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    Grim Heresy
    Grim Heresy

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    Information Necropolis

    Post by Grim Heresy 16th June 2017, 8:35 am

    Necropolis Cool2010
    Necropolis Necrop10


    Description & Lore:
    Necropolis,  the City of the Dead they say.   This city houses countless undead beings throughout a large metropolitan expanse of districts that encompass a psuedodimensional plane.   Rather than just sprawling out across space,  the Necropolis sprawls out across layers of reality and time.  Passing by district borders is a sheer and obvious difference,  while being seamless,  each district alone the size of an expansive city in and of themselves.  The borders of each district mirror out endlessly making each district seem to continue on infinitely, hard to notice that the city beyond the border is just a mirroring,  but passing the boundary reveals that the following district is new and distinct,  finding ones self in an area with new architecture,  city structure,  and local population.   

    Each city-sized district of Necropolis hosts its own individual identity as each district was risen up by an for different cultures and time periods,  allowing all residents to live in an eternity they are comfortable with,  similar to their living lives,  and the borders allow each district to avoid their views being interrupted by other districts jarring changes in themes.   The transition may not even be noticeable,  but each district is scattered across space and time,  appearing in different locations entirely while still being a part of a unified whole.   

    Some districts are further divided,  if not entirely cloned into separate districts,  by race and not just culture.  You might find an exact replica of another district,  but find the inhabitants here composed mostly of wraiths as opposed to ghouls or vampires.    Navigating the Necropolis is akin to navigating a multiverse of alterations and possibilities diverging out from the core concept city.   Many believe that the true Necropolis is a district called Golgothica,  which is depicted in the image above,  and that all other districts are multidimensional replicas with changes and alterations due to how the city evolved differently to match the different styles of the individual settings.

    Necropolis is historically run and managed by a shadowy influence called the Fell Masters who are felt but never seen as cosmic entities that exist on the scale of omnipotent gods who's gaze stretches beyond infinity and who's motivations and actions are subtle and stretched across eternity as gods before gods,  a higher power above what mortals call gods,  with few proxies that have acted on their behalf over the eons until they themselves become Fell Masters and the cycle begins anew.  Their current proxy was created, risen, or birthed many millennia ago and has taken Necropolis under her wing,  Eris.   

    Necropolis is not specifically Grim Heresy property and has no affiliation to the Cult of Sin,  it has existed since the early days of sentient thought as a remnant of a multiverse before our own,  a fragment of a shattered reality long past,  the present reality not knowing what to do with it as it stands as a broken shard that cuts through its layers like a wound.   As a result it often draws in, naturally and unnaturally through manipulation,  the souls of the dead, torn away from their intended afterlives like a start drifting too close to a black hole.
    Eris being the present authority over the city however,  the city is open to Grim Heresy and the Cult of Sin.  Long since before she came to Earthland many followers have found their afterlife here, establishing a strong presence in Necropolis that works separately to the standard channels of authority and control over the city.  

    Trillions and beyond claim home within Necropolis,  each with their own long undead lives and personal goals and motivations to make their livelyhood here in this "city" that never sleeps.  Countless individuals each with their own power struggles and sources of power,  magic,  curses,  primordial influences.   Necroplois is mystery and one could spend a thousand lives and never explore Necroplois fully.   
    A city of impossible size, a city of possibility and the supernatural,  anything can happen,  anything can be found.  

    Key Districts (Cities):
    Golgothica:  The "Central" district as seen in the image above,  it is a very stone-crafted district full of gargoyles and gothic-victorian architecture with most individual buildings rivaling or exceeding the possibilities of human design in cathedrals,  with most the buildings exceeding the height of modern human skyscrapers.     It's the capitol district and houses a palace.  

    • Key Location:  Sempiternus Regia.  The everlasting palace.   One of the first structures to come into existence,  the Sempiternus Regia is a palace almost as old as existence itself,  formed by the first shadows cast against the face of creation by the then-formless entities representing fundamental forces and truths of mortality.   It is from the Sempiternus Regia that Necropolis sprung,  functioning like a magnet that stole the essence cast off upon the death of mortal souls and slowly growing in power and magnitude.     It's an ancient palace that shares a gothic architecture externally but the further inward one travels the more alien the structure appears until the reality around you is unrecognizable. 

    • Paradisio:  A glistening city white and light,  Paradisio is modeled after interpretations of heaven. Make no mistake however,  Paradisio is still a part of the Necropolis and as such is more similar to hell than heaven.  Its white pristine halls are a facade and the golden masked creatures of this place are just as insidious as other classical demons and undead monsters.

    • Key Location: The Arcadian Gardens.  An expansive and labyrinthine multilayered structure of gardens and clearings designed the the architects behind the Hanging Gardens wonder,  reinvigorated and magnified through centuries of work and resources of Necropolis using mock-celestial material as seen throughout Paradisio.  Marble, Ivory, gold,  and elements unseen in the mortal world,  with exotic Necropolitian lifeforms and Paradisio's quasi-celestial creatures to provide animal life in addition to the exotic gardens that are entirely formed of flesh, bone, and precious metals or gems mimicking life.  Peace exists throughout the gardens,  and it is physically impossible to produce violence.  Regardless of immunities, resistances, or rank,  no being can engage in violence within or towards the Arcadian Gardens.

    • Nephothotept:  A sunken city in a dark abyss,  there is no light here but the soft glows of artificial or supernatural lighting,  no sky to be seen and no air to breathe.  There is only dark endless waters full of monstrous aquatic creatures.  The city itself seems to be made of stone and is well paved with monuments and temples abound,  pyramids and monoliths in dedication to the Fell Masters and Eris.  Despite being underwater,  the water is very clear with little distortion in the city limits itself,  allowing one to walk and see fairly regularly,  while those more inclined to swim do so unhindered either.

    • Key Location: Tartarus Gate.  A truly massive gate set deep into the sea floor on the edge of Nephothotept,  so large as to be nearly unrecognizable and set with a crater-like ridge around its edges and giant obsidian chains,  the size of which an individual chain would tower over a castle tower.    In the center of the door is a circular hole several miles across,  though it is comparable to a key hole in the center of two giant castle doors as far as the Tartarus Gate is concerned.   The whole seems to have an unnatural pull over it that draws anything swimming above it down into the endless abyss below the Gate.    Getting too close to the hole has a similar effect,  preventing anyone from approaching.     Anything that enters the hole never escapes.   Even H-rank mages with H-rank effects and beyond cannot resist the pull,  which prevents the use of portals, gates, teleportation, bodies, or other movement effects,  if they get within 15 meters of the sides,  or 600 meters above the hole.   An oppressive primordial aura prevents any effect from "Scrying" or divining what is inside the Tartarus Gate.  Wish-granting Pact Magic of Eris specifically is the only force that can free one who falls inside, provided someone wants to pay the price to wish for their freedom.   Even then, Eris needs to sacrifice other souls into the Gate,  otherwise doom chases the beings that escape as well as Eris herself. 

    • Agarthon:  A vibrant city with a wide open sky and clear air,  Agarthon is an unnatural echo of a legendary city.   Argathon physically resides within a hollow earth in an alternate reality,  the landscape here can be seen curling up over and away into the distances.  Being a part of Necropolis however,  as you might imagine there is no true life.  However,  it is full of necrotic alternatives.  Plants of twisted flesh and bone, rivers of blood,  and undead false fauna.  The city here is a bustling steam and magic powered industrial society with copper, gold, and iron integrated into the towers and streets themselves.   

    • Key Location: The Clockwork Observatory.  A giant clockwork tower in the center of the city,  set in a distinct sheer-faced pit where the tower continues downward.   The tower is surrounded by gears and mechanics that shift, move, and drive giant lenses and telescopic shafts the size of towers in their own rights.    No bottom can be seen when peering down from the safety-bar lined edge.   The tower appears to continue on into the sky until it breaches through a similar hole on the far side of the hollow-earth.  
    • Inside of the Clockwork Observatory one finds an endless labyrinth of books and shelves,  with multiple layers even on individual floors and chambers of the Clockwork Observatory.  The entire tower itself in constant motion, turning and shifting,  always evolving and moving entire rooms and parts of rooms.   Only the Old Master and the Automatrions have an understanding of the patterns and machinations of the tower.    A central hollow shaft penetrates down through the core of the tower allowing space for machinery and optics.    Many individual chambers exist wherein one can make use of the optics to look out upon Agarthon itself,  or to other parts of the Clockwork Observatory itself.   Only one hidden chamber allows one to make use of the full scope of the Clockwork Observatory however,  a powerful optic said to peer across spacetime,  or view down to the smallest building block of reality to achieve a similar effect.    Offshoots of the main chamber exist and are used by Automatrions to peer through time and space to seek out and find knowledge and books that get written or copied and stored in the ever growing library.  It is rumored that the lenses of the Observatory were crafted using the waters of the River Acheron.   

    • Shangarl-Raht:  A burning barren desert landscape of shifting sands that surrounds a densely populated sandstone and black granite city lavished with gold and precious metals from Hadeonnius with great domed buildings, tall walls,  paved streets and a network of raised aqueducts that run throughout the city. Given the undead nature,  water is not necessary,  and instead the aqueducts run with rich bloodwine formed from fleshy fruits that grow with skeletal leaves on spine-stalks in the gardens that dot the city often on the rooftops of buildings or private gardens and underground enclosures. 

    • Key LocationSands of Time.  The desert surrounding Shangarl-Raht is an ever shifting and flowing mass that rises and falls like the waves of an ocean.   In the valleys and dips of the sand flows artifacts and ruins from throughout human history throughout all worlds and civilizations,  appearing and disappearing beneath the waves,  even in the same spots.   It is said that these sands can be used to power time-related artifacts designed to harness the properties within this gold-flecked sand.

    Perdavistus:  An isle lost to time,  a mountains ring shaped island in the center of the Lost Isles.  It is said that ships lost at sea often find themselves slipped between the folds of spacetime to drift into Perdavistus,  becoming trapped by the raging maelstroms surrounding the calm central waters surrounding the ring island.  Inside the ring island is a mountainous network of ships stacked upon each other forming a great and largely singular structure,  with walls taken out here and there to form larger rooms and more.   Sailors, marines,  merchants,  and pirates alike populate Perdavistus,  and newcomers slowly come to grips with the fact that they have died and are in a form of purgatory,  unable to reach the Boundary to explore the rest of Necropolis,  a dangerous task to pass the whirlpools.   Occasionally visitors from beyond the Boundary make there way through,  and ferry away those who pay passage when they leave.

    • Key Location: The Lost Isles.  A series of islands that have dislocated timestreams,  each island having a different flow of its own.   To step foot on one could lead to centuries,  even millennia passing before you can turn around.  Fortunately,  the seas around the lost isles are nearly as dangerous,  as the waters are disturbed by the shifting time flows producing intense maelstroms,  whirlpools the size of islands themselves,  constantly spinning like a sea of large and small gears.   It is said that there is only a faint path that can be navigated by a small rowboat if taken exactly right that will lead one to the isles, necessary as flying over the whirlpools results in a strange force pulling one in out of the sky.  

    Infernatus: A burning city district located in a fiery hellscape,  Infernatus is primarily built using obsidian,  bone,  and flesh.  The undead here are far more demonic in nature and are the chaotic horrors you'd find at the site of sacraficial rituals and bloodbaths,  the sort of horrors you'd see angels war against.

    • Key Location: Barathrum.   An infernal valley of bone, blood, and fire.   Once inside this valley all sense of direction is lost.  In the center of the valley is a lake of fire bringing unimaginable pain,   in the center of which is the Tower of Barathrum- A labyrinth-like dungeon that stretches high into the clouds and cuts through the different layers of reality on its own independent of the Infernatus district,  seeming to continue on for infinity,  the tower itself growing alien the higher it stretches.    Inside the Tower one can find all manner of mysteries and environments,  a prison without walls.   Though there are plenty of dungeon cells and chains to be had and made use of,  they aren't even needed.  

    Hadeonnius:  A marble and granite city in a stoney cavernous landscape full of riches and gold veins,  gemstones and other precious resources.   Hadeonnius has a high population of spirit type undead but not exclusive to such.   The architecture here resembles that of ancient Greece and the roman empire. 

    • Key Location: The Five Rivers.  Five rivers that run throughout Hadeonnius; one of Blood, one of Souls,  one of Water,  one of Fire,  and one of Twilight.   (Whenever "Drinking" is mentioned,  submersion can be used instead.)
    • Cocytus  the river of sorrow runs with blood.  Drinking of Cocytus bestows the immortality of undeath in the form of Vampyrism at the cost of Humanity and soul.  (The soul becomes Eris's,  and a bond is formed with Eris as master,  but it is not as strong as a Pact.  This is akin to a fledgling vampire being compelled to serve and obey their sire).  Those who drink of Cocytus will find themselves automatically returning to (un)life in a font/pool drawn from its waters in the Temple of the Undying or other Grim locations when slain,  same as Pact-made undead.
    • Styx the river of lamentation composed of souls.  Drinking of the Styx bestows invulnerability, at the cost of a mortal weakness and their soul belonging to Eris and when they do die, ending up in Eris's afterlife.  
    • Phlegethon, the river of penance composed of fire.  Drinking of Phlegethon bestows mortality tainting the unliving and immortal with life at the cost of pain and weakness that mortality brings.
    • Lethe river of oblivion that flows with clear waters.  Drinking of Lethe bestows innocence at the cost of experience,  cleansing the mind of all memory and the body of all addiction and physical desire until re-learned.  
    • Acheron the river of hate that flows with ethereal twilight as a starry sky.  Drinking of Acheron bestows Knowledge at the cost of Power.  It reveals the hearts desires and the secrets of reality and of others,  but renders one powerless to stop or intervene in the knowledge they have gained and the events that may be revealed.    Drinking of Lethe after Acheron returns power at the cost of knowledge. 

    Sovnglade:  A frosty city that sits atop a snow capped mountain but is itself free of snow, full of false-life akin to Agarthon but looking more comparable to the natural versions.  Sovnglade has a landscape spotted with the bones of colossal monsters,  with giant bones being integrated into the black and dark red wood used in the creation of the buildings here.   Spine bridges extend out from the central peak of the mountain to connect to floating offshoots surrounding it to add more landmass upon which to build large longhouses and residencies.

    • Key Location: Yggdrasil.  An ivory tree with blood red leaves that grows gems like fruit,  it's massive and located in the very center of Sovnglade at the top of a central peak in the middle of the surrounding valley that drops off down the rest of the mountains.    Its roots,  and indeed much of its actual trunk itself,  extends through the mountain itself,  branches protruding out the mountainside and forming smaller trees where they protrude.   Branches vines of it spider out throughout the land,  even wrapping under and through the spine-bridges to the many floating islands surrounding the peak upon which city districts were built,  keeping the central mountaintop free of the city's expansion.   Yggdrasil is large enough to walk across its branches with room to spare,  and its main tree/protrusion at the center of Sovnglade dwarfs even modern skyscrapers,  with many tunnels and networks throughout its trunk allowing one to walk and travel,  tunnels that appear to be akin to veins,  and have a fleshy surface,  the ivory "Bark" of the tree being like an exoskeleton.  
    • Traveling through the Veins can lead one anywhere,  even walking back the way one came can reveal new places,  requiring guides or a higher understanding of the 'tree' to keep you from losing your way.   It's Veins and branches penetrate through the layers of reality with and independent of the different Boundaries of Necropolis itself.   Veins and Branches can lead one far and wide,  including beneath the Temple of the Undying itself in Earthland.

    • Vermez'cunis:  An interesting location located deep deep deep in a gargantuan cavern that seems to fall endlessly down,  a single great plateau risen in the center of it all dozens of miles wide that hosts a crater in the center of that,  a city built up around the rings and in the cliff sides around it.  The city is made out of a hard wood-like mushroom that continues to live after processed,  healing itself and spreading a soft white cloud that wafts off,  the clouds flowing over the city and off the sides giving one a sense of fulfillment and uplifting peace.  

    • Key LocationCradle of Worms.  The crater in the center of the city,  it is full of a mystical species of worm that has a wide variety of mutations and colorations.   The worms eat the unique mushroom that grows in Vermez'cunis and process it into a psychedelic and highly addictive substance that coats their bodies like a film that Grim Heresy uses as an ingredient in the creation of Delirium.  The substance produces an intense sense of euphoria and arousal, removing inhibition and replaces the sense of pain with pleasure, and inducing satisfaction eliminating appetite.  The Delirium created by GH functions the same but concentrated to the point that once swallowed it works in moments, does not eliminate appetite, and causes immediate addiction,  as though exposed to the worms for over an hour all in one instance.    Women are often sacrificed to the Cradle and allowed to return after one hour.  Few people are willing or able to return, and remain in the Cradle none the wiser,  used to help the ecosystem within the crater.  

    • Lost Hope:  A ruinous location where the majority of the buildings are overgrown ruins cast in an eternal gloom of twilight and silvery blue moonlight surrounded by dark misty dead forests filled with thorny brambles.   The longer one stays in Lost Hope,  the more they forget their life and are filled with a sense of whimsy and entertainment provoking one to partake in an endless dance in the ruins of a grand castle,  the ruins fading into luxury beyond imagination and bright light.   There are rumored to be hidden passages to Lost Hope in forests in the realm of the living,  where by passing through the gateway one becomes Undead,  and thus not aging during their time in Lost Hope- if they can ever leave.

    • Key LocationGrand Parade.  A massive ballroom within a massive (ruined) castle,  it's the main focal point for the Dance Eternal and a form of status,  those who dance in the Grand Parade despite its size are seen as greater than those who lack access and remain in the outer ruins. 

    Key Features
    The Undead-  The population is entirely undead.  No living souls exist here,  and most don't have souls at all,  having given them to higher powers.   Some literally are souls and spirits of the dead.   Some do not know they are dead at first though they'd likely learn sooner or later depending on the mechanics of the district they found themselves in. 
    The Lifeless-  The living cannot exist in Necropolis.  They physically cannot enter if they try, and persistence or somehow entering regardless results in a death they cannot escape from.
    The Boundaries-  Each city-sized "District" has a "Boundary",  a difficult to see or find border between one district and the next that seamlessly transitions one between districts into entirely new physical locations somewhere in the multiverse connected with one another across space and time.   The boundaries prevent detection, including visible detection,  and entry or exist by any unnatural means if one does not possess or is the originator of the Pact Mark.   Natural means are: Dying and going to Necropolis.   Being "Reaped" / "Claimed" by an individual with the Necropolitian authority to do so.  Being granted official access.

    • Bypasses-  Obviously there are ways to circumvent the Boundaries,  allowing individuals to come and go from the physical location of the district itself rather than passing the boundary into another district.

    The Scattered- Each district feels as though they are all connected and just a step away across a boundary,  but each district is in fact scattered far and wide throughout the multiverse and different planes of reality.
    The Timeless- Each district houses people of any number of different time periods,  both because of a literal time difference but mostly the sheer fact that they'e literally been dead for or undead living in Necropolis for centuries and beyond.
    The Hidden- Necropolis like any city has its secrets and it's dark alleys,  but Necropolis is thick with the supernatural and literal vampires and monsters on top of being impossibly expansive and populated,  there is always some mystery to be found,  secrets to uncover.  
    The Guard-  Necropolis like any city or state has a governing body headed by Eris,  and a large force dedicated to maintaining order and control throughout.  Referred to as Sanguinites the present day policing force wear vibrant red dominated uniforms with some black and gold.  Specialized uniforms exist to accommodate different body types and needs as well as functions of different Sanguinites.   They are at minimum the equivalent of B-rank,  but with no upper maximum both for Sanguinites themselves or the resources they can bring to bare against threats. 
    The Possibilities-  Necropolis is massive and has far more content than I could possibly write out,  there are countless possibilities to your hearts content limited by your imagination.


      Current date/time is 6th September 2024, 9:40 pm