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    Mashyuu in: Farm of the Dead




    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Posts : 2084
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    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    Mashyuu in: Farm of the Dead Empty Mashyuu in: Farm of the Dead

    Post by redheadedstepchild 21st February 2017, 8:52 pm

    Job Details:

    Part One: The Farm

    The sun set on the edge of the world, Mashyuu and Itsu emerged from a set of trees, both dressed in their normal attire. Mashyuu in brown martial arts gear with orange gloves and white wraps around his feet while Itsu wore a ripped green dress that she had been given when whatever force on the planet decided to give her a second chance at life. The Sabertooth Wizards drew upon a small farm next to a large cemetery and stopped on the farm houses front porch. Itsu looked over Mashyuu's shoulder, past the farmhouse and to the cemetery, her big green eyes scanning the area for a silent moment before she looked back at the door Mashyuu was knocking on. For Itsu things with the undead had always been an issue. It started out that she was afraid of them and then they seemed to be drawn to her. But now, she wasn't afraid and was actively seeking to understand why they seemed so drawn to her. She suspected it was due to her strange living situation but she couldn't be sure. Either way she had heard of a man that would offer great reward for bringing him the souls of the undead at the cemetery next door to him.

    It was actually Itsu who told Mashyuu about the farm and begged the dual Slayer to take her. With Mashyuu's holy powers and the bow he had found at his home plus Itsu's superior speed she figured a few undead wouldn't be any match for the team. Mashyuu knocked on the door twice and waited, on the other side he could already hear someone walking over to answer. Gently Mashyuu pushed Itsu to stand behind him so that she wouldn't freak the old man. Slowly the door crept open and an old man with silvered hair opened it. He smoothed his overalls and popped in a set of false teeth. "Eh, you're the Sabertooth Kds eh? Okay. I have these undead that pop up every month or so. I just need you to go out there and break em up and knock em down." The old man said then thought for a moment. "IF you manage to beat em and don't want the money I'll give you a special item I've been saving for the right Wizard." Mashyuu and Itsu looked at one another then back to the old man and it was Itsu who spoke up. "Deal, we will take the special item when we get back."

    WC: 422/2500



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Posts : 2084
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    Mashyuu in: Farm of the Dead Empty Re: Mashyuu in: Farm of the Dead

    Post by redheadedstepchild 21st February 2017, 8:57 pm

    Encounter rolls!

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    Mashyuu in: Farm of the Dead Empty Re: Mashyuu in: Farm of the Dead

    Post by NPC 21st February 2017, 8:57 pm

    The member 'Mashyuu Kumonosu' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Mashyuu in: Farm of the Dead NormalMonster Mashyuu in: Farm of the Dead StrongMonster Mashyuu in: Farm of the Dead NormalMonster Mashyuu in: Farm of the Dead NormalMonster Mashyuu in: Farm of the Dead NormalMonster Mashyuu in: Farm of the Dead NormalMonster Mashyuu in: Farm of the Dead NormalMonster Mashyuu in: Farm of the Dead NormalMonster Mashyuu in: Farm of the Dead NormalMonster Mashyuu in: Farm of the Dead NormalMonster



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Posts : 2084
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    Mashyuu in: Farm of the Dead Empty Re: Mashyuu in: Farm of the Dead

    Post by redheadedstepchild 21st February 2017, 9:50 pm

    Part Two: The battle Begins.

    It was a quick talk but Mashyuu could appreciate that. The old man must have seen plenty of Wizards and fighters come and go in his time yet he remained at the farm. Why? This was what was on Mashyuu's mind when the pair of Sabertooth Wizards left the farm and entered the cemetery. The pair moved into a small clearing and Itsu nudged her friend. "Hey, eyes on the prize. Get that bow out and give me some cover while I try do draw some of these things out." Itsu reminded Mashyuu. The Earth Wizard nodded and opened his left hand. The small cross on a chain wrapped around his left wrist lit up, a bluish white light expanded from the charm and created a net like bow in Mashyuu's palm. He grabbed the weapon and dropped to a knee, taking aim at Itsu's back and keeping her in his sights while the woman sauntered deeper into the tombstone filled area.

    Itsu stalked past a few tombstones and stopped to look back at Mashyuu. So far nothing had happened but at the moment Itsu got to the center of the area the ground exploded around her. Easily fifty or so skeletons rose from the ground, some carried swords, others bows, and Mashyuu was sure some were glowing with magical power. "OhShit!" Both Mashyuu and Itsu said at the same time. Itsu wasn't ready to have to fight her way out of such a massive group as they took aim on the woman and started to swarm her. Mashyuu pulled back the energy string of his bow and took aim then released it. Luckily Itsu had been swarmed so badly that there was no way he could hit her with the attack he unleashed. "Hail of Arrows!" He shouted, letting magical arrows soar through the air and smash into ten, if not more skeletons. As the blast made contact with bones the bodies fell to the grassy floor and started to rattle. A moment later they all got back up and turned to Mashyuu, lifting their weapons and charging the Wizard...

    WC: 355
    Total: 777



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Posts : 2084
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    Mashyuu in: Farm of the Dead Empty Re: Mashyuu in: Farm of the Dead

    Post by redheadedstepchild 21st February 2017, 11:26 pm

    Part Three: The Battle Rages On.

    Mashyuu lowered his bow and scowled while ten skeletons came rushing after him. He took off in a sprint after them and extended his bow arm while dropping down into a slide. He released three arrows off past the ten skeletons that were charging him, drawing the attention of three more monsters. As they turned Itsu managed to drive her fist into a few monsters and make a small gap in the swarm. She used that and her extreme speed to run from the group and pull about half the skeletons with her. Soon the crowd split, twenty five undead skeletons rushed Mashyuu while the others chased Itsu. Mashyuu flipped through the air, launching weak arrow after weak arrow into the monsters, not doing much in the way of harm but softening up a few of the monsters. The Wizard spun around as skeletons started to swarm him, a quick volley of arrows smashed into the heads and staggered them back a few steps. Mashyuu released his bow, letting it vanish back into his chain. He screamed, his voice echoing in the cemetery. "AHHHHHHHHHH!" A bright flash of gold light flowed off of Mashyuu, his hair changed to a blondish gold hue and the skeletons that had started to swing at him roared with pain, the light he used burning the skeletons like holy water to a vampire. Mashyuu reached out and grabbed the head of one of the skeletons when a bone arrow thumped into Mashyuu's back and drew blood. He winced and snarled, looking over his shoulder at the monster who shot him while he crushed the head of a skeleton. The Wizard bent his knees and jumped up high. He extended his arm and summoned up his bow. With a swift movement he fired off his arrow, slamming the projectile into the head of the monster that shot him. Mashyuu came down again but this time landed on the shoulders of a skeleton. He twisted and pulled the head off the monster, making it crumble beneath him. Mashyuu landed on his feet and planted a hand to the ground. "Earth Gods Explosive Field!" He shouted, setting a trap about five feet in front of him. A small group of skeletal soldiers charged Mashyuu but his trap went off, blowing them up and sending them slamming backwards into another group. "Man these things just keep getting back up." Mashyuu muttered to himself while taking a moment to see how many more he had to deal with. He wasn't even sure where Itsu was but could feel her magical power off in the distance somewhere. "At least she's still alive." He whispered under his breath. Mashyuu started to Realize he had too many skeletons to deal with when it seemed like they were continually getting up. He raised his left arm at a sharp angle and created a stone wall behind him, just to make them move around them a little bit. Mashyuu's hands pulled back as he condensed light in his palms and pushed his hands out. "Light Dragon's Holy Shower!" He shouted, spraying a large portion of the skeletons with light that singed bones. When the smoke from the singed bones cleared Mashyuu sighed, seeing he had finally destroyed about half the skeletons. He took a heavy breath and winced when the stone wall behind him came crumbling down. The skeletons were dumb compared to Mashyuu and had started hitting his wall until it came tumbling down. Mashyuu spun around to face his foes, his golden light still flaring off his body lighting up the dark cemetery to allow him to see. He reached out and grabbed a skeleton by the collar bones and pulled it up to Mashyuu. He let the monster go with one hand and slammed his fist straight through the monsters rib cage. It was then that Mashyuu saw the light coming his way through the crowd. Itsu had unleashed her ghost touch shot. Mashyuu jumped backwards and watched as a blast of light slammed into a small group of skeletons, destroying them before they could get an attack on Mashyuu.

    Itsu shot up to Mashyuu's side, holding a skull in her hand and a grin on her face. She threw the skull up in the air and kicked it, bouncing the skull between a few skeletons. "You aren't using any spells... why?" She asked while the two went back to back and started to attack the last remaining skeletons. "Don't you sense it? That dark power that is drawing closer? It's the source of the curse and what is making these things fight on. Now can you handle these guys? I see a mage skeleton I want to take out." Mashyuu jumped past Itsu and rushed through a small group of the skeletons. The Wizard drew upon a skeleton that was lobbing blasts of fire towards Mashyuu. He brought his arms up and called out. "Earth Gods Stone Shell!" A set of lose rocks shot up around the wizard and created five more fake shells. The ground sucked Mashyuu under ground and put him in a different shell as he drew upon the skeletal mage, letting him evade a deadly fire ball. When he was close to the monster Mashyuu pushed his left arm forward and called out. "Earth Gods Combo: Part Two!" The ground split open under the mage, swallowing the skeleton and crushing it into bone meal. In the meantime Itsu compressed more magical power on herself and started to teleport around the remaining skeletons. Her fist slammed into each monster repeatedly until all of them fell at her bare feet. She gently pushed a hip aside and smiled at Mashyuu while scanning the area for what Mashyuu said would be the worst part of the job. Soon even Itsu could feel it, the overwhelming power of a creature that had evaded death far longer than it should have been possible. Itsu's mouth dropped open and trembled. For the first time, she wasn't sure if she could handle the force that was coming, even with Mashyuu at her side. "What is that thing?" Itsu asked and looked at Mashyuu. "It's the evil dead."

    WC: 1044
    Total: 1821



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    Mashyuu in: Farm of the Dead Empty Re: Mashyuu in: Farm of the Dead

    Post by redheadedstepchild 22nd February 2017, 6:35 pm

    Part Four: Cupcake.

    Mashyuu and Itsu stood, side by side while looking to a large tomb that was starting to rumble. A sudden and soft gasp escaped Itsu's lips. She wasn't afraid but was worried for the pair fearing what was behind those doors. Mashyuu pushed Itsu behind him and looked over his shoulder. "I'll handle this one. You just keep my back covered in case I get swarmed." Itsu looked at Mashyuu with wide eyes. He was always so willing to protect those that might not be as strong as him and it always made her feel bad. She couldn't always help Mashyuu when he needed it but she could at least watch his back in case more of these undead monsters shot up out of the ground or decided to stand once again.

    Carefully Mashyuu took his archers stance and let the bow appear in his left hand. He took a soft breath of air to steady himself and whispered. "Sniper Elite." He pulled the magical bow string back, creating an arrow of condensed magical power and released it. The magical arrow ripped through the air, spinning and rocketing. It slammed into the door and dug through the barrier then vanished. As Mashyuu put the bow away and looked at Itsu, the space behind the door exploded, knocking the door off the hinges of the frame. The Wizard smiled at Itsu and ruffled her hair. "I'll be back." He assured her. Without another word Mashyuu turned to face the tomb and ran. His left hand dug into the pocket of his pants and his ring finger shot straight, looping a heavy metal ring over his finger and activated the powers his wedding ring held even after death.

    With the ring on his finger his strides came in slower but a small flood of water shot up around him and he felt much healthier than he did when he wasn't wearing the ring. He bounded through the broken doorway and smoke only to see a woman in black armor, decorated in skull like carvings with red hair and glowing blue eyes looking at Mashyuu with a sweet smile. She pulled her hand back while walking up to the confused Wizard and slammed her open palm into Mashyuu's chest. The blow should have knocked the air from his lungs but he barely budged. Now it was her turn to seem shocked. "You must be the old man's Cupcake. I'm Mashyuu.. You're about to die. Again." His body flared up with a familiar golden light that caused the woman to recoil from fear of being burned by holy fire.

    Cupcake howled in anger and lifted a hand. With it a skeletal hand exploded up out of the ground and grasped Mashyuu's ankle, only to let go and turn to ash under him. The Earth Wizard swung his left arm out in a hook like manner only to miss the woman who jumped back to land atop a casket, likely the one she crawled out of when the group arrived. Mashyuu watched her leap back and grinned wide. His hand dropped to the floor as he willed the earth under her casket. "Earth Gods Stone Wall!" A large wall shot up out of the ground and toppled the woman's casket, knocking her backwards from Mashyuu's simple spell. He ran forward and flipped over the wall, bringing his foot down like an ax and drove the heel down straight at his foes face. The undead woman lit up with a blue light, similar to Mashyuu's own gold light and absorbed almost all of Mashyuu's attack making it seem as if he had barely hit her. "Cheeky little thing aren't you?" Mashyuu chided the woman. She stood up and dusted herself off, still somehow concerned with her otherworldly good looks. Carefully she took on a fighting stance and glared at Mashyuu. The earth Wizard did the same, planting himself firmly on the ground and rushed forward.

    Watching the two battle would inspire a thought of the heaviest of metal music. Mashyuu drove his left forearm straight but Cupcake countered with a block that shook the tomb the two battled in. Mashyuu lashed with an open palm to the woman's head but she gripped his wrist and held him steady. Pushing against one another Mashyuu slammed his head into the woman's face, making her wince. The slight falter gave Mashyuu the opening he needed. His right leg came to his chest and slammed hard into Cupcakes chest, knocking her through the stone wall of the tomb and sprawling her out on her back. She stirred just in time to see Mashyuu jumping through the air and aiming his right hand to smash down into her. Cupcake rolled to the left, stuck her leg out and as Mashyuu landed she rolled back, kicking Mashyuu straight in the temple. If not for the ring on his finger the blow would have likely knocked him out. He staggered to the right while coming up to stand. A sudden blast of blue energy hit him hard, almost taking him off his feet.

    Mashyuu spun around to face his foe while waving his left hand at her. "Earth Gods Combo: Part One!" The ground produced three pillars of stone that slammed into the woman's back, knocking her towards Mashyuu on uneasy feet. She winced when Mashyuu jumped up and drove his knee into her jaw. Cupcake growled but looked shocked when Mashyuu started to talk. "Earth Gods Combo: Part Two!" The ground under Cupcake split, dropping the woman into the ground. She fell almost completely into the hole, until it compressed on her leaving only her head exposed. The ground started to squeeze the woman hard, giving Mashyuu a moment to recover. At last the ground spit the woman up, leaving her dazed and confused. Before she knew what was happening Mashyuu was punching the ground. "Earth Gods Molten Blast!" He shouted. The ground exploded with a torrent of molten lava that washed over the woman, burning her flesh away and turning her back into a skeleton that melted under the heat of Mashyuu's spell...

    Itsu stood, watching from afar until she couldn't hear the battle anymore. From around the corner of the tomb Mashyuu entered he walked, carrying a glowing black heart in his left hand. As he drew closer to Itsu he placed it in her hand. "Go get that reward. You earned it." He stated. Itsu smiled at him and ran off to the old man's house to collect the weapon that was promised to her...

    WC: 1109
    Total: 2930

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