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    Tairn Ishimido (WIP)


    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 2
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    In Progress Tairn Ishimido (WIP)

    Post by Tairn 28th September 2016, 5:13 am

    Name: Tairn Ishimdo
    Gender: Male
    Age: 25
    Birthday: June 21
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics:  A scar which runs down from the collarbone on the left to his nave given to him as a child in an attempt on his life.  A mural tattoo which expands across the entirety of his back of a bird soaring over open waters with the word Freedom scrawled underneath near the small of his back.

    Personality: (What is their personality like, at least 500 words, two paragraphs; first explaining your character in detail outside of battle. The second explaining your character in battle, how they do as and under a leader.)

    Birds- He has a deep affinity for these winged creatures and craves the soaring freedom they have achieved.

    Taverns- Despite his urge to distance himself from other people, he still craves some form of human involvement usually he found that in a Tavern he could get that while still maintaining distance from others. Usually found in the corner of local pub away from others.

    Shiny things- Anything Shiny or eye catching seems to call to him though he will not resort to stealing said things he has spent more then one paycheck on acquiring more then one silly silver trinket his prized lucky silver spork never leaves his pocket.


    Big cities- Does not like to be around alot of people with the exeption of places he can go and relax unnoticed ie taverns city parks things like that.

    Rain- He cannot stand the rain and will go through great lengths to avoid being caught in it although oddly enough other forms of water do not bother him.

    Strangers- He does not like meeting new people unless necessary and is very wary of them. Of course once he has gotten to know someone they fall out of this stranger danger Catagory very quickly.

    Motivations: (What motivates your character in life?) 3 minimum, bullet point them individually, with at least one sentence to describe them.
    Knives- Due to the traumatic childhood experience knives of any kind scare the hell out of him for most of his life. Though as he as grown he has learned to control his fear somewhat, the sight of them cause him great unease.

    Dating- Though he loves women he is very shy and thus Dating absolutly Terrifies him.

    Being Alone- Even though he dislikes being around alot of people, What terrifies him even more is being alone causing him to be clingy at times for seemingly no reason.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5ft 10
    Weight: 175lbs
    Hair: Blonde messy hair
    Eyes: Ocean Blue
    Skin Tone: pale
    Appearance: a slim pale man with toned muscles his thick blonde hair is usually kept somewhere around just below his ear line. He usually can be found dressed very casually in jeans and sometimes a t -shirt though most of the time he wears shirts with long sleeves and a collar in particular to obscure that runs along his collarbone down. Has a rather expansive tattoo along most of his back but keeps it hidden most the time save for the very top of the tattoo which can be seen just poking out above the shirtline.

    Tattoo: Blood Red locateed  on the side of neck underneath left ear. (when he joins a guild )
    Rank: D rank

    In Progress Re: Tairn Ishimido (WIP)

    Post by Guest 16th December 2017, 8:11 pm

    Tairn Ishimido (WIP) XEibTrW

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