Fairy Tail RP

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    In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu)

    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Legacy of the Fire King
    Position : The Vanquisher
    Posts : 1740
    Guild : Infinity Hydra (Guildmaster)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hephaestus
    Experience : 420,643

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer (3rd Gen)
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu) Empty In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 30th September 2016, 11:13 am

    So you can throw me to the wolves
    Tomorrow I will come back
    Leader of the whole pack
    Beat me black and blue
    Every wound will shape me
    Every scar will build my throne

    Running pale, leather covered fingers through his thick brown locks, Ardere let a sigh escape his pale lips. Looking around the small town of Shirotsume, he noticed how lively the people were. It always seemed that small town people tended to be happier than in the big city. One could surmise it was due to less crowding and population. Regardless, he was not here to sight see. In a few hours he was to pick up a package for the guild, important information. Fortunately, he had some time until then, so he chose to sit down at a coffee shop. Flipping his cloak behind his broad shoulders, it formed a sort of cape, revealing the red and gold trimmed samurai armor he so proudly donned. Plopping down into the chair, he sat his sword down next to his feet. Stretching his arms, the guild master ordered a cup of coffee and pulled over a newspaper from one of the other tables. He chose an outside table rather than in for the view, it was a rather quaint town, with a bright sky and white fluffy clouds. It took only a couple of minutes for the coffee to arrive. He thanked his waitress, and took a sip. It was now that he noticed something in the paper; activity in the outskirts of Fiore. There was no telling what any dark mage or manner of beast could be doing out there, but for now he could not take a further look. Instead, he sipped his coffee and relaxed. When a man or woman becomes a guild master, leisure time turns into something far more valued than before. Every second of every day, he dealt with his guild members. They were not particularly bad or anything, they were just a guild and guilds always had issues or events happening constantly. So for now, he exhaled deeply, looking at the sky. It was now that he noticed something dark forming in the distance, overtaking chunks of the sky like a plague of sorts. Hmm, now what might that be?



    In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu) FYZkfE1
    God Force:

    Legacy Form:

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu) Empty Re: In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu)

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 30th September 2016, 11:56 am

    She really needed some time off going on missions with other people, it was turning into more stress than the added protection was worth. Lately? Everything had become an overload as of late, even the two people she had found the most consul and comfort in from the time she was some lowly D-rank mage. Well her emotions had changed since than, and so had theirs, it was only to be expected. When you had once lived keeping everything away from your heart as you ran away from your own history? Eventually it caught up to you like this, brought your heart down to the pit of your stomach and strangled your air supply, until every nerve of your being felt as if it was dying. Jiyu supposed she just had to let the emotions she had suppressed during her years as a runaway, return slowly and bring their destruction with them, work through it slowly, fight until she emerged from drowning and waded the surface once more.

           It was nice to be able to think for once through, without the noise of Rose Garden corrupting her mental state, threatening to break her sensitive ears. Kazehime hummed happily to herself as she walked through the small town, a few stares being drawn by her way of dress, the long fluffy tail attached to her body, and the small kitsune padding alongside of her. I guess I should have taken my outfit into consideration today and not worn my normal get up, this is a rather demur little place after-all. her finger went to touch the cream crop top hoodie that she was wearing, before smoothing down the jean skirt that hugged her hips tightly. Clearly? Leaving everything but your chest and crotch, all but exposed, was going to draw attention to you. Oh well, it was not as if she was not used to being stared at, or as if it was avoidable, considering she was incapable of hiding her demon features and was actually a rather attractive woman.

          "You like this place Maka?" she finally spoke up for the time since entering the town hours before, glancing down at the purple highlighted kitsune, as if it could actually respond to her. "Maka Like's It." several nearby jolted when the twin tail actually spoke up, her childish voice drifting around and to the ears of her mistress who chuckled at the comment, raising a fist over her own mouth. "That's good." because the velvet voiced mage did intended to spend at least the day here, if not over night, this place was almost as easy on her senses as her home-town had once been.

            what might that be the elfin ear closest to the man flicked, nose inhaling the scent of what she guessed was coffee for his enjoyment. What was that brown haired man speaking of? Everything had looked fine when she looked back about a half hour before. Jiyu glanced down at him, considering he was sitting at the moment "Huh." his comment had certainly not been meant for her, but the female had sensitive hearing, so she detected and responded anyways. Body turning she stared up at the sky in the direction of his gaze, eyes widening slightly and fang's piercing her own lip, finally catching sight of the event he spoke of. "it doesn't look like anything good." from the angle she stood at, the ace's guild mark was clearly visible, one hand playing with her waist long hair as the other wiped away the blood from her lip. "Maka, Close." she didn't like how the suddenly darkening sky looked, her charge heeded the wind mage and leaped onto her shoulder, fur bristling. "We Go Jiyu?" the black rose member shook her head, rueful smile on her face. If this was trouble? This town would need all the mages possible, so she might as well stay and help encase something was wrong. Besides another reason to be known could not hurt.


    In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu) Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu) H6NcPbM In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu) H6NcPbM In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu) H6NcPbM In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu) H6NcPbM


    Empyreal Sword

    Empyreal Sword

    Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Fan Art Contest Participant- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Ensō Catalyst
    Position : None
    Posts : 617
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Shizuo Hyouga [Primary] | Kimigiku-hime [Secondary]
    Experience : 9,600

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Renegades of Rebirth
    Second Skill: Ballad of the Battlebow [ WIP ]
    Third Skill:

    In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu) Empty Re: In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu)

    Post by Terith 2nd October 2016, 11:30 pm



    Shirotsume at a glance had been kind to a stranger like him, and it was a fateful thing, since his limited knowledge of the place spared him nothing less than brief passages through a worn map and a train stop from Hosenka. He hadn't meant to have the mountain district as his final destination, rather, it was just of his own misunderstanding to board the wrong train at the crack of dawn after a restless night. As far as humility went, he was most likely to admit to his fault and claim responsibility it, but the more he mewled over the thought of mistaking 'Shirotsume' for 'Cedar', the more would his frustration manifest with a distinct crease to his temple. And, with a dejected expression, Terith would find himself there, traversing the winding pathways that cut through Shirotsume in hopes of catching the next train, preferably to arrive at Cedar before the evening closes.

    "Tsk." he muttered, clicking his tongue as he weaved over the directions for another time, the edges of the map crinkling to the beat of his folding and unfolding. "Can't believe I took a wrong turn."

    Atop his head, a weightless bundle of fur shuffled in response to the swordsman's resentment, pawing at his blonde mop as if to resolve to a sympathetic patting gesture. "It's not that bad, nya~" the bakaneko whistled with glee, heavily ignorant of it's master real plight, "Shirotsume is really purrty! So why not take the time to look around, nya~?"

    If at first his pace was similar to a tenacious jog, his pet's suggestion seemed to have diminished his frenzy into something more mild, his steady pace coming to a yield. He'd breath in a pensive sigh, lifting his arms to tug the bakaneko off his head, giving it a blank look as he deftly held it in his arms. "...I wish I could. But you know what?" his expression shifted into grimace, the emptiness in his pockets baring a significant weight to him as he spoke, "I'm a broke bastard. Which is why I'm going to Cedar, remember?"

    The yokai cat rendered its youthful master a curious mewl, tilting its head one way as if to further showcase its thoughts of confusion, "Ehhh....did master use up all his money on foo-"

    At the mere mention of that particular syllable, a gloved hand would cup over Nikuko's mouth with visible persistence. Terith eyed the bakaneko with a sharp glare, a comical vein of annoyance bulging over his temple, "....Shut it." he said, his mouth twitching in a make-shift grin, "If my memory serves me right, I wasn't the furry fella who ordered an entire enchilada of premium sushi."

    "...Nya? What if master's memory is hazy from all the sake he-?"

    "I said quit i-...!"

    It dawned on him that, because they're bickering was happening in a public area, he might have caught himself some unwarranted attention for being that one crackpot who was arguing with his oddly-shaped cat. Fortunately, there had been very minimal pair of eyes to watch his little stunt, apart from the children who looked at him curiously with their large, beady eyes over to one side, their game of hop-scotch seemingly disrupted.

    Terith waved the children a gentleman's smile and an apology. "Sorry kids, nothing to see here!" he said, stepping one inch forward before scurrying off, deeper into the schematic layout of Shirotsume, only ever resting to take a momentary breather as the crowds started increasing and the houses only grew larger and fancier.


    Casting aside the audible giggle Nikuko made, Terith all but pried his grip from his bakaneko, shaking his head before opting to settle the round, bun-like cat on his left shoulder. "Not a peep from you." he whispered, easing himself into a leisurely pace and deciding that he'd forget to heed to anything the meat bun said unless it was something dire.

    "Ouuaaahh! Master! Trouble up ahead!"

    ...Did he speak too soon?

    The bakaneko lightly grasped at a few stray strands of his hair, tugging so forcibly as if it was urgent that he had to look in that specific direction. The action generated much irritation from the young swordsman, and, with little leeway for escape or much less ignorance, Terith forced himself to comply, casting one disinterested look at a portion of the sky. From where he stood, a dark and ominous gathering of....something drifted closer to Shirotsume, slowly, but threateningly. The shift in his expression indicated a sudden pique of curiosity as he eyed the strange thing a bit more carefully. He'd seen many storms in his long ventures across Fiore, but not of this magnitude. Could he even consider it a storm? If not, was it something his abilities could handle what with his current state?

    "This doesn't look good..." he said, one hand idly lingering over his weapon's hilt.

    WORDS ● Hello Ya'll ● NOTES
    deltra of gangnam style

    Last edited by Terith on 3rd October 2016, 2:43 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Continuity issues)

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 316
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 9,687.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ocean Demon Slaying Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu) Empty Re: In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu)

    Post by Kiru 4th October 2016, 9:39 am

    Tick.. Tick.. Tick..

    Kiru was dreaming. What kind of dream was she having? A happy dream? A nightmare? No one would ever know... As the only expression she had was that of a silent girl with no moral indication of stress or envy. Nor cheerfulness or joy... Just blank... The only sounds that managed to creep into Kiru's somewhat uneventful subconscious was the endless ticking of the still clock across the room.

    Finally, she stirred. The multi hair colored girl's cyan eyes slowly opened to reveal the presence of dark room. The faint smell of the last evening's candle wax still lingered in the air, as the flame was nothing but a silent ember now. Tiredly, Kiru shifted her head over to the side and witnessed the faint sunlight creeping through the dark curtains. She had overslept well into the day it seemed... Very unusual for the demon slayer... But it didn't seem to matter based on the time. With a small grunt, Kiru lifted herself off the bed, and in a matter of minutes she had been fully dressed. Placing the crystal back in her hair, she turned towards the door, and made for the entrance of the Inn.

    Coming down the steps, she had a clear view of the outside world. Provided by the expansive window that was situated next to the Café that the Inn was part of. The day seemed the same as it was before, minus a few light rain showers that may or may not have been caused by Kiru's uncontrollable urge to make the weather appear. Of course it was the only comfort she could feel in such a new place. Kiru had come to this town with one goal. She needed to collect some more debts from those who borrowed favours of Black Rose. Her guild's influence reached to all corners of Fiore, but it was stronger in some places more so then others.

    Giving a tired glance around the Café, Kiru simply turned to the counter and dropped a small bag of jewels for her stay. She was about to order a drink when suddenly something stirred in the back of her mind... Dark Magic... Kiru could sense it nearby. But where? And why? The area seemed clear of any foul play... That's when she heard a stranger's voice not too far from her inquire about something strange. Kiru turned to face the brown haired man, who seemed to be staring out the window... She followed his gaze and locked it with a dark and ominous cloud, slowly billowing up over the town...

    Kiru glared at it and clenched her fist, slowly shoving past a small crowd gathered at the door of the Inn. She walked outside and stared up at the dark particles... Waiting for it to react...


    In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu) 2f730cc21c


    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
    Lineage : Devil's Conquest
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    Posts : 1471
    Guild : Grim Heresy [GM]
    Cosmic Coins : 5
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    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sunset Eclipse - The Sandstorm GS
    Second Skill: Titan Eclipse • Devil Pact
    Third Skill:

    In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu) Empty Re: In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu)

    Post by Eris 5th October 2016, 9:32 am


    In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu) Axrkz3D

    What was minutes past the very picture of a perfect morning had grown cold and grey with overcast that overtook the sky pushing out ahead of the thick black clouds further on the horizon that crept over the mountains draining light and seeming to dampen sound as the town grew quieter,  pronouncing the distant rumbles of thunder and the rising rustle of trees from a growing breeze carried by an ominous wind that possessed an unearthly chill.

    The black clouds loomed over the mountains in a few moments longer,  the gloom spreading through the town increasing like a weight of sinking depression,  until on the winds a faint rhythm could be heard of rushing air in slow methodical stretches of curious origin,  the sound rising as the clouds approached until the sound grew more distinct.   Wings.  Great wings beating against the storm,  large enough to cause a slow drawn out wave with each motion.  With that realization the cause could be seen,  a faint motion spread out through the storm front.  A wave,  rising and falling to each horizon framed by the mountain ranges the town was nestled in.    An area of the rolling clouds deeper and darker than the rest.   

    Following the shape,  the motion of what must be wings,  a body slowly took shape in the mind,  becoming more visible in its approach.  More than just one.  Faint echos of multiple wings repeated the motions of the first as a long body twisted its way through the air like a great serpent.   Just as the threat was more certain,  that this did not appear to be some illusion or trick of the mind,  a colossal dragon of bone broke through ahead of the storm front,  thick black streams of smoke roiling off from its body as though it were comprised of shadows or storm clouds itself,  but distinct now as it swooped low,  six wings stretched wide in a gliding motion as it leveled out with the ground in a rush of speed that carried it like a hurricane forward and slamming through the town,  thick blankets of smoke splashing off from its body where it rushed into and through houses and down alleys and streets like a flood with what could be perceived as either howling winds or a long drawn out roar.  

    The dragon disappeared as it met the opposite limits of the town,  but the smoke remained like a thick fog spreading confusion and reducing vision.   Cries and disbelief faded in the muffled silence of the dark fog like a calm before a storm,  until throughout the town came the piercing cries not of surprise but of horror as terror spread throughout the town at the hands of undead horrors that appeared out of the gloom,  stepping out from the shadows and the rafters,  out from the alleys and the forgotten streets.  The dead rising from the graveyards in a frenzy to tear themselves out from the earth and join he skeletons and wraiths that seemed to come out of nowhere,  like the dark fog itself was taking the shape of new abominations that sought out the living,  the initial dragon if there even was a dragon remained absent,  but the sense that something greater than was still watching was ever present,  like the walls had eyes and the air itself betrayed one's location.

    Any undead creature you can imagine and of any rank or power level is fair game,  have fun.


    In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu) NvVyM98

    In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu) CkggyrF

    Deception | Despair | Domination
    H 1 S 7 A 7+1 B 8+1 C 9 D 11
    d a m n a t i o n
    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Legacy of the Fire King
    Position : The Vanquisher
    Posts : 1740
    Guild : Infinity Hydra (Guildmaster)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hephaestus
    Experience : 420,643

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer (3rd Gen)
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu) Empty Re: In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 5th October 2016, 5:08 pm

    So you can throw me to the wolves
    Tomorrow I will come back
    Leader of the whole pack
    Beat me black and blue
    Every wound will shape me
    Every scar will build my throne

    Sipping some of his coffee, the fire mage stopped for a moment. Staring up at the sky, he was in awe of the abysmal sight above. The darkness in the sky almost felt unnatural, not like any storm, but as if actual evil was taking over the once blue and bright sky. Sliding back in his chair a bit, his hand slid over to the wrapped up sword by his side. Well this can't be good. The people in the cafe seemed to share his concerns, others in the streets stopped dead in their tracks. The world seemed to stay still for a moment, until he saw the movement of wings. But he could not make out anything other than the rolling smoke, dark and thick like smog. Whatever was up there did not come down, but that was not what concerned him, it was the beasts below.

    Appearing from every alley and every drain, dark creatures of the night, primarily forms of undead began to emerge. These creatures filled the streets slowly but surely. Sliding to the cafe, he looked inside. Close the shutters, everyone stay in the back of the room. And don't open this door for anyone. Grabbing the wrapped up blade, Ardere bolted into the streets. Looking up at the dark sky, he gritted his teeth. Only a truly powerful demon or necromancer, perhaps even a group of them, was capable of such power being displayed here today. 

    Unwrapping his sword, the Fire King unleashed Clarent onto the world. The crimson blade shone for a moment, and he twirled it between his fingers. Alright. Here goes nothing. Looking around, he made note of all of the people running through the streets, and even those standing. The guild master looked around to see if anyone else could fight, but he did not have much time to dilly dally. Turning to one of the undead, the crimson blade began to heat up like a blow torch. Everyone get to the outskirts of the city! If you can't find your way there, take refuge in the city hall! Dashing at the member of the undead, he employed his significantly increased speed to slice horizontally through it's bones, then spin around to give a vertical slash. With the heat put on his sword, it allowed him to easily melt through stone and metal, so bone should be no match, right? He was a mage who had taken on severe dark threats, even fought on par with H ranks, but was this too much even for him? He was determined to not let it be, but it would be wise to seek out allies. 

    Sword Ability:

    Last edited by Ardere Kasai on 6th October 2016, 5:12 pm; edited 1 time in total


    In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu) FYZkfE1
    God Force:

    Legacy Form:

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu) Empty Re: In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu)

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 6th October 2016, 4:19 pm

    She was getting an exceptionally bad feeling about the cloud of darkness edging closer and closer to the town. Jiyu felt shivers run up from the base of her tail to where her spine was connected to her brain, sending the signal of bad omen like a lightning rod would direct lightning. Jiyu flinched as the dragon formed, diving down on the city, but her optics widened when she found her vision suddenly more clouded than normal, no wait it wasn’t her vision, it was actually the world around her, smoke was filling the town! Momentarily, her heart seemed to stop and she collapsed hitting her knees. Nine out of ten times, smoke meant there was a large scale fire somewhere nearby, and she was deadly afraid of flames. After a few second’s, her nose inhaled deeply, finding no scent of any fire, her body stood up instantly as if her cave in had never happened in the first place. Now that she knew herself to be safe from flames? Jiyu used her ears and nose to her a better sense of the situation, both her sharp nose and elfin ears twitching as she let her senses expand to their full range, instead of the focused inward way she normally kept them to hold off over stimulation for just a bit longer.

    Fabric slithered open, it was the sound closest to her, and she heard something metalic move through the air, even if only slightly. So someone else was already acting? The scent’s of the dead and something melting filled her nose, screeches of wraiths entering her ears making them flinch. Even if she’d rather not hear the piercing scream, she couldn’t fight with her vision normally, this made it even worse than normal. “Yeah no way am I going to city hall, Maka Transform.” suddenly the twain tail leaped off her shoulder and in a pale moonlight like flash of heat, she transformed into a much larger beast, snarling as she grabbed one of the dead who appeared from the smog, tossing it several feet away as her silver fur bristled. It seemed it was good she had naturally gotten dressed normally for this trip, instead of acting as if she was some normal person. In the end, her habits gave her the advantage of being entirely battle ready, even having all three of her weapon’s! Her knife was tucked into her breastplate, her fan in her arm bracer, even her bow was hidden beneath her hair, attached to the quiver concealed there. Jiyu went for her fan first, flicking it open, causing three more skeletons to appear. While more dead seemed like a bad idea? The one’s she called forth seemed different, old soldier's suits wrapped round their bone’s, long curved swords in their hands, focus on the wind user. “I need you four to help with evacuating people.” the woman spoke up as she used her right hand and unhooked night hunt from her quiver, drawing two arrows between her fingers, holding those items to her side.  

    “Hope you don’t mind a little help.” she spoke serious and playful at the same time, hand opening into the air and seeming to taking hold of something in her left hand. Swiftly, a whip generated from the wind itself, formed and was lashed at a nearby corpse, wrapping around it and considering it’s weak constitution as rotting corpse, slicing it in half. “After all, from what I can hear and smell, the town is filled.” her tail lashed once and she lashed her whip again, this time in a swift circle, an attempt to clear some of the smoke. The effect lasted only a single second, displacing some smoke before it was once more billowing in. “I’m not sure if I can use my wind magic to clear the smoke or not.” Jiyu bit her lip, she meant to use her action to see if she could aid by clearing the smoke with the wind’s generated by her powerful area of effect attacks. Yet, since the test was so uncertain, she wasn’t sure if it was worth the risk, considering using those moves would also damage whatever structure she was near when she did so. For now, all she could do was wait for the response of the other mages, and trust that her pet and ‘summon’s’ were evacuating everyone who needed it, swiftly.


    In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu) Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu) H6NcPbM In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu) H6NcPbM In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu) H6NcPbM In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu) H6NcPbM


    Empyreal Sword

    Empyreal Sword

    Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Fan Art Contest Participant- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Ensō Catalyst
    Position : None
    Posts : 617
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Shizuo Hyouga [Primary] | Kimigiku-hime [Secondary]
    Experience : 9,600

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Renegades of Rebirth
    Second Skill: Ballad of the Battlebow [ WIP ]
    Third Skill:

    In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu) Empty Re: In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu)

    Post by Terith 8th October 2016, 9:01 am



    Terith had seen many ominous indicators back in his day, but not one of this magnitude, and it was the kind where he expected the eruption of hysteria over a wide area as soon as the chaos descends, swallowing the town whole with its grim intentions. From his position on the ground, he'd count down at the seconds that it would take for the disturbance to happen, his blue gaze wide with desperation as his expression was placid with a tangible sense of fear, and doubt, and the inability to comprehend the events that followed after, marring his sharp features.

    What was all of this? What even was this? Why was he here? He could have a ton of questions flood his psyche, but nothing could ever come as close to supplying him his answers, much less a repose.

    The sky would break out in a roar of noise and smoke, where a dragon of bone all but tore through the paper sky with an impressive set of wings, generating a sense of dread with each deliberate move of its white-washed limbs. For a moment, the situation seemed to have paralyze not just his legs, but his lungs, too, reaching a point where his entire being felt like it was running out of breaths to spare. He'd stagger back as the beast made its landing, scrolling through the various households with its twisting body, and there had been nothing to steady his fall as he hunched over, stepping back and falling ungracefully unto the streets.

    "What the hell..." he muttered, realizing the imminent prob of death at his dulled senses. At his waist, Kushinada's violent rattling made the realization all too clear to him. Shirotsume was under siege, and he'd been unfortunate enough to be muddled into it. It was too early to think that this'd be a leisurely stroll through a fancy town, perhaps, and it was more than late to assume an escape route then, not after the earth rumbled with the rising of the dead men from their graves, groaning, moaning back at the citizens as they desperately tried to flee.

    He wasn't too sure what he could've done if he opted to run with them, find safety, maybe, live, maybe. But a part of him dictated something else entirely. It wasn't his spirits or a berating voice numbing his skull. Instead, it was a soft presence, a smile that beckoned him to get up, to brandish Kushinada, fight with his morals reaching higher than the boney arms that grasped at the grey skies.

    Could he really do it with his sub-par abilities? Of course not, but...

    'I believe in you, dear.'

    He...needed to do it. He was compelled to do it. His being wanted him to do it and...maybe it was just the something he'd been looking for, inspiration beyond belief, beyond doubts, beyond reason.

    The swordsman's head rose, the sunless sky reflected with a thin stream of light from within himself. He stood, but not without inhaling sharply before. His legs were stiff with an icy feeling, but he kept running, somewhere, closer to where trouble was brewing ever prominently. The dragon was...gone? However, its wake seemed tangible enough as the hoards of undead gathered, and if he was even allowed a light jest, he'd compare the fright to a zombie apocalypse that he'd seen in some movies, back in his golden days, when his world wasn't Fiore or Ishval, for that matter.

    As he ran, his thoughts seemed to race as well. He was human, and a man could only do so much against his fears of perishing under a great, impenetrable force. Perhaps it was inevitable to halt death, but it was human nature to have an inner desire to defy those mechanisms to any extent. He'd dig a hand beneath the fold in his belt, undoing the deftly tied knot at his hip and letting the rope slid off his form before safely tucking the flimsy thing into his spare pocket. In an instant, his body began to fizzle in a pale blue light, the colors in his hair falling off and revealing stands of white beneath the melting process. The material of his clothes seemed to shift, where the blue energy tailored an entirely different ensemble for him, one that had been dyed white. Then, the blue in his eyes seemed to pale, blurring into a mix of oranges and reds before steadying into an uncanny golden light.

    Biting at his lip, the swordsman took a short glance at his reflection from a passing shop, briefly catching the whiff of white hair and strange clothes. Though he'd seen it before, it was still weird to consider this other appearance as his. But more importantly, the shops were being ravaged with several packs of skeletal fiends, the remainders of their rotting flesh falling off their limbs as they clawed at the doors.

    "Khh." he whispered under his breath, visibly appalled by the progression of events as he made a bee-line for the tops of the houses, feeling the winds beneath his feet as he hauled himself upward in a jump. As he perched himself atop a mansion's rooftop, his eyes would gloss over the full extent of the damage, seeing the mortified faces of the survivors as they hurried to evacuate to a shelter somewhere, corpses dangling off their bastions, and so much crying, anguish as far as the eye can see. In the absence of a clear objective apart from eradicating the threat, Terith was prompted to search for any other wizards, eyes skimming over the town as it neared a state of mass tragedy.

    At his shoulder, a bakaneko stirred, but only barely. Nikuko had been silent the entire time, and he couldn't blame it. There weren't any proper words, or emotions, for that matter, to perfectly commit to the actual weight of the incident.

    "....I'm scared, master." it mewled, shrinking into the size of a baseball. Terith thread his fingers through its fur briefly, passing it a gentle smile, a curve of encouragement, or something close to it.

    "I'm sure most of us are." he simply said, unsheathing Kushinada from its scabbard. "But survival depends on how good you can put up a resistance." He'd run a hand down the silvery length of his weapon's blade, beckoning to the spirits and pleading for advice.

    "This time, it's not just our's, but a whole town's resistance. Right?"

    The yokai cat would only nod, staring back at its master's hazy golden eyes.

    deltra of gangnam style

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    In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu) Empty Re: In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu)

    Post by Kiru 10th October 2016, 11:42 am

    It was so sudden. The dark, ominous feeling growing the back of Kiru's mind... The shadowy cloud giving off an array of warnings in Kiru's senses to cause the girl's fists to silently glow with a pale blue light... And then it came. Like an avalanche of darkness, tumbling over the mountains and flooding the sky, the cloud blocked out the sunlight... Only to meet with a furious sound of dead wings fighting the air beyond the veil of shadow. Her eyes narrowed as she shifted her stance into a defensive one, sensing the incoming trouble as soon as a large, scaleless undead dragon revealed itself, flying down and out of the cloud. However, what came next was unexpected. From the beast's wings a torrent of black fog spilled into the streets, completely obscuring Kiru's sight, but only for a few moments. She quickly brought up a hand to shield her face from the black fog as it swept up her hair...

    Moments later, she slowly peered out into the darkness... Her cyan colored gaze almost illuminating the small dark area around her... From what she could hear, the town's residents had already began running and screaming from an unseen danger. A few quickly shoved passed the girl and made a run for the inn she had been situated inside. However, Kiru tried to hold her ground... It took a few seconds for her senses to return to her, but now she had a better understanding of the situation... Especially when a lumbering figure came charging through the fog straight towards her! Kiru's eyes widened as she saw the shadow of a large man, raising a massive battleaxe. He directed straight towards her! Kiru only had a split seconded to plant her foot, and leap backwards as the heavy steel crashed into the cobblestone. However, this wasn't a man. From what she could see, it was a skeletal hand holding the battleaxe. So... Undead. Kiru simply raised her hands as white water began to form around them... The creature slowly took the axe from the ground and lumbered closer to Kiru, his body finally coming into full view. As expected, it was a large skeleton wearing heavy armor. The sockets where his eyes used to be glowing with a bright red hue. He didn't waste anytime, and swung his axe, attempting to hit Kiru straight in the waist. Expecting this from a larger, slower, probably dumber opponent, Kiru quickly leaped over it, and rolled elegantly beside his feet, attempting to trip up the monster with a water tendril that blasted from the ground on the other side of him. Not expecting this, the skeleton stumbled and fell backwards. With a metallic clang from his armor, Kiru quickly rose up over him as the tendril quickly decapitated the weak bone holding his head to his shoulders. Satisfied with the skeleton warrior's death, Kiru's next order of business was to figure out what exactly was going on. She couldn't see anything through this fog...

    However, it wouldn't seem like she needed to do anything about it, as a few moments later it cleared up. Now it was but a shadow in the sky blocking out the sun. Taking note of this, Kiru quickly spun around to see multiple undead creatures terrorizing the streets. Citizens were frantically running for their lives as hordes of undeand monsters chased after them. A few skeletons charged at Kiru, but she took little notice as a long white water tendril smashed into them, causing the monsters to fall apart instantly.

    She was about to help charge headlong into battle, and try to hold back the monsters as long as she could so the civilians could get to safety, when she heard a voice cry out. Kiru turned to see the same brown haired man she had noticed only a few moments earlier in the Cafe, wielding a long crimson blade, effortlessly taking out undead. However, he didn't seem to be alone. More skeletons began to crowd around him, obviously a target they intended on taking out if they hoped to accomplish whatever it was they were here for. Sprinting, Kiru's fist and arm began to get swallowed in a torrent of rushing white water. Finally, she used an abandoned wagon to gain some height, and jumped over the group. Upon landing she slammed her fist straight into one of the skeleton's skulls! It shattered upon impact, and sent a huge burst of water to engulf the others. Kiru turned to the man and nodded.

    "Black Rose. I'll help fortify the Town Hall..."


    In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu) 2f730cc21c

    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

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    In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu) Empty Re: In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 20th October 2016, 5:57 pm

    So you can throw me to the wolves
    Tomorrow I will come back
    Leader of the whole pack
    Beat me black and blue
    Every wound will shape me
    Every scar will build my throne

    Tumbling backwards as he sliced cleanly through a skeletal enemy, Ardere quickly regained his bearings and looked around the town. Covered in darkness, the world around them seemed to be falling apart at the seam. If he did not act quickly, the town would be lost. Directing people across the street and towards the town hall, his breathing became heavily. Time seemed to almost slow as he moved through the road. Then, he found himself face to face with another member of the undead, groaning and bumbling at him. Utilizing all of his speed, he dodged a thrash and slashed through the creature, melting through its flesh easier than a knife cut through butter. Performing a spin, the fire mage turned around to face the other side of the street. Dozens of undead stumbled in his direction, as the people ran, screaming at the top of their lungs. 

    Standing amidst the chaos, Ardere gritted his teeth. Staring up at the dark sky, a black aura shot across his body. Cracking his neck and knuckles, the Fire King ignited his blade, sending flames across it. I suppose I must take action. Dashing down the straight, he burst forward, slashing through multiple undead, their decaying and/or skeletal bodies melted and split into pieces. Sliding to a halt, their dismembered bodies fell to the ground behind him as a trail of black flames was left in his wake. 

    A scream pierced his ears as he noticed a woman and child cowering in fear as two skeletons wielding swords moved closer, emotionless but with the intent to kill. Dashing in front of them, the wind from the sheer force of his feet kicking off the ground sent some dust scattering across the pavement. Blocking both of their sword strikes, in the blink of an eye he cut them in half. Some arrows from afar pierced his elemental body, but he stood in front of the two, shielding their bodies. The arrows incinerated inside of him, and came out as falling ash behind him. Deflecting the remaining arrows, Ardere helped the woman and her child to safety. Twirling the blade between his fingers, he turned around and smiled at them. Don't worry, you're safe now. Get to the town hall. Turning back to the undead, his grip on the crimson blade tightened. Taking a fight stance, he was the blaze that stood between the darkness and these innocent people, but he noticed others were taking a stand. There was a young girl with black hair and her companion, as well as a blonde swordsman and his cat-like friend. This city would not fall, not to the likes of this evil. 

    Calling out to the young girl with black hair who had likely been near the cafe, he let out a heavy breath. She seemed to be trying to clear the smoke with a form of wind magic. Not a bad idea. Hey you, need any help? A slight smirk crossed his pale lips as his black aura began to die down. The god slayer did not plan on yielding here, he would slice through as many undead as it took. He found himself afraid of unleashing the full power of his flames, as the property damage would be horrendous, but he did not seem to have much of a choice. It was better than letting all these people die. The curse of a paladin and a samurai's mentality would forever plague and fuel his mind.

    (OOC: Sorry for not posting earlier, I was waiting on Eris, but she's hanging back for now, and Himiko is gonna hop in. But she's kinda busy, so let's just keep going eh?)
    Mp: 100% Hp: 500/500


    In the Darkness, Light (Terith/Kiru/Jiyu) FYZkfE1
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