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    Shadows of the Blackbird || Completed

    The Bird
    The Bird

    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
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    Shadows of the Blackbird || Completed Empty Shadows of the Blackbird || Completed

    Post by The Bird 13th April 2017, 10:05 am

    Shadows of the Blackbird

    Primary Magic:

    Shadows of the Blackbird

    Secondary Magic:


    Caster or Holder:



    Prior to her reanimation as a mischief-making spirit, Kara-Suzanne spent her mortal life as a member of an off-the-books operative for the Magic Council and the Rune Knights. In this line of work, she used her shadow magic to avoid detection and to trick, deceive, or kill her targets with precision and efficiency. Although weakened significantly due to her death and subsequent reincarnation, she still retains a high degree of control over the shadows and darkness where she once thrived in life. Many of her spells and abilities make use of shadowy effigies of birds or their feathers, an allusion to her past codename of "Blackbird."


    Lucifer's Descendant

    Description: Lucifer took control of a vessel and mated with a princess of a very powerful kingdom, and gave birth to the son of the devil. But the princess knew the baby was born evil, so abandoned the newborn in the forest to die. Little is known about this lineage due to the common disbelief in the actual existence of this demonic child, but legends tell of supposed descendants of it that were capable of imposing their upon the demonic abominations of Hell itself and guide them into our own world...

    Ability: The ability allows the user to open the gates of hell summoning 2 demons to the user at will. The demons are agile, strong, and have tough hides to protect theirself from magic.  Demons have 25% HP of the user’s rank each and deal melee damage equal to the user’s rank(max S-rank) each.  They have no special abilities and are basic in all respects (No strength or speed increases from base level for their rank effect)

    Usage: 4 post duration with a 8 post cooldown. If all are slain the ability goes on cooldown.


    • Single Targets and Small Groups- In her previous occupation, Kara-Suzanne focused on taking out singular targets or small groups of 3 to 5 with her magic.

    • Stealth- Stealth plays an essential part of her combat style, allowing her to catch her enemies unaware and to escape unnoticed.

    • Misdirection- If at all possible, she will misdirect an enemy with her magic--catch their attention with something else, take it off of her.


    • Large Groups- Kara-Sue was never accustomed to fighting off large groups at once; thus, she tends to avoid them or run away when she feels overwhelmed.

    • Open Combat- She will try to avoid this at all costs, simply because it puts her at a disadvantage.

    • Daylight- As explained later on, it is huge disadvantage for her to be in direct sunlight as opposed to being in the shade or shadows.

    • Absolute Darkness- Despite being a practitioner of shadow magic, Kara-Sue cannot use the majority of her magic in absolute darkness due to the lack of a light gradient.

    Unique Abilities:

    • Kage- Meaning "shadow" in Japanese, the ability Kage is what gives Kara-Suzanne her ability to manipulate shadows and cast spells. With it, she can also create the equivalent of weak weapons made of shadow, as well as non-combat items, at no cost to her magic pool.

      • May only use the weapon creation thrice per thread, with a four post cooldown between the time a weapon is broken or dissipated and the time a new one is created.

      • Non-combat items may be created and dissipated at any time, without cooldown.

    • Aragami- This ability affects the rate and circumstances in which Kara-Sue is able to regenerate MP.

      • When in direct sunlight, Kara-Suzanne loses 5% MP per post. The most she can lose from this is 80% MP, leaving her at 20% of her full reserves.

      • In indirect sunlight or artificial light, Kara-Suzanne neither regenerates nor loses MP.

      • When in fully immersed in shadow or darkness, Kara-Suzanne's MP regeneration rate is 25% per five posts.

    • Kami- Whenever Kara-Sue enters the shadows, she becomes undetectable to the physical senses. Due to her body being composed of shadow, she cannot be detected by thermal imaging, infrared, or similar technologies that rely on heat or the reflection of certain wavelengths of light.

      • Mages above her rank will be able to hear and/or smell her.

      • NPCs will not be able to physically detect her without magical enhancements.

    Last edited by The Bird on 15th April 2017, 8:24 am; edited 11 times in total
    The Bird
    The Bird

    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 65
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 75

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    Shadows of the Blackbird || Completed Empty Re: Shadows of the Blackbird || Completed

    Post by The Bird 13th April 2017, 10:06 am

    Signature Spells


    Last edited by The Bird on 13th April 2017, 10:09 am; edited 1 time in total
    The Bird
    The Bird

    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 65
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 75

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    Shadows of the Blackbird || Completed Empty Re: Shadows of the Blackbird || Completed

    Post by The Bird 13th April 2017, 10:07 am

    D-Rank Spells

    Name: Kuroutadori (Reference image)

    Rank: D

    Type: Normal Summon

    Duration: 3 posts

    Cooldown: 4 posts

    Description: With a short, hollow whistle this shadowy blackbird can be summoned to aid in whatever business Kara-Sue needs. Because of it's small size, it's abilities have been tailored to be made most useful in reconnaissance or in situation where a brief diversion is needed.

    • Shadow Song (active): Whenever signaled to do so, Kuroutadori will start singing its haunting song to get the attention of whoever might be around.

      • Guaranteed to get the attention of NPCs

      • Whether or not it gets the attention of player characters is up to their respective RPer(s).

    • Passive Ability: So long as Kuroutadori is within 15 meters of Kara-Sue, she will be able to see whatever the bird sees at will.


    • Allows for unique tactical advantages.
    • Extends the range of Kara-Sue's sight.


    • Kuroutadori can be dispelled by light magic or by direct contact with sunlight.
    • Kuroutadori has no direct combat uses.
    • Kuroutadori has a limited range in which it can share its vision.

    Name: Kunai

    Rank: D

    Type: Instant, offensive

    Duration: Instant

    Cooldown: 2 posts

    Description: A kunai dagger made of shadows is launched at an enemy. It deals D-rank damage and has a maximum range of 15 meters.


    • No muss, no fuss damage.


    • Can only be thrown in a straight line.

    • Shadow mages and slayers are able to eat it.

    Name: Feathers

    Rank: D

    Type: Instant, Defensive (?)

    Duration: Instant

    Cooldown: 3 posts

    Description: When this spell is cast, Kara-Sue's body explodes into a flurry of shadowy feathers to avoid a singular attack. She may either reform in the nearest shadow within 15 meters, or wherever she was previously standing.


    • Useful for quick evasion, especially against projectiles or melee.


    • Not so useful against AoE spells.
    • Limited range.

    Name: N/A

    Rank: D

    Type: N/A

    Duration: N/A

    Cooldown: N/A

    Description: N/A

    Strengths: N/A

    Weaknesses: N/A

    Last edited by The Bird on 13th April 2017, 7:24 pm; edited 11 times in total
    The Bird
    The Bird

    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 65
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 75

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    Shadows of the Blackbird || Completed Empty Re: Shadows of the Blackbird || Completed

    Post by The Bird 13th April 2017, 10:07 am

    C-Rank Spells


    Last edited by The Bird on 13th April 2017, 10:09 am; edited 1 time in total
    The Bird
    The Bird

    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 65
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 75

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    Shadows of the Blackbird || Completed Empty Re: Shadows of the Blackbird || Completed

    Post by The Bird 13th April 2017, 10:07 am

    B-Rank Spells


    Last edited by The Bird on 13th April 2017, 10:10 am; edited 1 time in total
    The Bird
    The Bird

    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 65
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 75

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    Shadows of the Blackbird || Completed Empty Re: Shadows of the Blackbird || Completed

    Post by The Bird 13th April 2017, 10:08 am

    A-Rank Spells


    Last edited by The Bird on 13th April 2017, 10:10 am; edited 1 time in total
    The Bird
    The Bird

    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 65
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 75

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    Shadows of the Blackbird || Completed Empty Re: Shadows of the Blackbird || Completed

    Post by The Bird 13th April 2017, 10:08 am

    S, SS, and H-Rank Spells


    Shadows of the Blackbird || Completed Empty Re: Shadows of the Blackbird || Completed

    Post by Guest 15th April 2017, 5:11 am

    Hello! ^^

    Hello, it's me
    I was wondering if after all this wait you'd like a grader
    To go over everything
    They say that this suggestions supposed to heal ya
    But I ain't done much suggestin


    The Bird wrote:
    Shadows of the Blackbird

    Primary Magic:

    Shadows of the Blackbird

    Secondary Magic:


    Caster or Holder:



    Prior to her reanimation as a mischief-making spirit, Kara-Suzanne spent her mortal life as a member of an off-the-books operative for the Magic Council and the Rune Knights. In this line of work, she used her shadow magic to avoid detection and to trick, deceive, or kill her targets with precision and efficiency. Although weakened significantly due to her death and subsequent reincarnation, she still retains a high degree of control over the shadows and darkness where she once thrived in life. Many of her spells and abilities make use of shadowy effigies of birds or their feathers, an allusion to her past codename of "Blackbird."


    Lucifer's Descendant

    Description: Lucifer took control of a vessel and mated with a princess of a very powerful kingdom, and gave birth to the son of the devil. But the princess knew the baby was born evil, so abandoned the newborn in the forest to die. Little is known about this lineage due to the common disbelief in the actual existence of this demonic child, but legends tell of supposed descendants of it that were capable of imposing their upon the demonic abominations of Hell itself and guide them into our own world...

    Ability: The ability allows the user to open the gates of hell summoning 2 demons to the user at will. The demons are agile, strong, and have tough hides to protect theirself from magic.  Demons have 25% HP of the user’s rank each and deal melee damage equal to the user’s rank(max S-rank) each.  They have no special abilities and are basic in all respects (No strength or speed increases from base level for their rank effect)

    Usage: 4 post duration with a 8 post cooldown. If all are slain the ability goes on cooldown.


    • Single Targets and Small Groups- In her previous occupation, Kara-Suzanne focused on taking out singular targets or small groups of 3 to 5 with her magic.

    • Stealth- Stealth plays an essential part of her combat style, allowing her to catch her enemies unaware and to escape unnoticed.

    • Misdirection- If at all possible, she will misdirect an enemy with her magic--catch their attention with something else, take it off of her.


    • Large Groups- Kara-Sue was never accustomed to fighting off large groups at once; thus, she tends to avoid them or run away when she feels overwhelmed.

    • Open Combat- She will try to avoid this at all costs, simply because it puts her at a disadvantage.

    • Daylight- As explained later on, it is huge disadvantage for her to be in direct sunlight as opposed to being in the shade or shadows.

    • Absolute Darkness- Despite being a practitioner of shadow magic, Kara-Sue cannot use the majority of her magic in absolute darkness due to the lack of a light gradient.

    Unique Abilities:

    • Kage- Meaning "shadow" in Japanese, the ability Kage is what gives Kara-Suzanne her ability to manipulate shadows and cast spells. With it, she can also create the equivalent of weak weapons made of shadow, as well as non-combat items, at no cost to her magic pool.

      • May only use the weapon creation thrice per thread, with a four post cooldown between the time a weapon is broken or dissipated and the time a new one is created.

      • Non-combat items may be created and dissipated at any time, without cooldown.

    • Aragami- This ability affects the rate and circumstances in which Kara-Sue is able to regenerate MP.

      • When in direct sunlight, Kara-Suzanne loses 5% MP per post. The most she can lose from this is 80% MP, leaving her at 20% of her full reserves.

      • In indirect sunlight or artificial light, Kara-Suzanne neither regenerates nor loses MP.

      • When in fully immersed in shadow or darkness, Kara-Suzanne's MP regeneration rate is 25% per five posts. I can allow 10%, but not 25% x)

    • Kami- Thrice per thread, in combat threads, Kara-Suzanne is able to teleport to any shadow within her rank's maximum spell radius. Minimum of a three post cool down. I'm afraid this sounds more like a spell than a UA :( please change it ^^

      • One post is added to the cool down for each rank above D.

      • In non-combat threads, the ability may be used without the limit or cooldown.

    That was all that was needed x) just correct what I stated and we should be good to go ^^
    The Bird
    The Bird

    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 65
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 75

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    Shadows of the Blackbird || Completed Empty Re: Shadows of the Blackbird || Completed

    Post by The Bird 15th April 2017, 7:25 pm

    Edits have been made, per discussion over Discord.


    D: 2 C: 0 B: 0 A: 0 S: 0 SS: 0

    Shadows of the Blackbird || Completed Empty Re: Shadows of the Blackbird || Completed

    Post by Guest 18th April 2017, 4:26 am

    and approved! ^^ good going!

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