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    An Honorable Fight


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 93
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sword of Time
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    An Honorable Fight  Empty An Honorable Fight

    Post by LOTRspartan 26th January 2017, 3:49 pm

    An Honorable Death

    Hiro had just left the train and took a large whiff of the fresh air. Though he did wander the world before joining Infinity Hydra, it seems he's seen a lot more since joining. He's only ever passed through Oshibana Station yet never decided to actually look around. I guess there was a new time for everything.

    The wind blew on his job sheet, as Hiro tried to reread what he was doing. He had to slay a warrior in his 80s. It was an odd request but Hiro was not one to judge when it came to honor. The only problem was that he did not know where to look. He asked around the town and it turned that out Sir Valiir was actually well known around town. Apparently he was a veteran after fighting in a few small battles against dark guilds. For someone with no innate magic, he actually had a good amount of kills under his belt. After his retirement from the force, he became a humble shopkeeper along with his daughter. However, after his wife's death he did not wish to burden his daughter and requested to have one final fight to bring him back to his glory days. Many said he could be found on the outskirts of town awaiting that fight. Only one mage attempted the job but underestimated his ability and was slain. Now it was Hiro's turn.

    The wind began to pick up as he entered the outskirts of the forest. He reached into his armor and pulled something from his breast pocket. It was the charm that Misayo had given him a few days ago after his little demon dilemma. Though it practically did more harm than good, he found comfort in it. It was his good luck charm now, knowing that there were some people back at his guild that he would have to keep fighting and living for. Chris and Misayo, they meant more to Hiro than he thought they believed. His first steps of becoming human again was thanks to them, no more living in fear of others. They helped him learn that.

    As Hiro looked around the entrance to the forest, he saw a man sitting on a tree stump. He carefully approached, but the man spoke before he could even say a word. You are the man coming to kill me are you not?

    Yes sir, I came to honor your request. The old man chuckled to himself, which then turned into a cough. He turned and stood to look at Hiro. He was at least a few inches taller than Hiro. A scar went across one side of his mouth, another on his cheek. His shaved mohawk pulled back tightly into a bun.

    Be warned, I may be old but I am no pushover. He unsheathed the sword tucked next to him, and pulled out a kite shield from behind his back. I killed many of mages during my time in the military.

    So I've heard. Hiro began to size him up, what would be the best way to attack him, without getting caught himself.

    The two men began to circle around each other, both of them sizing each other up. Flash! A crackle of lightning echoed in the sky as rain soon poured down on them. Refreshing, Hiro thought.

    With a large cry he ran towards Valiir, his sword still sheathed. He swung towards the man, who blocked it with a parry of his sword. Hiro's arms swung to the left as he felt a bash to his face as the shield slammed with force.

    Not unsheathing your sword? I feel insulted, the man uttered. You seem like a capable fighter. Give me everything you've got!

    Hiro smiled. He won't give him everything, for that would be too dangerous, but instead decided to not hold his strength back. He unsheathed his sword, held it in front of him, blade facing down and gave a short bow, a sign of respect. Valiir chuckled. Now that's more like it.

    He charged towards Hiro, sword overhead and swung down. Hiro easily jumped right. He felt almost bad at how fast he could move while the old man was pretty slow, but still agile enough at his age. He wanted to remove his Haste effect but knew that wouldn't be honorable against the old veteran. Hiro swung towards Valiir who in turn swung the shield behind him, catching Timepiercer. He swept his foot under Hiro's, causing him to fall to the floor.

    Hiro looked up at the brutish old man, just as he felt the sword pierce into his stomach. He gave an audible cry of pain as he saw the sword leave him, a trail of blood following it. Valiir reeled back for another strike just as Hiro blinked out. The double edged sword slammed into the dirt with a heavy thud as Hiro appeared behind him. Time Stamp! he shouted, as a large blue streak soared towards the veteran. He instinctively brought up his shield, the streak slamming into it, disappearing.

    Clever tricks boy, but none any match for me. I've been doing this for years. Hiro smirked as he sheathed his sword. The man looked puzzled, before he saw his shield glow a bright blue hue. Lights poured from his shield as his eyes widened. In an instant, the shield exploded in his hands, splintering around him and causing him to fly backwards. He lay dazed for a few seconds. Hiro wondered if that was enough to kill before he saw him sit back up, chuckling to himself. I must admit, I did not see that coming. Well done.

    I have more to show. Double Team! Five speed doubles of Hiro suddenly appeared around him. Variil's eyes widened with joy, for it had been so long since he felt this much excitement. The doubles charged at Variil, who stood his ground. They surrounded the man, each one eyeing him with intent. Yet the veteran knew not to panic. He looked around and studied each one closely, looking for anything to differentiate. Then he noticed something very tiny, raindrops. He could see drops falling off the hilt of one of the double's sword.

    Found you! he shouted, rushing the double. Hiro grinned, seeing the true wisdom and skill this old warrior had, to notice such a small detail. Before the sword could pierce his abdomen again, he switched to the double just behind Valiir.

    As the veteran lunged his sword into Hiro, it just casually went through him, as he felt his breath suddenly leave him. Valiir looked down to find a sword emerged from his stomach. With force he could feel it suddenly leave him. Hiro dropped his sword and grabbed the man by the back of his head and gently knelt to his side.

    The old veteran was coughing up blood. His eyes met Hiro's. Thank you, he managed to cough out from his large gasps. I'm coming my beloved. Hiro then felt Variil go limp in his hands. He ran his hand over Variil's face, closing his eyes.

    An hour had passed before Hiro had built a small bed made of twigs and branches to lay the man on. He backed away from his final resting place, just as a crack of lightning smashed into the bed, bursting it into flames.

    With his sword now sheathed, the samurai extended his sword and arms, and gave a bow. Rest in peace now. Your time has ended.

    1,226 words/1,000


    An Honorable Fight  ARVke1f

    Sword of Time

      Current date/time is 19th September 2024, 9:01 pm