Fairy Tail RP

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    Persona of the Past

    Yuki Nakamura
    Yuki Nakamura

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 2
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    In Progress Persona of the Past

    Post by Yuki Nakamura 11th September 2016, 11:12 am

    Persona of the Past  13459210

    Name: Yuki Nakamura
    Gender: Female.
    Age: 20
    Birthday: August 16
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Special Characteristics:
    Yuki has three piercings in each ear. She has 3 tattoos; a small key hole on the back on her neck, white ink snowflakes except for one black snowflake going up her right forearm,  and she has black inked stars except one white inked star going up her left forearm. Due to genetics Yuki has the ability to change her eye color depending on her mood but blue is her primary color. Yuki has horns on each side of her head a tail and wings which she can conceal by form shifting when needed. Indeed she would look like a snow imp if you will.


    Yuki is the girl that everyone sees as different, her corporeal form makes it hard for her to get close to people without them moving away in fear. Though she is shy and can be timid she is very strong. She can be like a Tsundere depending on who the person is. She is also one to have open relationships or at least she thinks she is since she has never really gone out with someone.
    Yuki is a dreamer. She loves to wander in the wilderness imagining all sorts of stories, character, situations you name it, even if it can be bad. She meditates throughout the day to keep a positive mind and peaceful mind so she doesnt lose control of herself.

    Yuki loves eating food and making it! One her favorite dishes is her home made pizza and pasta. Traveling around she had learned how to cook from all different regions, so if you are hungry just ask her what you are looking for and she can most likely make it even if its seafood (yuck!). Though she loves to cook she absolutely hates doing chores to help clean up,

    With music she love modern and folk and to gather in the yard or commons and dance when she hears music play. Her curious nature got her into trouble many times with authorities and local townsfolk. Whether it be her sneaking in to a yard to see an animal or garden to or to sometimes watch people interact from a close but far distance. She had this strange emotion toward what she calls "normals". She is very adventurous and wanted to view the world past the cold, misty mountains that she grew up on Only cool sunny days she would go to her favorite cliff on the mountain and let her mind run wild with fantasies and stories about romance and adventure, but she never has the patience to finish or even start writing about her ideas. She likes reading books mostly fantasy and falls asleep to mostly any other types of books. During the summer, Yuki is very lethargic due to lack of energy.  Yuki’s true nature is very nice and tries to avoid conflict, but will take action when needed.  Yuki’s friends see her as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see her as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out. Yuki is a fun, outgoing girl.At a young age she always wanted to obtain more knowledge about her “family” and who she really was. Yuki always felt out of place with her “family” and struggled to see how they could be related.  She has always been misjudged because of her outer cold appearance and was blamed for mysterious disappearances and deaths everywhere she went, so she was always lonely wherever she went.


    She is very into the arts such as drawing, singing, dancing, and poetry. It lets her express her emotions in ways that she can't just express by speaking.

    She always had a things for cats. She finds them cute and cuddly and all cats seem to like her and bond to her for some odd reason.

    She loves the cold. Her powers are strongest in the winter when it is cold. She enjoys playing in the snow with her friends and feeling the crisp cool air.

    Yuki loves the moon because of the gentle rays and how it always has a comforting feeling when she looks at it.

    She easily gets heat exhaustion from hot summer days and she hates sweating with a passion. If it gets too hot she will walk around anywhere in a bikini.

    Yuki is not a fan of sea food other than seaweed in soup or sushi rolls. She cat eat plain seafood or she gets sick.

    Yuki has had many false rumors made up about her. She thinks its best for people to talk to each other directly not go behind someones back and spread lies.

    After Yuki's parents died, her grandmother took her in. She was a kind and sweet lady who always knew what to say. She was very creative and showed it through her artistic abilities and Yuki strives to be like her and carry out her legacy.

    Smiles and happiness:
    Yuki always is happy. When she sees that her friends and the people she surrounds herself are happy with her it gives her pride in herself and higher self esteem cause she feels like she can contribute with more than just her magic.

    "This is the deal with it quickly.e most important lesson of all. Never stop learning about the world around you" is one of Yuki's catchphrase. Knowledge helps her asses a situation and


    The first time she heard thunder it was during a hurricane when she was little and she never seemed to get over it. She doesn't like the roar/ crackle of thunder.

    Losing a friend:
    Yuki hates it when someone is mad at her, especially a close friend.She strives to keep friends since she never had any growing up while living in the mountains. She feels like if she looses friends she will be alone again like she was growing up.

    Puppets always freaked her out because she feels like they are watching her or they are haunted.


    Height: 5 feet tall
    Weight: 120 lbs
    Hair: White
    Eyes: Blue
    Skin tone: Yuki has a palish white skin tone that can appear a light gray.
    Yuki likes to wear a ribbon with a bell on it.

    General Appearance: Yuki has a special gift to where her eyes change color based on her mood. They are primarily blue. Her white hair extends long down to her legs or it can be short due to her genetics allowing her to change simple appearance attributes.  Yuki is a petite girl who likes to wear clothing that normally has green, blue, grey, black or white colors. She rarely wears warm colors cause she does not think they match her personality. She doesn't wear dresses unless it is for a special event. She might wear a sundress during the summer to keep cool. Yuki mostly wears shorts and skirts during the summer and skinny jeans during the winter. Yuki wears a variety of shirts from tank tops to long sleeves.

    Guild: Havent decided
    Guild Tattoo: When choosen it will be White- on right thigh
    Rank: D

    RP Sample:
    It was a hot summer day in Magnolia. Not many requests came through from the cold winter mountains that she yearned for. She daydreamed about the winter breeze and the gentle snowflakes brushing past her skin. Not paying attention she accidentally walks into someone. "Oh pardon me. I-I didn't mean to.." She nervously looks away and rushed to the guild.

    She walks up to the guild bar and requests some ice to cool her down. "Ugh.. It’s so hot I can’t take it anymore. I think I'm just going to walk around in my bikini.." The men from all around heard what Yuki said and cheered her on, laughing and smiling like the goofballs they all were. Embarrassed about the guys teasing her she looked away and started eating the ice the barista gave her. She thought about the person who she bumped into. The light was so bright from the sun she couldn't see the tall man she encountered.

    Face claim: Rozwell OC by artist Shy Siren

    Last edited by Yuki Nakamura on 14th September 2016, 2:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

    In Progress Re: Persona of the Past

    Post by Guest 14th September 2016, 10:40 am


    Hello there Yuki! I'm Izayuki, a resident mod of FTRP. ^.^

    There are a few things that I need you to correct before I can approve this.
    ♦ You need at least 500 words in your personality section.
    ♦ Please post your magic here in a separate thread, not on your character application. Click here to see the Magic Rules.
    ♦ You may post your history in a new/separate thread in this board.

    Overall this looks great! Keep up the good work! Once you have finished editing your character app, please bump this thread so it can be approved. [: Thanks!

    In Progress Re: Persona of the Past

    Post by Guest 16th December 2017, 8:05 pm

    Persona of the Past  XEibTrW

      Current date/time is 19th September 2024, 9:30 am