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    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel)

    Chili Thompson
    Chili Thompson

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Reality Displacement
    Position : None
    Posts : 202
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Arsenal
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) Empty Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel)

    Post by Chili Thompson 21st July 2017, 2:02 pm

    The arena was huge, bleachers reaching all the way around in a circle with a big platform in the center for the fights. Chili nervously scratched the back of his head. Fighting opponents as strong or stronger than him was one thing. Doing it in front of an audience was something else. Shaking away his stage fright, Chili cracked his knuckles and breathed slowly. “Ok just need to win every round and collect the reward. Hopefully without any mishaps.” Chili said remembering what the flier that had hit him in the face while he was walking down the streets of Talonia. “Fighters from all around Fiore have gathered to test their strength against one another, all eligible fighters are welcome to join the Road Fighter Tournament! Being hosted now at the Talonia Arena! If you have what it takes to win the reward is seven thousand jewels!” After reading that how could he turn away? So here he was in the arena, trying to psych himself up. Finishing his psyching up, Chili made his way towards the sign up center. He found himself as number four in a line of fighters. When his turn finally came the lady at the counter raised her eyebrow at him. Shrugging her shoulders she pushed a form across the table to him. “Sign your name here, put your magic or fighting style here, and sign this waiver excusing us from any serious damages you may receive while taking part in the tournament.” The lady said pointing to each thing. Quickly signing everything, Chili wandered away from the desk as he was herded into a group of fellow fighters. They were all talking among themselves. Remaining quiet, Chili just listened in on their conversations. Some were arguing strength, others bragging, some forming rivalries right there on the spot, and others just watching like he was. Chili stood there for a few minutes observing those he may need to fight. As speakers blared on, he heard the announcer speak up. “Alright, ladies and gentlemen welcome to another ROAD FIGHTER TOURNAMENT! Where our contestants will be fighting one another for fame as the strongest of all of Fiore as well as our seven thousand jewel reward for the champion or champions of this year! Now everybody take your seats and contestants start making your way to the bracket board to see who you're fighting!” The crowd Chili was in shifted direction as fighters began heading towards the designated platform to line up at. Chili was lucky to not be trampled, fortunately enough he was instead carried away by them to the spot he needed to be. While being pushed and shoved, Chili tried best not to lose his footing as he managed to push to the far back of the hoard he was in the center of. Popping out of the back, Chili allowed himself to fall behind content on being one of the last ones to see who they were fighting. Making it to the board, he scanned it. The person he was going up against first was named Masters. Having no clue who the heck that was, Chili just shrugged and turned to walk to the ramp that led up to the ring. As he was turning another fighter ran into him from behind, wanting to look at the board themselves. Sending, Chili tripping forwards and falling face first at someone's feet. Looking up at the person from his downed position, Chili saw that it was a younger looking man, with raven hair that had golden streaks going through it. Compared to everyone else Chili had seen this guy looked like you could have a rational conversation with him.
    “Sorry about that, tripped over my own feet there with a little help from the guy behind me,” Chili grumbled to the dirt a little as he picked himself up. Now standing, Chili reached out his hand towards the person offering them a hand shake saying "Well I'm Chili, you can pay no attention to the guy who pushed me since he'll probably get his just deserts in the ring. Anyways its nice to meet someone who doesn't look like they'd suplex me for saying hi."

    Current HP: 100/100
    Current Mana: 100/100
    Post Word Count: 676
    Total Word Count: 676

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) Empty Re: Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel)

    Post by Ruvel 22nd July 2017, 8:34 am

    Ruvel would be lent against a near by wall away from everyone else the flat of his right foot on the wall, his arms where across his chest, his eyes closed and head slightly lowered, to most it would seem as if he had fallen asleep standing up since he hadn't moved an inch since moving into that position. What no one had realised was that the youth was wide awake and doing nothing but listening to both the humble brags and the full out brags that those whom would soon be his opponent would be 'poor fools don't know what await them, I guess it can be helped' he thought letting out a silent sigh, he had seen enough violence in his life the last thing he wanted was to take part in such a barbaric ritual but the contractual obligation he had with one of his summons made it clear if something like this came up he would have to take part so the other could fight warriors to see if they matched up 'I doubt you're going to find a challenge here Barthenz, can we get out of here already?' he already knew the answer to that question as he felt a twinge on his arm but even then he didn't move where most would have.

    Ruvel listened to the woman as she spoke rolling his eyes under his eyelids 'Yeah, just go rile up the murdering psychopath' he thought almost huffing at the thought he could feel Barthenz's excitement building though he himself didn't understand it. To him it was two grown adults bashing each others brains in for the amusement of others, a worthless title and a bit of coin 'You've got enough brain damage for an entire army' he thought knowing this was all gonna come back and bite him when Barthenz got summoned but for now he didn't give a damn because as far as he was concerned it was true, he also doubted Barthenz would disagree likely telling him it was what men craved so on so forth. He still remembered the last lecture he had on the matter, well what he actually decided to listen to but that wasn't a lot if he had to be honest to himself or anyone else for that matter.

    Hearing the masses moving he decided to wait for everyone else to see whom they where fighting with and against before he would go have a look for himself, he didn't want to be crushed by these idiots more so since he was still had the same fragile and sick form he was born with. He often wondered with all those things that happened to him how they didn't manage to fix those two things even by accident. That was behind him, he wasn't overly wealthy or even known but a few places had bought some of the clothing he had designed as an independent designer and that had given him what he needed to rework himself from who he was when he managed to escape from them... from that hell he swore he would never return to. He knew he was likely being hunted from the moment they found him gone and also knew that as he stood alone right now there would be no one to help him if the time came 'I need to fix that at some po-' he thought but his train of thought was cut short as he heard a thud by his feet.

    Opening his eyes for a moment revealing his golden orbs, he couldn't help but quirk an eyebrow seeing the male there. 'Oh dear lords...' he thought to himself finally moving to hold out a hand to the other to help him up, but as he had the other was already on his feet. "Depends on the opponents he comes across to be honest" The raven haired male stated his eyes going to the board finally from where he would still be stood "Seems we are to be paired this tournament" he motioned towards the board for the other to see "My name is Ruvel, it's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance" he said calmly he would have done a bow or something else but he swore to himself that he would never lower himself mentally or physically to anyone and no force on earthland could make him as he would rather die than play pet again. He had taken notice of the unique flame that was sat on Chili's forehead but for now he decided to be quiet on the matter.

    Word Count: 765


    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021
    Chili Thompson
    Chili Thompson

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Reality Displacement
    Position : None
    Posts : 202
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Arsenal
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) Empty Re: Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel)

    Post by Chili Thompson 22nd July 2017, 9:58 am

    Chili turned around to follow the raven haired man as he approached the board. The man glanced at the board and then turned to Chili. "Looks like we are to be paired up for this tournament." The man said walking a little closer. "My name is Ruvel, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," Ruvel said calmly. Chili chuckled to himself a little, "No bowing this guy is after my own likeness.  Personally, I never got why people do it one for it myself. Almost had my head chopped off by a Duke once, luckily enough armored wearing guards can't keep up with my boost speed." Chili thought to himself. Not saying much, Chili walked passed Ruvel and looked at the board. Reading it he said "Yeah, we and others are paired together as well. Although this is not a tag team event, we are just on designated teams. We split up the opponents each taking on one at a time." Turning towards Ruvel, Chili was going to say something else, when the speakers came blasting back on with the announcer saying loudly "Alright ladies and gentlemen I need Chili Thompson and Masters to report to the ring and get ready to face off!" Pausing for a second, Chili decided to forget what he was going to say and said this instead "Well partner looks like I'm up. See ya in a minute." Spinning around Chili headed for the ring, thinking as he went, "Ok win, get the jewels, and if they give you a trophy maybe someone will pay to have it." He climbed up the ramp that led towards the arena's platform, as he went he did the hand symbols for Demon, Chaos, Rebirth, and the final one for Dragon. His flame went from normal orange to scarlet red. As he arrived at the top of the ramp, he was finally able to get a look at his opponent for the first time. Mid-length wavey blonde hair, about a foot taller than him and bulky looking. Those words summed up his enemy. Now a meter onto the platform, Chili stopped and breathed in slowly waiting for the announcer to start the fight. Then the speakers blared, followed by "Let the fight begin!" Masters started to punch the air, which looked funny at first to Chili until a mixture of the wind and lighting whizzed past his head. Noticing that Masters' fists were building up speed and as this happened the force of his punches were shooting off lighting and air like a cannon in whatever direction he was aiming. Not wasting anytime, he turned to the right and started sprinting. Masters turned while still punching to follow Chili with his attack. Shots were flying behind him less than a meter away as he moved. As Chili ran right in a circle along the platform, closing the distance between him and Masters. Masters turned to attack Chili with his air cannon, as Chili sprinted directly at him. Chili dove to the ground and rolled into Masters space. Now underneath Maters outward punching arm, Chili sprung upwards and landed a strong uppercut to Masters' chin. While mid air  Chili swiftly spun and delivered a roundhouse kick to his torso as well. Landing back on the ground Chili went to back way a little, however, Masters had recovered and slammed a fist into Chili's chest sending him flying back with lightning and air. Bouncing on his back once, then doing a full flip and landing on his face, Chili, grunted slightly. For such bad knock back that attack wasn't as bad as it had looked at first. Pushing himself back up, Chili saw Masters sprinting towards him. Chili's reflexes made it in time as he blocked a nasty punch that was aimed for his face. Masters didn't let up though jumping and sending a flying side kick aimed at Chili's head again from the other side this time, however. Quickly moving his arms to the other side of his head Chili effectively block Masters' attack. Before Masters could retract his foot fully, Chili grabbed it holding Masters in place while he delivered two swift punches into the side of Masters' knee before tossing it back and sending Masters onto his rear. Masters was quick to roll from his downed sitting position onto his head and hands. Using all of his strength Masters spun himself off the ground into an upside down helicopter kick. Unable to dodge in time Chili was hit by the kick and was sent stumbling sideways to the left. Recovering quickly, Chili dashed towards Masters while he landed. Dropping into a crouch as he arrived near Masters, Chili did a sweep kick and collided his left leg with Masters arms and head. Masters was swept from his hands onto his back, where he quickly kicked up from and landed on his feet getting into a defensive position a meter away from Chili who also took up a similar position. "You're not that bad kid!" Masters shouted at Chili. "Yeah? Well, I'm not sure that's a compliment from someone who takes the title of this tournament seriously!" Chili shouted back. Snorting Masters shifted his footing and prepared to charge. Unknownst to him Chili had a surprise up his sleeve as he began charging energy into his fist.

    Current HP: 80/100
    Current Mana: 94/100
    Flame Burst Activated: Durations left: 2 posts
    Post Word Count: 887
    Total Word Count: 1563

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) Empty Re: Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel)

    Post by Ruvel 22nd July 2017, 3:04 pm

    Ruvel observed the other a bit more as he had a look at the board showing the two as paired up as a team, he didn't want to be there in the first place but to hear one of his summons laughing at the back of the head made him want to groan in annoyance but he managed to keep his composure 'You realise you're actually the one teamed with him don't you Barthenz, I don't even want to be here' he sighed silently before chuckling quietly as he heard the summon cuss a little as the realisation dawned on him that he would have to team with another mortal child, even then he was human which to the summon made everything that much worse as he seen them as fragile, maybe not as fragile as his summoner but fragile none the less. 'Stop thinking like that you oof, not everything is as it first appears, your testimony to that' he communicated to him completely forgetting about the other at least for the moment.

    His golden orbs went to the viewing lacrima to see who his own opponent would be 'Wyvern? Strange name...' he thought taking note that nothing was said about their own skill or magics 'If they use magic then Barthenz will be no good he uses physical attacks so he needs to be up close and even then I don't know if I have a summon who could take out a magic user quickly.' he didn't like how this was turning out that was clear but he lost his train of thought as he heard Chili speak "Seems teams are of two people and that both team members will fight in different arenas at the same time, if one is knocked out the whole team is" he explained remembering the rules he had read as he signed up 'This makes it that much easier I guess, but to get recognition in this way is distasteful' he had seen enough violence in his life he didn't want to add to it more so for the entertainment of others, he had seen enough of that too even being forced to play a part in the twisted games for the entertainment of others, the sheer thought of this made him sick 'I mustn't think on that right now, I must remain clear headed' he assured himself as he tried to fight back the trembling within his body.

    "Have fun, and don't lose... Barthenz will not be pleased" he explained moving to the arena as his own match was announced. He blinked looking to the man he was to fight and sighed silently knowing this wasn't going to go well. Walking towards each other the held out their hand in front of the referee shaking hands "I wish you well Wyvern" He spoke to his opponent but was only met with a smug smile that made Ruvel want to knock it off his face just for not being sportsman like about it. Going back to their designated placed Ruvel placed is hand into his pocket bringing out a small silver dagger. The referee seeing this rushed over "You're dis-" he started until he seen Ruvel use it on his left palm a light liquid coming out were there should have been red blood "Some of my summons require me to harm myself, if you looked at my application it is documented there" he assured the man placing the dagger back into his shirt showing he had no intention to use it again.

    "I summon blood, I summon hate, I summon war and anger..." he started moving his hand forward allowing his glowing blood to fall on the arena floor "Warrior of death hear my call! Barthernz appear!" he called out for a second the light in the stadium flickered making everyone but Ruvel himself look around when the lights came back on a dark carmine red seal would be sat one meter in front of Ruvel, within it would stand a muscular male standing 7'4" tall, scars easily seen over his well formed body showing he was indeed a warrior to be taken seriously, the only clothing he was wearing would be a wrap around his waist which was clearly covered in dried blood of differing stages in his hand would be his normal long sword, his semi long hair caked in dried blood making it impossible to know just what colour it truly was, his crimson eyes fixated on his target who now no longer wore a smug look but seemed almost terrified at the sight in front of him.

    "Barthenz, give me your sword... you're not allowed weapons here." he said holding out his hand waiting for the sword but was meet with a grunt "If you don't give me it then they're not going to allow you to fight it's that simple now give me the blasted weapon or make it go back home" he said with a frustrated tone after a few seconds the sword faded "Now was that so hard" he asked but was met with a growl pretty much telling the youth not to push his luck he himself was both terrified and amused at how this had went down, though knew in the long run he would regret it but he was use to such things that is why he agreed to doing the contract with Barthenz in the first place, he needed a guardian and Barthenz wanted to fight so it seemed like a perfect partnership at least at that point, now he wasn't so sure.

    "I call on the contractual negotiations between us Barthenz so you may get stronger, and that fool over there can be weaker" he knew that the weakening and strengthening wouldn't please his summon that much but he wanted to make this as humiliating as possible for the clown who wouldn't be a sportsman and acted smug which Barthenz understood "Fine, I understand and approve." he stated his voice gruff as he spoke making Wyvern almost freeze in place. "Can I fight now or are you going to jerk me around more boy?!" he was growing impatient that was clear making Ruvel nod to his summon "Yes, the round has now begun" he explained making Barthenz's eyes almost glint with glee.

    Before Wyvern could even move Barthenz even with his size and build was already upon him punshing the man in the gut not giving a damn if he got back up to him this guy was just training practice for the main event later. "Don't kill him Barthenz, you hear me" he called back moving back to a wall leaning against it his left foot laying flat against it as his arms crossed watching the warrior summon act like a kid on christmas with a sigh not knowing if the summon would listen to him 'And I know you're a warrior Barthenz but put on a show' he placed into the others mind being met with 'Killjoy' as a grunted response which made Ruvel chuckle a little as it almost seemed as if he was preventing the warrior child from having the fun he wanted but rules were rules.

    He watched as Wyvern stood up from the first blow he looked somewhat startled as he hadn't expected such a large person to quite as quick "Oh, meet Barthenz... the dragonic warrior god of a race known as the Ascent Arco" Ruvel smirked watching as Wyvern turned white wondering what kind of monster would have a god at his beckon call especially one such as the one he was being forced to face now. Standing trembling as he dashed towards Barthenz lifting his leg to attack whom just quick side dodged as the other used it however he wasn't quick enough to dodge every attack and still took half the damage that was given to him, which impressed the summon a bit since it been a while since he had been take damage from an opponent. "Good job, you landed a hit... just be careful when he gets mad" Ruvel mentioned closed his eyes knowing he didn't have to worry about anything his light blood still slowly falling.

    Current HP: 187/200
    Current Mana: 90/100
    Barthenz Beserker: 2 turns left
    Barthenz's HP: 92 hp
    Post Word Count: 1'370
    Total Word Count: 2'135


    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021
    Chili Thompson
    Chili Thompson

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Reality Displacement
    Position : None
    Posts : 202
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Arsenal
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) Empty Re: Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel)

    Post by Chili Thompson 22nd July 2017, 4:05 pm

    Boosting himself forward, Chili crouched and allowed the boost to skid him across the floor of the arena. Ducking underneath Masters' charging punch and allowing Chili to deliver a severe gut punch to him. Knocking Masters to the ground and skidding another three meters away after killing his boost, Chili stood up his shoes smoking a little. Getting up MAsters turned to face Chili, "So you have some talent after all. It'll make me look that much better when I beat you!" He boasted to Chili, who tilted his head to the side. "Dude I think you've been punched in the head one too many times. I'm gonna kick your butt then I'll work on whoever is next." Chili started back. Masters threw his fist forward, sending a lightning fused air blast at Chili. Dodging to the left, Chili rushed up to Masters and tried to slam a punch into his face. Being blocked Chili was instead sent flying into the air by the powerful uppercut that followed his failed attack. Slamming into the ground on his back while Masters landed on his feet next to him, CHili rolled onto his hands and did a stationary flaming helicopter kick. One of his kicks hit Masters in the middle of his back sending him tumbling forward. Pushing with his hands, Chili hopped himself from his upside-down position back to his feet and turned to face Masters who had recovered. "You are starting to wear my patience kid!" Masters yelled at Chili. Not giving Masters a response Chili dashed up to him. Masters threw a punch trying to hit Chili, who side stepped to the right and grabbed Masters by his face. Jumping off the ground, Chili used his falling weight to bring Masters down like a tree. Landing on his rear, Chili effectively slammed Masters head into the ground with all his might. Rolling into a position with his right knee pinning Masters to the ground, Chili started to punch him in the face. Masters yelled out in pain after the second punch, deciding to us his legs, grab Chili and throw him off. Landing a meter away Chili was about to spring back at Masters when a ball of air and lightning struck him hard. Sending him flying back six more meters. On his back now, Chili stared up at the top of the arena.

    "I was fine with losing when I thought it was just me, however now that I'm part of a team I can't give an inch, just don't need to kill the guy." Chili thought to himself still laying on the ground, when Masters appeared in his view having jumped into the air to deliver an elbow slam. Rolling away Chili barely missed being elbowed. Pushing himself up, Chili saw Masters jump into the air to try and kick him. Blocking this, Chili through the foot into the air, rushing up to Masters as he hopped on one foot for balance Chili slammed a heavy punch into his gut. Although as he did this Masters recovered and slammed an equally hard punch into Chili's abdomen as well. Both pausing for a second with their fists in each other's stomachs Chili decided to make the first move though. Pushing Masters backward and dodging another punch Chili stepped to Masters' left and nailed him in the side of his other legs knee. Falling to his knees, Masters didn't have time to consider what had happened as Chili drove a powerful round house kick into the back of his head sending Masters into the area platform tiles. Not moving the referee came over to check Masters pulse. Once he had he walked over to Chili and held up his arm. "This rounds winner is Chili Thompson! Everyone give him a hand!" The announcer shouted through the speakers. The crowd around his area began cheering for him, uncomfortable with this he yanked his arm from the ref's hand. Chili then turned and continued to walk down the ramp back to the waiting area. "Yeesh I beat one guy and they treat it like I just saved a whole village. This is stupid. money is worth a quick couple scraps with some bozos though. Although can't get too cocky, pride before the fall like they always say."  Chili pondered to himself as he sat down on the ground, leaning his back against the wall. "I wonder how Ruvel is doing? I'll go find his fight after I sit here for a second. Those air things stung like a large bee had hit me." After a few minutes, past Chili hopped up from his sitting position and wandered off through the arena with the hopes of watching his partner's fight for himself.

    Current HP: 70/100 - End of fight regen
    Current Mana: 100/100  - End of fight regen
    Flame Burst Activated: Durations left: 1 posts
    Post Word Count: 790
    Total Word Count: 2353

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) Empty Re: Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel)

    Post by Ruvel 23rd July 2017, 6:04 am

    Ruvel's eyes opened once more as he heard cheering coming from the other arena 'hmm...' he thought to himself wondering what had happened but given that his own match hadn't come to an end he knew that his team mate would have most likely have won his bout with the one named Masters but that wasn't to surprising to the youth given that if these two where the best that this tournament had to offer then Barthenz would likely get bored quickly meaning they could leave quicker but something told him that Barthenz would remain for the whole thing and complain afterwards which was the last thing he needed. There were other reasons why he didn't want to be here it would likely draw much attention from media and such and it was something he could truly do without given he knew he was likely being hunted but this contract was one struck in desperation so he would have to live with the consequences as they arose.

    "Seems Chili is finished Barthenz, however, I want you to draw this guys humiliation out a while longer. As a warrior he has no code" he stated coldly, he knew if anything was going to annoy his summoned companion it was a warrior with no code. Even the strange person he met that day in Clover town had morals no matter how twisted they were and it seemed that the man and his summon had come to some sort of mutual respect which scared him a little. It meant that their paths would cross again and he wasn't overly sure he wanted that, didn't help when just out of the corner of his vision he could swear that he seen the two freight trains the older warrior mage called pets but when he always went to look there was nothing. 'Why is he keeping an eye on me?' he thought to himself that was a question he doubted would ever be answered even if he asked the mage himself.

    He eventually snapped out of his own mind to see that the fight was in full swing, he snorted a little knowing just how much Barthenz was holding back like he had requested just dodging the kicks and punches that were thrown his way but at the same time he knew that the other was holding back also hoping to wear the warrior dragon out "You realise that won't work with him, right?" he called over making Wyvern look over only to be hit in the jaw by one of Barthenz's fists making him fly over the floor as if he was a skipping stone going over a pond "He's a war god, all they do in his section of the place he calls home is fight... only the strong survive you idiot" he called out Wyvern's eyes went wide as he looked at the seven foot tower standing over him to see him looking down at him with a conceded smirk. "So are you strong little man?" he chuckled walking over holding out his hand to help him up. Barthenz might have been many things but he always showed respect to his opponents no matter how dead or defeated they would become it was his code of honour.

    As he leaned forward Wyvern decided if he was going to win this would be the best time to do so he moved to do his signature move the 'dragon fist' which full on connected with Barthenz's chin sending the large dragon towards the sky only to make him land hard like a stone. Ruvel heard him cussing in dragonic and rolled his eyes a little "I told you he had no code Barthenz... you've only got yourself to blame for that one" he explained just to hear him cuss more but this time it was aimed at him. Ruvel's eyes went to Wyvern as he thought Barthenz was out expecting the cheers to begin but when he looked behind him he seen why this wasn't the case as Barthenz was already back on his feet and dashing towards him his fist going right into Wyvern's stomach making him fall forwards a bit "I warned you about making him angry, he has a warriors code and pride and you sucker punched you'll be lucky if you can eat with a straw by the time he's through with you." he explained

    As he was talking Barthenz had already started beating him down he was no longer holding back and that was clear as crystal as every time he landed a hit a bruise was instantly left behind as a reminder of the monster he tried to sucker punch a win from "Without honour warriors are nothing! Worse than nothing!" Barthenz snarled at the other, Ruvel stood up sighing "That's enough Barthenz, if you hit him any more you'll kill him and you aren't allowed to kill here remember" he explained watching as Barthenz allowed the bleeding and limp body drop to the floor and walked away as the medical team rushed over to check on the unconscious Wyvern "Don't worry, he's still alive... barely" he snorted the medical team confirmed that he was fine "Weakling..." he huffed walking beside Ruvel's side unlike when Chili had won his arena was silent unsure on what to make of what had just happened.

    Ruvel never waited for his name to be announced he just began to walk off "Barthenz, go home and get tended to, your next match won't be until tomorrow" he explained knowing that each team only had one fight each day. Without another word Barthenz left and the wound on his hand faded as if it was never there. It still stung as if it was but Ruvel knew that would eventually fade as it always had. Moving back to where he stood before the other fighters who had seen the match seem to give him a wide birth hoping that they didn't have to go against the monster that Wyvern had just went against 'Two simple rules, don't make him angry and have a warriors code then you may stand a chance' he thought knowing that no one could hear him but then why should he tell them it was obvious that they wouldn't listen to a single thing that was said so he decided not to waste his breath.

    Current HP: 171/200
    Current Mana: 94/100
    Barthenz Beserker: Now on cooldown
    Contractual Negotiations: Now on cooldown
    Barthenz's HP: 40 hp
    Word Count: 1065
    Total Word Count: 3'200


    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021
    Chili Thompson
    Chili Thompson

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Reality Displacement
    Position : None
    Posts : 202
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Arsenal
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) Empty Re: Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel)

    Post by Chili Thompson 23rd July 2017, 9:48 am

    As the dragon warrior allowed the unconscious body of Wyvern. Chili fist pumped the air. A little too enthusiastic as he almost hit someone in the back of their head. "That was awesome!" Chili thought after having seen that finish. Wyvern had brought the bloody bumbling on himself by being a cheap skate in a friendly competition. "Although I'm not sure if it'll be that friendly after today, with me mocking anyone who takes the title seriously with my single comment and Ruvel beating last years winner to a pulp we are on a quick climb to agitate every other fighter. Haha, that should make the fights more fun though." Chili chuckled to himself a little as the crowd still remained silent while Ruvel exited the ring. Not being able to help himself Chili yelled out happily "Woooh! Good job Ruvel! Same for you dragon dude!" If Chili was able to feel fear and dread, he would have never spoken again. Because as he finished yelling from the crowd of adoring Wyvern fans, every head turned in their seats to get a look at him, glaring at him like some sort of rodent. "Wow a lot of hostility here, although I'm pretty sure most of these people were thinking Ruvel would lose. Haha, dude may look like he doesn't have much up his sleeves but he's got some power. Although that summon was a little different from the two I've seen before though." Chili pondered for second until he was hit in the face by a medium sized bucket of popcorn. Turning his attention to where the food had been thrown from, Chili found a short, muscular middle aged man pointing at him. "You're the one who dissed the tournament." He shouted at Chili. Pausing for a second Chili smiled before replying "Nah I dissed the fighters who take the title of this tournament seriously.......so I guess I did dis the tournament as well huh my mistake I guess." Saying the last bit with heavy sarcasm to make the already angry crowd even more red with steam. Chili got up and left, now that the fights were over for the day, Chili could spend some time getting to know his partner a little better. If the guy was up for it.
    Having seen Ruvel make his way to where they had met and leaned against the same wall. "Hahaha, Dude's so nonchalant that it's probably eating all the other fighters up as well as the fact that their all too chicken. Personally, I'd like to spare against that warrior summon sometimes, he'd probably drop kick me into next week, however, I'd give him hell before hand." Chili thought to himself as he made it out of the bleachers. As he made his way over to Ruvel, Chili's path was blocked. Where as for Ruvel everyone had backed away out of fear, they were now trying to lord over Chili. "Is this some sort of alpha animal tactic. What next are yall gonna start seeing who can howl at the moon the loudest?" Chili said mocking the intimidation tactic. One warrior stepped in front of him. "You not only made fun of the title of this competition, you also insulted every fighter who takes it seriously. Prepare yourself boy, for your next fight, will be your last in this tournament." The fighter claimed. Purposely sounding cocky to get the fighters even more angry Chili said "I doubt it if anything you'll be the one going down tomorrow."
    "Well we will see if you are correct, however, I am not fighting you even though it would be a pleasure to put you in your place. Although I think you will be going down seeing as your next fight is already listed. With the fighter that you are going up against it is a guaranteed loss for you and your weak ass pale friend over there."  The fighter tried saying toughly however he didn't sound so tough when he let a yelp as he was finished. Chili had slammed his flaming fist into the guy's foot effectively squashing it while setting the fighter's foot on fire. As he ran off to extinguish his foot, Chili turned his attention back to the mob still surrounding him. "You got a problem with what I said fine, take your anger out on me if you get a chance to fight me I'll gladly slap you in the face! My partner doesn't even know I made the comment so leave him out of it. If you want to beat him since he took down Wyvern I can understand that. Hell if I'd known some many of you would get pissed off I would have said more than just that!" Chili slightly boomed so that every fighter in the mob would hear him. As if agreeing to the arrangement silently, every fighter backed away from Chili and let him get past to Ruvel and the board. "That fighter sounded pretty sure I'd lose, who the hell am I fighting tomorrow?"] Chili thought as he took a look at the board which already had some of the tomorrow's fights posted for hype. Chili Thompson vs Mike Bison. That's what it read. "Who the hell is Mike Bison and why did that group seem so happy that I was fighting him." Chili pondered for a second. Not one to worry about such details, Chili walked away from the board and approached Ruvel as he did so he let his flames die out. "That summon you used out there was pretty cool. He some type of immortal warrior or something?" Chili asked, leaning on the wall, that Ruvel was against a meter to his left. "If you don't feel like answering I'm cool with that. Although it won't stop me from asking. I mean if you're a keen observer it's easy to see that wasn't a normal summon. Definitely not a celestial one." Not getting an answer or firm shut up, Chili kept rambling "So do you talk to your summons while they are not, Ya know summoned? Do you have more than one? If so what are they? Also, do you think that the warrior would be up a for a conversation? I have questions for him as well." Chili finished and waited for Ruvel to give his response, not really caring if the pale, raven and golden haired man spoke up or not. Still, though Chili had to try to feed his curiosity and intrigue a little. "So you wanna grab a bite to eat, as long as it's somewhere that serves actual food rather than fast food. I have some jewel to spare and nothings better than a good meal after a fight." Chili said making an offer to Ruvel.

    Current HP: 100/100
    Current Mana: 100/100
    Flame Burst: Ended
    Post Word Count: 1131
    Total Word Count: 3484

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) Empty Re: Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel)

    Post by Ruvel 23rd July 2017, 11:22 am

    Ruvel heard the muttering about him, he didn't care he was use to such comments and far worse from people who made these so called warriors seem like pathetic imbeciles but he would keep his thoughts to himself on such matters; he didn't need to stir an already unsettled pot it would only cause issues for him and draw unwanted attention not exactly like he hadn't done that already thanks to Barthenz but it was what was requested from the contract and so not to break it he had to forefil his end regardless of what may come. At times he often wondered if what he gained from the contract was worth it but without Barthenz there he would lose his strength and it was something he couldn't afford especially when trying to remain away from those people who had made his life a living hell for most of his life.

    He heard was curious as to why Chili had yet to come over to him he understood that team members may fight in separate arenas but they stayed in the same room and often didn't leave each others sides during such things, wither this was indeed the way of things he didn't know given this was his first fighting competition and hoped for it to be his last but knew that was far from ever happening while the contract was in place and he didn't think Barthenz would allow it to break without a fight and that fight would most like end up killing him, not that he wouldn't welcome his end he had often wished such things in the past given what he had seen and experienced in his short existence. If he had to be honest with anyone he had no idea if Ruvel was even his birth name it was what he had been called by those within hell and so that is whom he was regardless of the humiliating meaning behind it.

    Hearing the commotion going on he opened his eyes sighing silently 'What is it with this idiot?' seeing Chili hitting another fighters foot 'That's going to work against us, what a fool' he remained silent watching the events unfold quietly not wanting to get involved but knew it was likely going to be needed given if even one of the other fighters spoke about what transpired they would likely get disqualified. On hearing the smug threats of the opponents he knew he had little to worry about on them telling what had happened given it seemed like they wanted to humiliate the two inside the arena 'As if that would happen, they have only seen Barthenz wait till they see what I have in store for the next match her fighting morals are somewhat similar to their own... she doesn't have them' he smirked internally though his eyes narrowed looked to them "Back off or I will call my summon once more... and believe me when I tell you even at the end he was holding back." his voice was stoic as he spoke so no one exactly knew how to take the blatant threat that Ruvel had given them but it was more than enough to make them back off to the other side of the hall. "Oh and no speaking of what has transpired, it would make you look weak after all and the owner of the title wouldn't want to disgrace it now would they" he heard the snorts and quite mutters from the other side it was clear he had them pegged.

    Hearing the shuffling his eyes closed once more 'They really are morons' he thought to himself his eyes opening for a moment as he looked to the board to see the next opponent he would be facing 'Balrog? Why am I up again the narcissist?' he thought in a huff he had heard some of the fighters when he had first entered speaking about some of the more well known fighters and he had hoped that he didn't get this one. 'Well he's going to need that mask for a completely different reason after the next match' he gave a micro expression of a sadistic smirk but no sooner than it was there and it was gone again it was unlikely that anyone would have managed to catch it unless they were trained to look for micro expressions he was forced to learn as it was the only way he could show his true feelings without being hurt but even then he knew within that hell there were people trained for such things thanks to him.

    Hearing the other finally leaning against the same wall he was he opened an eye to look at him "You continue doing things like that and we are both going to get disqualified." he said in a mono tone it was clear to see though he was serious on the matter "I don't want my summon upset and seriously neither do you" he said covering his mouth with the back of his hand as he yawned "Do excuse me, it's been a while since I rested and he isn't exactly the easiest summon to call on" he explained before he was hit with several questions back to back from his team mate, it wasn't his place to answer questions on his summons so for now would remain quiet on such things "Seriously? Do I look like a celestial wizard to you?" he sounded almost insulted on the fact that the other may think of him as a celestial summoner.

    "He's not much of a talker, so I'm unsure if he will talk to you" he explained his eye closing once more allowing the other to ramble on more 'What is with him? It obvious to most that summoners have more than one summon or they wouldn't be overly effective now would they' he thought to himself remaining quiet on the whole conversation about his magic 'I know I should answer him Edaenz, but my magic shouldn't concern him.. besides what if he's working for them?' he knew they would protect him and that he could summon then in dead magic areas but he also knew that if he ever ended up back at that place they would have taken special measures for him like they had done before "Would you happen to know what kind of moon is out this evening?" he finally asked a question of his own to the other knowing that it would likely be taken as a strange one but he had his reasons though he may not wish to admit them.

    "Dependant on the moon type I may accept your invitation and were I am not a fussy eater.." he wouldn't go into why he said that statement his history was his and he did't like speaking of it "I much rather do my own cooking so I one know what I am eating and two can relax" he explained showing that such a thing was a hobby to him. "Do you have anywhere in mind?" he still wouldn't leave unless he knew if it was a blood moon, blue moon or just a regular moon, though he didn't show it that one question was important to him.

    Current HP: 200/200
    Current Mana: 100/100
    Post Word Count: 1213
    Total Word Count: 4'413


    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021
    Chili Thompson
    Chili Thompson

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Reality Displacement
    Position : None
    Posts : 202
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Arsenal
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) Empty Re: Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel)

    Post by Chili Thompson 23rd July 2017, 12:21 pm

    "Yeah I knew there was a chance to be disqualified, that's why I just stomped on his foot. Not much a burned shoe and bruised foot can cause especially if he's prideful which he seemed so. He'll want me to make it to the end so he has the chance to humiliate me himself, little chance to be disqualified. Especially considering that every fighter here wants one or both of us to get turned into swiss cheese with them being the cheese knife." Chili said back to Ruvel finally getting an answer from him. "As for the single summoning comment yeah that was a bad question on my part." Seeing that all his questions had hit a small nerve, Chili smiled. Happy that he was getting some type of reaction out of the stoic Ruvel. Having especially noticed the almost insulted look and tone he gave out at the celestial wizard comment. "So even though he uses summons he hates being confused with celestial mages. Good to know." Chili thought to himself before saying.
    "I think it's a new moon tonight meaning there will only be stars out. The sky should look pretty rad. Anyways since you prefer cooking your own food like me, we could just hit the market. I could get tuna, lettuce, good tomatoes, cauliflower, almond milk cheese, and onion. While you could get some ingredients for yourself if you like. I can make some pretty great tuna salad with the list I got and I'm pretty sure that the lady at the inn I'm staying at won't mind if we use her kitchen to prep and make some dinner. As long as we clean up afterward. Which I normally do as I go anyway. If not there is a nice steak & sushi place not too far from here, I passed it while looking for the arena."  

    Finishing his statement, Chili was surprised as he was pulled away from the wall by the collar of his blazer. He was held close to someone's face. The man was dark skinned, wearing a boxing outfit, he was about an inch or three shorter than Chili, however, this guy was toned from constant training and his eyes sharp. "You the guy that stepped on Johnny's foot?" He asked Chili calmly. Blinking back, Chili figured that stomping on a guy's foot was one thing, however, if he got into a fight with this new comer he would surely be disqualified. "Yeah, and if you ask me, Johnny should learn to not block peoples way. His feet might end up getting stepped on." Chili calmly shot back. A smile appeared on the fighter's face as he chuckled "You got moxie, I like that. You're right though Johnny shouldn't be blocking someone's way if he doesn't want to get hurt."  

    Letting go of Chili's collar and allowing him to stand straight. "I'm Mike Bison, the man you will be facing tomorrow." The fighter said offering Chili a hand to shake. Chili didn't even hesitate to shake the guy's hand. Each of their grips tight on the others hand as they shake. "So you come here to just say hi or because Johnny asked you to?" Chili inquired to Mike still shaking his hand. "A little of both but I'm really over here to tell you something," Mike said as he stopped shaking, gripped Chili's hand harder, and pulled him in closer to whisper cold and calmly in his ear. "You have a character about you that I like, however as someone who insulted my integrity as a fighter, I will turn you into a paste in tomorrow's match." Letting go of Chili's hand, Mike turned to leave and said, "Have a good afternoon and see ya soon, Chili." Chili remained still for a few seconds. His jaw clenched in concentration as he watched closely to every move Mike made as he left.

    "Wow, that dude definitely can pull off both the bad and good cop routine. Not to mention the look in his eyes. He wasn't kidding either. At least I got to meet who I'm going up against am I right Ruvel? Haha, that guy should be a worth while fight." Chili said humorously over his shoulder to Ruvel, "Anyways you decide what you feel like doing?" Chili finished asking as he turned to look as Ruvel.

    Current HP: 100/100
    Current Mana: 100/100
    Post Word Count: 722
    Total Word Count: 4206

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) Empty Re: Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel)

    Post by Ruvel 23rd July 2017, 3:09 pm

    Ruvel moved his hand to his head hearing the others response wondering what he had done to deserve such a partner. 'He really is an idiot' he thought to himself but it couldn't be helped now they were teammates and that meant they would have to rely on each other to win this competition his hand moved from his head moving it back to where it had been going back to his statue like state. 'Why would he paint a giant target on our backs, the others are likely having bets on who is going to take us out...' this wasn't the place he wanted to begin with but this just made it that much worse but it was what it was and now there was no changing it. 'Yeah, I know you relish the challenge but we aren't all war gods now are we...' he hadn't dared tell Barthenz that he wasn't the one going to be used in his next match he didn't need the stress right now given what Chili had done.

    "I'm a caster summoner not a holder like a celestial wizard" he offered some information on his magic, he wasn't about to tell him that his type of summoning magic was a lost art and had been banned by the magic council because that could cause all sorts of issues he really didn't need "By the way tomorrow I'm going to hit you before your match, there's a reason for it other than I want to hit you for all the hassle you're causing me" he said his voice holding no tone but it was clear he serious about hitting him, but had no intention of telling him why he was going to do so. Hearing another voice he let out another silent sigh lifting his head "Please don't threaten what you can't deliver, it's unbecoming and to be frank it is irritating" he said his tone showed disinterest in the man but then he hadn't moved from the spot he currently stood to do anything other than go to his arena to fight. He heard Mike huff a little mumbling something about brattish kids that should know their places and he'd be the one to do it 'He has no idea, the poor fool will learn the hard way it would seem' his eyes closed as he lowered his head once more.

    "I don't eat much meat" he admitted, there was only one time he was permitted to eat 'proper' food and it was something he found hard to break other than those times he stayed eating vegetables, rice and bread, even then it was in very small portions smaller than what a regular person would need for survival but when you had no other way to survive you learned or you perished, he learned and very quickly. "I will make some soup and bread for us to share if you like" he said unsure which kind to make but he would make some for them both and eat the salad that the other made for him but would not touch the tuna. "I am guessing I am going to be housed in the same room as you while this competition is going on" this would cause him some issues given the way he was but it was the rules of the competition.

    With a single push of his foot he stood straight and walked towards the door, the other fighters giving him a wide birth as before 'This is why I didn't want to do this...' he huffed in his mind to the warrior 'You're asking me why? Seriously?' he couldn't believe that they still didn't understand 'This will bring unneeded attention, attention I am trying to avoid Barthenz' he continued to comment to his summon his golden orbs going back to Chili wondering in the thirty seconds that it had taken him to get from his standing spot to the door of the place for the other antagonise anyone else. 'This is going to be a long tournament, I can see that already' he sighed tilting his head at the other "Hay, are you coming or intending to stay and paint a bigger target on us?" he called back waiting to see what the other was going to do but he had a funny feeling that the two would be stuck at the hip while not fighting for the duration of this needless event.

    Word Count: 742
    Total Word Count: 5'155


    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021
    Chili Thompson
    Chili Thompson

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Reality Displacement
    Position : None
    Posts : 202
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Arsenal
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) Empty Re: Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel)

    Post by Chili Thompson 23rd July 2017, 9:06 pm

    Following Ruvel closely by about a meter to use the birth he was creating in the crowd to move to the door unhindered himself. Chili's mind was racing a little, "So he wants to punch me tomorrow before his match.......must have something to do with his magic. I won't ask about it cause that would just make Ruvel more irritated." Catching Ruvel's comment about him painting bigger targets on their backs, Chili chuckled and flatly said as they walked out of the arena
    "In all honesty, I was just trying to make Masters angry. Once I saw that I had made most of the fighters more hostile, I decided to just keep going. Anger can be a powerful weapon if you know how to aim it with precision. Although trying to aim blinding rage at someone can lead to you being the one defeated. More or less I'm trying to make them angry to throw off their focus. I mean if they are constantly thinking about how angry I make them and what I did to do so, they may not be focussing on the fight at a crucial point allowing me time to attack. Or they are going to harness that anger and turn it into focus which would make the fight a more interesting one. So either way is a win, one fight would just be easier than the other." It may be a stupid way to do it, however, whats done is done. I will stop doing it on purpose though.  

    Now walking down the streets of Talonia Chili started to go over what he knew about his partner. Yeah being curious was one thing. However, Chili was also constantly suspicious of everything. Not to the point of being paranoid but from personal experiences of his nothing is as it seems. He also went by the rule, just like a coin everyone usually had more than one side to themselves. However sedating his interrogative questions, Chili decided to simply say in a happy tone, "Make whatever soup you want to eat, Ruvel. If you make enough I'll take some I'm not that picky if it's homemade."  Deciding to be quiet for the rest of the trip to the market, Chili reached into his pocket and pulled out a single earbud headphone. Putting the earbud in the ear opposite to the side Ruvel was walking on and reached back into his pocket to press play. A nice playlist of Instrumental, Techno Instrumental, Metal, Classical Rock, and Rock started in his ear while they walked. Still able to hear if Ruvel decided to say anything, Chili started to think "Yeesh I really made a mess at the tournament, but I mean come on hardly anyone there is a decent battle harden wizard. They are all good fighters but how can the title be strongest in all of Fiore if all you fight are the bottom of the barrel. I mean I know I'm bottom of the barrel, that's why I'm here. To fight as many guys within my class in one go, gaining as much battle knowledge as I can."

    Having arrived at the market few meters from a fruit stand, Chili turned to Ruvel. "Alright. Let's split up, you get your ingredients, I'll get mine, and then we meet back here in ten minutes once we got everything paid for. Cool?" Not giving Ruvel time to say whether he was cool with or not, Chili turned and walked off into the market. About three minutes into walking around Chili had found lettuce and tomatoes. He had no idea where the other things he needed were. Turning in a circle or two, Chili was about to give up when he felt a tug on his pant leg. Looking down to see a small seven-year-old tugging on him. "What is it?" Chili asked utterly confused. The girl didn't say anything instead she pointed to the back area of the market with urgency on her face. Raising an eye brow Chili looked into the direction she was pointing, scanning the crowded market for a second or more. his eyes widened when he saw it finally, a man dragging someone into an alley. Pushing his way through the crowd with the little girl behind him, Chili took about a minute to reach the alley. Telling the little girl to wait outside of the alley. He entered, still holding his small bag of lettuce and tomatoes in one hand. Seeing to figures in it about four meters away. Chili watched and heard as a woman pinned to the wall fearfully said "I don't have your money yet! I can get it though I just need a little more time." Followed by the male pinning her with a knife to her throat saying, "I've given you two weeks extension, I've waited long enough either I get my money now or I take care of business now and visit the crocs later to dispose of some "paper work". Haha"  

    Interrupting the little conversation, Chili said "Ya know knives are dangerous right? If you're not careful you could hurt someone." Taking his knife of the woman and turning towards him the loan shark gruffly said, "This is none of your business, now get lost!" Sighing Chili placed his bag on the ground, stood back up and said with a slightly more serious face than usual, "Sorry pal I'm making it my business." Letting go of the woman the man turned towards Chili, holding the knife in a swiping ready position. He took a couple quick steps forward and swiped at Chili sloppily. Grabbing the guys arm mid swing, Chili turned the loan shark's arm around on him and drove it back towards him. Now with the loan shark pinned up against the alley wall with his own blade inches away from his neck, his eyes pleading for Chili not to do what he was thinking of. Deciding to play it smarter instead though Chili leaned in to whisper in the guy's ear with a calm yet icy tone, "You have three choices although two of them end the same way. One leave this lady alone, leave town, set up shop somewhere else, and pray you never see me again. Two, refuse and die now. Three Lie to me, try to harm this lady later on, and then be killed by me." The loan shark's eyes widened, "I take option one please for the love of everything I'll leave, I'll leave, just don't kill me!" The land shark squealed. "You got until tomorrow morning, if I see you anywhere in this town, and trust me I'll look. You'll be dead." Chili responded wit calmly. Letting the guy go, Chili let a smile come to his face as the man took off like hell was on his heels. As the man exited the little girl entered, upon seeing her the woman who was being held shouted "Emma! Oh, thank gods Emma!"

    Emma ran up to her mom who knelt down to embrace her. Chili simply picked up his bag and turned to leave, his purpose fulfilled. As he was walking, the lady picked up Emma and caught up to him. "Thank you for following Emma and saving me." She earnestly said. Smiling Chili replied, "No need to thank me, the dude was gonna snap me too remember? Just get on home and take care." Finishing as they reentered the market, Chili split off from the woman and her daughter. With only three minutes left, Chili decided to for go tuna salad and buy whatever was closest as he walked back. Which luckily enough for him the items he managed to acquire for dinner were the following. Watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe, cherries and Blue berries. "Fruit and regular salad it is then........ The regular being made up of only tomatoes and lettuce." Chili thought to himself as he made it back to where he had planned on Ruvel and him to meet at with a minute to spare. Holding all the fruit careful in their bags as not to drop them Chili, patiently waited for his partner to arrive. Fine with waiting a few more minutes seeing as he himself got lost in the market a few moments ago. Feeling a slight sting, Chili held the bags with one arm while he glanced at the hand he used to grab the loan shark's knife arm. The knife had knicked the palm of Chili's hand, half an inch deep while it passed to grab the guy's arm. Having not noticed this until now Chili grumbled slightly as he thought "Man I hope I didn't bleed on anything. At least, it's not as deep as it could have been. Meh, I'll just wash and bandage it when I get back to the inn and make sure it doesn't bleed while I prep the fruits and vegetables." Earbud still in Chili just stood, listening to music, and waiting.  

    Post Word Count: 1496
    Total Word Count: 5702

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) Empty Re: Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel)

    Post by Ruvel 24th July 2017, 8:19 am

    Ruvel looked to the other unsure if he was happy that the other was using such tactics, he knew that angry people generally made mistakes but he knew of people such as Barthenz and the warriors of his race that who became more focused when angry so the last thing he needed was for either one of them to come across such a warrior but then they also had pride and each one wanted to be the one that knocked the smug grin off the two kids who almost seemed like they didn't belong but nothing could be further from the truth from what he had seen. His summons alone would likely be enough to take them out. He had agreed on the rules however given his magic they had made a stipulation that he would only be allowed to use two summons per fight and he was happy enough with that as if Barthenz got his way he wouldn't need to call another summon.

    His golden orbs went back to the other fighters in the hall briefly who seemed to be curious as to what summon he may use or if he was going to use that unholy monster again, a micro smirk appeared on his lips for a second and then it was gone 'You won't know until tomorrow' he thought knowing though he wouldn't get the benefit of Ordhabbi's additional magic it would benefit his teammate which was fair trade, the fact he wanted to hit him and could for causing him hassle was just an added bonus. "Not all fighters are idiots you know, some become more focused when angry" He wasn't going to explain how he knew this due to it being a combination of the experience he had with Barthenz and his own terrifying past. "At least you're going to stop making them angry on purpose it means after tomorrow I'll have little need to hit you again" he commented

    He understood that the other may have wanted to know more about him but as it stood he didn't trust him as far as he could throw him and Ruvel already knew he was way to heavy due to his weaknesses to pick up so there was no way he was giving any sort of information on himself or his magic "I will make enough for two, I may make a vegetable broth and some bread to go with it... perhaps a cake or something to follow" he scratched his head a little as he tried to think of what he would need for the desert but as of yet nothing was coming to him as he walked down the street. He hadn't really cooked for anyone else so was kind of worried on the notion but remained quiet hearing so longs it was homemade the other wasn't so fussy.

    As the other had become silent he seen no real reason to get him gabbing once more so walks silently along side him, because of the silence to any on looker it would almost seem as if the two had been forced to go out together but didn't really want to do it. As the other started to talk he let out a silent sigh 'So much for quiet' he thought to himself listening to the new wave of rambling from Chili "There could yet still be hope for you yet" he commented off the cuff as the other noticed that he made a mess of things back at the arena. "Yes, but what is done is done... a wise person knows when to shut up and let the opposition cause the noise" he explained he had to learn that lesson the hard way. When he was younger he was such a cry baby calling for his parents... he remembered that much but was also met with quick and harsh punishment until he stopped crying. On occasion he fought even though he knew how futile it was in the hopes that death would take him but it never did, after the fighting he was beaten, then punished till eventually he stopped and just complied with what he had been told.

    Ruvel didn't want that sort of life for anyone, nor was he looking for pity on his own he just wanted to give the other some life advice. Seeing the other stop he done so also and listened to what the plan was "Okay, I will see you in ten minutes" he stated stoically walking off towards a market stand that was selling flour. He couldn't help smile a sincere smile seeing all the fresh ingredients and unlike anytime before he hadn't hidden this one "I would like buckwheat flour, some self rising flour, some plain flour please and thank you" he said politely to the elderly woman at the other side paying the requested amount as he took the bag, as much as he hated bowing he returned her gesture as she done so "Thank you so much miss and have a nice evening" he commented before going to get the vegetables, sugar, milk and the items to make the stock for what he was making.

    As he was walking back to the meeting place he stopped dead in his tracks the bags falling to the ground as he seen some figures though dressed in normal clothing near by, he started shaking 'N-no... please... I don't want to go back...' he held his head a little almost like something was forcing their way in 'Don't you worry boy' he froze hearing that voice, he didn't know at this point which scared him more the fact that he was so close to being captured again or the fact the elder warrior mage was pretty much stating he would take care of this issue for him. 'Guess I should be thankful for the eyes on me this time' he thought to himself picking up his ingredients taking notes on anything that had broken or spilled of which there were luckily nothing. Deciding the best way to get back to the meeting spot unseen he decided to take a detour within the back alleys of the city. Lucky for him he had an eidetic memory so when he took notes on the place earlier he could remember them now.

    He returned five minutes late due to the happenings and looked at the other "Sorry, I hope you haven't been waiting to long." He was so use to living on somewhat tight schedule that he hated to be late or have others make him waiting, but on this occasion it couldn't be helped. Even if asked why he was late or came from a back alley he wouldn't explain "Can we get going? I'm hungry" in truth he wasn't overly hungry he was however wanting to put as much space between those people and himself 'Unlikely they'll look in the tournament for me, they know I'm not overly strong and think I have no magic so at least that works in my favour' it was then he noticed the others injury. "When we get back I'll tend to that wound for you" he said waiting for the other to walk so he could follow.

    Word Count: 1'207
    Total Word Count: 6'362


    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021
    Chili Thompson
    Chili Thompson

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Reality Displacement
    Position : None
    Posts : 202
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Arsenal
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) Empty Re: Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel)

    Post by Chili Thompson 24th July 2017, 11:58 am

    Observing Ruvel closer Chili pondered "He seems a little off. Disturbed maybe, kinda like he saw a ghost. I'll just stay quiet about it for now" Chili was slightly surprised as he listened to Ruvel talk.
    Perking up at the uncharacteristic offer, Chili smiled earnestly and said "No problem I haven't been here too long. Also Thanks, however, I'll have to decline the offer. It has nothing to do with you, I have just gotten used to tending to my own wounds and I like doing it. That's the main reason behind why I carry a first aid kit along with a sewing kit in my pack. Well, I carry the sewing kit to fix my clothes after they get torn in battle, but I also use it to stitch myself up. Although my pack is back at my room in the inn, so I'll have to wait."  Holding his bags in one hand, Chili threw his injured hand into his left pocket not wanting to be dripping small droplets of blood as he walked down the street.
    Turning to start heading toward the inn, Chili commented "Well, besides what you got I managed to snag some good quality fruits along with a head of lettuce and tomatoes. So I'm just gonna make two different salads." After that, the two basically walked to the inn in a comfortable silence. Luckily enough the trip wasn't that long only a few minutes, while they walked Chili's mind wandered "Tomorrow is probably gonna hold more fights than today considering they won't need to take the time for signing up and the number of contestants has already dropped to a smaller number." Feeling how damp his injured hand was Chili muttered under his breath. "Great the inside of my pocket is gonna be stained red, at least the knife didn't sever any tendons and I won't need more than a few stitches."

    Having made it to the inn, Chili pulled his hand back out of his pocket and held the bags with it so he could open the door without smear blood on the handle. The interior of the Inn was as such. To the left were tables to sit hungry or thirsty customers, to the right a few stools sitting in front of a bar counter, behind the counter was a shelf of booze, still behind the counter, leftwards of the shelf was the door to the kitchen and in the far back were stairs that led up to the inn rooms. Walking right, going behind the counter, and opening the door with his foot, Chili started to look for the lady that ran the inn. Having spotted her, Chili walked up to here and said in a nice manner "Excuse me, I'm the lad who asked to use your kitchen to make himself some dinner, and I was wondering if you were fine if my friend did the same. Also while I have you he will be staying in my room since the only one you had available for me was a two-bed one anyway and since there's no point in spending more jewel, I wanted to know if that was alright as well?" The kind little middle aged woman turned to look at him and said sweetly "Sure thing young man, just make sure you clean up after yourselves or I'll throw you out on the streets. Understood?" Those were her last words as she exited the kitchen.

    Blinking a few times not sure if she was serious, but not wanting to take any chances. He just simply nodded yes and turned to set his bags on the counter. Walking over to the sink, Chili turned on the hot water, put some soup on his wounded hand, and began scrubbing to make sure it got nice and clean. Finishing up, Chili started to talk as he wrapped a small cloth towel around his hand and tied it, not sure if Ruvel was even listening. " Well you heard the old lady, don't clean and we are out. Now let's get work!" Giving off an excited fist pump with his now no longer bleeding hand, Chili turned and started to search the kitchen for the things he needed. A chopping board, a big cutting knife, a spoon, two medium sized bowls, and the garbage can which he picked up out of the corner it was in, putting it next to his right leg. Once he washed the hand he used to grab the can, Chili started to prep the three melons he got, Chili effectively cut them into nice cubes disposing of the rind and seeds in the trash can. Throwing the three different kinds of cubes into one of the bowls, Chili proceeded to drop cherries and blueberry on top of them. Taking the big wooden spoon, Chili stirred the fruit up mixing it the best he could. Once that was done he turned his attention to the lettuce and tomatoes. Taking the head of lettuce over the sink he began to peel off layers with his bandaged hand, rinsing them under cold water with his other as he went. Once having it all peeled and rinsed he tossed into the other bowl. Grabbing two tomatoes out of the three he had, Chili diced them into cubes as well and threw it on the lettuce. Staring at the two separate bowls of salads, Chili snapped his fingers as he came up with an idea. He began searching the kitchen again. Finding it Chili let out a small "Aha! That's where it is." Pulling out a loaf of bread, Chili walked over to the fridge and grabbed butter. Walking over to the stove, Chili buttered the bread and seasoned it with salt, garlic, and Italian seasoning. Tossing three pieces like this onto the stove, Chili turned it on and waited for his bread to cook. Pulling it off when it reaches a nice brown color on each side, the toast was crunchy and fluffy. Cutting the three pieces into squares back at the cutting board, Chili made make shift croutons and putting them on top of the tomatoes in the salad bowl. Leaving the bowls on the kitchen counter, Chili took both the knife and cutting board to the sink. Scrubbing them clean he put them in the drying rack. As he finished Chili was in a thought "This towel was only temporary until I got food made. My wound has been bleeding into the towel for the last minute, luckily enough it was all absorbed into it.  Once I'm done eating I'll head to my room and take care of it."

    Turning from the sink, Chili picked up the trash can and took it back to its corner. Now that his area was clean, Chili spoke up "I'm gonna go take the salads and get ourselves a table. Don't worry I won't jump in and begin chowing down until you have arrived. See ya in a sec." With that Chili picked up the bowls and walked out of the kitchen. Going around the counter Chili proceeded to walk over to a table near the back left corner. It was off from the most populated tables, a good stop to not be disturbed by any drunkards. Sitting down Chili put the bowls on the table before messing with the towel, tying it a little tighter to help stop the bleeding which had slowed. Sighing Chili closed his eyes while he waited for a second, the sounds of the inn faded out as he focused on a thought with a complexed look on his face. "Cloaks were purple with a gold trim, they came in the night, using fog magic to cover their approach, they hit hard, the screams and smell of burning corpses give them delight, and they only appear on the radar every three or four months. I've witnessed three of their attacks on villages, so how in the hell do I find these bastards?! I mean I've run into them twice on my travels and yet they always disappear without a trace." Opening his eyes, Chili remained silent still thinking deeply.

    Post Word Count: 1355
    Total Word Count: 7057

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) Empty Re: Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel)

    Post by Ruvel 24th July 2017, 4:16 pm

    As Ruvel appeared he had hoped that he appeared as his normal self but he somehow doubted he had such luck, seeing those people made him scared to his core. He wanted to turn and run never to look back especially since they were so close to his current location but his hair though the same was styled differently and now shorter, he also no longer wore the dirty torn and tattered clothing he wore within the place that was 'home' to him; if it hadn't been for the obligation to his contract with Barthenz he would have but he knew to leave would break his contract with the warrior and now more now than ever he needed that additional strength so kept to his current path. 'Come what may...' he thought shaking his head following the other waning to get out of the public eye, he knew there was less chance of being caught that way. He was surprised as even the summons that usually gave him a hard time seemed somewhat supportive in their worry.

    "Chili, it wasn't a request" he said calmly trying to regain his composure but he was unsure just how bad his mask had fallen, if the other had noticed he wasn't mentioning it which he was glad about. "Edaenz is stubborn for an air elemental" he stated, she had a mothers mentality and hated for the young to be harmed and would as quickly tap the back of his head to get her point across but she had never once put a damaging finger on Ruvel worried for his mental health if she ever did. To the summon he needed some sort of normalcy that he should have had when he was growing which had been denied the moment the invasion started. He followed quickly after the other entering the inn his golden eyes looking around the place taking in every detail for entrances and exits, places that could be used to hide if it was called upon at any point while he was saying there. Seeing the woman whom seemed to own the place he gave a respectful nod but remained silent during the time that Chili and she spoke knowing it had little to do with him.

    Walking into the kitchen he started placing all his ingredients on the top getting chopping boards, knifes, rolling pins, bowls baking trays, pots and the like. It was clear that Ruvel wasn't doing anything easy even before touched anything he washed his hands and washed the vegetables and put on the oven. Once that was done he started measuring out the three flours and added the required amount of water to the three creating three different doughs. He covered the first and third with a moist towel before placing them to the side before taking the third one flouring and rolling continuing to do it stretching them over and over again till they were thin noodles he found a place he could hang them to dry out of the way while he cleaned up the mess he had already created. Thirty minutes had passed and he brought the first dough to him 'bread or rolls? I guess I could do both... that works since there's more than enough and that means the owner would have bread for the morning too' he nodded to himself as he started separating the bread placing some into four bread baking trays and with the rest of the mix managed to make two bakers dozen of rolls placing them into the oven to bake.

    It was now that he looked to the large stock pot that he had brought over and started making vegetable stock adding fresh herbs 'This is going well and there will be more than enough that she could put it on the menu' he thought as he started to peel and chop up the vegetable happily singing to himself not even taking notice if anyone else could hear him. He wasn't actually bad, it was almost as if he had been properly trained hitting every note no matter high or low they got even keeping to the pace of the song never missing a beat. He glided around the kitchen almost as if he where dancing it was clear for the moment at least he was at peace while he cooked forgetting about the dangers that were lurking ever so near to him. Placing the vegetables into the stock he moved to get the noodles he had made placing them into the pot also covering the lid allowing to simmer and cook as he now brought forward the last dough starting to roll them and placing them on the last few baking trays before placing them into the oven continuing to sing happily.

    Soon he brought out the breads and rolls the scent of the fresh bread wafting into the dinning room as he placed them onto cooling trays before starting to clean up after himself taking the vegetable peels outside and digging a hole by several trees and placing them under covering them "Thank you for giving what you have for our survival, please take this and renew" he whispered almost as if saying a prayer to the trees, he knew better than to take things for granted moving back into the kitchen he washed his hands and checked on the soup. He didn't like the fact the other had been waiting for so long but it was what it was. Taking one of the bowls he had washed he filled it with milk, sugar some orange juice and lemon zest whisking it up till it seemed like a thick cream placing the mix into a decorating back before washing the bowl again and filling it with chocolate taking it to a fire lacrima allowing it to melt the chocolate before taking it to the work top going to take out the pastries out of the oven turning it off to allowing them to cool he moved to check on the bread and rolls noting that they had cooled and placed two onto a plate before going to the smallest of the five loafs of bread he created "That'll be enough for us, the rest the land lady can use" he stated placing the excess into the bread containers

    Moving once more he stirred the soup taking note that it was almost done the food escaping the kitchen worse than it had before. When done he moved to the eclairs he had made making sure they were cool enough before filling each with the cream he had made placing chocolate on top placing three on a plate hoping that would be enough for the two if not there was more than enough to take. He placed the rest into the fridge before he washed up what was left to do so before taking two bowls one he only filled a quarter of while the other he filled up fully after which he turned off the cooker placing everything onto a tray walking into the dining hall the scent of all the fresh food filling the air fully as he moved to where chili was sitting down placing the full bowl of vegetable noodle soup in front of him the quarter one in front of where he would be sat the bread and rolls in the centre as well as the eclairs he had made before heading back into the kitchen clearing the tray and picking up the required cutlery.

    Walking back out he sat in his seat offering him the spoon "Sorry I took so long Chili" he said calmly knowing it couldn't be helped but at the same time he still felt bad "Well, the rest the land lady can use... there was a lot left over" he explained "I hope you enjoy, everything is made from the very beginning" he said starting to take one of the rolls from the plate in the centre now falling silent not knowing what to do since it was the first time he could actually remember eating a meal without being forced to do so.

    Word Count: 1'359
    Total Word Count: 7'721


    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021
    Chili Thompson
    Chili Thompson

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Reality Displacement
    Position : None
    Posts : 202
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Arsenal
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) Empty Re: Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel)

    Post by Chili Thompson 24th July 2017, 8:27 pm

    Chili hadn't had a meal with another human being in a while. The closest thing that he ever came to as a sit-down dinner in the four years he traveled, was tossing an occasional stray wolf or fox a piece of meat while he camped out for the night. While at inns he usually sat in the back quietly going over notes as he ate. However, tonight was different. Smiling Chili accepted the spoon with his good hand "No need to apologize, man, perfection takes time and patience." Reaching into the center of the table, Chili grabbed a roll and started to rip it up, carefully dropping pieces into his soup. Taking a spoon full of the roll, noodle, and vegetables, Chili brought the spoon to his mouth. Pausing for a second to chew and let the flavor set in, Chili's eyes lit up. He began to eat a little faster somehow not making any slurping sounds as he did. Comming up for air about half way through the bowl, Chili smiled happily at Ruvel giving him a thumbs up.
    "Dude, this vegetable noodle soup is the bomb! The roll is really good too! Where in the world did you learn to cook something this good." Chili said in a hushed tone of enthusiasm, going back to eating, chewing each mouthful at least twenty times to make it last longer. "Although I'm not sure I am much of a food critic, I had killed some chicken monster and since  I ran out of prepared meals six days before it was dinner for four nights in a row this past week." That doesn't change the fact that this is terrific soup. Chili commented taking a pause from eating for a second before continuing. About one sixth of the way left to go, Chili paused again and said, "Dang, I'm gonna need another roll." Grabbing one more Chili dunked it in the soup and took a bite out of it. Continuing to dunk and then bite, Chili made the roll disappear. Going back to the soup to finish it Chili was thinking "Ok I complimented his food which was awesome anyway so it wasn't a lie, but now maybe he'll loosen up a little. Although instead of asking him any questions I'll just stop talking and eat quietly. Let him ask any questions he wants. Although whether or not I decide to answer him is my decision. Although I'll answer some just to gain his trust a little. This guy seems like he'd a be a powerful ally and a good friend once you get past that cold exterior." Chili chuckled slightly remember Ruvel singing to himself a little as he cooked before Chili himself had left the kitchen. It had been a nice sight to see the mage have a regular side to him, reassuring Chili that he wasn't gonna kill him in his sleep. Unless this was some elaborate ruse, however, Chili was pretty sure that was just a false sense of danger.  

    So listening carefully the entire time Chili cleared his bowl by drinking the broth that was left over out of it. Chili then refilled it with part of the tomato and crouton salad, using his untouched fork to spear it in and began eating that as well. Eating this dish a little faster, and taking slightly larger bites, Chili had a satisfied look on his face as he turned to the fruit salad, finished with his regular salad. Filling his bowl with the next dish, he reached for an eclair. Taking a bite of eclair and then tossing a piece of fruit into his mouth using his fork. Chewing each at the same time combining the taste of the fruit and the eclair. Doing this multiple more times, finishing his bowl of fruit and eating the eclair within a few more bites. Chili was officially stuffed.

    Post Word Count: 614
    Total Word Count: 7671

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) Empty Re: Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel)

    Post by Ruvel 25th July 2017, 2:08 am

    Ruvel looked at him as he spoke "I wouldn't know about perfection, there's always room to improve" he said taking a knife to cut the bread roll he had into quarters, he realised this would seem bizarre most likely to the other more so as he put three of the pieces back on the plate. He allowed the other to sample first before he himself started eating as he was raised it was rude to take the first bite. When that was done he dipped his bread into the quarter portion of soup he had given himself and began to eat it quietly, he had taken note that after the first spoonful the other had started eating more quickly and began to worry that he might end up with a stomach ache. "No one is going to steal it from you, and there's a lot more of it anyway" he said before dipping another small piece of bread into his soup.

    He once he had finished the roll piece in his hand he took his spoon and began to eat the soup at a steady pace making sure that everything was chewed thoroughly before swallowing as he heard the other comment "I'm glad you enjoy my cooking, it's the first time I've cooked for anyone but myself so I was quite concerned about the outcome" he admitted but his voice was the same as it had been when they first met, then he heard the question about where he learned "I taught myself" he said taking some more of the soup, after you had eaten some of the terrible things he had you no longer became fussy about food but still he had taught himself to cook so he could eat better things, even now if it came out bad or wrong he would still eat it given that it was still better than what he once had, that and it also helped him learn and adapt his cooking to improve it. "At least you kill animals for the need of survival not for sport" he said finishing his small portion of soup off

    "I can cook meat well, I just don't eat it very often... in fact I only eat meat under certain circumstances" he explained however he wasn't about to go into what those circumstances were or why only under them, those wounds would never heal and unfortunately for the youth the way he acted about meat had been hard wired into him so it wasn't really going to change. He didn't mind that the other had taken the other three quarters of the roll he had brought out for himself it would have likely gone to waste if he hadn't if Ruvel had to be honest about it. Hearing the other stop talking he took his own bowl and moved into the kitchen to wash it and the spoon before drying and placing them away coming back out with a small plate. Sitting down once more he put the plate in front of him "Chili, is it okay with you to have some of the salads?" he knew it most likely was fine but again had been hard wired to things having to be done before the end result. If the answer was no he would sit quietly as the other ate to his hearts content, if he was allowed he would place two lettuce leaves and a small quantity of the other vegetables onto the plate but it would be no more that three or four mouthfuls.

    As Chili himself fell quiet he would also do so eating, once the vegetable salad was done he stood once more moving into the kitchen to wash the plate, fork and knife he had used for eating that part drying and placing them away before walking out with a small bowl. He was already passed full but would continue to eat what had been made as it would likely been seen as an insult and he had been taught to eat what he was given no matter what. In truth he still had the fear of what would happen if he didn't manage to. Placing two spoonfuls of the fruit salad into the bowl he ate once more though it was clear he was struggling now with what he was eating and he had barely ate anything in comparison to Chili who had eaten full portions of everything. As he finished he stood taking the bowl that he used and washed it putting it away "I feel sick" he said to himself glad that no one over heard.

    Now he came back with a small plate taking on of the left over eclairs and began to eat it analysing the flavours to see where it could be improved, he noted that the cream wasn't sweet enough but the orange and lemon flavours complimented each other and made up for the lack of sweetness within the. Again he struggled with the small pastry and had remained silent the whole time not asking a single question or commenting on anything even his summons had left him in peace as they often did while he was eating. This time when he was finished he remained seated his eyes averted onto the glass of water on the table by him.

    Word Count: 887
    Total Word Count: 8'608


    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021
    Chili Thompson
    Chili Thompson

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Reality Displacement
    Position : None
    Posts : 202
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Arsenal
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) Empty Re: Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel)

    Post by Chili Thompson 25th July 2017, 12:18 pm

    Chili tried his best not to chuckle at the hunting comment. Remembering the time he himself was hunted for sport by a family of wealthy magic gun users who had tricked him by pretending they needed a hunter for a job. When in reality they wanted a hunter so they could hunt him as some sort of ultimate prey. Sadly for them, the gun users were all dead. Deciding to not share the story though Chili opted to say something else as he noticed that Ruvel looked like he was struggling to eat the fruit. His chewing slowing down like it does when your stomach has had enough. "Ya know if you are full we can just place some of what's left in the fridge for tomorrow. Have what's left for a quick breakfast." Chili said. As the man got up to head back into the kitchen to rinse his bowl again, Chili leaned back in his chair a little. "Yeesh hope the guy isn't stuffing himself beyond his limits, just because he's trying not to be rude." Chili sheepishly thought as Ruvel returned and started to eat the left over eclairs. While Ruvel was doing that Chili took this as his time to quickly get up, taking his own bowls as well as the trays that held the rolls and eclairs to the kitchen sink in the back. Covering the left over salad, Chili put it in the fridge before washing his bowl and the trays. Popping the three dishes into the rack, Chili looked at the towel that was tied around his hand and saw the bleeding was over with for now his cut now slightly scabbed over. The towel was no longer a nice white having been stained almost pink by now. Walking back out Chili saw that Ruvel was just sitting in his chair staring at a glass of water. He held a face that was trying to be stoic although it was good you could tell he looked a bit green with the corners of his mouth trying not to sag a little. Walking back to his seat Chili slid into it and said with a friendly tone, "You look a little green buddy. Well since you might not want to get up right away I'll tell you something while you are not able to make a quick remark. To tell you the truth I've never been one for this type of thing most of the time it was just me and my drunk uncle. Not that he had any issues, he would just get loud and all into his magic science, needing my assistance for his weird energy magic experiments. The only dining experience I really remember is a loud old man trying to karaoke while I ate or filling my head with whatever knowledge that was just coming to his mind as we would dine. As for my other dining experiences, I don't really remember how my family used to do it. So this was a nice change of pace for me. A nice simple quiet dinner among a friend, Thanks, Ruvel seriously." Getting up to make his way to the stairs, Chili continues to talk. "Well I'm gonna head up to our room and get to my hand, you can stay here for a few and chill if you like. Oh and by the way I'm pretty relaxed when it comes to most things so. Think of it like this, if I don't say something about it then I'm fine with it. If it does then I'll let you politely know, so until then just do whatever it is you do. Also, try not to make your self sick just to eat someone's food to be polite if you're full you're full, all someone should really do is wonder if you ate enough to keep your strength up."

    Turning and leaving it up to Ruvel to follow or stay, Chili walked toward the stairs from their table. Climbing the twelve steps, Chili found himself in a three person wide hallway with ten single-bed bed rooms to his right and ten two-bed bed rooms to his left. Walking six doors down Chili reached into his right pocket to grab his key and opened room number twelve. The bed room had two beds about two meters apart, with about a half a meter long night stands on the outer edge of each side of the beds. There was a smaller bathroom door to the right and a small closet door to the left. Two lamps were in both top corners of the room with, on. A meter long dresser desk/dresser sat in the middle of the back wall with a small trash can on the right side. The whole room was about seven meters by five meters maybe a little bigger even. Walking to his made bed on the left where his dark blue and orange pack was sitting on the floor at the end of it. Picking it up, Chili unzipped the back pouch. Reaching in he brought out his first aid kit. sitting on the edge of his bed, Chili opened it and took out a roll of gauze as well as disinfectant. Undoing the towel from his hand Chili tossed it into the garbage. Taking the disinfectant he splashed some onto his wound and wrapped the gauze around his hand firmly. Then grabbing some medical tape from the kit he secured the end of the bandage in place.  Putting everything back in the kit, Chili closed it and put it back into his pack. Then from the same pouch, he withdrew his notebook, opening it, Chili flipped to a page, dated it, and began writing down the day's events, conversations, as well as personal opinion notes. Taking about five minutes to do this. When finished, Chili put it back and zipped his bag close. Putting it underneath his bed, Chili hopped off his bed and walked over to the closet. Opening it Chili took off his blazer and hung it up on a hanger. Placing it on the bar with his vest, and three other spare shirts. One shirt blue, another red, the final one black. Kicking off his shoes into the closet, Chili closed the door still in his white shirt, jeans, and socks. Walking over to the bed he hopped on to it, laying on the top sheet with the back of his head rested on the pillow. It was about ten forty-five now, and Chili planned on being up early to stretch, work out a bit, right down what he was doing for the day, and eat before the tournament continued at eight a.m. On his back with one arm laid upon his upper abdomen with the other laid out along side him, Chili remained in a state of alertness, ready to spring into a fight if anyone came busting through the door wanting to pick a fight, as he fell into a light sleep.

    Post Word Count: 1167
    Total Word Count: 8838

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) Empty Re: Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel)

    Post by Ruvel 25th July 2017, 3:23 pm

    Ruvel remained silent as the other spoke on how he looked, he was indeed feeling sick and that was his own fault but it was more to do with how he was raised, if you could really call it that "I am fine, I assure you Chili, I'm not use to eating with company by my own choice" he explained, it wasn't exactly a lie.. well not a complete one anyway. He already knew his past was far different from others and had come to peace with that learning how to blend in was a bit harder than he had expected but he was managing a little better each day though he knew some quirks such as his eating habits would never change and likely seen as beyond odd. His summons continued to remain silent which surprised him since they normally spoke the instant he finished eating, it concerned him when they were silent as they were at current but he put that down to their concern for him which almost made him laugh given that Barthenz and Ordhabbi were nothing but abusive towards him every chance they could but they still stuck by him and for that he was thankful and take everything they sent his way.

    "I'm not feeling overly well" he admitted to the other, he understood as to why it was and it wasn't just the amount of food that he had eaten. His golden amber gaze went to what seemed his new ally as he spoke, he didn't expect the information that he had been given a quiet sigh as he knew that he would have to share something back "When I ate with others, I was forced to do so" he said calmly, if Chili had paid enough attention he could see Ruvel's hand flinch a little as it trembled meaning he was frightened over what he was remember but no sooner than it had come than he had already regained his composure. He blinked in surprise as he was thanked, he was unsure what it was for but gave a warm smile to the other hearing the word 'experiment' his mask broke and what remained was nothing but fear as he started to tremble his hand going to his face as he shook it fighting back the need to hyperventilate.

    Standing he moved out of the inn in a panic running into a narrow ally hopping from one wall to the next with the greatest of ease he ended up sitting on a ledge taking deep breaths as he tried to compose himself but it wasn't going that well 'This isn't home... I can't be hurt here' he tried to reassure himself bringing his knees to his chest 'He didn't know, it's not his fault' he continued closing his eyes remaining how he was four stories from the ground, how he was sitting you would think he would fall at any point but he knew he was more than balanced to fall asleep that way 'I know Edaenz, thank you' he thought to her, he was tired it had been a long day, he had a fight, he was scared seeing people looking for him, he cooked, over ate and now there was this he couldn't handle it. His eyes looked to the ground "If I fall I could perhaps end it, but then the people who would find me and those who would have to tend to the mess" he whispered shaking his head his eyes closing as he slipped into a wakened sleep deciding that he would be fine to rest there that evening the fresh air would likely do him some good.

    Hearing the lulled tune of his little Laurea his eyes opened 'Thank you my sweet big sister' he said kissing her forehead 'It was nothing more than a nightmare, and you're correct sleeping here wouldn't exactly be wise given that not many people can balance like I can' hopping onto the balls of his feet he used the walls the way he had to get up to get back down once more placing the small cloud and fairy on his head as he headed quickly back to the inn walking up the steps and into the room that was the one he would be sharing with his ally "If I could make a request, don't use the word 'experiment' around me, it has... drawbacks to me" he said hoping the other wouldn't push but given the fact he had shared information with him that was likely hard to do he would share something back he believed that was how it was meant to go anyway.

    Word Count: 777
    Total Word Count: 9'385


    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021
    Chili Thompson
    Chili Thompson

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Reality Displacement
    Position : None
    Posts : 202
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Arsenal
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) Empty Re: Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel)

    Post by Chili Thompson 25th July 2017, 11:33 pm

    Chili yawned slightly as he made his way out of the inn and down the street. It was about twenty minutes to eight, having gotten up at six after the night before and doing his morning routine, Chili was all set for his matches today. Going over what his partner had said to him last night after having returned to their room. "Ok so  experiment is a none usable around him and he usually only ever ate when he was forced to." Chili thought as he walked with Ruvel following a foot behind him. Knowing the summoner could hold his own if anything went wrong, the comments didn't worry Chili a whole lot, however, they struck up some curiosity. Last nights events played back in his head. Ruvel had entered their room with a fairy on his head, explaining why he had taken off out of the inn in a few words. Having been half asleep at the time Chili only gave the summoner a thumbs up and a lazy nod of understanding. Before waving at the fairy on his head, Chili turned over and fell asleep within a few seconds. Coming out of the flash back, Chili saw that they had finally made it to the arena. Walking in he was just in time to hear the announcer say "Alright let's get today's fights under way!" After that, he began listing fighters names and who they would be fighting. Not hearing his name Chili started to try and find the concession stand. Before he began his search though, Ruvel pulled him to the side and clobbered him upside the head. Shaking the dizziness away, Chili gave the mage a goofy smile and a thumbs up remembering the warning from yesterday. Before splitting off from his partner in the hopes of finding more food. Succeeding in his search, Chili ordered two large pretzels with mustard, nachos with extra spicy cheese, and a medium root beer. Even though he had left overs from last night he was still a little hungry.  After receiving his food Chili made his way up into the bleachers. Taking a seat high up, away from the larger crowd. He began eating a pretzel, ripping it apart piece by piece, popping the segments into his mouth and chewing them. After the first one was done he took a swig of his soda. Delving into his nachos, Chili would dunk and eat a few chips, then take a sip. Finishing off the nachos, Chili started to munch on the last pretzel, eating it in a few seconds and drinking the last of his root beer. After getting down with his snack, Chili remained seated for the next thirty minutes watching fight after fight until finally, the announcer's voice came on as a fight ended, and excitedly said "Alright up next is Chili vs Mike Bison! This should be an exciting match everyone!"

    Getting up from his position Chili, walked down the bleachers, and made his way to the ring. Arriving at the top of the ramp, Chili saw Mike standing on his side and he looked like an angry bull ready to charge. Opting not to use any modes his flame remained normal, for now, Chili took up a defensive stance and prepared for the match to begin. As soon as it did Mike sprinted at Chili, throwing a swift yet extremely powerful punch toward the young man's face. Chili side stepped it to the right, having to swiftly keep taking steps back while every once and a while blocking a few punches as he did. Mike switched it up on him though, grabbing Chili's blocking arm and pulling him into a nasty high knee into the abdomen. Before clocking letting Chili go, delivering a swift uppercut to underneath his chin, sending Chili stumbling backward a bit. Shaking the spots from his vision Chili had time to step to the side and forwards. Dodging a punch and stepping within striking range of Mike. Throwing a swift uppercut of his own, Chili connected his fist with Mike's jaw. As Mike's head went up a bit, exposing his Adam's apple, Chili wasted no time in taking one more step forward and sending a viciously quick throat punch right into it. As Mike let out a gurgle of sound, he brought his head back down, clenching his throat with one hand. Not giving an inch, CHili slammed a heavy punch into the boxer's nose that made his eye's water as he stumbled back. Now recovered from the throat punch Mike threw a blind punch with his eyes still fogged up from being watery. Stepping to  Mike's left side as he punched, Chili sent two more quick punches into his side ribcage, before taking one more side step, spinning on his heel and impacted a nice roundhouse into Mike's back sending him forward. Nose bleeding, with his eyes a little puffy, Mike turned to glare at Chili and growled, "You are doing well for a runt."

    "You know I'm like a foot taller than you right!? Two feet, if you count the extra foot my hair almost gives me!" Chili shouted back causing Mike to snarl at the mention of his height. The boxer rammed towards him hell bent on taking him down. Getting within striking distance of each other the two just began throwing kicks and punches at one another. Neither was managing to get a hit in. One would attack the other would block or dodge. Dancing circles around the arena's platform Chili thought as he fought "This guy is on a different level than Masters was and he doesn't even use magic. Although if he did this would be a whole different fight right now." Dodging another punch Chili finally landed a hit as he threw a kick into Mike's rib again. Mike tried to throw a punch, however, Chili jumped a little and spun as he did. Simultaneously swapping which foot he had on the ground while also throwing a kick into the left side of Mike's head. Asn Mike stumbled to the right Chili decided to put some distance between them by backing up a couple of meters. Mike stayed stationary for a few seconds pondering a better way to approach Chili. Tiring of the boxer Chili did his hand signs in quick session only taking about three seconds to do so. Swapping to fire mode again, it being the best for close quarters and began to charge magic energy into his fists. Making a few plans of his own to end the fight for good without killing the man. Mike began slowly walking towards Chili, now aware of the sudden change in the color of Chili's flame and was being cautious of what the youth might do.

    "So what? Are you going to use magic to beat me? You coward." Mike said trying to antagonize Chili. Chuckling at the comment Chili replied, "No, I just don't want to spend five or ten more minutes dancing in circles with you. No offense but that ugly mug of yours is beginning to become an eye sore." That comment obviously struck a nerve as Mike forgot to be careful and came at Chili, with a rage that would have scared a normal fighter, however, Chili was far from normal.

    Current HP: 55/100
    Current Mana: 94/100
    Flame Burst Activated: Durations Left: 2 posts
    Post Word Count: 1069
    Total Word Count: 9907

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) Empty Re: Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel)

    Post by Ruvel 26th July 2017, 3:00 pm

    Though there had been a bed Ruvel avoided it having moved to the corner furthest away from the door before laying down on the floor, the little fairy on the cloud sang her lullaby quietly to him as was now the normal night to night ritual, this was to help him get some kind of deep sleep but eventually she had to leave as she had used her own energy to be with him the moment she left his body institutionally started moving into a waking sleep. This made him fully aware of his surroundings while he rested, while he was like this however his memories started playing over and over again in his sleep he started to flinch showing whatever was going through his mind was effecting him in a very bad way. After around forty-five minutes he sat in a cold sweat his hand moving over his mouth as he screamed trying to muffle it as much as possible not to disturb the other. Once he stopped he brought his knees to his chest trembling breathing in quick shallow breaths 'I'm not there... I'm not there... I'm not there' he continued to thing to himself almost as if he was trying to make himself remember that he was free from them the fear of being made to return was there and it was part of the reason for the nightmare.

    He walked silently that morning, where the other had decided to eat some of the things that they had created the other day, he had only drank a glass of water. During the breakfast he hadn't said a single word and even as they walked to the stadium he had remained silent moving to where he normally stood while Chili had seemed to move to get more things to eat. His summons were unusually quiet to so it made him wonder if there was something wrong or if they had decided to leave him with his thoughts. His head dipped his eyes closing as they often did while he was waiting, eventually he heard that Chili's name knowing that his own match would soon follow but he was unsure with how his mentality would affect his magic which worried him.

    Hearing his own name being called he pushed off the wall heading for the allocated arena where he would fight Balrog 'Who calls their kid Balrog? Seriously?' he thought to himself but then he remembered some of the names he and the others had been called, even what he used as a name was nothing more than an insult from home but he had remained quiet on the matter as he was use to the name after being called it since he could remember. He knew his name could be far worse so never complained about it. Moving into the arena he looked to his opponent for a moment his eyes going to the weapon on his hand before going to the mask. The referee was trying to get the weapon off him Ruvel just shook his head "No, it's fine he can keep it" he said moving forward offering the other a hand like he had done the match before.

    He didn't know if it was due to being a sportsman or what happened yesterday but the other did indeed shake his hand which did surprise him. The two moved to their marks he seen the wonder on everyone's eyes to see if he would call the summon he did yesterday or if he would call another. Unlike yesterday he didn't move from to take the dagger he used for summoning. "Ready" he said knowing this match he couldn't count on his magic because it most likely wouldn't work. It also meant that this fight would be tough for him as he was weaker than a normal person but he knew would do it some how. "Not summoning your monsters kid?" Balrog mocked at him making Ruvel quirk an eyebrow "Don't need them to beat someone as pathetic as you." he said in his normal stoic tone "After all, you need a weapon and cover your face" he finished before he knew it the other had dashed towards him in anger. Ruvel remained exactly where he was until the last moment he dropped swiping his the legs from Balrog hopping back on his feet.

    He watched as the other landed hard on his back glaring up at Ruvel who was looking down at him "Don't underestimate me, I can hold my own physically" he said sternly, to be honest he was unsure if this was actually the case given what Barthenz had often said in the past but he was quick and acrobatic so that worked to his benefit meaning so longs he could stay one step ahead and keep Balrog off balance he wouldn't need a summon this match. Before he knew it however is opponent was back on his feet and dashing towards him clawed hand moving to claw at him before he knew it, it had clawed across his chest making him wince, the glimmering blood from the new wounds dribbling down his shirt and chest 'Not good I got distracted' he said Balrog taking another swing at him but this time he was ready and hopped onto the claw itself crouched his eyes looking into the others before he moved his hand quickly punching at the mask making it crumble away from the others face. Balrog had been to surprised at what had just happened to stop the incoming hit as it fell ruvel jamp kicking at his face leaving a rather impressive red mark as he back flipped onto the ground silently he easily seen the anger on the others face and now knew he had to be doubly careful.

    Word Count: 968
    Total Word Count: 10'353


    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021
    Chili Thompson
    Chili Thompson

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Reality Displacement
    Position : None
    Posts : 202
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Arsenal
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) Empty Re: Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel)

    Post by Chili Thompson 26th July 2017, 11:57 pm

    Chili knew he was going to regret this, however, he'd deal with that later. Leaning his head back as Mike began to throw a punch and slammed his fore head into the oncoming punch as hard as he could. Mike yelled out in pain as Chili's flame burned his fist as it collided with Chili's skull, having braced for the punch Chili was hurt, but, he wasn't that stunned. So before Mike could retract his hand and step back, Chili threw his fist upwards jumping at the same time. Boosting as he went Chili delivered a strong uppercut into Mike's jaw. Sending both of them up about two meters into the air, Chili killed his boost and as they hovered in the air Chili flipped. Aiming an ax kick that landed in the middle of Mike's back, sending him crashing into the ground ahead of Chili who landed softly on his feet about three seconds of air time. When Chili landed he could barely hear the announcer over the adrenaline rushing into his head as he announced Ruvel's fight. Chili chuckled feeling bad for whoever had to go up against his partner's still slightly unknown cast of summons. As he did this the referee was preparing to run over to see if Mike was conscious or alive even. The ref stopped though as Mike pushed him self back up turning to Chili his legs slightly wobbling a little from the pain.

    "That the best you got?"
    Mike said trying to sound tough as he breathed heavily, winded from his landing. "Nope. That was just so I didn't kill you" Chili lied having nothing else that he could do in his current mode. Mike was still willing to keep going as he rushed Chili again with renewed energy, throwing punch after punch. Not really wanting to take any more punched with a knot starting to form on his head from the last one, Chili kept dodging. Starting to get Mike's tells down, Chili had a little bit of an easier time dodging this time around. After letting Mike back him up for a bit, Chili stood his ground with solid feet swiveled to the right and threw a counter punch into Mike's face. Smacking Chili's arm out of his face after the punch had hit, Mike tried to grab ahold Chili who ducked underneath his arm to the left. Now behind Mike as he started to turn, Chili threw a side ways kick into his ribs. After retracting his foot, Chili dashed into Mike's space as he fully turned towards him and slammed two more punches into Mike's gut. Unable to get out of reach in time Mike was able to catch Chili. Mikee let out a loud angry grunting sound as he lifted Chili off his feet, bending backward in a perfect arch and suplexed Chili head first right into the ground. Mike let go off Chili as he went to get up off the ground, the youth roll away from Mike and stood up himself. Still, dizzy from what just happened.

    Mike paused, close to passing out, maybe not to the audiences' eye but Chili could see that his breathing was rough, he was fighting to keep his eyes open, and his muscles weren't as tense as they once were. Mike ran at Chili his speed slower, Chili himself was tired however he still was a second faster than Mike. As they met each other half way Mike had thrown a punch that Chili narrowly breezed past as he connected a strong right hook into the old man's face. Mike went stationary, his arms falling slack at his sides and he went silent. After a moment he rocked backward on his feet and fell like a log onto the ground, face up. Stumbling back, Chili waited for the boxer to get up wanting to go another round. A half a minute passed, it was obvious that Mike was still alive as a loud snore cracked through the silence, however, he had been knocked out making this round Chili's win. As the announcer came on and said "Chili Thompson Wins!" Chili was already half way down the ramp leaving the ref to hold no one's arm up and headed for the concession stand to get a drink. Needing one after that fight Chili grumbled a little his neck stiff from being rammed into the ground like that. Making it to the stand Chili ordered another root beer, paying for it Chili made his way towards where he thought Ruvel was fighting. Chili avoided bumping into any while keeping his magic active just in case he was called back into the ring.

    Current HP: 100/100: End of Fight Regen
    Current Mana: 100/100: End of Fight Regen
    Flame Burst Activated: Durations left: 1 posts
    Post Word Count: 781
    Total Word Count: 10688

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
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    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) Empty Re: Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel)

    Post by Ruvel 27th July 2017, 1:53 pm

    Ruvel looked to the angered Balrog, his own demeanour hadn't changed from the beginning of the match a micro expression of a smirk appeared for a brief second as he seen the red mark showing a bruise "Did you walk into a door, because your so called perfection is flawed" he stated the other's eyes went to the claws as he peered in to see what Ruvel was talking about his eyes going wide "HOW DARE YOU BLEMISH MY PERFECTION YOU BRAT!" he yelled out in a booming voice, Ruvel would have taken great pleasure in this if it hadn't been for Balrog dashing towards him in severe anger he managed to dodge all the strikes aimed for him but it still managed to tare at his clothing, for the moment he didn't raise a hand. He needed to see the weak points and what to avoid but this was a bit hard as he was constantly on the defence and moving. Eventually however he got an idea and turned around as if he was going to run away this cost him dearly as he felt the claws going right across his back making him wince 'If needed I've taken enough damage to summon her but I will only try if I take another hit' he thought to himself as he ran to a wall, Balrog thrust his clawed fist open and as he did Ruvel ran up the wall and back flipped over him landing silently behind him the claw becoming wedged in the wall.

    The crowed cheered seeing what had just happened, but Ruvel wouldn't give an inch as he jamp not only kicking Balrog in the back but his head forcing the claw to be wedged to the point it couldn't be pulled out of the wall "Seems you've lost your toy" he said landing in a kneeling stance a little ways away from the other, both his back and chest were stinging due to that claw but he had felt worse so didn't worry about it to much, he just wished that he hadn't been cut because he was pretty sure his blood would be noticed. "Ready to give up?" he asked remaining in the knelt stance "After all you're being bested by a kid... not just a kid, but a summoner at that who isn't using summons" he said a quick smirk on his face "and between you and I, I'm weaker than a normal person... how humiliating to your ego, pride and perfection" he chuckled a little watching as Balrog had finished removing the claw from his fists

    Even though they had done the same amount of movement it was Balrog who was showing that he was starting to tire a little. Ruvel felt kinda bad for his opponent but their training had been far different in regards to skill. Balrog had most likely taken it on as a hobby in the beginning, he on the hand had to run for survival so had more stamina than most. Balrog dashed suddenly, like before Ruvel remained still till the very last second when the other moved to slide towards the youth he jamp, landing on Balrog's head pushing off it almost as if it was a spring board "Boing" was all that could be heard from Ruvel's mouth making the audience laugh as the match had become more like a side show within a circus. Ruvel was easily humiliating the other not that it was his intent but it was clear within the rules that no weapons were allowed so he deserved everything that he was getting in Ruvel's mind set.

    As he had pushed down it caused Balrog to go crashing into the ground skidding forward, Ruvel tilted his head watching as the other came to a halt several feet away from the other "So, have you had enough or do you want to continue the humiliation?" he asked as he crossed his arms over his chest. He could hear Barthenz in the back of his mind surprisingly praising him for a change for being able to do this on his own his eyes glancing to where the announcement of Chili having won his match. "I guess, this little game has come to an end then Balrog, it was fun playing with you" he said walking forward his pale golden eyes glowing a little. Seeing this Balrog started to crawl away from him almost as if he had seen the face of hell "What the hell are you?!" he called out to him "I have no idea, I was never told would you believe" he said calmly continuing to follow the other "You could always say uncle and end the match without me having to put you through a few wall however" he said, Balrog's eyes going wide with how Ruvel looked and with his tone he couldn't tell if he was joking about what was said "I forfeit" he said quietly "Once again please, it was so quiet no one could hear" he said calmly as he stopped walking "I FORFEIT" he called out. The moment Balrog yelled that Ruvel turned from him "There's no such thing as perfection, and pride is a double edged sword... these are the reasons you lost.." he said before walking up the ramp and back to where he normally stood unlike the match before the arena erupted with cheers but as like the day before the other fighters gave him a wide birth wider today as he had seemed to have taken out one of the front runners by doing little more than evading and using their own attacks against them.

    Word Count: 944
    Total Word Count: 11'297


    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021
    Chili Thompson
    Chili Thompson

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Reality Displacement
    Position : None
    Posts : 202
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Arsenal
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) Empty Re: Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel)

    Post by Chili Thompson 27th July 2017, 4:29 pm

    Not having made in time to see the end of Ruvel's fight, Chili made his way towards where his friend was standing. The crowd of fighters seemed to be giving him more room to move as he went. Feeling a little bad for using magic on Mike, Chili shrugged he had really not wanted to spend another ten minutes slowly widdling the guy's stamina down until he won might as well end it quick and clean. Having tossed his soda in a trash can, Chili cleared the crowd and reached Ruvel. Standing in front of the summoner Chili, said sharing his thoughts "Welp Mike is down and since we are still in I take Balrog lost. Sweet we only have a few more people and we take this. I can smell the jewel now just need to stay cautious anyone as far as we are should be tough."  Before Ruvel could respond the announcer's voice came on again "Detective Chun and Chili Thompson, please come on up to the designated platform and give us a good show!" Chili gave a wave at Ruvel jumping a little so he would be seen and shouted randomly at him, "Kick the next one in the shin for me man!" Landing back on the ground as he did a one eighty rushing back across the arena and to the ring he was assigned to fight in. Making it back up the ramp and onto the platform for the second time that day, Chili was surprised to see that Detective Chun was, in fact, a woman. Not that he thought detectives were only men it was the name Chun it didn't sound like a women's name. Although it sounded like something you throw into the water to attract predatory fish more than a name in general. She was a brunette woman with an attractive athletic build. She wore a tight blue qipao pair with purple stockings that outline her well-toned legs. The outfit showed off her assets so to speak more than necessary in a fight, which would have distracted some men and even women, however, Chili was pretty sure that was the reason for it being so close fitting to throw off her opponents attention mid battle. Chili didn't really care what she was wearing even if a dress seemed like a wrong choice for a fight. Then again he was in a blazer with a tie on so who was he to judge, at least his clothes were all baggy enough for him to keep mobility.

    Before the announcer could start the fight Chun smoothly started to walk toward the center of the platform, meeting her there Chili was hesitant when she offered him a shake of her hand. Once he began shaking she smiled a little and said "Good luck and may the best of us win." With that she turned and walked over to her side, slightly suspicious of the comment a little. Seeing as the last two fights the people had wanted him dead, Chili, turned, walking back to his side and waited for the fight to begin. Once it did Chili barely had time to get out of range of the barrage of kicks that were sent his way. She stopped her kicks and dashed at Chili catching up to him. It was hectic for a second, a hurricane of three or four different type of kicked. Chili managed to block the first half, although not having her pattern down which almost seemed random quick kicking Chili was eventually slammed upside the head by a round house. Throwing the teen off for the second she needed to land five more. A heel kick rammed into Chili's gut making him back up a little, still, within range, Chun landed two more swift kicks to his chest and face. Knocking him up into the air by about three meters, she jumped after him, spinning while she went and landed another two, the first one hitting his legs causing him to flip while the other struck his face. Recovering before they hit the ground though Chili grabbed hold of her leg, pulled her towards him and grabbed her by the waist. Flipping them both upside down he had her head a little above his as they smacked into the ground. Rolling away from each other they both stood in unison Chili injured from the kicks and Chun from the head collision with the ground.

    Now understanding how fast she could move Chili effectively dodged her next two kicks, jumping over the last one and delivering a side kick to her head. Before rolling to her left, into a crouched position and swept her legs out from under her. As she landed on her back Chili jumped and landed an elbow slam into her stomach. Using his back he hopped himself up again and sent his elbow right back into her gut again as hard as he could. Rolling away from her as she coughed Chili stood up, with Chun getting up a few seconds after him. Smirking she said "Not bad, you may actually win." With that, she shot a slower version of what Masters had done still fast enough to cross the space between them in a couple seconds, CHili ducked under it but was unable to dodge the kick that hit him in the head, sending him to the ground. Rolling away from a stomp kick aimed at his ribs, Chili quickly stood up and prepared to continue as his fists went out, his spell ending. He was fine with this, Chili would finish this without his magic. The hits he got in while it was active were be all he needed.

    Current HP: 65/100
    Current Mana: 100/100
    Flame Burst: Ended
    Post Word Count: 948
    Total Word Count: 11636

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) Empty Re: Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel)

    Post by Ruvel 2nd August 2017, 5:43 am

    Ruvel remained where he was a sigh escaping his lips as he realised his clothing was now ruined and thus would have to make some new ones at a later date. Not that he minded making clothing for himself or others but at the same time it was more than a little irritating to the youth that he had ruined the clothes that where bought for him by the strange dark mage that seemed to be keeping a close eye on him. That was something else that concerned him but right now it wasn't something that he would have to worry about to much and what will happen he understood he was unable to avoid and so seen little reason to worry about the future or the path leading to it. He was curious to where his partner found himself realising that he'd was a bottomless pit so likely at the concession stand 'For someone who doesn't like fast food he sure eats a lot of it' he found himself thinking, he still felt sick from over eating the night before

    Eventually hearing Chili's voice he opened an eye and looked to him "I dealt with him without magic, perhaps the blow to his ego will make him a better person in the future" somehow he doubted it and would likely cause him to hunt him down later over the whole situation "He wore a mask because apparently the world wasn't worthy of gazing upon his face and he used a claw weapon though against the rules" he stated touching the slightly shredded front of his clothing showing he wasn't kidding on the matter. "Careful, greed can take you down a dark path as can revenge" he said calmly as his eyes closed. He wasn't a mind reader nor did he know fully what was going on with the other, it was just from his words and observations he had made that showed him that funds where important to him and that he was shouldering a dark burden that he wanted to take out by any means necessary. "I'll help you in your endeavour if you want and to be your guiding light so you don't fall to the darkness you are chasing" he said in a calm tone.

    It was then he heard his companions name being called for his match meaning that his would be called shortly. He was feeling ill and wanted it dealt with as soon as he could, hearing his own name he moved to the required arena and stood with a blink seeing the woman that he would be facing "Couldn't you afford the rest of the outfit?" he asked by his tone it was shown that he wasn't doing it to be insulting but out of sheer surprise "I can make you something after this if you like" he offered but before even before the match had officially began she started to strike out at him making him dodge and weave "Miss, the match hasn't begun and I wasn't meaning as it as an insult" he clarified assured her "And with the weather, I am concerned" his voice was calm and uncharacteristically held a concerned tone.

    He knew his words had fallen on deaf ears as the woman continued to attack him 'This is why I don't talk or show concern for people' he thought to himself hearing a few of his summons laughing at the goings on 'So who will be the best to deal with her?' he found himself asking as he took notice that she tried to get him into a bear hug making Ruvel flip back expertly without the use of his hands landing on the ground 'So she does grapples? Good to know' he stated knowing she likely watched his last match and wouldn't make the same mistakes that Balrog had given that he showed that not to take him lightly. "They won't work on me brat so call one of your summons" she called out to him as she round housed him to the ground making him slide across the ground a few feet. He stood up dusting himself off to be met with a drilled attack making him fly into a wall "C'mon kid" she called out "Stop holding back" it was clear she was being impatient but he had taken enough damage to call on Ordhabbi if he so wanted but he had another idea in mind 'Shindara' he called to the summon through the bond he had with them all knowing that was all that was needed it would be unlikely for anyone to notice the darkness of his shadow changing or the slight change in its shape 'The enemy is the woman in front of us, make her yield' he ordered to him 'As my summoner wishes' is what he heard in reply.

    Current HP: 80/200
    Current Mana: 85/100
    Shindara's Shadow: 3 rounds
    Post Word Count: 810
    Total Word Count: 12'107


    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021
    Chili Thompson
    Chili Thompson

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Reality Displacement
    Position : None
    Posts : 202
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Arsenal
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel) Empty Re: Road Fighter Tournament (Job/Chil Thompson/Ruvel)

    Post by Chili Thompson 2nd August 2017, 9:04 am

    Chili hadn't meant to come across like some money obsessed fighter to his partner, Chili was just trying to stay psyched about this thing. The only way he knew to do that was to act enthused to become enthused so he was pretending to enjoy this as much as he could. He couldn't fix the impression he made now though. In all honesty, Chili rather be chasing after whatever leads he could grasp or actually be on a job helping someone than here fighting. He didn't really even need the coin since most of the time he lived off the land, it was only necessary to bribe those who held information and occasionally get a quick snack when he was unable to make food himself. Feeling a gurgle in his stomach Chili let out a small huff as he stepped to the right of a kick. His stomach was not liking him for all the junk he'd just put on it. What could he say he knew that fast food normally made him ill, he just didn't care when he was hungry. Which didn't help that he was usually starving when he was out and about. Shaking his head Chili focused back on the fight as he pushed an on coming kick to the side with his right hand.

    Chun was throwing kick after kick at him since she was just going normal speed thought it was easier for him to not get hit by her attacks. Although Chili was focused on the fight he had a question for the detective. She swapped it up throwing a kick followed by a punch. Taking his chance Chili caught her fist and pulled her into him. Now looking like they were dancing Chili leaned in and whispered his question to her. "Have you heard of any attacks on villages that happen in a dense fog?"
    Pushing away a little, Chun threw a kick at Chili's head and as he ducked out of the way she managed to grab his collar. Pulling him close this time she whispered back "Yes, though this is not the time to talk. Once the fight is over we can."
    Pushing him away she gave Chili a few second to get stable before she started to speed up her kicks again. Chili was able to side step the first two lightning fast kicks, however, the last three nailed him in the stomach then worked they're up to his chest. As her foot came back to the ground Chili recovered and dashed toward her. Slamming a fist into her gut Chili made sure that his hits were only doing enough damage to wear her out. As she tried to kick him at close range Chili let the kick hit him in the side and grabbed hold of her foot. Twisting it a little Chili made sure that he didn't break her ankle but made sure to injure it enough to where she couldn't put a lot of pressure on it. Letting out a yelp she quickly kicked Chili with her other foot in the head, sending him stumbling to the side while she fell on her rear without having any feet on the ground.

    Shaking his head Chili watched as she tried to stand on her now sore ankle, wincing as she did and not really paying attention to Chili. Speeding over to her Chili swept her legs out from under her, although instead of letting her hit the ground Chili caught her.
    "Sorry about the ankle. I just want to finish this so we can talk. In all honesty I rather not fight you anymore." Chili said trying his best to not sound contradictory even though he was sorry. Smiling at him Chun could see he was wanting answers so she said loud enough for the ref to hear "I recede from the tournament."
    Blinking Chili didn't really know how to respond he had just literally twisted this gal's ankle so he could ask her questions in regard to a personal interest. He felt his stomach churn at the thought a little although he didn't do any severe damage it still was unsettling. Helping her up Chili allowed her to use him as support as to not irritate her ankle while he walked her off the platform. The crowd was silent not exactly sure of what was going on between the teen and detective. Getting to the lower bleachers, Chili sat her down as she began to talk. "So what do you know about the fog attacks?"
    Chili shrugged and answered her question honestly while still not sharing everything, "Not much I lost my family in one of the attacks as a kid, been trying to hunt them down since then, not to get revenge but because they may have someone I used to know and answers to my questions. I've been in two other attacks since then."

    "Huh, so you had a run in with the group responsible for the start of the attacks. As the years went by the attacks became more violent leaving more corpses behind rather than abducting folks like they did at first. The only reason they are still around is that they brain wash others into carrying on the attacks even after others have died." Chun responded.

    "Yeah I know I was in a fishing village a year ago when it got attacked, all I remember was screaming and the slight glow of the houses as they burned. Since I was in the lighthouse at the time, I didn't see how it happened, the fog just appeared out of nowhere. Next thing I knew the light house was destroyed at the base sending it and me off the cliff it was a top into the sea below. By the time I was able to swim to shore the fog was gone and with it a few villagers. The rest were all dead, men, women, children and infants. I'm not gonna go into gruesome detail except it was obvious that different types of magic were used to make each individual suffer before ending them. I'm pretty sure they made some mothers watch as their own children were massacred, fathers un able to defend their families, siblings burned together in their cribs, and I was unable to do a damn thing. It was unlike the attack on my village, they killed the adults and took the children and now it seems like they just kill whoever they want while only taking a select few." Chili told Chun through slightly gritted teeth as some of the images from that day flashed across his mind.

    Chun looked at the troubled expression on the boy's face and sighed, she knew how to help him get closer to the truth than she probably could. "The attacks are made by a cult following guild, we have no idea what cult they are apart of, however, we at the office presume they use villages as some sort of mass sacrifice to their gods and as places to kidnap the young that show promise and brainwash them as future followers," Chun told Chili giving him more than one key piece of information. Chili turned and walked away. He was gone for a few seconds until he reappeared with a small bag of ice. He handed it to Chun and smiled earnestly at her saying "Thanks for the information and again sorry about the ankle." Chun just smiled and nodded her head.

    Waving as he began to walk away again this time heading to where Ruvel was fighting a single thought in his head. "If they are looking for recruits that means they must scout out the village before hand, so they know which kids have the most magical energy and that way they can sweep in, capture who they need, killing the rest as a sacrifice without worrying about mistakes. Now I need to look up cults and birth records to see which village have the highest number of new born and young mages who can be brainwashed. Then match that up with the list of all villages that have been attacked I may be able to find a pattern." Chili closed his eyes still able to hear the screams in the distance. He hated people who had no regard for human life although he himself had killed on more than one occasion. Although everyone he'd killed would have come back to finish him off if he hadn't even so that still didn't make his nights any less filled with the faces of those he had buried may they be enemy or friend. Shaking his head Chili sat down and just let his mind wander as he watched Ruvel fight. His fake enthusiasm gone now replaced by deep thought.  

    Current HP: 40/100
    Current Mana: 100/100
    Post Word Count: 1405
    Total Word Count: 13041


    Chili Thompson
    Primary Magic
    Chilling Under the Stars Theme

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:49 pm