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    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private)


    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
    Position : None
    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill:

    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) Empty The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 6th October 2016, 10:46 pm


    Feitan smiled as he held the crumbled up letter in his right hand. He had been at his new guild hall relaxing in his small crawl space when he heard from one of the guards that there was a letter for him. This was unexpected due to the fact that Feitan barely left people alive to correspond with him let alone do anything like send a letter to him. So there really was nothing like this he could expect as a normal course of action. So he took the letter and read it. The letter was a challenge to him, and his power. It was from the Road Fighter tournament people which he had met when completing their pitiful challenge. It was a disgusting thing not to kill anyone, but he had broken a lot of people, now they were telling him about this mortal combat tournament which wanted killing.

    So with this challenge he moved towards Talonia again. He was growing rather fond of this place and he thought about finding some kind of home here. As he arrived at the arena he was greeted by a very strange man wringing his hands as if he was a villain “Ah you must be the so called Demon Wizard that we’ve heard so much about. Welcome to Mortal Combat your opponent is in the ring right now. Anything goes in this death match, so fight like your life depends on it because it does.”

    Feitan strolled past him summoning his umbrella with a smirk as he did so licking his lips as the madness was already sinking into him his eyes losing focus and his mind coming unraveled “Oh, this is going to be very fun.”
    In the arena was a man wearing only jeans and sneakers flexing and showing off “Oh yeah ladies, Johnny is in the house! I am gonna crush this weakling!!”
    This boasting made Feitan groan and roll his eyes as he opened the umbrella over his head “Well, well, you people seem to breed like cockroaches, I squish one of you and another is already alive.”

    That’s when the voice came out “Ready, FIGHT!”

    Feitan smirked rushing forwards with the speed he could muster and Johnny turned around just in time to be stabbed by the tip of the umbrella which pierced his right shoulder making him pay attention to Feitan now for the first time.

    Last edited by FeitanKazeshini on 2nd February 2017, 7:42 pm; edited 1 time in total


    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
    Position : None
    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill:

    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) Empty Re: The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 6th October 2016, 11:25 pm

    No sooner had Feitan removed his umbrella tip from the annoying fighter than the fighter was already on him. He had underestimated Feitan due to his size and the slim body the wizard hid under his very long cloak and this had served to give Feitan a very easy first strike, but now that Johnny had a much better idea of just what kind of foe he faced Feitan wasn’t foolish enough to think that he would be so lucky as to have the power of surprise on his side for the rest of his fight. Johnny came at him with kicks and punches. Feitan was skilled at moving and he avoided the kicks while he used his umbrella to deflect the punches that came at him. One particular punch was quite nasty and if it would’ve connected fully it would’ve done serious damage to the smaller wizard. As such it was a glancing blow that caught Feitan in the shoulder and this only served to give him the opening he needed. He stabbed his umbrella into Johnny again this time however it was in the man’s stomach and he pushed the button in his wolf’s head.

    The bullet tip shot through Johnny’s gut and sent him to his knees, but not before he elbowed Feitan in the back of the head on his way down. The smaller wizard stumbled passed his victim and struggled to shake the dizziness he was now forced to feel. As Johnny hit the ground behind him clutching the wound in his stomach he coughed “That’s bullshit…” he complained.

    Feitan slowly turned his eyes now filled with murderous rage as he slid his blade from the umbrella “No, it is what it takes to win in the game of life, and guess what.” He said as he gripped his blade guiding the tip with the flat of his free hand “You’ve lost the game, you pathetic worm.” The blade’s point began to glow and with a savage thrust Feitan sent it cleanly into the back of Johnny’s head and out of his face ruining it forever. Once the body stopped twitching he kicked it off of his blade looking around as the announcer roared out “Fatality! Feitan Wins! Next Round!” with this the dark wizard moved to his ‘corner’ and waited for his next opponent blade in hand and umbrella resting on the ground next to him.

    LC Umbrella's bullet's been used Thread cool down
    Umbrella Ability KO CD Begin. (4 posts)

    Last edited by FeitanKazeshini on 9th November 2016, 2:18 pm; edited 2 times in total


    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
    Position : None
    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill:

    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) Empty Re: The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 7th October 2016, 5:30 am

    Feitan stood watching as Johnny’s body was carted away and his new opponent entered the ring. To his slight surprise this one was a woman who was wearing military gear looking very military and serious. She stopped the men who were taking the body and examined it for a good long bit before she finally sighed shaking her head in what Feitan could easily see was sorrow and loss. They had a thing and now she turned to stare at him pulling her gun free from its holster “You killed my boyfriend. If the simple reason of winning this competition wasn’t enough of a reason to try and kill you I now have an even better one. You are going to die here.” She swore with bloody vengeance in her voice.

    This made the demon soul wizard just laugh “Oh please tell me you are serious! I am going to enjoy killing you, and if this rumor about lost souls is correct I’m going to enjoy denying you and your so called boyfriend a proper after life. I get the whole little lovebird set!”

    The taunts would’ve gone on sure, but it didn’t due to the fact that the voice called out “Round 2! Ready, Fight!”

    This was the best news Feitan had heard all day and he licked his lips summoning up his power slowly letting the power flow into his arms and transforming them into the arms of the great demon Mujin. He licked his lips as his power was well familiar to him and he loved it. He rushed forward now even as this woman fired her gun at him trying to hit him. Feitan was fast and managed to avoid serious damage, but the grazes that happened were inevitable and there was nothing that he could do about it. So he bore the wounds, but managed to close the gap slamming one powerful crash magic enhanced fist into the woman’s body sending her flying backwards.

    Arms of the Mujin Duration Start (5 posts)
    LC Umbrella's bullet's been used Thread cool down
    Umbrella Ability KO CD 1/4

    Last edited by FeitanKazeshini on 24th November 2016, 2:50 am; edited 1 time in total


    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
    Position : None
    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill:

    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) Empty Re: The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 23rd October 2016, 4:41 pm

    Feitan smirked as he licked his lips slowly nodding his head in approval at the sight that he had seen. It was delicious to see that he had hurt the woman. She managed to get herself back into place holding herself up the best she could. With a cough, she spat up a great glob of blood in annoyance being that she hadn’t expected him to land such a blow. It was powerful, far more powerful than she thought it would be. She had no idea of the power that crash magic gave Feitan. She charged him shooting as she went, but Feitan was ready for her gun this time and he managed to dodge the remaining shots she had while closing the distance achieving this by sliding on the ground. As he neared her he flexed his body upwards slamming his mujin fist into Sonya’s kneecap driving her to the floor of the arena.

    She swore as he rolled away from her and she tried to blow a kiss at him with a pained smile on her face. Of course, Feitan wasn’t standing still he didn’t know what other attacks she had so the poisoned kiss was beyond the ability to hit the demon soul wizard. He rounded behind Sonya slamming his fist into her spine shattering it in a few places. Sonya gave a scream of agony as he held her up by her shoulders smirking “I hope you and that god forsaken moron you loved enjoy your souls being devoured. If you do see him again, tell him I enjoyed killing you.” With that he reached his hands up to her head and with a few simple twists he spun her head around in a 360 circle on her shoulders breaking her neck several times before letting her body drop to the ground.

    The deep throated announcer called out again “Fatality! Feitan, wins!”


    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
    Position : None
    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill:

    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) Empty Re: The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 2nd November 2016, 2:37 pm

    Feitan smirked nodding his head as he moved back into his corner not bothering to do much of anything else now. The body was carried away in the same fashion as her boyfriend off to be disposed of, and Feitan while he had many powers seeing souls was not among them, and so if the soul of this woman was consumed he had no knowledge of it happening. Nor, did he really care about that to begin with. So he stood there with his arms folded in front of his chest the aura of magic radiating from them in tendrils which danced and sputtered out. He didn’t have long to wait until the next fighter came out into the arena from the opposite side of him. This man looked bizarre half of his face was mechanical looking, and he was holding knives which he seemed to have plenty of around his body.

    His upper body was exposed and covered in tattoos most of which Feitan thought were garish, and stupid looking, but he made no comments. The man smirked at him “Well boy! Looks like you’ve made it to this round so it’ll be me and you this time!” he said brandishing the knives he had in his hands.

    Feitan merely raised his eyebrow unamused by this display and simply uncrossed his arms shaking himself out “Well, it seems that is indeed the case, but I have no fear of you. I’m quite mad.” He said as he made his way towards the center of the ring.

    The announcer’s voice bellowed out “Feitan Vs Cano, FIGHT!”

    Feitan got himself ready smirking as Cano came at him as fast as he could. He held his knives like he was ready to attack with them. As he neared he slashed at Feitan’s face, but he brought up his aura covered arm the aura protecting him from the worst of the attack. He used his other fist to punch the man in the stomach before skitter stepping back out of range.


    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
    Position : None
    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill:

    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) Empty Re: The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 9th November 2016, 4:30 pm

    As he danced backwards out of the way his foot kicked something and he realized that he had run into his sword which he had discarded in the battle before. He smirked kicking it up into his hand catching it rather deftly swishing it in the air before him right in time to deflect a knife that was thrown at him. Of course, Cano only rushed in even faster determined to make his attack count. He neared the smaller man swinging his daggers with great ease making it clear he had done something like this before, but Feitan was used to using his blade and managed to keep the knives from striking him. Just as he thought this was going to turn into a stalemate however he was suddenly slammed in the chest by a laser knocking him back and tumbling him onto his knees. He groaned gripping his chest in pain looking up.

    Cano was laughing madly with this joyous strike. He thought it was the greatest victory he could’ve possibly achieved, and this only served to make Feitan angry. He knelt there one hand in front of his chest the other loosely around the handle of his blade which he had let fall to the ground again, but he remained motionless. The call came out “FINISH HIM!” Cano laughed as he neared Feitan nodding his head “Oh, that was all you had? Such a letdown. Oh, well.” He moved towards Feitan who continued to stay still. As soon as he was close enough Feitan lashed out wrapping his hands around Cano’s legs sending great bolts of electricity through the cyborg man’s body. Cano let loose a scream as he fell in front of Feitan on his knees.

    The Demon Soul wizard slowly rose to his feet gritting a smile “Such a good try, but you couldn’t tell a feint like that? Truly pathetic.” With that he gripped Cano’s head in his left hand holding it in place while his right hand reared back only to be slammed forward into the man’s face as hard as Feitan could muster. His crash magic empowered fist was incredible and he continued to pummel Cano’s face until the body stopped moving. With that he lifted the corpse and threw it over to his side of the ring.

    The announcer’s voice rang out “Fatality, Feitan wins!” the crowd erupted in cheers and outrage at the same time creating a defening noise in the stadium, but Feitan just calmly picked up his sword holding himself ready for the next foe.

    Arms of the Mujin Duration 3/5 (5 posts)
    LC Umbrella's bullet's been used Thread cool down
    Umbrella Ability KO CD complete


    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
    Position : None
    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill:

    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) Empty Re: The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 25th November 2016, 4:52 am

    Feitan watched unamused as the cleaners came and took away the body that was now on the ring opposite him. This was the way that he wanted it, and it was the way it had to be. He needed a bit of a breathing room, as he had taken some damage on that last round, so he needed to rest. Thankfully, resting was the easy part of it. The hardest part was going to come up and that was Raiden who was coming out to the ring now. He looked like a clown in Feitan’s eyes, but that didn’t mean Feitan would underestimate him. After all, his former mentor Hisoka was often called ‘the clown’ so that meant he wasn’t going to underestimate them. As Raiden walked in he didn’t bother with any of the bluster he simply made himself ready to engage in the fight that was ahead of him.

    This was a very interesting scene for Feitan, but he welcomed it with open arms because if he was honest he had always found the false bravado of the annoyingly weak to be an irritation that was unacceptable. Still, he wasn’t going to bother with anything else himself and he took his own position. The booming voice came out loud as thunder “Feitan Vs Raiden, FIGHT!” Raiden surged forward at that point to try and gain the advantage with the first strike. Feitan was quick to react however and flicked his wrist summoning his flute one of the parting gifts from his former guild. He moved as he played the flute’s first tune creating several different images of himself all of them were playing the same flute that he was also playing. This made Raiden stop and look around trying to figure out where his real opponent was and where he could find the one that he needed to stop.

    Arms of the Mujin Duration 4/5 (5 posts)
    LC Umbrella's bullet's been used Thread cool down
    Flute of Madness Summoned
    Sound Images Duration Begin


    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
    Position : None
    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill:

    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) Empty Re: The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 8th December 2016, 4:43 am

    Feitan smirked as he and all of the clones he had summoned with his flute began to speak “Well? What are you waiting for? Come and attack me. Come and meet your maker Raiden. You should know better than to wait and waste time. After all, I will only get stronger, and you will only get weaker as the time goes by. Come, come now. Hurry up Raiden.” He says in a mocking tone all of his clones now starting to rush forward in order to attack their single target. Raiden doesn’t have a choice here and he is now on the defensive. The clones are dancing around him and making him see even more of the demon wizard. So now the first one rushed in making sure to aim and try to put punches on the chest of the god. Of course, he lashed out with a thunder enhanced fist of his own and shattered the image made by the flute.

    Raiden let out a cry of the agony in his mind and soul. He didn’t have any time to relax as another of the images rushed up as well, but that wasn’t fast enough and Raiden sent out two balls of electricity. One of them was aimed at his attacker, but then another was aimed at what he thought was Feitan. The two images shattered as well making more agony rip through Raiden’s mind. Feitan and his other two images all began to speak “Madness, madness, I am the Keeper of Madness as ever! No matter the brand, no matter the guild, I am the Tombkeeper of Madness! Madness infects all! The gods, the devils, humans, and beasts! Madness destroys the weaker minds like yours!!!” the other two images rushed forward to strike, and Raiden couldn’t do anything but defend his electric hands rushing through the images shattering them.

    This was enough and Raiden dropped to his knees clutching his head in his hands screaming out in the madness, and pain that was ripping through his mind. Feitan walked over calmly with a smirk “Game over.” He smashed his mujin powered fist into the back of Raiden’s head cracking it in several places making Raiden drop dead like a stone.

    The announcer’s voice came out “Fatality! Feitan Wins!” and just then Feitan left moving away to his side of the arena. Dismissing his flute, and his arms became perfectly human again. His takeover was done, and now the next round began.

    Arms of the Mujin Duration 5/5
    LC Umbrella's bullet's been used Thread cool down
    Flute of Madness Summoned
    Sound Images Cooldown begins

    Last edited by FeitanKazeshini on 2nd February 2017, 7:53 pm; edited 1 time in total


    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
    Position : None
    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill:

    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) Empty Re: The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 22nd December 2016, 4:26 pm

    Feitan sighed softly shaking his head in slight annoyance over the fact that so far this so called “mortal Combat” was already starting to bore him. True killing was fun, but so far, he only had a few good fights, but the rest of them were boring, and the foes he was fighting were hardly worth his time. Eventually he would be able to finish this fight and go back to the Basilisk Fang guild hall for some much-needed interesting rest, and relaxation. Right now, however, he would have to wait and finish his tournament. That was when another fighter entered the arena. This man looked like some kind of monk, or perhaps someone of some significant skill. This piqued Feitan’s interest and this made him crack his knuckles licking his lips slowly behind his face guard. Now he was interested in what was going to happen next between them.

    He slowly pressed his wrists together stopping all other movement. As his wrists came together his body began to glow his clothes shredding until only a pair of white pants with shackles around his wrists and ankles were on his body. With a devious laugh, he picked up his blade slicing into his palms to form two bleeding wounds. Now he formed two spheres of blood in the palms of his hands letting them float away from his palms as he did so “mmmm, you look promising. I hope that is reality.”

    The monk only took a stance getting himself ready for the fight ahead. The announcer’s voice came on now “Feitan Vs Kang Liu, Ready, Fight!” the monk moved at once heading straight for Feitan not seeming to care about the spheres and there was no reason to seeing as they were only floating around harmlessly. As he got closer to Feitan the wizard gave one simple hoot and the first of the spheres exploded right next to the Monk sending him sprawling away from Feitan. This made the demon wizard laugh “Cute little things ain’t they? Still, they pack quite the punch if you aren’t careful.”

    Shackles of the Sinner Duration Begin
    Arms of the Mujin CD Begin
    LC Umbrella's bullet's been used Thread cool down
    Flute of Madness Summoned
    Sound Images Cooldown 1/5


    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
    Position : None
    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill:

    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) Empty Re: The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 6th January 2017, 12:04 am

    Feitan smirked as he held his hands up and let the spheres form once again before gently throwing them towards the monk. He was only just starting to get to his feet as the spheres started to close in on him. He wasn’t going to underestimate these things now, but he had no way of knowing just when they would explode or how large that explosion was. He had been caught off guard by the explosion and thus didn’t have time to find out anything about it. As he rose the first one neared him and he bolted past it as fast as he could. Sadly, the moment he started to move he was in range and Feitan snapped his fingers making the bomb go off and send him flying towards another with the force of the explosion.

    The monk tried his best to stop himself rolling the last few meters towards the sphere of blood that was oddly enough in the shape of an eyeball, but he only stopped in time to hear a hoot before the one he had been sent to exploded as well. The pain was incredible and there was no hope in trying to avoid it as he was sent flying like a ragdoll through the arena. Feitan sighed heavily shaking his head “And here I was hoping you would be interesting. Oh well, the moment you underestimated the blood spheres was the moment you lost. Goodbye foolish monk.” He said and with a final snap of his fingers the last sphere exploded right as the monk collided with it. This was the final nail in the coffin and the explosion was enough to not only kill the monk but also enough to seriously burn the corpse that was left behind.

    This battle was over and now the voice of doom echoed through the arena “Fatality! Feitan wins!” Now Feitan simply sat back in his corner waiting for the next foe to arrive and show themselves for his powers to cut down.

    Shackles of the Sinner Duration 1/5
    Arms of the Mujin CD 1/6
    Sound Images Cooldown 2/5


    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
    Position : None
    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill:

    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) Empty Re: The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 19th January 2017, 2:23 am

    Feitan slowly stood there in the center of the arena standing there for a moment before he held his hands open and each one formed a sphere of his own blood which eventually took up the form of an eyeball. He let these fly into the arena moving towards his side of the ring he was smirking ready for the next fight that was going to come for him. He really didn’t have to wait all that long until sure enough his next opponent walked into the arena.

    This one was the strangest of all his fights. This man was dressed up as a ninja, with blue gear and various other strange things that were clearly only in style for someone like him. This would clearly be a bigger fight at the very least a stranger one than he was used to having. As he watched the ninja approach he slowly took his stance with a wave of his hand he began to play his flute with a smile. This wasn’t against the rules and no one seemed to noticed the technique he was working with. Of course, that was how it was meant to be, only the ninja would be effected by the dark tune being that he was the only one in range. It wasn’t going to be anything seriously damaging, but it might just save Feitan’s life. The announcer’s voice boomed out over his music “Feitan Vs Absolute Zero, Ready, Fight!” the Ninja launched himself towards Feitan inhaling deeply, but right before his attack his head snapped in the opposite direction and his cone of ice went flying in the wrong direction.

    Feitan took this opportunity to attack by rushing forward and stabbing the flute into the ninja’s right knee. A satisfying crack was heard, and Feitan was away again as the ninja brought a sword of ice to bare slashing at him, but utterly failing to hit his target.

    Shackles of the Sinner Duration 2/5
    Phantom Targets Duration Begin
    Arms of the Mujin CD 2/6
    Sound Images Cooldown 3/5


    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


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    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) Empty Re: The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 27th January 2017, 6:42 am

    As Feitan backed away he put his flute between his teeth and opened his hands in order to let two more spheres of blood float out of his hands and move towards his downed foe. The ninja tried to throw his sword at Feitan which missed and flew off in another direction thanks to the effects of Feitan’s song. This was wonderful for the demon wizard, but he wasn’t going to make the mistake of moving closer towards the wounded foe. He was sure that this foe was even more dangerous now that he was wounded so he kept himself back. Of course, this wasn’t the only thing that would keep him safe as Zero touched his hand to the ground and began to force the ice to expand across the floor of the arena. This was not good as Feitan watched it freeze everything that it touched on the floor.

    Moving back a bit further he stabbed his flute into the floor of the arena before stepping onto it to avoid the attack that was coming for him. He needed to buy time until the four blood eyeballs floated towards the ninja as he knelt there on the ground. He was however, pressured by the attack as it rushed up to the base of his flute slowly rising the length of his flute. This was very dangerous and he had to leap up into the air as far as he could. He didn’t have the time to look and see if his foe was close enough and so he snapped his fingers the four blood spheres exploded. They exploded and thankfully caught up the ninja in their blasts burning him to a crisp. The ice stopped growing and started to slowly evaporate. The announcer called out “Fatality! Feitan, wins!” Slowly Feitan stepped off of his flute and then it shattered as he had most likely broken it stabbing it into the floor.

    Shackles of the Sinner Duration 3/5
    Flute of Madness broken for thread
    Arms of the Mujin CD 3/6


    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) TwlZpF6
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    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) Empty Re: The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 2nd February 2017, 10:34 pm

    Feitan inhaled as he let more blood sphere one from each hand into the ring letting them float around. He looked to the cleaners as they dragged away the body gave them a soft warning “Don’t touch those spheres, or you will explode.” He said simply not showing any kind of emotion in his voice as he watched folding his arms in front of his chest looking towards the entrance that was where his next foe would enter the arena. He wouldn’t allow anyone to come in without him seeing them full on and avoiding his eyes. He stood there with his arms crossed shaking his head slowly as he shrugged his shoulders once again.

    Then his foe entered the arena this time. This one was much the same as the last. He was a ninja wearing a green ninja outfit. He looked very strange in the green, but it wasn’t this that bothered him. There was something else about this strange ninja, and he didn’t like it in the least. Feitan took his stance slowly bending down to pick up his sword never taking his eyes off this strange knew foe who was now entering the arena. The announcer’s voice came booming out “Feitan VS Lizard! Fight!”

    The two instantly started to move towards each other Feitan was going to use his sword for what was coming at him. The Lizard seemed to have a different idea all together. He shot a glob of acid towards Feitan it was a big glob as well, but Feitan threw his blade right as Lizard threw his glob of acid. Ducking and sliding like a baseball player placing his fingers together concentrating on his aura focusing it into his hands as he pulled it apart his aura was crackling between his fingers. As he let it flow it touched Lizard slicing through his legs while Feitan passed under them. Lizard was distracted by the sword that came flying at him avoiding it but not the aura wires slicing through him.

    Aura Wires Duration Begin
    Shackles of the Sinner Duration 4/5
    Arms of the Mujin CD 4/6


    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


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    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) Empty Re: The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 21st February 2017, 3:48 pm

    Lizard managed to avoid the blade that was thrown at him by moving his torso to the left. He was wondering why the blade was aimed so high when it was clear from the way it was thrown that it could be avoided fairly easily. He didn’t know that this was the plan his foe had wanted to execute. As Feitan came up from sliding underneath Lizard he pulled as hard as he could causing the wires to tighten into the sections that they had cut into. With one massive yanking motion Feitan was able to drag Lizard off of his feet and force him to steady himself as he fell to the floor of the arena. Placing his hands to the floor of the arena Feitan connected the wires to the floor leaving his hands free to create even more. Which is exactly what he did focusing his aura to his fingers pressing together and pulling them apart.

    The new wires formed just as easily as the first set had. However, this time as he pulled the wires out and set them into motion he turned his palms up letting the blood flow into them before they formed into the spheres and he sent them towards the ninja. Moving in he slashed the wires through the ninja’s back before he let the wires drop. He kept himself behind Lizard holding his hands out filling them with his aura this time with electrical energy. Kneeling down he slammed the palms of both of his hands into Lizard’s back sending a huge shockwave through the ninja before he skitter stepped out of the way. Just in time because Lizard whipped around throwing an acid ball right where Feitan had been standing. The orbs in the rest of the arena were already there and Feitan glanced to the Announcer’s box sure enough “Finish him!” Feitan skipped back away from Lizard as he struggled to rip through the aura wires. No sooner was he free than he looked up to see the four orbs floating towards him. With a snap of Feitan’s fingers they exploded splattering Lizard all over the arena right as the takeover came to an end. “Fatality! Feitan Wins!”

    Thunder Palms CD Begin
    Aura Wires CD Begin
    Shackles of the Sinner Duration 5/5
    Arms of the Mujin CD 5/6


    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

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    Experience : 6,240

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    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) Empty Re: The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 22nd February 2017, 5:31 am

    Now that he was out of his transformation he decided that it was time to get serious. He noticed that the mess was not being cleaned up this time and that wasn’t a good sign. He heard the crowd get very silent and this sent the hairs on the back of his neck up in arms. He wasn’t sure why he was so nervous, but he was and he wasn’t about to take any chances. Rushing to his blade he snatched it up right as his opponent started towards the arena. Feitan frowned in his concern seeing the four armed giant of a man slowly approaching the ring. He leapt backwards away from the man taking a new stance he placed his right hand over his heart “All is for my lord.” He said as he heard the sound of the crowd chanting what he assumed was the name of this foe it came in a deep hungry chant “Orog, Orog, Orog.” As soon as he entered the ring Feitan now stood as the Demon Wolf Fenrir. The announcer called out “Orog vs Feitan, Fight!”

    Orog made a single step forward and this was enough to provoke a reaction from Feitan. His legs began to glow with purple light and his left hand slowly grew claws. Putting his hand into his mouth he rushed forward the speed boost was enough to give him the edge in that category and he used it to his full advantage. Rushing in he slashed at Orog, but the giant grabbed the blade in both of his right hands snapping it with ease. The moment he did so however, Feitan took his claws out of his mouth slashing into Orog twice with them the poison would sink in sure enough. He was about to do more when he felt the fist of one of Orog’s left arms slam into him sending him flying backwards, but Feitan managed to land a kick against the brute’s arm sending the power of his dark regulus through it.

    Landing on the other side of the ring Feitan coughed up blood feeling that several of his ribs were cracked and at least one of the was broken. Still, he worked through the pain and jumped up to his feet. The giant’s hands were bleeding, the regulus had struck home, and Feitan had managed to infect the beast with his poison. He wasn’t going to waste any time in this fight and Orog had the same idea being that he leapt across the ring towards the Takeover wizard.

    HP: 100/200
    MP: 50%
    Demon Wolf Fenrir Duration Begin
    Poison claw ability CD begin
    Thunder Palms CD 1/3
    Aura Wires CD 1/5
    Shackles of the Sinner CD begin
    Arms of the Mujin CD 6/6


    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) Empty Re: The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 22nd February 2017, 7:47 am

    Feitan wasn’t stupid and as soon as the beast leapt into the air he began to focus his power into his right foot the regulus growing massively powerful as it did so. Making sure to focus all of his power there he hissed in annoyance as he kicked out with all his might. From his kick burst forth a head in the shape of a wolf made of the dark Regulus power. Thankfully Orog was slowed from the poison and Feitan’s speed was increased because of his takeover and that made all the difference. The wolf’s head smashed into the giant four-armed man full in the chest. It slowed the great behemoth, but there was no real way to stop him. Feitan wasn’t looking to actually stop him however, he only wanted to slow the creature down for his next trick. He inhaled as deeply as he could before lifting his head back and howling with all his might letting the power fill him.

    His body exploded and suddenly burst forth filling out to be a tremendous for standing 9 meters tall. The arena was more than enough to compensate for his massive size and the four-armed giant was caught off guard. Feitan smirked in his new werewolf form slashing out with his massive claws slicing easily through the man’s body. He tried to catch the claws, but he was unable to do it. With the follow through Feitan slammed the man to the ground of the arena creating a hand shaped crater in the floor of the stone. He lifted his hand back and sent his claws down in a dagger forward sinking them at the center of Orog’s body. The man managed to catch the claws, but it was helpless his strength wasn’t nearly enough to stop Feitan and soon the claws skewered him entirely separating him at the center of his chest. With his foe dead and sliced in half Feitan moved his hand back and howled his triumph “Fatality! Feitan wins!” The crowd was silent as Feitan stood there panting and snarling as the next foe came upon him.

    HP: 100/200
    MP: 50%
    Demon Wolf Fenrir Duration 1/6
    Fenrir Unchained ability Activated Duration begin
    Poison claw ability CD 1/3
    Thunder Palms CD 2/3
    Aura Wires CD 2/5
    Shackles of the Sinner CD 1/6


    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) Empty Re: The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 22nd February 2017, 8:16 am

    The next foe was already coming in, but the man looked very strange. He was a sorcerer to be sure, but what kind was not entirely clear. For now, he simply stood there looking at Feitan with interested eyes. Feitan snarled deeply in his anger and the announcer called out “Feitan vs Tsung Shang! Ready, Fight!” The sorcerer made his move and with a wave of his hand he became a shadowy image right before he solidified into the form that Feitan was currently wearing. This was not something that he could understand, but he wasn’t worried about a copycat. The true powers he wielded weren’t able to be copied to perfect as was clear from the size of the copy being it was only 6 meters tall. The two met in the center of the ring their claws clashing and fists meeting each other. Neither were actually able to land a direct blow, but they met strike on strike.

    Feitan smirked as he licked his lips enjoying this fight, but he slammed his head into the head of the smaller wolf and sent him skittering backwards through the arena in order to create distance between them. The imposter snarled as he shook his head “How is this possible!?” Feitan’s smile went wider as he snarled back even louder “The problem with copy magic types is that in the matter of soul magic it isn’t a perfect copy. Believe it or not there are two souls in this body and it seems you can only take over a portion of my soul, not the soul of a demon. If you were to try you’d kill yourself.” He charged forward snarling loudly and the two met again clashing this time their hands were holding onto each other trying to see who would win the tug of war that was between them.

    HP: 100/200
    MP: 50%
    Demon Wolf Fenrir Duration 2/6
    Fenrir Unchained ability Activated Duration 1/3
    Poison claw ability CD 2/3
    Thunder Palms CD 3/3
    Aura Wires CD 3/5
    Shackles of the Sinner CD 2/6


    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

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    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill:

    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) Empty Re: The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 22nd February 2017, 8:16 am

    This time it was the smaller werewolf snarled and slammed his head into Feitan’s chest, and yet Feitan was able to dodge the strike right as he sank the fangs into the back of the imposter’s neck. Being that he was much larger, being his mouth was a good third the size the whole mouth was able to clamp down upon the man’s neck and he shook his head as fast as he could in order to rip and tear into his foe. It was wonderful to feel the resistance of flesh, it was grand to see the flesh coming away under his attack. The taste of blood however was what signaled to him that his foe was indeed flesh and blood if that was the case then he could indeed be defeated and there was no reason to hold back. He sank his fangs in even deeper into the flesh of his foe’s neck.

    Dragging his head downward he was able to tip the balance into his favor and the simple slipping misstep was all it took for him to bring his imposter down to the ground. With his foe under him Feitan started to stab his claws into the back and sides of the smaller werewolf with the speed he had. The smaller werewolf did try to get away, and once the sorcerer even tried to change his shape again but with his neck still inside of Feitan’s mouth changing into anything smaller would only guarantee his doom. He tried to make a strike at Feitan, but that just wasn’t possible so instead Feitan chomped down even harder with a sudden snapping sound the copycat’s body went limp right there and Feitan simply dropped the dead body onto the floor the sorcerer shrinking to his normal size. “Fatality! Feitan Wins!”

    Slowly Feitan moved to his corner huffing and puffing with how tired he was becoming.

    HP: 80/200
    MP: 50%
    Demon Wolf Fenrir Duration 3/6
    Fenrir Unchained ability Activated Duration 2/3
    Poison claw ability CD 3/3
    Aura Wires CD 4/5
    Shackles of the Sinner CD 3/6


    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill:

    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) Empty Re: The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 22nd February 2017, 8:51 am

    Feitan looked to the announcer snarling deeply “Is there any other fighter?!” The whole arena was quiet before they suddenly erupted in cheering and applause. The announcer’s voice boomed through the arena “The final match you have all been waiting for! Feitan vs Spider!” A different door opened with a deafening slam making everyone but Feitan jump. They looked towards the door and sure enough there was a man slowly walking out of it. Feitan was too close and he backed off slightly snarling low to himself. The man looked like another ninja, but the aura Feitan was getting from this guy, it was unreal and he wasn’t liking it. He entered the ring before he slowly took a strange stance. The announcer’s voice boomed out again “The winner is the champion of Mortal Combat! Ready, Fight!” Spider rushed forward summoning up weapons from thin air these were shuriken and other such things, but Feitan was fast as well and he managed to avoid them by dropping onto all fours.

    He didn’t avoid them all instead only missed most of them, but a few more shuriken sank into one of his legs. Still, he managed to slap Spider sending him tumbling through the dirt and towards one of the walls. Feitan had to make the power he was wielding work the best he could. He could feel his time coming to an end. Deciding that it was now or never he focused his power into his right hand and it began to glow brightly. Spider got to his feet and was about to summon up another weapon before Feitan sent his hand out sending a bright ray of light from his giant hand. There was no way to dodge it easily being that his hand was several times larger than Spider’s body. The blast smashed into Spider slamming him against the wall and destroying that section of the arena. Of course, the magic involved snapped him out of his transformation and he was left his normal self.

    HP: 40/200
    MP: 50%
    Demon Wolf Fenrir Duration 4/6
    Fenrir Unchained ability Activated Duration 3/3
    Aura Wires CD 5/5
    Shackles of the Sinner CD 4/6


    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


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    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill:

    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) Empty Re: The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 22nd February 2017, 8:53 am

    Feitan didn’t wait he reached into his pocket and pulled out a can of sardines opening it and swallowing down the whole of the contents. It was repulsive and he felt absolutely sick doing so, but he had to do it. Then he sank his fangs into his hand as hard as he could. Doing so caused him to be surrounded by bats and by the time Spider was able to move and had recovered from the blast Feitan was standing looking like the Tyrant Valvatorez. He wasn’t done here however and spoke out “It’s time for the Tyrant to rise again!!” He bellowed and suddenly his body was wrapped in darkness as well as bats and blood. He surged up forming up to 10 meters in height and his wings snapped open sending out a huge shockwave throughout the arena. Inhaling Feitan opened his mouth and spewed forth his great breath attack of fire and dark magic covering the section of the arena spider was in with the power. Spider wasn’t able to dodge, but under Feitan formed a ring of flames.

    Feitan flapped his wings once sending him backwards avoiding the pillar of flames that had just sprung up before him. This wasn’t the end of it however as Feitan slashed his tail forward slapping into Spider spinning him through the arena to slam into another wall. He surged forward with a great roar and slammed his whole body into Spider or so he thought, but the demon ninja was behind him. As he brought a weapon to bare Feitan’s tail lashed out slapping Feitan down the man again crushing him to the floor of the arena. Feitan’s power was great than ever and slowly turning he lifted his foot before stomping down upon Spider’s body over and over each crushing blow was followed by the sound of cracking. When he stopped and stepped away there was only a red paste where Spider had once been.

    The announcer called out “Fatality! Feitan has won! He is the champion!” the crowd wasn’t sure how to do it, but after a moment they began to cheer and call out with their enjoyment of the fight before them. Feitan was forced to leave this form falling to his knees panting heavily as he was exhausted. He had burned through so much life energy, as well as magical power. It was too much. Still, he was done. He slowly pulled himself up off of the floor of the arena heading towards the exit. Upon leaving the man who hired him cheered him “You are amazing! I can’t believe you! Absolutely amazing! You are the new combat champion! Truly a marvelous show!”

    Feitan snarled at him “You’re lucky the arena was big enough for my powers to be used in full otherwise lots of innocents would’ve died. That would've been messy for you.” He said as he held out his hand “PAY ME!” the man handed him a bag of jewels and backing away quickly. Feitan took the jewels and slowly moved off heading back to the Basilisk Fang Guild hall. He was tired, he wanted to go home, he wanted to rest. He was done with fighting for today.

    HP: 10/200
    MP: 20%
    Takeovers ended


    The Demon Enters Mortal Combat (Mission, Solo, Private) TwlZpF6
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