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    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto]


    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] Empty Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto]

    Post by Guest 8th February 2017, 2:52 pm

    Job Info:

    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto]

    Post by Guest 8th February 2017, 2:53 pm

    (Rolling enemies ahead of time)

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    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto]

    Post by NPC 8th February 2017, 2:53 pm

    The member 'That Aborted Kid' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] NormalMonster Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] NormalMonster Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] WeakMonster Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] WeakMonster Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] NormalMonster Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] NormalMonster Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] Boss Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] NormalMonster Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] WeakMonster Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] WeakMonster

    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto]

    Post by Guest 8th February 2017, 8:46 pm

    And while you are sitting indoors
    waiting for the storm to pass
    I will be outside dancing in the rain

    "Thanks for the ride!" The slayer called after the small wagon as the horses trotted away into the distance, waving a hand high in the air to the old man on top who returned her friendly gesture, standing on the tips of her toes to get a few more inches in the air to he would be able to see. Thankfully, after her trouble on the boat to her last mission she had come prepared for the usual nuisance that was her motion sickness. Before the ride she had called upon her sole celestial spirit, whose key had mysteriously made its way into her pocket one evening. The Ragdoll, Sally. Though a bit creepy-looking with button eyes and a poorly sown hatch crossed mouth, apparently she had the ability to heal an amazing amount of health, along with giving an immunity to sicknesses for a decent amount of time. Figuring it was worth a shot, she commanded the spirit to use her power on her, which she agreed to do. And for the whole ride, it worked! She didn't feel noxious once! Not even one gag! It worked! She had figured out the answer to all her traveling problems.
    Falling back to the base of her feet the ace shoved her hand into her pocket, fingering around for a moment before holding the darkened key in her grasp, smiling brightly down to it.
    "Thanks, Sally" she squeezed it tightly, as though it was a sort of thanks for the help, knowing the spirit could probably feel her thanks through it.
    Placing it back in her pocket the silvernette looked up to her brother who stood beside her. Time to get this started. But... Weren't they just here about a werewolf problem? Yes, this was the second time in a short while that the two siblings had visited Haunted Village. Just a few weeks ago an age long curse had sprung upon the residents and turned some of them into bloodthirsty werewolves. And though yes, it had been quite the doosey, the Foss siblings had managed to deal with it with only getting a few scratches and bites, and was rewarded greatly from the villagers for their hard work. But now it seems they were back again. Boy, this village sure does love getting into trouble, huh?
    And what was it this time? Well, apparently, a little girl was going around murdering people. And of course the magic council couldn't have that, so they posted a job for any willing mages to catch the brat and put her behind bars... Or kill her... But killing wasn't an option. Not for Astrid. There was no way she'd kill an adult let along a little kid. That was wrong. No. The slayer was sure they could capture a small child without too much trouble. After all, she was just a kid. How tough could she be, really?... Well, apparently tough enough to have killed a few people. So there was that. But the image of a small child killing? It was almost too weird for Astrid to believe, so maybe she was treating this situation a little too lately, purely out of disbelief.  

    "Mkay, Lulu! Now we just have to wait for our backup" The silvernette reminded the taller man, just in case he forgot. Not that he did. But she felt the need to say so anyway, even if to just keep him in place. They had to wait outside the entrance for their backup. After all, if they went in they would probably get lost and never find their partner. So they had all agreed to meet at the entrance.
    Who was their backup? Well... She hadn't told Lucius. Mainly because if she did he would object to coming on the mission altogether after the way their last mission together went... But when he does find out, he's sure to be surprised... And angry...
    But the ace truly wanted them to be able to get along. And what was better than doing some missions together? Hopefully they would be able to behave themselves this time.
    Though she highly doubted it. So, she came prepared.
    693/4,000 ● @tag ● notes


    Caelum Pendragon
    Caelum Pendragon

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto]

    Post by Caelum Pendragon 9th February 2017, 12:39 am

    Man this place was desolate, what the hell kind of place is this village anyways...it gave Kaisto the willies just thinking about it really. Still a job was a job and no matter how much it was weird Bastet and Kaisto were set in thier goal to bring this girl no matter what her age was, to justice and stop her rain of terror for good though he didnt know which would be worse...one of the people he was working with or this little homicidal girl...

    "By the gods...This place is just....i think id rather walk through the underworld before this place after today" Baster said as she looked around on their boat ride, see she was ok on the boat but see Kaisto was over by the edge of the boat, to one keep his nerves calm but two even though he was the sky dragon slayer he needed to make sure his motion sickness immunity was still good at the time, and luckily it was still working. "I know...bit we gotta do this, to make sure this little girl doesnt kill another living soul again like that guild...gods rest their souls" Kaisto shook his head, what the heck...this little girl had turned into.a monster.

    But the boat ride came to an end eventually and the two were soon settlung up on a piece of land there as the two hopped off stretching, man it felt great to get to move after being on a boat for so long, luckily none of their limvs fell asleep as well. As the two stretched a familiar two figures caught the Dragon Slayers attention as he chuckled as he walked over "Well ill be, if it aint Astrid and Lucius, its been quite a while hasnt, hopefully life has been good to you guys" truthfully Kaisto couldnt stand Lucius, like at all but he gritted his teeth and dealt with it like a man just for one person and one person aline and that was Astrid, the one that he considered his little sister and the aunt to his adopted daughter Shizuka.

    (Word count: 352)


    Last edited by KaistoTyreal on 20th February 2017, 7:28 pm; edited 1 time in total


    "A Guild shows that we aren't just friends...We are a family."
    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] CZseiRq
    "Mess with my family...and not even the gods will stop me.

    Posts : 1219
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    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto]

    Post by kittykool75 9th February 2017, 10:23 am

    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] HjYByyj
    Lucius Foss Golden Phoenix B-Rank
    I   c r e a t e d   a   m o n s t e r   a   h e l l   w i t h i n   m y   h e a d

    The dark mage wasn't really in the mood the socialize today, not really even wanting to leave his room. But nope, his sister insisted on taking him on a job, and Lucius had a hard time saying no to his beloved elder sister. So before he knew it, they were on a wagon headed for..... Haunted Village, really? Didn't they just help them? Jeez, deal with your own problems for once. They just had to go in, capture or kill the little girl, knowing his sister they would capture her. And stop her from killing, and unlike the others he seemed baffled at the idea that a six year old would be murdering. The assassin, was not, considering he murdered plenty when he was that age, though I suppose he was born in an assassin family. So killing and torturing at six or seven, wasn't that unbelievable for the eighteen year old, considering he did it himself.
    Though it wasn't until they were already on their way that his sister told him that they were going to be going on the mission with somebody else. And with her reluctance to tell him, he easily discarded it as being Kaya. He had an itching feeling he knew who it was, though Astrid did know a lot of people being an Ace and Rising Star after all. But the wizard could hope she wouldn't bring him along, could he? Yeah, like he had that kind of luck, the young man shook his head, hopping off over the wagon after his sister. He wasn't going to bother having to find the back and climb off nicely, to much of a hassle. He leaned into his cane, listening to the person as they rode off, being thanked by his sister as they did so. The blind man was tempted to keep on walking, even without whoever their 'backup' was. But he guessed he should listen to his sister.
    With some disagreeing groaning, he felt out for where the gates were and he turned around and slid down them. Stopping in a squatting position, placing his walking stick in front of him, keeping both of his hands on the head of the staff. Though only for a moment when he pulled his non-mechanical hand back to rub his head that had a headache coming on. "I shouldn't have left my room" Lucius muttered under his breath, trying to ignore the thousands of voices shouting at the top of their lungs into his brain. This was an absolute pain, why did he have to hang out with people while like this. He'd rather just mope around in his room, or try and get some sleep, maybe get some calming tea.
    As he sat lost in his dangerous thoughts, a new person arrived. Yep, of course it was him. Gritting his teeth he stood to his feet, standing at seven feet tall, he leaned on his cane. "Your fucking kidding me, Astrid why?" he rhetorically asked his sister, he saw this coming, but he didn't like it. Why did he ever hope for anything? It's not like it would ever happen. He shifted his gaze, looking in the direction of the two new arrivals, ignoring what he said he turned around "Let's just get this shit over with so I can go back home" the assassin said, stand beside his sister, trying to ignore the brunet.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    569 4,000


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019


    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto]

    Post by Guest 9th February 2017, 11:24 am

    And while you are sitting indoors
    waiting for the storm to pass
    I will be outside dancing in the rain

    And soon enough, their partner arrived. Or, in this case, partners. Astrid had almost forgotten about the cat goddess that was now Kaisto's companion. She didn't mean anything rude by it, it was just her horrible memory acting up again. She had expected just one other mage. But, she did not mind Bastet coming along. Of course, why would she? It was more help in the long run. However... There was always the possibility that she would take Kaisto's side in any kind of argument he and Lucius got into during the mission seeing how close they were. The ace hoped the cat woman would have enough maturity to not play into their childish games like that.
    Ignoring the groans from her brother behind her the silvernette offered the two Black Rose mages a small smile. "Hey Kai, hey Bastet. All is good, hope the same is for you." Was everything really that good? Well, no not really. She was currently hiding her coming storm brother from the magic council, she was overworked, and had a whole bunch of strange new urges and powers to control. So would you really call that 'good'? No of course not. But Astrid was not one for letting people worry about her, so she had a tendency of hiding darker and more sad emotions away into the depths of her being. So it's not like anyone would truly know she was not okay. As long as she kept that smile upon her lips, you'd never know the amount of stress she was going through right now.

    But, that was all the least of her worries right now. She had to concentrate of getting through this mission in one piece... As well as getting her friends to get along and make sure they wouldn't kill each other.
    Keeping the bright, innocent smile on her face the dragon slayer grabbed a fist full of Lucius' clothes, bringing him down roughly to her smaller height to whisper in his ear.
    "If i catch you being mean to him i wont hesitate to put thumbtacks all over the house for you to accidentally step on. Do i make myself clear?" Though her expression was calm an underlying layer of darkness was laced within those words. Was she serious? Oh, absolutely. She wanted her sibling and the man to get along very badly. But was she serious about the thumbtacks? Well, that was up to Lucius to decide. Either way, if the shadow mage got into a fight on this mission he was going to be punished, may it be thumbtacks or a swift blow to the face when they got home.
    The same went for Kaisto, but Astrid didn't feel like she had to warn him. After all, though he could be slightly annoying, he was never the one to start the fights.
    Though if suddenly he did... Well... the young slayer knew the most vulnerable point a male had thanks to her training with Elyx. It wouldn't be that hard to convince them to stop.
    1,224/4,000 ● @tag ● notes


    Last edited by Astrid Foss on 2nd July 2017, 1:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Caelum Pendragon
    Caelum Pendragon

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    First Skill: First Generation Sky Dragon Slayer Magic
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    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto]

    Post by Caelum Pendragon 17th February 2017, 9:24 pm

    Well thats one hell of a way to start off a job, Kaisto dodnt mind though, yeah him and Lucius bumped heads on more then one occasion like getting bines broke bad, but Kaisto and Bastet watched as Astrid grabbed Lucius and pulled him close to say what they couldnt hear but Kaisto sighed and shook his head "Look Lucius, i know ya hate me but im not wanting any arguments or anything i wanna do this job to stop this...whatever it is from hurting this village more and to get the money for my daughter Shizuka thats it." Kaisto said his intentions for completing this job, Bastet never net Lucius but her neck hair stood on end not really liking him and when a goddess didnt like someone that was bad news.

    Though as the mages talked, the goddess looked up thinking she heard something like...a faint whisper...she was slightly curious as she looked towards the sound and there was nothing but a foggy hillside, she focused her cat like eyes as she watched it closely as she wanted to hear it again, but she actually did as it whispered to her "nothing....think nothing....the little girl...will use it against ya...but beware...beware the bear... Bastet listened but didnt reply, she was perplexed the whisper gave her advice...? But why she would have thought it would have been harmful or at least call her a an ugly name...those she was used to, but think nothing...the little girl would use it against ya, that alone intrigued her but with the sentence about that bear now that made her think a strategy to use against this little mage killer "hmmm now that is interesting...i wonder..." she audibly said to herself as she scratched her chin as her cat ears and tail swished as she thought to herself. Either way Bastet shook her head and turned her attention to her fellow mages and then took a breath "Guys i think we should head in further and investigate and see whats happened to the place where this little girl is at instead of relighting old hatreds, find the girl first then knock heads like deers ok later." the goddess was a bit blunt with her words but they were true and Kaisto and Lucius needed to not act like this at this time...her and Astrid would probably agree on that alone and if they continued maybe Astrid and Bastet could devise some evil funny plan to punish them.

    (Word count: 414)



    "A Guild shows that we aren't just friends...We are a family."
    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] CZseiRq
    "Mess with my family...and not even the gods will stop me.

    Posts : 1219
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
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    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto]

    Post by kittykool75 24th February 2017, 6:01 pm

    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] HjYByyj
    Lucius Foss Golden Phoenix B-Rank
    I   c r e a t e d   a   m o n s t e r   a   h e l l   w i t h i n   m y   h e a d

    Oh great, wasn't this going to be fun, he listened silently to the people talk around him. Trying to not act fazed when is own sister threatened him. Lucius has never really worked well with threats, it always made him want to snap back. But he bit his tongue and straightened himself back up after being forcefully bent in half so his sister could threateningly whisper in his ear. Which made no sense to him, he knew what his sister was like, he know this was just her way of trying to make the two men get along. But one this was not the way to go about it, especially with the current condition the assassin's mental state in. He didn't want to even be here, and guessed he would probably be grinding his teeth and white-knuckling it all through the entirety of this mission that he was forced to be on.
    Depressive and self-deprecating thoughts flooded the eighteen year old's brain, he was just a burden and an annoyance to be around. His usual feelings for any person, but who says people don't feel the same way about him. He definitely doesn't try and make people like him, he doesn't want people to like him, he just wants to be left alone. But he couldn't bare it if his elder sister felt that way. He attempted to swallow away the tightness in his throat. Not now, he would just have to bare through the torture that he was currently enduring from other people and himself. The comments from Kaisto made him want to break more then just his finger. And what right did the cat goddess have to speak that way to him. Everything, even if it was nothing, was just making the boy angrier and more depressed.
    He clutched the handle of his cane very tight, and clenched his other hand the same way, balling it into a fist hidden in his pant's pocket. Doing it so tight it drew blood, not that the little amount of pain he inflicted upon himself by doing that bothered him to much. He endured much worse and was currently. His mental state affecting his physical one, making him feel absolutely sick in many ways. His anger made him want to throw up, he wasn't sure if he could go through this mission without tearing apart at the seams. Or doing so to others. His brain was very conflicted at the moment, making him confused whether he wanted to hurt others or himself. Though all of this conflict going on his brain, not much showed on his face besides his usual angry expression that his face defaulted to. "Let's just go" he grumbled with quite the amount of attitude in his tone.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    1,027 4,000


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019


    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto]

    Post by Guest 26th February 2017, 5:19 pm

    And while you are sitting indoors
    waiting for the storm to pass
    I will be outside dancing in the rain

    Astrid smiled at the cat woman's words. It seems she may not have to worry about Bastet taking Kaisto's side after all. She was more composed and knowledgeable than her companion. As to be expected of a goddess. Hope for this mission to go smoothly was increased drastically just by her willingness to drop the topic.
    She turned her head to her obviously irritated sibling, giving him a small dip of her head in response.
    "Yeah, lets get going. Being in this place again after dark would be the worst." She would like to not be around here in the dark again, not after the werewolves from the last time they were here. The dark would only remind her of the overgrown beasts howling and tearing the village apart. Something she'd rather not remember, or at least constantly have on her mind while they were searching for the little girl.
    Flicking a hand to toss some stay silver locks behind her back the violinist skipped up to the tall, wooden gate laying across the front of the entrance. The air here was still as spooky as ever. Though now, it was a little less scary than the first time she had stood in this spot. Despite feeling a bit eerie this village was actually rather welcoming and kind, bringing a sense of familiarity to the short girl. Maybe Chantée would be here again, it'd be nice to be greeted with a familiar face and charming stutter. She knocked on the gate lightly, causing a deep and solid thumb to vibrate.
    "Helloooo! Chantée? It's Astrid! We're here about another problem?" The silvernette shouted upwards, cupping her hands over her mouth in hopes of reaching the girl by making her voice louder...
    But there was no answer.
    The ace's face scrunched up with confusion, waiting for the dull purple eye to poke out of the hole. But it never did. Huh. Weird. Last time she knocked it did take Chantée a while to answer... But it hadn't been this long.
    "... Hello? Anyone?" she called up once more. But again. Nothing.
    Weird. You'd think if they had a problem here and they got a response from mages they'd be raring to go and get this solved. But there simply was no one here. And with no one to open the gate, there was no way to get in that didn't involve breaking and entering.
    She stared at the door, using a hand to push lightly upon it, as if trying to see if there was anyway she could open this herself. And to her surprise, it did. The large door creaked open, causing Astrid to retract her had and stare. It... Was just open?
    She turned back to stare at Lucius, Kaisto, and Bastet in confusion. They wouldn't just leave their gate open like this. All the villagers were too paranoid about the supernatural.
    Nothing about this felt right.
    "I guess... We just go in?"
    Figuring it was the best way to go the silvernette swallowed the unsure feeling down. Perhaps they had just forgotten to lock it? Or maybe they were expecting them so they just left it open.
    There was only one way to find out. And that was by going to the village.
    She grabbed Lucius' hand and intertwined their fingers together, beginning to help guide him to the village while keeping a slow pace to be sure she would not go too fast for the boy.
    1,803/4,000 ● @tag ● notes


    Caelum Pendragon
    Caelum Pendragon

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon Spirit
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    Experience : 6,706.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: First Generation Sky Dragon Slayer Magic
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    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto]

    Post by Caelum Pendragon 8th March 2017, 2:59 am

    Just go in...? Just like that...? To easy really, the Brunette Dragon Slayer thought to humself, he wanted to prepare himself in case something wasn't right with their current situation becuase really...who leaves a gate to a village just...open with no watch or any type of guard to open or lock the gate?? Drawing his sword slowly, Kaisto nodded to Bastet and walked in behind the siblings, truthfully he didn't understand why Lucius was still upset with him after all this time, sure they bumped heads but its been ages anymore and Kaisto....he was just so tired of it, you could probably thank that to him being a new father, but digressesing back to the situation at hand Kaisto looked around as they entered the town, completely...desolate...as if anyone who was there, just disappeared which...in its own way was very creepy.

    "ok...now this is a bit creepy...if you guys were here before then where are the people that lives ya know...here in the town??" the dragon slayer asked his two fellow mages, truthfully he was right where were they? Did they run when they heard about this little child coming? Or... Was it far worse then he realized. "Ya know...im wondering that too, honestly maybe we ahould check some of the homes or the village square to see if they maybe are just hiding" The young goddesses words seemed to make sense, they needed to check the homes and such, who knows maybe the little girl was in one of them sneaking about and trying to mess with their minds, still the thought of this child being a murderer and being so malicious and careless made the goddesses skin get goosebumps and gave her a xhill...truly if that child was alive...their blood would be colder then the ice from Iceberg and that stuff was the coldest thing Bastet could think of given the present circumstances presented to the group.

    (Word.count: 320)


    "A Guild shows that we aren't just friends...We are a family."
    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] CZseiRq
    "Mess with my family...and not even the gods will stop me.

    Posts : 1219
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
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    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto]

    Post by kittykool75 23rd March 2017, 4:36 pm

    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] HjYByyj
    Lucius Foss Golden Phoenix B-Rank
    I   c r e a t e d   a   m o n s t e r   a   h e l l   w i t h i n   m y   h e a d

    The eighteen year old stayed silent, letting the three continue moving along and continue conversing among themselves. It was soon found out by the group that there was nobody around, he listened as the brown door just creaked open after his sibling touched it. Hard not to listen to the loud slow creaking that it produced. He felt the presences of people around, just not close by, most likely to scared to remove themselves from their safe abodes. He listened to the sky dragon slayer and cat goddess speak. In response he rolled his crimson blind eyes, looking away so nobody would see the annoyance on his expression. "Let's not, we have much better things to do then that" he said, replying to what Bast suggested, not doing to well to hide that irritation in his voice. He was usually really good at hiding emotion, but not to much lately, things have been weird and rather unstable for the boy. Yeah, I guess he was just trying to move things along, you know why he isn't to enthusiastic to be there. So personally, I don't blame him to much. He can't help that he is depressed and just naturally antisocial.
    Soon the four made their way into the town that seemed rather abandoned, and it was eerily quiet, guess not to different since the last time they've been there. A small hand, naturally and especially compared to his own, intertwined it's fingers with his own and his sibling lead him along. I guess she didn't think to much into her own threat, that it might or might not bother her younger brother. Which, in a way, it did, but I already talked about that. Though he was rather upset, trying as he was to not show it to much on his person, and keeping it bottled up as always. He wasn't bothered by the fact that his sister was holding his hand, helping him out, leading him to wherever the group needed to go. He still used his cane, of course, to make sure he didn't trip or run into anything.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    1,378 4,000


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019


    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto]

    Post by Guest 23rd March 2017, 9:25 pm

    And while you are sitting indoors
    waiting for the storm to pass
    I will be outside dancing in the rain

    The village truly lived up to its name on this dreary afternoon. It was like a ghost town. Not a soul in sight to be seen or heard. Well, this was the second time it had been like this. It was also this empty back when they fought the werewolves. But at least back then they also had Chantée to keep them company as well as knowning the werewolves they were fighting were some of the villagers, people who were all familiar with the village. But now they were just three outsiders. It felt like they were... Alone... And unwelcomed. Even when the ace tried to stretch out every one of her special senses she still couldn't sense anyone or anything. Not their magic power, not their life energy, not their souls. Even the livestock they usually had around the two were gone. It was like the whole entire village was spirited away.
    Red orbs shimmered, looking out into the abandoned village worryingly. "Something's defiantly not right... There's no one here. I can't sense anyone."
    Releasing Lucius' hand she would hop over to one of the nearby houses, standing at the door about ready to knock when she realized nobody would answer anyway, so it would be fruitless to do so. Knowing her next option she scooted to the window just across from it, pressing her nose against the glass to peer inside. Hot food, still visibly steaming even sat upon a table, a feast ready for a king. But there was no king. There was no people watering at the mouth, ready to dig in. Instead, it just sat on the table, plates, silverware, and glasses all positioned and ready to use. But were not. "There's still food on the tables and everything... But everyone is just... Gone."
    Nothing was out of place, like everyone had just been living here recently. There was no sign of struggle, noting was broken or torn anywhere. It's just like they had all... Left... But if they had just left then they wouldn't make a dinner only to not eat it. It made no sense.
    Astrid turned back slowly to Kaisto, Bastet, and Lucius, worry plastering over her expression, like a sad puppy wondering where it's owner had run off to.
    "Where could they be?"
    More whispering noises flowed into the groups ears as the wind around the area picked up suddenly. Astrid, however, would go unaffected by this, seeing as how with her hearing problems speaking at such low volumes did not allow for her to hear them.
    2,229/4,000 ● @tag ● notes


    Caelum Pendragon
    Caelum Pendragon

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto]

    Post by Caelum Pendragon 31st March 2017, 3:37 am

    Kaisto crosses his arms and thought on the matter, where could they have gone to really, sure if one or two people vanished it would worrysome.....but a whole town??? No something powerful must be at work here, could it be Lilith? Kaisto shook his head and sighed this wasn't just the average run of the mill things, This was becoming a bigger issue and it would be needed to solved.

    Kaisto soon made his way to the door that Astrid was at first going into as he looked to them and said "well...if we are going to look for Lilith then we might as well search the houses and see if she is hiding there amongst them" he then casually pushed the unlocked door open and what sight befell him was certainly...strange, there in the middle of the room was a sword...just floating there, no weilder nothing just it. He blinked as it came closer amd then it rushed as he yiped and jumped out the way tackling Astrid out the way of the sword "WHOA-HOLY SHIT!!" he exclaimed as the sword whizzed right by them and out into the open for all to see, whats going on now, Kaosto and now Bastet looked at the sword as it loomed there, could it be ghosts...?? No..
    Nobodies dies here, then whats controlling this thing in front of them.

    Kaisto stood as he helped Astrid up quickly but the sword had other plans as it rushed for Kaisto again making the young Dragon Slayer scramble as he pulled out his own sword, well En garde as the sau, he took a few swings at the sword but it just easily out maneuvered from his reach, well i mean that would be easy of you were just oh i dont know FLOATING.

    Kaisto soon found himself on the retreat well it was more like running from the floating sword as it kept swiping and swiping at him "What the hell is this things problem?!" he exclaimed jumping over some barrels in the way of his path away from the others due to this...whatever it was.

    Word count: 353)
    Full word count: 1433 words)


    "A Guild shows that we aren't just friends...We are a family."
    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] CZseiRq
    "Mess with my family...and not even the gods will stop me.

    Posts : 1219
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    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto]

    Post by kittykool75 6th April 2017, 10:45 am

    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] HjYByyj
    Lucius Foss Golden Phoenix B-Rank
    I   c r e a t e d   a   m o n s t e r   a   h e l l   w i t h i n   m y   h e a d

    Well at least he thought he sensed people's presence, but once he was forced against his will to enter a house and look around, he was proven wrong. Weird, maybe the voices within his head decided to try and trick him into thinking such, probably the case. Nothing was really helping him properly work, everything in his head was just telling him to go back home and not deal with all this crap. He was tricked by his own sister into working a job with another person, and the naive and annoying Kaisto no less. Which he was still annoyed by, but due to her threat he decided to stay silent by such matters. Well vocally at least, his attitude towards the sky dragon slayer and how he treated him would probably show his displeasure with working with him. Even though that was already shown in previous jobs done with the brunet, though this is the first time with his companion. His opinion on her is neutral, he immediately dislikes her due to her being Tyreal's little pet and the fact that she is a cat and a goddess. Not having favored emotions towards animals or deities, but her personality does not seem as bothersome as her owner. But I suppose he would just have to find out, to see if everything she is, would be just as negative for the assassin as her annoying companion.
    As his sister spoke she released him from her tight clutches, he proceeded to place his hand on the other, both resting on his walking stick. While the three conversed and spoke with surprised, Lucius stayed silent and unbothered. He just wanted to go home, or kill himself, either was good then being here where he felt unwanted and unneeded. He listened to them speak, but didn't really care for what they were saying. Nobody was here, everybody suddenly vanished, oh no, we get the point stop dragging it on. Is how the eighteen year old felt. Then he felt chills, not a good sign, and he then heard unintelligible whispers. Delightful, maybe he should've warned them, but really, he didn't give a dam. Astrid could protect herself from almost anything, Lucius has learned, and if Kaisto and Bastet were killed or damaged in some way, well he was all for that. The brunet then screamed in surprise when he was attacked by something, he was quite unaware what it was. The dark mage rubbed his ears with a slight grunt, he didn't really approve of the sudden and as he thought, unnecessary loudness, from the young man. He then heard whistling and swishing, the sound of something flying through the air, and he guessed it was some sort of weapon. And by the lack of sound from a person, he guessed it was wielding itself. As he heard it approach him he swiftly drew his sword, blocking it. And unlike Kaisto, he wasn't fazed in the slightest, actually just even more annoyed.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    1,877 4,000


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019


    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto]

    Post by Guest 9th April 2017, 9:32 pm

    And while you are sitting indoors
    waiting for the storm to pass
    I will be outside dancing in the rain

    He was right. If they were going to stop this child they needed to search everywhere and anywhere they could. The council said she had entered this village and not left, meaning she was probably still here somewhere. And maybe if they did they could find someone, anyone. Or even find a clue as to where everyone went. There was no point in not checking all the houses.

    "Que?" Turning her head towards Kaisto's shout it was the only word to leave the ace's lips before she was tackled to the ground by her fellow dragon slayer. Unprepared and surprised Astrid let out a yip as she was pushed over, landing upon the floor with the added force of Kaisto on top of her, causing pain to rush through her body. She let out a groan of discomfort, mumbling French hisses of pain, clutching her head in her hands while she tried to sit up straight. "W-What's the big deal, Kai?" she asked with watering eyes, rubbing a hand upon the back of her head, trying to sooth the pain of hitting her entire body against the ground. Taking his hand she lifted herself up, but not before she was met with another strange action. This time not just from Kaisto, but from Lucius too. The two randomly drew their swords almost at the same exact time, causing confusion to strike in the silvernette. What were they doing? There was nothing around here to cause a threat, at least nothing she could see. No matter where she turned her gaze to look it was just the same quiet town they had entered into.
    Out of nowhere Kaisto began to yell and shout, running away from what seemed to the slayer as complete nothingness, empty air, like a complete and utter buffoon. Unable to understand what was going on she rose an eyebrow.
    "What's happening? What are you two so afraid of? There's nothing here." The stated, genuinely unable to see or sense the blades the two others apparently saw.
    2,568/4,000 ● @tag ● notes


    Caelum Pendragon
    Caelum Pendragon

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto]

    Post by Caelum Pendragon 22nd April 2017, 12:35 am

    The sword apparently was invisable to Astrid, he was a bit confused why she couldn't see it or even sense it. Kaisto watched as the sword swung at him as he did his best to dodge the swings as he rolled a few times on the ground as he swung his sword back at the sword that was floating mid air trying to slice him up like a piece of cake. That was when he heard Astrid said "W-What do you mean that you see nothing?! Theres a sword chasing my Dragon Slayer behind! Kaisto exclaimed a bit dumbfounded as he did his dances with the ghost blades.

    Kaisto was busy with the sword but Bastet was standing by Astrid with a blank expression on her face she was completely confused, she herself being a goddess actually couldn'tsee the sword nor hear the swish of this apparent sword he was dealong with...and now Lucius had drawn his sword too and that made her more confused as she looked at Astrid in a joking manner "Heh i think those two might have lost it" still sge couldn't help but fee a shiver down her spine as she crossed her arms rubbing them "Still...me and Astrid can't SEE this sword you are speaking of Kaisto, it looks like you're fighting air and nothingness. The goddess was way confused, it was like five little question marks appeared above her head as she sweatdropped.

    Though at that point Bastet heard more whispers in her ear though they werent as clear as the first one she heard before they got to town, these seemed like a combination of multiple ones but she turned to look into the house that Kaisto opened and something just drew to her, she tilted her head and slowly made her way in standing in the center of the room she felt something...but what was it? she took a few steps looking at the still warm food examining the room until the sound of quick running from the floor above her caught her attention "Hey Astrid get in here! I think somethings upstairs." she called out the other female of the group.

    (Word Count: 362 // Total Word Count: 1795)


    "A Guild shows that we aren't just friends...We are a family."
    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] CZseiRq
    "Mess with my family...and not even the gods will stop me.

    Posts : 1219
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    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
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    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto]

    Post by kittykool75 9th May 2017, 1:30 pm

    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] HjYByyj
    Lucius Foss Golden Phoenix B-Rank
    I   c r e a t e d   a   m o n s t e r   a   h e l l   w i t h i n   m y   h e a d

    Lucius hearing that the sword was no longer bothering him, but the sky dragon slayer, he sheathed his sword back into the rest of the cane. Once hearing the satisfying click of it properly closing, the shadow mage placed the butt of it back upon the floor where he resumed to leaning on it. "I guess the blade favors some people, have fun there Kaisto" the assassin said with a chuckle, amused that the man was making himself look like an idiot. Well not that he could see, but the freaking out and the sounds of him running around was enough to amuse him. Listening to the cat goddess, the slight smile on his pale expression faded away, back to irritation I suppose. Her joking about saying they've 'lost it', was an inexplainable annoyance for the young man. He's already lost it thank you very much. Clutching the black walking stick he walked closer to that of his elder sibling, feeling more comfortable around her despite her earlier threat to cause him pain if he didn't cooperate. Which he was sort of doing, more like begrudgingly following them around with some annoyed or snarky remarks. Which was common behavior for the boy to be honest.
    Upon hearing Bastet go up to the second floor of the decently sized abode, and hearing her shout to his sister, he would follow after his sibling. Leaving the poor brunet to deal with the sword by himself, due to the two ladies not being able to see or hear it, and Lucius not giving to pieces of crap about him. So he wouldn't help in dealing with the dragon slayer's pesky situation unless forced to by the only person he ever listened to. Which was of course Astrid. That threat wasn't empty, and he knew that, so of course he would. Plus she is the only person he likes. He continued to stay silent, thinking hopeful thoughts of that maybe the man would be killed or severely injured whilst trying to deal with the floating and unwieldy weapon that took much interest in the young man. Only every trying to attack himself once before continuing after the brunet. Maybe because he was being so loud and freaking out for stupid reasons. I mean they live in a freaking world of magic, the supernatural and high technology, why the heck is he surprised about a little thing about a sword that fights by itself? Lucius had no clue, just more ways to prove his stupidity. Not that the young man is stupid, it's just how the assassin sees him, and most people.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    2,314 4,000


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019


    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto]

    Post by Guest 14th May 2017, 7:31 pm

    And while you are sitting indoors
    waiting for the storm to pass
    I will be outside dancing in the rain

    Astrid continued to watch the slayer run from this imaginary attacker, a hand placed firmly on her hip, silver eyebrows furrowed in question. It was true, the boy had finally lost it. He insisted there was something there when there really wasn't. Maybe all that babbling blew a vessel in his brain, but at the same time, Astrid could not help but feel like he was just messing with them. The silvernette grew more irritated the longer she watched now that she thought this, crimson eyes narrowing. Why was he making a serious matter like this into some kind of joke? She puffed her cheeks out in irritation, crossing her arms over her chest. "Come on, Kai. Quit messing around, it's not funny. There are people in serious danger right now and you look like an imbecile" she scolded the boy, hoping that was all it would take for him to start to get serious. She glanced back to Lucius, seeing him place his sword back into his cane. It was either a nice save from her wrath or he really couldn't see it either... Oh, wait, he wouldn't be able too... She forgot... Well then he was off the hook from a scolding too either way.
    The ace looked back to Bastet, who apparently did not see this imaginary sword either. Thank goodness, Astrid knew she could trust her to be a voice of reason. She called to the girl from inside the house, saying there was something upstairs. Ah, maybe the family? That would make sense for the whole dinner situation. Knowing this would be better to check out than to watch the slayer run about like a chicken with its head cut off the girl made her way inside, slowing down once in as she felt a weird change in temperature. Compared to outside the room had an icy chill to it, like someone left all the windows open in the middle of winter. But it wasn't winter, it was currently spring, and a rather warm day at that. The silvernette hunched over and grasped at her shoulders, feeling her skin begin to grow goosebumps.
    "Forget about upstairs... It feels like something's in this room..." Red optics swept around the room, scanning every little thing she could to pinpoint why she was feeling this way. Something was weighing down heavy on her chest, like a big glob of liquid was surrounding her lungs.
    There was something... Or someone here. And their aura was not one of good intent.
    2,989/4,000 ● @tag ● notes


    Caelum Pendragon
    Caelum Pendragon

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    First Skill: First Generation Sky Dragon Slayer Magic
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    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto]

    Post by Caelum Pendragon 21st June 2017, 8:26 pm

    Kaisto was to busy running for his life from the corporeal blade swinging at him as he did so. Yes was during the time that Astrid, Lucius and Bastet, we're going through the empty house after bastet had felt a presence there. Back to the trio in the house Bastet was feeling like Astrid was...there was something there in that room with them but where was the question. That was until bastet heard what could only be described as a faint sobbing coming from a nearby closet. This got her attention as she slowly made her way to the closet each step felt like an eternity to her even for a goddess, she could feel an unnatural chill in the air even as she finally got to the closet door handle and she turned it opening the door slowly to seer what was there...

    Back outside Kaisto, was still dealing with the sword that was until he finally hit a dead end. He did not notice that he had ran down a dead end Street in the abandoned town he finally turned around only to see the blade charging at him full speed thinking he would be skewered he braced for the impact only to feel nothing he opened his eyes and blinked.... the blade stopped inches from him it's soon pulled away slowly he couldn't believe his eyes it had him right where it wanted so why did it stop? The sword quickly evaporated into the air leaving not a trace of its evidence of existence that was when Kaisto heard Whispers around him "She's here...." "She's here! "Evil! Evil!!" "Death! Despair! Kill the bear!" more kept chiming in repeatedly whispering the word "RUN!" this caused Kaisto to run out of the street and back towards the house where the other three were.

    By the time he had reached there bastet had already opened the door it was a bad mistake for what she saw was a little girl... who was curled up in the corner crying she thought instantly that it was a survivor that was until she placed a hand on the girl's shoulder and felt a cold blast chill her to the spine, and slowly something crawled onto the back of the girl's head who assumed looking at them. It's claws or mangled and bloodied and serated, its head revealed itself to be a teddy bear but a twisted and messed up version due to the magic that Lilith contained she used it as sort of like a booster to enhance her magic. That's what happened to most of the villagers here Lilith killed them with her magic slaughtering them mercilessly yes a lot dick it away and were in Refuge including Astrids friend, but right now might be an important moment for them to fight for their lives. For as the bear revealed itself it too revealed she was the little girl crying and sobbing for it was not sorrow and remorse well maybe a little but it was mainly because she was madder than a Hatter and a March Hare indoor Mouse being late for tea, more matter then I bloody red queen condemning her subjects to death, she was absolutely bonkers. Kaisto watched from outside the door as his eyes widened seeing her, such an evil presence flowed off her effortlessly. What was this girl, why let herself become so corrupt?? Of course that was before a whisper came to Kaisto as it said "Watch out!" that was when an wave of dark magical energy burst forth in a blast that was so powerful it sent all of them flying out of the house into the street kaisto had hit a couple of barrels while Bastet was knocked into the adjacent houses wall, the blast was so powerful that it also shattered all the windows of the house and the three adjacent to it, that was when Lilith herself carrying the teddy bear who are both covered in blood walked out of the house not caring about the broken shards of glass on the street and she finally came to a halt all she had on her face was a creepy smile as she finally said a few words "Teddy says you have to die now...hehe you dont wanna make teddy angry...sorry but its time to die like allllllll the rest...." she giged almost playfully as the teddy bear let out a sorta higher pitch laughter, almost enjoying how they have became...these two were pure evil.

    (Word count: 775 // Total Word Count: 2570))


    "A Guild shows that we aren't just friends...We are a family."
    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] CZseiRq
    "Mess with my family...and not even the gods will stop me.

    Posts : 1219
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    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
    Third Skill:

    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto]

    Post by kittykool75 29th June 2017, 3:26 pm

    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] HjYByyj
    Lucius Foss Golden Phoenix B-Rank
    I   c r e a t e d   a   m o n s t e r   a   h e l l   w i t h i n   m y   h e a d

    Hearing his sister decline going upstairs and speak about feeling some sort of presence maybe in this room, the blind boy stood silently and felt for something. And he did, something rather sinister and grim, hard to sense but close by. It was unsettling in a sense, but no more then the rest of the haunted village, so it really didn't bother the young man to much. Being sort of like himself in the intimidatingly creepy way. But he decided to remain cautious as to not get hurt by whatever may be hiding in their midst. He leaned heavily into his cane, rather apathetic and bored with his current situation of having to be on this job and around people he considered idiots. He couldn't even get in an argument with the most bothersome one (Kaisto of course), because of previously mentioned threat. At this point he didn't even want to speak up in a snarky remark in slight fear of his elder sister. Not a very good way to make them get along, but what did he know? He didn't get along with anybody, and to be honest, hasn't ever tried. Well not lately anyways, he did when he acted like a non-psychopath, all charming and such. But lately he doesn't see it as worth it, to tiring to try and act like a normal person, not to mention not fun at all.
    The dark mage stood by a window with it's curtains drawn open as if attempting to bring in some of the nighttime light that was barely there. The little bit of light that shined through the window made Lucius cast quite a large shadow that reached the other side of the room. He heard the elder brunet run around like a screaming idiot outside, it almost made him laugh again, but he didn't, feeling the immense amount of tension in the room. Everybody besides himself being rather unsettled, though if he was being honest he was slightly bothered himself. Whatever this was may be worse then himself, maybe. He started to hear sobbing coming from the opposite side of the room, and appeared to not be the only one when he heard the cat goddess approach that area. She'd opened up a closet to see a small child, this of which the young man couldn't see being blind, but he could assume from what he heard. That being the crying sounded like a child. Which was never a good thing, a small child crying all alone in an empty house? Yeah, never a good thing. Especially since they were looking for a young girl, weren't they? Or was he just remembering things that didn't happen, he wasn't quite sure. Though I guess Bastet didn't think that when she attempted to comfort the child. And as she did, the dragon slayer burst back in through the entrance, that's when things went down.

    The burst of extreme energy caught the assassin off guard, sending him through the window and onto the street, thus shattering the (already going to break because of Lilith's powers) window. From getting sent through the window he was obviously in some major pain. Considering the fact that he was just thrown how many feet, through glass and an opening that would be rather awkward for the tall young man to fit through. His black colored clothes were now seriously ripped up, his long legs were covered all along the back of them in splinters. His arms and back had some also, but mostly just shards of glass. He got a nice head wound that made him slightly woozy when he tried to sit up, which he managed to do after some painful grunting. After swearing a lot he stood to his feet, pulling out some bits of wood and glass as he did so.
    About to call out his sister's name he was interrupted. He did vaguely hear the creepy child speak in her creepy child voice, but what stopped him was whispers and giggling. Which was actually quite normal for the shadow mage, but these weren't his voices, he held his head in his hands. His long hair draped down in all of it's messy glory, Lucius muttered to himself, trying to stop the voices that wouldn't listen to his silent pleas. He heard a louder voice and looked up, he saw some blurry figure. Like actually saw it, amidst all the blackness that the blind assassin could see he saw something. This freaked the young man out, not being able to retain his usual cool and aloof attitude. His face showed fear and shock as he stumbled backwards, tripping over his own walking stick that had been thrown out of the house with him and falling to his rear. He gripped the dirt of the ground he painfully landed upon and looked up at the small smudged figure that was slowly clearing up into his view. Totally obvious to anything around himself.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    3,145 4,000


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019


    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto]

    Post by Guest 29th June 2017, 6:57 pm

    And while you are sitting indoors
    waiting for the storm to pass
    I will be outside dancing in the rain

    As soon as the silvernette spoke up about her weird senses a weak sobbing sounded up from the closet on the other side of the room, slightly muffled through the closed doors. The slayer flinched, not expecting her senses to be correct and backed up so quickly. Her crimson gaze snapped to the wooden wardrobe, a dreadful silence washing over the group. She glanced over towards Lucius, and then Bastet, making sure they were hearing the same noise she did. And by their reactions, she guessed she wasn't the only one. At least she wasn't turning crazy like Kaisto.
    What were they to do? A child was crying, but they had no way of telling what was and wasn't real in this town. As far as they knew the child had seemingly spirited away all the other residents, so why was there only this child left? Not to mention they were looking for, you know, a child. Like this very one. It was a bit suspicious to her... But apparently not to the cat goddess, as without a second thought she walked up and opened the closet.
    It was a wonder none of them had died on any past missions yet...
    As soon as the doors opened it revealed the source of the sobbing. A crying child, curled up in the corner. A wave of unease washed over the french woman, even more powerful than before. Chilling, biting furiously at her skin. She shook, her hands clasping over her arms and rubbing them as a desperate attempt at keeping herself warm. The aura was so sickly, so suffocating. It felt as though something had crawled inside her throat and was trying to strangle her from within. Nothing about this situation boded well. But still Bastet went on, attempting to place her hand on the child's shoulder as a sign of comfort. Could they not feel this? Maybe not, as the two of them where probably not as sensitive to energies, souls, and auras as much as Astrid was. But still, with this amount of malice surrounding them she thought they would be able to feel something. Anything.
    Seeing the cat about to make contact the ace knew she had to do something. If she touched that child, who knew what could happen. "Stop, don't touch her!" she warned the feline in a sudden shout.
    But it was too late. As soon as she was able to push the words out a ghostly energy wave exploded through the house, shattering the windows and throwing them all out into the street. Being just a little away from her sibling she was also launched out through the window, landing painfully upon the solid street of broken glass. She let out pained chokes and small gasps, having her breathing begin to spaz out due to landing on her chest. Instantly the few cuts she gained in various parts of her body from the broken shards of glass began to sting her skin, making her shift into the fetal position to try and make it stop. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth in an attempt to regain both her normal breathing and state of mind in order to react. After a moment the girl reopened her eyes, only to notice she was not in the village, but rather in pitch blackness.
    She looked around, but there was nothing to look at. The black followed her, no matter which way she looked. The girl scrambled to her feet, as fast she she could when still feeling a bit pained and unstable. Silver eyebrows furrowed, scratching the back of her head nervously, her red eyes still scanning over the area. What was this place? Where were Lucius and Kai? Where was she?
    Turning in place it was only then that she saw the one only other person here besides her. Strangely enough, it was her own mother. Violet Foss. The blonde knight herself. She came nose to nose with the Rune Knight, in which she stepped back once due to the surprise. It took her a moment to process who this was. But that was all she needed. A moment. After all who could forget their mother? Her thin locks tied into a french bun, dressed in the same protective armor as always. Hard green eyes. It was her.
    Astrid paused, staring wide at the woman. Violet stared back with that same fiery gaze as always, just like she remembered from her childhood. A face of anger.
    "M-Mère?" Astrid stuttered, almost unable to get her words out. What was she doing here? She should either be back in Mountain Village or with the Rune Knights. What was she doing here in pitch blackness with her? Inching forward more the slayer's lips grew into a small smile, happy to see a familiar face in this strange place. "What are you doing here? Where are we-" before she could finish, a harsh pain consumed the ace's stomach. Keeping her happy smile only her eyes turned with slight confusion, unsure of why she was feeling something wrong going on inside of her body. Red orbs stared at the cold woman a moment longer before they traveled down to the source of the pain, shaking. It was then that she saw it, and it all made sense. A sword was currently stabbed into her stomach, ruby blood dripping down the blade and pooling around the entrance point. She followed the sword, only then realizing who was holding it. Her mother. Her mother had stabbed her, and she was currently bleeding. As if her body hadn't known this either up until now a few streams of blood traveled up the slayer's throat and dripped out from her lips. A surge of weakness consumed her. What was this? Why did her mother... Stab her? She looked back up to her mother's face, but it was stilling unmoving. Cold. Stern.
    Violet removed the sword towards herself, causing the pain to once more shoot through Astrid body. Too weak from blood loss to keep standing she fell over onto her side, continuing to stare up at the mother who had just impaled her. She wanted to speak, but could not find the energy or voice to do so. All she could do was stare, into what might as well be hell itself. She had not felt this pain in years... But this pain was not unfamiliar to the ace. No. In fact it was all too familiar. The want to cry, the sharp pain in her body, the shallow breaths. This was the pain of being betrayed by the one person she loved most.

    However, this was not actually her real body. In fact, this was all inside her mind thanks to Lilith.
    In reality, the slayer was still curled up in the middle of the street where she had landed, shaking and sobbing to herself quietly, unaware that the things she were seeing right now were not true. Tears leaked from her eyes, and her lips quivered with every word mumbled out from them.
    "Mère... M-Mère... Why..."
    4,175/4,000 ● @tag ● notes


    Caelum Pendragon
    Caelum Pendragon

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto]

    Post by Caelum Pendragon 16th July 2017, 9:06 am

    Kaisto and Bastet were still on the ground a bit dazed from the explosion that had knocked all the others back onto the street in front of where Lilith and her teddy bear walked from. The first one to get to her hands and knees was Bastet who shook her head a couple of times to clear the cobwebs that was feeling her brain. Kaisto still seemed to be down on the ground she didn't know if he was out cold from the blast or not but in actuality he was suffering from a crazy ass delusion just like Astrid was.

    In Kaistos mind he was floating but soon it flashed to his old village as it still was, desolate, burnt and charred, ash was thick there and being a dragon slayer of the sky, he could feel a sense of dread yet confusion but as he walked through it he could see shapes and images forum burnt buildings soon became recognizable as well as he saw them reforming back what was going on there is no way that the town was restored was it? His mind raced as he saw the town reform bassoon was carted away into a new vision one that seemed more real than the last he was soon standing over a body... But not just anybody it was the body of a dragon was a bit strange since Kai had never met one...had he? But soon it became apparent of what was going on the dragons breathing was labored is it panted, blood drizzled from its open Mall as well as a gaping hole in its side as well from the many cuts it had received he wondered what had caused this but looked at his hands and saw blood on them the dragon's blood he soon became wide-eyed soon the realization hit him that he had hurt this dragon but what came next would send chills down his spine and make his heart skip a beat.

    The dragon began to speak in small words, "Heh...i...taught you...well...son.." when he heard this it felt like all time had stopped She called him... her son... But wait how? His family was from the village that was destroyed... No... It couldn't be... His mind was flooding with thoughts now doubt anger confusion all different types of emotions just pouring in but one thing was clear this dragon he had seen before in his dreams this dragons name was Skyris, she had been talking to him over the months he had joined the black rose she told him many different Clues and how to find her since she could not outright tell him where due to a code and pact she made if what she's saying is true then... She was his mother... And from the way it looked he had just murdered her with his own two hands he felt like he was going insane as he dropped to his knees clutching his head and shaking worse than a leaf and a fall Breeze. This though was Liliths plan to send him Astrid and Lucius in two points of the spare and anguish.

    Bastet was seeing Kaisto wrighle and shake in terror, this was not good, she had to do something and she had to do it fast or all of them could die to this little girl in this demonic teddy bear of hers! As she sat on her knees thinking of a plan she saw a glimmer of light as she peered up to the clouds to see that the time of day was actually night time and the glimmer she saw was that of the Moon itself and then she knew she had an idea, even though she was a companion to the Sky Dragon Slayer she was still a goddess and she specialized in mainly Moon and stars. Summoning the bit of energy she had as Lilith approached the group with a Sinister grin carrying her teddy bear and it's Jagged blood-soaked Claws and mangled fur, Bastet slowly set up as the moon enhanced her magical powers making her eyes Frost over in pure white as she held out her hands and the moon's rays beamed down on to her and around the group of the four Mages as a Lilith backed up hissing at it, the moonlights aura was pure and godly, exact opposite of Lilth and even the bear "What the hell is ....that atrocity!?" this made Bastet only smile her cat like grin before she said "Hmph...your tricks wont work...Moonlights wall" soon the moons beams formed a wall of pure moonlight magical energy that Kai and Astrod would know when they battled that lion. But that one was for protection only the secret behind that spell was that in not only protected but it also cleanse the body of any ailments including Lillie little mind games and as she concentrated her energy into that it could be seen from Astrid Lucius and Kaisto was like black smoke being dissipated from their bodies cleansing them of this accursed magic. With Laisto his nightmare was slowly fading away and the sense of peace was helping him ease from the grasp as he slowly fluttered his eyes open as he groaned getting to his knees and seeing that Bastet was helping them in fact maybe even saving them too!

    Kaisto felt like all energy was drained but now was slowly returning to the dragon slayer as he reached to his side and clutched the handle of the Red Queen to be able to help him stand in the dirt road that they had landed in previously from the explosion in the house. He looked around to see, he cannot believe she managed to pull off this much power he looked up to the sky to literally see it had parted the clouds to allow stars and the moon do bean brightleaf down on the floor Wizards sort of a funny concept if you think about it light vs. Darkness Battle of good versus evil you know the whole thing. He couldn't help but chuckle but as he felt his strength returned to him he's finally was able to get a good grasp of his bearings and what he needed to do as he pulled up his sword and ready did as he awaited his two other comrades to join him and her in arms.

    Word Count: 1075 // Total Word Count: 3645 of 4000)


    "A Guild shows that we aren't just friends...We are a family."
    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] CZseiRq
    "Mess with my family...and not even the gods will stop me.

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    Character Sheet
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    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto]

    Post by kittykool75 24th August 2017, 4:59 pm

    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] HjYByyj
    Lucius Foss Golden Phoenix B-Rank
    I   c r e a t e d   a   m o n s t e r   a   h e l l   w i t h i n   m y   h e a d

    His bright red eyes were wide with shock, how could he possibly see something, he was blind and has been for months now. And even if his eyesight was suddenly healed, he should be able to see more then a blurry figure standing in nothing. His usual logical and rational thinking brain was in complete chaos, he was in pain and he was confused, he didn't know what was happening and his brain wouldn't let him figure it out. He was frozen in was you might consider fear, something not common for the assassin, and something he would never admit to having due to false pride. All this nonsense was, of course, being caused by that of which they came to dispose of. A little girl by the name of Lilith, with her rather terrifyingly creepy teddy bear, though she wasn't shorting out on any of that creepiness either. She was plenty scary, as much so as she was powerful. With her strong blasts of dark energy and illusions that were nigh impossible to see through, especially if you don't know it's an illusion. Though I guess that's the point of them, not really as effective if the victims know it's an illusion.
    Back to what the dark mage was seeing, which he wasn't actually seeing considering it was all in his head and the fact that he was blind and could only see void nothingness. But let's stop being so technical here. Among the nothingness that he was seeing, stood a no longer blurry figure. It was his elder sister, her long silver hair draped over her shoulders and rested across her chest. Her petite figure stood barely over five feet, delicate hands laced their fingers, a light blue Golden Phoenix tattoo could be seen on the back of one of her hands. The dragon slayer's soft purple gaze rested on him, she was just how he last remembered her looking like, with only some slight differences the boy didn't bother pointing out to himself. She spoke again, her voice clear this time "Lulu!" she called out to him, using her nickname for him as she often did. She was only person Lucius allowed to call him that, and he didn't even get mildly irritated or furiously angry at when she did so. She's been calling him that ever since he was adopted, being a lot easier to say then his actual name. At the time he hated it, but now it's been too long for him to even give a crap about it.
    "A-astrid?" he managed, he started to stumble out other words but they didn't end up forming and kind of sentence. He got up from his sitting spot, as he did so he grabbed his walking stick that sat beside him. Seeing it out of the corner of his eye, which was extremely weird for him, not being to be able to see anything normally and considering that the only things he could see in this terrain was himself, what he held, and his beloved sister. Whom he walked towards after fully standing to his feet, he quickly regained his balance and walked towards her. Stopping in his tracks as he started to collect his thoughts, this made no sense, what were they just doing? He tightly gripped his cane "Astrid, what's going on?" something he didn't often ask his sister, usually it was the other way around due to her often dozing off into her usual daydreams. The young guildmaster opened her mouth as if to answer, but was interrupted by a noise.
    It echoed, the sound wasn't clear, but it was loud and all around them. The assassin stood protectively in front of his sister, unsheathing his sword his gripped it tightly. His now useful eyes darting about, looking for some kind of movement. Which he found, a white formless cloud just out of sight. It appeared to be circling them, which the dark mage quickly caught on to. Timing his attack slashed his blade across the cloud like figure. It dissipated, but quickly solidified, when it fully took shape the boy was shocked. Now standing before him was his elder sister, looking up at him with a gaze filled with confusion, horror and betrayal. Crimson fluids poured from her throat, she tried to breathe but failed. Reaching her small hands up she tried to stop the blood from gushing out. But it just streamed through her fingers. It quick glance behind him for him to realized Astrid was not behind him where he thought she was.
    He whipped his head back around at the sound of his sibling falling. Dropping his weapon he fell to his knees and grabbed his sister and effortlessly pulled her onto his lap. She felt impossibly cold, her held her, barely being able to see her through his clouded eyes. He rapidly shook his head and muttered 'no' so much the repeated word merged with the previous said same word and ended up not even sounding like he was saying anything intelligible. She choked trying to say a word Lucius got from just the movement of her lips, 'why'. Before her head lolled back and her limbs went limp. He held her closer to himself and bent over her, sobbing. He asked himself the same thing she asked him.
    Though actually, none of this even happened, it was all in his head. He was actually on his knees, his face in his hands as his forehead pressed against the dirt flooring of the outside. Tears pouring from his actual eyes and into his large hands, streaming through his fingers like Astrid's blood did in his personal illusion. In his head he was still holding her, sobbing into her stomach, but then she just vanished from his grasp. He gasped and his eyes shot open, a cold air left his mouth and dissipated around him. No longer in his illusion he felt his immense pain from getting forcibly bent in half as he was pushed out from a window. He felt the chilling wind dance through his clothes, despite the thick layers he wore. He felt his cold tears flood in and through his hands. He felt his knuckles and forehead pressed up against the filthy ground beneath him.
    Most important he felt the living presence of his sister, it became clear to him that she was alive and that was somehow not real. Despite now knowing this he still forced himself up, stumbling he tripped over to where he heard his sister silently weeping. Falling to his knees beside her, reaching out his bloody arms he gently grabbed her curled figure and hugged her protectively. Still sobbing from his false nightmare forced upon him by the devil of a girl. He involuntarily muttered "You're okay" repeating it to his sister, though it was hard to tell if he was doing it to reassure her or to prove to himself that she was okay, or both.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    4,312 4,000


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019


    Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto] Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith • Private, Job [Lucius & Kaisto]

    Post by Guest 25th August 2017, 5:32 pm

    And while you are sitting indoors
    waiting for the storm to pass
    I will be outside dancing in the rain

    For a while the fair maiden continued to sob, refusing her open her eyes and acknowledge the real world around her. She was too convinced she was actually dead, either that or currently bleeding alone in the never ending dark abyss. Even when she was brought back to her original body and the cuts and bruises she received from being flug out the window stung and throbbed at her skin she did not cease. The image of one of her worst nightmares was too much for her to bare, and had easily overpowered the ace. She cried and whimpered, mumbling out french terms through shaking lips.
    Lucius then embraced her, and her crying softened lightly. He hugged her protectively, to which she grabbed onto his clothes tightly and pulled herself in more towards his frame. His presence alone was enough to calm her down slightly, but still not enough to remove the horrid images that plagued her vision. Even now that it was over and the silvernette could assume it was not real thanks to her friend's auras flooding back over her, the feeling of blood pouring out her throat and the cold metal of Violet's sword plunging deep into her stomach was still very much real.
    "Je vais bien" the french woman weeped, gripping more tightly onto his clothes. "I-I'm okay." She repeated his words to herself. Not so much for him, but rather to tell herself that instead.
    The two siblings were obviously not going to let each other go any time soon, being too caught up in their emotions to do anything else but hold each other and cry.
    It looked as though Kaisto would have to finish this up himself...
    word count achived ● @tag ● notes


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