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    Meeting of Pegasi and Reapers | Private |


    Lineage : Technological Superiority
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    Meeting of Pegasi and Reapers | Private |  Empty Meeting of Pegasi and Reapers | Private |

    Post by Reiya 16th December 2016, 3:37 pm

    As Mavis one of the many beauties of Blue Pegasus was walking in Talonia into it's park Solemn Park. She was suppose to find Luna one of Blue Pegasus' beauties. They were going to have a little girls day out to have fun and chat. Getting to know each other was really what they were gonna do. The Slayer and the Tactician, it certainly would be a meeting for the books, Mavis of course would be recording that book. She kept up on any and everything that could be useful for later on.

    As the woman trailed through the park she noticed the leafs of the tree raining down on the walkway. It was pretty, nature always had small details that made the world illuminate in beauty, however this was also a yin yang effect. The world had many things that made it ugly as well. Such as the ones who wish for chaos and the ones who harm others for their own enjoyment. Mavis never understood dark guilds what made them go down that path of darkness, why did they see it fit? What made it appeal to them more than a light guild? Maybe it was the fact they had less rules? Sometimes it was opposite sometimes a dark guild was more strict.

    Either way, Mavis had wondered upon a tree with a swing supported by the tree's branch, located on a special tree. One of the only Cherry Blossom Tree's around Talonia. Mavis swung on the swing waiting for her friend, her legs crossed as she swayed with the wind. The world was just one big playground, sometimes you made friends sometimes foes. Sometimes you have dark times and pain sometimes you have a good time, fun.


    Even when everyone is against us, we won't give up. 
    Luna Jaeger
    Luna Jaeger

    Knight VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Posts : 289
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 41
    Experience : 1262.5

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    Meeting of Pegasi and Reapers | Private |  Empty Re: Meeting of Pegasi and Reapers | Private |

    Post by Luna Jaeger 16th December 2016, 5:43 pm

    Summer leaves gilded the park in the color of amber-green, heralding the beauty of nature for all to see, and this was where Mavis could be found today. The young woman in her earlier twenties was in the park alright, as usual everywhere she went there was a tome crammed in her face - a small journal bound in hide - containing important information no less. Her own private library had received a new stack of books yesterday, and she had to make sure to catalogue each and every new book being added, every old book refurbished or removed. It was a completely and utterly organized system - a labor of love to Luna.

    Pulling the small journal from her eyes, Luna looked up towards the tree which she was approaching, allowing her book to naturally fall to her side and into her purse by the flow of gravity, pulling her hand back up into a wave once the woman had come face-first in front of Mavis. "Well, hellow there! I take it you like cherry blossoms? Well, don't move for me." She said with a warm smile, tapping the ground twice with her foot until she floated into the sky ant at even height with Mavis - taking to a relaxed seated position. There was nothing underneath Luna but air, the woman hovering stably in the sky.



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
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    Meeting of Pegasi and Reapers | Private |  Empty Re: Meeting of Pegasi and Reapers | Private |

    Post by Aoi 16th December 2016, 7:52 pm


    A small, subtle sigh left faint lips as sun beat down on the land beneath her feet, seeming to take in the breeze with a bit of delight. The idea of taking in the sights was a very fun one, however in the case of the silver haired woman today, she was here for more relaxing matters. As sight wasn't really... One of her forte's, she simply decided against using her magic to see things. Sometimes, there was a little more of a natural feel to doing things her own way, then trying to abuse the ability of a magic for a personal desire like simply looking at things. To be honest, there was a certain feeling to the sights when one could do more than take in the visual aspects of a scenery. The smell, the feel of the air, the sound of the people around. All lovely things, though truthfully... Their screams would probably be much more adored than anything.

    As much of a two sided coin as Aoi was, she was both an innocent soul as much as a heartless bitch with the lack of care in what she said to almost any person she spoke to. It went without saying the only exception was Eris, but those reasons were sound in stone. She approached an area known fro years to be the centerfold for Cherry Blossoms falling, attracting tons of tourists to the town to watch... Which gave Aoi plenty of thoughts that would most likely please Eris and possibly reward her for the deeds, however for the time being she simply shrugged it off and went back to her calming time doing nothing. She did pause in her place as she approached a tree, having seen something that caught her blind eye. While still in place, she simply took one more step and then looked up as her sonar would show her the silhouette of a womanly figure in the trees. She lifted the parasol over top her head and look into it, blinking quietly for a moment. "Might I ask why'st thou is in the tree?" Of course, due to the fact of her blindness, she'd be unable to see the woman seated in the air.



    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Arm of Destiny
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    Experience : 50

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    Meeting of Pegasi and Reapers | Private |  Empty Re: Meeting of Pegasi and Reapers | Private |

    Post by Vlad 17th December 2016, 9:14 am

    Vladimir was usually a person who enjoyed a challenging job; something that really forced him to put his all into it. Today, however, he felt the need to futher his own goals. To further support the person h has pledged loyalty. He was interested in moving up the ranks. Who wante to be at the bottom when they had the capabilities of reaching the top? Definetly not Vladimir. It was with this motivation that he found himself lured to the park.

    Something was off. He was sensing something. Ah, another grim?  Well, if itwas, this would be an exciting day. He had not known many grims, so this was a good opertunity to meet some allies. Walking forward a familiar sight came into view. "My lord. Mavis? Of all places." He chuckled. Looking over he was able to feeltge mark on the girl. With a light smile he simply walked over. "How goes it?"


    Meeting of Pegasi and Reapers | Private |  Tumblr10
    Hallowed Summons § Vlad Chao § Bank

    Lineage : Technological Superiority
    Position : None
    Posts : 155
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 24
    Mentor : Dragons and Stoners?
    Experience : 450

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    First Skill: Archive Gun
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    Meeting of Pegasi and Reapers | Private |  Empty Re: Meeting of Pegasi and Reapers | Private |

    Post by Reiya 17th December 2016, 10:30 am

    Mavis as she swung thought about how beautiful the park was, the butterflies and birds dancing in the skies as they danced past Mavis. How the flowers here were in a magical barrier keeping them unaffected by the cold, they were blooming. It was a beautiful sight for anyone who found nature beautiful, really anyone could be mesmerized by the sight though. The bees would buzz around Mavis as they circled her ribbon in her hair, before going off to collect the sweet nectar they oh so desired from the flowers around the tree. The presence of the slayer, Luna had scared of the bees as they quickly flew away.

    Mavis waved at Luna. "Yup they're pretty, ya know~"

    Just as Luna was settling down a blind-woman had interrupted their short reunion. It would seem the blind woman thought she was in the tree, sad. It must be a torture not to witness the beauty in the world with her eyes.

    "I am on a swing, ma'am. And this right here is my friend Luna, she has slayer magic, which is allowing her to levitate." Mavis informed the blind woman, "That is if you can feel her magic presence." 

    Just as Mavis was explaining to her, low and behold another man know as Vlad had appeared. The seducer of Fiore, a man who had striked fear in many but had a soft spot for Mavis, she however didn't care if he hated or loved her, she just saw him as another person, so she saw no reason to fear the man. On several accounts he had made her emotions putty in his hands and caused her to lust for him endlessly. Lucky though she got a hold of herself emotional and had prevented anything from happening those fateful days.

    "Nice to see ya pretty boy, I see time hasn't killed you yet." She stuck her tongue out teasing him, "Thanks for keeping me safe from that beast, stud."

    Mavis smiled, it was always fun to tease Vlad.

    "So Luna, what brought you here?" Mavis asked. "I was here to relax, I even brought myself some sweet tea~" Mavis informed her guild-mate showing her, the bottle containing tea. Curiously she asked, "What is everyone doing here, actually." She smirked, "I know Vlad is just here to try and get in my pants."

    Mavis sipped on the tea, awaiting everyone's answers.


    Even when everyone is against us, we won't give up. 
    Luna Jaeger
    Luna Jaeger

    Knight VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 289
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 41
    Experience : 1262.5

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    First Skill: Sky God Slayer
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    Meeting of Pegasi and Reapers | Private |  Empty Re: Meeting of Pegasi and Reapers | Private |

    Post by Luna Jaeger 17th December 2016, 11:34 am

    "Indeed, they are quite the sight." Luna said in a dulcet tone, something at the edge of her senses pricking at her awareness while Aoi approached. Knowing of both of them before their arrival due to her strange abilities whatever they may be, Luna had turned to greet first Aoi and then Vladimir - revealing herself in length. The female before the three of them was a beautiful thing to behold in person. Silken curls of black hue frame the beautiful woman's countenance and fall to the mid of her back, yellow-hued irises focusing intently at the point of her short curved nose. Luna stands at a trimmed and lithe build with a height of five feet and eight inches, thin shoulders paired with vivacious curves and well-endowed physical assets. Luna wears a low-cut split dress of black hues with black-and-green raven feathers stitched in at the shoulders. A brown leather corset provides some protection to the maiden along with a satchel strapped to dangle off one side. Finally, black lace stockings rise high paired with long black leather heeled boots.

    Luna wasn't entirely human either and had her own way of dealing with raucious men, but deemed now not the time for that. Instead, she touched down on the ground before Aoi, avoiding giving physical notice to Vladimir, as he had failed to pay notice to her. Instead, she decided a course of answering Mavis' question. Now that Luna had touched the ground, the other girl would be able to detect her likely. "I like to enjoy the serenity of the park while reading a good book, it can be de-stressing especially when dealing with my library's records. I also wanted to just have a girls night out of sorts, but I suppose that idea is spoiled now. No bother, plans can be adjusted I am sure."



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 23,011

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    Meeting of Pegasi and Reapers | Private |  Empty Re: Meeting of Pegasi and Reapers | Private |

    Post by Aoi 17th December 2016, 12:20 pm

    The meeting of this woman was very... displeasing to say the least. She hated the way she'd been spoken to, as if she were being mocked for her blindness. Whether or not she had actually meant it or not, it was taken very much in one way to the blind mage, and there would be no changing it once she set her mind on it. "If thou hadn't noticed... My lack there of in ability to see is a little different than one could hope to take into account. Surely thy fair maiden has a brain in there.. or perhaps one is there and just full of cobwebs and dust from lack of use, but I digress." She remained calm in her snapping back at the woman in the tree, trying not to get angry at the lack of consideration or betterment of her tone in replying to her initial question. However, she simply decided to let it go with a sigh... Something not worth her time in getting worked up over.

    The sudden sound of the crunching of grass before her face made her take a step back, letting her gain the sight of a humanly figure standing before her, causing her to jump back in surprise. The jump itself wasn't anything major, but she was highly instinctive with her feline nature now to perceive sudden appearances to react with instinct. "Thou shall learn to have some decency to address someone before being attacked! Some are much more violently when they react to something of that sort, I can assure you." Surely... Surely someone around here had some form of common sense in trying to approach someone with a disability, however she'd be 0 for 2 and after the third strike... Someone would end up with a loss of life and a summon with a new chew toy...

    The addition of another person had made this meeting a little more... Odd. Unlike the other two females, the blind mage could "see" this new individual. The way she could was something she referred to as a "pact sight", to which only she could know of this individuals origin. Listening to the two of them go back and forth, the witless one was Mavis, the male with the pact was Vlad... But yet she didn't quite catch the other womans name until Mavis had asked whom she believed to be the other woman. Now though, she only went by a nameless visitor, the way she honestly preferred to keep it for the time being. "I tend to wander 'round the towns and take my time relaxing and enjoying things in life from which other people don't tend to enjoy. Things a rare few understand." With blind eyes, she'd peer over to the male and snicker at the comment that Mavis had given, using her Parasol to conveniently block the view from Mavis to see.



    Harbinger of Death

    Harbinger of Death

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Arm of Destiny
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    Age : 26
    Mentor : Self Taught
    Experience : 50

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    First Skill: Hollowed Summons
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    Meeting of Pegasi and Reapers | Private |  Empty Re: Meeting of Pegasi and Reapers | Private |

    Post by Vlad 17th December 2016, 12:35 pm

    Vlad let out a slight chuckle, looking between the three ladies. It seemed that the one who had decided to simply observe from the tree was now choosing to reveal herself. "Why hello there! I would have addressed you if only you had chosen to be stationed on the ground; I mean... I just assume a lady in a tree is a lady unwanting attention." He chuckled. Perhaps he was a bit taken aback by the situation in which he found himself. Knowing full well there was another heretic in the area gave him a strange feeling. There was no way for him to pinpoint what this feeling was, but he was not terribly entertained by it. It was one that simply spoke to the "bond" between the two.

    "You speak such sweet words dear, have you not learned from that last experience? I am a man with a temperament, but that only goes so far. Continue to push and there's no promise I wont do as I please." He chuckled, winking at the girl. Catching the snickers from the owner of the pact he simply chuckled; there was no need to entertain the mocking of one beneath himself. Much less those of a woman. "Well, what are we all doing here today? Don't tell me! You were waiting for me? How cute, I knew you couldn't resist. Oh, and don't worry. I'm not trying to get into pants dear, I'm simply going to remove them!" He laughed once more, giving the group another once over. "Oh, what danger this child speaks of. Simply attacking others? That is very... interesting. See, I simply do what I must. If I attack it's for a reason. Much more reasonable. Much more... useful." 

    With this he simply let out a light sigh, turning to Luna. "I feel as though we have met before. The fishing competition, yes? I do believe we had an interesting encounter." He prodded, unsure of whether he was correct; he was ninety five percent confident that he was correct, but that five percent could really fuck some people over. "Well, what say we? Care to have some fun today? I am very~ bored. Perhaps you ladies could entertain me for a while?"


    Meeting of Pegasi and Reapers | Private |  Tumblr10
    Hallowed Summons § Vlad Chao § Bank

    Lineage : Technological Superiority
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    Meeting of Pegasi and Reapers | Private |  Empty Re: Meeting of Pegasi and Reapers | Private |

    Post by Reiya 17th December 2016, 12:48 pm

    It would seem Luna was here to enjoy a girls night out, usually she would read novels or something however she wanted a girls night out, and Vlad being a boy ruined that. Oh well. He was practically a woman, so it wouldn't bother the plans as much. A very... masculine woman, and seducing... and handsome. Mavis looked over at Luna, wondering what she had planned for the girls night out, what in particular did she wish to do, today? What was it that she had planned for the ladies?

    The blind woman seemed to be pissed at Mavis, that was great Mavis pissed off a handicapped. She looked at the woman up and down, how could she help this woman not think badly of Mavis, because it seemed like she thought Mavis was a bitch.

    "I didn't mean any offense." Mavis sighed.

    Mavis looked over at Vlad, "AS if. You can't get me out of my clothings, you fool." Mavis winked.

    Mavis looked at the blind woman, "So what is your name madame." After finding out her name her attention shifted to Luna, "What do you wanna do? Vlad wants us to entertain him hah."

    Mavis practically mocked Vlad, sticking her tongue out at him.


    Even when everyone is against us, we won't give up. 
    Luna Jaeger
    Luna Jaeger

    Knight VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 41
    Experience : 1262.5

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    First Skill: Sky God Slayer
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    Meeting of Pegasi and Reapers | Private |  Empty Re: Meeting of Pegasi and Reapers | Private |

    Post by Luna Jaeger 17th December 2016, 2:45 pm

    "It is your right whether you decide to attack me or not." Luna responded, "However I can assure you that I didn't just pop out of nowhere.. I've been here before you walked along through the park's southern gate, stopped to smell the flowers, and then approached this location. I've seen you do all these things and yet I have been here. I did not think it would be necessary to announce my presence when I was already here, however for your purview I will do so. I am Luna Jaeger, a mage skilled with wind magic. Is there any thing you wish to know, my lady?" Luna had absolutely no patience for snark in most cases, however in this occasion she felt herself with enough patience to deal with the white-haired girl.

    "Yes, the fishing competition... and also Crocus. This is the third time we've met. I wouldn't mind entertaining you, but are you sure that your up for that? I mean, its quite plain your much more into my fellow pegasi."


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