting for him. Plus he absolutely hated having to carry others weight, carry your own or stay out of the way. Which is part of the reason he hates having to depend on people, considering he has that kind of psychology on the topic of dependence and independence. Sadly for him he has been doing a lot of depending lately. Though really only on his sister, living at her house and taking up space there. Though he knew no matter what he did, he knew she would take him in with open arms. He still couldn't help feeling like he was just a burden, unwanted and completely useless. He swore at himself under his breath, shutting himself up for going back into his usual depressive mood.
    The black haired boy followed after the young woman, her warning gave him a twinge of displeasure. Maybe it was just a casual warning that she thought nothing of, Lucius on the other hand was rather spiteful when people treated him even slightly different. Well different in the way that they are trying to care for him, pitying him and helping him because he is very clearly blind. Though nothing showed on his pale expression, though his knuckles whitened as he clenched his walking stick tighter. Trying to ignore his building irritation, he felt around with his cane. He groaned silently, hanging his cane over his arm he climbed the boulders. Swearing yet again, under his breath of course, like the gentleman that he was. He tripped a couple of times and struggled climbing more then he would if he could see.
    His red gaze traced itself up to the young woman who started to speak. Picking a plant that she said was mint she spoke of how it would be useful. Lucius didn't really care to much about what she was explaining to him, he was just thinking how he could make it into tea. Mint tea being his favorite and all after all. He was definitely going to have to get him some of that after this mission, not that this mission is to different from any other time he has to do a mission with someone besides his older sister. Well not to different to the him, to Jiyu on the other hand, was fighting with the past working on this job with her childhood (grim, creepy and foul-mouthed) brother-like friend. Who of which was unaware was aware that she was Mikka. She constantly struggled with her emotions and past memories, while Lucius struggled with his clinical depression, many loud voice brain and antisocial personality. So really the both of them were having an all around great time hanging around each other.
    The dark mage didn't speak as he reached the same level as the wind mage, he wasn't to particularly tired physically. His body is trained to do much harder things then that, but he was cut and bruised in multiple places around his body. It was no easy feat to climb a slippery and uneven terrain of rocks, way more so for a blind person. So he did pretty good, though he scolded himself with harsh thoughts. Not doing it perfectly, like he should be able to do being a trained assassin and all. And he got so distracted by the voices in his head that he tuned out of Jiyu talking for a little bit. He came back into listening when she said she was going to call him 'Mint'. He shot a chilling glare in her direction, he was not to fond of nicknames, hated them actually. Only person that got away with calling him anything was Astrid, which was usually 'Lulu', a nickname she gave him when they were younger due to her having trouble saying his full name.
    But she gave a good and valid reasoning to call him that. No he didn't really want to introduce himself, and he wasn't planning on seeing her ever again. He wouldn't be to much in favor of her finding out that he was a coming storm, if she even kept up with those things, he didn't know and he didn't want to find out. He was to tired for a fight, didn't want any stupid legal mages reporting him or attempting to fight and/or kill him for justice. Like more legal mages that he runs into, besides his sister of course. Though it was rather odd that he was given this nickname, considering he'd been called the same thing by Mikka. Though not because there was mint around and he didn't give a name, so it was just a convenient thing to call him. No, because at the time, instead of pitch black hair, it was a light green. Didn't turn black until a few months ago.
    Finally the eighteen year old managed to reach the top without accidentally falling down and somehow killing or fatally injuring himself in the process. So that was one silver lining out of this mission. He was now a slightly out of breath but it was no big deal. Standing up straight he hit his head on a branch, snapping at the little annoyance, he unsheathed his sword and sliced it. Causing the branch to fall down from where they came from. When he was about to sheath his sword he stopped, feeling a presence of something close by. The footsteps were heavy, vibrating the ground. And with a large roar the animal revealed itself, a large bear. Standing at about ten feet tall on his hind legs, three feet more then Lucius stood. Instead of being scared, the assassin was apathetic and unamused. Knowing exactly were it was standing due to his loudness in everything it did, he swiftly thrust his sword into the belly of the beast. The tip of the blade just barely (pun intended) peeking through the ursine's back.
    It roared in pain as the dark mage twisted the sword and pulled it out in one fluid movement. Effortlessly the boy jumped back, landing where he previously climbed up from as the bear fell on it's front feet. Lucius approached it without hesitation as he sheathed his sword, the bear opened it's mouth and attempted to swipe at the lanky figure. But he easily dodge and smacked their snout with enough force it stunned the bear for a few seconds, causing it to close it's mouth. The blind wizard used his cane to help him climb onto the bear's head like a step, which the bear disapproved of. But couldn't do anything about it, because once it regained it's composure he already had his cane to the mammal's back. He shot about five times, the gunshot was muffled, one of them being a poison bullet. He hopped off and walked back over to Jiyu, leaving the now corpse where he ended it. "Shall we be moving on now?" he asked the canine, placing both his hands on his cane and leaning on it. Acting as if nothing happened, like he didn't just effortlessly murdered an angry bear.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    2,615 3,750

    N o t e s:
    Sorry for taking so long to post, I’ll try not to take this long again


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
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    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  Empty Re: Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 28th August 2017, 9:42 pm

    Having enhanced senses could be one massive pain in the rump at times, meddling with your day to day life and affecting it negatively even if it was supposed to be a special power. In all likelihood? Both the dark haired male and the lavender haired girl could understand that statement with ease. However for missions like this sensitive hearing still often proved itself valuable and worth the sacrifice of hitting the floor if someone blew a whistle or blared their horn in traffic. While day to day life could be harder with advanced senses, specialized tasks like these were almost made for people like them, who unbound by vision could keep a much more advanced check on their surroundings than anyone could with mere sight!

    She was not overly worried about his lack of sight on the rocks, it was actually his use of the cane that worried her. Honestly? It would have been easier in her opinion for him to find his way up it without the stick, but he likely had not been visually challenged from birth or a young age like she was. Even when she was 'human', despite being unaware of it she had dogs vision which meant what she saw was more limited and different from what others spotted. "yes let's get moving, that cougar is really close to us now." she could smell the trail getting fresher and fresher with each step she took.


    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  H6NcPbM Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  H6NcPbM Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  H6NcPbM Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  H6NcPbM


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    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  Empty Re: Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.

    Post by kittykool75 5th September 2017, 8:56 pm

    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  HjYByyj
    Lucius Foss Golden Phoenix B-Rank
    I   c r e a t e d   a   m o n s t e r   a   h e l l   w i t h i n   m y   h e a d

    Well the job hadn't been going as smoothly as it could be going or as he wished it would go, but going better then expected. Though so far, as much as he didn't want to be, he had been doing all the work so far. Unless you want to count Jiyu scaring away some harmless raccoons and getting smacked around by some frighted deer, but that isn't really worth counting if we're being honest here. He dealt with the bear that they passed on their way towards where the mountain lion most likely resided. The canine leaded the way, so I guess she was being useful to some extent. Lucius was still sort of annoyed at the fact that he had to do such a simple job with another person, like he couldn't handle it on his own (or she couldn't handle it on her own, depending on what person you view it from) or some such. Which dealt a blow to his false pride, and it was weak enough as it is. To sum things up, he just wished he didn't have to do this job with someone else, and he didn't like having to do majority of the work when he had to work with someone else. It was such a pain for dark mage who just wanted to be anti-social and hide in his room all day everyday.
    Even though she wasn't carrying her wait to much (according to Lucius), at least she wasn't making an effort to be friends with him like most people like to do. Though she did show some pity for him being blind, she wasn't as bad as others. Like himself, she kept her distance from her job partner. Which he highly appreciated, and he would show it by continuing to act the way he has been acting. So of course, he didn't try and make small talk because he hates small talk. He just silently followed after the purple haired young woman, knowing where she was from her odd and silent walking style. Where her feet barely even touched the ground and she walks on the balls of her feet and/or her toes. Waving his walking stick in front of him and close to the ground for obvious and previously mentioned reasons.
    Lucius felt the presence of the cougar before they encountered it, it was a lot stronger and a lot more noticeable then any other creature in this forest (besides themselves of course). It was a lot larger then a normal mountain lion, he could tell that from the vibration made from it's footsteps and how much louder it's roar was from the already obnoxiously loud roar of a cougar. It faced the two mages with no fear, just pure anger that they dared faced before it, though since most anger was rooted in fear, perhaps it was scared. But really that was something that didn't matter at all, at least not to the assassin, he did psych analysis on humans not animals, and nowadays he only did that sometimes. Only if the person was especially interesting, or if he was thinking in his default mind-set. Anyways, back to the giant feline. It glared at the two of them, but the shadow user was unamused and he guessed the same for his companion. Unless she was scared of cats or some such, which would be really annoying.
    "Ready to actually do something this time bitch?" he gave a snarky comment filled with venom as he readied his weapon, calling her such do to her in fact, being a female dog. Also unintentionally what he used to call her a lot when they were younger, though he was oblivious to this fact and it didn't even cross his mind. The swear word sounded no where near foreign coming from his mouth, which would be noticed by anybody, especially the person who learned all her swearing skills from him. He shot at the large feline multiple times, one of the bullets filled with very damaging poison. Having such amazing aim, hitting only vital areas, despite being blind. Showing off that he had a real talent for killing, no matter what his condition. Black veins spread from where the black poison bullet was shot, it would proceed to take health from the creature while also reducing the damage it did to them. The mountain lions started to show the fact that it felt unwell, coughing saliva and even blood, but that more so angered the beast. Causing the enraged cougar to swing a dangerously large set of claws at the two of them.
    "If you don't want to get hurt, get off the ground" he warned Jiyu, but didn't bother looking so see if she did so before sending a dark pulse of his magic through the ground. It rippled across the ground, hitting anything within a fifty meter radius of him with his ranks worth of damage. It shoved the mountain lion back, disrupting it's attack and sending it to it's side. Due to the poison it vomited as it pushed itself back up to it's feet, though causing damage, still didn't stop it. Lucius swiftly dodged it's charging, and he hopped back a few steps, letting the canine fight even if she didn't want to. He wasn't going to do all the work, that would be torture for himself. And he wasn't in to mood to deal with having to do all the fighting, she was a higher rank then himself, she could handle herself. If not she died and that was out of the way.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    3,550 3,750


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
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    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
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    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  Empty Re: Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 12th September 2017, 9:55 pm

    3060 of 3750

    Most things did not go as expected with the long legged female present, she seemed to sometimes be a talisman for thing's going awry. Even when she was little? Thing's would always go subtly off course when she was around, something would be different from the normal, if only by a smidge. Jiyu had just always been the sort of person that consciously, unconsciously and sometimes even against her own will caused thing's to become a little more 'fun' so to speak. Even when she went by Mikka she could make a delightfully rainy mess out of a sunny day, and not regret it because as long as everyone snorted or laughed about it, then everything was alright. Thus it was no surprise things had not been going exactly as Lu-Lu would like because it was his childhood friend staying just a few paces ahead of him, a girl who could never seem to let things go exactly to plan. Sometimes she didn't even have a plan.

    The female's head flashed back as he followed her quietly, remembering he had always been like that quiet and aloof towards other's. Even though over a decade had passed since they last saw each other? Nothing seemed to change about his personality, and she really couldn't tell anything had changed in terms of his coloration since she had always been red-green color blind. Honestly, it was depressing to see how little Mint had changed when she had changed so much, even gaining the ability to change her appearance on any whim she happened to come under, thus she was far from the same person now. Jiyu momentarily wondered if she could have remained the same person, stayed in Peace Village if she could have obtained her magical skills there, gone to join Golden Pheonix when Astrid did, both of her closest childhood friends who she spent almost every day with after her mother's death had turned out mages, why wouldn't she? Jiyu shook her head of the thought's, no running away had to be the right thing! She just knew that it had to be the right thing to do, there was no other option back then, she hadn't over reacted, it wasn't her fault!

    "People used to compare me to dog’s lots so it’s not an insult to me, plus I know I'm a dog now." it was likely her first slip up as she rolled her eyes and jumped from the ground to levitate in the air. The words she used? Were pretty much exactly what she had said when they first met when he first called her a bitch and a phrase she repeated often when he used it. Luckily it wasn't too telling of a thing, her tail swishing slightly as she waited for her turn to attack. "Now for my turn~" the female stated the words as she landed after his attack and shot several wind bullets at the cougar, sweeping her arm to direct blades at the creature. Soon enough? The cougar and she smirked lightly looking back at the other mage even though he couldn't see her, she actually walked close enough to make him out which she did with very few people. Kazehime knew this would likely be one of the only time's in her adult life she saw her friend again, so she actually wanted to take in the sight of him again while she had the chance. Keeping herself silent and preventing herself from telling him everything was difficult, now that she was actually in front of an old friend again, it hurt even more than when she had reunited with Astrid when Izayuki and Elyx married, it hurt more because Astrid had known it was her, she couldn't let Mint know who she was. Even now at this moment? Astrid wouldn't recognize her without prompt because she could completely shapeshift into a different person and routinely did.

    She had to forget about her past for good, heck maybe even erase having ever known either of them, this regret did her no good, it was something that could sabotage her from the inside if she let it fester. "Well job complete, you can turn it in, I'm just going to go back to my guild now, its a bit of a journey." and she hated being this close to Peace Village if her sense of direction was right they were less than a days journey from home, it put he on edge, she couldn't do this. When she had a mission being around him was one thing, she could do that, but the mission was done, if she let herself stay than she would give up her shifted form, she would tell him it was her, and she could not do that, could never.


    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  H6NcPbM Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  H6NcPbM Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  H6NcPbM Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  H6NcPbM


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    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  Empty Re: Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.

    Post by kittykool75 20th September 2017, 6:41 pm

    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  HjYByyj
    Lucius Foss Golden Phoenix B-Rank
    I   c r e a t e d   a   m o n s t e r   a   h e l l   w i t h i n   m y   h e a d

    In response her stating that his insult wasn't very insulting, he grunted aloofly. Though he would usually like his insults to stick to a person, he didn't have enough energy to really care right now. Though the phrasing of her words struck as nostalgia for the boy, similar to Mikka, this woman actually seemed to have a lot of parallels between herself and his old childhood friend. Her nickname for him, her suave attitude that didn't take any of his sarcastic and brutish nature. It was odd to say the least, the similarities between the two. Though of course his old friend (whom of which he would never admit to being a friend too), was dead, well she went missing but was claimed to be dead. So really it is anybody's guess as to what happened to the young girl. Plus she had a more innocent and oblivious nature to her, though I guess that is obvious for her being a child and all. Though it was nothing Lucius had when he was that age, he grew up to fast, and when he had the chance to have a proper childhood he didn't know what to do with it. At that point he was twisted beyond repair, but his, at the time, newly adopted sister found it her job to try and fix him. She still did.
    After he did a good amount of damage, Jiyu actually helped, unlike the rest of this job of dealing with scared animals that scurried through the forest like fools. He stepped back out of the way and listened to the fight, it was enjoyable for the boy to hear the feline finally be destroyed after causing some havoc for the surrounding forest and village. Plus he was always up for some animal murder, being the psychopath he was rather enjoyed doing so, ever since he was a child really. Though he didn't usually do such in front of his sister, because he knew she would be all like 'you can't hurt animals they're cute and they deserve to live like any one of us' or some stupid naive thing like that. Which he found annoying at the time, and still does, but she is the only person that acts all innocent and nice that he doesn't hate. Purely because the amount of years he had been around her, she somehow managed to befriend the assassin. As to how she did so was a mystery even to him.
    Within a couple of minutes, more or less, the cougar was dead by both their hands. Though the young woman was the one to finish it off, as Lucius currently stood at the side lines. She waltzed over to him, her feet barely even touching the ground as she did so. How she walked made sense to the boy, considering it was similar to that of a dog, that she was, but she clearly showed off that she was a wind mage. So being light on her feet, so much so it seemed a gentle breeze would carry her away, made sense. Easier to control their element if they are more like it. She spoke to the assassin, it was blunt, giving him no room to refuse. She clearly wanted to get out of there just as much as he did, if not more. Now he had some curious thoughts towards the girl, and would like to dissect her mind (in a metaphorical sense) so figure her out. Just because she seemed interesting, though he thought this now, he figured he would forget out it and her later. "Alright, try not to be to much of a fucktard when leaving. Don't want to have to deal with anything if you accidentally kill yourself by getting scared by a raccoon." The boy said in an accidental attitude filled voice. Gripping his cane, he turned the way he came, and started to walk. Not really looking forward to having to climb back down the small cliff.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    4,218 3,750


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
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    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  Empty Re: Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 2nd October 2017, 4:44 pm

    Normally she would be frustrated and bite back at the sort of comments he made as she was leaving, it was so tempting to push full force ahead into the sort of banter they used to get into with each other after he taught her what that sort of thing was. However, something did manage to stop her and it was the logic of knowing he certainly didn't know who she was, Astrid had not told him about her and she was thankful for that. While it was one thing to wish she could go back to the way thing's used to be, heck walk home tonight and have dinner with the two of them or her siblings if her stepmother had cooked, Jiyu knew it was just not possible. Even if it was possible? It was wrong to do after everything that had happened, plus on the front of her direct family, she would have to listen to her father disapprove of her mage status the whole time if she came home. Little did the wind user know her father couldn't disapprove because he could not do much talking at all these days as he had fallen into a coma due to an accident while searching for her, in spite of the whole village believing he murdered her.

    She could have done so many things better, but she just didn't do them and every second she was around Lu-Lu reminded her of the fact she might have made a mistake. Jiyu didn't want to think about if she could have remained Mikka or not, she was Jiyu now and it would hurt so much if she screwed up and lost all these years for nothing because there was no way she could take it back! The thought that she could have stayed, even had someone in her family there for her after she was kidnapped and such, it was too much for her, none of that could have ever been a possibility, she had made the right choice! As she ran her body dissolved into the wind, vanishing entirely and reappearing within the confines of her rose garden room. Jiyu sighed out loud as she collapsed onto her bed.

    Maka was in the room and went running up to her, but the wind user shook her head with tears in her eyes, which resulted in the kitsune simply pulling the blanket up over Jiyu and leaving the room, leaving the Inugami to herself. She wanted to tell herself that she made the right choice, but she had seen Asty, the pale-haired girl was a mage and now she had also seen Mint he was a mage as well! Her childhood best friends had both become mages without running away, it opened up the chance she may not have needed to run away to pursue the same goal. Mikka couldn't deal with what it may mean, how much she may have screwed up, humorously thinking 'what if' was one thing she had done before, but it never seemed as if the 'what if' could have been the reality until today. Why did Mint have to go become a mage, it would be easier to convince herself she'd done nothing wrong if it was just astrid who went off and discovered magic!

    "There's no way." she chuckled it to herself, sitting up with her face tear-streaked, laughing at herself. She didn't know how her friends became mages, they likely ran off to do it as she had! The next time she saw one of the siblings she would sneakily ask them what they had done to become a mage like they current where, if they had stayed home to do it! Jiyu just knew they would say that they had left home to become mages. Plus even if they hadn't, there was no way her father would have permitted her to take magic classes with them or practice with them! She totally had done the right thing by running off when she did or she wouldn't be a mage right now. Although the thought still lingered in the back of her mind, that maybe if she had stayed put she might not have experienced some of the negative stuff she had. Jiyu could cope, but Mikka couldn't stand the thought of having abandoned her friends and family for no reason at all, because Mikka knew if Astrid and Lu-Lu had become magic users in Peace Village, it would have convinced her father to allow her to finish practicing as well. The three of them could have set off together, she didn't have to be alone for all those years!

    WC Complete.


    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  H6NcPbM Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  H6NcPbM Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  H6NcPbM Faraway Nostalgia; Lulu/Jiyu Job.  H6NcPbM

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 8:49 pm