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    50 shades of Blue


    50 shades of Blue - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Guest 2nd January 2017, 7:49 am

    Summer’s sparks were still going wild, dancing all around both of her hands as Stella and Laysha were both taken to safety by the mighty parrot himself. Stella and Laysha really didn’t want to go, but they had no choice in the matter, especially Laysha since she cannot fight or do anything else to do with combat. Stella could fight if she so wished, but Summer doesn’t know what Stella can actually do, considering Summer only seen Stella fight once by shooting down from the sky like an actual star (which was still moments ago.)

    The fight was still going on between the vulcan and this time, for Julius, Summer had to get off because her hands were getting tired but she was sure that she will give the vulcan another batting when it was her turn to do so. But man, that vulcan can really take a beating! Hopefully Julius will have something up his sleeve as Summer has already shown what she can do by just smacking the hell out of things for all day and all night if she so desired.

    The vulcan seemed to have thrown himself in a fit of rage when Julius decided to throw… turnips?! Since when was turnips a good idea?! She knew that the best offence is a good defence but turnips is just ridiculous. She then seen Julius throw these turnips before he casted a geyser, throwing the vulcan into the air! The vulcan then landed head first onto the floor. Okay, it was her turn!

    “My turn!” The fireworks expert exclaimed as she ran towards the enemy, the sparks still being bright enough for flashlights as they dazzled around her hands. She didn’t know what to exactly do apart from smack him multiple times once more. She pushed the vulcan to a tree and Summer braced herself for what she thought was going to be another barrel roll. The vulcan did indeed throw another barrel aimed at the fireworks expert but she merely straddle jumped to dodge the whole thing before she sent off a flurry of melee attacks.

    “One!” She shouted as she sent a big punch to its stomach. “Two!” The second one was a roundhouse kick for the head. She kept counting and smacking/punching/kicking as much as she possibly could, trying to dodge his melee attacks as much as possible while he gets weaker and weaker… thank god for being a contortionist as she just pulled of one hell of a backbend before she sent another punch to the vulcan’s face. The fireworks expert was not going to give up just yet. She smacked him a couple of more times while slanting him down against the floor.

    “YAAAYYYY!!! MORE ATTENTION!” She grunted and giggled as she punched him another four times, two on each cheek. The vulcan should be down and out by now, and in fact he seemed pretty beat… thank god it was just knocked out though, Summer could have easily killed him and that was no way for a Rising Star to act. She simply looked to Julius and smiled softly as the fireworks surrounding her hands faded…


    HP: 200
    MP: 70%
    [color=#00ff99] - Summer
    [color=#de0914] - Laysha
    [color=#daa520] - Stella

    Spells used:

    Cooldowns: sparx 1/3

    Words: 525 |@tagged | Notes: 9281/12000
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
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    Third Skill:

    50 shades of Blue - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Julius Seas 4th January 2017, 6:24 pm

    make my soul

    Xenoblade Chronicles X ~ Uncontrollable:

    Julius ran towards some safe distance to catch his breath for a moment. He would then redirect his attention towards Summer who was apparently having the time of her life punishing the beast. The beast tried to fight back by throwing barrels but it was pointless because it only took a couple of smacks until the beast was unconscious. Oh lord... The poor thing... He only got two chances to attack...  

    Danganronpa 2 ~ Beautiful days [Piano Arrange]:

    Summer turned towards Julius and smiled. She asked if Julius was ready. Yes Julius is ready just hang on for second. HEY SQAUBLE YOU CAN COME! WE DEFEATED THE BEAST! Julius shouted through out the whole area since he didn't know where he flew away to with Laysha and Stella. Julius could hear the flaps of wings and he saw Squable flying towards him. Good job Julius-kun and Summer-chan! By the way while you two were busy fighting that monster! We found the temple! Just follow us and we will lead the way! Julius nodded and he followed Squable.

    After a lot of ordeals the two mages and gang of pets finally had found the temple that the had as destination all along. Oh Julius almost forgot! Julius reached out towards his pocket and grabbed the "gossip" stone that he got from captain Daphnes. Hello captain Daphnes can you hear Julius? Julius wait a few moments for a response.Hey! Julius thank god you two are alright! After you said a monster attacked you I was about to jump in a boat to help you! Julius rolled with his eyes. He knew captain Daphnes was to much of a coward to actually fight a beast. But where are you two now anyway? The captain asked. We went towards the temple on the map... Julius thinks the treasure is inside the temple... Well according to the legend... It's said that the treasure is buried and not in any kind of temple... Though it could be near the temple grounds... Julius paused for a second and rested his face on his left hand. So you're telling Julius... That, that stupid treasure can be anywhere on the island... There was a short silence. First of all Julius no treasure is stupid! And second of all... technically you're right... Julius let out a sigh. Julius will contact you if we find anything.... Julius turned towards Summer. Well it's for the best we start digging here...

    HP: 200/200
    MP: 85%
    Spell used:
    Cooldown: Water geyser (2 posts)

    uses on pocket watch
    Raid time: 4/5
    Seagull within: 3/3

    [color=#00ccff] - Julius
    [color=#00cc00] - Squable
    Words: 402 | @tagged | WC: 9683/12000
    drip drip drip away.



    50 shades of Blue - Page 2 X9tEBuc

    50 shades of Blue - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Guest 5th January 2017, 6:37 am


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    50 shades of Blue - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by NPC 5th January 2017, 6:37 am

    The member 'Salrynn' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    50 shades of Blue - Page 2 NormalMonster 50 shades of Blue - Page 2 NormalMonster 50 shades of Blue - Page 2 StrongMonster 50 shades of Blue - Page 2 StrongMonster

    50 shades of Blue - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Guest 5th January 2017, 6:38 am

    2 normals

    2 stronks

    combining 2 stronks to make baws.

    50 shades of Blue - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Guest 5th January 2017, 9:45 am

    It was clear that the vulcan was down and out. Whether it was like… dead, dead, though. She wasn’t sure. She just knew that she packed quite a few hits into the poor bastard and it was very likely that it was not going to see the light of day any time soon. She had to take a look at her new friend however to see if he wasn’t panicking of the sort. She knew her full potential when it came to fighting, and even though she was one hell of a showoff, she never dared to let her showy antics get in the way of company. “No worries, Julius, everything will be okay!” Summer declared as crossed her arms innocently and happily.

    Laysha and Stella heard the keywords before Squable listened to his master intently, following the orders of being able to come down with the two, Laysha and Stella did so. The two pets followed after Squable pretty elegantly, they were satisfied and happy about the outcome of the fight. “Yeah! We found the temple as part of some decent teamwork…” She commented as she winked at the bird quite flirtatiously, licking her lips. Summer was quite disturbed at what she was seeing from her pet. It wasn’t too long ago that Laysha was complaining about being worried about being near the parrot and now she was flirting with him!

    Following her friend and the pets, Julius brought out the stone that he was able to use to communicate with this ‘Daphnes’ dude that he spoke to earlier. Overhearing the conversation seemed very useful as it was then discovered that the bikini could literally be anywhere on the island that they both were on… oh lord. This wasn’t going to be as fun as she thought it was going to be, after all. Still, there was no point in crying over spilt milk and there really was business the group had to get to.

    “Digging, right… Wouldn’t it be better if we had a map though?? We could pinpoint it’s location exactly and we might be able to find this one piece much more easier. Do you have a map?!” The female queried as she clapped her hands ever so happily.

    Suddenly, the female heard some pirate laughter and some pirate humor be pumped out by the mouths of 4 pirates that seemed to be wielding hammers. The group were so close, yet they could very well be spotted now. Summer wanted to take them all out immediately, unless they had the map…

    “Oi, Julius… them over there… I want to take them out… they might have the map, Shall we??” Summer whispered in question as she pointed at the quadruple. “I’ll start.” Taking out her ring blade that she kept close to her, Summer leapt out from the shadows and attacked the one of the pirates that was walking by. All of them were just looking at her now. But she did not care, she targeted the same one that was in her way and cartwheeled out of the way before they all went for her. Summer gave out an indication that she wanted Julius to join her, but she didn’t know far the male would go… he did pluck turnips out after all.

    HP: 200
    MP: 70%
    [color=#00ff99] - Summer
    [color=#de0914] - Laysha
    [color=#daa520] - Stella
    [color=#e066ff] Priscilla

    Spells used:
    Cooldowns: Sparx 2/3
    Enemy: Normal x2

    Words: 547 |@tagged | Notes: 10230/12000

    Last edited by Salrynn on 6th January 2017, 5:17 am; edited 1 time in total
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
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    50 shades of Blue - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Julius Seas 6th January 2017, 5:16 am

    make my soul

    Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright ~ Congratulatory People:

    Summer didn't agree on the fact that they had to dig without knowing where to dig instead she suggested a map though Julius didn't had one. The only map Julius has is the one Julius got from captain Daphnes and there is no marking on the map that could show us where it might be buried. Julius thought for a moment she did had a point since it would spare them the trouble of digging around aimlessly. Hey! Well actually there was a map... Julius got startled by the sudden voice coming out of the gossip stone. Where you eavesdropping on us? Julius said a bit irritated. No! You just forgot to turn off the lacr- I mean gossip stone! Julius sighed. But anyway! I did had a map on where it was though it got stolen... By Blackstache... Julius' right eye began to twitch for a second. You mean that sad excuse for a pirate gang stole the map from you?! So that's why they are here on the island... Captain Daphnes didn't respond and he broke the connection.

    At that moment Summer pointed into the distance. Four pirates wielding hammers appeared they certainly looked like pushovers like those little potheads. Summer thought that they may have the map towards the treasure's location.

    Persona 4 Arena ~ Princess Amagi:

    Without thinking of a strategy Summer jumped into battle. Summer wait!!! Julius sighed clearly she didn't know what these pirates were capable, though he didn't blamed her since she didn't knew them like Julius did. Summer grabbed something and she hit one of the enemies with what looked like a ring. After her attack she swiftly jumped away with her cheerleader skills. Though the pirate wasn't really pleased. Why you little... The pirate quickly ran towards Summer and grabbed her by the collar. I am going to enjoy every single moment when I'm going to make you walk the plank hehehehe... The other pirates laughed along. Something snapped inside Julius. They are going to kill her if Julius doesn't do something... Julius began to become very angry in fact he was going to rage which they could benefit from since his attack power will increase. Squable... take Laysha and Stella somewhere safe... Julius said softly with an angry tone to it. Squable didn't say anything and flew away. Water blades! Julius snapped with his fingers and two swords made out of water appeared in Julius' hands. Extend! Julius extended the swords for even more extra damage.

    Julius ran towards the man that hold Summer. He kicked him and he let loose of Summer. He quickly recovered and threw four hammers at Julius. Julius dodged all four of them and he started to whale on the man with his swords. After four attacks the man was passed out thanks to the increase of attack power from extending the swords and his rage.

    Water blades:


    HP: 200/200
    MP: 70%
    Spell used: Water blades (4 posts)
    Cooldown: Water geyser (1 post)
    Rage: 10 posts

    Enemy status:
    Hammer wielding pirate 1: HP 0/180
    Hammer wielding pirate 2: HP 180/180
    Hammer wielding pirate 3: HP 180/180
    Hammer wielding pirate 4: HP 180/180

    uses on pocket watch
    Raid time: 4/5
    Seagull within: 3/3

    [color=#00ccff] - Julius
    [color=#00cc00] - Squable
    words: 476 | @tagged | WC: 10.706/12.000
    drip drip drip away.

    Last edited by Julius Seas on 6th January 2017, 6:40 am; edited 1 time in total



    50 shades of Blue - Page 2 X9tEBuc

    50 shades of Blue - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Guest 6th January 2017, 6:29 am

    It didn’t take long for Summer to be threatened by the enemy, one of them grabbed the fireworks expert by her collar and talked smack about her, explaining how it will be funny if she walked the plank. Of course Summer wouldn’t let that happen, but before she was even able to act upon it, Julius seemed to have come to her rescue. She was thankful for that… She didn’t know how much more her magic could hold out… Of course she still had some niche ideas on how to go with everything, but she just had to think carefully now.

    It didn’t take long for Summer to see the wagering battle that they had to face and Summer now had to act quickly with the pace of said battle. Skipping away from the scene with her feet sparking up in fireworks, she dragged Julius along so he wouldn’t get hurt and at a safe away distance, Summer threw a firework onto the floor, suddenly the whole trail just lit up in fireworks. It truly was amazing. This seemed to have hurt all the pirates that weren’t knocked up by Julius’s rage. She then charged in with her ring blade before shooting a firework shot at one of the other pirates, giving them third degree burns before she grabbed that very same pirate and smashed his face against a tree quite a few times, dealing environmental damage and rendering them unconscious.

    Two more to go. Summer didn’t know what else to do… she really has wasted some of her magic. But then, Stella shot herself down like a shooting star at one of the pirates while Summer just stood there shocked, she didn’t think Stella would charge down like she did so earlier… that’s right, Stella can fight too.

    Stella then span around while she squeaked, watching the enemy get all bewildered by what was happening. Stella then charged back at Summer, cuddling into her. It was like Stella was sensing how worried Summer was and was squeaking for her master to back off. But this was Summer, and Summer never backed down from a fight.

    “Squeak, Squeak!” The fallen star encouraged, or at least tried to…

    “Stella, please stop worrying…” Summer commanded with a gentle tone to her voice. “I will get you some ice cream later.”


    HP: 200
    MP: 45%
    [color=#00ff99] - Summer
    [color=#de0914] - Laysha
    [color=#daa520] - Stella
    [color=#e066ff] Priscilla

    Spells used:
    Gunpowder Drop:
    pet abilities used:
    Cooldowns: Sparx 3/3 (cooldown finishes) Gunpowder drop 1/2
    Enemy: Normal x 1

    Words: 390 |@tagged | Notes: 11,096/12,000
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    50 shades of Blue - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Julius Seas 6th January 2017, 8:42 am

    make my soul

    Persona 4 Arena ~ princess amagi:

    Thank goodness Summer wasn't harmed after the pirate had grabbed her by the collar. And before he knew it she dragged Julius along when she used one of her firework spells and he was kind of glad she did that or else Julius might have took some damage from the attack. Julius had to be careful when he was enraged cause it would lower his defense. Summer didn't waste anymore time and lunged herself towards one of the pirates and finished him off with a couple of head bashes against a tree and coconuts fell out of the tree burying the pirate under them.

    Summer wasn't in a good state she used much magical power and she had almost no time to take a rest. Julius felt a bit responsible since Summer did most of the heavy work against the Vulcan they defeated. But out of nowhere Stella shot down like a shooting star and bashed against one of the other pirates with all her might and really looked like it hurt. Stella quickly flew towards Summer. This was Julius' chance to finish him off. While the man was still recovering from the bash Julius ran as fast as he could towards him. This is what you get when you threaten Julius' friends... Julius knocked the man out with two attacks from his water blades and had set his targets on the last enemy. The man looked at Julius and tried to flee. There was coconut near Julius' feet he kicked the coconut with force and it landed between his feet cause the pirate fall. Julius ran towards the man and he knocked the man out with five attacks from his water blades.

    Danganronpa 2 ~ beautiful days [piano arrange] :

    Seeing all the man knocked out calmed Julius down and before he knew it his rage ended though he held his water blades just in case. Summer are you alright? That was some great performance from you and Stella! Julius smiled towards her. He always felt better when his friends where alright and unharmed. Oi Julius-kun, Summer-chan and Stella! That was some great butt whopping you did there! Don't you agree Laysha?

    Julius status
    HP: 200/200
    MP: 70%
    Spell used: Water blades (3 posts)
    Cooldown: N/A

    Enemy status
    Hammer wielding pirate 1: knocked out
    Hammer wielding pirate 2: knocked out
    Hammer wielding pirate 3: knocked out
    Hammer wielding pirate 4: knocked out

    uses on pocket watch
    Raid time: 4/5
    Seagull within: 3/3

    [color=#00ccff] - Julius
    [color=#00cc00] - Squable
    Words: 355 | @tagged | WC: 11.451/12.000
    drip drip drip away.



    50 shades of Blue - Page 2 X9tEBuc

    50 shades of Blue - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Guest 6th January 2017, 9:41 am

    It didn’t take long for the fight to be over, and Summer could sort themselves out before they could start another fight of some sort, or even dig. Going on her knees, Summer breathed heavily, she may have the strength of a gymnast but she most certainly didn’t have the stamina due to all the hyperactivity she gives out day in and day out.

    “Yeah… Good job, guys!” Summer smiled softly in return as she continued to inhale and exhale, this reminded her of when the female was still back at the village at the time it got invaded… She was working so hard to keep the village safe until Jian picked her up and ruined everything for her. She was a tad upset still about it, but she wasn’t going to let that get to her right now. She had to dig for this one piece with Julius since that was part of the mission. She will admit, it was a bit of daunting in the name of a piece of treasure but she was sure that it was going to be all worth it in the end. In fact, she was sure that it was going to end on very good terms… if she didn’t use too much magic…

    “Hell yeahhhhh, Squable!” Laysha agreed with Squable for very obvious reasons: Laysha can’t fight like Stella, so she was the cheerleader of sorts that always tried to cheer Summer on. She was fairly happy that she could do simple things like that.

    Everything wasn’t over yet…

    Rustle, Rustle…

    This caught Summer’s attention, but it really shocked Summer as to what was going to happen next… A cannonball was shot at Summer and it shot Summer to a tree. That was a bit too painful for the female as the cannonball dropped onto the floor. She was in extreme pain right and dropped onto the floor not long afterwards holding her stomach. “Whoever threw that cannonball! Stop trying to give me a period!” Summer said in a taunting manner.

    Coming out from the bushes was a plump man who most certainly looked like a pirate leader of sorts, he looked to Julius and Summer before he shook his head and grinned while looking rather embarrassed at the same, probably because Summer mentioned the ‘girl thing’. He looked well and truly evil, but Summer wasn’t afraid. She wasn’t afraid for nobody.

    “I will get you for this!”

    HP: 120
    MP: 50%
    [color=#00ff99] - Summer
    [color=#de0914] - Laysha
    [color=#daa520] - Stella
    [color=#e066ff] Priscilla

    Spells used:

    Words: 406 |@tagged | Notes: 11,857/12,000

    Last edited by Salrynn on 6th January 2017, 1:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
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    Third Skill:

    50 shades of Blue - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Julius Seas 6th January 2017, 1:17 pm

    make my soul

    Danganronpa 2 ~ Beautiful Ruin (Summer Salt):

    Julius gasped when Summer collapsed to her knees. All this fighting was really taking it's toll for the firework expert. Summer! Are you alright? Julius panicked for a moment. What if she was going to pass out from fatigue. Julius blamed it all on him since he basically had let do Summer the heavy work. Though Julius let out a breath of relief when she responded. Alright Summer you just go and rest for a while... Julius will take a look at the pirates we defeated to see if they have a map! Julius quickly checked all four of the unconscious bodies to see if one of them had a map. But alas none of them had one. Julius sighed. You know... Julius wonders if his crew is he here... Then himself should also be here somewhere... Julius talked to himself.

    Danganronpa ~ Distrust:

    Suddenly Julius heard a very girly yell coming from behind him. he looked to the spot where Summer was supposed to be but it appeared she was laying near a tree on the floor with a cannonball near him. Julius rushed over to her aid. Summer! Julius checked on her and she was holding her hands on her belly. It appeared she got hit with a cannonball in het stomach. The impact of the cannonball send her flying towards a tree. At this point Julius still had his water blades in his hands. This only means that he is near... Only one person is able to use cannonballs as a weapon without bringing a huge canon... Julius was about to say his name but the man himself appeared out of some bushes. My apologies miss. I was actually aiming for that excuse of a pirate... Hello Julius puddle... It's a me! Blackstache! Hahahahaha the man started to stroke his mustache. The man over there was none other then blackstache the leader of a pirate gang that killed Julius' parents when he was young. He and his ancestors always had a grudge against the Seas family. They always called his family "puddle" instead of Seas because puddles are little and weak. It's "Seas" and not "puddle" Julius assumes it was you who hit Summer with that cannonball... Julius looked with a stern face towards him. Ah yes... Like I said my apologies miss... I was aiming towards him over there... Cut the games and just tell what you want? Julius was getting angrier though he didn't want to lose his temper in front of him. Ah well I am actually here for the exact same reason you are here Julius... The fabled one piece! It took me a while to get that stupid map... But eventually I managed to get it after I had threaten that Daphnes guy to kill him in the same way I killed your parents hahahahaha!!! Julius din't found t amusing at all. Why you...

    Paper Mario the Thousand year door ~ Boss Cortez:

    Julius had enough of Blackstace's foul tricks. Julius ran towards him. The thing only was, was the fact that Blackstache was at the other side of where Julius and Summer were he basically had free range to shoot as many cannonballs towards Julius as he could to slow him down. Stupid kid... Take this! blackstache summoned a cannonball and it went with full speed towards Julius. Though what he didn't know was that Julius now had something that would allow him to get an advantage. The cannonball was really close now and Julius dodged. Though instead that Julius slowed down time like the last time he now transformed into a flock of seagulls that reduced the damage and   nullified the knockback of the attack. Julius changed back after a split second and he had no idea what just happened the only thing he knew that this was his chance to attack Blackstache while he to was trying to process what just happened. Take this! Julius attacked Blackstaches with his water blades and pulled of a combo of 5 hits and ending of with a kick putting some distance between him and Blackstache.

    Julius status
    HP: 160/200
    MP: 70%
    Spell used: Water blades (2 posts)
    Cooldown: N/A

    Enemy status
    Boss: Blackstache: 790/900

    uses on pocket watch
    Raid time: 4/5
    Seagull within: 2/3

    [color=#00ccff] - Julius
    [color=#00cc00] - Squable
    Words: 670 | @tagged | WC: 12.527/12.000
    drip drip drip away.

    Last edited by Julius Seas on 6th January 2017, 3:28 pm; edited 1 time in total



    50 shades of Blue - Page 2 X9tEBuc

    50 shades of Blue - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Guest 6th January 2017, 2:13 pm

    Getting up weakly, Summer kept a hold of her stomach, she didn’t know what the hell was happening, but it seemed the pirate known as ‘blackstache’ merely wanted Julius at not her. It was time to take action, but… maybe now wasn’t the best time. She had to think, think! What could the female use to get advantage of the situation… She still had her ring blade, but that wasn’t good enough for now. She had to figure out other ways to attack without just using her ring blade…

    Summer waited for Julius to finish his attacks before she ignored the pain her stomach was giving up and picked up some mud before running to the man and rubbed the dirt in the man's very own face. Blackstache groaned in response but it only lead to Summer sparking up her hands in the intense colour of fireworks and started to climb on the man, wrapping her legs around his neck before she started to smack the side of his head repeatedly, she groaned and grunted each time she did it. To add salt to the wounds, she covered his face with her other hand, severely giving him third degree burns as she continued to smack the male.

    Still slapping him, she counted how many times she was doing so… right now she took in seven slaps and it soon became 10. The slapping didn’t stop until the man shook her off and it only made Summer land on her hands on the floor, this didn’t stop the female however. The moment a cannon was shot at her, the female made her legs go into box splits, completely dodging the cannon’s potential.

    “Damn, you stupid girl!”

    Summer slowly went down from her handstand and plonked her butt onto the floor before she hugged into his legs happily, only dealing more damage to him.

    “Do it, Julius!” Summer shouted.

    HP: 120
    MP: 40%
    [color=#00ff99] - Summer
    [color=#de0914] - Laysha
    [color=#daa520] - Stella
    [color=#e066ff] Priscilla

    Spells used:
    Blackstache: 460/900

    Words: 318 |@tagged | Notes: 12,845/12,000
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    50 shades of Blue - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Julius Seas 6th January 2017, 3:58 pm

    make my soul

    paper mario the thousand year door ~ boss cortez:

    Blackstache still wasn't done for since he was still moving. Julius would have guessed you won't go down easily... Julius was about to walk towards him to give him some extra beating, but Summer beat him to it. She threw some mud in his face so that he was to occupied getting the mud of him rather to attack. Summer restrained him by putting her legs between his leg. It looked very suggestive but Julius didn't say anything, instead he would just look and watch to see how bad of a beating he got from her it reminded him of the way she defeated the Vulcan. After a couple of hits with her firework hands she would let go of Blackstache and sat somewhere safe to recover from her pain. She cued Julius that it was his turn. Julius nodded and he faced towards Blackstache.

    Bayonetta 2 ~ tomorrow is mine:

    What's wrong Blackstache? Not so tough are we without your minions to do the dirty work for you eh? Julius taunted. SHUT UP! I WILL KILL YOU! YOUR DEATH WILL END THE SEAS BLOODLINE! AND AFTER THAT I WILL KILL THAT GURL, THAT PARROT OF YOURS, THAT ANNOYING LITTLE FAIR AND I WILL SMASH THAT STAR BACK TO THE COSMOS! Julius smirked clearly he had lost all his temper which they could benefit from since he pretty much lost all is focus. Blackstache started to rapid fire cannonballs towards Julius. They were quite big which meant he is putting a lot of magical power in his attacks. Julius dodged all the cannon balls swiftly though he couldn't come closer towards him. it's then that Julius had an idea. He ran straight up towards a cannonball but instead of dodging he jumped on the cannonball and jumped again like he was jumping on a stepping stone. Blackstache was to distracted to aim his attacks which made him wide open. Julius aimed a downwards kick towards him right on his face and came with a backflip on the ground again. Blackstache got send backwards to the ground and stood up again very quickly and shot an cannonball towards Julius, though Julius quickly dodged the last second to activate Seagull within. Julius went all out on Blackstache laying 10 hits on him. before stepping back a bit in case he had more surprises on his sleeve.

    Julius status
    HP: 120/200
    MP: 70%
    Spell used:
    Cooldown: Water blades (5 posts)

    Enemy status
    Blackstache: 250/900

    uses on pocket watch
    Raid time: 4/5
    Seagull within: 1/3

    [color=#00ccff] - Julius
    [color=#00cc00] - Squable
    Words: 388 | @tagged | WC: 13.233/12.000
    drip drip drip away.



    50 shades of Blue - Page 2 X9tEBuc

    50 shades of Blue - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Guest 6th January 2017, 4:27 pm

    It is time! Summer had to act right now in the name of Julius and because he threatened every under the sun. She was not impressed! She will admit though, Julius did a good number on Blackstache and now it was time for the knockout phase! Summer grinned as she grabbed Blackstaches by waving at him. “Hiiii baby!!!!” Blackstache simply looked at her until a barrage of punches were aimed at him specifically, after the seventh punch (which went for his stomach) He coughed up blood and passed out onto the floor. The blood landed onto the floor as he was now unconscious.

    She was very happy now that she was able to take him out ever so happily, but there was another problem now… the map. They needed the map to find this darned one piece and to get it all over and done with.

    Breathing in and out, the femme looked to the pirate and she gave out a little smirk, putting her thumb up before she stood up herself, as she landed onto her knees from being on top of him, she was just glad it was for offensive purposes and not to have lots of fun...

    “We need to start digging!” Summer exclaimed as she bit her lower lip as she grabbed the map from Blackstache’s jacket and opened it up… “oh wow, in actuality, the treasure is approximately here! WE MUST DIG FOR THIS!” Summer demanded as she went on her knees and started to dig for the treasure right next to Blackstaches unconscious body. It was as if she didn’t care for the poor guy. Oh wait, she didn’t.

    She started to dig deeper and deeper into the hole… She needed to find this treasure immediately before Blackstache woke up from his unconsciousness and before it took what seemed like 1000 years to defeat him once more.

    HP: 120
    MP: 40%
    [color=#00ff99] - Summer
    [color=#de0914] - Laysha
    [color=#daa520] - Stella
    [color=#e066ff] Priscilla

    Spells used:

    Words: 314 |@tagged | Notes: 13,159/12,000

    50 shades of Blue - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Guest 6th January 2017, 4:28 pm


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    Mentor : Admin

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    50 shades of Blue - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by NPC 6th January 2017, 4:28 pm

    The member 'Salrynn' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Damage Dice' :
    50 shades of Blue - Page 2 Attack
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    50 shades of Blue - Page 2 Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Julius Seas 6th January 2017, 5:05 pm

    make my soul

    persona 4 golden ~ your affection:

    With Summer's final hits Blackstache finally went knock out. Julius walked towards the man and whispered something in his ear. Julius will warn you... Julius will let you live even though Julius would love to kill you right here right now Julius won't! And that's because killing you won't bring back Julius' parents... If you ever dare to lay a finger to those that are dear to Julius, then Julius will make sure Julius will give you a good spanking again like today... Julius didn't care if he could hear him or not he just wanted to pass the message. Summer was digging through his pockets in search of the map that is supposed to lead to the one piece. She showed Julius the map and apparently the treasure was right under the knocked out body of Blackstache.

    Summer who was practically consumed by greed started to dig near the body with her bare hands. Though Julius wondered Bkackstache was also searching for the treasure which meant he knew he had to dig. Julius looked around the bushes near Blackstache and yes he found a shovel. Let Julius dig Summer... Julius started to continue digging and it took a while it even began to be come dawn again. But after all the digging Julius stumbled upon a chest. Julius pulled the chest out of the hole and there it was it was... A bikini? To be more specific a "One piece" bikini. Julius held the bikini and he began to become angry. So THIS is the thing that let this island to be divided... And that PERVERT was actually looking for this?! Julius didn't care if he knew or not about what it was.Julius threw the bikini into Summer's hands and walked away. Oh he is going to get it when Julius gets back on the ship!

    Julius status
    HP: 120/200
    MP: 70%
    Spell used:
    Cooldown: Water blades (4 posts)

    Enemy status

    uses on pocket watch
    Raid time: 4/5
    Seagull within: 1/3

    [color=#00ccff] - Julius
    [color=#00cc00] - Squable
    Words: 307 | @tagged | WC: 13.466
    drip drip drip away.



    50 shades of Blue - Page 2 X9tEBuc

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 9:08 pm