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    Stowaway [Open]


    Lineage : Lightning Demon
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    Public Stowaway [Open]

    Post by akashi 30th May 2016, 2:35 pm

    The crashing of seawaves onto a ship's frame. The eager cries of seagulls seeking for prey. An occasional shout or two coming from the shipcrew. Yes, those three sounds were the only things that had been heard around for a long while, and honestly, it was beginning to be quite boring. Who in their right minds could like the seas so much? Nothing interesting had happened aboard ever since they had set sail, not even the slightest event that could pique anyone's curiosity. Yet, how much of an option can a lone traveler who is bound by the ship have, at least until they reached their destination, Hargeon Port? It would be accurate to say that sunbathing was just about everything that could be done to at least entertain oneself for a couple of hours, despite the activity being nothing else than lying around the place.

    However, even that was not allowed to one of the group of men currently travelling on the ship. Why, one may ask? Well, quite simple. A white haired young man sat inside a large, wooden crate, with no light other than that which filtered from the top of the ship and through the holes in the enormous box. Munching whatever was left from the supplies he had brought with himself to survive the trip and make it to Hargeon, the man was doing his best to focus on one of his most developped skills; the art of chillin'. In a position some may have even assumed to be uncomfortable, the late teenager lazily rolled his eyes, trying to figure when in the world would they reach their destination.

    But what was he doing there, though? Why wasn't he in a room, our out in the deck? The answer was quite simple. At first, he had attempted to board the ship the normal way, but was quickly kicked out for two reasons: first, one needed to have a passport in order to travel  throughout Earthland, and two, he was broke as hell. Other than a small amount of jewels, he had no means of paying for the ride... but it turned out he needed it, so he took the best and simplest course of action: yep, he was deadheading all the way to his target location.

    It wasn't like they would be able to do anything to him now that they had been travelling for a couple of days, and if shit hit the fan... well, he'd figure things out. The tall man scratched his bare chest with a lazy hand; given the heat inside the crate, he had to get out of his favourite trench coat, which was basically his second skin. Just when he was about to take another nap,  the much awaited shout was issued. "LAND AHOY!"

    As these words entered his ears, the white haired male opened his right eye right as a half-grin was drawn on his lips. -About damn time! -Vargas Seig exclaimed out loud, only to realize he might have screwed up things in the last moment. Luckily enough, everyone was busy preparing the ship for the arrival on port. He could overhear the sailors talking about building supplies and some sort of repairs, but it was none of his business. After another hour passed, he could feel the boat finally stopped moving, which gave him all the information that he needed to know. With that in mind, he patiently awaited for the crew to come pick the crates; he had seen them doing so manually before, so he would be kept company for a bit more.

    It wasn't long until a group of men finally did as expected and began unloading, first taking the crates to the shore. He did not want to risk being picked up by any sort of Lacrima powered machine, so he would have to make a quick escape. Carefully gathering his belongings and putting his coat over his shoulder with one arm, he laid on the ground, surveying the holes on top. The moment the crate was left on the deck was his signal. -"Alright then... let's rock!"

    A powerful kick delivered by both feet was enough to shatter the top of the wooden crate, all heads turning towards him. Vargas hastily jumped out of his confinement, and looked at all of the crew, whose activity had been paralyzed. As one opened his mouth, the stowaway moved his hand and opened his palm, signaling him to let him talk. -It's been a pleasant journey, but it's about time we parted ways. Thanks for bringing me here, I'll be sure to pay something to your company once I've earned a bit of money! -he spoke while cracking up an amused smile.

    Of course, the reaction would be amazingly quick. All of them attempted to catch he who had sort of illegally entered Fiore. Vargas had no idea if that was a major crime, and honestly, he did not want to find out either, so the man quickly jumped from the ship towards the port, and  began running away. As he surveyed his surroundings, he could see everything in a wrecked state, being repaired by a lot of workers. Well, he had heard that Hargeon town had been shaken by disaster not so long ago.

    -"OI, YOU! WAIT UP!"
    -Thanks, but no thanks! You can send me the bill later! -the male said with his typical uncaring attitude, treating the persecution as a simple game.

    It took him a couple of laps around the place to get lost, and lose his pursuers as well, who had likely given up for the time being. Once he realized, he lowered his pace, and wiped a couple of white locks off his eyes, returning them to their usual position. Vargas would then put on his red coat again.

    -"Now, that's better."

    Once everything was set, the man began taking his first steps in unknown land. Where was he, exactly? All he knew was that the wrecked port was Hargeon... and of course, stowaways were not given maps or any touristical advice.

    However, even in foreign ground and completely lost, he simply put his half-smile on again and shrugged, beginning to walk as he dropped one simple comment:
    -Things always gotta be complicated!


    Stowaway [Open] ZXiMIeRkXvtS0
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Posts : 2446
    Guild : Black Sails GM
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    Public Re: Stowaway [Open]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 30th May 2016, 3:41 pm

    Failed Booty
    a Stow-away

    The SS Myrmidon had followed the normal ocean-liner for several knots before entering Hargeon waters.  Anastasia sucked air between her teeth upon coming to a realization that they were no longer in neutral waters.  A good prize had slipped through her fingertips this time; thankfully she didn't raise the black.  Normally she doesn't hunt after prizes within the entirety of Earthland, choosing to go for prizes off-planet, but due to the lack of information and leads she was forced to simply sit and wait.  Unfortunately, she wasn't able to find this prize until it was too late.  

    As the ship drew closer to Hargeon Town, Anastasia called her ship to near-idle speed, preparing for a landing.  Anastasia threw a fist into the air, still disappointed about missing this mark.  "Son of a bitch!" she shouted out loud before turning towards her crew.  "Get ready to land in Hargeon Town.  There'll be more marks in the future," she said begrudgingly.  The crew saluted before getting the airship prepared to land.  Approaching Anastasia was a large, busty creature with large fluffy hair and a very large fluffy tail.  This creature's name was Taliya.  Waving to Anastasia, the creature states.  "Yo!" before leaning against the hull of the ship.  "What a shame, huh?" Taliya stated.  

    Ana sneered at the creature and crossed her arms over her chest.  "Whatever.  It's no big deal.  I'm just bored as hell is all.  Ugh.  We need more informants," Ana said with a low-toned groan.  Taliya smirked a little bit before disappearing in a ball of fur, before re-appearing behind Anastasia with her hands cupping her breasts.  "Oh?  They feel a lot bigger!  Have you been massaging them lately?" she stated while swinging her fluffy tail from side to side. This caused Ana's crew to take a pause for a moment, staring intently at both Anastasia being groped and the hypnotic movements of Taliya's tail; which occasionally showed off her near-bare rear.  Ana grumbled before pulling herself away from Taliya's grasp and cupping her own breasts to keep Taliya away.  Her shoulders were shrugged upwards with tension as she took a few steps back.  "Stop touching my boobs!" she said before looking around, noticing her men not doing their jobs, staring with blushes over their faces.

    "Get back to work, you grub-worms!  I don't pay you to stare!" she said before the men quickly snapped back to work.  Ana turned and looked Taliya over once again.  "Seriously, put on some clothes.  You're going to distract the men.  They can't think when their blood isn't in their brain," she stated.  It's becoming a habit that Ana keeps telling her to put clothing.  This was replied with Taliya grabbing her own chest and wiggling them.  "But none of these men would sleep with me," she said in a taunting manner.

    "I would!"
    "Me too!"
    "So would I!"

    This caused Anastasia to flip a lid.  "Get back to work you horny sailors or you should get your land-legs prepared PERMANENTLY!" she said before the men paused for a moment.  It took them a moment to process what she just said before it suddenly clicked.  With a look of dread, all of the men returned to work, seriously this time.  Anastasia walks up to Taliya and grumble.  "Don't encourage them, Taliya.  Seriously!" she stated.  A tongue was stuck out towards Ana with a wink.  "I wouldn't entertain them like that anyway.  They aren't Naonao!"  A light shake of the head was given before the airship began to descend for landing.

    As the ship began to descend, she noticed a man jumping out of a ship and pursuing what appeared to be the port authority or even the crew of the ship.  A stow-away?  Anastasia looked on in curiosity before turning to Taliya for a moment.  "Take over the landing sequence for the ship.  I need to have a talk with this guy," she stated before a bright white light appeared over her body, donning her Chaser Armor.  This armor was specifically created for pursuing people through all terrain and visibility; so why not use it to pursue a stow-away.  Pushing off, she ignited the engines on the back of her armor and flew over towards the man running away from his pursuers.  After the man seemingly got lost, Anastasia made her presence known by hovering over the man with a hand held out.  

    "You know stow-aways are some of the worst kind of scum, right?" she addressed to the man over what sounded like a speaker system.  
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Public Re: Stowaway [Open]

    Post by Guest 30th May 2016, 5:00 pm

    the destroyer of worlds
    TAGGED: ...   |   WORDS: 956   |  NOTES: ...
    A sharp dog's howl echoed in the air and a harsh shushing sound followed suit, quieting the creature that made it. "Rama, you can't be making such noisy sounds in a place like this," she scolded her pet, staring down at it with a hardened gaze. "You'll gain the attention of people that we don't need looking at us, especially since Hargeon Town was just recently attacked. If they find out I'm here, I'll be meat for the magic council before you know it; now, keep that trap of yours shut." The beast seemingly stayed quiet after being scolded by its master, trotting alongside her as they traipsed the town. Twice she had been seen here killing, and it would be only a matter of time before the magic council had her in their grubby paws. Her name was already on a watch list the council had, it would be no surprise to her if someone pointed her out from the crowd.

    It didn't help that, as she walked the streets of the seaside town, what crumbled bits and pieces of the destroyed city, was eaten away. Not by means of animals or insects chowing down on the broken parts, but rather a different type of entity. What ate at the stone pathways and crushed the fallen buildings was part of the woman that sauntered the sidewalks. No visible image of the thing eating the environment could be seen, but to Marceline, she could see darkened tendrils wrapping around everything in a thirty-meter radius. The cement of the sidewalk eroded like weather had beaten it down too much and the wood of benches rotted as if the timber had succumbed to the end. People that passed by her began to decay without ever having to face death, biting back tangled tongues to hide agonized screams. Pets of those who were walking the streets with them simply fell to the ground as the life was drained from them and stored inside of Marcy.

    As the sidewalks were claimed by the destruction of her magic, Marceline only paid attention to one thing, and that was her pet. The beastly creature that sidled along with her, smacking its tail from side to side, looked none other than happy. A wide grin was spread on its odd face, baring pinprick-sharp teeth, and eyes that glowered red in dark abysses. Spikes rose and flattened against its body on a fin that ran down its sleek back, a sure sign it was enjoying its entertainment. It bounced away from her feet on occasion, toward people who passed through the aura or chased after seabirds. Screeching resounded in the air as Ramakrishna snatched a seabird from its flight and took it to the ground, tearing into it. Blood splattered across the light-colored cement, staining its purity with darkness as the victim was devoured.

    Long after their trek in the town had begun, a shouting was overheard by the docks, men calling out to each other. A ship had just ported and was unloading its cargo when an unwelcome guest had made an appearance and darted. Marceline watched from a distance as the white-haired culprit sprinted from the seamen that chased after him. She giggled a little as he darted from one place to the next in order to lose the pursuers, but it wasn't really working. Eventually, she looked away from the scenario and bent down, picking up Ramakrishna into her arms with blood dripping onto her skin. Rama wriggled around in her grasp, but cooing at him managed to calm the aquatic creature down as they fell away into ash. The wind picked up in that moment, sweeping up the ashen remnants of the duo and carrying it toward Vargas Seig.

    Another had been chasing this man though, at least what it had looked like to Marcy, and she wasn't all too happy by that. He could have been a delicious "dinner" for her if this other woman hadn't gotten in her way, but now she had to play nice. As the ash traveled along the ground, Marceline's form began to take the ash's place, coming to stand before Vargas and now, Anastasia. Her red optics, carved into her skull like the eyeballs had been gouged out and left only the sockets with two dots for pupils, stared at them both. A clownish grin was spread across her lips and Ramakrishna wiggled more violently in her grasp with the two in view. "My, my. . . what do we have here?" the Coming Storm inquired, cocking an eyebrow at the mages sparring off. "I can't believe you forgot to include little, ole me in your game of cat and mouse; you know, that's my most favorite game."

    She let the nightmarish creature jump from her clasp, landing on the ground in front of her and lashing its fish-like tail back and forth. "Dead men, listen well. . . The Great Keep is not like the Otherworld. . . The Great Keep has many names. To the Norse, it is Valhalla, to the Greek it is Olympus. . . There are as many names as there are men who would speak them, choose which one is yours." The threat set idle in the air as Rama let out a growl toward Anastasia and Vargas, but neither Marceline or it had made a move. Merely an imposing figure, the dark mage did not feel like killing either of the two mages, rather just threaten them. However, responses to her threat would be as typical as any other coming from the "hero" types standing before her. Ones who would answer with more logical sense that denounced the threat she was meant to be toward them.
    credit goes to Lunar of GS & THQ

    Lineage : Lightning Demon
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
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    Experience : 425

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    Public Re: Stowaway [Open]

    Post by akashi 31st May 2016, 6:49 am

    Vargas had done well so far avoiding the trouble. While Hargeon was quite ruined, there was no way that those sailors would be able to find him, and even if they did they would probably not be able to leave their workpost without any consequences. Repairings in the port had to be made, and as such, they were probably on a tight schedule to rebuild everything that had ended up destroyed. To be fair, the young man did not know whether it had been a natural disaster, or more scary and less probable, if it had been someone or something going on a rampage. Well, not like he was concerned about it, anyways; at the time he might have been unable to do anything even if he was there, and he had no intentions of playing hero.

    As he tried to find out where in the heck he had ended after the chase, his eyes suddenly surveyed something huge approaching the port. It was... a freaking airship? Vargas's was taken aback for a second, and used his right hand to block the sun in order to be able to take a better look at it. He couldn't help but to let an single amused laugh.
    -Hah! Check it out! It can fly! -he spoke out loud, mostly to himself, although everyone would've been able to hear him. The man had no idea who could be aboard, and had no interest, if we don't count his wondering on how could he get one of those; it'd certainly be much better than to just walk around to places. Yeah, public transport was good, but your own airship...

    The man closed his eyes for a second and shrugged with a tranquil smile. -If I ever get the money, that is. -he spoke, despite it being high unlikely due to how awfully he managed his savings. After a couple of seconds of staring at the magnificent aircraft, the white haired male would return to doing his own thing. He was just about to try getting directions from someone, an attempt trumped by the fact that those people did not even pay attention to him.

    Just as he recovered, Vargas noticed something else was moving, this time towards him. To be fair, an airship was already enough, but now, a futuristical looking armor was heading towards him.

    The Seig quirked an eyebrow, while thinking. -Hah, that looks awesome too. Guess Fiore is more advanced in the technological department than I thought.
    Being from far away, where technology hadn't really advanced that much, it was all new for him. Whoever was inside the suit hovered over him with a hand out, as if telling him to stop. -Finally. I was beginning to feel a little ignored! -he said with his typical laid-back, somewhat excited attitude.

    The armored person, who he assumed to be a female due to her voice (despite a bit distorted, probably because it was being delivered through speakers?), was quick to tell him that stow-aways were some of the, literally, worst kind of scum. His half-grin not vanishing from his face, the man took a simple step forward as he extended both arms outwards in a relaxed gesture after which he spoke as well. No point in denying he had been travelling... cheap, to say the least.

    -Hey, cut me some slack! It's not like I tried to come here, but do you know how hard it is to get one of those passports out of here? -he began, messing around a bit. -Also, "worst kind of scum"? Ain't there far greater sins than climbing a ship after being kicked out from it? I could name a few, but take a guess and name one or two yourself, first.

    He would attempt to turn the whole interaction into a game, but just as he did so, some sort of strange ash that travelled just over the ground took shape. At first he quirked an eyebrow, but his expression suddenly changed to an amused one as the particles joined, taking the form of a young woman. Her skin was a bit on the weird side of the color spectrum, but Vargas did not care. He let out a whistle once the newly formed woman spoke to him, and probably, his new armored acquaintance.

    -Now, that's what I call good reception -he contently said to himself at the sight of the clothes she was wearing, despite how threatening she may have appeared. Hey, if she was supposed to arrest him, too, then at least it would be much more enjoyable than having to deal with two extra large-sized Rune Knights, or the like.

    The gray-skinned woman resumed her speech, this time about something Vargas did not really understand. The demonic looking dog she was holding, as if reacting to her words, jumped and stood its ground, lashing its tail continuously. -Huh, I've never seen a mutt like that before! -the man commented.

    As the unknown lady finished her speech, the Seig scratched the right side of his forehead.
    -Don't really get what you are saying, so care to explain? Cause if you're threatening me, I'm not really into that; I'd say I'm more of a romantic when it comes to first meetings. -Vargas said, his devil-may-care half grin growing in size a bit. It was at that moment that the dog growled menacingly, prompting Vargas to quirk an eyebrow.

    He rose his hands in a conciliative way.
    -Easy, Fido. Don't get cranky! -the man calmly stated. Well, he did not know how much of a threat those two could be, but from what little he had learned to sense, they both were quite above him.

    What specially bothered Vargas was the fact that just because of Marceline being close, he was already been damaged, somehow. Still, he did his best not to show it, though the pain was there.

    One last thought crossed his mind... -"Oh, well... Let's find out what happens!"


    Stowaway [Open] ZXiMIeRkXvtS0
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Valkyrian
    Position : None
    Posts : 2446
    Guild : Black Sails GM
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    Public Re: Stowaway [Open]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 31st May 2016, 9:42 pm

    So a Stow-Away, a Pirate,
    and the Grim Reaper
    walk into a bar....

    Err, she can't exactly let the guy know that she was a pirate.  Biting her lower lip, trying to think of a response, Anastasia cleared her throat and spoke up.  "Certainly there are worse scum out there.  At the very least you could have worked for your passage.  I'm surprised you were slippery enough to not have become shark food," Anastasia stated before something started to not feel right.  Anastasia's heads-up-display began to go haywire.  A couple taps were made to her helmet that evolved into slapping the rounded helmet of her armor.  "What the hell is causing all of this interference?" she asked herself, not allowing her voice to be sent outwards.  So as far as Vargas can tell, Ana's just slapping her head with no context clues as to why.

    "You can get a passport like everyone else.  By waiting in line for half the frickin day," she said.  However, she forgot to queue up her mic.  Grand, she is just talking to herself.  As she queued up the microphone to repeat what she had said, a woman holding a bloodied creature to her chest could be seen.  Un-keying the mic, Anastasia examined the new arrival's appearance.  "I wonder if her and Taliya go shopping at the same store.  God damnit.  Why can't people put on some clothes," she asked herself.  Before Ana had the chance to say anything, the woman spoke a riddle.  The only thing she really understood was Valhalla, having Valkyrian Blood running through her veins.  Everything else was unknown to her.  But if the woman mentioned Valhalla, that means she had every intention of fighting.  Tilting her head, Anastasia put up a single finger, as if to signal to the dark-haired one to wait a moment.

    Anastasia turned her head and spoke, obviously nodding her head when she spoke.  "Hey, Taliya.  I'm going to need you to come over here.  This chick, who wears just as much as you do, told me I should pick Valhalla.  I think she intends on sending me there," Anastasia said silently due to not keying her mic for them to hear.  But her shoulders bouncing with visible laughter could easily be seen by Marceline and Vargas.  

    "Really?  Someone's that bold huh?  Oh!  You mentioned it was a she.  How are her tits?" Taliya asked in a perverse manner before Anastasia turned to look over Marceline for a brief moment before returning her head to the side to speak into her microphone.  "Much bigger than mine, I'll tell you that," she responded.  

    "I'll be right over," Taliya mentions before hanging up.  Turning her head back towards Marceline, eyeballing the woman holding her strange cat-like creature.  The creature had a terrifying cheshire smile on it's face.  She turned her external microphone on just so Marceline and the stow-away could hear.  

    "Are you trying to be evil for evil's sake?  If so, that's boring.  That's almost like Heero being the Hero because, well, Fairy Tail!" she said with a mocking arm lifted up above her head.  "And Friendship!" she said as she raised her second hand up in the air.  Yes, she wasn't a fan of Fairy Tail mages nor was she a fan of their pretty-boy, Heero.  While his magic was spectacle and pretty to look at, all of the worship towards the guy makes liking him all the less appealing.  Even if she's a pretty level guy, her pre-conceived notions of him are already written.  What a shame.  

    Ana lowered her arms down before clearing her throat.  She puts out one of her hands with her palms up, as if inquiring about something.  "At the very least, have a goal other that," she said before making the spooky monster gesture with her hands.  "Rawr!  I'm evil!  Rawr!"  Afterward, she lowered her hands to crossing over her chest.  "What did you come here for?  I was about to teach this loser," she said as she pointed at Vargas with her left hand, "stow-away how to properly work off a free-ride."  She had every intention of putting the dirtbag to work on the pier until he paid off his debts to the crew that SHE was trying to rob.
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Public Re: Stowaway [Open]

    Post by Guest 2nd June 2016, 11:48 am

    the destroyer of worlds
    TAGGED: ...   |   WORDS: 955   |  NOTES: ...
    "My eyes are up here, asshole," the Coming Storm retorted, snapping her fingers to draw Vargas's attention to her face. That was the reason why men disgusted her and why they deserved the same treatment they gave to women. She crossed her arms over her chest and eyed the man viciously with her ruby red eyes, face expressing anger at the moment. Quietly, the woman moved her cloak around, so that her bodice wasn't as exposed as it was to the young stowaway. "I don't appreciate wandering eyes and if those eyes wander any farther from my face, they won't be seeing anything soon." Marceline scoffed and upturned her nose from the man, flicking her hair over her shoulder in a rather snooty way. "Mind you, I'm only here to take care of business and stowaways shouldn't be ones to survive on free trips."

    Her eyes quickly darted toward the armored woman, who seemed to be having a conversation with herself inside of her suit. Perhaps, she had forgotten to turn her microphone on because who else could be inside that suit the woman could be talking to? The suit didn't look large enough to hold more than one person at a time; in fact, it looked like it was tailored to Anastasia. . . Marceline's expression turned from anger to confusion as she watched the pirate simply standing there with subtle movements. She, however, very nearly jumped out of her skin when the microphone on the suit was turned back on for the woman to talk. Yet as the woman began talking to her, Vargas made the sly comment that he had never seen a pet such as her own. Instead of instantly paying attention to what Ana had said to her, her head snapped back toward Vargas angrily.

    "Ramakrishna is not a mutt!" she exclaimed in a very childlike, spoiled brat-mannered voice as she snatched her Geneon up. "He is a precious aquatic land mammal that is rare to Earthland and I appreciate having him as a companion!" She pouted as she looked at Vargas, lightly petting the head of her pet and snuggling the sleek-looking beast closer to her. While she loved him dearly, he was definitely a monster that was hard even for her to control when she needed to. As he was a wild animal, most creatures who were wilderness-born were not designed to be held in captivity. How Marceline had managed to get a hold of such a beast and keep it as a pet was beyond comprehension of most. Still, it was clear the young maiden loved the creature dearly, even though it wriggled and writhed in her grasp violently.

    "And as for you, no, I'm not trying to be evil for 'evil's sake' as you say," she mocked the woman's tone of voice toward her. "Go ahead and have your little fun with the stowaway, but when you're done with him, I want him tossed over to me." Her eyes darted from Anastasia to Vargas again, biting her lip a little and licking it, as if she had plans for him. He was a devilishly handsome man, no doubt Marcy had some sort of lewd thought on her mind at the time. "By the way, who were you talking to inside of that suit? I'm pretty sure that suit isn't large enough to hold two people." She tilted her head a little and looked the armor up and down, curious to know what it was composed and if she could decay. All organic material could erode and/or rot, but it appeared that her armor wasn't as affected by her magic as she thought.

    "Oh, and it's your kind of answer that gives guildless and legal mages a bad name," the woman retorted toward Ana. She scoffed again and upturned her nose, now looking back to Vargas, simply to see how he was handling the situation. Besides, the man just wanted to get to Fiore and now there were two women in his way having an argument. "I hail from a prestigious dark guild. . . well, I don't even really know if it's a guild at all, but it's a formation of people! I don't have to be evil for evil's sake if I don't want to, and I'm not going to be; I'm just here on errands for Death. If you don't like that idea, then you don't have to sit here and mock me over; you can leave me be to do as I please." Marcy found herself biting her lip again out of habit, with nothing more to say and refraining her pet from getting free.

    Vargas drew her attention back to him and she scrunched her eyebrows together in thought for a second longer. "You're an awfully carefree guy," Marceline pointed out, "you're standing here facing death and all you can say is 'let's find out what happens'?" She figured he would have some sort of fear, yet facing to very powerful people, and women at that, he showed none. Perhaps he was simply hiding it and Marcy wasn't able to tell, but in all honesty, she felt she'd be able to. "How are you not at all terrified in having your life ended right here and right now by either of us if say. . . that were to actually happen?" Her head tilted again, this time out of more curiosity than out of habit, wanting to know what was going on in his mind. Maybe he wasn't aware that they were more powerful than him? No, that couldn't be true because she could just feel his magic aura radiating off him. Wouldn't he be able to tell the same for them?
    credit goes to Lunar of GS & THQ

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    Public Re: Stowaway [Open]

    Post by akashi 2nd June 2016, 3:24 pm

    It seemed that Vargas's words had a bit of effect and served to ease the whole interaction with the armored woman a little bit. While she still thought that he ought to have worked to earn himself the passage, she did compliment his ability to sneak into the ship unnoticed. The Vargas smirked, turning his attention towards her once again. -Please, please, you're gonna make me blush. It's not like I had that much of a chance, though: I'm pretty impatient when it comes to travelling. -he revealed with an amused expression. Suddenly, the woman in the power suit began franctically slapping her own helmet, prompting Vargas to quirk an eyebrow.

    -You okay in there? -the white haired man questioned, only to shrug as she apparently returned to normal and, once more scolded him for his actions, mentioning that he could've waited in line for the passport. While the sentence had been a bit odd, as if she had tried to say it before, the Seig did not pay attention to that and simply answered with another comment of his own.

    -Sorry, queues and I don't really mix. Plus, I had heard that the passport was a bit... expensive, if you know what I mean. Hey, cut me some slack; at least I didn't steal one; then you'd have a good reason to arrest me -he joked around, despite knowing that she could have already apprehended him if she wanted to. He was probably on the line, but oh well.

    On the other hand, the ash gray-skinned woman gave him quite a bitter response to his checking her out. Vargas simply cracked his half smile again, a bit of teeth showing. He made a dismissing gesture with his right hand, too.

    -Whoa, that's scary. -he stated, albeit his relaxed gesture did not fade. -Relax, I'm just messing around. Also, now that you mention it... it's the first time I've seen anyone with red eyes. -he stated, holding her aggressive gaze with his own grayish blue irises. When she mentioned that she was just there for business, he nodded in agreement. -Is that right... I'm actually here for the same reason. Well, more or less. Let's say it's a trip for pleasure, business and... personal stuff. I'll save you the details. -he simply stated, not intending to tell anyone about his story unless it was at a tavern and with a cold jar of beer.

    At first, the mysterious ash girl, given that he had no other way to call her at the moment, had appeared to be quite cold, aloof, and mature. However, when Vargas's comments were directed to her pet, she showed a bit of an infantile side that cracked him up. She quickly denied it being a mutt, and more or less, told him what it was. He certainly had never seen one before, but he'd be on the lookout.

    Again, he looked at her with a clearly amused visage, and dismissed the matter while scratching the side of his head, tilting his neck a bit to the left in the process. He did look quite relaxed in that situation. What really got him was the pout that she made. He had to admit, it was kind of cute how she had changed from being very cold and speaking of death to that new facet.

    -It's cool, it's cool. I'd still say it behaves like a dog, but I'll guess I'll have to trust you on that one. Still, Ramakri-what? And here I thought that my name was peculiar. -the white haired man stated, joking once again.

    The focus of the conversation returned to the armored woman, who would ask Marceline if she was being evil just because. She did mention something about a Heero, and Fairy Tail? Vargas did not recall having heard any of those names; he guessed that they'd be quite famous around the place. The more menacing girl simply answered with one line, albeit she then returned her gaze to Vargas and looked at him rather seductively.

    As carefree as usual, the white haired male retorted with a smirk and a single sentence.
    -Hah, at least take me out for dinner first! -the Seig answered back, not sure of what kind of thoughts would be crossing her head. She'd then point out that the suited woman was talking to someone else inside that huge armor, a detail he had failed to notice. -"She seems to be quite a good observator." -the Devil Arms' user thought. Well, being a mage was dangerous, so he guessed it was a much needed skill. He himself had always been a bit on the reckless side, so he did not really pay much attention to tiny things like that one.

    As they continued bickering for a bit, Vargas begun thinking about two things he had heard. Guildless, legal guilds. What were they talking about, again? As difficult as it was, he had arrived in Fiore being completely clueless about such things. -"Well, that's some new info I'll have to ask about later". -the young man thought, before returning to the conversation.

    Once they had apparently come to a partial stop, Marceline addressed him again, pointing out that he was an 'awfully carefree' man due to his last sentence, facing death and all. She did appear to be intrigued about how didn't he fear having his life taken away from him at that very moment.

    Vargas looked up to the clear sky, and cracked his neck by tilting it to the right side, his hand massaging the cervical area a bit. Once he was done, he simply looked at her and answered her question, walking around, between both Marshy and Ana. -Well, I've never been the type to give those things any thought. I guess... What's the point of worrying about something I can't do anything about? Like you said, if I were to die here, then at least I'd rather go out having a blast than crying and begging for my life like a baby. Besides, it'd be nice to finally tell the Grim Reaper a thing or two; bastard took my favourite goldfish when I was four. -he ended up with a small joke, a wink, and a rather tranquil half-grin.

    However, he'd then look at the one that had asked him that quesition, fixing his eyes on hers again. -And what about you? What would you do if you were to die right here, right now? -he flipped the question onto her, wanting to see how she'd react.

    As the ruby-eyed girl could easily tell by the tone of his voice and how comfortable he was about the whole situation, Vargas was not being threatening nor aggressive, just curious. To be fair, he found that young woman to be interesting. -Listen, you two, I don't know what's customary to do with stow-aways around here, but stopping a man on his tracks without even introducing yourselves is waaay too rude. -his grin reduced its size a bit, yet did not vanish from his face. -So, what are your names? -the Seig asked.

    After all, he figured out that he'd hear about them in the near future.


    Stowaway [Open] ZXiMIeRkXvtS0
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Public Re: Stowaway [Open]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 5th June 2016, 9:59 pm

    Abort Mission
    This one is coocoo

    Marceline responded to Anastasia's comment on 'being evil for the sake of being evil - rawr' with something level-headed.  A simple shrug was returned to Marceline as a response from the armored figure.  The armor, itself, was roughly 9 feet tall, certainly not large enough to carry more than one person; unlike her other armors that could easily fit multiple people if necessary.  The only necessity for this armor was for tracking someone down; which the person she was tracking down seemed to have his eyes all over the place.  Taliya would probably have done the same as the stow-away, if not much more.  Certainly, if Taliya was around, her actions would result into a massive fight with the poor stow-away being in the middle of it.

    Pressing her hand up to where the ears would be in the armor, Anastasia spoke once more, muting her mic from booming towards the outside and calling back out towards Taliya.  "Well, this one seems a little crazy and probably prone to fighting.  I think it'd be best to not come around, Taliya."

    "Aw, c'mon now.  But you said she has big," Taliya said before being interrupted by Ana.

    "Yes, I know what I said.  But I'm not really in a mood to fight anyone right now," Ana responded.

    "Fine.  Anyway, the ship has been moored and everything has been registered.  The men are just wondering what to do now."

    "Put them on liberty.  But remind them that if they cause a ruckus, I'm going to throw them into the ocean."

    "Aye aye," Taliya said in a mocking tone causing Anastasia to remove her hand from the side of her head and re-focused her attention back to Marceline.  "Just talking to one of my associates.  Don't worry about it," she simply stated.  And then the stow-away started to speak up.  Anastasia listened to the man for a brief moment, but his attitude caused Ana's attention span to simply vanish to the point that anything that came out from the man's mouth was hot air released into the atmosphere.  As he continued to speak, Ana visibly started to look around as if disinterested with what he had to say.  To be honest, Ana would rather 'Lady Death' here take advantage of him.

    And then the last straw was drawn.  The stow-away had the audacity to talk about manners.  Crossing her arms, the propellant on the armor began to slowly taper off, bringing her to a slow descent to the ground.  "What's customary to do with stow-aways?  I would normally kill them, gut them, and feed them to the dogs," she said.  The thought of turning a stow-away to chum not fit enough to feed sharks was quite the insult actually, but one that may fly completely over someone who doesn't take to the sky or the sea's heads.  

    "Well, Mr. Stow-away.  Isn't it customary everywhere else for the man to introduce himself before women?"  Anastasia asked with a bit of an attitude in her voice.  She placed a hand upon her hips and tilted the head of her armor to the side.  She wasn't very pleased about the new-comer to Fiore nor was she in the department of caring at this moment.  He was quite rude and Ana had no room to care for rude individuals.  

    Eh. Anastasia wouldn't actually kill this stow-away. She would actually probably put him to work mopping up the nastiness from the local tavern and breaking up the odd fight here and there and cleaning up even more nastiness in the tavern until he paid off his debt. Either that or recruit the poor soul onto her team of merry men. They could use a clown for entertainment or hell, he might actually become a valuable asset, who knows.

    Her stomach growled. She hadn't the time to find something to eat when pursuing the ship that Vargas was sitting on. Damn the proximity to Hargeon Town. Either way, throwing up the Black would have been a bad idea on this planet anyway due to the presence of the Magic Council. She didn't want to get on their bad side at any rate; which would actually make her life much more difficult. Besides, the rest of her team probably wouldn't appreciate the extra attention added to them.

    The appearance of wiggling and moving around caught her attention. A strange abomination could be seen wiggling around Marceline's breasts. The nerve of that woman! She's angered that a man is staring intently at her ample chest and she has the audacity to have her breasts nearly pop of out of her shirt? Most of her bitterness stems from the fact that, when put next to Marceline, her bust size pales in comparison making her feel quite inadequate.

    With how good looking these two are, Ana's actually quite glad she told Taliya to stay put. Otherwise there would be boobies everywhere and something akin to a wonderful dream for Vargas. And who would want that for a no-good stow-away, right?
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


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    Public Re: Stowaway [Open]

    Post by Guest 16th June 2016, 9:33 pm

    OOC Note: I apologize for not posting and due to stress related issues, as well as a lack of muse to post in threads, I'll be dropping out of the thread. I enjoyed rping with you both, though it had been short.

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    Public Re: Stowaway [Open]

    Post by akashi 18th June 2016, 9:08 am

    Vargas had to quirk an eyebrow and crack a half grin yet again when Ana answered to his last comment about introductions. Well, that was scary. She was definitely an aggressive woman, huh? However, that only added a bit more to the fun; the Seig looked at her rather amused, and would respond to her last statement. -Why am I getting the feeling that you don't like me at all...? Also, feeding me to the dogs? Nah, I'm waaay too tasty to be thrown away like that. -he dramatically stated, messing around a little more. I could actually give you a "Cooking Vargas 101", but we can both agree that it'd be a waste of our times-the white haired male would say, although he then shrugged and looked at her, just as she mentioned that in most places, men introduced themselves before women.

    Vargas had to admit, she was right... if he had been that type. -Yeah, but I've never been one for chivalry or ettiquete; sorry to disappoint. But, since it we aren't going to get anywhere like this, I'll play along -the male stated with a devilish look. -I'm Vargas, Vargas Seig, and like you've figured out by now, I'm not from around here -instead of being static in one place, the male kept taking steps around, checking the zone they were in as he spoke. Well, he had to admit that despite its wrecked appearance, the town was actually nice, and probably comfortable in its old, glorious days. He wondered how long would it take to have it repaired... and whether the "natural disaster" he had heard struck town was actually that, or something much worse.

    Oh, well. It was not his problem, at least not at the time. For the time being, he had to focus on what he had to focus... to get started and put his skills to good use. So, he figured out that if he was going to get arrested by the woman in the armor, he might as well put that to good use. -Hey, shoulderpads. I'll take it you're a mage, so there's no harm in asking. How exactly does a mage get work in these parts? I haven't come here in vacation... though how nice would that be? -he would then pause for a second and took a look at the harbor.

    He'd have to actually send those guys a gratitude cheque, or something like at. He'd never liked owing anything to anyone, to be honest.


    Stowaway [Open] ZXiMIeRkXvtS0

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