Fairy Tail RP

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    Nightmare Lilith

    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Nightmare Lilith Empty Nightmare Lilith

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 3rd June 2016, 2:17 pm

    Kite Wilhelm
    Faith won’t always save you. My flames will do that instead.

    Up high in the sky among the clouds was the floating guild hall that belonged to the Sabers. The sun hasn't quite touched the town below but from so far up the dawn could be seen just past the horizon. It was quite early in the morning to say the least around five in the morning or so. Just like the rest of Sabertooth at this time of day everyone was sleeping including the ships that were docked up in the guild including the ship of Kite Wilhelm.The Tailspin Would be completely shut down, the engines were at rest and not a sound to be heard aside from the occasional beeping coming from the control panel in the cockpit. Below the foredeck where the sleeping quarters were located for those who resided on the ship, in the middle one on the right was the panel that would open up and drop down into the demon slayers room where he was soundly asleep as he should be. A sound could be heard echoing throughout the ship, the sound of metallic knocking. Where it was originating from Kite wouldn't have a clue, in his bunk he was still soundly asleep and would remain asleep, or he would have if not for someone else hearing the sound. Inside the cockpit from a circular panel next to the copilot’s station a glowing round orb came to life, metallic and bow glowing a bright blue. It was EDI the new AI that he had installed onto his ship during his last visit to the shipyard. Her name was acronym for Enhanced Defense Intelligence and one of her duties besides flying the ship was to act as an advanced security system, and a hologram appeared in front of her showing feed from one of the sensors revealing that the knocking sound was coming from a man who was literally knocking on the ship's entrance. She was a great asset for him but her duties would require her to disturb the solitude of Kite’s slumber. “Kite, we have a guest.” The sound of her voice would reach his ears and cause him to stir a bit but only a groan would be his response. “You should answer and see what our guest wants. Kite would groan in his sleep a bit more awake this time ”“Let em knock, they will give up eventually. he would say and then place his pillow over his head trying to block out more noise that would try to wake him. “This person has been knocking for some time now and he isn't a guild member.” Kite would be on his stomach and pull the pillow from his head and sigh ”and we are in the guild’s docking area… Fine EDI, you win. I'll see what he wants.“ he would say rolling out of bed. Once his feet hit the floor he was began walking toward the ladder and making his way above deck, from there he would take a left going towards the dining area but instead of using the doorway straight ahead he took path to the left which would lead to an alcove that would then lead to the first of many steps among the catwalk. Kite would scale the catwalk and make his way down into the cargo bay and would walk across the almost empty room to where the ramp was pulled up. Kite would look out the small square panel that was a window to get a look at the man who was knocking. He couldn’t see much of him enough to figure who he was or what he wanted but he looked rather impatient. ”Can I help you?“ Kite would ask through the door only to get a response “It’s about time, I’ve been knocking for ages. Open the door we need to speak.” Kite would chuckle at the statement, ”Maybe you need to speak to me, but I ain’t opening this door to do so without good cause. What’s your business?“ he would ask the stranger who grew more furious, “You aren’t seriously planning on making me stand out here and converse through a door are you?” Kite’s facial expression wouldn’t change aside from one eyebrow being raised, ”Well, that’s the notion until you provide me with enough of a good reason to open up.“ Within a second the man would hold up the lapel of his jacket revealing the sigil for the Magic Council, seeing this Kite’s eyes would widen slightly, ”magic council.. Wonder what they want.“ he would say to himself as he pulled on the handle and opened a small rectangular panel which acted as a quick release door and would let the man inside. ”Now why would the magic council be bothering me this early?“ The man would snort, “ They have an assignment for you, best of luck to you.” the man would take his leave and Kite would use his foot to push the door closed before opening the piece of paper. After reading the paper about the seven year old mage who went through and completely wiped out an entire guild on her own. ”sounds like a prodigy gone wrong.. EDI, start her up we have a job.“ He would say to her before heading back up to the upper deck. “Okay Kite. What is the location of the job and I will head there right away.” While walking Kite would pass the catwalk completely and would be in his room when he answered next. ”We are heading to The haunted village just south of the spooky forest.“  he would say to her. “Plotting course, should take us about two hours.” Kite would wait a second before responding, ”Hey, before we go, head to Magnolia, let’s see if any of the Fairies feel like going out to play.“

    The ship would then head out for Magnolia and would waste no time getting there, taking approximately an hour and a half EDI set her down just above the water bed behind the guild hall with the ramp extended onto the mainland. ”EDI keep her steady, this won’t take long...I hope.“ He would say to her as he exited the ship and made his way around to the front of the guild hall where he would climb the steps and stand still at the door. ”Do I knock or just go on in?“ he would ask himself while standing there but he would let that bypass and he would enter the guild hall by pushing the large door open and entering the massive guild hall. ”Do any of you Fairies feel like going on a job with a tiger?“ he would say outloud, he knew some of the members of the guild from the incident at hargeon so he hoped that would be enough to get one of them to join him.


    tag: --- // words: 1143 // theme: ---

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    Made by Ravana


    Nightmare Lilith Gvf4gD8
    Hana Akki
    Hana Akki

    Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 464
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Yuki the Snow Dragon (Ice dragon slayer magic), 5th Master Heero (registered mentor), and Akeya (Secondary magic)
    Experience : 3,112.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Nightmare Lilith Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith

    Post by Hana Akki 5th June 2016, 1:49 pm

    Sitting in the rowdy guild hall, Hana would be spending her time there like she most always did, sitting in the corner and reading a book. Being normally calm there wasn't much need for the young girl to participate in the chaos of the guild besides if she were to be dragged into it somehow or was just really bored, and that was almost never.... until a certain ginger furred raccoon did something unexpected. Finally getting to the last page of the book which she had spent many hours on, Hana's one visible eye widened in surprise as water was splashed on her, but it wasn't her getting wet she was worried about. Frantically trying to recover the book which she had borrowed from a library, Hana desperately tried fanning it out, but to no avail we're her attempts any good and she shot a glare to the small companion who had been holding a previously full cup. "Tamka~" she sang in a sickly sweet sing song voice, and the raccoon named Tamka widened his eyes in fear and ran for his life. Hana of course pursued him, knowing that she was going to get in so much trouble for the book and have to pay to replace it before she could even finish it. Not only that but the reason she was borrowing it was so she wouldn't have to pay to read it. Dodging through the many crowds of people, Hana paid no mind to the fact that her fellow guild mates had their attention drawn to somebody at the doors, and neither did Tamka it appeared for he bumped into the leg of the tall and familiar man. Tamka didn't even bother to take a second look at him, knowing that Hana was about to get him, and he quickly hid behind the Saber Tooth mage right as a snowball was thrown in his previous spot. Look out from behind the guy, he could see a furious and short silvernette, and surprisingly her face was red from anger... "Lady Hana, I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to get the book wet!"


    Nightmare Lilith WkNRvMP
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Nightmare Lilith Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 16th June 2016, 3:30 pm

    Kite Wilhelm
    Faith won’t always save you. My flames will do that instead.

    After opening the door to the Fairy Tail guild, Kite walked in and stood just past the doorway so the door could close behind him. At first no one really paid him any mind and all went about their own business, that was until Kite spoke up and shouted out loud asking if any of the Fairies wanted to go on an adventure. He referred to them as Fairies because of them being Fairy Tail and being closely connected to Fairies they had adopted that nickname so to speak just as the Sabertooth guild could be commonly be identified as Tigers. It was at that moment that he had their attention the lot of them all looking at him. With their reputation he wasn’t sure if they were going to greet him with a bit of aggression whether it be them being rude to his question or if they would outright try to fight him. Standing there he wasn’t in a passive stance but he didn’t take a full fighting stance either, the latter would just be an invitation for them to come at him. All he did was alter his stance so he was standing more at a forty five degree angle but his hands weren’t up, they were at his sides like always, so while he didn’t seem like it he was ready to defend himself if need be but he didn’t expect that to be the case. He looked from one side of the room to the other looking to see if anyone had accepted his invitation to go on the job with him and they weren’t coming at him in any way which made him a bit weary. Kite was about to shrug it off and bit the Fairies farewell but was stopped by the sudden feeling of being touched, something had bumped into his leg. He would look down to see a small critter was had ran into him but as just as fast as he had been bumped into the small critter ran behind his leg right before a ball of snow came crashing next to Kite’s feet. Kite would look up to see who it was that had thrown the snowball and a small smile would form on his face from seeing someone familiar to him. Before him was  Hana Akki, the short silver haired girl who he had met during the crisis at Hargeon, he recalled her being an Ice Dragon Slayer and that was of interest to him however she didn’t even seem to realize he was a familiar face to her, she was too busy glaring angrily at little animal who was using Kite’s legs as a hiding place, or a shield...perhaps both either way the little caramel colored racoon would speak and apologize to Hana for ruining her book or at the very least got it wet. ”Well now...“ he would say out loud as he bent over and would scoop up the fuzzy critter and held it out in front of him for a closer look, ”What do we have here?“ He would take notice on how soft his coat was, how the black mask that raccoons typically had made it look like a bandit but he behind that mask was a cute little face. WHen Kite was done he would shift the raccoon so he was practically cradle it in his arms before standing upright and shifted his line off of the critter and over to Hana who he gave a smile.

    ”It’s been a while Hana good to see you.“ He would look back at the raccoon and look at her again. ”Curious what did this little guy do to suffer your wrath?“ He would keep a hold of the little guy and would hand him back to her. He knew she wouldn't truly hurt him but all the same he didn’t want to be in the crossfire of a snow ball. He would hum as he would look her over and stroke his chin. He couldn’t ignore the fact that by chance someone he knew would pop up out of the blue like this while he was in the middle of recruiting members of Fairy Tail for this job. It was at that moment that the rest of the rowdy Fairy Tail guild lost his attention as he concentrated on Hana completely.  A flame would spark in his eyes before smirk a smirk appeared on his face. He would gesture with his hand that was on hip and would point at her, ”You will do.“ he would say as he would pull back his hand and reach into his pocket to pull out the job flyer and would hold it out for her to take and would proceed to ask her,”So you wouldn’t by chance be up for a job would ya?“ The idea was perfect in his mind. They were opposite magic users but out of anyone in Fairy Tail she was one of the few he knew he could work with and he wasn’t worried about her magic, he had worked with Izayuki who was the Glacier God Slayer and they had no problem kicking butt with one another. There was no reason to think that it would be any different with Hana. Now all he needed was her to say yes so he could lead her to his air ship so they could get this show on the road. ”After the shit we went through back in Hargeon I have a feeling we can and will give this brat a good spanking.“

    tag: --- // words: 930 // theme: ---

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    Made by Ravana


    Nightmare Lilith Gvf4gD8
    Hana Akki
    Hana Akki

    Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 464
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Yuki the Snow Dragon (Ice dragon slayer magic), 5th Master Heero (registered mentor), and Akeya (Secondary magic)
    Experience : 3,112.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Nightmare Lilith Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith

    Post by Hana Akki 29th June 2016, 4:30 pm

    Hana was standing still glaring at Tamka and getting ready to throw another snowball at him, until a familiar voice rang through her ears catching her attention. As the owner of the voice picked up and observed the furry ginger, Hana would find herself being greeted, to which her anger would subside and a small smile replaced the enraged frown on her face. "That it has Kite. Well if you should know, Tamka here just threw water on a library book I was borrowing right on the last page." Hana shot one last glare to Tamka causing him to shiver in fear before a sigh of relief escaped his lips knowing that after being handed back to Hana she wouldn't try to get him back for the book anymore. Looking back up to Kite, Hana found herself being looked over by the blue haired saber. Feeling slightly uncomfortable under his silent gaze, she would awkwardly direct her oceanic orb in different directions of the guild hall before- to her relief-he would finally speak up. But what he said confused the girl, causing her to give a slight hum of confusion before he reached for a flyer for a job. Placing Tamka comfortably on her head and gently taking the sheet of paper from Kite's grip, Hana's revealed eye scanned over it in interest. Apparently there had been a child causing a lot of trouble in the huanted village, and it interested her. Once Kite had finished speaking, Hana's smile grew and she nodded her head. "Y'know what, yeah. This job seems pretty fun. So I'm guessing you got that ship waiting outside?" Hana didn't really need to ask knowing that Kite went everywhere in it, but she thought she would ask just for the hell of it considering there wasn't much to say about accepting a job.


    Nightmare Lilith WkNRvMP
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Nightmare Lilith Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 11th July 2016, 5:00 pm

    Kite Wilhelm
    Faith won’t always save you. My flames will do that instead.

    The introductions were underway complete with Hana replacing that strong angry glare with a smile once she recognized him. He would hear her agree with him that had been a while since their last encounter. She would then continue to answer his question about why this little critter was being targeted by her anger, that answer being that Tamka had managed to spill water over a book that she had borrowed from the local library, and on the last page too, that was akin to talking loud during the last five minutes of a movie. Once Kite had handed the animal back to his owner he would hear it sigh realizing that it was no longer going to feel it's owner's fury. Kite had a notion on how to quell his master's anger but he would go about that later, now it was business time and he would get down to business. After marveling over finding a friend among the Fairies he would ask Hana for her company for a job and to his delight she would agree to join him, but not before showing a bit of confusion from his statement of her being perfect. His grip would release the flyer as she took hold of it and with her shown eye she would scan the job over.

    Her smile would be bright and it would cause the demon slayer's smile to appear and the head nod would be icing on the cake. She would verbally agree to the job and then ask if he had the ship waiting outside for them. Kite would nod, ”Yeah, Tailspin is hovering in the back above the water. “ once he had answered he would smirk at the girl knowing something she didn't. ”Oh and in case you were worried.“ he would say to her pausing for a moment before crossing his arms and smirking in pride. ”I upgraded her, so now Dragon Slayers can come aboard and not worry about motion sickness. One hundred percent safe for Dragon Slayers.“ he would state matter-a-factually. Kite would make his way to the exit first and would lead Hana to where the ship was hovering and waiting for them. ”Okay EDI, time to get to work open up.“ The AI would respond by lowering the ramp down for the two slayers to walk up into the cargobay, the expansive cargobay that made up a majority of the lower deck of Tailspin. Kite would spin on his heel to face his friend once she was aboard and would hold his arms out, ”Welcome aboard my ship as well as my home.“ he would say to her officially greeting her.

    Once that was out of the way Kite would look up at the view finder that allowed EDI to see anyone who was aboard the ship, ”EDI, we are going to the haunted village.“ he would say to her and smirk. ”Let's get this show moving.“ he would say to her and following the order EDI would lift the ship into the air and would zoom off in the direction where the haunted village was and with little to no turbulence felt by them. ”If you want to take a look around you have free range of the ship. In the mean time I will be in the dining area above us.“ He would point through the bulkhead door in the back of the cargo bay, ”The rest room is through there past the infirmary and lounge area.“ he would say to her in case she needed to use the head. He would head for the stair case that would take him up through the catwalk and to the upper area of the ship where he was going to make some food.”Or you and Tamka can follow me up and wait for food up above. Either way, food will be ready in five.“

    tag: --- // words: --- // theme: ---

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    Made by Ravana


    Nightmare Lilith Gvf4gD8
    Hana Akki
    Hana Akki

    Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 464
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Yuki the Snow Dragon (Ice dragon slayer magic), 5th Master Heero (registered mentor), and Akeya (Secondary magic)
    Experience : 3,112.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Nightmare Lilith Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith

    Post by Hana Akki 18th July 2016, 8:07 pm

    Sighing in relief Hana's smile never faded as she was given the news on the fellow slayer's ship upgrade. "It's a frigging miracle!" She cheered out loud, not gaining one fellow member's attention seeming as how the guild had been much louder than her. Once their little chit chatting was over, Kite lead Hana down to his ship, bringing her in and making her looks around in awe at the magnificent structure. Tamka had been no exception as he didn't even realize he was close to drooling. Breaking from her observation Kite pulled her attention telling her a few details of the ship and where he would be, but the fact that caught her attention the most was that she could freely roam the ship. That made the silvernett's heart flutter as she was well known to be one of adventure and would usually spend her time exploring many different areas outside of Magnolia. Giving Kite a quick nod of understanding a childish sparkle instantly filled her oceanic orb and she ran off to start her small journey. Curiosity filled her as she took in every detail of the moving vehicle, missing one very important detail. "Uh.... Hana... do you even know where we are?" The ginger furred raccoon pointed out, instantly causing a panicked feeling to over whelm her. "Awh damnit! Why didn't you say something sooner?!" "I'm sorry Lady Hana.... I didn't want to spoil your happy mood..." Hana most certainly had something to say back to him, but with his ears drooped like that she just couldn't find the heart to stay mad at him and began moving in a random direction. "Well, there's no point in crying over it, let's try finding the dining room..." Perking his ears up happily, Tamka continued to speak. "Can't you just sniff Kite out?" "I could try but it wouldn't work seeming as how the whole ship smells like him." "Oh..." With another droop of his ears the small raccoon would huff in defeat and rest himself on Hana's head, knowing this would take a while.


    Nightmare Lilith WkNRvMP
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Nightmare Lilith Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 20th September 2016, 10:59 am

    Kite Wilhelm
    Faith won’t always save you. My flames will do that instead.

    Kite couldn't help but smile at the expression that appeared on Hana’s fact when he gave her permission to roam around the ship as she liked. Her eyes lit up as if she had just gotten the Christmas gift of her dreams. He would chuckle as he watched her exit through the bulkhead and headed towards the lounge area and infirmary ”make yourselves at home.“ he would say as he scaled up the winding catwalk and would leave Hana the freedom to either roam about the ship as she pleased or follow him up into the dining area where he would prepare a small meal for the semi long flight. He used the short trip to the dining area to think about what it is they would eat but he already had an answer. He was a big breakfast guy, in fact he could probably eat breakfast foods for every meal and be perfectly content with it and especially after training. However he had the rare task of cooking for a guest but the struggle of choosing what to make was present in his mind. ”I am not sure what to make. Hey EDI how much time until we reach?“ he would ask and she would respond “We will arrive in approximately ten minutes.” Kite would stroke his clean shaven chin ”Ten minutes, that isn’t a lot of time and I can’t exactly ask Hana what she wants she isn’t here.“ Kite had an idea, and after he cracked open a few eggs and let the heat from the stove top cook the eggs on the skillet. They sizzled and popped as the heat forced the butter to bubble. The whites lost their color and the yolks began solidify so when the spatula slid under the egg and safely flipped them so the opposite side would brown. On two plates with brown toast he would plop the eggs on each slice of bread and top each with another slice of toast making an egg sandwich for both of them. ”Hana should have been here by now. Did she somehow get lost on the ship?“

    Realizing this Kite would begin to descend down the stairs closest to the engine room leading down to the lounge area where Hana and her raccoon companion were discussing something with one another. If not for the fact his hearing was slightly higher than an average person and that the room was rather small he wouldn’t have heard that they were in fact lost on board. ”So you did get lost”“ he would say amusingly to Hana as he approached her with both sandwiches in hand. ”Here I made you this. It be best to eat up before we have to get on with the job. Something tells me this brat will be a handful even for us slayers. he would tear a bit off his sandwich and hand it to the racoon to eat after realizing he didn’t make one for the little guy. Almost on cue when the sandwich was about to reach his lips EDI would be heard over the intercom “We have arrived” which would cause Kite to scoff, ”That figures, can’t sit still to eat. Showtime Frosty/“ he would say to his guest and walk towards the ramp that was already extending down for Kite and Hana to use for an exit.

    The bottom of his boot would crunch into the dirt and gravel at the edge of the haunted village's boarder. Aside from their footsteps in the dirt and the sound of the wind blowing, there was nothing happening in the village, ”all that we are missing is a tumbleweed and we would have a classic western scene." he would say in a joking manner but soon the jokes would cease once he felt the strong magic presence somewhere in the village. ”There is something strong out here alright, makes sense now why it was reported that an entire dark guild was wiped out. Stay sharp." in a sense of cold irony was thirty spears or so came raining down for them. ”Not what I meant by sharp. Flame Demon's Commandment, First!“ and with no hesitation white hot flames surrounded him and a pillar of demon slaying flames shot up from around him and crashed into the falling spears incinerating them into nothing but ash. ”Looks like we found the right place. how do you wanna do this?“
    ” “
    tag: --- // words: 562 // theme: ---

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    Made by Ravana

    Last edited by Kite Wilhelm on 20th September 2016, 11:40 am; edited 1 time in total


    Nightmare Lilith Gvf4gD8

    Posts : 23956
    Mentor : Admin

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    Nightmare Lilith Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith

    Post by NPC 20th September 2016, 10:59 am

    The member 'Kite Wilhelm' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Nightmare Lilith NormalMonster Nightmare Lilith WeakMonster Nightmare Lilith NormalMonster Nightmare Lilith WeakMonster Nightmare Lilith StrongMonster
    Hana Akki
    Hana Akki

    Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 464
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Yuki the Snow Dragon (Ice dragon slayer magic), 5th Master Heero (registered mentor), and Akeya (Secondary magic)
    Experience : 3,112.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Nightmare Lilith Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith

    Post by Hana Akki 25th September 2016, 11:51 am

    In the middle of some random topic the two had been discussing as a time waster, a sudden voice plenty recognizable to the silvernette's ears rang out in the room. The words she heard made Hana blush deep shade of red from embarrassment and well... knowing of his magic and the fact that he can hear everything in a more advanced manner as well.... there was no covering it up, so she just sat there trying to stutter out an excuse. Tamka.... he was laughing the entire time on Hana's head. 'Damn loveable raccoon....' she thought in "spite", not paying attention to Kite handing her an egg sandwich until it was right in her face. "O-oh! Thanks!" Hana merrily took the sandwich into her own hands, and took a bite of it, sighing in ecstasy as the delicious flavor filled her taste buds. Tamka seemed a bit confused at first as to where his sandwich was, until Kite tore his own in half and gave the other to the ginger who ate it like a paper shredder ate paper. It was a pretty nice meal after walking around trying to find the dining hall for a while, but it was sadly interupted with a voice ringing out that they had arrived at the place where they would be fighting a little girl. Sighing, the three got off of the ship, ready to start dealing with the little punk but.... their surroundings were just really.... creepy... and.... deserted...... they just had to stop and stare......Kite.... he also had to throw in a joke that honestly wasn't really funny (sorry XD). As Kite followed his joke up with a more serious reply, a ton of sharp weapons came raining down towards them, making Hana's oceanic eye widen as she stuffed Tamka in her shirt and covered herself in her armor to avoid being badly wounded. Kite showed her off though and incinerated them ;-;. "I don't exactly have an answer for that.... usually I just improvise...." She responded to Kite's question on how to approach the situation, and as she did so, many whispering voices began to fill her ears. Not only that but... we're those swords? The voices that repeatedly whispered with no vessel in sight could've made anyone go mad... but for some reason she just didnt. Things like that never happened to her, but she was more concerned about her conpanions, especially Tamka. Or was it just her experiencing these things. Looking to Kite worriedly, she asked "Are you... seeing and well, hearing the same things I am?"



    Nightmare Lilith WkNRvMP
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

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    Nightmare Lilith Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 12th October 2016, 7:37 pm

    Kite Wilhelm
    Faith won’t always save you. My flames will do that instead.

    The ashy remains of the spears would fall down around them like snow coating the ground, their clothes and their hair. Kite would dust the ash that caked into hair hair and then follow suit by patting down his coat and pants ridding them of soot and ash alike. ”Hindsight, making it ash all over the place not cool“ he said with a slight cough and looked down to see a perfect ring around them where the ash had fallen. After the remark about the direct result of his attack he had asked Hana if she had a preference on how to go about completing the job. Ironically her answer would be the kind Kite would have given someone else, improvise. ”a strategy I'm all for but an actual plan might not be a bad idea. This little girl did take out an entire dark guild.“

    That is when something strange happened. From an origin unknown a random sword was floating in mid air in front of his face and no matter where he moved his gaze the blade followed still pointing at Kite. His eyes widened when he heard a whisper seemingly coming from out of thin air, talking directly into his ear “Watch out…. It’s gonna cut ya”  is what it said to the demon slayer. He would blink for a prolonged period of time and would still see the blade floating at the same distance before him. Was this disembodied voice correct? Was this blade looking to skewer him just as the spears had attempted to do so? Hana had asked Kite if he was also hearing and seeing the same thing she was. ”If you mean a sword ominously hanging about while a voice is whispering in your ear like a creep on a first date then yes, me too.“ he would say to her but smirk, ”I doubt these things are actually going to hurt us. If they were then like the spears they would have already come in for the strike.“ he would open his arms to his arms out inviting the blades to come at him and much to his delight for being correct they didn’t. ”Come on out little girl! Your childish games bore me!“ he would shout out into the forest surrounding them. ”If you don’t I’ll burn every last tree until you either come out of hiding or burn. I don’t care which.“

    Kite would open his mind and let his senses expand and try to search out any traces of negativity, smell or sound that would be out of place but there was nothing aside from the looming sense that he was being watched again. ”So it would seem the brat wants to keep hiding from us and wants to continue with these tricks of hers.“ he would say upon hearing the whispers continue and now there was two of them in his head. He ignored it for the most part but something has to be done as far as dealing with this dark mage. ”Hana, let's split up. Between the two of us we should be able to track down this brat and call it a quits before it gets much later. I will go around this way. you trace the other edge of the woods and hopefully we can corner her.“ Without conformation from his partner he went on his own to scout the wooded area he declared was his own to scour for Lilith. ”If you wanna play kid, let's play. “ he would say to himself the dark woods surrounded him and he was in her playground now.
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    Last edited by Kite Wilhelm on 12th October 2016, 7:45 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Nightmare Lilith Gvf4gD8

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    Nightmare Lilith Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith

    Post by NPC 12th October 2016, 7:37 pm

    The member 'Kite Wilhelm' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Hana Akki
    Hana Akki

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    Nightmare Lilith Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith

    Post by Hana Akki 23rd October 2016, 12:38 pm

    After kite had suggested that the two split up Hana bolted her gaze towards the ravenette in obvious dissaproval.  Although it had some sense to it,  it was also crazy. Honestly,  who would come up with such an idea when going against a punk that took out an entire dark guild? Either way,  that didn't really stop him as he had already marched his way towards his side of the woods and began scouting the area. Just like Hana,  Tamka too shared her reaction,  and huffed as Kite left the two. "It can't be helped.... Don't worry Lady Hana! You can do this! "Heh,  thanks Tamka.... Let's go." Giving the ginger furred raccoon a light smile,  Hana too began making her way towards her part of the woods, scanning the area for any sign of the troublesome child. Of course, however,  she had no such luck. This kid was a pretty good hider,  and what she didn't know was that there were other seekers playing the game too.... Just.... Not for the same person. Once again,  the sound of whispers that had left her ears and the omnious sword that left her view for a short period of time had returned again. She couldn't lie, instead of making her lose her mind it rather annoyed her and she growled,  now more determined to find the brat that's been doing this. Tamka on the other hand, he was losing it. His fear was heightening as he kept on thinking that what if the sword actually stabbed him,  and the voices filling his ears with unpleasant words that he couldn't get rid of bothered him to the point where he was scratching at his ears. Of course,  Hana took notice,  and immediately pulled his paws away from him. "Hoi,  don't do that,  okay? Everything is alright,  those things will go away soon enough."


    Nightmare Lilith WkNRvMP
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

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    Nightmare Lilith Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 17th November 2016, 7:40 pm

    Kite Wilhelm
    Faith won’t always save you. My flames will do that instead.

    Kite paid no heed to Hana or her pet’s clear apprehension towards the idea of them splitting up to find this prodigy of a mage. Kite would find himself in the thick of the woods being taunted by disembodied voices and floating swords that he now knew were of no real threat to him all they were by this point were annoying and irksome. He had yelled out a threat towards the little girl that he knew was stalking them but there was no response from the girl, only the voices. “If you value your life you should run before she finds you and guts you.” At this point any and all voices he has heard he ignored, this would be the first one he would respond to. Was that the same as giving into the trick or just being defiant, this he did not know and it didn't bother him anyway. ”Kind of hard to pull off when she won't even show her face.“ it was obvious he was attempting to provoke the killer little girl into showing herself but that isn't what he got. Instead his taunts earned him another storm of spears falling from the sky looking to skewer the lone mage. This wasn’t the first time he saw these spears during this mission and unlike the swords, he knew these were real and would riddle him with holes if he didn’t act, whether it would be by dodging or destroying them and for anyone who knows the demon of sabertooth the former wasn’t the demon slayers preferred choice but he would look up at the descending spears and decide against using his magic recklessly so instead he pulls from his back Rose, his lacrima saber lacrima and slashes horizontally into a tree before him unleashing a wave of energy cutting into the trunk of the tree at an angle that would force it to fall towards him but instead of being crushed underneath a falling tree it would stop short at an angle leaning against another tree creating a makeshift roof over his head catching the points of the spears instead of becoming a human pincushion himself. Some spears miss the tree and land in the ground surrounding him in an incomplete circle, and once he was sure that the spears stopped raining down he reached out to pick one up and hurled it into the woods in front of him ”No more toys brat. Come out and show yourself.“

    From behind a distant tree the little girl came forward to answer his call. Her eyes were a blank white while the entirety of her body was shrouded in a thick shadow. Overall this was the perfect depiction of an evil child however the only thing humanizing her was the teddy bear she had clutched in her hands. She seemed to be wearing a dress of some sort but the exact detail her outfit remained cloaked with the rest of her. What made the look seem even more menacing was the sharped teeth she kept in a sinister and manic grin. Kite chucked, ”So you're the kid that took out a whole dark guild?“ he would pause in his sentence to fasten his sword on his back and cross his hands before looking the girl over again. ”I expected you to be taller.“ Her grin slowly faded and she pointed at Kite, “and I expected the wizard they would sent to not be so stupid.” He would be rather shocked by her retort not expecting it at all. ”Oh got some jokes huh? Must have been the same for the guild you demolished.“ He let his flames start to flare creating a bright white light but that didn't chase the shroud away from her body. “They were a joke just as you are soon to be.”

    Before Kite could react with an attack of his own Lilith had already made her move. She merely pointed her index finger at the Demon slayer and without him realizing it, she had cast a spell on him.The next thing he knew each arm and each leg was wrapped in a chain of some sort and he was stuck unable to shake them off with a simple motion. He would smirk and look at the girl  ”These chains won’t hold me for long.“ his words were met with snickers from the girl “Oh, don’t worry aren’t made to hold you for long.” she said as the eyes of her teddy began to glow and Kite was lifted up into the air being pulled by the chains. While he wasn’t sure what she had planned exactly he knew that it wasn’t going to be good by any means and was more than enough of a reason for him to try to fight harder. Kite started to swing his arms and legs around flailing trying to muscle his way out of the chains but when that proved to be futile he decided to change from a physical strategy to a magical one. White flames began to surge around him, not enough to melt the chain but that wasn’t the point. ”Fire Rocket!“ he would shout as flames shot out from beneath him as he shot upwards pulling the chains as he wa propelled upward causing enough tension for the chains to break and once free he hung in the air for a moment before letting firerock shoot him down towards the girl with his right hand cocked back and would be thrown towards the girl who would jump back to avoid the attack making Kite break the ground with his punch but was ready with a follow up.His hand was pointed in the direction of Lilith and he smirked  as he made it into a fist ”Flame Demon’s Desolation fist!“ and from his closed and a larger fist made of his demon slaying flames slammed into Lilith pushing her and her teddy into a tree before exploding.
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    Nightmare Lilith Gvf4gD8
    Hana Akki
    Hana Akki

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    Nightmare Lilith Empty Re: Nightmare Lilith

    Post by Hana Akki 4th January 2017, 12:10 am

    After a short while of splitting up from Kite,  Hana and Tamka soon found themselves..... Lost. AGAIN. "Honestly Hana! Do you have no sense of direction?! Hard to believe you survived all that tike in the wilderness without falling off a cliff when you were little." Comically, Hana would stop dead in her tracks,  a strike of lightning turning her white as aniem veins appeared on her head. Slowly turning her head,  the dragon slayer and raccoon met eye to eye, this time the lightning striking Tamka white with sweat drops on his head. Knowing well what was most likely gonna happen next,  Tamka quickly scurried into the oppasitd direction from where Hana was,  making a dash for it as anywhere else would be safer than by his lady's side in any situation such as this one. Of course, the said silvernette had been in tow of the obnoxious critter,  ripping trees from their roots and throwing them towards the poor ginger as he dodged and tucked away from the "heartless ice queen's" wrath. Soon enough,  the two managed to race their way towards the other side where Kite had assigned himself to search for clues,  Hana, still,  as angry as ever if not even more so angry. Fed up with Tamka running,  Hana pulled yet another tree from it's roots and threw it towards Tamka's direction. Little had the two known,  that there was actually an ally,  as well as an enemy in the same area that they had been. Comming to a stop I n search of the little rascal, Hana spotted her teammate as well as a little girl who seemed to look a bit banged up. It didn't really matter though, she was still livid, so breathing in a deep breath,  Hana loudly shouted out into the sky, "TAAAAAAAAAAAAAMKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" It didn't really do anything to help her as he instead hid himself in a tree,  but it at least made her feel a LITTLE better.


    Nightmare Lilith WkNRvMP

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