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    Sabers vs Lycan (Private Mission)


    Car King Saint

    Car King Saint

    Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- S-Rank- Character History!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Conqueror's Courage
    Position : Saint of Fate
    Posts : 1064
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 31
    Mentor : Amelia
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    Sabers vs Lycan (Private Mission) Empty Sabers vs Lycan (Private Mission)

    Post by RyoKnetegawa 10th June 2016, 2:54 pm

    Mission Details:

    Ryo walked through the Haunted Village with a slow and deliberate pace. Next to him was his partner and trusted companion Gora. The pair had taken this job with their new teammate Lynn. Ryo being who he was and being the second in command of Sabertooth knew well who Lynn was, and the part she played for the guild. Also after surviving the battle with that great dragon he had learned well her devotion to the guild and he was proud to call her comrade and family. On this particular day they were taking a job that the magic council itself had asked them to take on.

    Here in the Haunted Village half of the inhabitants were Werewolves, and for the most part they were peaceful, without any major incidents happening, but once every 50 years they lost their minds under the perfect moon. It was only a couple of hours until the moon rose high enough to start affecting everyone who would be affected. Ryo had gone ahead and done his best to make sure that the non-combatants were locked in their houses, and would not get in the way. The magic council had given him very specific instructions that these werewolves were not allowed to be killed, and that mean he would have to use non-lethal methods, or at least reign in his power to keep from Killing the wolves.

    That is why he brought Gora with him, and he felt better for him being there. There was only one gate in and out of the village that was open and it was the main gate. Ryo and Gora were there waiting for their partner to arrive having made sure all of the non-werewolf inhabitants were safely locked inside their own houses. It was his and Lynn’s job to keep the werewolves from breaking into the houses by creating themselves up to be a target. Gora leaned down nuzzling Ryo and poking his nose at the silver blade that Ryo was holding up next to him “Do you really think that sword will be of value tonight?”

    The Card King looked at the silver blade in question. It had been forged from the silver knives that he and Frederick had used when killing the vampires that they had hunted together and he shrugged his shoulders lightly “According to the legends I could find on werewolves they are allergic and effected by Silver in a negative fashion. So maybe it will, maybe it won’t, but I feel better having it all the same. The last time I was ill prepared for a mission I had to give up my humanity to survive it. I will not make that mistake again.” He looked around wondering if Lynn was approaching and if she had heard him talking to a wolf as if they were having a full conversation it might be a little off-putting.

    WC 483/10,000

    Last edited by RyoKnetegawa on 12th June 2016, 4:40 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Sabers vs Lycan (Private Mission) Au9DYh5
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    Sabers vs Lycan (Private Mission) Empty Re: Sabers vs Lycan (Private Mission)

    Post by Fair 12th June 2016, 10:15 am

    i am my own hero
    The morning had dawned clear and cold as they began their matutinal journey to the famous Haunted Village. It was the day before the special moon night (or whatever it was called that Lynn was clearly unaware of) that Fiorans spent with their loved ones to watch the moon that was specially beautiful and it only happened once in fifty years. It was almost a once in a lifetime event, which meant that Lynn was never going to be seeing a ‘perfect moon’ with the person she would come to love. She had never felt that kind of affection towards another human in her existence, not that she was heartless - even though some people probably thought this way. The reason she knew of such a feeling was that she had heard of and witnessed what it made people do.

    Lynn, the Ice Dragon Slayer of Sabertooth, had clothed herself in fine cotton wear that helped her move around with ease for the job. Sanguine orbs followed the path of light through a small hole in the antediluvian stone wall within a dim part of the guildhall as she walked to the entrance. She had not at all noticed the existence of this little gap, which made her chuckle slightly. Her method of travel to the village today would be on the back of her monstrous pet lion, as usual, and there she would meet her job partner, Ryo, one of the strongest wizards in Sabertooth that she admired. It was a request by the Magic Council that they were to fulfill, and that definitely meant they were about to confront some seriously threatening enemies, or so she thought. Still, Lynn had not began using her magic. She was enough to kill, with the help of Zlatan, of course.

    It seemed that Ryo had a pet of his own as well, seeing the direwolf (a strange and rare species, by the way) fight alongside his master in the battle at the Ace of Spades. The only reason Lynn had knowledge of the direwolves species is because she had traveled to the North when she was training to use her magic, and she still frequently visits the cold, distant lands for the same reason. The one that accompanied Ryo was quite fierce, giving off the vibe that it would tear you to pieces if you hurt his friend. In all her life, she had not witnessed another animal as ferocious and loyal as her own pet Zlatan, and now she had.

    Ryo, in Lynn’s opinion, was one of those people who looked mean and unfriendly, but attractive and manly nonetheless. However, she could never judge someone by their looks because she did once with Frederik, and he turned out to be one of the friendliest people she had ever met, well not to most other people, but at least to her though and of course in his own grumpy little way. Their journey was silent, although it was a different story in her head since Zlatan kept talking to her telepathically. But a while later, she reached the part of the village where Ryo was waiting with his pet. They seemed to be having a conversation. Either that, or Ryo was talking to himself, but anyway she decided to approach him. “Have you been waiting long?” she asked, with a slightly sheepish smile, face flushed with heat.



    Car King Saint

    Car King Saint

    Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- S-Rank- Character History!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Conqueror's Courage
    Position : Saint of Fate
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 31
    Mentor : Amelia
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    Sabers vs Lycan (Private Mission) Empty Re: Sabers vs Lycan (Private Mission)

    Post by RyoKnetegawa 14th June 2016, 4:39 pm

    At this comment about Ryo losing his humanity on one of the few jobs that Gora hadn’t gone with him on the great beast whimpered feeling guilty once again. The change when Ryo had come home was night and day. His scent was that of the grave, his skin was almost as white as Gora’s own fur, and his eyes, those eyes that had once been so full of life were now filled with the eyes of a predator much greater than Gora. It had taken even the great wolf who loved Ryo more than any living soul including the Card King’s former master, a week to accept that this was indeed his father, master, and partner. When he was told the story he understood, and was glad that Ryo had done it, but it was a very long process to get used to his partner’s new appetite. Still, he did it and he would often offer himself up as the blood bank when Ryo couldn’t locate something else. He was distracted from his thoughts however as he surged to his feet his body bursting with ice and crystals as he entered his large battle form snarling deeply his fangs full to bare as he saw the girl and her winged lion approach.

    Ryo rose to his feet calmly standing in front of Gora in order to keep either beasts from attacking the other. With coal black eyes he glanced back tilting his head ever so slightly in order to look at Gora. The look is not a friendly one, it is not a loving one, it is a look that would turn fire into ice, a look that could crumble mountains and Gora dropped his head and his ears looking cowed for a moment. With the potential battle averted Ryo smiled looking to the pair of newcomers with his normal eyes his hazel color clear in the night “Do forgive my beloved Gora. You and your lion startled him as we were talking and didn’t hear your approach. It spooked him, and that is my fault. Please do not judge him too harshly.” He said with a friendly smile that served to show the tips of his fangs. He then addressed her question “We have not been waiting all that long. It took me some time in order to get all of the non-combatants out of harms way, well as out of harm’s way that they could possibly be considering our mission. Walk with me.” He said as he turned and walked past Gora who fell into step next to him not reverting to his previous form.

    As they walked Ryo looked to Lynn “Well miss Lynn, I’m not sure how familiar you are with the mission we were given, but I shall help enlighten you to anything you are in the dark about. We are here to keep the population of this village from killing the other half of the population. On this particular night half of these villagers who are, werewolves lose their minds and are a threat to everyone around. We are to make sure that they do not kill anyone. To put it bluntly, we are bait for the werewolves to vent their frustration and rage out on. Our orders are pretty simple we are to beat the Omega or Alpha of the pack and as much of the pack that comes to fight us. We are not allowed to kill any of them, but we can render them unconscious or severely wound them. A Simple mission and they think it will take us all night. Do be careful and we shall not split up for obvious reasons.” With this explanation finished he held his sword at the ready looking to her smiling at her once again “I look forward to seeing what you are capable of on this battlefield Ice Dragon.” He turned his gaze on the road in front of them and his face going completely stone and serious as if he was thinking about the game ahead and truly if one were to look they would see the gears in his mind working overtime.

    WC: 1,132/10,000

    OOC: If you are ready you can roll the monster die in your post to get the ball rolling.


    Sabers vs Lycan (Private Mission) Au9DYh5
    Ryo's Info:

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    Sabers vs Lycan (Private Mission) Empty Re: Sabers vs Lycan (Private Mission)

    Post by Fair 16th June 2016, 7:57 am

    i am my own hero
    Their arrival seemed to have surprised the direwolf as it grew much bigger and looked ready to pounce. Once Zlatan saw this, he growled, ready to do the same, but Lynn gave him a side glance, which made him stop immediately. With an excited grin, the Ice Dragon Slayer walked up to the direwolf, standing about a foot away from it as she slowly reached out her hand towards its head. If any of her powers from Fismuth carried over, she would have been able to speak to the direwolf telepathically and it would respond. Sadly however, this wasn’t the case, and Lynn could only soften it. The northern beast transformed back to how it was before, so she placed her hand on its delicate snow-white fur. It was a wonderful feeling, and Lynn couldn’t stop touching it. Soon the moment she heard that her partner had been speaking to her, she ceased the action immediately as she realised she might have been acting rude, not paying attention to a senior. “Oh it’s not your fault,” she said in her slightly foreign accent, spotting a pair of sharp teeth protruding Ryo’s mouth. Fangs? What was he? A vampire? That was clearly not possible. They disappeared a long time ago. But it would’ve been cool if he was one, though. It was almost nightfall as well, all the more possibility for him to be one since vampires couldn’t stand sunlight. Apparently they hadn’t been waiting too long. “That’s good to know,” she told him with a small nod. Signaling for Zlatan to move forward so that he wasn’t left behind, Lynn started to walk with Ryo, speeding up so she was walking beside him and not behind, as of course his steps were bigger.

    Lynn wasn’t aware that Ryo was looking in her direction until she looked too and almost squealed as his dark irises bore a hole in her face. His stare wasn’t like any other that she had received, and it made goosebumps erupt all over her skin that he hopefully didn’t notice. She averted her gaze back to the road ahead and just listened to him. He began to explain the job description all over again, which helped a lot seeing how lazy and unmotivated Lynn was to read the details of it. With a smile, she said, “I heard it’s a very special night. The fact that it only happens once in fifty years makes it even more special, I guess. So it seems we’ll be enjoying this significant occasion together,” and raised her sanguine hues to meet Ryo’s own. She had said it in a joking manner and even added a short laugh to ascertain that. As he smiled once again her curious eyes fixed onto his fangs. She was tempted to ask if he was indeed what she thought he was, but with the thought that it might offend him, she kept silent. Turning back to face forward, she placed a hand on Zlatan’s mane, stroking it as they walked. “Likewise, Card King,” she said with a sly smirk, referring to what he said about seeing what she was capable of in this battlefield. Lynn made sure to keep her guard up as they cautiously ventured deeper into the haunted village, as the night is dark and full of terrors.



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    Sabers vs Lycan (Private Mission) Empty Re: Sabers vs Lycan (Private Mission)

    Post by NPC 16th June 2016, 7:57 am

    The member 'Lynn' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Sabers vs Lycan (Private Mission) NormalMonster Sabers vs Lycan (Private Mission) WeakMonster Sabers vs Lycan (Private Mission) WeakMonster

    Car King Saint

    Car King Saint

    Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- S-Rank- Character History!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Conqueror's Courage
    Position : Saint of Fate
    Posts : 1064
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 31
    Mentor : Amelia
    Experience : 250,981

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Combo Card Magic
    Second Skill: Blood Master Maic
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    Sabers vs Lycan (Private Mission) Empty Re: Sabers vs Lycan (Private Mission)

    Post by RyoKnetegawa 16th June 2016, 11:18 pm

    Both Gora and Ryo watched and both of them were completely shocked with how Lynn was approaching him. He couldn’t believe that someone would do something like this. No one had been this so up close with him, not since Ian. Both Gora and Ryo missed Ian, but this girl. There was something about her that Gora liked so he allowed himself to be pet and leaning in he pressed his cold wet nose to her cheek huffing ever so softly as he was enjoying the petting he was receiving.

    Ryo watched this with a curious look on his face his fangs slowly showing more as he smiled. He could see Gora’s reaction, he could tell what the great beast was thinking and really his heart was connected to Gora. The great wolf was the only living thing he loved with his heart, true he loved the guild, and everyone in it, but it wasn’t the same as this. Something sparked in his cold, broken heart, and he wasn’t sure he liked it or rather he wasn’t sure what it was at this point. He cleared his throat slowly when they walked in order to keep himself from being distracted entirely.

    He listened to her looking up at the moon his eyes shifting to pitch black once more and he nodded his head lightly “I have heard much the same. I didn’t think much of it at first, but…I don’t think that I’d appreciate this night as much with anyone else.” He said. The voice wasn’t that of his suave usual tones, and indeed he was in his own mind stating the facts, but who knew how she would interpret his words.

    At present the sounds of howls and growls started to pierce the night air, and this caused Ryo to grip the hilt of his sword taking on a very rigid stand getting ready to attack. Gora was also very quick to act returning to his battle form. Soon enough he and Gora had seen them. It was quite a sight. Nearly a dozen wolves were starting to come out of various alleyways and other such places. He really didn’t have any idea where all of them would come from, but he wasn’t going to waste time wondering about that.

    He wasn’t going to wait for the beasts to attack him first, and instead he let his sword hand in his belt and he reached into his decks pulling out cards. Nine cards filled both his hands and he picked out only four of them letting the rest float in the air above his palms. He threw out two of them and let them fly as they neared the group of confused looking wolves he snapped his fingers and the cards suddenly exploded in a burst of flames. The bright show was dazzling and distracting and it scorched all six of them. The others cards he was using now got his attention and he held them up. With a focus the cards in his hand began to glow and a bolt of lightning shot out ripping through the moonlit night creating great flashes in the eyes of the six wolves while the bolt actually collided with one of the raging wolves.

    These bright flashes seemed to serve a purpose and indeed the Confused wolves couldn’t tell who was enemies anymore and turned on the raging wolves. This caused Ryo to snort in amusement, but Gora snarled and charged slamming against one of the Raging wolves that dared to come at Ryo slamming him into a bench rushing at him fangs ready to strike.

    Explosion Card used
    Element Beam used

    WC: 1,737/10,000


    Sabers vs Lycan (Private Mission) Au9DYh5
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    Sabers vs Lycan (Private Mission) Empty Re: Sabers vs Lycan (Private Mission)

    Post by Fair 28th June 2016, 1:33 pm

    i am my own hero
    As they walked on ahead, Lynn noticed a strange scent in her nose that wasn’t exactly human nor...like anything she had smelt before. The scent didn’t exactly hit her like a new one. She had been having it for a while now, she just hadn’t been paying much attention to it at first. So now there was a foreign scent lingering around her that she couldn’t figure the source of. The winged lion would frequently produce a soft grunt, almost habitual. Lynn laced her hands behind her back as they ventured deeper into the island’s mystery. Well if not a mystery to everyone, it was still a mystery to her, since she didn’t know a thing about anything on the island, anyway.

    Now that they were walking in silence, Lynn’s mind began to ponder about the fangs that emerged through Ryo’s lips whenever he smiled. With a frown she tapped into her knowledge, what else had fangs other than the notorious, extinct vampires? Well there were a lot of other creatures that had elongated fangs, but what looked like humans and had fangs like that? None but vampires, right? The Ice Dragon Slayer narrowed her eyes as she thought, but she didn’t have much time to think as the following events followed. A bunch of werewolves just appeared out of nowhere, literally, and Ryo began to attack them, which made them all the more angry, even though they looked incredibly menacing already. Lynn was a little late to react as she had been thinking too much about the scent that she was having. The first thing she did out of instinct was to jump on the back of Zlatan and order him to activate his protection bubble, then she would freeze the bodily liquids within the confused werewolves’ bodies that would form into spikes then slowly rupture them from within. The raging werewolves though...she needed to chill them for a moment, and so she did, calling to the sky to bring down the snow and as the snow would fall onto the werewolves. It wasn’t normal snow though...it dealt damage to enemy entities, and would cause the ‘raging werewolves’ to calm the fuck down.

    Then, Lynn would look over to Ryo, giving him a look which meant ‘do your thing’. Because she literally just gave him some space to prepare something epic to finish off the stupid wolves that didn’t deserve any effort from them. They had to save their energy for the real deals, which Lynn guessed weren’t these werewolves obviously seeing how they just came out of nowhere with no aim. Zlatan roared at the werewolves to weaken them. It was an opening for Ryo to do whatever he planned to do now.



    Car King Saint

    Car King Saint

    Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- S-Rank- Character History!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Conqueror's Courage
    Position : Saint of Fate
    Posts : 1064
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 31
    Mentor : Amelia
    Experience : 250,981

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Combo Card Magic
    Second Skill: Blood Master Maic
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    Sabers vs Lycan (Private Mission) Empty Re: Sabers vs Lycan (Private Mission)

    Post by RyoKnetegawa 29th June 2016, 8:51 am

    Ryo glanced at Lynn as they walked along the road wondering some things about her for himself, but there was a time and a place in order to get to know someone, and like his mistress used to say that if you wanted to know who someone really was, you had to watch how they used their magic. Well, he had the chance as after his quick bright show it didn’t take Lynn long before she started to make her own moves, and he watched her with some interest. He glanced over to his right however, as Gora had slammed a Raging werewolf. He was closing the distance between them and he looked like he was going to go for the kill but Ryo spoke out calmly “Gora, Ubiystvo nyet.” His wolf did seem to slow his attack and close his great maw, but he still slammed into the smaller wolf with enough force to put him through the bench and into the side of a building slamming him there with all the force he could muster.

    Now Ryo turned his attention back to the battle that was happening before him. Due to Lynn’s attacks and the space she made he nodded his head slowly as he looked at her “Just remember we are not allowed to kill any of these poor unfortunate souls, but beyond that we are able to choose our own methods.” At that point he carefully shrugged off his coat letting it drop to the ground before he sank two sharp claws into his shoulders hissing out in pain before he smiled widely. Slowly from the holes in his shirt emerged two tendrils that took on the shape of whips. They snapped out to life and he glanced at Lynn with that mischievous smile of his “There really have been a lot of benefits to this little state I’ve found myself in.”

    Just then one of the raging werewolves launched himself at Ryo the weaker werewolves were brought down mighty low and were either retreating from their wounds, or lying unconscious in the streets. This one had tried to attack him with as much ferocity as it could, however Ryo’s eyes turned black as the night sky on a cloudy night as the whips shot out and slapped the wolf’s chest, stomach, and one across his face sending him flying “Be still you filthy mongrel!” he snapped in anger that sounded cold, and harsh indeed.

    With his space once again to himself he drew his blade looking it over and then flipped it around so he was able to slash the werewolves with the back of the blade. He wasn’t going to slice them up into ribbons, but he would indeed make them regret challenging him. As another wolf snarled at him his whip lashed out and slapped the beast down to the ground wailing on him with sickening slapping sounds and he chuckled darkly to himself “I wonder if I could be called the Wolf King of Sabertooth after this particular battle. Do you think it would catch on?” He asked Lynn rather absently having sent another of the ragging wolves into unconsciousness with his whips. His eyes as he looked at her to ask this question were black as coal, and his fangs were on full display. It was clear that he didn’t care to conceal what he was at this point.

    At present he licked his lips looking to Gora who was trotting back to him. He pat the great beast’s neck affectionately “Bring down any who attack me that I do not see. There are only five of these foul beasts left.” He frowned as he turned to move and close the distance between him and the next one. It snarled as it tried to slash at him, and while it did clash against his sword the whips came out and slapped along the werewolf’s back making the beast howl out as loud as it could. He dropped this one, but as he stepped back and looked to his blade it was ringing and singing out in pain. This did not make Ryo confident, and he shook his head in worry as he stroked the blade not wanting it to break he would now have to be very careful.

    Sinful Blood Duration Begin (Sig spell)
    Explosion Card CD Begin
    Element Beam CD Begin

    WC: 2,454/10,000


    Sabers vs Lycan (Private Mission) Au9DYh5
    Ryo's Info:

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