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    Samael Tartys, The Lord of Runes and Rituals

    Lord San
    Lord San

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Feeling Empty
    Position : None
    Posts : 44
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Completed Samael Tartys, The Lord of Runes and Rituals

    Post by Lord San 25th September 2016, 9:51 am

    Name: Samael Tartys
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Birthday: 7/22
    Sexuality: Homosexual
    Special Characteristics: He bears a number of archaic runes decorating his body.

    Personality: Sam is, in every sense of the word, a know it all. He has had his nose buried in books since the time he could read, which was the ripe age of three. His intelligence is paramount and he will not hesitate to let someone know it. His strategies are always structurally sound and his hypotheses and inferences are always correct. There are very few times when he is wrong, or at least that is what he wants to believe. That is his truth, for if one cannot depend upon their intellect, what can they depend on?

    This all being said, Sam's interpersonal skills are rather...lacking. He is much better at reading and keeping to himself than he is at talking to others. He often doesn't talk at all at large social gatherings. Unless called upon to speak words of wisdom or state is opinion on one matter or another, Sam prefers to remain invisible and fade into the background. He feels uncomfortable in many social situations, big or small, and will elect to either stay quiet or belittle those around him. This all helps hide the fact that no matter how many books he read nor how many hours he spent scouring countless libraries, he had never really learned how to interact with others.

    Adding onto his social awkwardness is the fact that he has a rather odd obsession with death. He has found that he would like to study death and all of its intricacies and mysteries in order to decipher it's secrets and ultimately figure out how to over come it. This has fueled his studies in necromancy and other such things, as well as his quest for at least some form of immortality. He believes that death is an unnecessary fear hanging over the heads of all who live and breathe. His goal is to remove that fear, one way or another.

    Though he believes that he is one of the smartest people to live, if not the smartest, he has a keen understanding of chains of command. Those with more power and standing tend to rule over those with less of each. In other words, only the strong survive. Due to the nature of his magic, he is more brains and less brawn. This allows those who can overcome him physically to see him as a target to be taken care of. He usually finds that such imbeciles can be outsmarted nine times out of ten. Though on the rare occasion he meets someone who rivals him in intelligence and strength, he knows where he stands. He has no problems taking orders from such a person as long as they aren't making any idiotic or self-destructive choices. He may even lend his advice to them if he deems fit.

    Being as smart and rather narcissistic as Sam is, he has developed more than a few flaws. He has a tendency to speak to himself or thin air, for example. He also seems to speak thoughts that he would rather keep private out loud, placing him in a few precarious situations. All in all, Sam is a strange individual with an undying love for books.
    *Books: "The smell of them brings me home. The feel of the cover and the pages within sets me at ease. There is no feeling like getting lost within a book and never wanting to be found ever again."
    *Solitude: "Silence. The most glorious aspect of being alone. No one constantly speaking in your ear, only silence and blissful contemplation."
    *Knowledge: "To have knowledge is to have power. To have power is to be the greatest of all, the master of one's destiny. Knowledge can open up many doors that would remain closed other wise. Knowledge is the key to all."
    *People: "Most can be summed up with one word: stupidity. Why would I surround myself with such idiocy?"
    *Social Gatherings: "A gathering of those who couldn't touch my intelligence with a 20ft pole on their best day or my worst day. No thank you."
    *"Love": "The pursuit of love distracts one from the path of knowledge. The act of loving makes one vulnerable to attacks from ones enemies. To love is illogical, and thus I have no need to love."
    *The Pursuit of Knowledge: "My mission is to learn all that I can. I will live to learn and the day that I stop gaining knowledge is the day that my existence has absolutely no meaning whatsoever."
    *The Pursuit of Immortality: "Collecting all the knowledge that there is to collect is nothing that can be completed in a single lifetime. As such, I require the ability to  expand my searches over several lifetimes. I require immortality."
    *Mastery over Death: "Death is the fear looming over the head of all creatures subject to the torment of mortality. I wish to remove that fear. To obliterate it from existence, so no one remembers a time where it ran rampant!"
    *Heartache: "It is a pain that no one can cure. One very few can soothe. It eats at you can destroys you from within. It leaves you in a state of unacceptable vulnerability and weakness. I never want to go anywhere near that dark place."
    *Betrayal: "The feeling of having put one's trust in another only to have that trust destroyed is one that is unbearable. Betrayal is very near heartache in my general levels of awfulness."
    *Forgetting: "To forget is to lose knowledge and that is something that I never want to experience for as long as I shall live. As long as I remember, I will strive and prosper. The moment one forgets...is the moment they truly begin to die."

    General Appearance

    Height: 5'4"
    Weight: 101lbs
    Hair: Thistle colored; kept short and wild in the back with a long bang covering his right eye in the front.
    Eyes: Fuchsia
    Skin Tone: Crème colored
    Appearance: Sam is a slim young man with a willowy build, possessing little to no muscle mass upon his frame. He is on the shorter side of the height spectrum, and is light to match. His hair is a light thistle purple color, kept short and slightly untamed in the back with a long bang covering his right eye in the front. His eyes are soft and almond shaped, colored a rather odd fuchsia hue. His face possesses a delicate elven-like structure, and his ears are oddly pointed as well. His skin is a healthy crème color, despite hardly ever being exposed to any sunlight. He wears a golden head band with a jagged design upon his head to part his bangs from the rest of his hair. His attire usually consists of a sleeveless black button-up shirt, with white trim and purple stripes. He also wears white pants with purple designs, as well as a white sweater with golden buttons and a purple hood. He often wears a pair of white gloves as well, in order to keep his hands warm. He wears two golden band earrings on his right ear and one cross earring on his left. Across his arms and all around his body are ink black runic markings, the meanings of which only Sam knows.


    Guild: -
    Tattoo: Crimson, right above his heart [When he enters a Guild.]
    Rank: D-Rank

    Completed Re: Samael Tartys, The Lord of Runes and Rituals

    Post by Guest 28th September 2016, 12:59 pm

    Samael Tartys, The Lord of Runes and Rituals AESz729

    Completed Re: Samael Tartys, The Lord of Runes and Rituals

    Post by Guest 16th December 2017, 8:12 pm

    Samael Tartys, The Lord of Runes and Rituals XEibTrW

      Current date/time is 19th September 2024, 5:54 pm