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    Kidnap the Noble


    Lineage : Technological Superiority
    Position : None
    Posts : 94
    Guild : Grim Heresy
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 150

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    First Skill: Parasitic Infection
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    Kidnap the Noble Empty Kidnap the Noble

    Post by Blackthorne 19th December 2016, 3:31 pm

    Job Request: Here

    Job Title: Kidnap the Noble
    Rank: C
    Player Requirements: 1-3 C ranks minimum (2 D ranks can take this)
    Job Requirements:

    30 posts of 300 words minimum (or 9000 words overall)
    Minimum of 7 rolls
    Must roll the boss
    Job Location: Shirotsume
    Job Description: Kidnap the noble (gender is up to taker) and take them to the drop zone to be held for ransom. They are they key to funding dark guilds and gaining an upper hand from the other guilds. Your job is to take them from their home in the middle of the night and take them to another mansion hidden amongst other homes to be delivered to the hostage takers. From there you shall be rewarded.
    Weak: Overnight Butler: Just a butler who works at night. Be aware, he hits for C rank damage and will clean your clock if your not careful. It takes 4 C rank to take him down.

    Normal: Overnight Maid: Unlike the butler, this maid used to be a martial arts student and can deal 1.5 C rank damage per hit, able to hit twice with each attack that hits. She is a sturdy foe and is defeated with 6 C rank attacks.

    Strong: Noble Guard: A guard whom had served fro years with this family. They are a skilled swordsman and use a sword and shield to fight. The shield can take up to 3 B rank spells or weapon strikes to destroy it, the sword deals B rank attacks and is durable enough to take 1 B rank spell or attack to destroy it, and the guard himself can take 4 B ranks before he's defeated.

    Boss: Personal Bodyguard: This guard is of the same gender as whom you make the noble. They are potent in every form of combat and very hard to beat. It takes 5 B ranks to beat this guard, and they will use anything around them as a weapon, only dealing D rank damage at best with those, but B rank with their bare hands.

    Reward: 8000 jewels Double C rank exp.



    Lineage : Technological Superiority
    Position : None
    Posts : 94
    Guild : Grim Heresy
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Parasitic Infection
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    Kidnap the Noble Empty Re: Kidnap the Noble

    Post by Blackthorne 19th December 2016, 3:31 pm




    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

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    Kidnap the Noble Empty Re: Kidnap the Noble

    Post by NPC 19th December 2016, 3:31 pm

    The member 'Blackthorne' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Kidnap the Noble NormalMonster Kidnap the Noble NormalMonster Kidnap the Noble NormalMonster Kidnap the Noble StrongMonster Kidnap the Noble StrongMonster Kidnap the Noble WeakMonster Kidnap the Noble NormalMonster

    Lineage : Technological Superiority
    Position : None
    Posts : 94
    Guild : Grim Heresy
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Parasitic Infection
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    Kidnap the Noble Empty Re: Kidnap the Noble

    Post by Blackthorne 19th December 2016, 3:32 pm

    Combining the 2 strongs to make a boss:

    1 Boss
    4 Normal
    1 Weak



    Lineage : Technological Superiority
    Position : None
    Posts : 94
    Guild : Grim Heresy
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Parasitic Infection
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    Kidnap the Noble Empty Re: Kidnap the Noble

    Post by Blackthorne 19th December 2016, 4:01 pm

    for the sake of my goddess

    Lightning crashes and thunder quakes.  The night was dark with howling winds.  A storm was coming as a nobleman sat at his desk, writing something by the light of a candle.  He dipped his quill into an inkwell before continuing to write.  

    Dear Charles,
    I am writing you this letter to inform you that I am doing fine, please do not worry about me.  I have seem to have made quite a few enemies due to them not liking what I have been lobbying the Magic Council and the Royal Capital to do.  A special interest group is what they called me.  P'faw!  Such non-sense!  

    These so-called "Dark Guilds" aren't a problem if they were allowed to integrate into society.  Allowing them to reform will ultimately chance the face of history.  But all the Magic Council and Royal Capital wants are their blood on their hands.  Nothing but a bunch of hooligans and barbarians.  

    I want to give them an opportunity to reform into society and show them that people can care for one another without performing heinous deeds and ----

    The nobleman ceased his writing once a gust of wind blew out his candle that he was using to see.  Standing up, he pushed the chair away and put the quill into the inkwell.  

    "It was a matter of time before someone was to show up to kill me," he said as he turned to look towards the window as a flash of lightning showed Blackthorne's sillhouette standing in front of his window.  A little smirk came across the nobleman's face as he took a deep breath.  He reached over his desk, groping around before finding a tin box and opened it up, reaching for a cigarette and a match.  With a single strike of the match, it ignited, using it to light the candle and his cigarette.

    "So, you've come to kill me then?" the nobleman asked only to hear silence as a response.  "Either way, if you do, do it quickly.  I grow tired of waiting to die.  Certainly the Magic Council or the Royal Government put you up to this task.  Another flash of lightning was seen, this time another pair of eyes appeared in the nobleman's bedroom.  The sound of a creature growling could be heard.

    "But, i assure you, I won't let you kill me without a fight," the nobleman stated before pressing a button upon his desk, causing a near impenetrable steel curtain to fall upon all exits besides the main door outward.  All of the windows were shut and an alarm rang violently throughout the estate.  
    WORDS: 435



    Lineage : Technological Superiority
    Position : None
    Posts : 94
    Guild : Grim Heresy
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Parasitic Infection
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    Kidnap the Noble Empty Re: Kidnap the Noble

    Post by Blackthorne 19th December 2016, 4:24 pm

    for the sake of my goddess

    ~Don't kill him, we need him alive~ Blackthorne addressed Kairoh, the large monster telepathically.  Blackthorne reached behind him and pulled out his mace, twisting his wrist slightly so the mace-head would multiply and be let loose, being attached to the shaft of the weapon with 3 chains; one chain per mace-head.  A loud multi-tuned scream could be heard coming from the mace.  A strange aura began to eminate from Blackthorne before the creature swiped at the nobleman with it's front set of arms, grabbing him firmly before transferring him to it's middle set of arms.  It used it's middle set of arms to hold the man, back against the creature to hold it like a football.

    A loud knock on the door could be heard from outside, causing Blackthorne to turn and look towards the door, gripping his weapon tighter.  ~Kairoh, knock him out~ Blackthorne said telepathically to the creature before the creature adjusted his grip upon the man and slammed his head into the ground repeatedly until he fell unconscious.  Several thuds and sickly cracks could be heard before returning it's grip upon the man for transport.  

    "Good.  Whomever breaks in through the door, feel free to kill," Blackthorne addressed the creature as it's eyes turned towards the door as a loud rapping sound could be heard once again.  

    "Mr. Ravenwood!  Mr. Ravenwood!  Are you alright!?  You set off your alarm.  Is everything alright?" one of the women that worked for Mr. Ravenwood asked through the door.  There was silence in response to the woman behind the door.  The door-handle began to jiggle, causing Blackthorne to speak to the giant creature once more telepathically.  ~Once the door opens, break it down to give us momentum~

    This caused the creature to move into position, awkwardly close to the door.  Once the jiggling of the handle stopped, the creature stood up and pushed the massive door, slamming it wide open, knocking a female maid down on the ground, with the door falling upon her.  The creature walked upon the door causing a sickly squishing noise as the door laid flush upon the floor.  A loud roar came from the creature. 
    WORDS:  360
    TOTAL WORDS: 795 / 9000



    Lineage : Technological Superiority
    Position : None
    Posts : 94
    Guild : Grim Heresy
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Parasitic Infection
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    Third Skill:

    Kidnap the Noble Empty Re: Kidnap the Noble

    Post by Blackthorne 19th December 2016, 4:52 pm

    for the sake of my goddess

    A man walked over to see bloodstains splattered upon the carpet as the giant creature.  He wore a white karate gi, red gloves, red martial arts shoes and a red bandana.  "Who are you and what are you doing here?" he asked before one of the overnight butlers turned the lights on.  The massive creature seen with Mr. Ravenwood clutched in his arms.  The martial artist narrowed his eyes and took up a martial arts stance.  "Everyone, clear out.  I will handle this ruffian scum," the man said as the working crew consisting of butlers and maids started to huddle up by the door.  Due to the alarm being tripped, they weren't able to unlock the doors from where they were.  They had to go back up to the top floor to reset the switch.  However, Blackthorne and Kairoh were in the way, making their ability to open up the doors to the outside impossible.  A security device that is essentially their death warrant.  

    Blackthorne swung his flail casually from side-to-side as he looked over the martial artist.  The martial artist's eyes went from Blackthorne, to Kairoh, down to Mr. Ravenwood, who was in the hands of Kairoh.  "Let him go and I'll spare your life," the man said boldly.  A single mosquito began to fly around the man.  His discipline didn't allow him to swat at the bug; unfortunately for him, though, that would prove to be a mistake.  Holding the flail firmly upon his hand, Blackthorne swung his weapon causing the man to dodge to the side.  The heads of the flail slammed down into the hand-rails directly behind the martial artist, slamming into the hand-rail firmly three times, breaking the hand-rail in the process.  After dodging Blackthorne's attacks, the martial artist punched him twice in the side, causing him to stumble backwards in pain.  His punches hurt like hell and they weren't pleasant at all.

    As the man was punching into Blackthorne's side, Kairoh took a swipe at the man with it's fore-claws, causing it's 8 inch claws to rake down the man's body, drawing blood from him.  A gasp could be heard from the butlers and maids down below.  Blackthorne swiped at the martial artist again, only for him to dodge one of the heads of the flail only to get slammed twice in the side with the other two heads, causing him to reel back much in the same manner that Blackthorne just did.  

    "What kind of demonic weapon is that?" the man asked in disbelief.  Needless to say, Blackthorne need not respond.  While the martial artist was down, Kairoh grabbed him by his forelegs and squeezed the man firmly in his massive hands.  He squeezed the man once more, causing him to scream in agony and the creature forced some of the strange blue miasma into his throat, directing the flow of the mist directly down his throat and into his body.  Afterward, the creature threw the martial artist down the banister and onto the ground below.  

    Looking down at the martial artist, Blackthorne stood only to watch the man slowly stand up.  "I won't let you take Mr. Ravenwood!  He's too valuable a man for," he said before the vomited out blood.  This caused a maid to scream out in horror before fainting.  

    "Jaken!  You have to kill that guy!  if you don't, we're all going to die," spoke one of the man-servants of the house-hold.  Wiping the blood from his lips, he grinned and looked up at Blackthorne and Kairo.  "Foul demon.  I won't be stopped that easily."  The sound of buzzing could be heard around the man, turning to look at the mosquito briefly before looking back up the stairs to see Blackthorne gone.

    "Boo," Blackthorne said, standing in place of where the mosquito once was, taunting the man directly into his ear.  With a single swing, he brough the three-headed flail down upon the martial artist's left arm, then his right, and then he started to tear down at the man's legs before the martial artist fell into a heap on the floor.  

    The man screamed and wiggled around in pain as his left arm and right leg appear physically broken.  The sound of fear and crying could be heard from the staff of the household as Blackthorne approached the martial artist and planted his boot upon the man's face, rubbing the bottom of his foot over his eyes, nose, and mouth in a humiliating manner.
    WORDS:  746
    TOTAL WORDS:  1541 / 9000



    Lineage : Technological Superiority
    Position : None
    Posts : 94
    Guild : Grim Heresy
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Parasitic Infection
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    Third Skill:

    Kidnap the Noble Empty Re: Kidnap the Noble

    Post by Blackthorne 19th December 2016, 8:13 pm

    for the sake of my goddess

    "Jaken!" one of the female maids screamed out as Blackthorne rubbed his foot against the man's head.  Tears ran down their eyes, causing Blackthorne to look up towards the maids for a moment.  He removed his foot from Jaken's head and kicked him in the face, causing him to slide across the floor of the exquisite mansion.  

    Clearing his throat, Blackthorne swung his flail around a few times, looking at the maids and man-servants within the house.  His eyes glowed a bright red hue as he approached the house-help.  Lifting his flail above his head, he attempted to swing his weapon down only for his hand to be blocked by one of the maids with tears staining her face.  The other 3 maids that were in attendance removed their headdress and struck a martial arts pose.  

    "I won't let you leave this place, you villain!" one of the maids that were posing stated out to him, causing Blackthorne to tilt his head.  Without saying a word, he held out his left hand with his palm up.  Strange white maggots started to form upon his palm, garnering the attention of all four maids, causing them to back up.

    "That's gross!  What kind of sorcery IS THAT!?" one of the maids shouted as the four of them seemed to shudder simultaneously.  Without giving the women a chance to react, he walked up to one of the women and rammed his palm directly into one of their chests, causing the maggots to disperse immediately to find flesh to burrow into.  This caused the woman to flail around.

    "Did you just sexually assault a woman?" one of the other maids said, again, causing Blackthorne to tilt his head.  He didn't respond vocally, not needing to waste energy talking to these ingrates.  Before long, the woman that Blackthorne had 'groped' started to fall into pain.  The other three women rushed over to the woman and tried to help her out.  However, to no avail, she started to curl over, screaming bloody murder.  The boom of thunder came into the house muffled.

    As the women tried to console the woman that was infected, Blackthorne used this opportunity to smash one in the chest with his flail.  Upon seeing the woman's chest get completely demolished, they scattered.  The last two remaining women screamed out hysterically, angry at Blackthorne's work.  "We're going to fucking KILL YOU!" one of the women said as she took a martial arts stance.  The other took a martial arts stance for a moment before the two women attacked simultaneously.  They had martial arts skills, kicking and punching Blackthorne a few times.  None of their normal attacks hurt until the two did a punch simultaneously towards him, pushing him back across the floor and into the wooden wall behind him.  

    Kairoh simply observed as Blackthorne pulled himself out of the splintered wood of the wall.  He stood up and dusted himself off and walked casually up to the martial artist women.  Seeing how their combo attack worked, they attempted it again only to get their attacks stopped by a black orb surrounding his body.  With a single stomp on the ground, he attempted to splinter the earth and call upon parasites.  With an audible grumble, nothing happened.  He still didn't have a full grasp on how to use that spell.

    The women continued their assault on Blackthorn before the armored man clobbered one of the two women in the face with his flail.  Each head making a loud clanging noise as it bounced off of the woman's skull, causing her to fly into the wall of the house.  This caused the other woman fighting to call out to her friend.  Anger started to envelope her before she started to unleash a flurry of punches and kicks, all easily avoided by Blackthorne before a single kick was delivered to his head, causing him to spin around a couple of times and fall to the floor.

    The woman shouted in success as she hurt Blackthorne, putting him on the ground for quite some time.  "Yeah!  I did it!  Now's my chance to kill the bastard!"
    WORDS:  689
    TOTAL WORDS:  2230 / 9000



    Lineage : Technological Superiority
    Position : None
    Posts : 94
    Guild : Grim Heresy
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Parasitic Infection
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Kidnap the Noble Empty Re: Kidnap the Noble

    Post by Blackthorne 19th December 2016, 8:32 pm

    for the sake of my goddess

    Confident in her abilities to defeat Blackthorne, the maid walked up to him, slowly creeping around Kairoh.  The large creature simply watched the woman as she approached Blackthorne, not making any hostile actions towards her.  She kept her eye on the massive creature only to stand just above Blackthorne.  One of her friends laid dead underneath the door, another is in absolute pain from the infection given to her, another had her chest caved in and is gasping for air, so that left her and her alone to dispatch Blackthorne.  

    Fear began to envelope her as she realizes that once she kills Blackthorne, she would also have to fight The Beast of Calamity, Kairoh.  However, knowing that this was the journey she wanted to take in order to save her friends, she had to kill Blackthorne.  There was no other way.  The woman walked up to Blackthorne and held out her fist, but upon looking at his mask, she became more and more intrigued about what was underneath.  

    "Guys.  I wonder what's underneath his mask," she said out loud, attracting the attention of the other women, though in pain, were still curious about what was underneath his mask as well.  Even in pain and in terror, the group slowly approached the downed Blackthorne, keeping an eye on the creature that stood near Blackthorne.  The woman that had 'defeated' Blackthorne moved her hand down, placing her hands upon his helmet as if to remove it.  

    Red eyes flared up before Blackthorne moved his hand over her face, injecting strange round-worms into her face.  The immense pain of the worms entering her body, coiling into a circle and then changing their morphology into being spikey creatures caused intense pain in that woman.  Seeing this, the others that wanted to see what was underneath Blackthorne's helmet backed up.  Blackthorne slammed the woman on the back of her head, causing her to fall upon her back.  Gripping his flail tightly in his right hand, he straddled her body and swung back and forth violently with his weapon until the life of the woman vanished.  

    Blackthorne stood up and looked at the group that wanted to see what was under his mask.  With his free hand, he re-adjusted his mask.  Looking down towards the corpse that tried to pull his mask off, he kicked the body towards Kairoh only for the creature to begin devouring the body piece by piece.  The act of violence from the creature tearing apart body parts only to devour them caused a couple of the maids to vomit from the nasty sight.  

    Blackthorne took a step forward and spoke up to them.  "If you want to live, open the door," he said.  A security system had fallen which made it increasingly difficult to get out of the building.  Blackthorne's voice came off eerie and spooky to those that were still alive.  The maggots that burrowed into the other woman's skin started to act up once more, causing intense pain throughout her body.  

    "Open the door.  I'm losing my patience," Blackthorne said once again.  The man-servants looked at one another for a moment, frozen in fear.  They didn't know what to do and they didn't want their master to be taken away by some strange man.  But their lives were in jeopardy if they didn't comply with Blackthorne's demands.  
    WORDS:  559
    TOTAL WORDS:  2789 / 9000



    Lineage : Technological Superiority
    Position : None
    Posts : 94
    Guild : Grim Heresy
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Parasitic Infection
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Kidnap the Noble Empty Re: Kidnap the Noble

    Post by Blackthorne 23rd December 2016, 2:56 am

    for the sake of my goddess

    A dark energy could be felt from a distance as Blackthorne stared down the 3 remaining maids and the 1 remaining butler. This caused Blackthorne to turn around not notice black energy coming off of the one that he thought he had dispatched earlier.  The bodyguard that attacked with just his fists.  Strangely, though, even with this demonic aura surrounding the man, not a single drop of it felt magical.  A little chuckle came from Blackthorne as he tilted his head, watching the man continue to power up.  The vein's in his body started to bulge out and his musculature began to swell.  Clearing his throat, he swung the weapon in his hand gently from side-to-side, allowing the heads of the flail to bump into one another.  

    One of the maids that was still alive shouted out.  "Kill that bastard Jaken!  And save our master!" she said before Blackthorne casually turned his shoulder to look at the woman, causing her to back up a bit.  Blackthorne turned his head back towards the man, Jaken, allowing him to finish powering up.  Black energy came off of his body similar to heat evaporating to the sky.  However, the more and more this man powered up, the thicking the dark energy became in the enclosed building.  The maids and man-servant began to choke on the amount of dark energy being released by Jaken.  Blackthorne and Kairoh, however, didn't seem to be bothered.  

    "Heroes should stay dead," Blackthorne simply stated before Jaken quickly rushed towards Blackthorne.  A mosquito was quickly, and stealthily released into the air.  Several punches were given to Blackthorne, each blow delivering crushing power, causing Blackthorne to writhe in pain; audibly displaying his pain with every blow.  It seemed it was time to get serious with this hero.  Blackthorne took a swing at Jaken, only for him to use his arm to block Blackthorne's arm and delivered a punch straight into Blackthorne's gut.  As the punch collided with Blackthorne, a puff of spores appeared in the air, causing the man to begin choking. This gave Blackthorne an opportunity to rush in and swing his flail into the man's knee, causing a sickening crunch as his kneecap broke.  

    However, even after shattering the man's knee-cap, the anger and range built within the man caused him to continue going; fighting through the pain as if it never happened.  Blackthorne now understands what he's up against.  An audible groan could be heard from Blackthorne as Jaken recovered from the spore with a Superman Punch, however the punch was quickly deflected by the black orb of parasites that covered his body.  From within the shell, Blackthorne relocated, using the mosquito he sent out earlier as a means of trans-locating.  After the quick teleport, he noticed Jaken standing what would have been behind Blackthorne due to the husk still being up for a brief moment.  

    Blackthorne swung his flail a few more times, every time quickly avoided by Jaken.  Something needed to be done in the mean-time to be able to harm this man.  A quick inspection of Jaken showed that a small plant started to sprout from his head.  The cordyceps had begun their infection.  Something began to gather within Blackthorne's hand, a white, moving ball.  After the ball began to collect within his palm, he swung with his flail, using it is a means to feint, fausing Jaken to block Blackthorne's arms with an X-block over his head.  Using this space to his advantage, Blackthorne rammed his hand and the white mass of maggots into Jaken's body.  The maggots began to disperse everwhere before crawling into the man's skin.

    The intense pain caused the man to roar out before a mighty punch was given to Blackthorne's face, pushing him all the way, back to the rubble pile he had previously been in.  If this continued, he could easily just make a hole through the wall and get out.  
    WORDS:  655
    TOTAL WORDS:  3444 / 9000

    This job is too fucking long.


      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:54 pm