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    Road Fighter Tournament! [Job/Solo]


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Silver Chaotica
    Position : None
    Posts : 285
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 881.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crimson Flame
    Second Skill: Crimson Lightning
    Third Skill:

    Road Fighter Tournament! [Job/Solo] Empty Road Fighter Tournament! [Job/Solo]

    Post by Arz 2nd March 2017, 11:38 pm

    Job Information:

    Zeno and Tito both lingered in their new guild hall, it hadn't been more than a week after he and Tito had joined. After lingering for a long period of time, they decided to actually venture throughout the the Black Rose Guild Hall. As they examined the Guild Hall, Tito looked to his left to see an odd paper hanging on the wall, it was like it was calling to them, without hesitation Tito persuaded Zeno to go check what it was. Zeno nodded in agreement as they cautiously and slowly walked towards the paper stuck to the wooden wall looking like idiots. 

    After around ten minutes, they had finally made it to the paper on the wall, they could have made it to the wall in probably ten seconds, but of course, they had to be idiots and walking slowly towards it, instantly wasting ten minutes of their lives. They gazed upon the new-looking letter that was attached to the wall by a nail, their faces lit up while their pupils became stars because of what the paper had said...

    'Fighters from all around Fiore have gathered to see who is the world's strongest! All fighters are eligible and you get to show off your insane fighting skills. We are finally proud to present the Road Fighter Tournament! You will fight a total of fifteen fighters, and don't worry your health and mana will be restored after every fight! So come on down, you have nothing to fear!'

    "T-T-Tournament!" They both yelled in unison out of excitement, and without and ounce of hesitation, ran towards it's location that was not too far from where they were, their destination was Talonia Arena. "Zeno! You can win!" Tito encouraged Zeno as they arrived at their destination from a two hour trip. "Don't worry, This will be a walk in the park!" Zeno patted Tito's head as they walked into the arena before them, So this is where I am fighting, huh? A smirk appeared on Zeno's face as he looked around only to bump into a big man that seemed like he was the security around the arena. "Sorry! I'm here for the tournament! The name's Zeno.. any information on where I have to go?" Zeno bowed for forgiveness as he inquired to the big figure as to where to go, "Hmph, a kid joining the Road Fighter tournament? Good luck, though you're most likely going to die. Turn left and stay in the waiting room, sign up and just wait for your name to be called." The big man told Zeno as he gestured towards his left, they quickly ran to the waiting room before thanking the man, though Zeno was a bit pissed at what he had said about him getting crushed. 

    Soon after Zeno signed up, he was suddenly called into the arena to fight. He stood in front of a big man who was already standing in his fearsome battle stance, "First match is our last tournament winner... Wyvern of the Dragon Fist! vs. Zeno the Newbie! 3..2..1 Go!" The commentator signalled for the fight to begin as Wyvern quickly jumped at Zeno.


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Silver Chaotica
    Position : None
    Posts : 285
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 881.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crimson Flame
    Second Skill: Crimson Lightning
    Third Skill:

    Road Fighter Tournament! [Job/Solo] Empty Re: Road Fighter Tournament! [Job/Solo]

    Post by Arz 3rd March 2017, 7:12 pm

    The man named Wyvern had no patience and instantly jumped towards him with the ill intent to bring him down with all his force, though Zeno was able to dodge his barrage of moves, he could tell that this man was someone to be reckoned with. "Wave Motion Cannon!" Wyvern cried as he pushed his palm in a strong manner causing wind and lightning to strike at Zeno, the dust cleared, but Zeno was nowhere to be seen, "I-Is he dead?!" Tito screamed as tears began swell up in his eyes, but Zeno suddenly appeared behind Wyvern with great speed and continued to hit him with a barrage of punches that were infused with crimson flames to greatly augment the power and force behind the punch, everyone was amazed as they saw they newbie winning was supposed to be a one-sided match for Wyvern, "Bastard...Da...mn..." Wyvern said before he dropped on the ground face first. 

    He wasn't ready for those barrage of punches and Zeno did excel at hand-to-hand combat which was the reason Zeno was able to easily win without baring a single scratch. Zeno held his fist up, aiming towards the sky, signaling he had finally won, "T-The newbie Zeno.... Wins!" The commentator announced in surprise as the last champion was out cold on the ground. Zeno walked back into the waiting room as fights continued to go on in the arena, he was anxious for his next fight, it had been a while since he joined a tournament, though every tournament he has joined, he completely obliterated the competition, hopefully this tournament would be different. He day dreamed, not hearing the commentator calling his name, but thanks to Tito, who woke him up, he was able to quickly run back into the arena, only to see an angry man inside the arena with him, "You beat Wyvern, Huh? Well you ain't gonna beat me!" The angry man yelled at Zeno with passion, commencing the fight at the commentator's signal, "Masters vs Zeno! 3...2...1...Go!" The commentator commenced the fight and Zeno rushed towards him with great speed and grabbed his face, already prepared to destroy him.

    Hp : 100

    Mp : 95%

    WC : 981/3600


     #dc143c (Zeno)    #87cefa (Tito)          
    Road Fighter Tournament! [Job/Solo] J5IJBKy

     Zeno Hageshi   Tito (Exceed)  Crimson Flame Magic  Crimson Lightning ✞ Shinku 

    Battle Theme!:


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Silver Chaotica
    Position : None
    Posts : 285
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 881.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crimson Flame
    Second Skill: Crimson Lightning
    Third Skill:

    Road Fighter Tournament! [Job/Solo] Empty Re: Road Fighter Tournament! [Job/Solo]

    Post by Arz 4th March 2017, 5:29 am

    A burst of Crimson Flames exploded from Zeno's palms and onto Masters' face, causing him to go flying into the arena walls, Zeno wanted to quickly get the tournament over and done with so that he could continue on his adventure, don't get him wrong, he was having fun, it was just....not interesting, though little did Zeno know, a strong opponent would soon be faced against him, and he would have quite a hard time to destroy that opponent. "You guys are quick to move your mouths, yet when it comes to battle, your nothing but a flock of birds flying away." Zeno slowly walked towards Masters with the intent to finish him off, but Masters suddenly disappeared and proceeded to reappear behind Zeno, "Dragon Fist!" A mighty punch blasted in Zeno's direction, though thanks to his lightning-like reflexes, he was able to dodge it, letting it only skim his skin, leaving slight mark across his cheek. Zeno didn't hesitate to turn around and pay him back with his new magic, he hadn't used it since he learn't it, maybe it was time to show the world the power of his Crimson Lightning.

    Crimson Lightning : Impulse Drive

    Zeno's fists began to engulf themselves in Crimson Lightning and suddenly blasted them towards Masters in a flash, one hitting him straight in the gut and the other in the face. He wasn't going to stop feeling pain for a while, after all, that spell is one that damages ones insides with electricity to destroy and give them long-lasting pain. "Power doesn't come from your magic, it comes from your emotions." Zeno walked out of the arena as the dust cleared around Masters, revealing a nearly lifeless body that would most likely die if hit one more time. "The winner is Zeno! The newbie is someone to be feared!" The commentator exclaimed which made the audience roar with the excitement, the audience seemed to have fun but Zeno wasn't, I came here to fight some strong opponents, but all these guys are cocky bastards who can't punch for their life. Zeno sighed as he sat down on one of the waiting room chairs. 

    "Next Match! Zeno vs. Detective Chun!" The commentator announced the next match as the crowd seemed to roar with even more excitement, maybe the fighter Zeno was up against was strong? Zeno walked into the arena to reveal his opponent which was a girl. "I am a detective, I have undergone training and I will eliminate you." The detective woman praised herself as she suddenly changed into her fighting stance, "I don't care..." Zeno sweatdropped as the detective praised herself, "Bastard!" Detective Chun screamed back at Zeno ferociously, What did I do? Zeno was confused as he fell onto the ground in a comedy like way.

    HP : 200/200

    Mp : 85%



     #dc143c (Zeno)    #87cefa (Tito)          
    Road Fighter Tournament! [Job/Solo] J5IJBKy

     Zeno Hageshi   Tito (Exceed)  Crimson Flame Magic  Crimson Lightning ✞ Shinku 

    Battle Theme!:

      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:41 pm