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    Out of the Shadows and into the Light. (Rayner/Zeke)


    Lineage : Shinokishi: Knight of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 33
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

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    Out of the Shadows and into the Light. (Rayner/Zeke) Empty Out of the Shadows and into the Light. (Rayner/Zeke)

    Post by Rayner 26th July 2016, 12:42 pm

    Job Info:

    Rayner hadn't been part of the Garou Knights long, but he was here now and trying to get used to new faction. The Garou Knights were a lot different then Sleeping Forest. As an independent guild he had been given a little leeway when it cam to how he could act, as the Garou knights it was much different. They were very military like in their overall structure and how they worked. However, they seemed to be on justice and that was one trait Rayner could get behind as it was a big thing for him as a person. He had very strong points about justice and had spent the last few years of his life trying to uphold it in every way he could.

    Rayner had spent a little time in the Abyss Palace, but he was wanting to get out and walk around a little. He couldn't get any air in the Abyss Palace, and he wanted to get out and see a little more od Crocus. He hadn't seen much of it before he had to go back so he figured he might get out and maybe get some food or a drink.

    It didn't take long after he hit the streets of Crocus before he found himself a nice place to stop and get a drink. He sat down at the bar and ordered a light drink as he enjoyed the afternoon and getting some air. After about half an hour and two drinks he paid for his drinks got up and made his way back onto the streets. As he made his way down the streets he was lost in thought as roamed along a random street when he heard it.


    He was rattled out of his own thoughts as he heard the explosion. He stopped and looked around and it took a second before he saw some smoke rising from what looked like the outskirts of the east side of town. He wasn't sure to make of it, but regardless it was an issue and he needed to look into it. He took off running in the direction of the explosion hoping it was nothing, but he had a gut feeling he was wrong.


    Word Count: 371/3000
    Rolls 2/2

    Last edited by Rayner Ulfr on 27th July 2016, 4:53 am; edited 2 times in total

    Lineage : Shinokishi: Knight of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 33
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

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    Out of the Shadows and into the Light. (Rayner/Zeke) Empty Re: Out of the Shadows and into the Light. (Rayner/Zeke)

    Post by Rayner 26th July 2016, 12:43 pm

    *Monster rolls*

    Posts : 23956
    Mentor : Admin

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    Out of the Shadows and into the Light. (Rayner/Zeke) Empty Re: Out of the Shadows and into the Light. (Rayner/Zeke)

    Post by NPC 26th July 2016, 12:43 pm

    The member 'Rayner Ulfr' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Out of the Shadows and into the Light. (Rayner/Zeke) StrongMonster Out of the Shadows and into the Light. (Rayner/Zeke) NormalMonster

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gingerbread Man
    Position : None
    Posts : 76
    Guild : The Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 162.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Chains of Resonance
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    Out of the Shadows and into the Light. (Rayner/Zeke) Empty Re: Out of the Shadows and into the Light. (Rayner/Zeke)

    Post by Ammon 27th July 2016, 9:57 am

    Zeke was too out and about in the city and enjoying the fresh air outside the guild. Well, that was what he'd say to others who might ask, but in reality he was looking for the entrance to the guild. The fact that the giant castle in the background, which was above part of the guild, wasn't catching his eye was perhaps rather surprising. It was basically a giant 'i'm here' sign and he was completely missing it. It was almost as if he'd forgotten that the guild was below the palace. He was known for his forgetfulness of names and places and sometimes small details. He normally only really had a good memory for mission details and the like.

    As he was walking along looking about with a thoughtful and slightly annoyed expression upon his face there was suddenly a huge explosion. His sharp hearing picked up the direction and he turned to see a large plume of smoke on the outskirts. What the hell was happening? Why would things be exploding here of all places? He'd have to find out. It was his duty as a knight to help protect people, especially with the other knights, those of the rune variety, being corrupt and generally useless. A serious look came to his face as he pulled out his tonfa and fired off a chain grabbing hold of a lamp post and beginning to swing through the streets firing off a chain to grab onto another lamp post and then retracting the other. Some might say he was like a metal spider. All he knew was that he went a lot faster this way and didn't have to deal with crowds.

    As he swung through the streets he wondered what could have happened? He couldn't think of anything near that side of the town that COULD have exploded, but then again knowing his memory there was probably a lacrima storage facility or a munitions factory near there. Yeah, that would be just his luck to go investigating something that wasn't nefarious. Still, if it was evil in nature he'd find out what it was and deal with it. He wondered also if any other knights might arrive to assist. He wasn't the strongest yet though he was quite clever so perhaps that might help.

    386/3000 words

    Lineage : Shinokishi: Knight of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 33
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
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    Out of the Shadows and into the Light. (Rayner/Zeke) Empty Re: Out of the Shadows and into the Light. (Rayner/Zeke)

    Post by Rayner 28th July 2016, 10:12 am

    Wolfe was making his way down one street than the next as he was trying as quickly as he could to get to the explosion, but this was taking too long and he needed a quicker way. That was when he saw his opening. He ran straight into a tighter alleyway and in once swift move lifted his right leg as he jumped up off his left and caught his right leg on the wall to his right. He pushed off the wall and then used his left leg as it landed on the wall to his left and used the momentum to once again push himself up and off that wall. He continued to do this bouncing off one wall and then the other as he pounced his way right up and towards the roof of the buildings.

    After only a few seconds and just a handful of wall jumps he made his final pounce and and reached out his hands and caught the edge of one of the roofs and pulled himself up using the momentum of his last jump and flipped over the edge and landed into a roll and came out of the roll into a full out run. Now this was a lot easier to cover ground as he he lept from one rooftop to the next, using ledges and and small walls to jump off of for distance and air.

    As he made his way he could see the rising cloud of smoke and he was gaining ground fast now. At this time he also caught something else out of the corner of his eye, a man swinging from what looked like was a metal chains of some sort to swing along the street towards the same direction Rayner was heading. Rayner had no clue who this person was, but he hoped he was on his way to help, cause he had no clue in hell what he was heading towards.

    It didn't take long for him to arrive on one of the last roofs near the now blown apart building that was the source of the smoke. However, that was not all he found as there was a group of men, all dressed differently standing and sitting around the area, and they all looked right at Rayner as if they had been expecting him or something. They all gave smirks as they stood up and turned towards Rayner. He didn't know who they were but they obviously were here to fight, and this didn't look like it was going to be a fun time at all.


    Word Count: 433
    Total Word Count: 1,190


    Enemies: Normal -
    5/5 D rank: 100%

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gingerbread Man
    Position : None
    Posts : 76
    Guild : The Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 162.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Chains of Resonance
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Out of the Shadows and into the Light. (Rayner/Zeke) Empty Re: Out of the Shadows and into the Light. (Rayner/Zeke)

    Post by Ammon 29th July 2016, 9:47 am

    Zeke swung through the street at high speed and as he got closer he saw someone running along the rooftops. It looked like they were in a hurry and heading towards the explosions and what now seemed to be smoke. So an explosion and possibly a fire. That wasn't good. People could be in danger. As he landed on the roof nearest the source he saw that the other man had also stopped there, but what he also noticed was a group of men looking at them with grins on their face. They were geared to fight and it seemed they'd been expecting them. From what he could see there were at least seven men. Two of them seemed to be a bit better armored and armed suggesting they might be in charge. They certainly had an air of command about them. He glanced over at the other man who had arrived. One who seemed familiar though he couldn't place it.

    "Looks like these guys are expecting either one of us or both of us." he said with a sigh. "Any of 'em anything to do with you?" He was pretty sure they weren't anything to do with himself, but then again he didn't trust his memory nowadays. So it wasn't worth him saying he thought it wasn't to do with him. Instead he waited for the response of the other man. He pulled out a tonfa and twirled it around using his echolocation to check nothing else was nearby and then moved his lips slightly speaking and manipulated the sound so it would go directly to the man's ear.

    "Hey, I'm Zeke. Not sure who you are, we may have met. No idea, but right now not important. What is important is that these seem to be bad guys...so let's bring them in." he said and then added a line. "Oh and if you just whisper and focus on me then I will hear it." This was his team speak ability and it was rather useful thing. "Well providing you're in 100ft of me." That was an important detail. Didn't want the guy calling for help via it and not being able to hear him and then blaming him later if he got hurt. That wouldn't be good at all. Chances are they wouldn't meet again, but you never knew. Fate was funny that way.

    All he really knew right now was that he had to bring in these bad guys and preferably without hurting them. That was going to be tough. He wasn't certain, but he gauged the resonant frequency of the two to be a bit stronger than his own or the guy near him. If he was to gauge it they'd be C rank mages and that made things difficult. Very difficult. Bringing them down without going all out would be hard. He hoped his partner, should he choose to join the frey, was a skilled fighter.

    491 words
    877/3000 words

    Lineage : Shinokishi: Knight of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 33
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
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    Out of the Shadows and into the Light. (Rayner/Zeke) Empty Re: Out of the Shadows and into the Light. (Rayner/Zeke)

    Post by Rayner 30th July 2016, 8:58 am

    Rayner watched with piercing eyes as the men just smirked at him and then after a few moments the man who had been swinging from his metal chains through the streets came to a stop near Rayner. He heard as the man spoke and ask if they had anything to do with him. Rayner glanced over as he spoke [/color=blue]"Nope, not with me."[/color] He then turned back to look at the group as it looked they were getting ready to fight the two mages. He then heard as the man introduced himself as Zeke and suggested they bring them in, but Rayner was already well into that train of thought as he stepped forward with his right foot so it was on the edge of the roof. Rayner gave a solid look at the group of men as he made his move.

    Without even a warning he made his move, and he made it quick. He shifted his weight forward as he did a back flip off of the roof of the building. In middle of his first flip he spoke just loud enough for Zeke to hear according to him "Rayner. Now lets tear them up." He finished his sentence as he finished his first flip, and as he started his second he reached back with his right hand and grabbed the handle of the sword just over his right shoulder and pulled it out of it's sheath.

    Rayner moved as a blur as he flipped through the air and just as he finished his second flip in the air he landed on the ground in the "Superhero Landing" pose, a three point landing, one one knee, one leg out stretched and but instead of using his hand to land he landed with the tip of his sword piercing the ground his head up and looking right at his targets  "Blade Eruption." Rayner's eyes never left the men as there was only a second delay than without any warning blades shot up from the ground. The group of men in the middle didn't even realize what was happening until it was too late as blades shot straight up piercing them in random spots. However, the two obvious leader guys caught the attack just before it hit and they both managed to jump up and out of the range before the blades erupted from the ground. Rayner smirked a little as the other men all yelled in pain as the blades retracted back into the ground and Rayner pulled his sword from the ground as he stood up. He then reached his left hand back and grabbed the hilt of his other sword and pulled it out of it's sheath as he was now ready to get down to business. He figured Zeke would be along in moments to get his shots in too.


    Word Count: 474
    Total Word Count: 1,278/3,000


    Enemies: Normal -
    5/5 D rank: 66%
    2/2 C rank: 100%

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gingerbread Man
    Position : None
    Posts : 76
    Guild : The Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 162.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Chains of Resonance
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Out of the Shadows and into the Light. (Rayner/Zeke) Empty Re: Out of the Shadows and into the Light. (Rayner/Zeke)

    Post by Ammon 30th July 2016, 1:44 pm

    Zeke watched as Rayner went into the fray. It seemed these villains had nothing to do with either of them at least directly, which meant they either wanted to just take down 'heroes' or perhaps there was some other link between Zeke and Rayner that had caused them to lure in the pair. Either way it did not matter right now because Rayner had, as said previously, gone in for a strike. He had flipped a couple of times before slamming his sword into the ground and shortly after other swords erupted from the ground slicing into the five weaker people. It had almost hit the other two, but not quite. That was unfortunate, but what could you do. Well, you could do what Zeke did and send out a chain to the ground and then retract it pulling himself towards the man slamming his foot into the back of one of the stronger pair sending him flying down from the ground towards two of the weak ones slamming into them heavily.

    "Sound Rifle." he stated and four bullets of sound appeared out of nowhere slamming into the four remaining people. One each, but it wasn't much damage. It was truly a weak attack, but he could use them over time and time again. Plus with how he hit them it would at least daze them for a few moments. Hopefully enough for a distraction which would hopefully allow for his partner in this battle to do whatever he could do. Ammon had no real idea what this guy was capable of overall, but any opening he could give would help he was sure.

    He extended out a chain to grab one of the stronger men or at least he attempted to, but suddenly he vanished in a puff of shadows and appeared suddenly below Zeke trying to strike him in the jaw. However, Zeke wasn't stupid. He knew common teleporting techniques and that was one of them so he'd merely thrown himself to the side and retracted the chain. "Nice try." Zeke said with a slight smirk. There was no real mirth to the smirk, but a slight bit of perhaps knowledge. However, suddenly a flame shot down the chain and singed his arm causing him to wince in pain. He glanced over and saw the other stronger one. Fire and shadow. An odd combination, but a potentially deadly one.

    "I'll try to hold off this pair. Take out the fodder and then we can bring these down together." Zeke said twirling the tonfa about and assuming a defensive stance before breaking out loud. "So mind telling me what this is about? Or do I have to beat it out of you?"

    401 words
    1330/3000 words

    Lineage : Shinokishi: Knight of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 33
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

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    Out of the Shadows and into the Light. (Rayner/Zeke) Empty Re: Out of the Shadows and into the Light. (Rayner/Zeke)

    Post by Rayner 9th August 2016, 5:57 pm

    Rayner now prepped and ready stared down the five men his spell had hit, but made sure to keep the two obviously stronger one's in his sight. There was no way he was going to let them out of his sight, as he knew that mistake could cost him his life, he had been trained better than that. However, it seemed he wouldn't have to focus on them too much as Zeke jumped in the fray and his attack was aimed at one of the two stronger mages, and he managed to land a decent hit and knock him back into the mix. He saw as Zeke continued his assault on the other one only to countered. Rayner could tell those two were going to be a pain.

    Zeke then threw out a game plan, and it was one Rayner thought would be a decent idea. So without even giving it a second thought Rayner dashed in, both blades in hand. He decided to go ahead and take out the easy pickings first, and not give them a chance to recover. As he reached the first man who was starting to get up, Rayner swung downward with his sword landing a good slash on his side, and before he had a chance to even fall back to the ground, he kicked him off the ground and into one of the other men who had stated to run at Rayner. The man who Rayner kicked hit the approaching man and knocked him off his feet. The man fell backwards landing flat on his back with a loud grunt, while the body of the man Rayner had kicked just tumbled over to the side limp. He was wounded, but not dead.

    The second man that had been hit by the stronger mage Zeke had kicked, was almost to his feet. Rayner lept forward with his left blade extended with an attack he knew the mage would easily dodge but Rayner intended for that. Rayner attacked with a straight lunging attack aiming for the man's mid torso. As the blade came at the mage as he leaned back and to the side, Rayner stopped and pivoted on his off foot and swung his blade from the other side around the long way and came up behind and caught the man's blind side cutting deep into his side as he fell to the ground moaning.

    Rayner jumped back to as he needed to back up just enough to run at the wall and run up it 4 steps and kick off. The man that had landed on his back was not getting to his feet. As Rayner kicked off he did a back flipped and sailed right over the man and landed right behind him, and before he could even react, Rayner made one crossing slash across his back with one blade then another with his other blade. The other man let out a yell of pain before he fell forward to the ground, a large X across his back. Rayner turned to get a look as the last two men were about to attack him, he needed to figure out his next move soon. He hoped Zeke would be ok till he could finish with the riffraff and help him with the fish that obviously mattered here.


    Word Count: 554
    Total Word Count: 1,832/3,000


    Enemies: Normal -
    2/5 D rank: 66%
    3/5 D rank: out
    2/2 C rank: 100%


    Blade Eruption - CD: 1/2

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gingerbread Man
    Position : None
    Posts : 76
    Guild : The Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 162.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Chains of Resonance
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Out of the Shadows and into the Light. (Rayner/Zeke) Empty Re: Out of the Shadows and into the Light. (Rayner/Zeke)

    Post by Ammon 10th August 2016, 11:52 pm

    Without words or even any form of confirmation his partner for this little battle had gone into action. That was confirmation enough for Zeke and with his map constantly on around the area with just a small amount of focus he wouldn't be snuck up on easily. That meant he could focus entirely on the two strong mages that were before him. Fire and Shadow. He twirled one of his tonfa around idly trying to keep his eye on both. He'd had experience with shadow mages in his past and even recently with Monica. They were tricky opponents as they didn't remain solid for long and some could even attack your shadow and hurt you. It was at times like this he missed his old power. With that he could of hit these thugs so hard and fast they'd be down before they had a chance to blink. Still, there were some advantages to being a D class mage again. He may have lost his strength and speed, but he hadn't lost his skill nor his acrobatic capability.

    It was this ability that he was going to employ now. The fire wielder hurled a fire ball at around chest height whilst the shadow wielder sent a tendril of shadows along the ground that seemed to be forming into spikes. He dashed forward a few steps seemingly about to run into both attacks and then dove straight through the middle of the two attacks and sent a chain out from both tonfa sending it into each of them grabbing them by the belt. As he landed he retracted both chains suddenly pulling both of the men in close and released them at the last moment. Once released the momentum kept them going and he used that to add extra damage to the double tonfa strike. One tonfa aimed at each ones solar plexus that hit and caused them to bend over double due to the wind being knocked from them. The pair were then struck on each ear by a bullet of sound effectively sending a ringing into their ears and affecting their equilibrium ever so slightly. Though this was launched as Zeke launched out of range from a point blank counter.

    In truth, he hadn't expected it to go quite as well as that, but it seemed these mages were cocky enough not to use their full power straight away based on the low level of magic he'd demonstrated. He'd only meant to distract them briefly whilst Rayner finished off the others, or at least hopefully finished off the others. Still, things had gone quite well. The shadow mage was the first to recover and rose back to his feet clutching his stomach.

    "Heh seems we underestimated ya a little boy." the man said as shadows began to swirl around him, his skin turning dark with white eyes "Guess we'll have to show you exactly who you're messing with." The other one had used that little speech to stand up and his body too was covered in his element. His skin was turned red with black markings. It seemed these two did not just wield their element, but could infuse their body with it. That made them a bit more interesting and less generic, but he wasn't clear as to what they could provide. At a guess, based on his previous battles, he'd put it similar to a 'drive' mode that some slayers employed. It would boost their physical capabilities to a high level and maybe even make them a bit tankier. A tricky pair of opponents indeed. It didn't help that both outclassed him magically either. His only real chance was that he should be able to outskill them and maybe he was a bit smarter. Crossfire was likely going to be useful as well.

    "I'll reduce him to ashes and fertilise my garden with his bonedust." the fire mage said a large fireball forming in each hand that were gradually getting bigger.

    "Not if I rip 'im apart and feed the remains to the crows and fishes." the shadow mage said tendrils of shadows curling around him to form tentacles with spikes instead of suckers. It seemed their magic was much more refined and potentially powerful when they were in these forms. That made things tougher. If he survived this he'd have to spend some time training. He needed to be stronger so he didn't get overwhelmed by people like this. Or perhaps just more versatile.

    747 words
    2077/3000 words


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