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    Bandit knight's Honor

    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
    Posts : 1599
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 30
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,806,570

    Bandit knight's Honor Empty Bandit knight's Honor

    Post by Leila Vergious 15th May 2017, 2:40 am

    Leila Vergious • Golden Phoenix • C Rank

    Seven truly was a peaceful land, safe for few bumps here and there. Almost a perfect start for the journey that Leila was currently having with her mechanical father. Her figure was once more changed by the pendant she wore, the long silken hair of black color now instead of the usual translucent silver. Eyes too shifted from that deep ocean blue to hazel. Was it truly necessary, this changing of her appearance so that none would truly recognize her? Probably not. And still, it made the girl feel little bit more relaxed as she walked the dirt path. Eventually, the duo would have to traverse way more dangerous land, such as Sin. Home to many dark mages and demons that many fear. It would be a challenge indeed, but that added to the fun of things. And at this point, such thoughts were quite unnecessary. After all, they just left Fiore. Such dangerous parts of the world were still many moons away, plenty of time to grow stronger and prepare for them. What more, the girl had her golem back! The one being she called father and the one she knew will never abandon her like others did.

    "You are smiling even more than usual. Did something good happen that I am unaware of?"

    "Nope! Just thinking about pleasant things, don't worry about it~"

    There it was. Even in situations like these, he was watching over her carefully, noticing even the smallest of changes. And while some would surely find it a bit creepy, having a sentient machine be like this, the girl adored it a great deal. Especially now, she needed support from others more than anything. While she wouldn't allow anyone to see from the outside, she was indeed still broken from the events that transpired. No point in thinking about those either now, for this was meant to be a happy adventure. One that the girl wanted for a very long time now. And so they would continue walking, simply using their feet and not even bothering to hire horses or any vehicle at all. Such was the nature of their wandering. It was slow as they would take in all that was surrounding them, recording it in their memory. It was rather unfortunate that such delight could not last forever. Nothing ever does, both bad and good. For as they continued walking on, a dark smoke would soon be seen in distance.

    "Judging by the color, that's no campfire. There's supposed to be a small village up ahead too. Let's hurry, something might be wrong!"

    Nodding to her suggestion, the golem followed his daughter as they picked up their pace, the wind trying to slow them down as it pushed against their bodies sprinting up ahead. But before the village even came into view, they encountered something completely different. A man slowly limping in the opposite direction, only barely managing to support his body with a strong looking stick he clearly just picked up from somewhere near. His body lacerated as blood stained his farming clothes, it was both sad and horrid sight. Thankfully none of the wounds appeared to be lethal in any way, at least at the first look. The moment he saw the due, his knees finally gave up, letting his entire weight fall to the ground as he desperately tried to cover his face with his hand, as if to protect himself from an incoming punch.

    "A..are you Aether's men? Please, no more! I don't want any more!!"

    Panic. It was a devil that could dwell in all of us. An in it's face, fear would follow. This much confirmed the girl's suspicion that something bad was going on up ahead. With an audible gulp, she kneeled down in front of the man and tried gently place her hands on his shoulders to calm him down.

    "Don't worry, we're just travelers. What happened to you? And who's Aether?"

    Despite his constant shaking, he did manage to get a bit of a grip, his teared up eyes finding themselves fixated on the ebony haired maiden in front of him and then the golem that stood behind her.

    "Bandits... they are bandits! They suddenly showed up, burning our village and killing everyone!"

    That was perhaps even worse than what she imagined. If it was just a single monster, then there was no problem dealing with it. But an entire group of enemies could prove to be quite troublesome even for this duo if they were to charge at them alone. Getting back up, Leila gave her father a rather concerned look. If they wanted to do anything about this, they would need a plan or someone else for support, that much was clear.

    Visual reference:

    Word Count: 790 / 6000
    Tags: @Mashyuu
    OOC: Yay for shorter starters
    Template (c) Izayuki





    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Posts : 2084
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Bandit knight's Honor Empty Re: Bandit knight's Honor

    Post by redheadedstepchild 15th May 2017, 10:10 am

    Job Details:

    "So why are we here again? This place is so far from home that I can't imagine that you would ever just come here for no reason. Even if you did go out of your way to get a new passport after your visual appearance change." The beautiful, green haired Itsu asked her partner and best friend Mashyuu, while the two Sabertooth Wizards walked down the barren path to the next town from the port city they just came from. Mashyuu's glowing blue eyes shifted to look at Itsu in her white bone like armor. "...Before I was put in that comatose state and left for dead, before Mefetis made the bond with my soul and changed the way I looked, I was a Musketeer and while that wasn't here it represents a status from various nations. So in a way I still feel its my duty to stop by and check up on things here. Believe it or not, this place doesn't have as many natural Wizards. More of them are requip Wizards than anything else. So I used to come here and make small repairs to stone buildings and structures just to help out. That's all." Mashyuu explained while pulling his sleeveless white and orange trimmed vest up over his shoulders. Itsu sighed, the entire boat ride over was filled with Mashyuu vomiting from his motion sickness. If he hadn't eaten that Dragon Slayer Lacrima then he wouldn't have been sick to begin with. "Hey, does that look like smoke to you?" Itsu asked and pointed far off ahead of the duo. A small group was off in the distance, three figures to be exact, behind them was a small village that was on fire.

    Mashyuu ran his black and silver gloved hand through his shaggy brown hair and lifted his gaze to the village. "Either a fire Wizard or bandits. That being said, those three look to be okay, lets get in the village and make sure that there isn't anyone else in there that needs help." Mashyuu dusted off his lose black pants and let the magic in the boots flow through him. He kicked off the ground and in a blur of black and white rushed past the woman, her golem father and the old man, ripping into the burned village while Itsu ran up to the others and stopped at their side. "Is everyone here okay? We are going into the village to make sure there is nobody else in danger. If you need I can take you to the next town first though, Mashyuu will be fine alone for a bit." Itsu offered and extended her arm down towards the injured old man.

    On the edge of the village were four men, blocking the path of two women trying to escape. "You better give us something valuable if you want to get out before this place burns to the ground ladies!" One of the men said while lifting a sharp hand ax into the air high above his head. The women started to scream as the bandit tensed and went to chop them but his weapon was stopped when Mashyuu grabbed the weapon under the ax head and yanked. The weapon went flying through the air behind Mashyuu and landed in the dirt. "Now guys, we all know this is no way to treat two beautiful ladies right? Maybe you should get lost now." Mashyuu joked and nodded for the women to get going while the God Slayer dealt with the four bandits. Mashyuu pushed his left hand out while he stepped back. "Earth Gods Combo: Part One." He announced and created three pillars of stone to smash into the man he had just disarmed, knocking him out in the process. The other three men all charged Mashyuu with weapons drawn, all while the God Slayer slipped into a lose fighting stance. A sword came down, cutting the air only to be deflected by Mashyuu as he brought his arm up and used the metal of his gloved hand to throw the swordsman off balance. Mashyuu danced around the the three, ducking and weaving between attacks as he peppered the group with light strikes that he barely but any effort into. Each strike left a large purple bruise on the bandits faces. The three standing bandits took a series of steps back and raised their weapons in a defensive stance. Mashyuu sighed and clenched his fist out of pure annoyance. Magical power wrapped around his fist while he darted forward and pulled his right hand back. "Sky Breaker!" Mashyuu lashed out with one large cross hook that struck each man in the face before they could even manage to try and counter. The force hit them so hard that it knocked them back into the flaming village, knocking them out cold from the single strike. "If this is the best these raiders have then I won't be here very long." Mashyuu muttered while he lifted his left hand, a wave of dirt lifted off the ground and dumped on a building, putting out a near by fire.

    WC: 863

    Last edited by Mashyuu Kumonosu on 15th May 2017, 12:22 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
    Posts : 1599
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 30
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,806,570

    Bandit knight's Honor Empty Re: Bandit knight's Honor

    Post by Leila Vergious 15th May 2017, 11:07 am

    Leila Vergious • Golden Phoenix • C Rank

    The situation truly looked dire. But even if so, they had to help no matter what. Frankly, Leila was done running away from all the bad happening in front of her. Back then, she decided to just watch as all those events unfolded. Maybe if she had done something, things would have been different. But it was far too late for such thoughts right now. Only the present and future remained, new possibilities opening up all the time. And in order to firmly grasp them, she had to act. She had to make sure that her reality would not be tarnished. That this world she came to love would continue on, it's peace growing stronger with each passing day. Perhaps it was foolish to with for something like that, especially considering the young girl was not from this dimension at all. But still, that did not stop her. With her fist clenched, she looked right in front of her, the menacingly dancing flames reflected in her eyes. But before she could even make one more step forward, something passed all of them, leaving only traces of dust in the air behind it. Whatever it was, it managed to pass them fast enough for her to not notice until it was far too late, it's shape out of the sight.

    "Wha- so fast! What in the world was that?"

    Her answer would soon manifest in a form of green haired lady, her appearance more than pleasing to the eye, as well as quite unusual for these parts. There was no need for multiple guesses to figure out that she was not from here. And judging by her words, she wasn't here alone either. Then perhaps that blur from before was her partner who rushed to the village. As much as Leila wanted to introduce herself to this beauty, she was also in a rush and very glad that this new arrival was willing to help the poor man. It would have been extremely risky to just let him sit there alone while some bandits could find their way to him at any moment. As the girl nodded towards the golem, he did the same and they both prepared for a long sprint.

    "You have my gratitude! Make sure no one gets to him."

    With those parting words, this duo would head towards the village as well. By the time they got there, all the currently present enemies were finished by the man who was not finally standing still enough for his appearance to become clear. And power radiated from him as well. Without a doubt, he was powerful wizard. Perhaps send here by a different town as someone else managed to escape and report the attack? Well, it didn't really matter now. All that mattered was saving anyone they could, making sure to minimize the damage. Then suddenly, a different sound pierced the melody flames devouring wooden structures. A gunfire. Bullet that was headed straight for the back of this man's head. Someone was on a nearby roof, waiting for the opportunity to strike. And with a speed of a bullet flying through the air, were they about to succeed? A similar sound followed soon after as a spark suddenly flashed few steps away from Mashyuu, a second bullet deflecting the first.

    It was the nameless golem, his arm suddenly transformed slightly and a barrel poking out of it, aimed precisely. There was no one better at analyzing environment and enemies than him! Taking this chance to pin point the enemy's location, Leila would extend one of her hands forward, a giant tree suddenly growing through the entire building and stabbing it's sharpened top into the pirate, sending him flying some ways before ha managed to land quite roughly on his back, coughing out some blood. Still alive but probably not quite capable of moving again for a bit. The Eden's witch was not weak in any way, that much was a fact. But right now, she was fighting in not very favorable environment. As one could guess by her little trick she showed, flames were just about her biggest enemy and weakness.

    "Keep your eyes open, this place is crawling with them. You can call me Leila, but I'm sure you'll understand if we postpone the introductions for a bit."

    Already she could see several shadows slowly moving towards them in the flames. There was no way to tell how many there were, or where they locked what villagers were still alive and well. Though judging by the sadistic nature of most bandits, they were probably stacked in one of the buildings so that the flame could slowly consume them, burn everyone alive as they screamed their lungs out. Something like that could not be allowed under any circumstances. Turning around to the golem, she gave him a hand sign that he should start doing his work while the two mages would take care of the enemies.

    "I shall scan for any non-hostile lifeforms in this area. However, the flames are interfering with my sensors, so it might take a little while."

    Word Count: 1642 / 6000
    Tags: @Mashyuu
    OOC: -
    Template (c) Izayuki





    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Posts : 2084
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Bandit knight's Honor Empty Re: Bandit knight's Honor

    Post by redheadedstepchild 15th May 2017, 2:42 pm

    Mashyuu stood still, only turning to greet the dark haired woman and the robot that moved with her, Itsu clearly had elected to make sure the old man was okay. He wanted to say hi but a loud shot rang out, Mashyuu had dealt with pirates before and knew the tell tell sound of gunfire. He closed his eyes and sand poured out of his ankle, about to shoot up behind him to defend himself from any harm that might come his way when a second shot rang out and the robot deflected a shot with one of its own. The Earth Wizards glowing blue eyes fixed on the robot for a moment until the girl created a tree to destroy the building that the pirate was atop of. Not long after her tree would go up in flames, burning and spreading further in the village. "Well Leila, you can go home. Your trees are just going to give me more fire to deal with." Mashyuu responded to her while he turned to face the shadows that were drawing closer to the trio. Mashyuu could feel the steps the nine men were making, each step coming closer to the three Wizards. Mashyuu glanced over his shoulder to the girl what was her name? Leila. She was still there, the robot scanning the area in a slow manner. "Don't move!" Mashyuu called out to them and jumped back to stand between the two, his massive forearms flexed, putting tension on his stone bracers to create a small sheet of earth that floated off the ground as two bullets ripped through the air where the trio had been standing. Mashyuu sensed the gunmen's stances change to firing stances through the vibrations in the ground. The brown haired man looked down to see a Knight with what some would consider terrifying armor walk out from behind a burnt stone building, flanking him were four pirates and four bandits. "If you come down we will kill you swiftly!" The Knight shouted up at the three while the four pirates took aim with pistols. "Can you handle the four flunkies while I deal with the Knight?" Mashyuu asked but didn't give the woman time to answer as he jumped off his own platform of earth, the moment he touched down slabs of rock shot up out of the ground and clamped down on Mashyuu's body, creating a massive stone suit of armor. Just in time for the group of men to rush towards the Slayer along with the Knight, swinging his massive greatsword at Mashyuu. The Wizard moved his head and threw his shoulder up, letting the sword smash into his solid stone armor and slide away harmlessly. His hands shot out to the side to catch the melee strikes from the various weapons the bandits held and he pushed them backwards. Mashyuu lifted his left foot up and drove it into the chest of the Knight, pushing the man back a pace. The God Slayer pulled his arm back and flexed his fingers into a fist. "Super Dragon Fist!" He called out as he lashed out towards the stumbling Knight. A black dragon exploded out of his fist, smashing into the Knight and engulfed the man in a black flame. The magic burned the man's armor and dropped him to his knees. The Knight screamed painfully and fell to his back silent from the pain that melted his armor to his flesh.

    WC: 582
    Total: 1445
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
    Posts : 1599
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 30
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,806,570

    Bandit knight's Honor Empty Re: Bandit knight's Honor

    Post by Leila Vergious 15th May 2017, 3:58 pm

    Leila Vergious • Golden Phoenix • C Rank

    So he was this kind of man? Well, perhaps it was unfair to judge him just yet. After all, anyone could change completely when entering combat. And while his words rang true, they were also quite unnecessary. Yes, the tree she formed went up in flames and soon fell apart. But that was the point. It was nature created by her own magic and once that source was cut of or depleted, nothing at all would remain. Only the ruble of destroyed building remained.

    "This village is done for. The flames already consumed over half of it. And at the rate of it's spread, we won't be able to stop it unless he or his companion control water magic. Well, at least it means we don't have to hold back too much."

    Her thought process might have been flawed in some way, but there was no need to think about it now. For something happened in the distance, the man suddenly standing next to her and managing to make the ground beneath them float up to avoid more shots. The golem merely stood there, gears inside of him turning as the entire village was slowly scanned inside of his head. But before that was done, the current encounter had to be dealt with. And just as this guy asked, she would agree.

    "So now you see me as useful, hm? Truly, these slayers and their egos.."

    She already managed to recognize his magic. After all, she did spent a good chunk of time in presence of another god slayer. And while their elements were different, the overall feel was quite similar. But now was the time to deal with those gunmen, as well as regular bandits that were running about the place like ants in their little pile of dirt. Approaching enemies capable of range battle just like that would probably not be all that smart either, meaning she had to resort to use her magic a little bit more. Bending forward slightly, two big branches suddenly shot out of her back, sprouting until two giant wings of branches, twigs and leaves were formed. Looking rather fragile but actually rather solid, they quickly took Leila to the skies as she zipped around and eventually landing behind the pirates. And seeing how her regular spells could be a bit ineffective, now was a good time to try a little new toy of hers. Extending her hand to towards the skies, a sudden bolt of dark blue lightning struct down. Or at least that was what it looked like. In reality, a burst of magic came down and formed in the girl's hand.

    A longsword with beautiful blade shining amidst the flames, reflection of the universe reflected within. And along with it, a celestial mist giving off a blue hue to the area. Some were intimidated by the scene, others were amazed. But whichever was true, the dance of blades soon began as the pirates threw aside their guns and showed cutlasses in their hands instead. It was actually quite surprising how well Leila managed to handle the new sword in her hands, every strike performed leaving behind a trail that cut into the enemies as well. Each strike that was blocked creating a small explosion of celestial energy and knocking her opponents back. Each clash sounding a loud, yet alluring noise that echoed throughout the village. In complete trance, the girl was following nothing but her most basic instincts and the guidance of her weapon itself. Several seconds later, she stood among the bodies lying on the floor, her sword now serving as a support, for she had to remain calm a bit and regain her breathing properly. None of her enemies were dead, as she vowed to not kill another man unless absolutely necessary. But they were unconscious and incapable of battle now. Seemed that the man was doing well for himself too, which was quite nice. The golem finish himself, jumping down from the still floating platform and approaching him slowly from behind. It was clear that the machias was not fazed by this in any way. "I have finished my search. Follow me."

    Aurora Blade:

    Word Count: 2337 / 6000
    Tags: @Mashyuu
    OOC: -
    Template (c) Izayuki


    Shiori Saikawa

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Bandit knight's Honor Empty Re: Bandit knight's Honor

    Post by Shiori Saikawa 6th June 2017, 12:08 pm

    Bandit knight's Honor WIjlryD

    Vesta Guildless C-Rank

    The young witch slept silently, her head leaning to the side, using her small shoulders as a rather uncomfortable pillow. Her lips spread, releasing small breaths and slight drool down her fair colored cheek. She was suddenly jolted awake by the sound of the train whistle, letting out a little yelp from her lungs and she looked around and gathered her sleepy thoughts. She was on a train, yes of course she was going back home, or at least was planning on it. And was surprised to hear the conductor of the transporting vessel she was riding on say that they had just arrived at Seven. And she was no expert, but she was pretty sure that this wasn’t one of the stops on her way back to Fiore, though she could be wrong. Stress started to build up inside her chest and she hopped down from her seat on the train. Pulling her backpack onto her shoulders and gripping both straps with her delicate hands she got off the train. The nine year old looked at the maps of where the trains traveled to, all put up neatly on billboards in the train station. Looking for which one off the trains would lead her back to Fiore, then to Talonia, though she would figure out that part when she got out of Earthland.
    Looking around she saw that the station was bustling with tons of people, tourists, people coming home or leaving it, and people like herself, magicians looking for work or doing jobs. Among the crowd, accidentally eavesdropping on the various worried people, spoke of a commotion in the city. Something of bandits and how the city was in much distress about such, but that was all she caught. A despite wanting to be home, the small beat up and run down house that it was, she had to stay here and figure out what was the matter. Her curiosity wouldn’t allow her not to do so, and her pride as a magician (even though she is guildless) wouldn’t allow her to leave when their might be trouble. As naive as that sounds, those were her reasons for leaving the station and probably making herself miss her ride home. Running down the streets her vividly bright green eyes traced along the tops of buildings, looking for whatever battles may be taking place. She saw large billowing smoke arise a few blocks away from where she was currently at. Defiantly worth looking into, the maiden made her way down the streets to try and reach her destination, though she did get lost or turned around a couple of times before arriving. By then her small legs felt slightly like jello and her breathing was heavy, sweat dripped down her face and petite body.
    Not used to physical exertion as she was with magic, being more with fighting and doing things with magic instead of with weapons. Though she does have basic fighting skills and is more physically enhanced then normal people. But she is only a little girl, can't expect to much out of someone not even alive for a decade. Upon arriving she saw a young looking wizardess with locks of dark black silky hair, large wooden made wings sprouting from her back. Quite surprising, but something to expect in magic. She was accompanied by a large creature Vesta could only think of calling a golem of sorts. Though she wasn't quite sure. Within he young woman's hands was a sword with an appearance beyond words. Something clearly made and produced of some sort of magic, it's majestic appearance was stunning and fit well with it's wielder. The young woman appeared to just finished a battle with some pirates that were now unconscious and laying upon the ground, no doubt going to awake with some pain later on.
    The witch pulled her key from it's place around her neck, she stood around the corner of the building, probably not noticed by the two. Extending her arm she let the key dangle, and in her soft tone she spoke a command to such "Key that hides the power of the dark, show your true form before me. I, Vesta, command you under our contract. Release!" and as she spoke the last words she widened her arms almost to her sides but still in front of her, and at her feet large golden magic circle appeared underneath her and glowed brightly. Slowly her key grew in size, but stayed similar in appearance, though now a staff that suited the young magic user perfectly. Bringing out her weapon just in case she needed to use it, or cast magic, which she could only do with it out. If that whole display didn't catch the attention of the black haired woman, the girl called out to them, though maybe unneeded due to be rather near to them "Hello!" she said with a brightening smile on her expression, both of her hands gripped her staff now instead of the straps of her backpack. That of which held her book of magic, a case for her cards, her summons. It was a rather odd situation to be in for the young girl, standing amidst a bunch of unconscious people and building (or buildings) that had been reduced to mere rubble, while other chaos probably ensued around the city nearby. Despite that she stood with a smile, calmly greeting the hopefully nice woman. 

    W o r d    C o u n t:
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