Fairy Tail RP

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    Shuuya Oriko


    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 4
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Mentor : -
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: -
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    Completed Shuuya Oriko

    Post by Orikoossu 16th September 2016, 6:52 am

    Name: Shuuya Oriko
    Gender: Female
    Age: 16
    Birthday: 11th
    Sexuality: Bi
    Special Characteristics:  A crystal gem which reveals her state of mind. Completely merged onto the upper side of her chest, changing its color whenever she experiences a wide variety of emotions.

    Shuuya is known as a cheerful and optimistic girl, wholeheartedly associated with the word ‘confidence’. She thinks highly of herself; labeling herself as a special and rare human. But she isn’t an envious person to begin with, so she won’t hurt anyone. Or so she thought. She is also the type of girl who is both feminine and tomboyish, one of the rare beings that holds two opposing nature up her sleeve. She has a girly taste in fashion, she prefers wearing either a skirt or a dress rather than wearing a pants. However, she does not like to reveal her skin for that is one of the main source of her insecurity. But, much to her own surprise, she owns a loud, energetic, outgoing, and supportive personality. “Hello there! What’s your name?” might be one of the most said sentence in effort to earn a companion. She has a childish and naive trait too. She likes those ‘personality quizzes’, ‘facts’ about zodiacs, personality based on their favorite color, ‘facts’ about blood types, etc. Moving on, she is quite of a crybaby. She cannot tolerate even the smallest accusion or harsh words that’s pointed at her. Accompanying her crybaby nature, she is also an ignorant and lazy person. She refuses to take a bath after completing even the tiniest quest, or maybe avoiding an unnecesarry conflict with somebody else. Her hobbies include reading a book, listening to music, doing sports, occupying herself with work, drawing cartoons, writing a diary,  being productive, etc. But despite her bright and colorful personality, she is afraid of many things, including change and growth. She fears them because she has a paranoid nature. She questions everything that becomes her obstacle, even if it’s just a small dot on her face. She would fall miserably in her own made-up grief whenever she experiences something that she doesn’t comprehend. She has a high expectation in her life but she doesn’t chase it, the reason? She doesn’t know it herself. She hates to lose her friends for she has a weak and fragile heart. She often cry whenever she feels threatened by her own life. Suicidal thoughts can easily slip into her unstable mind too, since she is a drama queen to begin with.
    Being an expressive teenager as she is, she would be screaming in enthusiasm as soon as someone chooses her to be the leader. She would lead her group with the most practical but unique and questionable ways, enough to make other people feel the need to question her. Her tactics are supportive; she observes everyone’s pros and cons before deciding what technique she will utilize. She loves to give support to everyone, for she yearns for their attention herself.  However, she knows herself that she is not worth being the leader for she has no experience. She would feel guilty whenever her tactic doesn’t work as planned. So, she prefers not to be a leader. Under someone else’s lead, she is indeed active and gleeful. She tries her best in every quest, in effort to impress the leader. She might be too competitive though; she won’t hesitate to hurt others’ feelings.  

    • Autumn.
    She loves autumn because the beauty of the nature, the thick and warm fashion, the cozy atmosphere in autumn never fail to impress her. She loves the sound of the rustling leaves that she hears while drinking a coffe outside a cafe. She loves the radiant colors of those rustling leaves.

    • Occupying herself with chained activities everyday.
    A seemingly never-ending thoughts about her health always haunts her. It makes her feel depressed, anxious, scared, and sick. So, she decides that she must make herself busy by going somewhere, doing something, with someone accompanying her. It’s one of the best ways to make her feel safe and calm.

    • Training her magic while role playing.
    It’s weird, or maybe childish, she knows, But she doesn’t mind as long as it’s fun! ...that’s how she thinks. She loves to express her imagination by role playing whilst utilizing her magic, or the other way around. The reason is quite simple, because it’s fun to do! Especially if someone else understands.

    • Insects
    Everyone knows. She’s afraid of insects for she thinks that they’re disgusting and scary at the same time. The anatomy of insects are quite questionable in her opinion; why do insects have big, scary, and mostly weird eyes?! Why do they?! Why can’t they be cute like cats?! Shuuya doesn’t know, she didn’t, and probably won’t.
    • Dogs
    “Dogs are cute!”, sure, Shuuya knows. Shuuya believes that too. However, not every dog is nice. Once, a dog had bitten her leg. The bite had given her so much physical pain that she became traumatized over it. She HATES dogs now. She can’t even stand still being close to a dog, or else she’s going to cry.
    • Ghosts/Ghost Stories
    Are ghosts real? Are ghosts unreal? Nobody knows. The unclear truth that has been spoken by everyone since ancient times has given Shuuya goosebumps. For she hates it whenever she doesn’t acknowledge something. The thought of the dead is convincing, especially after experiencing one herself.

    • Her hopes and dreams in life; to achieve her desired way of living.
    Ever since she was a young kid, she has been dreaming of becoming a lady. A powerful lady with enough potential to influence everyone with her neat and kind personality. A social butterfly that has countless of companions, greeting her every day whenever they meet each other. A lady that has a powerful magic, enough to amaze children, giving them hope in living within this broken world. She won’t stop chasing her dream. And she knows death won’t ever betray her.
    • To grant the wish that she made when she was a child.
    She never admits this, but back then, she wished to travel the world with her magic with her friends. She wants to give her friends a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to explore the world, for they have been her best friend. Shuuya believes that her best friends are the light of her life. The source of her happiness, security, and magic.
    • Her friends.
    Shuuya doesn’t want materials nor positions in her life. For all she need is beside her; her friends. She wants to impress her friends, giving them the happiness they deserve, in effort to repay their good deeds.

    • Failure
    She is unable to bear failure. Because once she fails, she would blame herself terribly, causing Shuuya to create a wall between everyone and her own being that limits her interaction with everyone.
    • Death
    Death haunts every living creature. Including Shuuya. It’s the one and only line that cuts one’s life, ending the story with a blank page. Shuuya fears death for she haven’t achieve her dreams in life. She doesn’t want to end her story halfway.
    • Events that happen without a clear reason.
    Obstacles cause confusion, confusion causes anxiety, anxiety causes stress, stress causes death. Is there another alternative to further describe this subject?

    General Appearance

    Height: 155cm
    Weight: 45kg
    Hair: A black and short, ear-length hime cut. It’s straight, sharp, and pointy, reflecting the sunrays brilliantly. Complimenting her confident personality. Her right lock is clipped to the side with a golden cat-shaped accesory that becomes one of her signature.
    Eyes: Dark brown. Her pupils are a little bit bigger than others’ eyes, revealing a glimpse of her personality as well.
    Skin Tone: A yellowish white.
    Appearance: Shuuya doesn’t like to reveal her skin, for it is the source of her insecurity. That is why she always wear a black turtleneck sweater that is made of thick clothing. Its warmth comforts her. Tugging her legs are a mini yellow skirt, paired with a black stockings and a pair of black, glossy flatshoes.


    Guild: Black Rose
    Tattoo: Placed upon her hand, the color is black.
    Rank: D

    Completed Re: Shuuya Oriko

    Post by Guest 16th December 2017, 8:05 pm

    Shuuya Oriko XEibTrW

      Current date/time is 19th September 2024, 9:35 am