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    50 shades of Blue

    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

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    50 shades of Blue Empty 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Julius Seas 30th October 2016, 12:25 pm

    Job information:


    Julius stood at the edge of the ship looking all the way towards the horizon. He looked at the sea and saw dolphins jumping in and out of the water. Julius is so excited for our first job out in the ocean! It feels like forever since Julius last went out to sail the sea! Julius said excited. Oi you're right Julius-kun! I may be a parrot but even parrots like to see more then just trees and boring rooftops of cities! Squable took off and flew some circles around the crows nest. Julius never got it why birds like to flew circles around a crows nest. Julius just shrugged it off.

    He then was startled by a sudden voice. Hey! Julius-kun! Thanks again for accepting that job... I've been waiting until someone with some guts and sea legs to take on this job! You will do your parents proud I'm sure harharhar! The loud laugh of the upbeat captain was even louder then the ocean waves. This man here is captain Daphnes Nohansen... He is a pirate just like Julius' parents were he is the captain of his own ship called "The king of red lions" captain Daphnes was very close with Julius' parents and he saw captain Daphnes as his second farther. Julius has to be honest... Julius never thought you would be the one that requested this job captain Daphnes! Julius said with a smile.

    Harharhar! I'm glad to hear that mah boi! Now Julius-kun I've got to ask... Who is that girl over there? The captain pointed to the girl that was standing at the nose of the ship. She was accompanied by a fairy and a... star? Is she... You know... You're girlfriend? The captain asked. N-N-No she isn't captain Daphnes! In fact Julius doesn't know who that girl is... Julius was about to approach when this girl just let her self in... Julius doesn't even know her name...

    Last edited by KTH on 5th November 2016, 1:34 pm; edited 1 time in total



    50 shades of Blue X9tEBuc

    50 shades of Blue Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Guest 30th October 2016, 1:28 pm

    Summer Guiyang

    50 shades blue

    (Salrynn and KTH)

    @tag, WORD COUNT: 608

    The leader of the ship seemed to already have the ship ready and raring to go. The female took this as an opportunity to just head straight in due to her excitement. She has never been on a ship before and it looked beautiful indeed. What’s better is that he seemed to be busy talking to someone else, probably someone that has also took on this job, which Summer didn’t mind at all, he can hear all the details instead.

    Summer couldn’t help spinning around on the ship constantly as she slowly let go her little star buddy that was clutched between her arms, letting the little star fly to its heart's content while being near her master, the fireworks expert. Summer watched Stella frequently, making sure the star didn’t get as over excited as herself and just fly off to the point she got lost. Laysha made sure also and sometimes even glared down at Summer when she was watching over Stella too much.

    “Summer, you know, I feel sorry for her. But do you seriously need to watch over her 24/7?! I am sure the star can take care of herself, I mean, look at her.” Laysha began a casual conversation while being snappy at the same time while they both watched the star spin around, squeaking happily and looking at everything. Eventually, Stella flew around so fast that she smacked herself into the wood. Of course, she didn’t seem that hurt, but the fact that she got so excited to the point that she didn’t have spacial awareness is always a thing to watch out for. Summer couldn’t help but giggle at her new pet, but Laysha crossed her arms while Stella squealed happily.

    “What??” Summer grunted at her flower companion and shook her head, Laysha was being like this again. “Giving me hacky looks because you were wrong??” The fireworks expert snapped at the flower fairy, and Laysha just sighed some more.

    Finishing off the conversation on a low note, Summer decided to turn her attention to something else as Stella landed right into Summer’s arms once more. Summer decided to walk onto the nose of the ship to look at the scenery, and indeed, it was beautiful. She was just slightly upset over the fact that she cannot use her magic if she fell onto the water, she would have to wait until she was dried off. This is because of the type of magic she uses, which can be a very dangerous type of magic indeed if she came into contact with fire or anything of the sort.

    The female then turned around to see the two on the actual ship, she forgot to actually introduce herself… oops… She better do that little task now otherwise she would never be able to co-operate with the two on anything.

    “Heyyy!” Summer exclaimed in greeting as she ran over to the two. “I am SO sorry, I forgot to introduce myself! I just got excited at the layout of the ship as this is my first ever trip or even job involving travelling on a ship! My name is Summer, hehehe!” Summer was getting over-excited again, but she was glad she can be over-excited for now, she didn’t have to look or be professional after all. The star in her arms squeaked in response to Summer’s introduction. “Ah, and this is-”

    “Wellll hellllllooooo.”

    Summer looked to the side to see Laysha winking at one of the two strangers, and she couldn’t help but facepalm. Was Laysha actually trying to embarrass her?? She hoped the two did not feel as awkward as the fireworks expert.

    Extra notes;932/12000

    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Age : 26
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    50 shades of Blue Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Julius Seas 31st October 2016, 4:51 am


    Julius and captain Daphnes talked some more when suddenly the girl approached with her fairy and star. She greeted the two and she apologized for not introducing herself and told them that this is the first time for her to travel by ship she introduced herself as Summer. Harharhar! I like ya spirit lass! My name is Daphnes Nohansen and I'm the captain of this fine vessel "The king of red lions."  Come on mah boi don't be shy introduce yourself! Captain Daphnes patted Julius on the back. Hello Summer-chan it's nice to meet you! My name is Julius Seas! And I'm an water wizard from the Fairy Tail guild! And that green parrot flying up there is my parrot Squable! Julius smiled towards Summer.

    Summer tried to introduce her companions when she got interrupted by the fairy. She said hello in a very dramatic way and even winked at the two pirates. Ummm uhhhh... And you are miss? Julius was a bit flustered.Come on Julius-kun! Have some backbone! It's disrespectful towards a lady to give her that kind of reaction. Julius facepalmed Well we know now who's milkshake brings all the boy's to the yard... Julius just ignore the comment of the captain. Julius looked at Summer's other companion who looked like a star. And who might you be? Julius said with smile and patted the little star on the head. So Summer-chan... Tell us what more about yourself... Julius asked Summer. *cough* But before you do that Summer-chan let me tell you something more about this job. There has been a legend that on divide island there is a treasure called the one piece... Though no one is sure what the one piece is... I managed to get a map of the island... Here Julius-kun took take this along wit this compass which could be useful. Julius accepted the two items from the captain.



    50 shades of Blue X9tEBuc

    50 shades of Blue Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Guest 31st October 2016, 12:54 pm

    Summer Guiyang

    50 shades blue

    (Salrynn and KTH)

    @tag, WORD COUNT: 679

    The female grinned the moment she was complimented on her spirit, she knew fine well herself that she had a much higher determination than most could count her for, but she didn’t let that get in the way because she was not at ler limit yet, if he was at her limit, she will stop hopefully. There are only a few things she will not be able to stop, but surely that won’t happen...

    The captain introduced himself finally and the female greeted him in return, the captain seemed to be rather hearty about his ship to give it such a name. She couldn’t help but look towards Laysha to see if she agreed with her, she was nodding to what seemed to be the same exact assumption. That eased the worries of the fireworks expert slightly, but she was a bit worried. What would the captain's reaction be if the female suddenly shot a firework on starboard bow. Of course that is very unlikely to happen, but she had to be careful on the sea incase pirates or brigands decided to make a very impolite visit to the trio. If they did end up invading, Summer will burn them severely, even if her magic wasn’t as strong during the daylight.

    The moment Summer heard his name, she couldn’t help but grin, the name certainly suited his facial features and blonde hair. Summer sometimes wondered what she would look like if she had blonde hair, but she wasn’t ready to go through that transition yet. She loves her black hair too much. The other thing she noted was him saying what guild he was from… He was from fairy tail, and from what she heard while she tried to join a guild, fairy tail was a dark guild. But from her impression, Julius didn’t seem to be the type to want to kill, kill, kill. He seemed rather friendly. Summer will definitely get the chance to get to know him first before she will judge.

    “I, sir, am Laysha. Pleased to meet you.” She winked at him once more before she fluttered over to his shoulder, crossing her leg over the other while she sat rather comfortably. “Hey, your clothes are comfy, might I add.” Laysha really did know how to get everyone's attention. But then again, Summer was also the same when she was rather bored, she would usually throw a tantrum if she wanted attention or when something doesn’t go her way. Suddenly, Stella, the fallen star, started to squeak to alert Summer of something, Summer couldn’t help but get confused as to what Stella was going on about. She couldn’t understand the star as usual but she was sure that Stella was trying to tell her something.

    ”Squeak, squeak!” The star would call out, of course the female simply just patted her and smiled at Julius. “This is Stella, she fell from the sky and I have taken her under my wing ever since. She can’t talk, so it can be quite hard to understand her. Buuut she LOVES ice cream!” The fireworks expert giggled.

    The female then turned around to see the two on the actual ship, she forgot to actually introduce herself… oops… She better do that little task now otherwise she would never be able to co-operate with the two on anything. Summer really wanted to tell Julius more about herself, but the captain already got himself explaining about divid island and the legend of the item known as the ‘one piece’ Summer was intrigued since she loved treasure, but she loved helping out others too. Not long after the explanation, Julius was given some important items to help them along this journey.

    After Julius accepted the items, Summer grinned with glee and jumped up and down. “I can tell you about myself now!” The female said with cheerfulness. “Well, I am from Golden Phoenix. The best guild ever! Of course that is just me being biased because they have took care of me so much! I also control firework magic because I was hit in the face by a firework. I also love all things oriental!” The female stopped to try catch a breath and Laysha just shook her head while she still sat comfortably on the male’s shoulder ever so elegantly.

    Extra notes;1935/12000

    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Age : 26
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    50 shades of Blue Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Julius Seas 5th November 2016, 2:00 pm


    Julius noticed that Summer was grinning at him. A faint blush appeared on his face and he quickly went through his face with his hands to make sure nothing was on Julius' face. Julius wanted to ask Summer why she was grinning but the flirty fairy started to tease captain Daphness. Julius hopes that you know she is even smaller then Squable so how are you going to manage with that? Julius whispered in captain Daphness. Easy there mah boi! I'm just playing along harharhar! The captain laughed out loud after whispering back in Julius' ear. Julius yet again planted his hand into his face. At least they knew that the fairy's name was Laysha. It is a pleasure to meet you Laysha-san! Julius said with a smile.

    Julius suddenly heard a lot of squeaking coming from the little star. Was this the way that star was communicating? Julius had to be honest with himself that it is kind of an annoying way of communicating but then again he knew a certain parrot that can't shut his beak for five minutes. Summer introduced the star as Stella. Apparently Stella fell from the sky and has been living with Summer and Laysha ever since. stella apparently loves ice cream. Julius walked yet again towards the little star. Hi there Stella! My name is Julius Seas! You don't have to be afraid Julius means no harm nor does captain Daphness! Julius said with his most gentle smile.

    Summer would then tell a bit more about herself. She told the two pirates that she is from the guild Golden Phoenix. Golden Phoenix... Hmmmm... Julius has heard some stories about that guild... What's the guild like? Julius asked out of curiosity. She also told the two that she uses firework magic after getting hit by one. Ummm how does that work Summer-chan? It sounds interesting though! And pretty! Julius loves fireworks! *chuckle*

    *Squawk* Oi Julius-kun! Divide island isn't far from here anymore! Squable said flying down. Nice! *couch* Summer-chan, Laysha-san and Stella this right here is Julius' parrot Squable! Oi how are yall doing?

    Yup Squable is right mah boi. Over there! Here take a look through the telescope. Julius grabbed the telescope and there he saw it. Divide island home of the treasure called the One piece. I will make preparations to dock. Wait here while my crew will get everything ready. And with that captain Daphness took off.



    50 shades of Blue X9tEBuc

    50 shades of Blue Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Guest 7th November 2016, 1:47 pm

    Summer Guiyang

    50 shades of blue

    (Salrynn and KTH)

    @tag, WORD COUNT: 405

    Laysha couldn’t help but shake her shoulders while she winked at Julius once more, she couldn’t wait to be going on this adventure with Julius, Stella, Summer and Julius’s parrot, which Laysha was a bit afraid of, considering she was the smallest team member out of the lot of them. What if the measly parrot decided to get hungry and wanted to eat someone who would probably taste like flowers or human, she didn’t know what she tasted like, otherwise she would be a cannibal, and cannibals never went down well in Fiore.

    Stella couldn’t help but squeak at Julius’s greeting, he seemed ultra friendly to the fallen star and her face turned to some sort of cat-faced smile, it was well and truly adorable. Summer couldn’t get over how cute Stella looked and tried to not squeal at her. After all, Summer had plenty of time to fangirl over stella some other time, she had to get herself ready for her job. She just hoped Stella could hold her own during the job incase she had to get out her weapon, which was a ring blade that a blacksmith back at the village made her.

    “The guild is amazing, Julius, they are very kind and the guild master is so cool! He takes care of everyone and he even helps us. To think he took in a girl like me is so good! I didn’t think he would take me in, but I now have a lot of friends at the guild. They are like family…” She smiled softly before multicolored sparks emanated out one of her hands, shooting said spark into the air. The firework was shot into the air, and then it exploded into the air. It even sounded like a firework. Summer smelt the gunpowder that came off from the fireworks and it smelt as amazing as always. Summer couldn’t help but giggle afterwards to Julius’s words, she was glad he loved fireworks.

    According to the parrot… the island was quite close. Must mean that he flew around above to check out the proximity of the island and how far it is before they arrived. Julius was then given a telescope before he headed off to get everything sorted. Laysha then flew off Julius’s shoulder and then sat on his head, just enough so he could see her legs for her own reasons.

    “Laysha, don’t do that!”

    “Awwwhh, but I wanna…”

    Extra notes;2746/12000

    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Age : 26
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    50 shades of Blue Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Julius Seas 7th November 2016, 2:57 pm


    Laysha sat down on Julius' shoulder. The water mage didn't had any objections to that though the fairy seemed a bit... Flirty. Even now she shook her shoulders and winked at the water mage. Julius did his best to not pay it any attention which was hard since the fairy liked to be in the center of the attention.

    Julius heard some squeaking coming from Stella and he could see at her facial expression that she was very happy. Awww you're so cute Stella! Julius said while patting the little star some more. Squable on the other hand who was sitting on Julius' other shoulder wasn't very happy with the attention the star got from Julius. Hmph... It's just a star nothing cute about it... Squable said a bit grumpy. Oh come on Squable you're just jealous because Stella is getting more attention from Julius then you! Squable shrugged it off. Julius knew that he was right though Squable doesn't want to admit it. Julius just rolled his eyes.

    Summer would then begin to tell Julius on how amazing Golden Phoenix is. That's great Summer-chan! The way you feel about your guild is the same on how Julius feels about Fairy Tail... Or rather felt... Julius looked the other way and started to think about all the things that has happend thus far in the short year Julius has been part of the guild. Julius noticed some sparks coming from Summer's hands and out of nowhere a firework flew skyward and exploded. W-W-What just happened?!


    After a long and relaxing trip over the ocean the two mages and gang of pets finally arrived at Divide island. Since Divide island is an uninhabited island there wasn't a place to dock so the group had travel a bit with a rowing boat. Julius inhaled and exhaled the clean air of the tropical island. Julius closed his eyes for a moment and concentrated himself on the sound of the ocean waves and the sounds the seagulls made. It reminded himself of his time on the island. His concentration however was broken by the sound of his parrot. Oi Julius-kun! I'm hungry do tou have something to eat? Julius wanted to grab to the pouch of seeds he always has on his belt but he didn't felt it anywhere. Julius is sorry Squable Julius must have left it on the ship... Great! Now what do I have to eat?

    Ummm pardon me Julius but captain Daphness also had something else for you! The crew member that brought the group to the island in the rowing boat grabbed something out of his pocket. It was a stone with a rope wrapped around it. Suddenly a voice could be heard from the stone. Hey! Julius it's me captain Daphness. Sorry to scare you like that mah boi! This right here is my latest invention the gossip stone! It allows us to communicate with each other! Pretty neat huh? Captain Daphness said proud. Ummm captain Daphness not to burst your bubble but... this is an piece of a vision lacrima with a rope wrapped around it...
    ... That isn't important right now... Niko here will stay at the rowing boat waiting for your return. If something goes wrong just use this to contact me! And with that the voice faded away.


    Julius putted the stone into his pocket and out of nowhere Laysha went from Julius' shoulder towards his head. She positioned herself just right so that Julius could still see her legs. A faint blush appeared on his face.



    50 shades of Blue X9tEBuc

    50 shades of Blue Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Guest 8th November 2016, 3:00 pm

    Summer Guiyang

    50 shades blue

    (Salrynn and KTH)

    @tag, WORD COUNT: 377

    The moment Squable said he was hungry. Laysha got increasingly worried, she didn’t like the fact that Squable said this when she was nearby, nor did she enjoy the fact that his master forgot to bring Squable his food. This was not going to go down well for the flower fairy. Meanwhile, the star seemed unaffected by this. In fact, Stella may even be giggling about it. But Laysha didn’t seem to notice this because of Stella’s inability to talk at all. Due to this, it was obvious that Laysha was not really enjoying the rowboat ride and wanted to leave the rowboat immediately. She also wanted to stay away from that darned parrot.

    Summer didn’t bother question what happened to Julius’s guild, he must have found it hard enough being in a guild in the first place. But when she wanted to answer what happened exactly, they had to go to the rowboat so Summer decided to explain right now.

    “What you seen earlier was fireworks magic.” The female explained. “I am not going to lie, it can be VERY destructive, it is why I am very careful with it. It was very difficult at first, but I am happy the outcome. I call myself the fireworks expert now and to be honest, I feel the nickname suits me very much.” Summer admitted as she smiled softly. “Now I feel like I am boasting… But I am not trying to, don’t worry!

    During the little rowboat journey, Julius was handed something else, and she couldn’t help but giggle at the words that Julius said. He most certainly knew how to deal with Captain Daphness. She now couldn’t wait to get onto the island immediately. She wanted to have fun on this job, and she was glad that she will do with a new friend at hand. She started to wonder however, what was Julius’s magic?? She will only find out if Julius ever used his magic in front of her beady eyes.

    As soon as Laysha kept herself busy on Julius’s head. The rowboat finally stopped, they were at the island finally. Summer got very excited, she even jumped out of little boat and somersaulted onto the island.

    “YAAAY! LAND!” The female shouted.

    “Squeak, squeak!”

    Extra notes; 3717/12000

    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

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    First Skill: Water
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    50 shades of Blue Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Julius Seas 9th November 2016, 2:40 pm


    Umm... Laysha-san... Julius doesn't mind that you sit on Julius' head but... could you maybe move your legs... They kind of block Julius' sight... Julius tried to be as polite as possible since he didn't want to treat her wrong. Julius sighed and decided to start pinpointing to where they are right now.


    Julius grabbed the map and compass he obtained from captain Daphnes and started to pinpoint their location on the map. Since they were at the beach Julius could easily make out on what part of the island they were following the shape of the island. Squable Julius has an idea on which part on the island we're at but Julius want you to fly up high to confirm it. And while you're at it see if can see any landmarks we can use to search. Aye Aye captain Julius! The parrot saluted and flew up skywards. Squable was up there for five minutes before he descended towards Julius. Alright Squable point where we are. Squable thought for a few moments and pointed to the Southeast part of the map. Hmmm... It's seems Julius was right... Julius marked the part Squable pointed out on the map. Did you saw any landmarks? Yes I did! There is a huge temple Northwest from here! Squable pointed on the map where he saw the temple. Julius marked it. Thank you Squable! Julius patted the parrot and Squable went back to Julius' shoulder. Alright Summer-chan! Let's go! Julius said to Summer and at the same time he thought he saw someone from far away. Julius grabbed his telescope and saw nobody. Niko Julius wants you to go back to the ship! Julius has a bad feeling... Niko looked surprised but he followed Julius' command and went back to the ship. Julius started walking towards the jungle.

    Last edited by KTH on 6th December 2016, 9:19 am; edited 1 time in total



    50 shades of Blue X9tEBuc

    50 shades of Blue Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Guest 9th November 2016, 3:07 pm


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    50 shades of Blue Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by NPC 9th November 2016, 3:07 pm

    The member 'Salrynn' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    50 shades of Blue WeakMonster

    50 shades of Blue Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Guest 13th November 2016, 7:48 am

    Summer Guiyang

    50 Shades of Blue

    (Summer and KTH)

    @tag, WORD COUNT: 588

    Laysha sighed softly at what the male said, in fact, she didn’t enjoy the fact that she had to move her legs. She wanted to show off how good her legs were, but it seems that was not good enough in the eyes of Julius. With that in mind, the flower fairy moved her legs, crossing them so pirate boy could see properly.

    Watching Squable fly up to pinpoint where the one piece is exactly on the island, she looked to the sky. She wondered if Squable would actually find where they were meant to go. She then grinned and looked to the flower fairy who was still sitting on top of her companion's head.

    “Why don’t you join Squable in the search??” She asked kindly, grinning because she knew Laysha was up for anything the moment that Laysha helped her back at the cafe. That was good times, Laysha was at the counter bringing in the orders while Summer dressed up a fox. Unfortunately, not everything went as planned that day as all the customers were whiny little kids or perverts who wanted to keep hitting on the fireworks expert. The best thing that happened at the end was the fact that she was allowed to keep her fox costume, she loved it a lot and even though she hasn’t worn it again. She would take any chance possible to wear it again.


    “Why, Laysha??”

    “He’s hungry… what if…”

    “What if??”

    “What if he eats me?!”

    Summer couldn’t help but laugh heavily at that, why would Laysha think he would eat her??

    “Just because he said he was hungry doesn’t mean he’s gonna eat you! Hehehe!”

    Laysha started frowning, and only frowned more when Squable arrived from his scouting duties and pinpointed where the one piece could be. The fireworks got excited by this factor and when Julius told her to get going. She nodded and quickly followed Julius into the jungle was was associated in the island. She couldn’t wait to see what this one piece looked like for herself, that was going to make this job worth it.

    Roaming the area with her new buddy, Summer sighed softly while she looked down to see how Stella was faring, Stella seemed to be faring quite well, in fact she was even asleep in the female’s arms, which Summer found pretty darn cute if she must say so herself. It caused her to giggle.

    Not long after she was in the area, she heard noises and turned to her left to see 3 very short people who appeared to wearing pots for helmets, that, and the pots seemed to be growing some weird fungus. She immediately wanted to vomit due to how disgusting the pots looked. They started charging at the group and Summer threw Stella into the air, forcefully waking the fallen star up.

    Starting the fight, Summer somersaulted behind one of the midgets while her feet started to spark up in multicoloured sparks, she dropped her ring blade which she kept close to her onto the floor and started to kick one of the enemies onto the floor, she then proceeded to stand on him and let the burning begin. She spotted the other charging at her from either side, but thanks to Summer’s quick thinking, she merely straddle jumped and the other midgets that were charging each other bumped each others heads. She then landed on top of the other midget again before stepping off. Her feet were still sparking off like mad.
    Extra notes; 4609/12000
    HP: 200
    MP: 90%
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    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
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    50 shades of Blue Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Julius Seas 20th November 2016, 2:29 pm


    Julius looked back one time at the beach and noticed that Niko took off towards the ship. Julius followed Summer into the jungle. It has been a really long time when it was the last time he was in a jungle. Oi Julius-kun do you reme- *SQUAWK* Julius grabbed Squable at the beak and looked at him with a cold smile. If you remember that then you also remember that we wouldn't talk about that anymore. Understood? Squable slowly nodded and Julius released the chatting parrot. Julius looked at the map again. He had drawn a line from their starting point towards the temple Squable had seen if they continued to follow that line they will eventually reach the temple... Julius thought.

    After a while Julius noticed that Summer had stopped walking she seemed focused on a bush she also had a ill expression on her face as if she could throw up any minute. Summer-chan are you alr- Before Julius could finish his sentence three little men jumped charged towards the girl.


    She dodged the the little men swiftly and went into battle. Colorful firework sparks radiated from Summer's hands and feet. She quickly dealt with the small creatures. They recovered and they had their eyes set for Julius. Watch out Julius they are after you now! The three creatures charged towards Julius and tried to headbutt the water mage. Julius dodged the attack and their heads got stuck in the ground. Julius grabbed a thick tree branche from the ground and walked towards the creatures. He raised the branche and smashed the three creatures. Hiyah! Julius sent the creatures into the air like golf balls. They all hit a nearby tree. Sweet! Julius said when he saw the little men hit the tree though they quickly recovered Hmph it seems like they won't go down easily!

    Last edited by KTH on 25th November 2016, 4:34 am; edited 1 time in total



    50 shades of Blue X9tEBuc

    50 shades of Blue Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Guest 24th November 2016, 1:57 pm

    Upon hearing what Squable was speaking about, Stella listened in and then squeaked ever so loudly in a laughing matter, indicating that she found something quite hilarious. Summer couldn’t help but look down to her little star friend, but shrugged it off lightly, thinking Stella just found the whole situation with Squable and Julius. Which she did.

    “Squeak squeaaak!”

    Stella only stopped speaking the moment Summer stopped walking, and that when combat began for the fireworks expert.

    After quickly dealing with the small creatures, Summer stepped out of the way, only to watch them in horror as they quickly recovered. She had to admit, they looked pretty hilarious when they all got up and charged straight at Julius. What made it even funnier was when Julius dispatched the foes by making them all trip up after he simply dodged their movements. He then grabbed a thick tree branch while they all had their little pot heads stuck into the ground, showing off their butts and wiggling. It was as if they were asking for it in the first place, even though she knew they weren’t.

    Watching Julius whack their wiggling butts with the thick branch made Summer burst into laughter, they all were then quickly hugging the tree as they slid down. Summer was still laughing as she couldn’t really contain what was going on anymore, but returned her composure when she realised she had to check on the compact little buggers. Stella quickly flew back into her arms as her sparx spell finally finished.

    Laysha, who wasn’t flying far from the group also decided to check up on the littl’ins and she crossed her arms grinning, they were not moving nor did their little pots gross Summer out so much, which Laysha could tell from her .

    “Peachy!” shouted the little flower fairy.

    Summer had to quickly look to Laysha to find out if it was her or not as she had a little jumpscare from the little ordeal. She was breathing heavily and she couldn’t believe that was the first time the flower fairy even shocked her to the core.

    “What?!” Laysha exclaimed.

    “N-nothing… Laysha… Hahahahah!! Come on, we have treasure to find!! TREASURE TREASURE YAY!! TREASUUURRREEEE!!!!!” Summer exclaimed childishly as she somersaulted all over to Julius. “Let’s continue to find this treasure, the oompa loompa’s are done for!!”

    HP: 200
    MP: 90%
    [color=#00ff99] - Summer
    [color=#de0914] - Laysha
    [color=#daa520] - Stella


    Cooldowns: Sparx - 1/3

    Words: 391 | @tagged | Notes: 5292/12000
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Age : 26
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    First Skill: Water
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    50 shades of Blue Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Julius Seas 27th November 2016, 1:13 pm


    Summer laughed for some reason after Julius whacked the little men into oblivion. Good work Julius-kun and Summer-chan! You two make a great team! Julius raised his eyebrow the two of them just met and Squable already thinks they're a great duo. Maybe he was right because Summer's and Julius' are sort of the same. Both of them are extremely enthusiastic, they both like to tease their pets and they both are happy people. Though Summer was a bit to enthusiastic since she was bouncing around like a kid in a bounce house when she thought about the treasure. Julius smiled a bit and decided to take a look where those little guys landed.


    Julius looked at the bush in front of the tree where the little guys landed and they where all gone. Julius looked around if there were any close on who the triplets were. Julius found a black cloth possibly from one the triplets. What is that Julius? Squable asked. It's a black cloth left by one of those little guys Julius is looking for clues on who they might be... OH YOU MUST BE KIDDING JULIUS! Julius yelled through the jungle. Julius yelled so loud he scared a bunch of births fleeing out of the treetops. Julius-kun please calm down! It's probably... Ohhhh this is bad... Squable said worried. On the black cloth that Julius found was the symbol of a pirate crew a pirate crew Julius recognized. And if that weren't enough it also appears that thanks to the battle Julius has lost the direction they were walking to. Julius looked at the compass he got from captain Daphnes but it appeared to be broken. Great if that wasn't enough... Squable please fly upwards and search for the temple... Julius was trying to fix the compass while Squable was looking for the temple.



    50 shades of Blue X9tEBuc

    50 shades of Blue Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Guest 4th December 2016, 5:57 pm

    Upon hearing Squable’s compliment, Summer couldn’t help but smile softly at the pet bird. Stella also seemed to be rather happy about this and twirled around in the air happily to indicate she was just as happy as her master was. “Squeak!” Stella spoke out. Laysha couldn’t help but shake her head at the fallen star, slightly jealous that Stella was getting a ton of attention by being cute, which sucked.

    Right now however, was not the time to be happy and cheery, Julius seemed to be in a spot of bother, Summer didn’t understand what was going on but she decided to take a looksies when Julius yelled, his voice raged throughout the fireworks experts ears. On the bright side, she knew that if he screamed like that again, then she knew that she would come straight for him. Summer would hate to see her friends in some sort of pain or even know they were.

    Summer bit her lower lip when she inspected the cloth afterwards, appraising the item wasn’t particularly difficult to take a look over, all the article had was a weird-ass symbol. Summer found it really weird, but it might be very familiar to Julius, so she decided to not pry on his issues. Then Squable went flying up to get to check things out according to Julius’s instructions. Stella squealed slightly before she soon followed the bird, squeaking as she stalked on.

    “Stella no! You might get lost!” She shook her head and bit her lower lip. Who knows that will happen now. “Oh no, Stella is only a baby… I don’t know what to do…” She panicked before Stella dashed down once more before shaking her head. It was indeed too far for her. “Don’t do that again, please??”

    “Squeak squeak!”

    Suddenly, noises could be heard once more, and Summer couldn’t help but to have a look around from where she was standing, where could have it come from??

    “Want me to scout, master??”

    “No… stay… I am just worried about what’s going to happen. If you investigate, you mayyyy die.”


    Summer continued to look around while Julius was busy trying to fix his compass that he was given, if the group were ambushed then Summer would have to try her best to hold off on her own before Julius’s thingie majigy was fixed. She didn’t know how long it was going to take, but she knew that if it wasn’t fixed in time then the party members would have to stick around for some time, and that is something Summer would absolutely hate. She hated doing nothing with a passion after all.

    “Julius, if anyone comes. I will guard you.” Summer noted “But please, for the love of that darned rustling, fix that as soon as possible. You could get hurt and I am a mere female who can’t burn everything in one go.” She was exaggerating, she could burn literally everyone if she made contact with fire. But she didn’t want to tell Julius himself that for obvious reasons. The only person who has seen her explode so far while in Fiore was Laysha and she was tempted to keep it that way.

    HP: 200
    MP: 90%
    [color=#00ff99] - Summer
    [color=#de0914] - Laysha
    [color=#daa520] - Stella

    Cooldown: Sparx 2/3

    Words: 533 | @tagged | Notes:6133/12000

    50 shades of Blue Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Guest 4th December 2016, 5:58 pm

    Rolling rolling rolling, though the streets are calling!~

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    50 shades of Blue Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by NPC 4th December 2016, 5:58 pm

    The member 'Salrynn' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    50 shades of Blue WeakMonster
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Age : 26
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    50 shades of Blue Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Julius Seas 17th December 2016, 2:48 pm


    Julius was doing his best to repair the compass while Squable was scouting the area searching for that temple they saw earlier. Meanwhile Summer was having trouble with getting Stella under control as the little starling tried to follow Squable up into the air. Ugh bloody hell! Julius can't concentrate under these circumstances! Julius was frantically trying to fix the compass but Summer only added oil to the fire as she told Julius to hurry up and fix the damned thing. Julius is trying his best Summer-chan! She tried to cover for Julius while he continued on fixing the compass. Oi Julius-kun! I've found the temple it- Are you alright mate? You look very tense... Julius was very tense. He tried to fix the compass though people couldn't shut up for five minutes to give him time to fix the compass. just before Julius was about to lash out against Squable another pot headed man appeared but this time he was with a small army. Ugh bloody hell! Come on Summer-chan we have to run! Quickly inside the jungle! Julius putted the broken watch into his coat pocket and started running into the jungle. Julius ran as fast as he could through the jungle. He hoped Summer would have followed suit. Julius looked behind him for a moment but didn't saw Summer. He looked back to see where he was running but he was to late to see the wooden door in front of him.


    Julius walked into the door with full speed knocking the door open. Julius tripped and fell with his face onto the ground. Ouchie! Bloody hell! Julius stood up and covered his nose with his right hand. Are you alright Julius-kun? Squable said concerned. Yes Julius is fine! Everything is fine! Julius said a bit annoyed. He knew he shouldn't lash out so much to Squable it's just that Squable caught Julius at the wrong times. Julius looked around and noticed he was in some sort of shack. Though it didn't really look like a shack. In the middle of the room there was a working desk and at the right side of the room there was a simple bed. Behind the desk there was an old dusty bookcase and at the left of the room there was a chest. Did we stumble upon someone's office? The room was quite dark the only source of light came from the door opening and there were no windows. Julius found a old oil lamp he turned it on and he could see normally. Julius decided to investigate the desk first. on it he saw an old dusty letter. He opened the letter. Julius could barely read it the only thing he could read was the part that said "dear, black beard." Wait... Black beard? The most famous pirate that ever lived? Does that mean were inside his office?! Julius almost couldn't believe it. They were standing in the office of once most feared pirate in the entire world. Julius investigated the drawers and found an old pocket watch. Julius could still hear it ticking. He grabbed it and he could hear a voice in his head. Tick tack toe... A pirate thy are... tick tack toe... Make good use of my powers... the voice faded away. Powers... What kind of powers? Julius putted the pocket watch inside his coat pocket. We should go Squable maybe Summer-chan got lost...


    (OOC: from this point on I am able to use Black beards pocket watch. For info about it click the link in the equipment tab from my sig.)



    50 shades of Blue X9tEBuc

    50 shades of Blue Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Guest 21st December 2016, 10:07 am

    The rustling got really bad, what the hell was Julius thinking?! They needed to leave right now otherwise they could be in trouble. It was all a false alarm though, it was more of the mushroom headed monsters that tried to overwhelm the unlikely duo not too long ago. Summer had to give Julius more time, even if he wanted the fireworks expert to come and run with him. But nah, she was way too much of a tryhard to attempt that kind of stuff. Julius went off and ran into the jungle, leaving the fireworks expert to her own devices… perfect, she can fight without having to worry about team mates that much.

    Summer got straight to work and got her ring blade ready, dodging the physical attacks of the enemies with her flexibility whilst she filled up her ring blade with the deadly fireworks that can emanate from her hand. She loved showing just how dangerous her ring blade and fireworks could truly be…

    “Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to my firework show!!!! Today I will show you how to throw people into the air! Hell yeahhhh!!!!”

    The fireworks around her ring blade were all revved up and Summer was well and truly ready to beat these guys to a pulp! Performing a one handed cartwheel, she charged up to one of the enemies and the ring blade threw them up into the air! Summer also jumped on one of the enemies heads and jumped nearly as high as the target themselves. The ring blade was still covered in the fireworks and she used this to her advantage, slicing the target twice before the target came down fully. Summer then bit her lower lip as she then dropped her ring blade and took advantage of the targets size by picking them up and throwing them onto a tree.

    Summer then walked towards them as they scrambled up to their feet. Summer didn’t allow them to get too deep into their plans though as Summer then shot a firework at it’s face before then proceeding to grab her ring blade once more and decided to slice the enemy for the rest of the duration. That enemy was down! But there was still two more to deal with, on the bright side Summer knew how to dispose of them accordingly, she just had to sort it all out.

    Meanwhile, Laysha and Stella were watching intently and the star flew up into the sky while squeaking, spinning around themselves like an actual shooting star and then shot themselves down towards one of the enemies. Summer then finished off with a slash of her ring blade before the other one went down.

    The last one was simpler then she thought it would be. Summer ran to them and gave them two quick punches to their face. It was all over, luckily… they were all done. Summer couldn’t help but breathe heavily as she placed her hands on her knees, she had the strength of a gymnast, but she didn’t have the stamina of a runner.

    She then looked over to Stella, who was squeaking ever so innocently. Summer couldn’t help but pat the fallen star on her forehead before the fallen star squeaked happily. She got praised by her master, of course she was going to enjoy the praise. “Good job, sweetie… we need to find Julius now though…” The fireworks expert sighed and picked up her ring blade before venturing into the jungle to find out where the hell Julius went, with Laysha and Stella not far behind the fireworks expert.

    HP: 200
    MP: 80%
    [color=#00ff99] - Summer
    [color=#de0914] - Laysha
    [color=#daa520] - Stella

    Spells used:
    Firework Shot
    sparking bash:
    Stella’s Ability:
    shooting star:

    Cooldowns: Sparx 3/3 (gone)
    Duration: Sparking Bash 1/1 (cooldown begins) Firework Shot 1/1 (cooldown begins)
    Enemy: Weak

    Words: 600 | @tagged | Notes: 7303/12000
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

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    Age : 26
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    First Skill: Water
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    50 shades of Blue Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Julius Seas 27th December 2016, 2:37 am

    Rolling around at the speed of sound



    50 shades of Blue X9tEBuc

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    50 shades of Blue Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by NPC 27th December 2016, 2:37 am

    The member 'Julius Seas' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    50 shades of Blue StrongMonster
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
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    50 shades of Blue Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Julius Seas 27th December 2016, 3:05 am


    After Julius and Squable were looking around the shack some more the left the shack and they not had to find Summer, Laysha and Stella. Bugger it seems like they didn't follow us into the jungle... Julius looked at the pocket watch some more it didn't look special it was just an ordinary pocket watch, he opened it and he could hear it's clockwork ticking even the time was right. What's so special about this thing? What kind of powers was that voice talking about? Julius was lost in thoughts until Squable brought him out of his thoughts. Oi Julius-kun! You alright matey? You look like as if you've seen a ghost! Huh? Oh everything is alright Squable! Julius was just inspecting this pocket watch some more! Julius smiled at Squable. Let's go Squable! We have to find Summer-chan! Squable nodded and they both took of searching for the fireworks mage and her pets.

    After a while wandering around aimless through the jungle they finally found Summer in a open space in the jungle. Summer-chan! Thank goodness that you're alright! Though their reunion was for a s hort while since there was some rustling coming from a bush near them. Alright! Julius has had it with you potheads! If you want a beating then you can just ask Julius! Julius walked towards the bush he looked into it but there were no potheads instead there was beast of some sort.


    Julius quickly backed of though he had his targets set for Julius. The beast threw a punch at Julius. Tick tack toe... Now dodge and thou shalt be blessed... Tick tack toe... The voice said and Julius quickly dodged. The pocket watch radiated a golden light and a field of some sort of magical energy filled the area. Julius looked around he noticed that Summer and the beast was moving slowly. Tick tack toe... Time now ticks slow... Thou can reverse back time at will... Though this has it's limits... Though isn't able to use magic... Tick tack toe... The voice faded away and Julius needed to act quickly he grabbed a near tree branch and smacked it on the monster's head making it fall on the ground. Julius ran towards Summer and began thinking on ending this field of magical aura. W-W-What just happened?

    Words: 386




    50 shades of Blue X9tEBuc

    50 shades of Blue Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Guest 30th December 2016, 7:37 am

    “Summer?? Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to be alone around here… what if someone finds us?!”

    ”Squeak squeak!”

    “No guys, that is just what I want. Especially if it is Julius.” Summer admitted logically as she and her group of pets wondered around. It was starting to get darker and darker, in fact, it was dusk now. Summer knew there was only one thing to say about this when it was dusk or nighttime: her magic was much stronger. If it was because of that was the time when she got hit by the firework when she was much younger, or if it was because fireworks were much prettier at nighttime. She didn’t exactly know. She was just happy that it was hell of a lot stronger at night. It might even come to her advantage if she was in serious trouble, considering her fireworks give out 3rd degree burns anyway.

    Walking into an open space, Summer crossed her arms against her chest and looked around, she was starting to get sick of being lost. Luckily, at least she knew she was safe for now, but she knew fine well that she couldn’t be fighting forever for the sake of her energy. She may be a hyperactive little so and so, but even she knew that even the most hyperactive of people will have their downfalls sometimes.

    Hearing some rustling, Summer looked around to see it was Julius. Finally. He found her and she was very happy that he did. They have to stick together after all if they were to find the treasure that was deemed to be rather important.

    “Julius!” The female grinned as she waved to him happily. “I’m all fine and dandy! I feel great! I stopped the little potheads from following us!” She declared like she wanted some attention before she placed her hands on her hips and tilted her head, grinning so profoundly. Her grin turned to a state of shock however when more rustling could be heard. She listened to Julius’s threats until he walked towards the source of the rustling. Out came a beast of serious potent, it looked ready and raring to attack the unlucky pair. Summer had to act now. Julius only done one thing strangely enough. But the moment Julius ran back to ask the female what just happened, she could only shake her head until the creature popped back up once more and threw barrels at the two. Summer dodged ever so gracefully with a one handed cartwheel. Summer had to think of something to do before the vulture actually took them once more.

    Summer knew what to do thanks to her magic. She sparked up her hands once more and then went all crazy by charging at the thing that was trying to attack them. The vulture tried to send Summer a punch to the face, but she didn’t let him as she quickly went into the box splits and dragged them down, sending them down onto the ground.

    “How dare you!” Summer shouted as she punched it. “I would’ve thought that you would be nice to us!” She slapped the enemy once more. “That is for coming to us unexpected like!” Another slap. “That is for trying to kill us!” Another slap. “That is for actually trying to make me and my friend explode!” Another slap to the face, they seemed to be endless! “And this is for adding around five more awesome minutes… OF MY ATTENTION! I never knew you would be so kind to give you my attention but it seems I did! Ha!”

    Summer eventually got off, the bird seemed to have stopped moving, but it got up once more in its weakened state. It was probably going to try throw another barrel at them or something. The two had to be careful. “Watch out!”

    HP: 200
    MP: 70%
    [color=#00ff99] - Summer
    [color=#de0914] - Laysha
    [color=#daa520] - Stella

    Spells used: Sparx 1/2

    Cooldowns: firework shot 1/2
    Enemy: Strong

    Words: 643 |@tagged | Notes: 8332/12000
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

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    First Skill: Water
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    50 shades of Blue Empty Re: 50 shades of Blue

    Post by Julius Seas 1st January 2017, 5:30 pm


    Before Summer could even respond to Julius the beast was back up again and threw a barrel towards the pair. Summer gracefully dodged the barrel like a cheerleader. Julius simply dove towards the ground and rolled back on his feet. Squable! Take Laysha and Stella somewhere safe! Aye Julius-kun! Oi you two you are coming with me! Julius saw Squable fly off towards a tree and he looked back at the beast. It seemed like Summer was taking care of the the beast by slapping it's head using her firework magic. Since it was darker outside Julius could see how pretty Summer's fireworks are. It seemed like she was not only slapping the beast she was also scolding the beast for attacking the duo. Julius doesn't know if Julius should feel bad for Summer-chan right now or for the beast... Either way it was no time to mess around.

    As Summer was done with having her fun it was time Julius got back into action. Hey! Julius is everything alright? We heard a loud crashing noise from the ship! Are you and Summer alright? It was captain Daphnes who was talking through the vision lacrima that Julius put in his pocket. Captain Daphnes there is no time to talk right now... Summer and Julius are being attacked right now by some beast... Julius will contact you as soon we have defeated it! Not caring for any response from captain Daphnes Julius went back into action. It seemed like the beast had set it's targets for Summer, Julius had to do something quick. He had to draw his attention. Julius looked around him to see if there was something to use to throw at the beast. He looked inside a nearby bush and inside he found... A turnip? It wasn't just one turnip there was in fact a small batch of turnips. What are turnips doing here? Well beggers can't be choosers... Julius grabbed four turnips and ran towards the beast. Julius threw a turnip against his head. Oi big and ugly! You have some guts attacking a fragile girl! Julius threw the three remaining turnips against the beast to piss him off. The beast was now charging towards Julius. The beast attacked though Julius dodged though he didn't activate raid time. Water geyser! Julius quickly used a spell and a magic circle appeared under the beast's feet. A spray of water shot out of the circle sending the beast flying into the air and back on the ground landing flat on his head.

    Words: 424
    Word count: 8756/12000

    Water geyser:




    50 shades of Blue X9tEBuc

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