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    Grim Tithings | The Grim Talisman

    Grim Heresy
    Grim Heresy

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    Grim Tithings | The Grim Talisman Empty Grim Tithings | The Grim Talisman

    Post by Grim Heresy 10th June 2017, 8:32 am

    Refresh the page a few times and spot the differences!


    Grim Tithings | The Grim Talisman GrimCoin
    G R I M T I T H I N G S


      Legends have long told of a cursed coin that had made its way across the globe.  A coin of blood stained gold that can pay the way to fulfilling one's dreams.  A coin to pay for your soul,  immortality.  For power,  for wealth.  A coin that knows your hearts desire,  but leads to corruption and damnation.   In the past few months,  these sorts of coins are becoming increasingly frequent, as though a new wave of them has hit the streets. 
    A new currency for the dead. 

      Few who have come across them have been seen again long after,  for witnessing the coin itself causes misfortune and instills in them the seed of madness to take root and grow with time.  Only the owner of the coin is spared that fate,  for they have a different destiny to play with the coin.

      The coin,  called the Grim Talisman,  is an omen of misfortune and impending doom for most.  For others,  it is a golden opportunity and the way to fulfillment.   For the chosen few, it's a way of life.  A golden currency backed by primordial power that runs beyond the value of mortal fiat.  

    The Grim Talismans are a set of red stained gold coins that fit heftily in the palm of one's hand,  somewhat large but not cumbersome.   Set into production by Eris,  one side of the coins bares the blazing hand, the mark of GH,  the other a skull.  Each coin radiates a sense of unease and of presence.  

      At times the coins may appear to have eyes within the sockets searing a stare into the hearts of those around it,  watching.   Other times the eyes are missing, whatever presence having turned its attention elsewhere,  but still there, like a monster who's back has turned ready to look back again at any moment.  The meaning behind this phenomenon is uncertain, though the eyes always appear when in the coin is in immediate use for an exchange, the randomness occurs when they are not in use.

      The Talismans are used as an intermediary of sorts.  Each coin is comparable to a blank check,  each baring within them a seed of a Pact Mark.   By using the coins one is capable of dealing with the Pact as though they were pact-bound,  but they do not bare the pact.  Instead, the coin bares the pact on their behalf.  Each coin can as such be used to pay the way through GH facilities, services, and actions that a Pact may perform.   Multiple coins may be required for some effects compared to others,  but usually just a single Talisman can we worth tens of thousands of mortal gold in the right hands, with the right people.   

      Some mortals may not even know of the value behind a Talisman,  but the pact connections the talismans possess may yet sync with a dormant pact mark a shop keeper may possess triggering automatic functions, the resurgence of lost memories to be sealed again once a deed or service is done, or so on.   Members of the Cult of Sin exist in all walks of life,  and each has an instinctive understanding of the coins and their value and a single coin may buy extensive services and support from this ancient secret society embedded in civilization,  as well as with Grim Heresy members and some other off-shoots and witch covens who may not have a direct supply of the coins but know of their value and may view them as extraordinarily prized.  


    U S A G E & G A I N

      As mentioned, the talismans act as something of a temporary limited-use pact mark.    Though even so,  even Grims make use of these coins.  When the coin's eyes are shown,  it means that Eris or an Augur, or similar being tied to the same wide network of influence,  is watching, even if only passively.  Observing the exchange being made and forging the connections required for an effect.  

      Anyone who desires it may join GH without taking a Pact Mark themselves (anyone who joins or is already a member may be assumed to have 1 coin by default);  instead they rely on these Grim Talismans. (Though the whole point here is that anyone can use a Talisman if given one,  not just GH) They will not have access to some locations or carry the same weight with the IC guild,  but function normally otherwise.  Though they wont be able to become an Ace,  they can still acquire the Harvester position,  and they may take an actual Pact at any time they want.  This is because GH values IC connections and themes, where positions within the guild require that closeness to the guild, but there's no harm in doing your own thing.

      To acquire coins-  You go on jobs.  You get 1 coin for any C-rank job a Grim does that benefits the Guild or an Alliance GH has with someone.  If you go on a job that matches that criterea with a Grim,  you may also gain a coin if you wish.  If you are a member of a guild in an Alliance,  you may also gain a coin in jobs of your own in which you benefit the Alliance.   You gain +1 coin per rank higher of a job you do.  ie; 2 coins B.  3 coins A.   
    Anyone who possesses a coin can give one of their own to someone else.   Aces (Reapers+) gain double the coins.  Primarches have an indefinite stock to use for guild business / giving coins to others for fluff/story reasons.    The Guild Master can create them freely.   Guildmasters of guilds in an Alliance with GH can, if they wish,  have an indefinite stock of them though one would hope you use that stock sensibly!   If anyone with a coin gives their/a coin to another resulting in plot affairs, they can gain two coins back or more when the plot stuffs resolves.

      The coins are partially ethereal in nature.  They are sunken within the body of an owner like a small spirit,  and manifest when called upon where they are tangible and solid only to the owner and those they intend to make an exchange with.  Anyone else may be capable of seeing the coin,  unless the owner actively does not wish even that,  but trying to interact with the coin would be like trying to grab a mirage.   If you drop, misplace, or throw your coin away,  it will reappear ethereal inside you until you call upon it again,   until you spend it or give it away to a new owner.

      The coins are partially self-aware.  They are capable of subtly guiding the owner of the coin, directing them in certain ways often to their benefit but sometimes for the benefit of GH or an Alliance with GH at large.  (If a guild had an alliance with GH but an owner of a coin was acting against another guild in that alliance,  the coin would not approve).   The more one falls out of favor the more the coin's subtle subconscious manipulations turn destructive and guide one down a path of misfortune, as opposed to good fortunes.     At times the coin may be aware of threats that the owner is not,  and guide them to safety or out of harms way without their knowledge,  or towards another coin barer (And that other coin barrer to them).     They may even find that they are capable of doing things above and beyond what they would normally be capable of,  even physical actions and feats of courage,  and seem to have better memory retention or call upon knowledge and experiences that they outright did not possess.  Great for passing exams and surprise quizzes. 

      By spending a coin or more you could:
    Access The Doors; hidden passageways networked throughout Earthland and beyond that can be found almost anywhere.   Hold the talisman with intent and it can guide you with a mental pull to the nearest Door perhaps around the next corner or on the next street over in a dark alley where they may be  a literal door not normally seen or the act of rounding the corner into a normally hidden alleyway itself was the door.
    Enter certain guild or alliance property;  The coin could grant safe passage through or safehold within some properties owned by Eris, the guild, the cult of sin,  or an alliance area involving GH.  You'd be able to spend as long as needed within its walls,  taking refuge from hunters or other threats.  Just ask about entering a location if you have questions, or perhaps ask what sort of smaller locations you might find somewhere.  Such as a "What sort of safehold would I find in Seven" for example.   
    Contact others;  The coin could be used to call to Eris,  or be sorted by the Augurs to forge a connection with anyone else with a coin, particularly if you know of them already and request them.   An open link would be established with a spectral vision of the other(s) contacted. 
    Service & Supply; The coin can be exchanged in locations IC to request aid.  A shopkeeper might supply you with arms or armor,  food and water,  information,  or an individual or group may follow you as mercenaries or comrades to aid in an endeavor or guard an area, person,  or object,   or you could remotely set a bounty on someone to have them apprehended or assassinated.   Multiple coins may be required for stronger help.  
    Establish a Contract; You can spend the coin in agreement with another individual to tap into the Pact magic and forge a Pact between you and others.  No party can break this contract they've made with one another,  or cannot do so without repercussions.  
    Cloak of Faces; You can spend the coin in order to call upon the Pact Magic to reshape your body,  taking non an entirely new appearance over the course of a minute or two.  A great IC reason for an FC change,  or a temporary disguise.    
    Raise the Dead; A coin may be placed on the body or grave of the fallen,  causing the coin to sink through the earth and into the body of the victim.  After some time has passed the individual will awaken,  time enough that you can't raise a fallen ally back into a fight, but could raise them after it has occurred.    This is an automatic process that would effect the barer of the coin if they die as well.  Rather than rising on the spot,  they may be raised elsewhere by Eris into a new body. options.  
    Raise the Undead; A may be spent to call upon Grim Heresy's army,  calling 2 rankless undead skeletons *2 per your rank.  If you're actually a Grim,  you can also call the Ash Wights at the same time,  you might also be able to call your own guild pet if you're in an alliance with GH as just another IC excuse to have it appear, if necessary or desired.  
    Exalted Order; By spending 50 Talismans, spread among any number of other participants,  one can call GH in its full, as well as those in an Alliance with GH if they choose to follow,  to attack a location or group that is not affiliated with GH or the Alliance. 


    Grim Tithings | The Grim Talisman Ay23fr10



      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 5:54 am