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    A priest's duty

    Kenji Oshiro
    Kenji Oshiro

    The Wandering Priest

    The Wandering Priest

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 83
    Guild : Golden Phoenix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blessed summon
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    A priest's duty Empty A priest's duty

    Post by Kenji Oshiro 27th January 2017, 3:20 pm

    You have my blessing

    Job info:

    The legend of zelda Spirit Tracks ~ Hyrule Castle Town:

    Oshibana, it wasn't that long ago when Kenji was in this town. What was meant back then for a afternoon of relaxation after a stressful job, turned out to be a afternoon of annoyance and even more stress since a little living gingerbread man decided it was funny to bully Kenji with small stones. Though with the help from the angel boy called Pit he was able to crumble the little man into pieces. I'm still curious who that muffin man is that he kept babbling about... But that's not important right now! I need to search for the house of the old man! Today Kenji's visit to Oshibana was a bit more gloomier then his last one. Kenji has accepted a job from an old man who went through a lot in his life, and now he wanted to end it, though he doesn't want to commit simple suicide. No he wanted an honorable death by battling with a wizard that can send his soul his after life in peace. Even though it isn't a priest's duty to kill he wants to be with the man to send his soul to the after life through a prayer to make sure his soul makes it safely to heaven, Valhalla or whatever kind of heaven the man believes in.  

    After asking around some people for directions, Kenji noticed that most of the people he talked with knew who do the old man was and what he was up to. Kenji was actually surprised they wished him luck and wanted to add them in his prayer. It seems this man has made quite te reputation under the citizens of this town... he must be quite the noble and kind man... Ugh hearing about this makes putting this spoor soul to rest even more difficult... Kenji sighed. he decided to go to a nearby shrine or church to pray for a bit. He knew he had his summons that would support him no matter what, though he still couldn't shake the feeling that he has to kill someone even though he won't be arrested for it. Kenji found a small shrine that was located at the edge of the town.

    Okami ~ Reset:

    Kenji walked into the shrine and there were some people in the shrine either praying or paying their respects to deceased relatives. Kenji also passed by a couple of maiden's and priests that were either in training or worked at the shrine. One of the maidens walked towards Kenji. Good day to you traveler! The woman said as she bowed as a sign of respect. Kenji returned the bow. Good day miss! Is there perhaps a room free where I can pray in peace? The woman raised her hand towards Kenji and she closed her eyes. I see that you are a special, you managed to complete your training even though because of your love interest... Kenji bit his lip, it seems the woman was inspecting his spiritual energy and managed to read his memories. Be not alarmed! None of us will exile you from this shrine! We have maidens and priests in training here who are exactly like you! Follow me oh young wandering priest. Kenji followed her to an empty tatami room. Take as much time you need! And whenever you do you can leave... May your travels be safe! The woman bowed as she said farewell to Kenji.

    Kenji walked into the room and sat down on his knees, he held his hands together. I pray to thee they call, Palutena known as the goddess of light! Please accept my plee for a guiding hand in my time of hardships! Whenever Kenji was in trouble or he needed someone to talk to he always prayed to the goddess of light who bestowed upon him a shield and the aid of the captain of her guard. Hello Kenji! I can sense something is troubling you! The calming and motherly voice filled Kenji's mind, he saw Palutena as a mother he never had. I accepted this job to give an old man a honorable death... Even though the magic counsel has no problem with it... It... it still doesn't feel right to me... Kenji was at the edge of tears. Kenji listen to me... Murder can never be justified... Though in this case you can give this man's soul the salvation he needs! Just remember this! Think about the man's agony instead of your personal feelings... There is time to mourn afterwards! Now go Kenji! This man needs you now... Palutena broke the connection with Kenji before he could response. Thank you Palutena for your guidance... Think about the man's agony... Kenji felt his morale risen when he left for the man.

    The legend of Zelda twilight princess ~ faron woods:

    It seemed that the man wasn't at his home anymore when Kenji arrived. The only thing he found was a note stuck on his front door that said:

    "To the wizard that accepted my plea of help,

    First if all I'd like to thank you on helping me to pass on to the next life! I must understand that this must be really hard for you to commit what's seen by the law a "crime" Though don't see it as one! Second of all... If you are reading this then I'm not home... I went to a nearby forest where we could have some peace and quiet the directions on where I am are on the back!

    Signed by, Yosuke Ikusaba."

    After walking around a while in the forest Kenji walked into an open area of the forest with in the middle a single tree. At the trees trunk there was an armored man sitting. Hello there young lad! Let's not waste anymore time... I don't want to make it more difficult for you! The man unsheathed his sword. Kenji took a couple of breathes and reminded on what Palutena told him. I pray to thee known as the manifestation of once personality Konohana Sakuya! Please aid me in my time of hardships! A magic circle appeared after Kenji's prayer and out it there appeared Konohana Sakuya.

    Persona 4 ~ I'll face myself (battle):

    Konohana Sakuya twirled around and red glittery powder came from her hands that created two blasts of fire near the man, when the smoke disappeared it was clearly that the man wasn't done yet. Kenji bit his lip, he hoped that Sakuya's fire blast attacks was enough to put the man out of his misery. The man lunged an attack towards Kenji though he quickly dodged. Sakuya attack! Following Kenji's orders Sakuya twirled around gracefully again and created two blasts of fire near the man again. When the smoke faded the man was finally down to the ground and he was on the brink of death.

    the legend of zelda skyward sword ~ Fi's gratitude :

    Kenji walked towards the man. Thank you... Lad for giving me this final chance to fight... Can I ask your name fella? The man asked in pain. Kenji was at the edge of tears. My name is Kenji Oshiro... Kenji said as he burst out of tears. Thank you... Kenji... I want to tell you something... I lived almost my whole life serving my country, Fiore in the wars it had because I was forced to... I never got to manage to experience life like others... Though what I am trying to say is Kenji... Never let anyone and I mean anyone tell you how to live your life! Kenji could only nod he was to much in tears to even say a single word. When I'll pass on... I will make sure heaven has an seat open for you... Don't worry my dear Fiona... I am on my way... With those final words the man's breathing stopped and Kenji couldn't feel any pulse.

    Kenji had dragged the man towards the tree he was sitting at and buried him there. After thanking Sakuya for her help Kenji ended her time in his world since he wanted to be alone for a bit. Kenji sat on his knees and took a few breathes. He looked up towards the sky and concentrated his hearing on the sound of leaves rustling through the wind. When Kenji finally calmed down he started his prayer, on sending the old man to the afterlife.

    ||HP: 100/100||MP: 90%||



    Konohana Sakuya:

    Made by Salrynn from FTRP



    A priest's duty X4UzOsN

      Current date/time is 19th September 2024, 6:10 pm