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    what kind of vulcan?


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    what kind of vulcan? Empty what kind of vulcan?

    Post by Nadarr 12th May 2017, 4:35 am

    It was another day in hargeon, Serenzo had just gotten back from getting some food for the guild and sweeping outside, but now it was time to get to work.  he walked over to the job board were one other was looking at it but walked away as soon as he approached.  Serenzo stared at the job boarded intently looking it up and down, left to right. as a slave he felt he had no right to be taking a job from the board but some of these were pretty up there and while some mages could do it some couldn't so he felt it was his duty to take and clear it out just in case plus it wouldn't be right if he slouched around doing nothing, you have to earn your food and he was going to eat more then scarps...provided this guild let him keep his money.  he picked one off the board looking at it nodding then turning to the guild hall.  There must be someone here that would help a slave as worthless as him with this job.  While confident in his abilities he wasn't about to steal someone else's spotlight so he looked for somone he though would help him.  As he walked around people gave him a shifty look which he couldn't blame his appearance while completely normal to him made many question him highly, such is his life.  Just then he saw the girl he met before leaving the guild hall to go somewhere, normally he wouldn't impose but she was the only person he talked to who didn't look down on him besides the guild master.  so with that he decided to approach her.  He walked over his chain rattling a bit though not as loud muting it a bit with his magic he stopped Excuses me i was hoping you could help me with this." he would say holding out the job flyer to her.  the job was dealing with some advanced vulcans.  He looked at her. "i don't think i;m good enoguh myself to undertake such a task being a slave and all but with someone higher up then me like you i'm sure we could get it done...please help me" he bowed a bit like he was taught to as a slave waiting for permission to rise out of habit.  He hoped she would say yes to his request, he was being polite or so he though, or at least enough to warrant this, again so he thought.  his chain rattled as he bowed and he sighed his eyes closed hoping nothing bad would happen from him bowing like this.


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    what kind of vulcan? Empty Re: what kind of vulcan?

    Post by ○Kaori 12th May 2017, 6:16 am

    what kind of vulcan? Ukar8e11

    what kind of vulcan? Nviajx11

    Kaori was sitting in the middle of the guilds' armoury maintaining her blade, carefully cleaning it to make sure it didn't rust. She'd gone on several missions that had damaged it, but none had dealt so much damage to the blade as when that barbarian Dmitry had gotten his grubby mits on it. She had been awake for several days getting the kinks out of it, and the sword still had a dent in the side. "HOW THE HELL DID HE MANAGE TO DENT THE SIDE!?!?!" she exclaimed in rage, flames seeming to shoot from the eye slits in her mask. She began furiously trying to work out the dent, the damn thing was three millimeters deep, and on a part of the sword that's not supposed to be used as a blugeon. "Stupid fucking Mitsy using my only sword as a club, I'll wring his goddamn neck!" she muttered under her breath while working the damage.

    Meanwhile, at the same time, Kaori was seen walking out of the guild hall on an errand to get some more cleaning supplies. This person who looked like Kaori held all of her qualities. She was the same in every possible way, from her smell, to heartbeat, blood type, hair length, and even finger prints. Even her magical signature was exactly the same. As she was on her way out, a man walked up behind her and hailed to her. Kaori looked at the man and blinked with bewilderment, looking at the parchment. Another Kaori stepped up behind Serenzo and poked him in the back. "You're wide open!" she announced playfully before skipping over to stand next to the other Kaori. "Hey, this guy's got a request..." the first one said with a bewildered tone, passing the parchment to the second one. The other Kaori took the paper and began looking at it before folding it up. "Come with us. Kay's gonna be pissed..." "She's already pissed." "She'll be more pissed." the two Kaori's said to each other while walking back to the castle.

    After a twenty minute walk through the large castle, they came to the door that lead to the armory where the real Kaori was. "Ready?" "Yeah... no. But let's go anyways, she's cute when she's mad." the Kaori's said to each other before opening the door. "Hey Kay, we-" "Oh hey, you're both back. That was fast..." Kaori said with surprise in her voice. "Well... actually we ran into one of your friends. He's got a bit of a request." The first Kaori copy said in an awkward tone. "He'd like some help with this." the other one stepped forward with the page and gave it to Kaori. Kaori took the notice "A job...?" she said curiously before looking at it, the notion of Serenzo doing jobs was certainly an interesting on with his self esteem issues. The air grew heavy as she looked over the request. Then it grew heavier as her body began to take on a brilliant violet hue. Then it grew heavier as her magic power exploded from her at dangerous levels, her hair wildly flickering from the amount released as though wind were blowing it. The table and chair she was using before exploded into splinters, sending shards of wood everywhere in the wake of her fury. The other Kaori's looked at the sight with horror "That's a lot less cute than last time!" one of them shouted before they both erupted into smoke, the duration of the clones running out.

    what kind of vulcan? PHE4Ild
    Kaori walked past Serenzo, grabbing his hand with godly strength unnatural for a girl of her size while dragging him with her, her sword flying behind and finding its' way to her hip. "Let's go." she said with a stern voice. Once at the entrance to the guild hall, Kaori grabbed her trusty steed, a motorcycle, and mounted it. "Get on and don't let go of me." she said, her tone filled with annoyance. If he did as told, he would be in for a 180 mile per hour ride from Hargeon to the Wakusei portals. If he didn't, then he'd have to walk there and prey the scientists were still alive when he arrived. Kaori was tolerant of many things, but men trying to play god wasn't on that list.

    what kind of vulcan? J6q08l11

    WC: 719

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    what kind of vulcan? Empty Re: what kind of vulcan?

    Post by Nadarr 13th May 2017, 12:21 am

    As one poked him in the back he almost jerk in instinct but preparing to get hurt or hit but then they skipped around to the other side, two of them what was this....was this her magic. He looked at them as the one held the parchment then they lead him to her, the real her hopefully. AS he walked he saided quiet examining the clones, they seemed a bit different then her iin a way, like they were there own people in a way which was amazing to him. just made him a tad excited to learn more, but that quickly faded as he thought how he wasn't worthy of such knowlage. perhaps he'd see more in the future it As they got down there the clones handed her the paper and then they looked worried as Serenzo saw her grip it tightly then the clones dissappered to smoke. h he looked to either side of him then felt a jerk as she grabbed him with such force pulling him he thought about what just happened, she can summon two doppelgangers to fool opponents, was it physic or was it more then that, maybe chi type spells. who would really know though it was impressive that they managed to sneak up on him, he'd have to watch out for that in the future. he was used to hearing everyone coming but if her stealth skills were that good then he'd have to keep an extra ear out. He then saw the bike blinking twice recalling a bad memory or bikes. As she demanded he get on and hold on he was hesitant at first but them the chain kicked in. It started to force his movement a bit until he gave up getting on the bike himself clearly in a tad bit of pain. as magic choked him a bit and manipulated him slightly But Serenzo got on and held onto her "O-okay ready" he said holding onto her tight since she commended he had done so. How fast does this-" he got cut off with a engine rev then with a burst of speed they were off towards the portal. As they arrived at the portals he looked at her then the portals amazed how quick they actually made it there. "wow this bike is super quick..." he said in slight amazement. Serenzo had only been on bikes before why he was knocked into them in the past which to him isn't the same as riding them sot this was a first "I'm glad you have it someone worthless like me would never had gotten us here that fast, your really something" he would say condescendingly about himself and upbeat about her. he would then let her go quickly realizing he was still holding her then getting off the bike quickly looking around "so where to next..." he would ask taking a moment to absorb all the sounds in the area so if anything new came up he'd be ready.


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    what kind of vulcan? Empty Re: what kind of vulcan?

    Post by ○Kaori 16th May 2017, 4:51 am

    what kind of vulcan? Ukar8e11

    what kind of vulcan? Nviajx11

    Arriving at the Wakusei portals, Kaori didn't bother to get off her bike. Instead, she blasted straight through the portal and kept going. The bike was extremely silent and alerted no nearby enemies on their way through the lone path. This was due to the nuclear fusion engine within the bike, a feature that was unique to her model. She didn't react to Serenzo's absurd claims of inadequacy as they got off the bike. Stopping at the building, it was smaller than she'd expected. It was dome shaped, and appeared to only be ten or fifteen feet tall. However, Kaori could sense them... the test subjects below the surface. She marched up to the doors, slightly less angry than before; but her psychic energy was still radiating off her like the sun's energy and causing the gravity around her to feel stronger. She punched the door, leaving a fist shaped dent in it. The sound of the magnetic locks engaging confirmed the fate of the men inside... fucked. Dark purple energy radiated from the slits in Kaori's mask, engulfing her hair before consuming a nearby tree. The masked ninja stepped aside as the tree was torn out the ground and lifted in the air. "Move." she said to Serenzo in a grim, cold tone. A warning for his safety, not so much to be condescending. The tree truck then shot forward and slammed into the door, denting it horribly and nearly busting a hole in the side. It began backing up before Kaori made it slam into the structure again, and again, and again until a hole the size of an elephant was torn into the building.

    Kaori floated over the tree stump and into the room, furious at all the men within. Her hatred increased a hundred fold when she saw a bear in a cage with nothing but a slot in the door to look through. The tree trunk began to creak under Kaori's psychic energy, the machines in the room began flickering and sparking. It was the kind of fury that earned Kaori her nickname back home, Goddess of Passion; Demon of Wrath. It gave strength to the saying 'Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn' and made the saying stick in the minds of anyone who'd ever seen her like that. Suddenly, like the chairs and table from earlier, the tree trunk exploded into splinters. The animals in their cages immediately became grateful for being in a safe place and began backing up further in their homes while remaining silent. Elements formed around her, lightning sparking at her feet and fire at her palms. "Who's in charge here...?" her voice came out in the minds of everyone in the building, but her lips hadn't moved at all. A second passed and no one spoke, only the three assistants in the room quivering their lips in fear. One of them was lifted from the floor and slammed into the wall on the other side of the room, causing blood to spurt from his mouth. "I SAID WHO THE FUCK'S IN CHARGE HERE!?" her voice boomed throughout the building, again, her mouth not moving at all. The man was in immeasurable pain, and Kaori was only getting more an more angry. It was the kind of hatred that even magic couldn't counter. The only thing that could stop it was justice... for trying to play god. The man's arms let out a massive cracking sound and became flat as a board, he personally let out a horrible cry of pain as water flew from his eyes. Suddenly, a small object shot out of a gun-like object in the hands of a man on the opposite end of the room and Kaori passed out instantly, and the psychic energy filling the room had died down. "Sorry about that guys, it took a while to find the tranque gun... and something strong enough to put a pissed off wizard to sleep." the man said. He was wearing a white coat, obviously the head scientist.

    what kind of vulcan? J6q08l11

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    what kind of vulcan? Empty Re: what kind of vulcan?

    Post by Nadarr 20th May 2017, 4:04 am

    After moving out of the way as she bashed the door with tree. He watched her deciding it was best not to get in her was she she went to work on the door. So passionate about this even if it was raw anger still made him happy. He then saw the door open and looked at her it was as if a typhoon was going through this building and he had no intentions on stopping it...at least for the time being. As they walked as she stormed damning to know who was running the joining he was interlining hearing the beasts below sighing a bit deeply. As they enter the room he looked at all the quivering scientist fearing his team mate. rightfully so he was wondering if he should calm her down herself. He eyes if only for a millisecond turned dead serious as he heard the scientist with the gun coming, he could do something but...it would spoil to much for the situation, plus how can you learn that way. as he came in and raised the gun he could see it pointed at her though he knew it was a tranquilizer cause he had seen his old master use that model gun before. As he shot her apologizing to the delay Serenzo looked at her slumped to the floor. he then heard a click as he looked at the scientist pointing the gun at him. "now it's your turn" he said simply as he pointed the gun at Serenzo. He then held his hands up " I surrender please don't shoot..." he said lying to by time. He lowers it a little grinning at hi "why should we your with this girl you get the same fate" He looked like a coward briefly to fool them. "what do get if we let you go you'll snitch on us..." he says now cocky as the his gets closer. He thought briefly decing to lower there gaurd "you can have her..she dragged me into this suicide mission she can get me out..." he said hating his own words wanting to soap his own mouth. he had no intention of even remotely letting her die but once they had her he could get them. the man nodded" fine leave escourt him out" he grin evilly at her. "thank you, your to-" serenzo nodded his acting on point until he felt a tug on his chain as they pulled on it. is eyes went small again...there was many thing serenzo could put up with, hell beat him to near death he'd shrug it off but nobody touches the chain without his say so. Just as she radiated and he did to.his eye now full with almost a despairful hate for them all. They got no warning he just went off on them. He looked at one and muttered darkly "sound palm" as he hit in the gut with his spell a burst of sound knocking him out sending him into a wall as the other two scientists looked at him in fear. He then looked and could hear the sound of the gun firing, he was ready though moving at the speed of sound dodging the dart grabbing the gun raising it the gun, It was loud but as the sound of him grasping the metal gun He mutter again just as dark not only were these his guy's but he shot the only one who treated him like a real person this...this was there mistake today. "sound snap" he said snapping his fingers creating a piercing sound making him let the gun go. He then knocked him away and tranqed him turning to the other two who were cowaring firing tranqing them both. now that they were all dealt with he calmed down seeing no more threats. he held the gun up looking at it "strong enough to knock a mage out...wonder if they'll be alright..." he shrugged tossing it away going to his team mate relasing a harmonic to wake her up hearing the horde coming from downstairs. "are you alright..i hope you are we got more company coming..." he smile the sound from his attacks alerting them.


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    what kind of vulcan? Empty Re: what kind of vulcan?

    Post by ○Kaori 26th May 2017, 6:34 am

    what kind of vulcan? Ukar8e11

    what kind of vulcan? Nviajx11

    Just as Serenzo used his spell on Kaori to wake her up, the girl would erupt into smoke much the same way her clones did. Kaori poked her head from behind the opening she smashed with the tree earlier, and blinked a few times. "So that's what triggers you." she said in a quasi innocent tone before walking around the busted wall. She picked up a piece of metal from the floor and began charging it with magic. The metal turned bright red with the fire magic she imbued it with before tossing it at the metal door, heating it up and welding it shut. "Sorry for not letting you in on my plan but I needed you to think I was actually hit. Anyhow, you did a great job taking care of things."

    Kaori walked over to one of the nearby computers and placed her finger to where the mouth on her mask should have been if it wasn't a flat surface while leaning over the computer. "Would you mind tying those guys up? I don't want them leaving when this place goes boom." Kaori asked as she looked over the different buttons. "Here we are." she said and poked the button, causing all the doors to all the cages to flip open. The animals all began pouring out from below and leaving through the gaping hole in the wall. Predators and herbivores alike, none of them bothered to fight as they made their way out. She pressed another button and a machine ejected a piece of paper that Kaori took up. "And with this, we should go... unless you wanna experience nuclear fusion up close."

    Kaori walked out of the hole to her bike and pressed a button near one of the cores on the motor. She then walked back in with the small cylinder, getting ready to set up the bomb when she noticed that the scientists had begun waking up. "Oh, you guys woke up. Ohayo gozaimasu. Good morning." Kaori said with a friendly tone. She went down below and set up her little present for them. Upon coming back up, one of the men called out to her asking what was going on. Kaori paused, turning her head to the side to look at them sideways through the slit in her mask. "You and your research are all about to die." she said in a cold tone. "Let's go Serenzo, we've got 10 seconds to get out of range." she said before appearing on her bike. If Serenzo didn't get on with her, he would have to escape a nuclear explosion in under ten seconds. Something Kaori was able to do with plenty of time to spare on her bike; even if it was running on just one fusion core. The place that Kaori stopped the bike was just a few hundred yards away from where the vulcans were last seen. If Serenzo had gotten on the bike with her, Kaori would say "If we attack one of them, they all attack. You got any ideas on how we should proceed?"

    what kind of vulcan? J6q08l11

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    what kind of vulcan? Empty Re: what kind of vulcan?

    Post by Nadarr 27th May 2017, 3:35 am

    Serenzo looked at her then them emotionless for a moment, as she set the bomb being done before he could even speak. As he was asked to tie them up he was even more surprised they were knocked out or wounded beyond movement that would be overkill. ow could a legal guild...do this. He had broken outta his masters horrible cluchs just to join, what to him seemed like a group of killers at this rate...no these men didn't need to suffer, they weren't a threat he would save them. He will bare there fear. as he heard the bike reving up outside and her teammate telling him that they should go. But could he in good sound and mind do that...knowing these men would die...so uneedlessly. he knows why she is doing this but killing unarmed men is different...slaughtering them like animals for there wrong doings. He looked back at the one scientists face who he didn't tranq who was hurt badly, who had terrified face. He came to the sad realization though...there was nothing he could do.. He wasn't an expert at this kind of thing and he was by no means any sort of hero..he was a slave an worthless man below them. He clenched his fist again looking at him. "I may not bare the burden...but i will take your pain instead thus is my duty...as a slave" he said as he looked up, though this time his face was a torrent of feelings. A look of sadness, of fear, anger,and strangely happiness. He then went wide eyed as he used his one ace in the hole ability. "Time keepers curse" he said loudly as then the world can to what seemed to be a halt. he walked over now having time seconds taking minutes or so it felt to him. though to the man in kaori he was moving faster then his sound would allow him. He sped to the man looking at him "sleep" is all he said knocking them all out instantly but not killing Them. To him this way they wouldn't live there final moments in fear but instead they would be knocked out and would feel nothing till the end. this was the best he could do, but yet he might as well be pulling the trigger on the gun himself. As the time waves flowed he looked down at him nodding then looking to the bomb. only a second has past as he walked to the bike somberly like he was taking his grief though to anyone who saw him he was moving faster then ever. As he got on he ended the spell tiredly. it wasn't everyday he had to break out that move and it wasn't one he liked to use. That move was Serenzos ultimatum, his last resort when he was left with no more options left...when he was backed into a corner with no way out that he can see. He said nothing just held on looking away a bit his chain draping a little as he waited for them to be gone. Was this truly better then his old life. Yes it was but no matter where he goes..he is forced to do things that he hated doing. With that in mind he felt the shift as they sped off. His heart heave with grief as seconds later he heard the explosion. The scientists were surely dead and though he was sad he didn't shed a single tear. he just smiled again. he did his duty and held there burden till the very end.


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    what kind of vulcan? Empty Re: what kind of vulcan?

    Post by ○Kaori 27th May 2017, 4:15 am

    what kind of vulcan? Ukar8e11

    what kind of vulcan? Nviajx11

    Kaori waited, but her question had never gotten answered. It seemed that she and this man, Serenzo, had shared different views. She could sense in him disapproval, mixed with a small tingle of happiness. Kaori didn't know about his spells, she didn't know that he put them all to sleep and even if she did, she wouldn't have cared. "Do you hate me?" she asked in a solemn voice. "Do you think I'm a monster?" she asked afterwards. "I'd like you to answer that truthfully." she said. While it wasn't a solid order, and Kaori didn't know anything about Serenzo's chain beyond it being his choice of fashion, she hoped that he would answer her. "Let's wait till night, it'll be easier to fight in the dark." Kaori recommended while getting off the bike. She looked over to a pile of sticks on the ground and pointed to them, causing the sticks to take on a violet glow and rise in the air. They moved to a central point near Kaori and set themselves down with stones in a circle around them. Kaori touched one of the sticks, filling it with fire magic and causing it to combust, lighting the other sticks around it to for a gentle camp fire.

    "You people... the people from the village by the sea. They're afraid of death, afraid to kill unless necessary. You're raised with the notion that you require an armed enemy to justify murder. You all learn such powerful attacks, and fear using them because of that power. My clan isn't like that. Where I'm from, people who live that way don't live for long. We're never afraid to die, because when we do finally die, we go to meet our clan in the afterlife. We're never afraid to kill, because it only means we send our enemies to be with their family. We don't need an enemy to have a physical weapon, we only need a reason for them to be our enemy. While we don't hate them, we will kill them; and, if we do hate them, we wish them peace in their grave. We hone our skills, learn to kill as art, shower the battlefield in crimson paint, and hone our skills further for the glory of our lord... and the promise that our enemies won't do the same to us. The reason I killed those men wasn't because they were armed, or a threat to my physical well being. No, there was two reasons. The first is that they had no consideration for nature. Had I let them live, even one of them, they would have started fresh. They would have acquired more living creatures, and just like before, they would have caged them up, separated them from their kind, and performed more tests. Then, more of us... more people who weren't involved in their creation would have to get involved and murder creatures that did nothing to warrant killing beyond being born. I killed those men to save the hundreds of animals, and possibly humans that would have become nothing more than test subjects." Kaori paused, and turned her face so she was looking at Serenzo's through the slits in her mask. "And I also killed them because they hurt my friend. Something that I'd never forgive without a proper reason."

    what kind of vulcan? J6q08l11

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    what kind of vulcan? Empty Re: what kind of vulcan?

    Post by Nadarr 27th May 2017, 4:57 am

    As they left he looked at her perplexed a bit by the question that was posed to him. Was she a monster. He did need his time or sound powers for this. he felt an eternity hit him as it was posed as he was asked to honestly answer the girl. He smiled shaking his head "No, your not a monster....if i were to call you a monster for that..then i'd be a demon." he said with a smile. "though still...it wasn't neccicary in my eyes" he was state she she suggested hey wait till night to do this. He nodded a little bit. with his echo location he didn't mind this to much since he could see and hear better in the dark then most in the dark. As she lit a fire she began to talk and justify her words. As he listens he just nodded. he could tel she was enrest her heart and mind said so. He looked perplexed even more though. she said they hurt a friend and that was on reason she killed them... Her voice and heart were true..but he wasn't sure what to make of this clam. He looked up speechless thinking about all she said about how killing is an art, how killing them would protect hundreds how they would start fresh if not stopped. All these things were so true. But yet it wasn't right, plus he then had a sad thought. when he looked at her he simply nodded, no words he could say would change the way she thought and he could only roll with what she did. "i understand...." he said somberly and with sincerity. "And thank you for the kind words, however if i may throw my words out,please forgive me." I agree with them not learning harming nature, they should die...but they could have also been defeated another way that would harm them more then death," As for the friend part...why you haven't known me for hardly long..and i'm a worthless slave so why would you been my friend...why show me that feeling?" he would ask wanting an honest answer. "please be honest because i''ll know a lie." he said waiting looking into her eyes puzzled. he knew every word being spoken, but they were still foren to him. they were words that didn't almost exist in his vocabulary. he would wait then after that answer he would speak again however you said something..something towards the beginning." "I have killed many with my power...i wish i was never born with power in the first place..i wish i was normal,maybe then i'd be accepted." He looked at her "i'm not afraid of dying...in fact..." he went silent briefly then as he looked back into her eyes. "I pry all the time i can just die....to be free from this collar...to not have to obey everything i'm told with a smile" he paused grabbing the metal bit the clun to his neck. though while he looked sad not a single tear. his words were calm and crisp but his words were heavy. "But death scares me for reasons no one would really get." he paused his eyes darting up. the moment was broken as his echo location went off "They are here" he said standing up the fire and noise attracting them, or maybe they hear them, who knew what augments they had. He looked at her curiously smiling like himself "i'll forgive the death by the way..just there is more ways to kill your enemies then physically killing them...though i'm a slave so my wisdom may not be so good" he say smiling as he just closed his eyes listening hearing every direction they are coming from.

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    what kind of vulcan? Empty Re: what kind of vulcan?

    Post by ○Kaori 27th May 2017, 7:39 am

    what kind of vulcan? Ukar8e11

    what kind of vulcan? Nviajx11

    Kaori laid back, pressing her back flat against the grass and looking at the oddly colored sky. She listened to Serenzo's response, not particularly caring for his words of self degradation but still listening. Kaori couldn't help but stifle a bit of laughter when Serenzo said that he'd be able to tell if she were lying. "I'm a pretty good liar..." Kaori said with a half-teasing tone. "My favorite color is pink, salty foods are the best but I really love strawberry cake. I like fire, and detest wind element, and I know a spell that can level the entire guild hall in one strike." Kaori said. If Serenzo was listening to Kaori, he's notice her heart rate didn't change at all, her breathing was the same too. The rate at which her eye lids closed and opened hadn't changed, even the pitch of her voice remained the same as always. Nothing about her had changed, not even her brain waves reacted to the parts that were false. "There were 4 lies in that statement, I'll give you till the morning to tell me what they were. Loser has to buy breakfast." she tossed in with a friendly tone.

    "That aside, know that I don't see you as a threat. I have no reason to lie to you beyond playing around, and I have no reason to think you'd lie to me. So you can trust what I say... well, unless it's something blatantly stupid like 'lava won't hurt you' or something along those lines. Then disregard it entirely." Kaori's words were the same as her challenge, nothing had changed. Even then, nothing about her had changed from any other time she spoke. It was the same calm, gentle, somewhat friendly tone as always. "The reason you're my friend is because you think of me as a friend yourself. Otherwise you wouldn't have asked me to help you. You wouldn't still trust me to not stab you in the back, even though I've had plenty of chances. You wouldn't be comfortable being around me even though I could, in theory, make your heart explode with my mind. You give me your trust, so in return I give you mine."

    Kaori heard Serenzo's comment about himself, and how he wanted to die. She began standing up and slowly drew her sword. Regardless of their augmentations, the vulcans were still mostly animals so Kaori was perfectly able to hear them coming. She didn't hear them with her ears, but rather, she heard them in her mind. It was Kaori's bloodline, that of someone who was part beast themself and was able to commune with nature in ways no one else could. Just as Serenzo said they were coming, one of them jumped out of the trees and aimed for Kaori. Just as it jumped out the trees, Kaori vanished. Just as Kaori vanished, all four of its' limbs and tail became detached from its' body. It was the most dangerous thing about Kaori... her ability to move so fast that she slips out of the senses for just a moment. Not only was she able to do it frequently, she was extremely accurate while using it.

    She reappeared with her back towards Serenzo, sword out and waiting for the rest to come. In his mind, Serenzo would hear Kaori's voice. 'Since you can't refuse orders; I have three for you. Don't ever submit to fate, always fight to see the light of the next sunrise. You're only allowed to die when your old, and filthy rich with all the wives and children you want. Fight every order you're given that you don't want to follow with all your will, as though your life depended on fighting those orders.' Another vulcan lunged into the gentle glimmer of the camp fire, Kaori blocking its' massive hand with her sword. "Lastly... find a way to remove that damned collar." she said just before vanishing and reappearing behind the vulcan. A second later, ten cuts appeared all over its back and blood sprayed from it. Just as Kaori said, her clan learned how to paint a battlefield crimson... What she didn't mention was that they did it without magic.

    what kind of vulcan? J6q08l11

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    what kind of vulcan? Empty Re: what kind of vulcan?

    Post by Nadarr 27th May 2017, 5:17 pm

    Serenzo though of all of this, if he had to be honest he didn't ask because he didn't think she'd stab in the back or anything of that nature. He did it as an experiment to see if light guilds were what they say they were, and they were to a degree. However the would also be lying if he said that now he had not reason to believe what she said was false though he may not completely trust her because of who he was, but perhaps a friend was a good thing, even if they could accept he is a slave and still accept him. He sighed a bit as he finished and she vanished he heard her give commands to him. "Acknowledged...but a few of those i was already commanded to do. He just stood there as they rush toward them "sounds of rebellion" he said as a static field went out around his area. it would affect his ally that was fighting. As they all jumped at him they were slower easier to predict.as a few of hem jumped out he moved back grabbing his chain "sorry guys was ordered not to die so i kinda have to obey" With that he whipped his chain forward "sonic boom" he said quietly as then there was a loud boom but the four our so in front of him went flying back into trees and objects. he then held out his hand an orb appearing in it ash he tossed it getting behind a tree "sound grenade" he said as they were getting up it went off making a loud bang as it them all sending them into more trees and objects knocking them out subduing them. he took a breath then stayed quiet listening again for more of them wand from where. he stayed in his zone he was in for safety reasons of course. as he listened he could faintly hear his team mate moving about. She was fine that was good at least but they still had a lot of work to do as he heard more coming. "sounds of harmony..." he said casting it on himself. he was already calm so it would have little effect of him but it did give him some resolve and a nice power boost. he then heard to coming and smiled to himself. "as they entered the clearing he stepped out "sound scatter" he said snapping five times at them hitting one three time knocking them both downing instantly. He took a breath he had a moment, a brief moment to breath as there were more coming but not this second. he hasn't felt like this since the day he left his master cluchs, using this much magical power was a feat even for him, though then again it was worth it. though maybe he should have held back a bit...he would have to consider this all in the future when he fought. for now though he would keep his course provided his team mate did her job they should be just fine even at his pace though he wished she han'dt vanished, he did have to hold back a bit due tio that but it was how she fights and it showed results so who was he to judge.

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    what kind of vulcan? Empty Re: what kind of vulcan?

    Post by ○Kaori 28th May 2017, 1:49 am

    what kind of vulcan? Ukar8e11

    what kind of vulcan? Nviajx11

    Kaori felt herself slowing down, her perception of time being untouched by Serenzo's spell. She could tell by how fast she closed the gap between one of the vulcans and herself, or rather, how much slower. Kaori didn't find any signs of magic in the list of known enhancements she 'borrowed' from the scientists just before obliterating them. Because the vulcans had no known magical capabilities, Kaori defaulted to assuming that the reduction in speed was due to Serenzo. That, and the annoying sound she was hearing suddenly. Kaori vanished, reappearing behind the vulcan she was going after and slashing its' back open before cutting it a second time in the opposite direction. It was just as she thought. The effect was also applying to her speed during all movements, magical or not. While it was a slight change, it was something Kaori could still notice.

    After Serenzo had taken down his sixth enemy, Kaori closed her eyes and began searching. Serenzo would feel a wave of energy moving through him, and see the trees rustling briefly as the energy continued its' path. The vulcans all stopped their attacking, standing in place to look around. While they were altered by the scientists, they were still animals. They still felt Kaori's influence pulling at their hearts, and, knew what the order was. The alteration made them able to resist it, but with all the animals nearby, it made it so their fight would get increasingly more difficult. The vulcans began targeting Kaori directly, hoping that they could take her out before the entire animal kingdom came down on them.

    Taking advantage of their reduced speed, Kaori vanished and got near Serenzo again. "Stay still for a moment. You don't wanna move from there, not yet at least." Kaori said calmly, resting her sword down and waiting. Just as one of the vulcans got within a few feet of Kaori, getting ready to lunge at her, an elephant blasted through the trees nearby and rammed into the overgrown monkey. The creature was taken to the floor and trampled by the elephant who then began stomping it in, trumpeting angrily. Moments later, birds, bears, deer, and even rabbits began joining the fight and attacking the vulcans. Serenzo would hear Kaori speaking in his mind 'They'll distract them for us and weaken them a little.' After which, Kaori vanished again and began repeating the action while moving from vulcan to vulcan to deal small hits of damage. She and her animal friends had taken down eight more of the vulcans, leaving the last four for Serenzo to take care of.

    what kind of vulcan? J6q08l11

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    what kind of vulcan? Empty Re: what kind of vulcan?

    Post by Nadarr 28th May 2017, 2:21 am

    As he noticed the animals in the area getting restless he didn't show it but he was worried not wanting them to interfere. he might have done something if his ally hadn't came back and told him. As they were now getting help from nature it's self they were weakened. He then sensed the presence of four more of them charging fro m behind him that got away from the animals. He took a step forward as they charged out of the forest three charging on staying back arming a missile. "a Missile.." he said seeing the three charging. He smiled knowing exactly what what to do. "Songs of war" he said as he fired the missile amping his attack up. as the now empowered missle came at him he stood there calmly taking a breath in then smiled a bit. He felt he had plenty of time to think since they charged him in his static feild, there speed being reduced made it easier to time. "Speed of sound" he said at the last minute dashing threw them all dealing damage, dazing them all so they would have no chance to dodge the missile. He moved like a blur through them all leaving a trail of sound in his wake. As the missile landed and exploded his dash ended at the on he amped up dazing him just barely. As he got in range he wasted no time at all. "Sound palm" he said kinda coldly a look of focus on his face as he slammed his palm into him. It made an loud cup clapping sound as he made contact with him, he sent him flying into a near by tree taking him out instantly. he couldn't sense any more around him or in the area. He sighed a little. He looked around for his guild mate. then at the vulcans shaking his head a small bit. "He sighed a bit thinking "You hate wind, like fire,could level the guild hall and like pink" he muttered thinking to himself. Though he didn't really have money since he usually didn't accept it so if he was wrong maybe making breakfast would do.

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    what kind of vulcan? Empty Re: what kind of vulcan?

    Post by ○Kaori 28th May 2017, 3:18 am

    what kind of vulcan? Ukar8e11

    what kind of vulcan? Nviajx11

    The enemies were all taken care of, and their creators were no more. The only thing that remained was to collect the bounty from the office in town, a task that was fairly boring. Kaori had heard Serenzo muttering to himself, but she didn't listen fully since she was still calming herself from the fight. While she didn't like fighting, Kaori always got a rush from combat. The fact that her life was normally on the line made it so her body instinctively started forcing adrenaline through her veins. She stood in place with her mask angled to the floor, and eyes closed while slowing her own breathing back down to a normal rate. Afterwards, Kaori turned to her bike and got on. "You did an amazing job Serenzo. Much better than I could've done alone, and far better than any slave could do. You're a special person, a mage, nothing less. Hop on, we'll need to let some officials know the job's complete. I saw a city off in the distance, so that'd be our best place to go." Kaori said in a calm, friendly, and sincere voice.

    Once Serenzo was on, Kaori got the bike going at a fast, but leisurely speed to get the to town. While in town, Kaori mentioned what she did to the scientists. She knew her actions were technically a crime, and was fully prepared to face the consequences. However, she didn't expect the general of the city guard to react the way he did. "Nuclear reactor, huh? I hear those things are pretty dangerous when they destabilize, you were right to get it off your bike. It's regrettable that the scientists were caught in the explosion, I'll be sure to alert their families of the accident." To which Kaori replied "S-sir, I did-" "It was an accident." he interrupted in an assertive manner, establishing that he was re-writing the case to put Kaori in a position of innocence. "You two should go home, take a rest and get relaxed. Those mutant monkeys weren't your every-day fight." he added in a friendly tone. Kaori decided not to argue further. She took her reward and left, thanking the man for his kindness on her way out.

    what kind of vulcan? J6q08l11

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